The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 02, 1902, Image 3

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    Work la Bain Pmh and Kcjnlp.
IMAiit M lialnar Purolusaad.
Work cm Ui ColumbU City railroad
4t being puihod ai laat m possible, in
.order to liav -tha first four nilltsi of it
jjomu ated within ilaty (Jays. Tha work
Is progressing vary satisfactorily, and
tbera la no doubt that ttia fuad will be
eatly on time.
One-liiil Bill II now graded, and
workmen ire on Hie reat ol the line.
'Tan carloads of itel era on the irround
ready (or uae, and the work of laying
Ihe ratia win oe w-nun at once. An eti'
.slna and ten louulnii carl have been our
.chased for ue on the road ai loon at it
The road ia designed, to It II laid, to
1 ten or twelve wild long, and will run
from Columbia City wont ward to the bead
watera of Dak Kanch ereek. This takea
'the road through a rich lumbering lec
tion, and tht president taya that aa aoon
l tha laud ia cleared ol timber It will
make moat deairable agricultural and
iarmina lamia. At Drat four miles will
ts cumulated to gain an entrance Into
tht company a limner Deit, ana then
the road will be pushed at an early date
directly through for the reat of the way
.planned. Although at present it will be
(uaed chiefly aa a lumber road to get the
loga to the river, the ultimate object la
to make it a freight and paaaenger road,
to accommodate whatever tratllo may be
,10 me auction.
A contract hat been made for ill lor
glng engines to uae in moving the tim
ber to the road, to be taken to Columbia
City, where the company will build a
hingle mill. It It also conaldered de
airable to build a lumber mill at that
plaoe, although nothing definite baa
been decided In thla regard, ,
"We eipect," Mr. Good toll, to
be hauling logi and piling to the river
ia sixty Jays over tha firat four milea of
the road,'' The Columbia City advan
tage! art great. Titer ia good aite
nd deep water for heavy river ateamert
to enter. There are now ilxty men at
work grading, and the crew ia mtiiciemt
to complete tit work within tbt dealred
There il alao fine depoalt of coal on
,the company'! land, which ahowa eicel
Jent indication!, and the company will
work tbt lutuea with the object of aup
gilying the local trade. The indication!
; jpolnt tt a valuable dnposit of fuel of a
.gride that can hardly be beat. A eon
eervatlve estimate of the lumbern the
catiipany'l laud placet it at 2(10,000,000
feet. . ...
Tkey Wert BUIen Cattle.
W. I. Sweetland, tht well known local
batcher, la a very mad man, aaya the
Orant'i Paaa Observer. . He la hot on the
track of dark complesioned etranger,
,nd if tbt chap lan't unusually nimble
be will find fcmneeif in Mr. Sweetland'a
clutahee bo (ore the chaae it over.
It la all over the fact that Mr. Sweet
land bought two cowa and a four-monilia-ld
calf from a man laat Friday after
noon, paying him tha caah market price
J or the beef. The cattle were placed in
corral to fatten up and await the time
for slaughter, but on Wedneaday after
noon Win. Penes), of Tolo, came into
Urant'a I'aaa in queat of three head of
toldn calUa, anal fenaid them In Mr.
Sweetiand't corral. The Urant'a I'aaa
maker ol good aaumge then underatood
jo an Inatant that he had been buncoed.
The man he had bought the cattle of
waa a cattle thief, and In Texas would
have been tbt chief man In a neck-tie
party juithja twenty-four hourt. The
cattle were give back to their owner
nd driven borne. Tney had been taken
from tht paatura at tht fence farm after
The etranger and an associate have
fled to parte unknown, but hie track it
being cloaely followed, and it ii very
'likrly that he will be overtaken.
Mr. Sweetland will be remembered aa
having been engaged in the butcher bue
ineet in 8t. Helens aeveral yean ago.
Dairies and Creameries.
Tlie dairy indnatry In Columbiaconnty
4a only in fta infancy, but great progreai
nd induatrtal and financial benefit il
.being made and reaulting from the ef
fort! put forth only a few yean ago to
rjirare in thla indnatry on scientific
Farmer! and ranchmen who formerly
engaged In other pursuits, later, taking
jup tot dairy business, are doing well.
,It il rather alow beginning, aurting
into dairying, and it cannot be accom
pllahed without time. One mint have
good milch cowa, the flelda formerly
owed with grain muat be converted
into paaturea, and there are other draw
baoka at tht Mart. Considering the
brief time ainoe onr farmer! firat took
up with tha new Industry on acientllic
principles, wonderful advancement bat
been made. Throughout the county
there are many email aeparatora and
there la ten timce aa much milk to be ob
tained today aa there waa five Tear a ago.
The price at present paid for butter fat
la about 18 cente per pound. Of courae
it Ii understood that tht price of butter
fat ia governed by the butter market.
Thlt bualneat, from itart to flnlih, la of
.great benefit to the county. It haa been
aid that whan you find a man In tht
.dairy bnalneaa .that you alao find one
with a lew dollar! in nil pocket.
V Hew Land Law.
Under the new law, whenever the
owner or ownera of on or more tract!
of land deaire to permanently eatabliab
the bonndariei and cornere thereof he
or they ahall notify tha county surveyor
to make a turvey thereof, and shall fur
nish him the names and addresses of all
-parties, ao far aa known, whose lands
may be eOected by such a aurvey. Upon
receipt of am h notification the county
surveyor ahall notify each person named
therein. staling tht data whoa be will
fcejrin the lurvey.
The cost! of aurvey ao made will be
Apportioned among the land ownera In
terested according to their respective
interests. , .
Whooping Cough.
A woman who baa bad experience
with thla dlseaae telle bow to prevent
ny dangeroui consequence! from it.
Our three children took whooping cough
last summer, our baby boy being only
three month! old, and owing to our giv
ing them Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy,
they loat none of their plumpness and
came out in . much better health than
other children whoae parents did not
use this remdv. Our oldest little girt
would call lustily for cough lyrup be
tween wboopa. J as-1 a Pimknbv Hall,
Springfield, Ala. Thla remedy ia for
aale at the St. Helens Pharmacy.
We are itill furnishing the Weekly
Oreganian and Mist together for a year
for only $2.00. Subscribe now.
District Attorney Harrlton Allen bai
wen appointed assistant secretary of
the state cential republican committee,
With headquarter! in Portland. .
Bland Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tor
rturei of Itching and burning en-ema,
analdhead or other akin diseases. How ?
Why, by nslng Bncklnn'a Arnica Salve,
earth's grtateat hoaler. Quickest cure
for ulcers, fever sores, salt rlioum, cuta,
burne or bruises. Infallible for piles.
J!6o at the St, Helen Pharmacy,
Pull Column or tlhrouloloe of Peo
ple and Kvente.
treasonable goodi at Collins A Qray'i,
St. Helena.
3. D. Morgan, of Bcappooao, wai In
" sa au visual jr
RfffuUr tfinnlMv tAm nl nwihai
wurn us, monusy. ,
. . .i -
Mr. Jacob George wai down from
Per44and laat Saturday.
Frank Miles, of Portland, vlilted bii
intrvute uere lest ounudy.
The regular May term of county court
Will flnnVttnA tiUCt Wrl iioadau
MIsaMlWlhaRntlaranil Ual.n
of Portland. iDent last Hundav In thla
Uy. ' .
RaA til mA Vtal-ttatatVAnf In allAtiA aaI.
..... HivivinMivu a se aa mu;iici wi-
umn of Tboa. Talbot, a favorite young
Charley Burgdorfler waa In town laat
Friday. lit it employed now near
Mill Pearl Decker returned Monday
from Kalama, where ahe visited relative!
wr a lew uayi.
J. F. Beebe end famllv. who have re-
sided in thla city for some time, have
reiurnea to tut leiana to reeiue.
Will Watte, of Scapnooae. republican
nominee for county aurvevor. waa In
town a day or two tbt fort part of this
weea. ,
Missel Sharp and Watta. of ficappooee.
were amona? those from a distance at
tending the entertainment laat Saturday
Guv and Bert Mills cam over from
Vernonia Sunday and continued on
down tha rivtr Monday In queat of em
ployment. Bud Henshaw bat again accented a
position with N. A. Perry, ol Uoulton.
Hud ia a buatler. and can do lustice to
the plaoe.
Aaron Kelley, who haa been employed
at West port for some time, haa returned
to Houlton with hit family, aud will
reside there.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wlkatrom were up
from Kalama Monday. Tbey told 1(H)
acre! of good timber, back ol NeerUUy,
to rarr orotnera lor z,uuu.
In another column will be found the
advertisement of Mr. 3, B. Godfrey,
who baa opened a real estate and oou
veyancing ofiloe in tbii city.
Meeari. J. D. McKay and Ordlt Oarrl-
aoa, who have been operating a aeine
up the river lor a snort time, nave laid
their gear away until the run of fish
U. A. Brlnn. Jamei Peat and Miles
Mason were on a flailing trip to Stella
laaaat Bi m.A m u at nA aavKllaa taaa atataar nn
awns, Kixatiximj . n isva n ww naiw aw w a-
denoe of a big catch, the boya declare
thev made a killing.
Lon Em mom and Jim Adams were
out from Vernonia Monday. The for
mer gentleman expect! to start in a
short time lor tbe thunder Mountain
mining district, in Idabo.
A lady organiser waa at Houlton a day
or two the latter part of laat week, ao
hcitlng members lor a lodge ol women
of Woodrraft. The organisation will
aoon be effected, there ii no doubt.
Mr. McGulre. of Kansaa. father of
Mra. O. W. Perry, of Houlton, surprised
his daughter a lew daya ago by unex
pectedly walking into the house. He
expecta to remain eoine time in thla
It II eaay to be latisfied If voa buy at
Colliua A Uray'a. St. Helena. Their
large stock of general merchandise ia an
excellent assortment to choose from,
and the quality of tbeir gooda Is always
of the best.
U V..!. XT' T: m-A Ula
Winnie Way. of Portland, attended tbe
school entertainment here laat Saturday.
Mra. Kulner exnecti to leave In a few
dayi for California, where ibe will spend
tbe summer.
The" Nehalem region la said to be alive
1th timber croisera. alt honing to get
in on the ground floor for their priuci-
fials. There la a great deal ol activity
n the timber trade in this county thla
spring, more than at any previoua time.
The work of setting the grade stakes
on the extension of tbe Qoble railroad
waa finished a few dayi ago, and con
struction will begin at once. ' We have
been informed that about aix miles of
road will be completed this aeaaon.
Miaa Marv Convers came down from
Oregon City last Saturday and rendered
very valuable assistance in me enter
tainment. Miss uonyers ii a ecxoisi oi
rare ability and her large circle oi
friends at this plaoa delight to be enter
tained by her.
Tha Ooble Woodmen will give a grand
ball at that place tomorrow (Saturday)
sight to which the public It invited.
At Ooble, the same aa elsewhere, the
Woodmen alwava have enlovable affairs.
and the time there Saturday will be no
exception to tht rule.
Mr. Thomas Pettilohn. of Rock creek.
and Miaa Grace Purney were married in
Portland laat week, and are now domi
ciled at their home. Mr. Pettiiohn ia a
very popular young man in Nehalem,
and a boat of friends wish he and hii
fair brida a life of happinesa and pros
perity. Tha ball nlayera are in their glory.
Tbe eeneon baa arrived for indulgence in
their favorite iport and they are enjoy
Ino themselves. Suits have been or
dered from Chicago, and the home team
1. AirmlnmA n 'niif II n mwl hall" thlS
in ... . v i - -r ; :
year. Bcappeose players, it is laid, are
to cross bata with our boys next Sunday
at 1 o'clock ibarp.
i nnmhAr nf ladies and gentlemen.
member! of tbe Bnthbone Siaterr, at
tended a convention of the Rainier tem
ple Thursday evening of last week, and
report it the moat enjoyable lodge func
tion they ever attended. Rainier lodge
people have a reputation fordoing things
not by halves, and as the St. Helens
contingent arrived home at 8 o'clock the
next morning, we believe, indeed, that
they had a big time.,
Mr! Wm. Haslet was In town Monday,
en route for Pittsburg, where he expect
to remain a few weeks, thence remove
to Portland, where ne ii naving a uwei
ling erected. Mr. Haslet haa been a
resident of Nehalem valley for a consid
erable over twenty yean, and It la with
much reluctance that he leavei there,
but hii family la deairoui that their
mother and father aliouia join inein in
Portland, where they can be made more
comfortable in their declining years.
The camp of Woodmen at Houlton ia
composed of au element of young men,
not only of high moral cbaraoter, but
of social and intellectual benefit to the
community. -They are enlisted in a
splendid fraternal and benifloiary work,
in which they have the assistance of a
host of well-wlahera. Laat Saturday
evening they entertained a large num
ber of friends, the occasioa being a fare
well partv to one of their esteemed num
ber R. A. McCall and mother, who
were about to take their departure from
Houlton. The affair was greatly enjoyed
by a Inrgt paipber of personi.
Plana Being Oompleted-Proapeote
Good for Early Beginning.
Plant for tht new ralk-oad to Tilla
mook are fast being consummated, says
tiit Telegram, and according to the pres
ent outlook, there ia likelihood that work
win oe begun during the next summer.
A survey of the entire route has been
made, and tbe probable course deter
mined. Tha bondi have been Issued
and placed to such an extent that the
road la now practically a aura thing.
Portland people art interested in tht
project, and home capital li behind the
enterprise. The road li designed to trav
erse a country entirely unoccupied by
any other road, and will be independent
iroin any 1 Aha roads now entering
Portland. It will have connection with
no line except tbe Southern Pacific,
which it will crosi a short distance from
tbii city. The road has been contem
plated for yean by local capitalists, and
by tbe lines now entering this city, but
no move had been made until the local
company waa organised with tbt view of
building it.
Tbe official! art very reticent in talk
ing about it, and do not disclose the
plane any further than they can help.
It will have a terminal at the union
depot, at Portland, and take a bow
shaped courae toward the north, through
Washington and Tillamook counties,
going direct to Tillamook, thence north
ward to Nehalem, making an opening
for the great volume of products of these
counties. Tillamook ia without doubt
the greatest and beat butter and cheese
producing lection of the Hate, and pos
sibly tbe Northwest. These products
will have a direct passage to Portland,
and thus facilitating it outlet into the
central part of the country. A conserva
tive estimate of the timber in the sec
tion traversed by the road is 42,000,000,
000 feet, which will receive an outlet
through this channel.
The people in the section are enthusi
astic over the enterprise, and hope to
tee the road go through at the earlieat
possible time. It will greatly increase
tht values of property and give an outlet
to product! that are now moved only by
great expenditures. The otflciale hinted
that work may begin at any time,
though a definite statement cannot yet
be made.
Clatskanle Briefs.
Mra. O. W. Jonei ia viiiting friendi In
Portland tbii week.
Mrs. A. I). McGlIllvary and sister,
Jennie, spent Saturday in Portland.
Clatakanie wai represented at the con
cert at Rainier on Tuesday evening, by
Dr. Hall and wife. '
Nell Nelson has been too ill this week
to attend to fail duties and James Van
ia officiating in bii place as dairyman.
Prof. Wbltten spent Monday in town.
He Ii in the timber locating and real
estate business at pTgsent, and report!
a great demand for timber claima.
M. E. Page la the proud father of a
daughter, whose arrival Saturday even
ing proved a eource of interest and pro
found pleasure to its brother and sisters.
Some manufactured lumber, tbe prod
uct of the Tichenor sawmill, haa been
taken to the steamer landing, ahowing
that the mill Ii in luccessfiii operation.
Red bottom with the Furnish badge
are in evidence on our streets. Furnish
men are plenty about here, who expect
to vote the republican ticket from top
to bottom.
Misa Lottie, daughter of Mrs. Lyman
Jones, of Lower Beaver, was married
one day laat week to a Mr. Kerr, and
leavea toe nomestead to care lor one
where ahe ia miatresa. Her frienda
wish her every joy in her new relation.
Mr. Eastman, a former resident of
tbia locality, a son-in-law of 0. C. Lee
and wife, reached thla place from Da
luth last Friday. Ilia family had pre
ceded him by some three or four months.
Tbey will probably remain here indefi
nitely. The firm at Palm's mill aeemi now to
consist of O. E. Elliott and hii brother,
E. B. Elliott, in addition to John Palm.
constituting, if we are oorrectly advised,
the uiatakame Lumber company. The
Elliott brothers will add itrengtn to the
institution and push the business for
Tbt West Oregon Lumber Company
ii getting along with the flume building
in a very satisfactory manner. Mr.
Englebart, ot Vancouver, over whose
land the flume will oasa. waa down
Taeaday to look over tiia land a little
and give an estimate ot the value ot his
timber, which the company express a
willingness to buy.
Notice! announcing the May featival
are posted and a series of entertain
ments for five consecutive evenings
promised from such talent as rarely
cornea to so small a town. If all goei as
ex Dec ted and promised our people and
others who wish will enjoy a rare intel
lectual and musical treat May Z4tn to
the 28th, inclusive.
TheMeneley Quartette, to appear at
Clatakanie May 24th, ia spoken of in
most nattering terms ov tne press wnere
it haa appeared. The Dixon (III.) Tele
gram aaya: "The MeneleV Quartette
concert waa largely attended. It at
forded an Immense fund of amusement
and entertainment. It waa frequently
encored. For nearly two hours the quar
tette xept tne auuience alternately con
vulsed with laughter, or In closest, rapt
The shingle mill of Silvo and Tilden
Graham changed bauds a few daya ago,
Van Early and Henry swales neing tne
purchasers. Silvo Graham hai leased
the ranch of A. S. Graham, at Marsh
land and will look after it in addition to
the oversight of hii meat market here,
while Tilden thinks he can find employ
ment that will be less dangerous to his
fingers. Quite a number ol our shingle
mill men are short a finger or two aa a
badge of their occupation.
Concert at Rainier.
The concert at Rainier Tuesday even
ing, by the Choral Society of that olty,
under direction oi Mr. j. . neicner,
was verv much of a success. The oro-
grainme oonaiated of thirteen number!,
three oi wuicn were cnorusea, ana re
flected great credit upon tbe aocletv.
The solos, duets and quartettes were all
ably rendered and hugely enjoyed. Mr.
Belcher has bis students well in hand
and no better talent in the-couuty can
be found than at Kainler. The uu in
here rendered by the St. Helena contin
gent, a contralto-tenor duet by Mrs. J.
i. Watts and Mr, Day, wai much en
joyed, and displayed not only their
ability, but reflected credit upon their
instructor, ine instrumental ioio dv
Misa Grace Dart wai well rendered.
Mill Fiaher. of Portland, it an accom-
Sanist of rare ability, and Miss Dart
isplayed much talent in the same di
Messri. O. and F. E. Malmaten came
over from Vernonia laat Friday, contin
uing on to Oorvallia on a Uriel tour of
inspection of the co intry. Mr. Malm
aten, sr., Is nearly 78 yean old, yet he
prefers walking to riding, and walked
the entire distance of twenty-five miles
from hii home to thla place.
Goings, Comings and Doing! of a
Ens Lot of People.
John Hendrlcksen was ap from Qulncy
Dr. A. F. Knoder, dentist, will be at
tiatsxanie May tat.
F. M. Thorp was transacting business
in Portland last Friday.
Mrs. William Prlngle, of Pittsburg,
was in town laat Saturday and Sundajr.
Circuit court will convene here in reg
ular session one week from next Tuesday.
Dr. Ross and John Morris were circu
lating In tha vicinity of Ooble last Mon
day. Dr. J. E. Hall and wife, of Clatakanie,
attended tbt concert at Rainier Tuesday
Mr. P. O. Marki wai In town Tuesday
morning, on bis way to bii ranch, back
ol Ooble.
Mlas Lult George will begin a term of
school in the South Bcappooae creek dis
trict next Monday.
Mr. C. L. Ayres came In from his Car
ico valley home Wednesday, and contin
ued on to Portland.
George Smith and family, wbo have
resided at Houlton' for some time, have
removed to Castle Rock.
Mrs. T. C. Watte, of Reuben, was In
town last Saturday evening attending
the school entertainment.
A barge load of 1800 ties arrived at Co
lumbia City Tuesday for use on tbe log
ging railroad being put In there.
Johnny Atkins, of tblt city, lett Mon
day for Molalla, Clackamas county,
where he will engage in crawfishing for
some time. -
D. J. Swlteer now sports a very neat
meerschaum pipe, a present received a
few days ago from hii friend, R. Reich
ardt, of Chicago.
Mr. Joseph Holaday was np from bis
fruit farm, near Columbia City, Monday,
and report! prospects for a large crop
this year very good.
Lloyd Detrick came over from Pitts
burg Monday and continued on to Port
land. Lloyd expects to spend part of
tbt summer at down-rivet points.
Ed Stanwood and Harry Sherman,
the Yankton sawmill men, were in town
Monday and Taeaday loading a barge
with ties for shipment to Portland.
Mr. Horgren, wbo operate! a shingle
mill in the vicinity of Deer Island, waa
in town last Saturday to have a physi
cian patch np so rue injured fingers.
Willi! Bumgardner, of Columbia City,
ll contemplating putting In a stock of
confectionery, cigars, tobacco, notion!,
etc., at that place in the near future.
Messrs. W. J. Wiley and Charlea Web
ber, of Bachelor Flat, started for Cali
fornia tbii week. Mr. J. W. Cave also
started for Harney county, this state.
Any information aa to tbe whereabouts
of a nearly black pony, mare, formerly
the property of Butcher Lindsay, will
be much appreciated by Gust Sandburg,
John and George Farr were up from
Goble Monday on a land purchasing
deal. They are buying 160 acres of
good timber, which they expect to cut
into wood.
About forty persons from this city at
tended the concert at Rainier Tuesday
evening. Tbt steamer America waa
chartered and the return borne was made
before 1 o'clock.
Thirty small chain for thirty small
children arrived from Portland last Sat
urday and were placed in the Congrega
tional church, for use by the smaller at
tendants at tbe Sunday school.
Voters are registering faster daring tbe
f ast ten days than tbey did for a while.
In ta Thursday morning there were
1250 registrationa. There are but thir
teen liays left in which to register.
Wanted. To trade a good-aa-new,
high-grade ladies' bicycle for a good rid
ing pony or chunk of a horse, or will ex
change it for a first-class cow and calf.
Apply to Dr. C. L. Hatfield. Vernonia.
Vail grange, of Warren, has decided to
change ita time of meeting from the firat
and third Saturday of each month to tbe
first and third Wednesday in each month.
Meetings will be held in the evening un
til farther notice.
Timber land in the extreme western
part of the county is fast coming into
demand. Some deeds filed for record
this week, with considerations at big
figures, are evidence that Colombia
county timber is all right.
Senator McBride waa in tbia city ai
few houri on Thursday of last week.'
On account of buaineaa in the East de
manding hia immediate attention, he
hastened away, but will return to Co
lumbia county during tbe summer.
There la a well founded report in cir
culation tails week that Messrs. Pringle
A Campbell, of Vernonia, have disposed
of the large body of timber land in Ne
halem valley, which tbey have been en
deavoring to sell for two or three years.
Mrs, R. Relchardt. of Chicago, ar
rived here Monday morning for a visit.
She will spend a month on the Sound,
then return to spend a month enjoying
the scenery ot the Columbia river.
While here she will bt the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. bwiteer.
Divine service will be held in the Evan
gelical church at Warren next Sunday,
both morning and evening, by Rev.
Ballantyne. The following Tuesday
evening there will be nreachins bv Itish-
on Stanford, ot Harriaburg, Pa. All are
invited to attend.
Mellie Beaver, of Scappoose, was In St.
Helens Wedneaday forenoon to have an
interwiew with a physician. He bad
two bones in hii left hand broken, tbe
result of a kick from a borse. Mellie
had been to tbe creamery that morning
to deliver a load of milk, and waa re
turning home. He alighted from thei
vehicle to open a gate, and as he came
near tbe horse tne animal kicked at mm,
the result being as stated above.
Tha school entertainment at this place
last Saturday evening waa very much of
a success in every way. A great deal of
pains had been taken to prepare an in
structive and pleasing programme,
which tbe public heartily enjoyed.
There was about $15 raised to purchase
additional book! for the library. Mra.
Collins and Miaa George have rendered
splendid service ai instructor! of our
youth, as results testify, a fact much
appreciated by the patrons.
M Holds Up Congressman.
: "At the end of the campaign," writes
Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con
gressman, "from overwork, nervoua ten
siou, loss of sleep and constant speaking
I had about utterly collapsed. It seemed
that ail the organs in my body were out
of order, but three bottles of Electric
Bitten made me all right. It's the best
all-around medicine ever sold over a
druggist'! counter." Overworked, run
down men, and sickly women gain splen
did health and vitality from Electric
Bitten. Try them. Only 60c. Guar
anteed by the Bt. Helens rnarmacy.
iloralnnrd hu bmn, by the Hod. I. B.
1imd. luriira ol liiaoouutv nourt ol Uiff oulHy
of Columbia, siauof Oregon, appointed admto
lutrator el the entatc of Charles b. Melia, de
cerned. Any and ll nereoiu having claims
aKainw aaia eeuH are neretty reynirea w ynm
ut tin asm to me, duly and propetly verlfled.
at my reudenca, one mile below Mlat, In said
Columbia county, Oregon, within six months
from the data hereof, bated April 4, lm.
Administrator of theestataof Charlea L. Metis,
deceased. W. ii, Powell, Attorney for Admin
istrator. ai2
nndenlKOed. ai admlnlatrator of the ea
tat of Ly 11a Baruee, deoeaaed, has Hied hia
nnai account in ine eoumy court of voiomoia
county, in the state of Oregon, of his adminis
tration upon said eatate, wid that the Judge of
aid court hu appointed Wednesday, the Mih
day of May. M02, at the hour of t o'clock, p. m.,
a the time, aud the court-room of aald court, in
the city of Bt. Helens, Oregon, as the place, for
hearing said final account and settlement
thereof, when any objection thereto may be
maue in writing. fiuwill J. SAKflfiD)
Administrator of the estate ot Lydla Barnes,
deceased, bated this llih day of April, IWL
sonce or bono sale.
undersigned, County Treasurer of the
County of Columbia, Htate of Oregon, will sell
seven school bonds of school district No. 2, of
aid county and state, to tha amount of 13,700,
in the following amounts, towlt: six bonds of
the par value of f&uu each, and one bond of the
par value of 1700, each of said bonds redeema
ble after ten years, but due and payable abso
lutely twenty years after date of said bonds;
aid bonda to draw 6 per cent interest per an
num on the par value thereof. Bids will be re
ceived by the said undersigned for laid bonds
until six o otoca in tne aiteruoon oi tne ivia
day of May, 1UM, at the ottlce of the County
Treasurer, at Bt. Helens, Or. Dated April 11, IKOi
County Treasurer of the County of Columbia,
8tate of Oregon. .
Timber Land, Act June I, tiers.
Ukitsd Statu Lakd Orncs,
Oretron City, Oregon, April Is, 1902.
11 pllance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of Umber land In the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all tha Public Land Slates
by act of August 4. 12, Charles Colean, of
Houlton, oounty of Columbia, stata of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this office his sworn state
ment No. 6710, for the purchase of the nw! of
mum of section Mo. S3, in township No. S n,
range No. I w, and will offer proof to show thai
the land sought la more valuable for lis timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Reg
ister ana Keceiver oi tins at Oregon tur,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 12lh day of July, 1902.
He names aa witnesses: Christopher Sauerveln
and Alphonae Srvnervein, of Houlton, Oregon;
Joseph Nitcb, of Yankton, Oregon; Antooe
Rurckart, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all
persons claiming adversely the above-described
lands are red nested to file their claims In this
Office on or wsiore sal a utn day oi July, iixu.
aj ku&b. o. auujtsa, jteguw.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
oiumoia wountj.
T. Kama, plaintiff, vs. D. Kama, defendant.
To 0. Kruce, the above-named defendant.
1 You are hereby notified that the plaintiff
herein has ft Led a complaint acainst voa in the
above-entitled Court and cause, and you are
oereoy required to appear and answer aaia com
plaint on or before the last time oi tbe time
prescribed by the order of publication hereof,
low It: On or before the 17th day of May, 1902.
You are further notified that If yon fait to ap
pear and answer Ibe complaint herein or to
plead thereto, the plaintiff will cause your de
fault to be entered and will apply to the Court
above mentioned for the relief oraved for in the
complaint herein, that is to say, for a decree
forever oissoiving tne ounas OI matrimony uju
may be existing between piaintinT and defend
ant herein, for the custody of the issue of said
marriage, to wit: Bichard Krsae. and for such
other and further relief as to the Court may
seem proper, meet aud just- The date of tne
first publication of this summons is f-rlday,
April 4th, llHtt, and the last publication Friday,
May 16th, 19U2, and said summons ahall be pub
lished on the said Friday of each week for a
period of six weeks. This summons is pub
I lied h order of the Hon. T. A. McBride.
Judge of said Court, made in said cause and
Court, in chambers, and dated the 1st day of
Apni. a. u. imu. BuiaAttii.L at wjuitAnct
aamlS Attorneys for PiaiiuiaT.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in
and for Columbia County.
Jessie K. Shaver and D. 0. Shaver, plaintiffs,
Anna Boden, Nicholas Boden. Francis X. Tomp
kins, nary t. lompxina, rrea Bpageis sua
Jane Doe Spagele, defeudants.
To Anna Boden and Nicholas Boden, two of the
defendant above-named :
You are herebr reoulrad to auoear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the last day of the six
weeks next following tne orst puDiicanon oi
this Simmons; and if yoa fail to answer, the
plaiuliff will cause your default to be entered,
and apply to the court for the relief demanded
in the comnlAlni. to-wlt: For tha Dartition and
division, by the above-entitled court, of the
southeast quarter of section six, township three
norm, range two west oi tne nuiameite meriu
lan. in Columbia oountv. Oregon. This sum
mons Is published by order of the Honorable
J. B. Ooan, oounty Judge for said Columbia
county, Oregon made and dated March lvth,
IMS. The date of the first publication hereof
is Friday, March 2Sth, ism. The time prescnoea
In the order for publication is six weeks, which
tima will bcarin to run from the dav of the first
publication hereof, and the time within which
you am requited to answer the complaint Is on
or before the last day of the time prescribed in
the said order for publication.
ItlLuAnlf OE Ui It
mS&m Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
To tha Honorable County Court of Columbia
iuniy, urogun
residirnr In ficanooaaa nracinct. Columbia
county, Oregon, would respectfully petition
rour nonoraoie oouy, as its next regular mret
m. which will be held on tha 7th dav of May.
Iwft. In the Aourt-house in the ettv of St. Helens.
Columbia oounty, state ef Oregon, that a li
cense be granted to Ed Holmes to sell spiritu
ous, vinous and malt liquors lu quantities leas
than one gallon, in Scaupooss precinct, in said
oounty aad slate, and that said lie nae be
grantea tor a perioa oi one year, tor au o wuicu
your petitioners will ever pray:
J. D. McKay, N. H. McKay, Chas. Fisher, A.
Stump, A. r. Bibby, P. Lotuignont, O. Lang,
Wm. Tots, J. W. Eversol, J. Freeman. J. D.
Morgan, C. RoMnski, F. Pusey, John Isenblst
ter, Vern Ervin, Isaac Craig, J. Suia, Chaa.
Burgdorffer. R. A. McKay, H. West, R. D. Sny
der, Fred Kammeyer, Jim Grant, George Lemue,
Ed Crawford, Henry Buehmaa. George Grant, K.
T. Gore. M. J. Knglert, T. W. Grant, John Him
lller, G. H. Selrvks, F. H. Blaveu, Fred Kam
meyer, Jr., Joe Mayers, George w. Howell, C
Anderson, A. Anderson, Daniel Keller, S. Neu
man, H. Neuman, A. Kaucger, C. E. Cluster,
Wm. F. Cook, M. Tsukosiu, G. Skuxa. Wm.
Skuia, Nicholas Moser, George Moser, Wm. W.
Shipruan, J. B. Duncan, J. Callahan, J. H.
Beaver. Robert Johnson, T. W. Morgan. N. Nel
son, J. Rowland, George J. Batman, A. J. Amell,
Otto Scholia, Thomas Bennett, Carl Fnedel,
Wm. Audemon, Geo. L, Vinson, T. F. Piper, A.
H. Larsen, R. A. McQuInn, M. Beaver, A. Bar
ber. H. C. Domeyer, O. F. Graves, E. T. Ander
son, F. K. Armstrong, Henry Vandermost, I
W Gillthan, L. W. Boruer, L. Snider, C. J.
Elder. G. C. RoblnskU Andrew Mauhart, W. E.
Stevens, J. McCarthy.
In the Circuit Court ot the Stale of Oregon, for
Columbia County.
State of Oregon, piaintifT,
A. Nevln, as administrator of the estate of John
r arrow, deceased, an netrs oi tne ueeeuem ui
any there be) and all persona interested in
said estRte, defendants.
It kniwArinv ta tha court tw tha Information
filed In this court by the district attorney and
by Chester V. Dolph, special cotiusel by the
leave aud ander the direction of Hon. T. T.
Ueer, governor of the state, that John Farrow
died on the 9th day of July. 11, in Columbia
county, Oregon, leaving real and persons! prop
erty ihereiu: that A. Nevin was duly an
pointed as administrator of said estate and duly
qualified as such and took possession of all tbe
real ana peiwnai properly oi saiu cbibiv. ui
said estate has been duly administered upon
and there remains In the hands oi said admin
istrator the sum of t8 62.
And it further appearing that the decedent
died without heirs and that by reason thereof
the stata of Ore con has bv law a ritrht to such
personal estate now remaining in the hands of
the administrator, it u inerefore oraerea:
X That all persons interested In the estate of
John Farrow, deceased, be and they are hereby
requirea to appear ana snoweatueio inisoonrt,
if anv thev have, on tha 13th day of May, ltwg,
why the title of. in and to said personal estate
should not be adjudged aud vested in the state
nf ftrecon. It la further onlanMl that a oonv
hereof be published in Th Okxoom Mist, a
newspaper puuiisnea in sttut county oi toium
bla, for six successive weeks.
Dated March 4th, mi. Judge.
W antecl"
We Expect to Get It
By giving yon jnat little more for yonr money than
- yoa can get elsewhere. ',
We Expect to Keep It
By selling yoa a quality of goodi that will iwrariably
give entire satisfaction.
A Superb Quality of Goods
Bt. Helens,
Patronize a drug store when you
want pure, fresh and reliable
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc.
A Fine Line of Writing Supplies.
Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc.
Direct from PnbMer-Regiilar 25-Cent Noiels Caly ifl Cents
How About
E. E. QUICK & CO.,
Kaiu Strtet
Information and Appointments by Mail. 2
- Soathetit Cor. 4th A Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, tfjr
. Carry a fall stock ol staple and fancy
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
Your Title?
C K YOU SURE It Is U ri?M? Remember that It Is the
2 RECORD that governs. It ia oar business to search the
C records and show what they contain In relation to land
titles, li you contemplate baying und or loaning mouey on real
edtate security, take no man's word, but Insist upon know i ok what
tbe record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential aa
a deed. Insist on having U. We hare the only set of abstract
books in the ooanty. A II work promptly executed end satisfaction
guaranteed. Jf you have property to Insure give us a call. Wears
agents for tbe beet tire insurance companies in the world. It vou
have property for sale list it with us and we will And a buyer.
Theodore S. Thomson,