OREGON MIST C'laUkanle Briers. Your correspondent im unable laat I lie Koe cmno home with her father and !in no. Hli iur brother, uarritun, I r.. ... ...I In ln n,,nvAr rlUf,.. KiitoKx! at the Pwloffiw Rt R. Helen., ' week to tend a report oi the Mat Feaii- j , ,. , .... Oregon, a eood-cla uiaii matter. 1 val ,or ,be ben(.fil yoor reaien ,nd j ttr bunda? wlih . .iw..j - v: lour-tionw team, Bringing a iwu pouna COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. . AT ""T.ll 7, meretaaadiw for Merchant Prirt- gte. Ed eaya he U getting along alt IWsd Evaav FatBT Mormiku Bt DAVID DAVIS, uiroa akd pROPRtBTuR. SCBaCElPTIOK PMCI; On copy one year, in advance. . . . .-Six mouth. ....... .. i desire, to do to yet, partly with a View ot eo representing the advantage of tttu'tt m chum thai rt liar t..na n.aa ,! it , thi, ..nu , ... i, hauling .hingles for the Pupont hate each a aerie, oi entertau.a.ent. in out " Ku!l00 nJ St proapect excite, a laudable lnterest He ha. an aU-.uui.ner Job. j among the people, and to enjoy them w. A. Harri. eaiue over from St Hel I with the friend, that gather in from the o rcie hi. prerogative a. an nnti,l iv ii-frti.n that ;,. ! American citizen, Monday, and also to spen1 a lew aay on m ranen on 50 one, better nature to the front, and fur- HfPr0i.uv...;.S(.rm. x.rriti. cutai.i. ! PleMUr in recalling daring the remHin Jiiore..... , Joseph H ivii. K.mmr der of the year. Rev. Hawkin. deserve Cli!l . .. ,, 1. O. at, tit. Hek-IH ! , , . .. iriir ,.,.R.b. llt. St. iieivu i the credit of inaugurating the wove- Trunrr..... K. Ko"a. M Helili. ' ., . I f..ll ,k; ...... Runt, of tichoola J. H. Copland. Houlton, S - ' ."" AMor Martin hii. at. Helena j and throngh hi. effort, we were enabled lirVVOT., ................. M.Ht MVUIIWU lOoroaer...... .. Commissioners Dr. H. B. Cliff. tt Helen t. P. A. Frakea, Seopo.e j W . D. tua. Pittsburg JOB , IS02. RESULT OF ELECTION, The election i. over, and affairs are ebaping themselves around to normal Again. A. nearly as can be ascertained the democrats have captured the gov ernorship; otherwise the republicans have been successful in. the state by the usual large majorities. The result of the election is, or should be, satisfactory to everybody. Democrats made no ef fort for anything in the state except the governorship, and that they have cap tured by a very email majority. There sever was an election held in this state when there was eo much slashing and knifing a. there was Monday. Few, if any at a1, straight ticket, were voted by the republicans. In this county there was ail kinds of dissatisfaction, as is -shown by the re turns. The democrats captured the clerkship and sheriff, while the vote on state officers was up to the usual large Majority. Following is the vote on the county officers : KXPKESEXTATTVE. Both, rep... 727 JKistner, dem.............. 436 Perrine, socialist 124 . COCSTY CXBBK. Henderson, dem. .693 Davis, rep : . . 670 8HEHIFF. Hattan, dem ... .r 764 Clark, rep. . . . , .. . . . .-. 593 COMMIS610KEE. Colvin, rep ....865 (Graham, dem.. .. . , ...457 tkcasi-keb. Boss, rep : ....995 ASSUiSOB. Laws,' rep....... .888 tirewell, dem.......... ..437 8CBTITOS. Watts, rep.. Clark, dem. ...789 ...523 CORONER. Dalton, rep....... .....779 Mitchell, dem. ........... .430 The vote on choice for United States senator gave Governor Geer a majority oi 409. The vote on the constitutional amendment iu this county is 904 in favor of its adoption and 90 against. to secure talent that might not have been available. He found that the Meneley Quartette would be in this part of the state In May and secured a date for Clatskanie. With that date a. a fixed proposition other engagements were made So correspond. The Meneley Quartette was a drawing card and gave a crowded house a splendid entertain ment of song and impersonation. Re maining over Sunday the Quartette gave a gospel temperance song service in the afternoon that was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. The Sunday evening discourse by Rev. Rockwell, presiding elder, was preceded by a vocal selection given by Miss Mary Cony ers, now of Oregon City. This selection was a pleas ing one and gratiUed those of her many friends here who were fortunate enough to bear it. She showed herself a super ior vocalist. The dissoun of the even ing was thoughtful and interesting and listened to by quite large audience. Monday evening was given over to elo cution and vocal solos. Miss Mazie Foster, of Knappa, and. Miss Jessie Mc- Conne.ll, of Portland, were the singers, while Mrs. Boss, of Knappa, and Mrs. Hawkins rendered the recitations. This evening's exercises proved very enter taining and were listened to by a large audience. Both singers were in good voice and sang pleasing selection.. Tuesday evening after a solo by Miss Ida Blackford we listened to an address hy Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop, of Portland, that combined wit and wisdom in charm ing proportions. Wednesday evening was the home talent evening, for which considerable preparation had been made. This occasion brought out an audience only slightly less than the Mene ley entertainment and each number on the programme received liberal ap plause. A fan drill under charge, of Misses Conyers and Hughes, wa excel' lent. Club swinging by W. 8. Chandler was generously appreciated. The roumc was good and the farce, "Thirty Min utes for Refreshments," was given in fine style. There was variety enough in the exercise, of the evening to satisfy the most exacting, and a pleased audi ence dispersed about half past ten. A gratifying feature about the festival was that it paid all expenses and left a sur plus of over 30 which it was voted to apply toward the pastor's salary. It was rather a surprise on ejection day to find so many voters desiring to vote who had neglected having them selves registered. Twenty-four uch voters were registered daring the day, taking up much more time and adding greatly to the inconvenience of not having it attended to earlier. A few who failed to register did not vote, as shown by the returns from the precinct, Artie Haines, well known in this vi cinity, who ha. been attending school at Walla Walla for the past three years, spent two or three days visiting his brother and friends here, on his way to Oakland, where he expects employment Crooked creek. R. M. Ward, who has been helping the Rudeuian brothers and Dave Kaye run their shingle mill, located at the old site of the Smith A Thomas saw mill, down the river near Mist, came home Saturday for a few days rest, and inci dentally to vote Monday. Mrs. Bertha Kimball, of Rainier, i. visiting Mr. and Mr. S. G. Wilkinson and other friends in the valley this week. C. W. Mellinger i. out thi. week at Houlton, St. Helen, and Portland, doing busing, for himself and neighbor, J. E. Dow. Mrs. Nellie Bynon and Master Wm, St. M. Barnes, who have been visiting with the families of B. M. Emmons and Frank Tracy for the past three week., returned to Seattle Thursday of tbu week. David Early, who has been at work out at Clatskanie the past month, re turned Saturday and will be at home now for awhile. G. W. Rice, accompanied by his hi. daughters, Maude and Dora, went out to Hillsboro Tuesday, he to take out some fat sheep to market and for a load of merchandise, and the girl, to visit relative, for a few day.. John Baker left Monday last for What com, Wash., where he will work daring the summer in a logging camp. Bert Mills, who baa been at work near Rainier for the past two months, re turned Saturday last and will be at home for a spell. Gust Gustafson left Tuesday for some point on the Lower Columbia, where he will work daring the summer in a log ging camp. Tuesday morning a company of con tractor, from Philomath, passed through here on their way to Clatskanie. They had four fine team, and wagon, with a good outfit in other thing, and will haul piling and telegraph pole, during the summer. Lawrence Vau bianco tu, a nephew of our Vanblaricom'. wa. one of the party. So Columbia county has work for people outside as well a. her own citizens, and as her resources are developed many others will find room within' her border, to earn good wage.. Mr.. Rosa Sesseman Keasey, accom panied by baby Harry, went out to For est Grove Tuesday of this week for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Julia McNutt. She expects to stay until Dow gets lone some and goes after her, which may not be so very long. Happy Time tn Old Town. "We felt verv hHpnv." write. R.N Bevill. ?! Town. Vs.. "when Hm-klen Arnira Salve whollv cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delighU all who use it for cuts, corns, bum., brniaes. boil., ulcers, eruption.. In- fallible for piles. Oulv 25c at the St. Helena Pharmacy, For biliousness use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleaiiM the stomach and regulate the liver and towel., elfeeting quick and permanent cure. For sale at the St. Helen Pharmacy, OASTOniA Bigwtar f Saved From An Awful Fat. "Everybody said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers- burg, Pa, "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by hay fever and t hma, that few thought I could get well, hut I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, used it, and was completely cored." For desperate throat ami lung ditea."es it is the safest cure iu the world, and is infnllible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guaranteed bottle 50c and $1 IK). Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy, O Btantat Bigastai f ASTOniA. Xm Kffli Km flaw Hw tagt Virulent Cancer Cureil. , Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by Druggist G. W. Roberts, ot Elisabeth, W. V. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incurable cancer. They believed his case hope less tul he used fclectric Bitters and ap plied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood disease, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Hitters 60e Salve 25c at the St. Helens Pharmacy, CASTOR I A for Infant and Children. Tls Kind Yoa Kara Alwajs Bought Bears the Bignature of FORSALE. IIOHT HEAD OF JERSEY MILCH COWS. j Apply to Wm. HolaHupte, Kalnlt r. Omroo. MEETINGNOTICE. llOCLTON CAMP NO. MS. WOODMEN OF XI me orld, meets every Saturday uight in rerry a aall, uuuuou. Faso Faixri, tiers. Rev. J. C. Emmet, the new minister on this charge, will preach Suuday morn ing and evening at the church here and at Keasey in the afternoon. This will be his first appearance, so let the people come out and give him good aodiences and a kindly welcome. Thos. Tucker went out to Forest Grove this week with his wool 'clip and for a load of supplies for thi. summer. The Spencer children. Omar. Oral. Maggie and Rob, made a business trip out to Forest Grove this week. They took out their father', wool and other farm products and did some trading. Tb'i is their first experience going on a BHIIM0 HORSE FOB $U. 10OD ROADSTER, AROPT . OLD, PF.R 1 lectly tntie. work cither double or s!n?le- Apply to or address E. J. BAftNKa. Iwer ialand. Oregon. SUIKGL.eS FOB BALK. T.DfPOXT A SONS, SHINOLB MASCFAC turere, of Valiey, Or., are prepared to tup ply the local demand with aa irl quality ol hluttle a are manufactured, and at prices aa low an other dealer, delivered at HuuJtnn. War ren, Columbia City or St. Helena. Addreaaor- aeri to j uupoot s sons. Valley, or. DR. I). 13. STUART, DENTIST. OMENTAL HOTEL. ST. HELENS. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT LI IF. naif with B. K. Qnirk. 8T. HRLENS, I I OKBHON. Will (five tt parwiml ''n,l"n '? mailer enttuaieJ to m W III praetle In all the stow and I'nlMd Siaiaa Count. W. H. POWELL, ATT0RXT-AT.Ur. PKI'VTY DISTRICT ATTOaHSIf. Mr. HKI.ESS. ! : OKKl'OW- , Notaay rustic. Orncs Kn. W. C. Fischer, ATTORXE Y- AT- JL1 IF. RAINIER, ! : OREGON. R, P. Gkauam. T.J.CutwTtAi. Attoruej8-at-Lavv. 90S Marqtum Ballnlns, Portland Oroiron, IU rectlvt prompt Columbia Coauty btuiiMM attention. J. W, DY W; B. DJU.ARD DILLAKI) & DAY, 1TT0RNE YS-A T-Li W Offlre ntt door to Coorthmws, ST. UKI.ItNis.OKr:ioN. ftenora! praetlre In court ol Drwn of Wh- laston. Aonlraru ia.l directly Irwa eounty record. f Dr. Edwin Row, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, ORKUU.v r The Kind Yoa Alwttyi Bouglitt tl wblch ha betia la qm for over 00 years, luts born ho ftlttuutitr of jm and lift boon tnado under bin per- 5r, SX-J niU apcrvWoii "Jncfl If. lufluicy. JtmcciiAUi- Allow no one to deceive yoa in this. All Counterfoil Imitation, ftnd JiutHsoo4 re but Experiment, th.it trllle with d endanger the health oC InllutU end ChUdrcn-Kiperlouco fcalnt Eiperuuent. What is CASTORIA Ciwtorlft l bnrmlew ttibitltute for Cantor Oil, Par Korlc, lropi ami Soethlnir Syrup. It U Meiii.t. U contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Nureotlo Kiil.stanoe. iu nire U It ffunntntee. It destroy. AYonna and ftUityt Fevrrlshneaa. It cure Dlrrht autl Wind Colic. It relieves Teethln Trouble, euren CvnatlutUlon and Flatulency. It twnlni.li.tee the rood, reffulntee the Steinach and liaweto. Blvlw henlthy nd tmtuxai -leep. The Children'. Fttiutmv The Mother' frlena, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatura of Dr. H.R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon, ST. HELENS, OR EOO.N. Dr.J.E.IIaIl. Physician and Surgeon. CLATsKAJiIE, OKKUUJi. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNOMA, OREGON. The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, , rt wmw awtii saaa m. rm ma a tfli AM OREGON SiioirimE and Union Pacific Dt'lKT FOS NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Office ol County Snrreyor. St. lii:l.r.N. O., May U. 1902. N-OTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE Cmmty giirveyur will on the 9th day ol June, l'XB, jiro-e according to ihe law ol i(ut. to siihdirlde er. inn 'U. wn-hip 7 north ol mnrc . bh oi n inameiw Henatan. Imtiid May M, mi W. T. WATTS, ml6m3u County Surveyor. Notary Public.' COKVEYAMCINO. HINTS FOB HIGHWAYS. Oar own government, In its efforts to 'furnish increased facilities for water traospotation, baa expended for the im provement of it. rivers and harbors alone the sum of (396,600,720.50, and jet it ha. only fairy began this impor tant work. In 1862 the total cash ap propriated for the improvement of rivers and harbors was 20,000. In 1899 this had increased to the sam of $40,307,- 779.48. The house of representative, a short time ago passed a bill which in the cash appropriated and the amonnt which the secretary of war is authorized to ex pend nnder contracts exceeds $60,000 000. A. attesting the interest of the nation in the class of transportation that this expenditure is intended is ihe fact that the bill passed the house with scarcely a dissenting vote. Last week the senate added to this $10,000, 000, and then in two hour, passed it without a .ingle dissenting vote. In aid of railroad transportation and to assist in the building of Pacific railroad, the goyernmeut has paid, principal and in terest, upon guaranteed debts, 138,102, 019.88. In addition this it has granted, a an inducement for the construction of these railroads, an enormous amount of land, aggregating 106,560,372 acres. It is true the money advanced has been largely repaid, but the lands granted as gift to induce railroad construction quali a vast empire. It equals in area All of the states of New England, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, both jol the Virginias, and the state of Ohio. While the government has dealt so lib erally, expending hundreds of millions of dollars, and granting a wealth of land beyond computation for the improve ment of water and railroad transporta tion, it has been painfully parsimonious in its appropriation for the improve ment of common highways. in a printing omce. tie has added a mustache to his personal equipment since hi. residence here. Miss Jessie McConnell, of Portland, remained over two days last week to witness the home talent entertainment and expressed pleasure at having done so. Mis. Foster and Mrs. Ross were in terested spectators the same evening. Prof. Whitten spent Sunday in town and took bis wife and children back with him to Portland Monday morning. They had been spending a week with Mrs. Whitten'. parents, Mr. and Mr.. Z. Bryant. Doctor Hall's mother, who was known to many through her visits here, died at San Diego, Cat., a few days ago, lacking a few days of 84 year, of age. Her re mains were sent to Pennsylvania for interment. An enjoyable basket social wa. held in the school-house in district No. last Saturday evening, nnder Mis. Mabel Blackford's management. A number of friend, went out from town. shopping tour without their father or mother being along. But then, they must learn such things. A son of Wm. Wood bad the misfor tune to get his arm caught, one day last week, in some of the machinery of the little chop mill on the place, with the result of a broken bone of the forearm. Mr. Wood set the broken bone and dressed it himself. The election passed off quietly here in Auburn precinct. There was a fair vote cast. In the precinct the following were elected: S. P. Ballard, justice of the peace; A. h. Parker, constable; C. W. Mellinger, road supervisor in district 14 and J. P. Sheeley, road supervisor in district 15. All republican, except the latter, and Phil is a pretty good fellow and has made a good officer the past year, or he could not have "gotten there" again. . J.B.GODFREY,' Dealer in Real Estate and Maker of Abstracts. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH ELLOGG Leave Portland on TelaT, Thursday and Sat onlay at 7 a. in. lor St Htlm$, Kalama. Carroirt Hint, Rainitr and Ktlto, Arrlylni at Portland Honday, Wed nesday and Friday at 2 p. m. WHarf foot of Salmon 8t H- HOLM AN. Agent. Lose no chance of trivine nleasnre. You will pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that you can do, or kindness that you can show to a human beine. von had better The ladies' aid society served meals in ao" Dw ; ao not deiend or neglect it, Conyers hall on election dav. and san- "r "ft"' plied ice cream, cake and strawberries daring the afternoon and evening, net ting a little sum for improvement on the pasonage building. The poetoffice and Whitney', saloon changed place, so suddenly last week teat people scarcely knew where they were at the next day. Whitney bought the old Clatskanie hotel building, and is now occupying a portion of it. Mrs. Aldridge and McDonald have secured a lot on which the Tichenor Mill Co. office now stand, and will probably occupy tbat building temporarily nntil a build- ingcan be erected suitable to their wants, Yeraonia Pick-Up. Learn to meet your friends with a .mile. A good-humored man or woman is always wlcome, but the dyspeptic or Jiypochondriac ia not wanted anywhere , tud ia a uuisjaiii.-e a. well. Mrs. A. M. Randolph, of Upper Rock creek, visited with Mrs. I. P. Spencer Decoration Day. - Miss Lizie Early, who is teaching the Valley school, came home Thursday afternoon of last week and visited with the home folk, over Sunday. S. B. Rose went over to Dupont's Sat urday for a load of merchandise for Mr. rnngle. which Ed Webster, who is hauling shingles for the Dnpont mill to Houlton, brought in that far. Mis. Jes- Do Not Trifle with danger and remember every cough or cold means danger. ShilohV Consumption Cure will cure your cough or cold at once. It will heal and strengthen vour lungs. It is a safeguard for you always. Take it at the first indication of a cough or cold. "A icnn cold eetUed ia throat aad bronchial tobea cold, always lasted etvarai awata. I tried Shilon and it cured a at ooc. Am flad to add my testimony. PltKkK (,'USHING, Kecter St. Mark's Ckwcli, Lcftoy. 1. Y. mioh's Conaamptln ear la said hr atll lruKKitta avt SSe, SSo, !. a bottle. A trluUMl fammuu-m goes vital evanr bottla. r yoa ara not aatlafiMl fa to yew drug-si . ;. jmnw rawicy smwic Write (or illustrated book oa cnaeamptloa. Sent Wttkoat con to yes. S.C. Wells CvwLsKoy,M,y. Watts & Price, DEALEK3 IN- Floor and Feed' Cboice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Qaalitj Shoes Hardware and Notions a , a. iW'f I I II II laatJ-a ipuiniti 0 '"i',ri'vv'ijv iuu Chlasv I'ortlaad Hfwcial (Wa. to. via Hunt-lUfCtou. Ailanlie Kiurea .H ii. m. via llunt-lofium. St Past Fut Mall I 14 p. m. via Bpokans TIMR HTIIItDtTLefl FliOSI POKTLA.m :8a!t Lake, Denver. Ft, north, Umane,h.n a t'ity, st, Ixiuls, Chicago arid East. Salt I-ake, rt;.r, n aWorth, Omaha, kan It City, lit. Loo!, Chicago aud Kat. Walla -Walla, Uwt.- ton, Hpnltane, Wal !. I nllirinii. Min na!olt. Hi. Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee,! cmt axo an. I East. Aiairs raoat 4 30 p.m. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -sMMl'VACTimK. Ot- ' . Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. W mar.af.eearr Brt ela roityh lumher tor all urMr lor tttt Irwle. allien ell at a iuot reasonable t)ute. IHmensiou Lumber. Price at the Mill $6 Per M. YANKTOX, OHKQON. MEAT I MEAT! MEAT! -AT Ttl- St. Huk., Ohkook LINDSAY & MORTON. PROP'S. -n.Ai.sa. w- 7:00 a.m. OCUAN AID ItlVtK M'HCOtlLK I BOH lUIITI.A0. p.m. Dallr Ex.Handay s p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. 6. m. Ex. Sunday 7a. m. Tue.Thur. and Sat. Lt Hlparia :ma. m. dally ex Hon. All mlliiiK dam tub Jet to chanite. Foran Frani'i-o oau vverj uve uays. Oolumbla River To A.torla and Way lanuiUK. Willamette River. waier oemilttlrttf. OrK.in(,'iiy,Nerlrir. eaiem, corvaiiu and Way Uiul r. Willamette and Yarn bill Rlr. Oregon City. Dttyton, ana nay-iaumuss. (nake River, Blparla to Lewitton. p. iu. 4 D. IB. Ex. Sunday too. m Ex.Munday t. m. Mod. Wed and Frt. Ly.Lew'toB dally at 7 00 a. m, ex Mon. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agt, Pobtlaiid, Ob. WHITE COLLAR LINE POBTUND-ASTORU ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." THOS. TALBOT Will make the mason o( 1902 at the loliowlng places: Monday, and Tuesday, at Pat Hughes' place. Deer Island: Wednesdays. Thurs days and Fridays at Houlton ; Saturdays aim ounuays at ecappoose. DESCRIPTION Thol. Talbot it live vears old. hav. w lih hlv mane and tail and white nnot on nn- tai.. over 1000 poupda; l!M hand hluh; sired by Wal lace Drew, by Ouy Wilke; dam ired by Frlce- tmi, to,, uy A lis mon I ; grand dam by Mi Hun, TERMS OF SERVICE Single service. 110: season, tin. nno. half at time of service, balance at end of season ; lnnurance, 20. W. V. Wilsy, Owner. h. e. McKitmer, Manager. Oriental Hotel Eooes. Bi.xxmi.it, Paor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS At Bkasomablb Fiquke. Visitors met at steamer landing and guests' bag gage looked after. COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. 8T. HELENS, : ; OREGON. Pally Bound Trips Except Dunday. Through Portland .1 n , White : Collar Uwju kef lmer l.aimeai.le with . ... -mm v. 1. voiupaay ncxeta, TIME CARD. Leave Portland. M wwavo A.iuria , t p The Dalles-Portland Route. STEAMER "TAHOMA." Between Portland, The Dalles and way points. TIME CARD ave rorriand Tue Thuni., Hat 7AM Arrive at The lll. mt, day.. 1 p u Leave The Dalles tiun., Wed.f Frt "?a m Arrive at Portlasd same day at'"4'. M.' MEALS THE VERV BEST. landing and office.- Foot of Alder Street. Birth 'Phones Halo S61 E. W.Chicmton, ajrent. Portland ; PaA. C, Wtatt, aitent, Vancouver; Wou-ord A Wvkrs, agents, White Salmon; Joh2 M. Iilloon, agent, The Dalles; A. J Taylob, atrent, Astoria. ' Jl W. D. MOYEK, T. B. WA1.I l K. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallace a Moykn, Paurs,, Is Again Open to the Public. Meals Pervtsd on Short Notice. Btls 25 Cents, Meals lift Cent. Ft ED BAfltf IX COSNECTtOlf. HOUSES TO HA f 10 CUNTS. St. Hki-kks, i Oukook, a w , . .n.n.i.i.iarfi,.!. .Ha,.,.. DQWN-COUHTY PEOPLE SHOULD TO TUB Clatskanie Drug Store roa THEIR llriirrtt nnil Medicines citoica Toilet Articles and Perfamery Of. J. i. HALL. Proprietor Clatskinm Orkoo, Fresh and Salt Meat. City trails, losing cain, sli iiu IxmU ami raiinimi rauips uppHtttl. oriirr. rauo oi .unar rutic. 1 A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ll RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. asADDowa 24 r. a. 7:1)0 t 06 S) 8 8S I u 60 s w Oh It 117 IVtU 10 ON 10 US 10 90 .0 45.S I6S.61 A.M. S 01) 0.1 in u ) H I' SO wa in on fii.S 10 10 IM.tl 10 21 j71.!: 10 m 7 7j 10 W nii 8 11 m ). ll is m.4i ll ao tiu TATIOS Owl Saloon S BB1KH BOTUtRS, PBOVHItTOFS r i -t)ul th W ol- Liaaors and Cigars Kept in Stcct CYRUS NOBLE And oihtr fM.pu.nr lr1 of nrfclnktr WEINHARD'S BEER on draught "Tom Benton Cigars. w All III laut flew.nitraa4 other pop- Uelar prruilloal. A FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. HoeaMirt, Katttr. RAILBOAD TIME. ' lam Kalnler dally (except Riin.iav)liir Port lantl, at . A. M., (lefiartinf iron ML llel.u l o'chMik. Keiuinliis, tear 1'orilanii si i F. arrlvluj al ot. listens at iil. hmim ni Fast FrelgM. PORTLAND LANDING, TAYIjOS ST. t Portland Ar .. vfioie ,,,, ... Rainier ... ... Pramld... .... Mavner.,., . . Quinty .... .. t.'latukaiil., .. Marshland.. .. Westport..., ....('Ilton..., ...Kiiip,, ... "ven ...John l)a.. Ar Astoria j.v All trains tn.k nin.A waeo and North Beach polnVT " Paaseneersfor A.t.,ri. A. trains at Houlton. : IWrl0"' "''nM Gen. l.A((i.,AtorI, Or OAILY. hi ji j T 94 . ) r.T Vq n io -w C j 10 M 8M, : ej J52 saoi I oo pa 7 m i r 3 7 ftt 02 7 17 3 87 7 02 ft 17 I J m tfi fi JJUl 9 10: ft nt (iobla H M H rVr ""w hi1 Tyy irv w y IOH PUHlLiKD, IIAILT STEAMSR- "America" Willamett Slongli Route Leave St. Helen.. . ,. :. A M Arriv.st Portland. IOlIO A M Uave Portlantl ...... 2:S0PM Arriv. at 8t. Helen.. :00 PM Will rAKE AO CENIB. Carry NolhlnR but r"aen- gers and Fast (freight. JA!vIKR UflOU, Waaler. KBTABI.IRI1ED 1872. THE NEW VORk" qthrp I 'w i i x W I I I a - Ha. just received large invoice of 2 ...,im JOHN A. BECK DKAI.ER IS Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ....otwtLKY.,.. Iiepairing a Specialty. W Horrln St. Bet. Front Flrit, PORTLAND. fe It Summer Goods, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. J H. MOEGUB. Cooper Iiuildinjr, Main StiwL Rt.. .TaIa 'nrAfrnn. 3