or VOVAU MOMENT. cflAftkttiinltlW Around Town ud in m.. larlllll ol tlm Eastern fitar ara I - - - AJ ....... I - nMimrlnK to 100 er vmavuiu JnJst cordially luWtod. (110 llll, w " ' t , iHKitor Whlte'i premlfwa ore Mag Irouroved by tli n.ctlon ol larie, two-story larn. Mrttn In nU-rliig Into ilia limirovvment buslnesa In a manner tint iiidleau thrift and determination 'to do hit "liar. o( that klud of work. Tbt official ballot for tha Roneral alec tlon to b" held on week from iiwat Mob !dy. ! In he band of tlm printer, and art Mng turned out. Tlioy will U ready for delivery In a few days. Tlia L Lr nf ballot! to be su pulled tliia rear It Juat one-half that furnished bare f . l .witmUiKia with tha n&sf Imia.. We received a loiter few dayi arc from Mr. Jess Ilendrlcki, ar., formerly ol Carlo", mil now 01 lww niwo, rvasn, Mr. Hendricks la evidently much pleased with til new location. Particularly ia -tlili to in rogard to roads, aiwut wnicn ha mya "on ran p any 4lac with aliucera on, o far aa uiud la concerned." The Rcaoioo baa ball team cam down to HI. Helena last Holiday, expect ing to play a game witn in noma team, hut the liicli'iiienoy of the weather pro htbited It. hest Monday the Kaluler team eipecta to com to BL Helen to cross hata with the boy on the dia mond at tbla plaee, and a battl royal i .looked for. In llil lao tbla week will be found a lilt of county warrant) which have been drawn seven year, and will be cameled unlna the peraona in whan favor they are drawn claim mem oeior July lit. Thla notice i published in ooiunllano with the itatute, and ther ioo looouras lor the Individual alter Ilia data men turned above. Messrs. M. R. Emmons and E. J, Mill, of Vernon la, were in town Tliure day evening of laat week, having re turned from ror nana, i lie lormrr gen tleman waa in moat extraordinary good tpirll over the fact that he bad Juat canceled a mortgage on bia farm, and eonwxiuently baa no complaint to make about ui condition 01 to time. Every aeat in the oourt-honee waa oc npid by pereone desirous to hear Mr. hi. Radnor's perch laat Thuraday even inf. the genUeinan spoke for an hour and a half In a most logical, convincing way upon the politic! Issues, and hi hearer were worn, enthused. Hi apeech had good effect hecauaa bla sutw tuonts wer baaed upon facta and logic. If there ha been any aerloo lllne In town of let charg tha cauaa op to the Itathbon Sinters. Two aucreaiiive evening lat week Ihoaa ladlee die-nesM-J Urn cream and caka at Masonic ball, here, disposing of twenty gallona of the article, receiving In return about IfiO. At the present writing about ail tb Indisposed have recovered and moat PI nw are reauj 10 renew to attack, The wator i coming, and It I coming taut, notwithstanding Um reports that there ia hut Utile enow in the moun tain. Wine onea contend that the flood will not amount to much, while other re certain that the flood of 'W will be equaled, if not niwlwl. We don't kuuw, but will stale definitely aa anno a we can ascertain facta, which will be bout the lime the water re ache the bighett stage. Mr. JT. E. Dow earn over from hi farm near Vernonla, lat Friday, with a quantity of dairy product. Juliua seems to be demonstrating that the rrramery business can be matleaiuccea of, even In ao inacoeable a place a Ne Imloiu valley. How unfortunate it I that proper transportation facilitiea can not be had in that aection, where the bill and dalea would blossom and yield and make profitable and happy home for hundred of families. The people of thla connty ar to be given an opportunity at Rainier tonight tJTriday) to .hear Die next congressman from the second congressional dlatrict apeak onon the paramount political is sues. Mr. WillUn.aon will mak but one speech In thla count thla year and we should feel honored that w ar to be accorded tha opportunity to personally meet the gentleman ami bear hi view upon public matter. Mr. Williamson baa the reputation of being on of the moat able orator in the stale, and it will do you good to bear him talk. There baa been a hot tlm In the old town for about two sreeke. The preaent li the moat intoreatlng term of circuit court that ha been held for several year. Over 6fty men wer examined to thcti qualification for juror boforer Jury waa secured to try the Bohiove Sthulkowakl murder caae, and Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of last week were consumed In thi feature of the proeeedinge. This and other court mat ter naturally brought many people to town, and we were In the wim, you bet. One of the moat substantial improve ments that have made about town for aeverat ycare J the street grading re cently dona by II. J. Watter, in front -ol hia residence property. He Intend to transport screening from th rock crusher, below town, and will apply that material to both the atreet and sidewalk. Nothing more aubatantial or nflcial could nave been don by Neighbor Wattera, and while it will add comfort and pleaaur to hia own ur roundlng, it la an improvement which the publio can get much tatiafactlon out f, aJao. ( Onlv bv nrovldentlal klndnen wer the live of two or three tmall boy pared laat Monday. Several of the little fellowa wer playing about the ter In Uie vicinity of Nigger creek, when ther seem to have been a whole sale tumbling in for a few minute. Bearle Hattan waa th flrat to fall from log, and Ray Watte wa doe second for first honors. A couple of larger oy,Henry Wattera and Alfred Daggett, f ragged th little) fellow from their per llou position, Hay Watte having tarted to aink tha third tlm wbejn hi ecuer grabbed him. Iron In considerable quanrtltle for the nupentruotura of tha drawbridge tinder courve of conatruction by tha Washing ton & Oregon Railway Company acroa I-ewla river, la now arriving from the .t and active operations on the great trnctura will be reumd. The gigantic ier are all in place, and 1t i the in tention of tha company to have the truotura oomploted In ninety daya, Iter which train will run on regular ychedule between Vancouver and Kn Jama. Conaiilerable delay ha been oc cttiloned In the conatruction ol the bridge on account of the dillloulty en countered in getting iteeL The draw yen I due to arrive toon. KLEOTION Or Ol'FICKHH. Bt. IUl.Ma, May S!0.-(To the Kdilor rr i' l,!n .two wefll. till slec- y.nf, 11 micni do well for u, a elector., to tit qi.wn and calmly raa. logeiner tor a little while. At Ux- F7r 01 voiumtna county. 1 am, of ""'Bwnai inutretted In whom our countv oil .I..H i u Jh" lction( or eleotlon. of men to .ollwuiaiiy county ollloet. It n a vry large degree practical or bus- jin iwaiiiou common aenao and nl i " 'ore1((''t bouia be exer clstfd. Th wis buiiiio man who a ji '" carry on hit bualnoi for uim iiianainra. ma bamiu k , uu mnu Eiuras use common enaa, txerclaea nractlital l.l,.m... i Jimklng hi ulcttoin. Any bunineu man auowt mat li lie wiehe hit buai none to M carrliul nn ,......!. ,n.. i crediUbly, he mutt tecura men In hi """" are iruiworthy and com peuwt. Not only muat ha tecura the beat men he can for tha positiont of uu ii anowt na win receive bet ter service, more eetiafaotory service, from men who ar In hearty accord with hia bualneaa principle and hia Ideas of BMiuiuimreuon. mot that every man wuat ihIiikJoatM he doe in every de tail, but hia working and living princl pie mutt be tha working and living princlplea of hi men; otherwlte, the main purpose of hi butinea enterprise hiiwnritNl, , And tbua In th election of men to fill our county office. In the election ol men to be our aervanta. wa ah,nl,l cim iitii practical luilgment, little ol th butinea man' common tense and foretight. W want men for our officer who are trottworthy and competent: men who ar falgh-mlndod and Datrintin. tv. want men who are in a.i4 ;il n. uvaaoi government , men who believe practically In tha same principle, in th lame policies, and in ilka of administration of the affaire of gov- uiueiu, io omer woroa, men who be long to th aame political party that we do, because they believe in tlm aame party tradition and principle, because they have tha aame hope and ambition or meir party success In tha estab lishment ol its or nc nice and tha con. summation of it ooliciea. iiiisgovernment wa founded upon the mrcrpivui unqoniy ruie. itieminor ;y are bound to decently respect the 'ill of the maioritv. If the m.li.rit nf th people prefer tha renublican rule and administration, it I their duty to uphold and maintain republican princl plea and policies by being loyal to that party, and axilm to the noils on next election day aricf casting their Totes for me repuuiican candidate. There i no doubt that th democratic candidate in this county are competent and gaod men as well as the renublican candidates: Itut in republican county, or state, for that matter, republican will rive better service and will be more satisfactory as a Servant ol tha people man a man ot soma other political party who la not in sympathy with the majority of tha people of this county or state. This is a matter that should not be considered lluhtlv A true republican one who la re publican because he believe in the prin clplea of tha republican parly, because he is proud of its history, and ha faith in its future nurnosca in view of ores- en I atate and national issues, cannot cuusiaieniiy and concientiouly vote for other than republican candidate. It would be puerile and nngracloua for one who pretends to be a republican, at tha preaent time, to work sod voteagainst a republican. Campaign stories, origi nated by enviou and irresponsible per sons during campaign, calculated to militate against certain candidates for th purpose of defeating tbcm, ought not to have any Influence whatever upon intelligent voter. I believe the republicans ol Columbia county will aland by republican prin ciple, and, whew election day comes. win vote lor repuuiican canuiuaics mr republican principles and policies, re-' publican prosperity and progress. NOBIBBAM Ckmaj. Grand Jry Report. To the Hon. Tho. A. McBride, lodge of the circuit court of th state of Ore gon, for Columbia county: We, the grand Jury, drawn In the May term of the circuit court. In aud for aaid county and tat. respectfully report to your Honor the following: 1. We have examined and considered seven criminal cases and have found and reported two "Tru Bill" and tlv "Not True Bill." - , 2. Wa have examined tha book and other record of the county clerk, herifl, treasurer and assessor, with the assist ance of tha various county officers, o far aa onr time and circumstance would permit, and find the same neatly and well keptj and concluded after mak ing thi examination, it unneceasary at tliia time to employ expert to examine in detail any of the county office and tha books thereof. 8. W have examined the bonde of tha treaaurer, Edwin Ross, and while we are advised that the same i in law !..-... l it nevertheless ia imperfect In form, and containa the name of three disqualified turelio. nameiy, vwu iiwi ney at law, who are no doubt worth the sum for which they qualify, but the ttatute doe not permit an attorney or a county officer to becom aurety on tuch a bond. . .... , . We find that th bond of the clerk containa the name ol hit deputy at a turety, which we think ought not to be permitted i although the said urety i no doubt worth th um lor which he qualities, he doe not posses the qualifi cation by statute provided, a he ia a court officer. We do not find that these bonds have been executed in the manner mentioned, or that these defect have occurred through any fault of the offi cer, but through an oversight aa to the u"' Wa think that all bond, tendered by officer hereafter should be submitted to the district attorney for hi opinion a to their eutlloiency. 4. W find that th vault In the clerk' office I too tnsll to hold the rilled on noor uwix, - -r. dv.ulii. insufficient 'he present requirement of the county. W find alf of th county officer cramped for loom and that, the buainesf the county Sre. lirger nd better office room. We deem the county court-house a ommend that immediate steps be taken erect auiUble court-house com men- bel lit " Oirtth. citi ns of Columbia county may well foul proud of tho pres- nnTtVSg completed our t Samuki. Munn. Grant W. Gikt. M. M. Dobbins. W. C. Kichmak. frTBR Lund. J. V. McKay. xr. Rnichardt of Chlt. 'o hat ilnv and will b tn g"ro " s, nay, aim , f g ow dayt. one Wtati-S 7 her home. LOOAl, AND eamosAh. Short Ohronlotea ot th Doings of oi uasy People, anlll ?J!?rl,..?,.Vernont. in til Wdn,0''0 Fresh berrU. ..t.i Mr. A. JI. Pn,.ll ..J A L.. . 1'ltu.h,. .L.: T "'r, oi ot j wwu monuaj. I...?':8'.0' yofonia, wa trantact- ..,..,.. in Wle county aeat Monday, A Hmitl4AM u. t. . . . . V. W. Fries, of Hcappoose, last Friday, J11 Prl Decker hat accepted a CiMo,id.y.Klni'' Wh'lher b8 Went ReV. Mr. PMIhntnl -Ml L . ,i ' , , " - UK. &4Q1CIIV v ins usual nonrs, Commissioner Cat spent several day home Wednel.;. "' ,naon W. T. Watts, of flnniwiu n h countv seat Wednesday attending to de tailt In connection with hi office, that w. wuti.; vurvvjor. Mr. FilleV. of Ohln mrrvA h.,. . couple of week ago, and will apend the -".....a, wiin ner uaugnter Mr. U. J buu tamiiy. J. G. Plank, rout mmnW. i. 'ortland Tuesdav. He will do Some atnmn kT ir..i. j -:.. Messrs. M. R Pnm.v,. ri. Uni M. Hheeirn and Cam. Hmnrhkirk wr present from Rainier last Tuesday aven ue iu atwuuance on ol f. lodge. Arransements ar lutlna, mla in u,. ice cream and other refreshments in thia city on election dav. hv th UHioa nf th. Congregational church, the proceed to w aivvu w ioe paaior. Norman McKav nnn,n fmm hi. Island dairy last Mondav. a nArtatnr at circuit court. The threatened flood in the Columbia la cauaing Norman some uneasiness, and ma a atrMflaiitinnnrv a tan he baa leased the privilegea of the Wik trom place, on McNulty creek, for the meping oi ma came in caae he I driven from the island. Dr. D. B. Btnart. a rdnt of the Northwest DenUl college, oi Portland, bat come to onr town to locate and re main permanently and engage in the practice of hia nrofession. He haa chosen field where there seems to be a good deal of work in hit line and he will no doubt find an abundanoa of profit- on employment. Tha steamer ' Iralda met with an accident on her up trio Wednesday hich rendered it liUDOssible toni-oneed farther on her journey than this place. Her wheel came in contact with a loir and aome of tha flanges were knocked off. Tha Kellogg took her passenger and the returned to Rainier, where repairs were maae, aeiaying ner Put one day. Brother L. R. fttl nnn errand k-nAr of records and seal of the order of Knights of Pythias, paid Avon lodge an official visit last Tuesday evening-. instead of the grand chancellor, who wa prevented from doing so by urgent business elsewhere. Brother Stiuson exemplified the unwritten work and oilier wine entertained the members for hour or more, when strawberries nd cream were served to refresh the inner man. Much good results from the official visit of the grand officers. nd if Brother Btinson could attend lodge cooventiona throughout tha do main every month the fraternity would be the gainer. Everv voter should make it a point to be in 8t. Helen on the evening of the 2Uth to hear Hon. W. J. Furnish, the next governor ol Oregon, Hon. O. W. Fulton, Hon. J. li. Ackerman and others speak. A big demonstration ia being arranged lor ana it is expected that several hundred people will be in attendance. It ia not often that the people of thi county have an opportun ity to hear such prominent people speak, and personally meet them, henca you should notlail to attend. At 7:30 in me evening public reception will be held iu the ball, when Mr. Furniiih ill be pleated to personally meet and thake handt with everybody. Yankton Briefs. Mr. Beerman is still quite ill at Mr. Hyde's. Eber Brown I driving team for the Crouee't. Marshall Churchill ia expecting a brother from Maine thi week. Sherman A BUnwood'a mill it again running, after shut down of two weeka. Chas. Tarbell and Perley Brown took the Iralda iot Portland Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mr. Fred Briggs pent Sun day laat with Mr. Brigga' parent, at Deer Island. We ar having an exceptionally prof itable term of school under the tuition of Mr. R. C. Catlin, ol Warren. Frank Brown ha broken ground lor more farm building, which he expect to have completed before baying. . Rev. C. E. Philbrook held hit last preaching service here last Sunday. He will be greatly missed here as elsewhere. A surprise was given Mr. and Mr. R. B. Mason on Tuesday evening, In the form of an old-fashioned donation party. Mr. Mason is the local preacher of the Methodist church here, and their many friends take thit method of expressing their appreciation of hit service. The Mnrder Trial. The esse of the state ol Oregon against August Bchieve. charged with tho mur der ol Joseph Sehulkowski, i engross ing the attention of the court and public this week, and deep interest ia mani fested. There was a moat nnaaual de gree of care exercised io the selection of a Jury, there being over fifty persona ex amined as to their qualification for iury service in the case befor twelve men were chosen. The regular panel was exhauated and a tpecial venire for twenty-four meu wa issued, and a Mcond venira for twelve mew. Three dav' time waa consumed in this feature aud a jury wa finally secured late Sat urday afternoon. The iury consists of the following gentlemen: Jared Wilson, Q. F. Day wait, O. J. Bryant, W. 0; J", P- J- P.P ham Jams. Van, William flolsapple, Henry Krt. Charle. Graham, W. B. Colvin, W. H. Smith. - Monday morning the examination of wltneaei begun, which has proven a very slow, tedious process, tiot more than fifteen witnesses having been ex mined np to pros hour Thursday. TherThae been thirty-five witnesses subpoenaed, and others have testified be tides the regularly subpoenaed wit- nii.' case will most likely occupy the court' attention thi. entire week and periiaps longer. .COUNTY BILLS PAID. "The following list of claim against the county were examined and allowed t the last terra of commissioners' court : bill allowko spraaviao. P Loualgnont, district 1 $44 00 L Rasm lumen. 3 JOI'Iank,8" H Hchmidt, 4 B Wasser, 6 , , 8 M Rice, 6 li W Richardson, ft 49 00 , 75 00 20 00 .. 66 00 800 ... 48 00 27 00 400 19 00 18 00 28 00 KBPsyne, 9 K O Elliot, 10 J F Graham, 11 O H Wll.nn 1.1 JPBheeley, 16 '.7.'.' oad u ppm as F M Daniel, lumber, district 1 . Watts A Price, trxiln nm 17 64 29 80 46 20 Giant Powder Co., powder diet. 8 norgren isros., lumber, dtst. 4 89 80 T C Watt, district; 6 940 BBIDOI WOHl. G H Bfercks, district 1 15 00 J Zelssman, same , J 26 w lets, same 8 00 P Lund, district 2 91 OA J Tinkham, aame 8 10 J A Beegle, same , 8 10 A Freeman, aame 8 10 H Bhmidt 28 98 L B Gleason, timber 22 12 L B Gleason, labor 18 19 A King, repairs go R Anliker, timber 1 00 Clark Bros., lumber , 12 60 F Lenrascher. hanlinir Inmher ft A no F A Bucher, labor 1 60 John Wanser, tama 8 00 Ed Black, same 8 00 J P Att-hlhalri ami.. Q OO Universal Lumber Co., lumber, 8. 27 39 Geo. Card, labor in 9 24 00 Olaf Parker, aame 4 00 G Hendrickson, same 7 00 rt w Brown, same 18 00 8 Overlie, same Q on C Overlie, same ; . . .. 24 80 fl JSerkka a 4 00 W Payne, same 2! 60 J Honeyman & Co. bridge iron ... 63 00 W H Kill leu. hridira lumber 3 AR T J Flippin, lumber for 10 21 60 C Libel, lumber for 18 22 00 n Marawell labor in 13 .... 6 75 W Allen, labor in 15 6 00 STATE V. HILL IB. W Bymons. J P . 4 05 F M Fowler, constable 8 00 . BTATB V. MATH BBS. G W Barnes, J. P. 3 25 John Btockenbere. constable 3 70 C Metcalf, witness. 2 10 t tloppes, same 2 10 BTATB VS. WABHBB. W Barnes, J. P. 8 77 t, K ltarnes, constable, same 8 80 Wm. DucEin witness, same 2 10 Irene Duggin, same 2 10 cn uuggin, same z iu Ed HiitKin. same 2 10 Joe Williams, tame 1 60 Marry Kmith. aame. 160 Chas. Virgren, same 1 60 fcmest Clemo,tame ....... 160 MISCKLLANBOUa. Honeyman HardwareCo. b'rdw're 8 57 HC Lani hereon, repairs on grader and scraper.- 4 00 Win Frazer, board of prisioners. .. 84 85 Dart A Muckie. board of iury 1 60 E Blakealev. board of Driaioner. . S 75 J Floeter, ceding cattle . 2 00 L H Gosa, guarding prisoner ... 5 00 G W Sutherland, same . 9 66 F M Fowler, constable fees 10 10 R 8 Hattan, use of telephone 1 20 W H Powell same 1 00 M Pieters, wood for court house. . 2 76 H J Wattera, hauldng wood ...... 1 60 L B Gosa, cleaning court house. . . 1 25 Joe Hall cleaning closet ... 5 00 J Bonnick, felling tree in court- i hnnaa yard . . 00 1 R S Hattan, keeping light at court house 1 50 J G Watts, stamps for clerks office 10 00 R 8 Hattan etatupt for tberiff office 16 00 E E Colvin, viewer Lydvigeoo rd 2 00 James Gearey same 2 80 CM Cole same 8 20 J F Graham chainman same 2 00 E Lydvigson, same 2 00 W T Watts surveyor 13 00 W T Watts, establishing govern ment corner 16 60 I H Copeland, expenses 14 96 C W Blakesley, deputy assessor. .102 60 Peter Matson, interpreter 8 00 P A Frakea, commissioner 20 00 W D Case, same 42 40 R H Mitchell stationery 6 70 C H Crocker, books and stationery 17 85 Glass A Prudhomme. aune 66 11 Marie Watts, recording 18 75 Rainier Pharmacy, medicine for pauper. 2 60 M Ellis, clothing, same 2 28 A P McLaren, medical attend.same 25 00 Jos Brown, meat for pauper 3 10 J A fchunasen, cars of same SO 40 E Bic&nell, wood for same 2 60 M Both, rent, same 36 00 8t Mary's hospital, care of Batson 42 70 Good Samaritan hospital, care of Johnson 11 00 Fred Trow, supplies for Jordan. . . 10 00 Effie Vanblaricom, support 16 00 N A Perry, supplies tor Isabella.. 4 80 J Leonard, aid lor pauper. 0 E Ross, supplies for court-house. . 5 16 G D Sutherland, aid 20 00 Road Warrants. DISTRICT OW. , Geo. Grant Julius Zeissman W Morgan H Lamberson... E Gillihan W McKay V Blach J R Duncan John Bushman John Bushman H White E Lousignont....... D Kalch VadeBalch J B Duncan J Zeissman.. .. W McKay DISTRICT TWO LRasmussen... J Beesle .$23 40 . 22 82 . 30 60 . 2 46 . 3 00 . 11 70 . 11 70 . 18 00 . 10 80 . 8 60 ... 9 00 . 37 80 . 10 80 . 9 00 . I 40 . 23 76 . 9 00 . 9 67 . 16 20 . 21 06 . 16 20 , 12 96 J MCooper....... John Boss. MFHaaen H Duncan F Hoyt A H Tarbell DISTRICT THRBR . 3 23 . 6 48 . 648 D J Switxer . 9 F Thorp Clay Clark ... Eugene Mile DISTRICT FOUR. C H English J A Waumsley John King.... '. H Schmidt L B Gleason. .. , 0 H English , DISTRICT FIVB. Ed Black Chri Felber Geo. Hoadley G Bauer - . F A Bucher Henry Wasser ,. Julius Wasser.... . 12 06 . 15 84 . 22 32 . 19 75 . 72 60 . 11 70 . 42 84 . 14 67 . 6 16 . 29 25 . 21 00 . 15 00 .. 8 00 .. 21 00 . 49 60 . 42 75 DISTRICT BIX. Frank Rice W E Rica E Kistner DISTRICT BIOHT. Q W Richardson . 1 80 . 1 80 . 9 25 20 70 GW Richardson 15 80 H Richardson 10 0 G H, Richard son 6 87 II Richardson 6 80 DISTRICT HUB G Larson ; 2 00 Gust Hendrickson -:400 DISTRICT BLBVBM J F Graham 28 80 G W Welch 80 20 G W Welch 19 80 CM Graham 000 D Berg., 6 00 CM Graham 2 70 DISTRICT THIRTIEB R BMcNeeley 81 67 O 8 Lyon 13 76 N D Peterson 6 00 DISTRICT rWTBBIf Thos. Anderson 4 50 II Anderson 6 00 U 8 Mellinger 6 00 R Ward 8 00 John Baker 7 60 Joshbessman , 10 60 R Ward 6 00 JohnEdholm.. 8 00 Albert Baker 7 60 Josh Rosa 7 60 8 G Bchotnover 8 00 J A McDonald 10 80 A Sword 6 00 J PSheeley 10 00 tDHimSTRA TOR'S. MOT Id. rWHOlf IT MAY CONCERN: YOU WILL plese take Dot Ire, that the Honorable County Court of Columbia County. ! the State oi ireg-uu, dm appointed me unaeniiKnea uia admlulMrator of the cuateof Michael J. Canty, deceased. All persons baring claim agaJnat th uld esuta should preaent them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof, to the anderalxned administrator, at tbe law office ol 8. U. timber, Iu the etty of Ht. Helens, In Columbia County, in aaid Bute of Oregon. Dated at 8k Helena. Oregon, thla April 21U, W02. D. J. 9WITZKB, ' Administrator. 8. H. G ruber, Kaq.. attorney for Administrator. NOTICC FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Omos at Oregon CUy, Oregon, May 1, 1902. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named aettler has Sled notice of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of hia claim, and that aaid oroof will be made before the Heglster and Receiver, at Oregon City, Or egon, on June 17th, vis: JOSEPH H. LEE. R. E. 18,402, tor the EH of VHvt and WW of 8E'4 of aectlon , T 4 N, R I W. He namea the fol lowing witnesses Io prore Bla continuous real deuce upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John W. Parker, Alva H. Powell, Albert L. Par ker and Emery I. Mllla, of Plttxbarg, Oregon. mtJU CHAD. B. MOOKES, Eegiawr. HQTICE FOR PUBUCATI0H. Department of the Interior. Laad Office at Oregon City, Or., April 19th, 1902. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE followlnf-named aettler haa filed nntlM of his Intention to make Buai proof In anppoitol his claim, and that aaid proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on June Sth. 1902, vis: ALBERT THIVIERGE, H. E. 12051, for tbe swW section 85, 1 4 n, r 4 w. He namea the following witnesaes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, via: A. G. Hotchktas,. Horen Jepper sen, Arthur Bacon, Chsrils Nelson, all of Ba cons, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, azaioiftr Siguier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oreeon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow! ni--named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, aud that aaid proof will be made be fore tbe Couutr Clerk of Columbia Countv. at Bt. Helens, Oregon, on June 14th, 1902, viz: MAK1K UKACU ril TUUSK, Formerly Marie Grace Purnev. daughter of Ella furney, deceased, homestead entry No. 11.515. tar the eU of aw! and uwhi of ,mi and iw' of w'i of secliou 4, tp. 4 n, r 4 west. one names ma rouowing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of aaid land, Tin: R. U. McNutt, of Portland, Oregon, aud W C. Eichman, G. H. Situ and M. J. Johnson, of Xeasey, Oregon. utjM .... i!uij u- ilnnava. n.u .. HOTICE OF rtMkL SETTLEMENT. In the County Conrt ot the State of Oregon, In and for Colombia County. In the matter of tbe estate of Frank M. Webber, deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT DAVID Davis, the administrator of the estate of II- x. XI il-.1 , .1 . .... ... mA E resented for aettlement, and filed in aaid court ia Anal account of his administration of said estate, and that the 10th day of June, 1902, at one o'clock p. m., at the court-room In the court-house, In St Helens, In said county and slate, has been duly appointed by the judge of said court for the aettlemeur, of said account, at or before which time any heir, creditor or per son interested In said estate may file objections to aaid account or any i'em thereof. Tbla no tice Is published by order of the Hon. J. B. ioan, county juugo sor aaiu county, oi uw April , 1902. DAVID DAVIS, msjs Aamtnuiraior. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Grace Putnam, plaintiff, vs. Carl F. Putnam, defendant To ran r, Putnam, defendant IN THE NAME OF THE hTATE OF OREGON: You are hereby reauired to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons apon yon, if served within this county; or If served in any other countv of this state, then within twenty qsvb iram tnv uate ui wrc svi.iw vi uii. .uih- mons upon yon: and If yon fall so to appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will ask tbe court lor the relief craved tor In the complaint, which is for a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matri mony between tne piaintin ana yourmii, tns defendant, aud for costs and disbursements. Thia summons la DUblished bv order of Hou. Thomaa A. McBrida, circuit judge, made this 14th day of May, 1902. I.. 1 . 1 f. BAR1N. miBjn Attorney tor plaintiff. Timber Land. Act June 1, 1878. HOTICE FOR PUBUCATIOK. Cmitbd Statu Lard Owes, Oreeon City , Oregon, April 18, 1902. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COM nlianAA with the nrovlsions of the act of Conereas of June J. 1878. entitled "An act for the Bale of timber lands in the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, ana wasmngton terri tory, as eiienaeu IO ail uie rnouu wuu sum Sr act of Aagust 4. 1892, Charles Colean, of Milton, eouniv of Columbia, atate of Oregon. aas thla day filed in this office hit sworn state ment No. 6710, for the purchase ot the nwW of aw!4 of section No. 23, in township No. S n. ranim nn. a w. ana win uuur umui iu auuw mu tha land annirht is more valuable for lta timber or atone wan tor agricultural purposes, auu u establish his claim to saio. tana oeiore tne reg ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the Pith day of July. 1902. He namea as witnesses: Christopher Sauerveln and Alohonse Sauerveln, of Houlton. Oregon; Joseph Nilch, of Yankton. Oregon; Antone Rurckart. of Portland, Oregon. Any and all Kraous claiming Adversely tne anove-oeacrinea ids are requested to file their claims in this omce on or oeioro aaia 14m u.j ui juit, irot. a26j27 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Ctrnity Warrant tor CtMeollatioa Ma 7am 1902. N0T1CB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF THE following county warrants are not pres ented for payment within alxty (SO) days from July 1. 19iu,that they be will canceled bv order of ute oonnty court auu payiueut wiivji sviuaw. riata. Tn Whom Drawn. No. Amt. July 8, 1MS--I. Ipeneer 81M. 1 00 May a. 1"8W. T. Orl8wold....J7 .... 4 75 si un j. I. Dowllng ..'mi I 00 Jan. 11, 1MI3 Jaraea Pllcher .-2777.... 1 00 Jan. 11, lxsS-Jumea Hart -ZTW. 1 00 Moh.lS, lSJl.-Janea smith 8916. .. 1 90 July 8, 1893Nancy A. MeOrew 81U t 60 July S, WttS J. W. Nelson &n. 7 60 Moh 15, lWHWm. Lamslord 8914 1 00 Not. 18, 18KS..T. W. Jorrtoo 8S 1 00 Mch. 16, ltMHarrlnn Benrla W23 .. 1 CO July 30, lKtu.at. Lovensal .2810 8 00 May 7l9S-8. H.Tryon ..2969 24 Sept. 18. 12 J. W. Guild JI89 40 slay 6. 1K9S..A. J. Freeman 2-- i 60 Ju. 11. 1H98..C. F. Young J77S 1 00 Moh. 15, lSS4.Jamea HendersoaD91S 1 60 sicohd saaias a. May . lS94-.Wm. Wilson..; 67. 4 40 July 11, 1H9I-.I. Rouse 123- 1 00 Nov. 12. 1614-John Reynolds M5- 1 00 Nov. 12, 1K94.JI. J. Nelson 716 4 00 Jan. 12, ls5..Joseph Bureau 24 . 1 60 Nov. I V W Harnett 69D 8 60 Nov. 12, lxsA-l,ewU Bradley., 6W 1 00 Junel. l4John lelly , 12 . 4 00 Jan. 12. 1895..M. Dunlap MS- 2 '0 Mayl8.W90. W. Brown . ..1263...:. 1 00 J. G. WATTS, County Clerk. li Wanted- We Eipect to Get It We Eipect to Keep It By telling you quality of goods that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JC8T NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, St. Helens, - - - Oregon. 7t ST. HELENS PHAKMACY : A Patronize a drug store when you want pure, fresh and reliable - Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from PabMer Regnlar 25- ent Novels Onlj iO Cents How About X RS YOU SURE it is all right? Remember that It Is tha jrV RECORD that aoverna. It ia our biuinena to search the r records and show what thev contain Id relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or leaning money on real- a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only aet of abatmet booki In the county. All work pmmptlyexecuteo and allAfolkm guaranteed. If you have property to iniure give us a call. Wears agenta for the beat tire Insurance companies in the world. If von have property for sale list it with os and wa will Snd a buyer. E. . QUICK & CO., 03 m Main Stmt 9. T,9 I2 Ornci Hocaa. Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 60 & 51, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Southetst Cor. 4th k Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, PORTISTD, OEEGON. TAKS! ltLUVATOR. O i COLLINS THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS Carry a all stock DEY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, TINWARE, GKANITEWARE, CROCKERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, FLOUR. FEED, GRAIN, HAY, OIL MEAL, LIME, ULAS8, OIL8, PAINT8 AND SIMILAR WARES. Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. YOUR TRADE! By giving you just little more for your money than you can get elsewhere. , Your Title? ST. HELENS. OnEBOm Pho aa Jfflc. Hood 414 mMM IRea.. Fwt 147 Jfc Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist & GRAY of staple and fancy iii iii in in in iii in in ! 1 1 1 3 5 aSftf I I 4 a.1