Anrp AV ATT CT I A law wbk-h tbe aet mini of the Jllil.JIVxN ill ID X Oregon kilatar ataovid enact nom . : , ',..111,. protection of theeiti- Entered at tb twKu(b at r. Helens, ; ea twotagNa wua iutoOjou the car and iatxB oi litem amictea Oregon, a second-class mtail atattec. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. . Keasey Hte. Whea the weather naiateth then w are aiUted, bat for tunny vr fry Tts Oasou Mist hay never beea cuiasei. last-so Evksy Fsubat Hubshm Be DAVID DAVIS, Emtob faorBirrua. SI BSCRIPTIOM raicB: copy on year, ia advance $1.00 Sis month , M cocsmr omcm ..ICormu Heron. Clstakaal ia wMpt . DM, Balavwr rir J. O. WHO. St Ht Saot ai icii!!!!'".'i' R Cmtwl. Mraiua I a ceru6rate of bealtb from tb attend " Mania 'bit. St Bftaaa i j, nhvaician and rtoairinz atrict di- ...Dr. H. . tit a. st wi li; . , ; ucrealonaiiv law new grimier vtiimi- j Tbe charter of incorporated town and ?Mn , km llfUt vl gritt fc tb. leaser jciue give Urea tb right to enact fl"'' jaortwpoodeol, tbauk to the ,Tit .. .... sgTinoer. ut tor pre renting eontariott tbronyhoat j " the rural district. leopl aitiictd An etcelisnl sertno WB preeeated to with contagion can go at will where tbey . audience composed almost enUrelr of mar and epread disease broadcast. It jvoang people, at Keasev, last Sabbath, ill probably be impracticable forconntv i br Rev. einert. or atate eutbonur to sasame hirwdio- Mrs. EI1 UcTheraoa haa been quit tion oyer cam of oontagwaa tksease ,,1, ,11. to much u h la require thrcozboat the coanjr and enforce , at Ur. Hatfieldliunro. NKi uuinuiuwa mm h vuiwww m , towna, bat tbere coukl be a general pro vision enacted that woo Id protect the well iroai contact with, tboa diseased, li there were a statute making it a bear rjenaltv for anvona who baa been afflicted with amallpox, scarlet ferer or Smmrar... Coraw ..... ... (MiWern t P. A. PrakM, rrtM w. . tw, riuaMif MAY t, 190S. STATE IEPBBUCA1 TICKET. For Governor W. . FURNISH, Umafalla Co. For Secretary of State F. L PUXBAR, CUlaop Co, For Eapresne Jadge B.8.EEAX,LaaCo. For Bute Treaewrer C S. MOORE, KUmatfa Co. For Attorney-GeneraJ JL M. CRAWFORD, Douglas Co. For Slate So perin tendrot J. H. ACCEXMA5, Mallaooxah. For State Printer J. K. WHITXEY, Una Co. C8ICIESSI8IAL TICKET. For Conjrreaa, Second1 District J. N. WIIJLUMSOX, Crook Co. C0U1TT 1EPBBUCJUI TICKET. For Represent tire MARTIN BOTH. Rainier. For County Clerk DAVID DAVIS, St. Helena. For Sheriff ANDREW I CLARK, Rainier. For Assessor TH03. A. LAWS, CUUkanie. For Treasurer ED WIS BOSS, St. Helens. For Com re iarkmer H.L.COLVEf. MsrahW. For Sarreyor Wm. T. WATTS, Sesppoose. Far Coroner E. C. DALTOir, 6C Helena. mot neater Ttcrer. Tor JnsUce of the Pease RICHARD COX. For Constable FRAME M. THORP. For Road Saperriaor JOHX G. PLANK. infection of ail nremwee where soch diseases have ooenrred before the in mate are permitted to go abroad or vis itors to enter, the matter could be rega lated. . Tu total yield of Oregon boos last season was 7,WX bales. At an arercre price of 9 centa, growers received 1 .254), 000. Acoording to present indications the Oegun crup tin year should be fully MD.UOO haiea. It ia estiu lated that between 1900 and 1500 new acres are planted in bop this season. The rwung shouts are growing hut. never oerore hire thev tooted so welL No pUinta are heard of worma. end few bills are missing. Contracts with grow, ers for delivering the crop are mads gen erally at u cents a pound. Tas erection of larre and modern school bouse in oar town, upon which work has just started, is one of the im portant forward steps in toe maren progress. It is the invitation which twentieth centa rv civilisation accepts without nrging, to participate ia the up building of prosperona, proni sswive com- mnmuea. JLet oa renew our eoorta and quicken our step to keep apace with the increasing demand oi the times tor greater number of similar adraatages to sow society ana onetoeaa. Local, borUcal'.cHsts inform a that fruit proepecta were never better than at present. Out of toe apparent unfav orable dimatw conditions will cof great blessing should the predictions of these students of cat a re oe correctly founded. There certainly eaa be but little danger at this late day of injury to fruit from frosts, and nniees some thing moat aacoaunoa occurs we may safely prepare to handle an immense I run crop. Tkis is an era, of discoveries. A re search of the code of laws recently en acted reveals maiy things. Xbe new election law provides that the polli shall remain open until 7 o'clock on election day. an boar later than usual. This done to enable busy people to vote after their day's work has been done, no doubt. Hence, voters will not hsre hurry. Osxooa fir has again won honor and now occupies another high place. Toe flagstaff on the new federal build ing at Chicago is of Webfoot growth and is 73 feet long and only 14 inches in diameter at the base. W ith one ex ception it is the highest stick of timber in Chicago, being 347 feet from the pave ment to uie oau on tae tip. Th record of the republican party in ! this country stands for sound business principles and food management county affaire. By their sets you shall know tbem. A continuation of those same businesslike methods in public affairs ia assured by the success of the republican party at the polli. Pus mcvr RooesvaxT took pleasure ia attaching bis signature to the Mil ap pealing the internal revenue taxes im posed on account of the war with bpain, amounting to $70,000,000 a year. That is the wsy the repubueaji party keeps promises to tae people. So far as we know all the nominees on the state tickets are good men. It ia a pleasure to have it that way, a campaign can then be conducted without person alities and the issues decided on the broad basis of principles. The voter eaa then decide for nuntelf whether democratic principles or repabiieaa principle are, in his judgment, better tor the country. If be votee the repub- 1: . : i . -1 1 . i . i t - . iicwu ucsei it wiu aoow was oe is in KtaTua claims to be the most prosper ous state in the country. The state bank commissioner baa recently com plied statistics showing that then was in the national, slate and private banks $59.28 for each man, woman and child ia toe state. 8mcs 1880 the number of workmen engaged in maaoiactares in the Cnited Stales baa increased one-fourth, reach ing a total of 5,321,000. With the world for a customer, our army of artisans is Doand to expand rapidly. In 1884 the Cnited States exDorted 2721 horses and imported 46,610. Last year we exported 82,250 and imported favor of thing, continuing as they have if"1'37!!-.. Ui ongogaea keep their been for the past six years. 11 be votes , e1"- " the democratic ticket it will indicate that be wants a change. J net what the changes will be is not certain. It may result in opening np the surer question agaia. It certainly will if the Bryan theories prevail. It might bring free trade legislation, such ss led to the dis astrous years from 92 to V7. It surely will if the democrat enact the theory enunciated ia their platform into law. It ia for the voter to ray what be wants. Ia one esse there ia likely to be little change in the botinees conditions or po litical principles, in toe other east there will probably be a radical change, VoTcas most not be deluded by the idea that because they registered two year ago tnat ia euincieui. too must register again this year, and register at ouce, too. Mat 20 is the date for the birth of the Cuban republic, and will also mark the beginning of a rapid growth of annexa- uuw acauaient in u laiann. Tacsa seems to be bwt one interpreta tion of the signs of the times. Colom bia county is to become a great business center, the scene of wonderful activity, the field for the investment oi immense mo of mosey ia business enterprises, one of the favored places of oar good state where capital invested ia to double, yea, treble ia financial return to those whose wisdom directs tiieir investment here. Sot that w elect to become over seaion or optimistic ia oar view and fcope, but truly, do not the indications warrant fcbe inspirnuoa of hope, yea, irsoat eertsia knowledge thatoarvast resources have reenained dormant sa long as the natural trend of events will permit them to? Capital and enter prise are weaving their way into almost Boerow foots op its vslosUon this year at $112,000,000, but after ail that ia only about the figure of a fuli-sixe New jersey trust. Tx beef trust marks np price with a neavy nana, nut toe response of the people will be s kaoxk-ost blow. EseiaxD is swinainc beck to Brotee- tion after a persevering experiment with free trade moonshine, Reveals a Great Secret. It is often asked bow such startling cores, that psacie the best pbjwieiana, are effected by Dr. King' New Discov ery for Consumption. Here's the se cret. It cuts out the phlegm sod germ infected moras, and lets the life-giving oxysea enrich and vitalise the UoodT every portion of our county. Logging ! " beat the inflamed, cougb-wora throat in nop. luni corns un uxooom enugb soon yield to Dr. Kins' Mew Discovery, the most infallible remedy ing at present writing. Miss Austin, of Minneapolis, who baa been visiting friends st Warren during the past winter, opened echool at Keasey Monday, April Jteih. Although petite ia form ab bring a mind well stored with learning received in the Minneapo lis high school and university, besides a number of year experience in teach ing graded and high school work. Pa troos and pupils are looking forward to a term of ''value received" for money expended, Mr, Thorns Petti)ntin, of Cpper Bock creek, so surprised som of the people of ietislem and Rock creek valley, tbst they hsre scarcely yet recovered breath. He has brought to bis for msoy year bachelor abode a pleasant young wife to it at bis once lonely table, and render doubly cheerful bis comfortable home, formerly Mia Grace parney. who home baa, for a number of years, been with relative ia a suburb of Denver. Colorado. When a tittle girl, Grace (peat several months with her widowed mother sad tittle brother oa a claim not far from Mr. Pettrjoha'a. Me Lose of Ttsae. I have sold Chamberlaia'i Colic, Chol era and tnarrnoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar tbsa it. I sold fire bottles of it yesterday to thresher that could go no farther, and they are at work agaia this morning. u. it. melps, riymouui, Uk lahoma. As will be seen by the a dots tne tnreehers were able to keep oa with tneir wots, without a sincte days time. You should keep a bottle of this Remedy ia your home. For sale st the St. liaf- eosr&armacy. Trraeaia Plck-Cps. Mia Rnbv Hiatt. of Mist, beean scbooi ia Uie n llsinson district last week Gast GastaJsoo ia getting ready to de part for the lonring camps, where be expects to work daring the summer. J. W. Reach, our new mail carrier. is an co-timer, and that makes it pleas ant for the patronaoi the Yeraonia poatr omce. Mr. W. G. Wood was quit tick on Friday hurt, having to give np ber music class daring the day, but is able for duty again. W. W. Allen made a flying trip oat to Hon! tan the first of the week. He Bay the roads over the mountains ar simply tern Die, A Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Portland, were ia last week holding dowa their claim oa JMt torx. Un their wsy in and out they were the guests of Cotn- misaioner las. Prof. Whittea and a friend from Clats- kaaw passed through here oa Tuesday oa their way to tt Upper Kehalem, wnere tnev nave timber claim, lnev returned jtnuay. G. W. Rice went out to Forest Grove and other Washington county points loia wees, tie rxongtit in a grain dnil. hich be will use ia doiag his aeedinx on tne uenen urea. J. H. Rose, who has been vintinc his brother, S. B. Rose, and other relative here the past two month, left the Drat of the week for Clatakanie, where he think of going into buiineea. Geo. Smith and lamilr. well and favor ably known here, although they hare been living at Houltou, bare moved to Castle Rock, where Mr. Smith expect to get work. They have a claim east of town. Mis K. Aastia cam in last week with E. E. Mckerson and went on up to h.easey kndsy. where aba will teach the srhool in district So. 27. Sbs is from Minneapolis and ia an experienced leacner, O. Malmsteii and son. Franklin, were atCorvsllis two or three dsva of last week. W. E-, who has been visiting the kmc acre tne past month, return to Minnesota either this or next week, bet be goes rather relactantly since be like the Kehslem. Rev. A. Weinert filled the nalnit here morning and evening, and at Keaaey ia the afternoon. Sunday tact, retorninr to Tigardvilie oa Monday. Rev. . L. Jones will come in next week to be here until the sitting of conference. The cold rain recently are making ne of our people feel rather bine, the ground had already been slow to set in condition to plow and manv have not sowed any grain or planted a garden seed yet. snd now the nroeoeet is for soother week or two of delay. But the ! 2" I"u1 at st lli sua will tmiie by snd by. and there will be aeed time and harvest, for the 'eha- lem never fail a. Hew Bank Bills. A bill that I now before eonjrrets and haa been endorsed by almost everyon who has examined its provisions, pre vtde for printing lb !, fS and 15 bills ia the future with blank space on lb face. These bill, of course, are lo pan from band to hand before tb blank ar oiled. When it ia desired to send on ia the mail the blank ar filled in with the name of the payee, bis city and state, and a 2-ceat sump is to be placed in another blank spar snd cancelled with ths initiala of the Bender in ink, the name of lb sender to be written oa the bark, and the money haa ceased to exist a currency, and ba been changed into a cheek oa tb United Slate gov ernment, basing all the eaiety ot a bank check, and ready for ensiocure in hi letter. When the payee receive this check he treat it fust the same aa be would any other check indorse it, sjoe to tb Bravest bank or paatomc and de posit it or cashes it. The paid check finallv reacbe the treasury department, whea it ia replaced by a aew one, with spaces unfilled. Thi keep the circulation at par. No change whatever. I made In the financial policy at the government, the oniy change be ing in the character ot tne printing on the bill of IA and under. Tbe bill also provide for the issue of 75,000,000 of fractional currency with black places similar to ths larrer denom ination, preeuaiaMy JU and tsa rxiia. Tne provision under the aew system tor a continual reiatne insure clean money, both in the fractional currency and in the larrer billa. The government fee on th , 10, 16, 26 and W cent piece i lo be I cent each. The new currency would be each great convenience for all desiring to end money by mail that It ta thought it will be adopted ia a short time. r70riXAa TMbwlailtMtBx All kind of commercial job printing executed at tat office. Went Follow Advice After Paying for It. In a recent article a prominent phys ician says, "It is next to iaipoasibl for the physician to get his patient to carry oat any prescribed course of hygiene or diet to tbe mall est extent; be das but on resort left, namely, the drug treat- meat." Wbea medicine are used for chronic coastipaiioa. tbe most mild and gentle obtainable, such ss Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their a i aot followed by constipation a they leave tbe bowel in a natural and neaiiny condition, rce rale st the St. Helena Pharmacy. ITOniA,. f ia taw tj i Weekly We furnish Tub Mist and Oregon tan for 12.00 a year. The Jennings-Spauldins; Company, of n esiport, ran a survey into iiwir uw K .k;t. i. M l -,.u .1M and find tbst from tb Weatport slough to tb (ummit, a distance of 2t mile, the heaviest grade ia 8 per cent. This Srsde is maintained for oniy few bun red feet, tbe average grade being only 4 tier cent, a cut of forty-seven feet being necessary in one place. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tli Kki Yea Ran Ahrajs Bcsgbt Bears toe Blgnetwr of Repabiieaa Platror la ItrUf. 1. Declare la favor of tb United State remaining in tb Philippine. Z. Favor Koosereit position on Ut Anavail Lrsa t i sit a. fa) . In favor of Chines axcltuioa bill BtAaaT Iwfrtstak III 1 1 1 1 Bi 4. la favor of protection policy of 6. fa' favor of tb right of labor to organise; ia favor of a departuieoi labor, it bead to b a member of the 0. In fa ear of putting all atate offi cers on a salary, 7. Ia favor of a state mining bureau. ft. In favor of tbe national gowra ment undertaking the irrigation of arid lands, , . In favor ot opening up tb Colom- Ki. ri in nsvtirstioa. 10. In favor ol lb Improvement of coast nsroors. , ,. U Opposed to leasing tb public domain. 13. In favor of fostering tb fisheries Interest. 13. lo favor of oleomargarine bill nrtsr tMndine. 14. Ia favor of the Initiative and ref erendum, reeommsnding tb adoption of the rewdniioa. 15. Ad Droves tb primary law. and recommend Its tension throughout the elate. 14. Favor electing senator by popu lar vote. 17. Ia favor of making Crater tax national nark. 18 In favor of pensioning Indian war veterans. TITOS. TALBOT WOlnuUistaewsssael IBM alia Miuwin slatss: Monday and Tuesday at Pat Hughes" place, Deer Island; Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday at Hocllon ; Saturday and bunday at bcappooee. DCsCntTION Tkoa. Talbot Is Irs rears M. la. wilk stack sum sad tail s4 wall tavt sa Boas: wcMtks OW ItM) soaada; IA1 kasda klsh. rd T " al lies Drew, bj Oar W ilfcsa; mm Mr4 !; rne- auat I a. ay AitaaMeu (rsaa aaa sy humb. TCRHS O CfrVtcg Sinxle service. ttO: season. 115. one- half at time of aenrir, balance at end of ; insurance, AJ. V. WtUT, O W. t. c. uttitttr. TafA PROFESSIOXAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT- L.i IT. OSes wilk k. X. (taiek. ST. BILES. : ; OKSOOIt. Will (It Baal ssnawal atteaUM as all Wfsl matters enuaawa to is, w ill sraeties la ail las stats sad t DM Blaise fswrts. W. H. POWELL, ATTORXE Y- A T- LA W. Dxrvrr msTBict arroBacT. ST. BEUESs, : OBJtOOS. R. P. Gbshabt. T. J. Clsctob Attomejs-at-Law. SOS Marttisa Botldiaw, rsnlaad Oraawa. CorasiMa Coasts basiasas will nealrs Broasst FOR SALE. IMGHT HEAD OF JKRgCT BIUCH COWS. J Aepty tu Ww. Holai(4e, Rainlvr. Omoo. MCCTING NOTICE. IIOCLTOK CAMP, WOODMEN OF a a ma wona. meata averv BUaMa alrlit 1 Ferry kail. B snliun. O. Boumoii. C. C. Fast fum, Clerk. CATTLE FOR SALE. THREE FB.E4H HEIFEK8 WITH CALVES; lo eom asd caw Belter snoa to eoiae la: o Tcarttna atacra. A U la SDO eoadlUoa. V. Warkwisk. Csnea Valley, bs aUla aasth of r-ri. aeaoot-Bome. BUlNGLEia FOB BAJUK. DiTorr a ows, shikgle MtxrFAC- tsrsra. of Valler. Or., are Mtand in man. Sly Use total deswod with ss sosd quality of abiottaa aa or saaaalactared. and si srieata aa low as atBer deaiera, deiirerad at Haoltoa. War ren. umasiDia tier or at Heleaa. A(k2raa w am te j. vasoat e Bona, vauay, or. iOMMsTUTors tome. fOWHOM TT MAT COftCEK: TOIT WILL M. Bieaa lass aatiee, mat Ul Homii rsiiway sre penetrating the forests from nearly a half a doxen points on the river front. Large ma o u Carta ring plants are cither in operation or in course ot erec uoo. Favorable sires are being exam ined and Darrbaard. and the whole air seem pernBeated with the breath of ia duetry end eooiBeTcii thrift. And what sect low more richly deserve this promotion from letharry to throbbing, restless activity than our owacoonty? Tbe dy of drowsy sleep are peat; the stimulant baa been Administered; let tbe renewed life bsve foil scope. x.TaTB toe rerMana aave sens trver a renresenutire to (tody American meth joim, especially in the nee of agrieuiturai and other machinery. Uncle Sam leads the grand march and is cheerfully ready ia friiow to tbe rest of tbe world. for all throat and lung diseases. Guar anteed bottle SOe and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at the St. Helens pharmacy, What Tbia Folk He4 I a greater power of digesting and ansimiuuing food. For them Dr. King' New Life Pills work wonder. They tone and regulate tbe digestive organs, gently expel all poisons from the y tem, enrich ths blood, ire prove appetite snd make healthy flesh. Only 26c at lb St. Helen Fharinsry. Sciatic Rheaaaattsoa Cared After Foarteew Tear of BatTerlna;. I hare been afflicted with eeialie rheumatism for fourteen Tears." aav Josh Edgar, of Germantnwa, Cat. "I wa able to be around, but cotMRantlv suffered. I tried everything I could bear of sad at last wa told to try Chamberlain's Paia Balm, which I did and wa immediately relieved and fa a abort time cared, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Why not this liniment snd ret well? It i for sale at the St, Helena Pharmacy. Res sea Sears Kate. John gefferL. of Deer Island, waa bare last Saturday. Lindley Meeker, of Houltcn. was here few day ago. William Rose, of Hut. is visitine- in ws vicinity wis weex. Mrs. Koble visited friends in Kslama tbe latter part of last week. Tbe Sorthern Pacific pet in tbe creas ing agaia or tne uooie rosd. . H. Hopkins, of Rainier, i now rat ting wood for Farr Bros., at Neer City. A. Meyer, of Portland, cams down oa Friday of last week to look after thiag oa hi farm. 1. H. Collins and wife, of St Helens, were tbe guests of T. C. Walla sad wife last Sunday. School began la district 20 Monday morning with Mrs. i. 11. Collins, of tit. Helens, teacher. Coast? Cn oi Colaabta Cosuujr. la tk Mate si urecoB, asa ayawout tn sadertrad Um adatsiatralar of Ua aataiaof Mlekaa! J. Caiuv deceased. All neraoD karinc etauaa asainat lacs aBoukl sraweat then, with ts Brofwr vvoelMra, Bitkls at asontki Iron the saia aereoi. to ia aaMrMfM adaUBiauaior, at the law oBVe ot s. H. bruter. lutkseltral St- Hl. Is 'ol ti mbta Coaatr. ia said But ol Orecoa. bstad at at Mtliai, Oreyno. thia April Adntinutrauie. V H- Crakcr. Es.. at-oraey for AdsilaiaUstar. torice rot etituamt. Department of Ut Interior. Lead Oate at Oresoa tilt. Or.. April Mtk. ma XTOTfCW 19 BIREST OrVES THAT THE ' toltowmf -aamed aet'ler kas tied Sottas of kla iBteatioa to saaSs flaal roff ia aasimtt of kla timim. sad tkat aald proof will oa aad bs- wre us svuaav ui teraiasr. at urasoa utr, OreroB, Jassttk. WW, vis: ALBKkl THIVIEKOE, H. E tWM. tor IB a4attoa , 14 a. r I v. H aaaaaa tk lollowloit wltacaac toprovskla eoatiiiBOBa reatdears upon ssd esltltidtoa al said Issd. via: A. O. Hotrkkiaa.. Borea Jspper aes, Artkar Baeaa, Ckarti Babes, all ol Bv COBS. Onrco. tHA. B. MOOitEH, acarlatw. letJew to BalMlag Catracter. SEALED Bine WILL BE KECETTED AT THE oftc of tk ackool clerk of dialriet Ka. X?. ta Coiuaabia Cosoty. Orrtw). st kla Borne, aeaea niica iroas uooie. up ioi jd ia ibs ansraooa ol Monday, May IMa, lsl, for Iks sranios of a ly ivtl In la aald dinet So. xy, la seeord- anoa silk alas and sceeitaattoos soar oa at kibttkta at IBs oftw of aaid sekool etsrk. All Blda Butat o aeeotapasied by a oeruaed ebeek la a aaw oqoal 10 ua 1 Is) per erst f kid oa BUltdlst eoetoleted. aald rkark b b for leitad la said aekooi dirfrlet No a; ta can lbs loseat or arxrMad bidder lalia loajaatlfy wilk a rood sad nAam bood vltfcla lea (IS) dart alter award I as of tk coatrset Tk rukt ia lect aa f or all kida la kereby reaerred. By order of lbs board ol srboot directors of school district lie. 7, April IS, isut Cats. KStTIBB. Goruaa A a li a as. Attest: F. A. Bccbzs. Duiaet ClerK. aisotlt j I. W. DAT W. B. DtLLAID DILL1RD 4 DAY, ATTORXE YS-.1T-JL1 V Oste asxt djaor lo Cnajrihoas. ST. H USJi. OKEUoH. Oensral oractlre la cnana of Orasos ar Wsaa- iBrtaa. AMaracis Biads directly frsat county iwwma. Dr. Edwin Boss, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON". Dr.H.R.aiff, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELEN'S, OREGON. Dr.J.E.Hall Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Dr. a L.Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VEKNOMA, OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lean Portlaad oa Taeaday, Tksrsdsy sad tat srday at I a. at. lor ft ". fa.. CUTmtr Wef, ttimhe mat fsas, Arrlvlnsst Fortlaod Monday, Wsd Baaday sad Fndar Has. Wkarl loot of kabaoa Bt H. HaLMAH. Aasat Oriental Hotel XCBB Iuibut, Fao. TABLE BOARD ANO ROOMS A Rsasobabui F tot' ax. Vial tor met at steamer laadl and roaata' baa- COMMElCIAl MCir I8ME. ST. HEINS, j : OREGON, ESTABUSHEO 1BTX. JOHN A. BECK DEALM IX lalciies, Diamonds, Silienarc, ....JEWELRY..,. Repairing a SpecMtjr, S Morrissa at Bt Frsat A Fin. FORTLAKD. Y1 in 1 Actctl lYrpaMtiofl filf A- slmaaiin(5 fherocxJandUctfula-trittSaJfflflfiaaralllsot Promotes DijtlorUOieerfut itrss and Rr .Cwitains ndUw lrBn.Marthrrvi nor Mincxai KotNakcotic. ytmsAia W- A JM e I la. I "m'?iVV j Aperlrd nVmedy for Co lips no n. Sour Sto5riLDiatrhcB Worms jlormibajoa Jevm s h ttfM caid Loss OF SLEEP. racSnaaw Signahw et WW YORK. EXACT COPT OF wWABfC". mm V i ! r t m aa fa at Q rorTnftTitgTircl-in3rfti. Th3 Kind Yea I!av3 Ahvays.-Boaght Bears tho Sigrmtxtro of M AW In Dso For Over Thirty Years iR tll t II till 181 OiiMUlLMf,. JMt "Was Qmmmmm1mr mmTtNt Q0m Q0i Stanwood & Sherman Bros. aaFFACTvata or- Lumber Bridge Ttmfecrs ani Ties a Specialty. W BMnabvrrar tM-staas mark tawksr bw ail Bsrooaaa lot uw trans, SBaca era Wlui aaoat nawuaatila bsbt. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. TASRTOM.OBEGOM. r. , MOYsa. t. a. wllacs. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallacb a M ut is, Paors., Is Again Open to the Public. Meal Served on Short Notice. ISeds Oau, Meal Oats. ruo bash in coxamwit. mssts TO BAY 10 CiJITS. St. HxtSBt, t Oasooa. 00W1-C00ITT PEOPII SHOULD OO TO TMt Glatskanie Drug Store roa TBEta Drugs and Medicines caoict Toilet Articles and Perfaaerj Br. J. C tiLt, raftv CLATEna : Obsoox. rWfrwrwV1rwTr1 MEAT I MEAT! MEATI -at Tas- City Market St. UsutB. Oasooa iiaosAY a siTex, Piort. It Fresh and Salt Meat r-- City trail, taxing camp, tVoua boat snd railroad camp supplied. oantsa nixaa oa smost rotice. Jl STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER H RAILROAD COMPANY. OAM.V. r. a. J Of I M M W bt i l n 1 as M i M ) I TATII A-B. M I is v ; u m Ut; M .! M W tt : I 4 i m a mi M SI 7Ti HKBt 11 m ii it . it as v s Owl Saloon MIX BOTH US. FSOPBIITCSS Oaly lb boat f L:;::nsiiCiaTE;tiaE: CYRUS KOBLE Asd etasr BoMtlar braad st wklasM sisaialaawra. WEINHARD'S BEER a drsatbt "Tfim Onwtmi" P'toor win vbuuiii vigaio. i All lbs Ulsat saw.parmaod stksr yay f istsr pertaucaia. i FOI rOITUXI BAILT Steamer Iraldi C I. tfkkiri sTrsA RAILROAD TIME. Lsstss lUlalsr dally (eaeaet BaodaTlWr iaad. at A. a. fmiuai fraaa Bt Hem Batarsln. last a Fanlsad at I' a, airltlBf at at Hslsaa at Pasnuers ut Fast FreilL PORTLAND UNDINO, TAYLOR ST L Fsnlaad Aril" is ... uvoia .... .. Rainier . . .. Prtsistd... .. Marrar ... .. ilaiaey . Claukasts.. . Marahlaad.. . Weataorl... ...Clillos ...EaaDps..j . Meoaon....! .loha liae. . .i Air AMana .L All trains auks etnaa m,i. f Koa'a raetae Iralaa to and Irnatba . . . Finta. At Ponlsad vtu all trains lesain t'awa dsmt . . "'at aad rail Mo is and (rust II wacnaad Kortk Baaefc poiaiaT e0BVfBWMnV iof AMortfi or ar a w wl b m 0ea.Paas.Asv.Aawrla.Or fcfZ aaaaer t s tlAILV. hi HE M I " 1 1 3 WW IE l n fti tm im el is M 3 ej iwM H Jll't 1 17 tiftl in ittin I m iniftl jjm ' ! v4 M El r rvMITa.A, A1LT. -TfABI- "America,, WillaEett SlongS Honte r f Leave St. Helen. ... 1:90 A M Arriv at Portland. .10:911 A M Leave Portland 1.90 PM Arriv at St. Helens. 6 00 P M VAatB M CBflTS. Will Carry Kolhin but Psaasn rert ad Fast FratsbL JABIBa OMat, Etaslar. f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dapsrtaiest at Ik loMrior. NOTAST Pt'SLaC. COBVtYABCtBO. J. B. GODFREY, Nones n berebt orvck that tub folloarina-aaaeed aettlst fcaa Slad aola of ker lBInuoo to aaaka Anal Drool la anoonrt of kor ciaiai. awl thai aaid proof anil b nad be- i ' sore in i m o i j viers oi votombis imaiT, at at Hsieaa, Oraeoa. oa iuas Itib. IMS, tu: MAB1E GRACE PETTIJOHM. Fomerly Marl Crses Farosy, dsurkur of ana ranter, aeeeaaea. aoascsteaa entry ho. WATTS & PRICE l:iwwmwmmwmTO'mw!!f!!ynf!l H jat received a Urge Invoice of 3 I Summer Goods, Shoes, 1wia.iOt in AtlMU AJalUltb lUtt aaitAbl ".."" V P " ' cf Atstncts. . ST. HELENS, - OREGON. Boa aamaa lba Siioarinv - m T kereoatiauoaa raidBc soon, and ealtivaiios I ot au land, tu: K. U. McVatt of Portland, i Oregoa. aod W C Rirbmaa. O. H. anus asd M . ) oCSPlXXOSe. J. Jokaaoa. of KaaaaT. Utwia. i a atjU CHA. B. atuQBE.4. Reffater. OUR SPECIALTIES Hard Wheat Flour, Shorts and Bra We can save you money. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. ; Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helena, Oregon. IttiittJUJIIillil