Peculiar To Itself In what it i and what it doe cnw taii-i". the best blood-pnrifjinj;, t a-lwativ-r and tonic Stthstancraa&d j c STsTiiiif the KKt radical and ttsartent cur of all humors am tall' eruptions, rclieriE, weak, tired, l.i!u-u?4 feliti2 and building t f the wbiS Tssenj is true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla v. ,s .; :,. aatbrtfaa. a thaatte eargr Bad a iw tto other median Ism doiw eo Jw c, bobaJ. sapreate luacb. real, tBiJwUaiial fOXM, no ewMeatpt tar tight, jostle nd bo other medicio has restored heaUh ! saaaity. Bla waa the plotting that en atnl trengtb at ao iiu'e ; UnJ Ureal Britain ami tbe Boers la -I aa unM exa arrafaia aa raw eeer ' the- nwrtltea straggle which to lror- a jaD tata A--r s-ia taa IMM g4l.'awt lca.4 m trail, aita a xa J Bin t kK,ii I w.U ate Hitilitm.' ess A. a.ianv. a Mr. Bisk Seaiething queer abool Eiffkma. lie ha neve cskw nientiooed hut aiie. !ra. Binka Frhaps ha faa't aw tied. ' - Mr. Pick Oh, ye, be is. Ha wear col three pair of shoes a Bteath trvtstg to sava car tara. Saw York Weekly. Tat Ftwa af tan nana Toe celt ton bad rrabd the kistri wm perkd in his career, aaai waa in ttaieag ia a jawtlia aditkia of "Cacla T.-ca" Catwa.' awcaer'a tfrawisg room vaa ccvrtei iaa a tiimanrary tiMter, ait-d with a T9w, peril pa, of pltricg aalr to fzctssi aaiiaaraa. th if Bcciee was poCd yrr tb dx: "LaJxa and feet'emea iKier IS Tvri cut ctnsw ia ; Ukvw that am aot aoc." Sew York EtcbIbc Pott. acroM si took toh.i-j i x hy wjr Mri tor a So wnVe ocr egteeawd friend, Mr. ; Fraak C&aoibert, td Eoioett M , Cbuwkk: "Yot over two yr I md iemi (jmcim irotn uviigntiaa. ai ba caiue tvdaxtJ to a mere (badcrw ol mf . ctaiaart tiL I -wockl retara fcoma frota bst boriaeM feeiisg to faiat that I rcoud krji drag cs te; after tie other; bt df wi'e did all aba poa bir rv-cl.1 to tespt B wha daiatr djjvh, and as I ecterntl tha boate I emStii aoi tbc$tt: "Oi, bow jocd; I kauw I caa eat that. ' Bst aiaa! bo ' (oner had I eatea a few Bsoaihfol, ' abea 1 feit ka; arrere paias iho throob bit beet and ahoalder eiadae, bit e;ea ia aed ererthiag taeawd b-t- I becaaia aiteraatesT fcot aad raid, mad fct cp front awca a daiatr diaaer baartiiy aica o lirirx, aad feei icg I waa a trial to everybody. I blt oeatka ttat I waaalaa Terr modi irwifcloi witb a acair Aim, aad oftaa boila. Bet ob ereaiag 1 wetietd mf i:e seeasea mare !ermi usaa ascai. I gatauoocd ha tai foaad abe bal beta rtiij a patEf-ttet aba bad re (iTei, of Ka aSkteti jatt aa I wa. aai mho bad be-ea esred bj VcewJer't Conif:tsl. fttki J.e, 'What fire so aaore titb ia it ia tbat it ia S3a4e from tbe foR&da ii aa easioeat pbrskiaa bow is active pntetkw ia the West a4 ef Los-i-.-o . to I aat tore it it no qsadk tiia?. AU risXt, dear, let'a bara a botie, (aid I- After takiag tie oa teata ct the rt bottle I feit Tery asaca better, aaJ detenBioed t give tbis reaeiT a fair trial, aad I raa jitire lj ashore rca tiat a lew botllea tin usade a new asaa ol me- I eaa aieep weii, eat aarthics aad tfaoraigbiT ea s3T hfe. I kaw tod arreral of ate frwads, a bom I knew were to2ericj it taaa as aareif, aad they all wiaa ma to tar tbat Iter are iite sew aiea. I tiarereij bleea tba great pfcrsiriia whagaw yew thm forasaia of Yefer'a Coraure Ccmpocad, aad alaa pmr- arlrea t-r mat rg its Tirtaea kaowa ta a cnErring paHjc." Tba proprietors ' (aest Jacobs On, Lbi. Buamsxm, will tend, a taaspSa fiea to any oaa snucg to &ejB. Tbere is always roasa at tbe too, aud the Goed Ai'iser. "iadeed, yes. answered tba Vafor taaata Ferjt 0. "bat- tba eiaeator a aot a) ways raaaiaf. . L a. fat L.iuLa WwlilO auJ Sbeaatttse paiss are tbe cries ad protest adatreaifatarxedasascIes,rM3) isasirsciaerTca. Tbebiaodbas area txnaonra bt xae f"" m-i, tira at 1 J waste sutur ia tbe sysem, aad iit tood tier rejie. Tbe wbsicentess J5,3-,; to tria Hatae Bale feels tiae erct cf this acid peasa '; and faad. Wbea critfeiaed be tamed ea aot xss2 tie tlathl has beea pwrtaed aad bia crirJca, tail tbsa to arady tbe brotsgt bank to a ferxixbr coa&aa w3 Ajaerbraa coasxitatioa aad leara bow tie acaesasi paiss case. to geeera Ireiaad. Ha believed ta a wTS-ll-&irmwt federatloa aader tbe Brttiak Sag, larJStS'i of fcaaoa . . wttb tbe BBoat Eberal frta r rsvera- oexrtneuui ; I f3EaT& 4 M feati Very ajXfW ML I vu oVc-sqLd try aaat af ramt Utc 4bc- tOCS rdl Vulft'iayt'Tm, aag. jg .Hal BMAW at MSKIV XBTXM. ft fbocuMr Iris natmp- . . , aracca. 1 imeSixri bxobusoc axa hmerr. Kitss kandai a. & a. Swfiaanact a ixamjx fcjwi1. ta j l- ana i not a mat, aad xtr I fend taknt Upm aocL'.q t m&m w X fcatehe aruaai aa evaxsut!, aa4 ati'y eooo trrw afur MMi a aw Ice te-a. at a3L a &. a. Banas f mihA n, a-mJ a a;t W irfu , aacaa am hrft . a? anaN aa iKaranf I te great vegetable parser and tococ, is ; tie idea! reasedy taal ; T-iZl!ZZi I iSCI?; oVV eTwaraaTaanm arng ; tcKriL ucfc. wfk mm mmmmmXr avrfarr: mmi nr oaotvCiijtM wm mtaeraisiaittotbaesue.aad L!;" - t f aaea lead aaraiaoaa i ad crackers that ha Cfaartered We have prepared a aparJal book as) ' Caaipaay serred to Its swoated patire. Kieomiteni wbkb everr saiferer frora I Formality bored biok aad be wwald tbts pafsl iSaease sbooii read. It is Use ' rather Bv a aaoatb ceo -leva aad rot aacat eotcpiew aad Liteiewiag book of tariesa la a native kraal wttb aa eld fayaf. " t. the g,vera- tax mmi ms0K e. ariAaia, as. to..-3S..J oki t..ii rv.a I v.ji StfrrijL Xmtum I IB s r ff..arrt"". J" '" TrT7TnTr''; " ' J j8- AN UNCROWNED KIXG. CECIL RHODES. EMPIRE BUILDER ' OF COUTH AFCA. ; WFaa Om of the ll IbMwM tkanctm Mace tha OT a ia lata Mat Groat k)mHaU ui Bt Oiwtw AaaMtiea. Nat sinew tha daya of Sapoieoa baa ?t"Uaiio ace Sacter aa CwcO sack a masterful char Rhode, tbe empire I V was abe dfrected tbe Jaawwa rail Both were la Mae wtta k a aatbittoa w ereate a ewafederate Sotb Africa aader tbe Brttis tSac and et tkta aew cvasawaweaUb be waa te be tbe bead. Rbodea waa tbe u f aa Eas!b rertor aad weat to Sootb Afrka a qaarter of a ca;arr age for tbe benefit of bia beaUa. Hia beahb waa reateced a ad be atade atoaeT at tbe Kiaibertjr 'diaxaoed aaiaea, aliiraaterr cotcbiaias : all tbe varied and wamag lateeena aadrr tbe title of tbe IV tterrt Mlaias OonjatT. f beh be becaane Freai- deat, la 1"' be betaate priate a:n r ter of Cape Cemj aad tbea be eav barked a bfs nrbeote ef eosttaest. He ; fortaed tbe Bri:b Sootb Afrn-aa Cooa ' (tif. a tradiaf aad expteriac eoarera, wbVb waa permitted aa abaoSatel :free baad ia Seatb Afrka. Rbds raised tbe err of Africa toe tie Afrt . kaadera. wbicb (alsed Dntcb sspirt, ',wbile his arawed dXermisa'kw to ' paiat all of Sv:a A fries a Brttisb red appead to aad fired tbe Bris-sh Imsg llaaUoa. He prop-ted tie Cape to Cairo Railroad and crept rwsad tbe Vutck States of Sootb Africa. bna 'bia way asrtbward aa preeaiptiBj iragne aftT' kwgae of fertile soil His aabliera atreaated tbroarb Becbaaaa- ktad. wbi-b ba practinSy wrted from tbe Beera. He aeixed fasboao iaad. Ha Eafb'ne gUB piled tbe pialaa of Matabeleiaad b'.b wtb avad aalirea aal t-y staiTar arpiiuea;a wtb rr proTiactat. tbe wbofe be:C b ia daded aa5er tbe (eaeral terat Rbo- deaia. eaasse aader tbe away cf tbe chartered ecs$aay. wbkb was ideetl- cal witb Rbodea. AsilMtioa. : It ia prutetMe (bat at tbe bfiaa:af : Rbtxfea coaeeJred !j of a BritUb Sootb Africaa empire. Bat hia acbi ttoa grew aad wbea tbe Cape to Cain Bail road waa projected bia new em braced aa eccsire erteodicx frooi tbe bfedlterraaeaa sea to tbe Cape of Uood ; Hdpe. eniturariag tde fatada af tbe rbaruaha. tba terrftory of tbe Mabdl, ; tbe almost, vatxphnred rexaa ta wbkb (tbe -Je baa its anay awrcn aad ea own beytd tbe great lakes and aoaaa tbe Tetdt ta Table Bay. where tbe warships of Great Brttaja rag at tbetr aarbora. Truly a NapoieoaJe esa- eeprjoa aad a NspoAfcaV tast. . : Aa eaid, tba iafaosoca Jaiceaoa raid - aad tba war wtti tbe Boers were la ifartberaaee of hia darisg arbetae. TTbea tbe Boers wtra ssbdaed tbea Rbodes waald resaaae bis empire baihl 'tag wtcbaat apiposttioa. Bat be baa died too tooa. I Rbodes waa eoorasoosly wesltiy be fore tbe Boer war, and sitboegb bia ia amata aaffered as a eaoaetraeare of tbat atraggSa be to rredlted with bar tog Irft a fartaae afprsntjnatxBg SXOO,- . KW.'Xia Bst be BCTer stbt wraith ' - ar ttseif. He waa eoretoaa of tbe power tbat wtatob gjres aad be was geaenwa wrtb bia awaey. Once be abecked FpyHnd darlog tbe beat of tba Laad Leagve agftadca by eoetrsb- Bsent za eaca eeparsie ewte, aaa taw bia base rate prar&rlries were aataral aad faerftabie. He waa a great ad asirer af tbe raited States. Ita tsa- ' aaeaslty aad acetaa attracted aiaa. 1 Bbodea was aUcple bt .bia taatea. If ttrjiy smoeg kings, be was also a farmer aaaseg faraaera. and ameag tbe ;Capa Dateb aad Boers sorb a a&eta- auae ta tbe beans aad rotes of tbat people. Wbta be waa ia tbe Cape Psrlia aaeat, Mr. Bbodea were a bat which waa aa ababby tbat it becaaie tbe aab- Jert af Bewspaper tepottaaea. Wbea eat suit of tixbiag ia his wardrobe, aad foQewed tbe babita of tbe pWaeers who were settfiag tbe rocatry. He alept la a aattv kraal wbea aot near . t Bbodea waa loo atroog la ebaraeter 'to stoop ta a lie. He aboaidered tbe i roJ rrepoasiLuiry for tbe Jameaoa raid. I aad wbea bia frteoda asked biai to be ' discreet aad rsarded las kis atteraaeea. J be replied: "I aa aot goiag to Lie aboat Tbe eoavvrtiea aaa eeateaca et w f5kjj -C t C It. - J - PHOBt i- HaBwMMaasi Wi'OLt: TOWN . I'll-. a r'l! r I is f i . I .. i 'I' - k-sT. , Oa aad areaad a red cedar staata to gswp tbe eodre ojate popoiaiioa et tbe tawa at Via. Ssttw sad aiia&af ea tbe top af tba stitatp are W fa3 rwa awa aad ae Sttie ert. Tbere is aaopie ra ea top af tasa ataaip for all tbe awa ia Kbt. bat if f-a tiere sea of tbeai w;d be ea of . It to tbMbiy larm(:K( to aote tbst tbis bare staaap is KO feet ia etrceJr eaee. ask5 it a it aawctase fr tbe tnibt redwood of Csktuea-a. Ia re a eMd idea of tbe tiaiber wwtb ia tbe mis of tbis woaderful stamp, tt at 9 stated tbst tbere a?e avaay stwape ia tbe noairj af this oae tbst are W ta "d fset ia circBerece. Vt. Jaateaua, tbe lea-ier of tbe raid, pained bla treatly aad drew fiwa btm tbia bttiej sarcasai: "tt bet a trtbote to tbe awral smi of tbe aatioa tbat bat "jumped tbe wortdr KM was never atarriedL He waa said to bare been a woa&abater. Any way be never bad ttsse or tactlaattoa for tbe soft sUe of Ufa. He waa proad. otL dariai. aadactty Itself, aad be bewed toward tbe (vol af bia amWtka wKbt a terrtac seatiawet of eitber BMyrals cr nsercy THE PRIEST ANQ THE SCHISE. S-portiaa Beaawterw Troahlea Trjia to UaoKiioa a CaarcB Careaaea. Oae of tbe eaost aataaiag tbiags tbat I bare aoticed ia tbe cwadoct of newspaper."' caal a proaaiBeat Komaa CataoOc clergy asaa of tbia 4iorese la tailing with a Saaday later Ocean re pertrr tbe o(ber day, "la tbe absolate tgaoraaxv of oar cborcb asattera tbat tbe arerase reporter 4etaiied to write vt tbea exbtbtta. One woald stsFpooe tbat tbe papers weald seiett ora for sack dstbaa who were qoali&i for tbe work by re&see at beisg asenibers of tbe cbareh, ar who at least bad sack a general stare of lafonaaaa aa to enable ibeta to approaeb tbeir assiga BKSt witb tbe apirtt of iBteSlprBce. Tba rererae aretca, however, ta be tbe rate. mm IscpeHed to asaks tbia crizkism by aa ezpcrleaK tbat I bad at tbe Holy Xante Cttbedral a sbun Uiae ago. Tbere waa aa Imposing cborcb cere awaJai to take place ia which I was to take part witb scores of etber priests of tbe arrbdioeeae. A abort tiaae be fore tbe services were ta begia a re porter fur ea of tbe papers caste Bp to tbe parisb-boose for iaformatioe, aad. sec'ias eie tbere. asked sa to teU tiaa to adraace jsst what was going to be deae. I sat dowa aad be paired oot bis pad of paper aad began to take aotea. Ia aty descript&B of tbe cere ewaies I caeatfened tbe acolytes, lit stef-ped bia writiag aad looked ep at ate witb a psxxkd expressioa. -Hjsw do yoa sa tbat? be aie. I tsAi bias aad be pat it 4vi Tbea be kcked o& agaia aad asked; -"Sty. what are acolyte. anybowT -Brtefiy. I teSd bia wbat aeolytes are. aad tbea weat oa with fuy dear Tip tkm of tbe cereawaira. ta doiaj so I BJeaticoeit tbat &e brotbera were to take a certain pan. Again tbe rwjwcter knked Bp and asked: - Say. w feat brrlwr T "I gave b-nt a brief expiaaatioa ef tbe brothers, aad be took it til la. When I bad eoacia&td be fired aabt queska at aae: " ay. w bit's tbe dlffereare between tb brwtbera ajd the prsestsT "It was new asy tarn to ask qoea tkwA. aai I did ao. 'What to tbia, aay bow A tS"wtSicJl cSasaT I i&HJTed Wbat kind of work do yoa do tvr rtror paper, ysar man? Uirse racrs - -Mostly spoPtiag, be answered, aot ta tbe feast abas'-jed. ' I eevr tatSed a propoitaB Eke tbia lf--'re. and tt is Joat ao Brack Greek ta ate. porriag aewa to pretty doil Just bow. a tbey neat Be oot oa tbis.' "He waa so fraak atxm tbe atatter aad reailaed bia own Slxltaticcs so well tbat I cottUa't feel aagry wh bim. and actttaSy bad to laJ at b bewlMered air with wbkb be ' ap-priMK-bed tbe whole asarter. I Sxed bint op aa well as I co-ail. Vm never bad tbe coarage to hsok at tbe- report tbat aia paper prtaahd." Cbiraga la:er Ocean, OWNS THE LARGEST FARM. W i ad erf a I Kecoeoa of Tkia Tear'a Work at Tarbaa, Ma rsrM Baakla of Tariso. Msu ewm tbe torgeat CBltivated tract t Lt4 is tbe warid. To tbose who bave never visited a large ranch tba methods nec essary ta curry e tbe vast aaaottct f work woald. seen a great proWem. Mr.' Baakia owns fvKHrteea raa:bea. eoctaiaiBg r!".J acres; 7" teaaaa aad 39 aten are repaired ta operate tbe daily roatlse work la tbe besy seajoa. whlia tb cropo are aader rmitivarkn. Each ranek has aa overseet; who ia ro qaired ta ssake a nwe-tbly npnct aad to submit tbe same to h J esapteyer. Tbe reeersla f year's work tx 1S01 over aU tbe raaebes show that a total of 7.S39 head of cattle bad bees sold for SI7LX and bead of hogs for I1ILS4S, Tbe total clearance far tbe year astoosted to VWX. Tbe ex- pensea, fncimllag Interest, reacbed the torn of S9LSSL.UL Tbe atoot profitaMa ranck to tbe en looked after by Foremaa George Boss. whose yearly report eontaias tbe fol lowing statements: Saaiber of acres. XSfy. cattle. L3; net proceeda frota cattie. W4JUiJ; bogs, LZS; cask for tbe tome. 917X4 19; expense per acre, cora boogbt VKTJSi basbeto. Mr. Raokia to a close observer, aays tbe Ctarfanat Enquirer, aad sooa picks oot tbe good qualities of hia aaea. He to pleasant asul atccomsaodatiag. daring and energrtfe. wbick qualities have won for km tb wealth be soar eota atanda,. Bestdea bis fanes be baa aa interest ta several banking concerns, bat to these totter be gives little atteo tiea. aad spends bum of kis tim r(J txg over tbe rancbea to are tbat proper to being given the stock. ON ONE STIM?, times be tend a helping band ta pail- f lag a steer front tbe mad; agala ba wiU j assist ta baUdisg a abed for the fat-; teaed bogs. i A Diptoaaatie W ait i a as. ' ' -Jack Umber, of tba Fikw Stock Company, to very fond of ages, and wbea tba prod acts of tbo todastrleua ben wera soaring bigber tbaa 'ortb era I"sc;3c stock, be entered a certala popaiar-priced restaaraat aad ordered tome of tbeot botSed. Tbe waitress wished to laforta hint tbat tba prices a eggs bad been raised, and as a pro - Uratnary remarked: . "Dm yon want tbeta Tory badr "I ratber tblak not. said Usber. "I aboaid prefer mla. fmb. If tt". aa tbe tana to ya. Tbe waias attempted ta explain aad Usaderrd the second lima, "I nteaa do yoa want tbea tba worst wayr she flaersed. blaber became angry. "Say. do yea tblak rm a fcarastonaing Hamlet or ta antiquarian oa bea fnsit J Wbat 1 want to sots median boUed eggs, and e qx&ck. about It." Tbe waitress angered tba labia ctoth tad tii&Aiiy reavarked: "If It's aa tbe same, wouldn't yon rat-ser bavo tbem poached? -Wbyr asked tlabar. "Weil, yon see." responded tba wait ress, gx are so high now and tba dealers are ao anacropalooa that we find tbat it saves argastent witb oar mstoaters If tbe cook opens tbea ta tie kitchen." j W!tbot a word Mater aetoed bis bat and Sed ln:o tbe open air Ciocinoad Enqairer. . W hers Mea Kat to fAvw, "Tbe Trappast Monks eunskler eat- lug to be a necessary era." aays Joha Bail 0irae la Uppiacott s March ' Mngaxiae. "and cortait it to each a de gree tbat one step f artier wvokl ba soicSde. Dltttter. ta which scarcely tt miast is devoted, consists of a raesa of vegetables boiled ta water wit bout batter or aatt aad nerved in a crade earthenware bowl, a tik or two ef rye tre-a J wttboot batter, and a mag of saiik or water as a beverage. Cop per to tbe barest apotocy for a meal, i being nocking more tbaa bread and ! water. Tbe goest-i&aster did nut t&en- tkn breakfast; If titers be sorb a meal. it pre&nuiy consists merely of a gia ' tt water. A Lgit raiaxatioa of tbia . ilwtary is alto wed ta invalids, who t may bave two rgg day, while oa ; extraordiisary eocaijc.ts, sarb as a fa- aeral fea la btir of a departed friar, ! tbe t&ciak revel ia aa ess apiece. Tbey ; are strict vegetanaiv and n Trappist ' moat be in tbe very town of death be- $ face be wm consent ta eat went How iit be told by tbe sheriff witbia sis these poor, toilers caa exist naolb and I'll be tbere to bay. oa sack frefcie fvol surpasses my com- i prebenai(a; and yet I taw Indiviiioala . Ftw Thwea to Straws, at WestBsaiJe who bxd beea oadrg I ' "Will too kindly abow tna a hat yoa Log tbe t'.g'A regis for half n century. ' lave bereT" asited tbo visitor to tbe Tbe j at tbe teserasa, bow. ( pen. ever. wvre kxggard, sad faced and "With . ptwaimre, replied tba gavnt. aad bore no rrsembaitca ta tbe wardea, who bad ooxa worked ia a dry proverbikny sleek. 3y. rorstad swats I fxla stora; e bave a few things in ii the eiwater." ' etnjws tbat I tbi&k will intartat yoa." Tfa Mooa Kept oa gfeiaang. i A ftaw bVaaa, A certain weil kaoaa jro!ga was ! "Thie," said tbe saJesawa, banding re vioiec'iy attacked by a yooag oat another package, "to aim aa aareU aat very topadect ewaatei. To the ! aat sabatitat for e5r. It t ery surprise of every .ij, tbe beard j' ttoirmoe. . It tnakes red kiood. tim ijs-te tirccb. aacnnstoas of "iisvea't yea sometbing," aeked tba abac was said by these preoeat. aad j yuwag wooata witb tba aarringa, "tbat ssitiie s rec.L'y. wakes bias blood! tie acjotirajsetit ue cay a.4d wbea ail were asses bird at kotei here the ii,s aad aiaay of tbe coort j fsik bad their rfw!sasatp. oaa of tbe s.t.$any ai-i tbe i-aism wby bt Ld aw rHie tie topmineat f el lew. J ."Ferasit ase." said tbe i&tlca. Iced rtej:a to attract tbe attests of tbe f mtfut cwscpaay. txxag wi,ta was tbo f faarrssseef ia sear o "perns it ate la teiJ y a c? ue srry. My father, a bea saere pej-py. I may say. WoQ. tbia f , TT J Z ' . Urfe " ,ik f " j Tbe Jadge psosed. at If bo bad Sa- "Ma- -WeB, wbat of It?" exdaiawd half a ' ' d-xtva of tbe aadieaca at oace, Work of iad Ckaaate Harris, : "tk. no?b;ag-avMb.'ag. bat tbo taooa f Jd Cbn4Ser Harris, tba antbor, kept skaiog oa, Jtsst aa if notaiag had Uvea ia a littia franto eottaga ia At-bapp-ned.'" i taiiU,Ca. Ha writes inn six bt aavea "Two dollars to Forty -second street? How- far away la UT Ob If sense disease front here.' "It to. eh I t taid a cabman t wo dot tars to go socaewfceres ta Sew York wnast an be got tbere almost aa sooa aa be got tie two dtdrs Pack. . Moatabty o Maryiaa Bos see. j Investii-atioa by tbe State veterina- riaa abowa tbat: tbe h'ga death rate! tstot borsea In Marriand la diu tai cerebro-spiaal ateaisgitiA Tbe disease to tbe result of poor food, bad drainage and gera2y tsaaaitary earimunent f Cfetnese Wooiew Woefcee. Ia Saa Franctoro S7& Ckisamea are employed to factories maklsg aader wear for women aad children. Ciria are totally anaWa t compete with tbeta. j Wbea w have a kick coming, we' have noticed tbat It eoaiea froai sooie otbet' can. j M I aa so Hmw tWs Is aoaw.U S tacb la ar wbola bodf. I a weab at ate sooeb. aad baea ladUo ! somMr, aad aaloltaUua at tba bear!, I aad I an lma . Iwa h-i aad backacbaaWly biSa . aad yaa, 1 terday 1 aearir bad bystaetca i tbere ! ia a waif b ia tba bower jar of ay ! boweUbewiaff dowa aU tba tiae, aad i pats ia ay aroiaa aad ,h'h. : i ac sleep, walk or att, aad I belief ita dtwaaed all oeers no owe sear $ aared aa i dow Xbia is a desCTiptwa of tboosaada ei eases wbieb eoaw to Mr, rtabkaai 9 Uburatoryforadraee Aa iaiaated aad e-V. f J Mas. m Vouaaa, . alearated eoaditioa of tbo neck of tba wraotb eaa aeodaeo all of tbeao eyatp teosa, aad ao woasaa abowld aUow berseit w roach sack a perfection of avsery wbea tbere is absniatoly BO need of it. Tbo sabjert of owr por trait ta tbia skate. Mrs. Williams of ..' Eagtiahtoora, S.J.. baa beoa eatirely eared of aocb Ulaess aad misary by I Lydia K. Ptakbaat a VegetabJa Cosa- P0JBjI , . . u . tijJT?rlZ - eja. te -jaat as rood. Woatea wba not s rare abowld insist wpna retting I Lywia E. Piakbaai'a Veretabio Coaa- ioad wbea tbey ask tor it at a stora, f ! Tat Coifisc 'i "I bad s terrible titoe last niche A crank called at my bowse and 1 bad aa aw -nl time getticg bint to go away." "Tbreateaiag, aaa be?" f "Yes; ba threatened to ti! tna ml aboct bis espWits on tba links. A rkatawt of Tans. Tbe Popii It seemed to tr-s tbat I nat hsv practiced all of two boars. Tbe Professor Bet I'st ears yon didn't. II yon bad practiced twobonrt it would have anetsed hko ait. Pack. Sirs. Ctaley ( Boirg!y Poppcws I shook! pebiisk yoor love letters, deer? Mr. tinier Why aot simply asaka a pat-lie arkaoaledjenseat thai yoa Bar- rind a tJoi? Vfc'MHI tftt 'aHaaaCHaV Sir Artbor faliivan waa oara tba bearer of a fetter from tba Prince of W ai?. now (jtieea Alexandra, to her toother, tbo qrieea of tteewtark. Tbe latter read it aad ssid: Sb wya ia ber letter. "11 a ill teli yoo sbowt tbe Istsie ntoakey." 'I aasara your atajesty,". aid Sir Artbar, I an qatte farowraot oa tbe subject of any tookey." Tb jten, witb a iaogb, routed: "ih toesas beraeif. Wbistlt to OK Itcxka. The ancient Mexicans bad a rpecies of bttS nbkb prodored at least three note. It bad two A.-,er . boiea aad a BMMtibpiere oa tba sitio. Oaiv , TJuexn't it aiske foa tba teast bit to sea wbat eierant fnraitars Sir. Erefiv is pattisg into ber booss next door?" "5ota bit. Mr hatband tavt it Friend Why do yoa imagine tbat driak drives away yoar bowbtos? -I (Md lank Ob! I . oxtbanga oaa hal k aaotber. Safla i TratfcM fbaaark. Joba I SalHvaa has beea rorogsbed as a tratbfnl aa well as a fabling aaaa. ; " "I re Bade a monkey of toyseif agata. ba aaid tba otber day. K-r r. R- Borebam, na Aasariraa ewat, aba served wttb th. British ear. v .rmlW kr t) Wa ol InliMia l - mntm at ttW.i,e : hoars a day, toraiftg oat frees IfiQQ to : 3,0u4 words, astng a typswriter. . . A SaertWyeet Desire. '. Wra. Jonas What's boeoaM of tbat aiik mokiaw jacket yoa gaea yoar bsl)aad lor hia birthay? Mrt. cmith Ob, I bad to max that over into a (a pillow. Ha actaaiiy wanted to sit aroejn aad eaMke ia it. Jadge. taiileigb won tyoapvataaaaotbtr caxe: ?l,m wirias Really, Mr. Cad- ; tenia, yoa va aaa nanny ait ao tar. Cadleigb Tea, yoa know, h'a jnst to spite Miss Pechia. We've bad a .turret. at. r. w. . a, it taws, yaxji wrh.t aaaatrtitt "'' tttoHtflt nDo yoa nod It aa Intors-tint "?Io-Oh. vary. I'm ' gMTtb. and tbat, roaSly, I a t Ulp kipping nearly avery othar paga. Ta ft arMlra, wsai Itabtr. "Myhoshand It ilMI ,B' tbia portrait M birthday jrasoot. Thai'l very kind of him. v. t.1 a..' i know nbotit It m, w m - yet." Brooklya Life. Utai to Cawytol las. . m rrm rSB SODtXWt my daughter In tha stylo to wbkh ri to accotoBad? , ! Tba Sailor Well, I will T '( thatyesWay I dipsosed of my aoto-j Btohils, ahkh I kept to good repair tot , over two years. 1 papabrokenly)-h ia jrmn. mT boy. I, too, ooos ownea nn sow Brooklyn Ufov aakasJ!lItaaaUTI'i'l - " Too oaa, i First katkor Stackso Is rata of , berss lilUs knowtodga U a danger oaa thing. i immA ailuwIa what war? "Why, bo knows jnt anoogh of bis- j tory to anat tiua n oemg a rwM" sjovaliat.,,--BrooklyB Uio. T.kab makes a vnon itmlia'a Wizard Ihl makes nana teal young. See yoor droggtoL rsoiak Man, "KoMarkUr la dead. "rat, it was a cow pi tost oa; troahios.' "Wby, wbea I saw hint a week ago be only teemed to hare s tiigt.t cold." "That's all fig' t, I nt bo tried to take all tha rotnedas tto friead swr gattad." Philadelphia Proas. Pwo"t Care esaant ho too hit hi v sookow of as a soar curt J. W. 0 Bairns. Ki Third Ave., Mumaspoiis, hiwa, Jaa, " : to tkt laad at Dunn I. Hettv Oh, Bertha, yoa toast ahow too tbst hat yoar hasbaad aatd ha was going ta bay for yoa. Tba last Una I was bars, yoa know, ha said It ana dream. rnha And it la ettU a draan, Hetty. Tit-hit. Oaa ta awanor Staw satat afloat Foot Baa, a aaaar. it aaakot ticat or oaa aaaaa ota. Can aaaOra, Sol. eaaauas, acStag . ia Sraatat aaita, rarat aa4 aaaMaa. Alt itrna rau4Ma.K. Trial aaetkro fast a aai. tsSiaa Siiaa A Otaiueo, bt bar. kw tart. Jirasaa THd yoa sea the society hods at the Neeptioa last aigfat? ieater Yes; oaa would think they would ba afraid to sm oot to early la tha spring without wearing more protect! a against tba frost. Ohio gtata Jonraal. Ssott Oaa atoat Pay fas fUW litim nma-1 tweSt roa said aometbing or other about a chock ; Ij doa't sea any, Aatry Fatber-ia-Law Yoa blither, j tag kiiot, yoar wtta is a regalnr cbark- tmtr Kh tima aitbae of ana wants ' anything she arilsa ns a aots aat I've g- to cash it. She I want to get a necktie for fwntlesaaa. Clerk Yes, atlas: beta are ansa very pretty ones for 1 1. be O, I don't want to pay rmra than a quarter. Clerk Yea, asadam; d as yoar boo hs ad like dark or light colors? Phiia delphia Proas. Aheady, That hoy,' rsoiarkod old (tbaras. drily, after the yoalhf ol hope aad pride had beea ted off to tba rpanktnti da partarent, "baa tha bo tap of litigation very strongly deveJopad; bo to aireavly rigiroaly enraged ia contastisg tha parental will." ILtaa! CsVWNl ItwW ftlatnTMawttls Miss fasna M. Haltowwll.profcoaorof , botany for tba past 27 years nt Wslaa; ley eolleira, has hsadered ber rosigas' two. liar retirement witbdmae Iroat j tba facility ranks tha last member who served ia tha opening year of I:. , ; r SI ' iinuiitmnn n iinii.uiii i. I iiniiaaiiwaaaiaroini aa nw i,i,i.nui.i-iii"i''".'aw'"iM ; L ,...,.... . ... ... , , The Kind Yea Have Always lloaght haa born tba sis-nature) of Chan. It. Fletcher, and baa beea mala wmlcr his peraemal saperTUlon far ver iio jeor. AUow no ono to dceivej yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Jast aa gwext ar hat Experiment. ut rtHlarjr-r tha fctoalt C C-iMrelprteoc talttot. lUpwrtrntrat. What is CASTORIA Caatoria 1 harttileas aabetitote for Cjmtcr Oil. Iaxr. gwic. lropw and Hoothlnjr tiyrnpa. It ta IteAaanU U row tains neither Opium, Morphia nor other Xnrretta - Mhwtaneet. Ita aire to ila frtananteew Ik sleatroya Wrnt a4 aihtys Fereihaewft. It rtirva DiarrkKr avaMl Wind Coile. It rrtierew Tewtblair Trouble, cwr Costat I pavtatai aaut FUttlletacT. It aaaiaHtatew tha Food, rerntotea tha f-tonuarh and llowehv, fftvinc bewJthy tuxt natwrml ah p. Tba Ckiktreii'B Inaeew-Tba JJotbcr'a Fricat. Tho Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears ike Use For Over. 30 Years. PRUGSIAn ctoci: FOOD Ta Oraat CitaWiaw aat gearfc atooe. t tatw taaa Paaa, to to ara and er am, tHAi r'attaa pa Oat m ataa tats raaa, , faofcaga, 80a arvd tl.OO. tm noa cu-ooon roa arriVTitp caltxa fvsaiaB Baasav Co.. at. Paat Mian. mt-rt C.-n .a t aaaa am aeaia raw Pweaataa Broca Foot itsaj taroakaeaS aartaa. tt ataaa tan. aa trarrm. aa4 taatea tbl f' $ Jt troaa. (Dosea a aaaaa Mt Poorly? " fat twa yttf I tuffertd H,. riii !" - nb tttt dtprttaloa, aai wtt tletvt fttlint poorly. I then trisd Aytfs $sr. partus, sad I one wtek I .t t new mta." Jb McDoasU philadciphia. Pa. ' Don't forget that fi MAyert" Sarsaparilla that will male you stronj and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other llnd. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayera Sarsapa. rilla. to SteMt. MwantiSL lumw"- I'KMaaitni at ax'a. VoWa ao Ma4 aa eta a aU'S. . 4i..avaCo,LawM.nM. nara i aamrawna taaa aariaMfa tM wmr ai a la a. la- af - a ! Siiaiia fara aa awa. aari anna arwaia aa, a'a0 . tf ra laftwlaara roiaai graa an amiae rxor an . a ' t m t tlaasaari bassr. w pa art omui l nil .rr?:: i jhawaxeaaaio aaasaaae aaati teat mm t . a ajwMwaKwMA&Maa I owe rrr awa, I an f"aa ' l)l l.(iT.;2D i'birt. em f aaa Saiiiai M roar taaa va aaMa VT " Kit ara aMt .a.i anSWl ua T mjmr , i, it m ww.. tk a .4 S - r-a -. aa aat aja aW t we St mO at awwwl. ttet wlataaflN ia,t v a-iiraar s-a ana mmamtm aaaa tf ax Saat tataa, gai a m n cim vm - - -- " It - I U - luaMMt bishop scon mm . rwUaa. Units, faaadat I lBt SslssS fef trp. Wrtta tar IttattrsM CataSartt ARTtlt R C NEW ILL, Prtotlpa A'aw Yw Kemlationi nv ilea fay Curo Bats rtlkrf ftata itoane. opia aa4 tvkaow taMia, ataaaie rsruraiaiatt rl l-tti-t. Waaaw ta 4So wiiuaaa BSatCJ laaUUtl Ave., ftoiaat, Signature ef ) r-a Y I" 0 r. 'M ) awwoaat. toaaaa aVawaw Co. 1 V Sina, sawee, to i aiiia. rarUaaa,0a pff r . K I ataa Utat tt Oa ttaaaat oaiaes tttt aatartor ;es raettaaa. we,' aaa at-aoo. wat.