The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 18, 1902, Image 4

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It I commonly inherited.
Few are entirely free from it.
Pale, weak, puny children ar
afflicted with it in nine case out of
ten, and many adults suffer from it.
Common indication are bunches fa
the neck, abscesses, cutaneous erup
tions, inflamed eyelid, sore ear
rickets, catarrh, wasting, and general
debility. , -
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Eradicate it, positively and absolute
ly, Thi statement ia based on the
thousands of permanent cure tbeee
medicine hare wrought.
My daushler bad scrofula with tirrsn m
b her neck and aboot her wis. Hood's Sm
rlil was highly recommended and sb Suot
it and ni anvd. 80 t bow to good 1."
Mat J. B. Joss. Parker City, Ind.
Aa AWtiity.
' mid the friend who bad
han mxlimr "Enoch Arden." "that
yon went away out 00 a sea voyage and
came back to find that your wife bad
married another man?"
"That' an absurd proposition,"
answered Mr. Meekton. "Henrietta
would never be so careless with me as
to let me go away on a sea voyage"
Hamlin's Wizard Oil knocks the spots
off your throat when it is sore, and pre
vents diptheria, quinsy, etc
Sar te Cam Down.
Torn Yes, we had qnarreljed, but 1
was determined to see her.
Dick How did yon macaco it?
Tom When I called I told the maid
to say it was a society reporter who
wanted to see her. Philadelphia Frees.
TtT9 tmmt Hi CM So fits r uiiwianr
rllw itetMtirw" Sl'iCn s
SaTSTsv B- - u.-u riuisdrisSM. rw
The Fast ss It,
Knox We went to see the Cadleighs
last night and bad a most enjoyable
Cox The idea,! Why they osnally
fail dismally at entertaining people.
Knox Exactly. We enjoyed our
selves talking about them on the way
borne. Philadelphia Press.
. Ar Ta tTslag Alloa's reaa-Easa?
It ts the only care for Swollen. Smarting,
Snraing. Sweating Feet, Coras and Bunions.
Asa toe Alien s Foot-Ease, a powder to tm
Miaksw into tbe shoes. At all Druggists and
Wioe Stores, c Munplewnt FKK. Address
Alien a. Olmsted. Lx&oj, K. Y.
Toe Bad.
"Do yon know, Miss Fnsbie," said
the large headed young author, "my
roost brilliant thoughts come to me in
my sleep."
"It's a great pity that yon ara trou
bled with insomnia," added the young
lady. Detroit Free Press.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has an eqnal for coughs and
colds. Jons F. Botes, Trinity Springs,
Ind., Feb. 13. 1900.
Faauly Pride.
"Mr. Cumrox is only suffering from
an ordinary cold, I believe," said the
sympathetic visitor.
"Well," answered Mrs. Cumrox,
"we've done our best to keep it from
being ordinary. We've sent for the
most expensive physician ia the city."
Washington Star. .
Ths Modem Play.
"Your friend, the theatrical man
ager, baa gone abroad, I believe."
"Yes; he's gone scouring the Con
tinent for new attractions."
"Ah I The American public will get
the off-acoarings, as usual." Philadel
phia Press.
Mosewlar Sarvnass.
As the result of over-exertion and
exposure to beat and cold, or from
whatever cause, may be treated success
fully by the timely application of St.
Jacobs Oil. A thorcngh rubbing is
necessary. The Oil should be applied
vigorously for at least twenty minutes,
two or three times daily, when all pain,
soreness, stiffness will be removed in
twenty-four hours. It will also
strengthen and harden the moscles.
Football players, gymnasts and all ath
letes will find St. Jacobs Oil superior to
any other remedy for outward applica
tion, for the reason that its action is
more rapid and its effect permanent.
Thousands of people all over the world
n iu. a nA MWWimmond fit T(J l-fiK Oil (flT L
muscular soreness. A twenty-five cent !
efficacy. In cases where muscular sore- j
nea. is complicated with any disease
which requires an alterative Vogeler's !
CWireCompound should be taken, i
This prepared by the proprietors of St. j
Jacobs Oil, Baltimore, Md.. who will !
send a sample free on applicaticn. j
Luck? Weil
Brown What a lucky fellow Bobin
son is.
Jones Lucky ! I should say be was.
Why, his fiancte's birthday comes on
- Sick
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in tho fall of 1848. Since then I
have takes) it every spring a
blood purifying and nerve
strengthening medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kant.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family-medicine.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It s a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. ll.M a Mils. ansnshs.
Ask voor Sorts whs a tttfsks of Syefa
Bmpt1i. Hs tuvi sll alxra rbl, irnS
l IuoIt m,"1M fouewbisssslcesaa
W will lJ sati.Ses
J. irn lu, bsww, suss.
i i u. . i .... k . -v errr? i ,i j&z?
r Dr. Off t.mir.
1 . 1 .11
. lu Ww W"
H'!V learn to strike
whea otbera are
striking at them,
they will be let
alone. Let them
(eel our strength
and power and then
they will have a
wholesome tear of
the Jewish 6st anil
the 'Jewish kick.
The world is stirred
by accounts of the
intense sulteriuc
Da. X. a. hibsch.
amonc the women
in the camps ia Sooth Africa, herded to
gether like to many cattle by the Britun
soldiers. I have Do doobt that the suffer
laf is intense and the hearts of ths civ
ilised people are justly touched by the
stories of whit they bare to endure. But
the condition of the Jews In Russia is
worse than the worst of the suffering in
South Africa, and yet from one eud to
tae otber of this big world not a vote
in their behalf is raised or heard. Not
one single voire speak ia behalf of
7.WU,tM of Jews. This is a sad com
mentary on the boast of progress snd civ
But I ran fully understand it they are
Jews. What matter if they suffer? What
concern is it of ours? They hare ao snns
to back them; no armored ships t fight
for them; they are only Jew. They hare
offered for eighteen centuries; let their
suffering so on.
This ia a condition of affairs which
calls to hesven for justice and not char
ity. 1 agree with yon Zionists thst if
these Jews feel they have no country
they are justified in trying to establish
one. What place can they call their
awn? They must do military service in
Russia, and then the Csar says they sre
a source of danger to the country. They
sre forced to pay blood taxes. I can un
derstand that the country of their fathers
spells "hope;" Palestine meaae redemp
tion: it makes their hearts feel lighter.
I csa understand why they cherish a plan
which teems to mean freedom, justice,
manhood and liberty for their descend
ants. I agree with yon that if it were
possible to emigrate from cruel Russia
and cursed Koumauia it would be advisa
ble. From the pale of Bussia to the sweat
shops of America does not spell redemp
tion to me, but if their coming here would
relieve their wretchedness, I ssy csll
them here.
By Dr. Tlmotmy BwlgU.
I heard a prominent graduate
of one of our universities say
that when he was a student
msny years ago there was in
the student community almost a
contempt for wealth. The
thoughts and ambitions of the
college men at that period were in the
line of higher things than wealth, and
in their estimate of one another they re
garded this as nothing. The a hole life
of the country has greatly chsnged since
then. We hare become a wealthy na
tion. We have passed from the simple
life of a quiet town, as it were, to the
luxury and. abundance of a great city.
The devotion of the people to money get
ting has become so great as even to be
alarming, and the one desire which seems
to unite all men together is the desire to
make something in this matter of money
There is surely no worse sign of the
times in our day than this: but I beliere
that much of tbe old spirit still remains
st least so far ss our judgment of men
goes. If the evil tendencies that are
Vatcrlala Required for the Construc
tion of the Mew Pacific Line.
For the manufacture of the proposed
Pacific cable the largest In the world
an enormous amount of material will
be required. , It is estimated that there
will be needed 1,983 tons of copper wire,
1,260 tons of gutta percha, 2,300 tons of
jufe yarn, 4.3U0 tons of compound and
tar and 12,000 tons of steel Wire. Tbe
laying of the cable will take four spe
cially constructed gbfps and a staff of
1.000 electricians, cable engineers, etc.
The rate of laying a cable, in the ab
sence of unforeseen difficulties. Is about
seven nautical miles an hoar, and In a
couple of thousand fathoms of water
tbe cable takes as long as three hours
to sink to the bottom. When a cable Is
paid out it runs over a wheel at the
stern of tbe ship, having to pass on Its
way from tbe tank where it has been
coiled through a dynamometer, which
tells the strain to which it la being sub-
Jeed -
As soon as all the cable on board a
has been paid out the end is
tT " "m'hT IT'
he ot wti fttacbed to a
buo' lnt0 tbe
Teff tben ,orn t0 Prt for a
caW- wMn whlcD he, ,tem oS ain
10 f operations, picks op the
buoyed end, carefully splices it to the
end of tbe new section which she has
brought out and goes on with the lay
ing aa before.
To land a cable some Interesting
preparatlone are made. Sheaved wheels
are anchored on shore and around them
a, line Is passed and carried back to tbe
cable ship. To this line the end of the
cable to be landed la attached and float
ed ashore, buoyed np on inflated rubber
bags. The land end of a cable Is con
siderably larger than tbe part which is
submerged. Once on shore it Is drawn
np the beach to Its proper Inland posi
tion and secured.
The new Pacific cable will be 8,000
miles long. So other cable In the world
Is half as long. When the new cable Is
laid there will be sufficient length of
submarine cables In the world to girdle
the earth at the equator eight times
and something to spare, or enough to
reach two-thirds of the way to the
moon. ...
"Chit," a Prslseworthy Institution,
Enforce Honesty in Herrants.
What is a "chit?' This Is a word that
has crept Into the English language
of recent yosrs. and, although fairly
common in England, Its use In this
country dates from the Philippine cam
paign, tbe war with China, and the
still more recent Immigration of Japan
ese into the United States. Its use is
common in Chinese and Japanese ho
tels and restaurants, while the origin
and meaning of tbe word are aa follows:
M H't,. ' ! I If r II L'l il
manifesting themselves so strongly
among oar people are to be checked aad
the glory ot the old aaceatry ia to be
preserved, the result most be accomplish
ed through ths Influence of educated men,
Those whs go forth from the universities
and colleges must show by their living,
by the estimate ot things which they
manifestly form, by the energy they dls-
plsy In lac pursuit of ths higher and no
bler objects of desire, by their exaltation
of learning aad mental culture and the
power to do good service to the world aod
of honorable character above all external
things, sad. if we may nse the strong
expression, by a contempt for wealth.
what the true life for ths nation la.
f Wm Tint FaasT,
the uninese are
abandoning feat
binding. It la a
rasnion tnat la ap
ing out like wshst
binding among tha
Caucasians. At
tempts have been
made to uproot It
from time to time,
just as your doctors
wc mo F.vso. 0,T, preached
against waist lacing, which is a greater
menace to the human race than foot bind
ing. It shocks a Chinese womsa just as
much to see a laced waist as it does a
Caucasian to look at a bound foot.
The Emperor Shun Cbih, who reigaed
from 1644 to lwG. issued an edict against
this fashion, positively prohibiting it, ant
it had been a practice ot Chinese women
since the year of your calendar. 970. an-
der the last Emperor of tbe Sung dynas
ty. This Emperor had a beautiful wife,
who delighted to please him by datkdatr.
To make her feet look more beautiful.
she used to bind them with strip of satin
until they resembled a crescent moon or
s bent bow. Thus the fashion began.
Paring more than s thousand years it
became general, and what was intended
first for beauty became a deformity.
The methods of binding ia vogue In
Chins and tbe period of commencing the
practice vary, but the bandages are ap
plied at from 5 to 8 years of age. Ths
general process consists of two stsges. A
niece of strong cotton cloth, about two
yards long and three inches wide, is first
bound around the foot, leaving the great
toe free, and doubling tbe others under
tbe sole so thst the toes of tbe right foot
peep out under tbe left or inner side of
the foot, snd tbe same method is reversed
'for the left. This reduces the width.
Each succeeding day the bandage is
tightened both morning snd night For
msny months sfter the binding is com
menced the little girl is compelled to run
np snd down on her sching feet to pre
vent mortification ot tbe flesh snd ten
dons setting in.
This process of binding continues for
one year. Tbe next stage is the shorten
ing of tbe length. The bangages are
then so arranged ss to draw tbe fleshy
Uan of the foot and the heel dose to-
i X
gether. When secomplished a deep happy life. It is a great satisfaction to
groove between the fleshy part of the make a thing grow and watch Its growth,
foot snd the beel. somewast the shaje j Every man to his liking. Mine is to sit
of the clinched bsnd with the ball uf ! st my desk snd keep close to what is go
the thnmb pressing sits in it the fingers. ing on in the changing world of finance
Tbe process is not considered complete t
The "dishonesty of native servants Is
proverbial among the English and
American residents in India, the Phil
ippines, China and Japan. Consequent
ly, if one Is living in any one of these
countries, and a friend were to send a
basket of fruit by his native servant,
or a shopkeeper sent one of his em
ployes to deliver some articles that you
had purchased, the servant or employe
after delivering t whatever be had
brought would band tbe recipient a
small slip of paper upon which appears
in the handwriting of tbe sender tbe
number and description of the articles
sent with a polite request that, in case
you found tbe articles as stated, you
sign the slip of paper and deliver It
back to tbe servant This form of re
ceipt Is a "chit."
The sender also asks In the "chlt
that In case the articles are not deliver
ed aa described you will state the same,
and hand the -"chit" back to the ser
vant to deliver to bis master or mis
tress. The "chit" Is to enforce honesty
on the part of tbe servant, and to pre
vent him from stealing all or a part of
the articles Intrusted to bis care. If
tbe sender should neglect to send a
"chit" along with the articles that he
has aent the chances are about one to
a million against you ever receiving
tbera. An oversight of this sort on the
part of tbe sender would appear In the
nature of a windfall to the average
East Indian servant, who would re
gard tbe articles placed In his hands for
safe conduct and delivery as his legiti
mate prey.
Sacb was tbe original meaning and
application of the word "chit," a cor
ruption of a Hlndostanee word which
has tbe same meaning as "receipt" In
oar own tongue, but as In all similar
cases, the term "chit" baa been broad
ened In Its application so that to-day it
has other meanings. In addition to the
foregoing a "chit" la also a sort of prom
issory note to meet small obligations.
A man takes a drink at the bar, and not
having the money to pay for It he gave
the bartender a "chit" A man borrows
a dollar from a friend and gives blm a
"cblt." Tbus a "chit" Is In tbe nature
of a bond that enforces honesty wher
ever it Is In use. It Is really a praise
worthy Institution, as every person who
has lived In tbe Orient will admit.
Tbe Old Women's He wins: Circle Was
Abruptly Broken t'p.
One of the causes of the War of 1812
was the Impressment of Americans to
serve on British ships. Tbe practice
was so extensive that when an English
ship came to an American port able
bodied men hid in disguise for fear of
being seized.
John Bull at that time claimed tbe
services of every British sailor, wheth
er tbe man bad ever yoiuntarlly en
tered tbe nary or not; and If the sailor
could speak English be wa assumed
until a Chinese UeL cola about ths sise
of a silver dollar, ran be hidden la this
groove. Ths tret two years ot this pro
cess ara terrible.
Ia China fashions 4 not change s
readily aa among tbe Americana, but I
am told that the reaction against teat
binding la general, and that a large per
centage of tbe girla whose test would
have been bonad daring the last twe
years are growing up naturally and able
to romp and play Ilk otber little girla.
One of the great evils ot unbinding ths
feet Is that after the deformity of the
foot la attained the unfortunate must
suffer great pain if the bandages ar re
moved. It baa, however. In many In
stances been doa slowly snd the wemea
can now walk, and say they suffer aa
Bf r JtsMawry.
Tbe greatest seed
f the a a 1 1 a a s
t the earth Is
trained mea and
women. The nation
that baa the bright
est mind In ths
various lines In
which it Is brought
late compstiUsa
with the world will
maintain Its
place la the strng-
Loan KoaeasaT. ,i, for national an
preraacy. It Is the doty ot uw u
cultivate Independent thought, keen polit
ical training and a divine discontent. The
nation that doe this with the greatest
success wm be the nation that ts strong
est, for It the nation Is politically ana
esmsserrisllr trained, eager to better re
self. It cannot fall to msintain Ita place.
Tn nations need to rear a race of men
and women allvs to the demands of the
are and at thssr country, and able to
cop with the needs of their country snd
their time. If the edoestion falls la this.
it is futile, and ths aatioa must inevtta
bly decline.
What race is best Sited to receive this
trsininxf I unhesitatingly answer, tbe
Anglo-Saxon. The Angio-Saaoa stock 1
espable ot snything. whether it be the
Ana-lo-Saxon of America or ot turope. 1
cannot help believing It to be themoblest.
exceot. perhaps, the Roman st nis nest,
sad callable of Indefinite possibilities be
yond the conception even of me nomsn
with tn i iut. intellireuee and oetermina
tion. It is tbe Anglo-Saxon that ia des
tined to dominate the earth.
Br Rasaefl Ssgs.
Every man baa a right to Uvs
his ewa life snd when hs hss
money to spend it ss he sees fit.
flavin in mind the recent -re
tirement of Mr. William C
Whitney. I cannot see how 1
man ot talent who has led an
active life and been a factor la great aad
diversified business undertaking can sud
denly sever sll business connections and
really enjoy bimseU as mucn aa be nad
hitherto. Such a man's mind must con
tinue sctive. and after his i pen roc
should think it would be difflcuk for him
not to wish to keep is touch with tbe
rhsnges snd the march of business
events. It is bard to overcome habit,
and in success in business lies a very
keen pleasure.
A successful man usually strive for
new snd grester successes, and a tnese
come his enjoyment increase. I am un
able to think of s life of all ease as 1
snd trade.
to be an Englishman and forced to
serve. No doubt many of those who
were Impressed were really British de
serters; but many others were Amerl
can clttiens, and the compulsion to
serve on British ships was a wrong.'
The diary of Captain Hoffman of the
Royal Xavy, wblcb baa been published
under the title of "A Sailor of King
George, contains a story of mnsquer
nde which must have been amuslug
from a British point of view.
Hoffman had been aent to a bouse In
Jamaica where able-bodied seamen
were reported to be In biding. When
the party entered -the bouss they
found tbree slovenly female altting by
a table- darning stockings. Near by
was a cradle covered with a net In
tbe lied, also covered with a net, was
a woman lying ill. Still another wom
an -Was near the bed. persuading tbe
invalid to take the contents of a bot
tle of red mixture.
The lieutenant assured them that he
entered with reluctance upon the duty
be hnd to perform, but aa b had In
formation that seamen frequently the
bouse, be must search it
A coxswain who bad been examin
ing tbe features of one of th women
at the table, exclaimed;
"If I ever saw my old shipmate, Jack
Mitford, that'a he."'
Another British sailor whispered that
the baby lu th ) cradle waa the largest
be had erer aeen. Thereupon tbe door
wss locked and the officers Insisted on
knowing who tbe women were. Hoff
man discovered upon the sick woman
a close-shaved chin. The dying person
was a One young seaman about twenty-six
yeara old. who. when be was de
tected, sprang oat of bed, and joining
the others, attempted to resist Then,
seeing that they were outnumbered,
they surrendered.
The Infant In tbe cradle proved to b
a One lad sixteen years old.
"This waa a . good haul, eight sea
men," remarked Hoffmaa. "We got
them without accident to tbe boats."
Encroaching on the Hea.
The growth aoaward of Dungeness
Point, In England, caused by tbe east
ward drift of shingle, has caused -the
erection of a new lighthouse there to
become necessary, and the contract has
been placed with a Deal firm to carry
out tbe work for $30,000. This will
be tbe third lighthouse erected npon
PungencM Point Tbe first, built about
sixty years ago. Is now a mile Inland,
and the lighthouse whlob superseded
that one Is now about half a mile from
tbe seashore.
Old Women In london.
Among tbe twenty-four Inhabitant
of London who are over 100 year old
nineteen are women.
Oil and truth are bound to com U
surface In due Unit.
Waarferwft. aa at Tsaa Told Is ss)
- Tenderfoot.
"When you discover that you an lost.
first stop and pull yourself together. R
call the direction In whleh you started
from camo whether you went north.
south, east or west Too can always do
this, if you try. The next slep I to nx
tho point ot tbe compass. When that
to don, you will be aide to go In tbe
general direction you wish, t ind a ma
ture tree that stands apart from Its fel
lows. Even If If I only slightly separ
ated It will do. Tho bark of this tree
will b harder, drier and lighter in color
on tbe south aide. On ths north It wm
be darker, and often at the roots It will
bar clump of mold or moss. On th
south side of all evergreen tree, gum,
which ooze front wounds or knot'
hole, will be hard and amber-colored;
an th north this gum ts softnr. gets cov
ered with dust and Is or a dirty gray.
In fall or winter, trees which show
rough bark will have neat of Insecta In
the crevice) on their south side. A tree
which stands In tbe opeo will ha to Its
larger limbs and rougher bark 00 th
south side. You have many evergreen
In your part of ths country, cone-bearing,
or coniferous, trees firs, spruce,
cedar, hemlocks, pine. They ought to
bo good compasses. Hardwood trees
the oak. the ash. elm, blckortra, meo
uits,sndso forth. have moss and mold
a the north. Leave are smaller, tough
er, lighter Id color, and with darker
vetaaon the south: on the north they ar
longer, of darker green, and with light
er veinei. Spider bnUd on tho south
Ida.. In the South sir plants attach
thmelves to the north sides. Cedars
bend their tip to th south. Any sawed
ar cut stump will gtre you th compass
points, because the concentric ring ar
thicker oa the south side. The heart of
th stump 1 thua nearer to the north
side. All the things are tho effects
of sun. Stone are bare on the south
side, and If they have moss at all. It will
be oa the north. At best on the aunny
1de only a thin covering of barsh. half
dry mo will be found. On lb south
side of hill the ground Is more noisy
underfoot On tbe north side ferns.
mose and late flowers grow. If you
are on a marsh, small bushes will give
you the lesson; their leave and limbs
show th same differences. Almost all
wild flower turn their faces to the
outh. There are many other signs, but
I reckon you will find the enough."
St Mchotaa.
I'nbiddea Co est.
Many Inserts migrate from one quar
ter of the globe to another by means of
tbe vewaels which ply between distant
porta. Indeed, th spread of nearly all
ktnda of living creatures has been de
pendent tiMn tbe ships of civilised na
tions. Winged peats and blessings bav
been steadily carried to new countries
by this means, and the invasion of our
land by Insect, bogs, and crawling
things In recent years hss caused not
a little talk of legislation against the
admission of tropical fruits snd seeds
until they have been examined and
quarantined. Not long ago a ship from
one of lh tropical countries waa fol
lowed by a flock of butterflies, which
persistently circled around the rigging
of the vessel until the shores had faded
in the distance. Then tbe Insects alight
ed on the uuists and deck. A few dis
appeared In the night and were destroy
ed In the water or reached shore In
safety. Some of the others crawled
away In tbe cabins and hold of tb
ship. After a trip of thirty days th
vessel reached New York, and from
their hiding place In tbe ship a few of
these butterflies emerged and flc
asbore. Thus an entire new species of
butterflies was Introduced Into this
country. 7 his authentic Instance of the
migration of butterflies Is but a iiiKln
lllustratlrm of bow sometimes ships
bring Into the harbor tlexlrable and un
desirable immigrants whose names ar
never entered on tbe books of the com
She Had Improved.
The Princess Charlotte, daughter of
Ceorge IV., was a young woman of
great spirit and originality. Oue day
one of her teachers chanced to enter
the room when the princes wa revil
ing one of ber attendant ladles In great
wrath, and, after giving her a lecture
n hasty speech, he presented bcr with
a book on the subject
A few days later be found her still
more furious and using language even
more violent '
I am sorry to find your royal high
ness In such a passion." said he: "Your
royal highness baa not read tbe book
I gave yu."
"I did, my lord," cried sbe tempetttu-
usly. "I both read It and profited by
it Otherwise I should hare scratched
ber eye out!"
Both Come In Bottle.
Th father was testing bis little boy's
knowledge of tbe story of Noah, which
a had carefully rehearsed. Tbe boy
aad been thinking bard, aays tbe New
Trk Time, aad hi answer to the first
qusstloB showed that be bad at least
th virtue of originality.
Now." aald papa, "can you tell me
hw Noah knew that the water had
g down?"
The boy hesitated a minute, as If
seeking for proper words to express
himself; then h said:
Noah knew tbe water had gone
down because th dove came back
bringing him a pickle."
Olives and pickle were synonymous
terms In the small boy' mind for
thing which come In bottles, sud
which he did not like.
Cheap OIL
Cottonseed oil Is soon to find a rival
in oil from the seed of the sunflower.
Experiments made by Herman chom-
1U huve convinced them, It seems, of
the arsilabllity of this clienp raw ma
terial, and It may become ,a valuable
article of commerce. It Is said to be
convertible Jo many uses, and, besides
having possibilities as a lamp oil. inny
be used for dyeing purposes and will
b pf service In sonp-miiklng.
A Coolness.
"The boys nil sny I'm a 'brick.' "
gushed the yellow-hnlred girl a she
passed the cream to her Hps,
Tbe young man gazed snilly at the
four empty saucers and said: "Then
guess you must be a Itrlt It of ice.
A dull, throbbing pain. aPnle4
b sJU Of tendernes ami hrl low
4iwn in th aide, with an ocoa.Iot.iU
shooting tin. indicates lnflrU'".
eximinntiou it will b. bmnd that
Ik resriso ot pain shows soma "
In, this is lh first U ot.ot'Mi
BBflamnutioa of th ovary. I f the roof
of your bouse leak, my sister, you bav
It iaed a om j why not pay th
rKMjt to your own body f
You need not, you ouifht not to lei
yours it go, whon on of your own sea
at as. Aswa Asroa.
Mas out tho helping band to you. and
will advbw you wrthout mney and
withswt pric. Mrs. Plnkham a labora
tory ia a Lynn. Maaa. Writ n letter
thTW telliaar all year symptom and
get th Benefit of in greatest expert
are la treating fern: 111.
I waa suffering- to such ao extent
frotn ovarian trouble that my physl
siaa thought aa oporatlon would bo
"Lvdia E. rtnkhatn'a Vegetable Com
pound having; been recommended to
sno, 1 Qeeiaea to try it. Alter using
swvwrs.1 bottl I found that I was
cured. My entire aystem wa toned
na, and I sansreu no more witn my
aav Aaai AsTosTTruy . ii
ovaarie. M
Not What It Rtoulrtd.
You ought to try tins," said tbe ;
druggist, as be held up a bottle. "It's
tbe best thing out for dyspepsia,"
"If that' the case I'll keep H out,"
replied the victim. "I've gut all the
dyspepsia I want right now." Chicago
Daily New.
For Infants and Children.
Tttt Kisd Yea Hars Always Bought
Bear ths
Unci Sam's Coed Eno.h.
"It 1 claimed that a certain gang of
counterfeiters make better dollar than
Uncle Sam does."
"That's a rase where I believe in
letting well enough alone." Cleveland
riaia Dealer.'
"Mitie! Lizzie! That vase was
1,000 years old,"
"Oh! And just think! I came near
crying because I brok it. I thought it
was new."
"Com on," said Weary Waggle, as
u, r,iiun rt'inrtiuv st Kirs.
"Naw," replied Willie Wontwalk,:
"Ican'tgoennyfiirder; I'm too tired.'
"Wot made yonse tired?"
"1 dreampt I wm wurkin," replied
Willie. Ohio Stato Journal.
Th L'tual Prectdur.
"What is the usual procedure In
marrying an heiress?"
" Tell th lady bow much you love
ber and tell ber father how much you
Sores aad Ulcers never become chronic
mice th blst to ia poor condition is
sluggish, weak aad unable to throw ofi
Um fsjsaoa that acoussulste in it. The
system saust be relieved of the unhealthy
asstter through the sre, and great dangn
to life would follow should it heal before
the blood has been made pure and healthy
and all impurities eliminated from the sys
tem. S.3.S. beginsthecurebyfirstclcsns
ing aad invigorating tbe blood, building
tro tbe general health and removing from
ttfetette?. VPOM THE SYSTEM.
When this baa been accomplished the dis
charge gradually ceases, and the sore ot
sleet bls. It is the tendency of these old
indolent sores to grow worse and worse,
sad eventually to destroy the bones. Local
applications, while soothing and to some
ezteat alleviate ia. cannot reach the seal
of tbe trouble. S. 8. 8. does, and no mattct
now apparently nopeies your condition,
even tnourh vour constitution hss hmlr
down, it will bring relief when nothing
else can. It supplies tbe rich, pure blood
necessary to heal the sore sud nourish
tbe debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. I. . Talbert, Lock Ho su. Winona, Miss,
ssys: 11 sis yrsrs sto rs Ut from theknrct.
the foot was on sol id sore. Bertru! phTniriau
inr inu msue iwoinps to ifist Norms.'
but frasd no relief. I wj induce J to try 6. 8. S ,
T" - - - 1 " -1 v a ijsvs dccu a twr.
lectly wtil ms erfcr since."
Is the only purely veg.
etable blood purifier
known contains no
poiconous mineral to
ruin the digestion an,l
add to, rather than relieve your suffer
ings. If your flesh does not heal readily
when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood
ia in bad condition, snd any ordinary sore
I apt to become chronic.
Send for our free book and writa mi
pbysiciane about your case. We make no
eharge for this service. .
Kubbing them to pieces; use inv Wash.
ing ifltiiots. Ao-rubbing required. Send
60 cents for sample paokuue nm full dj.
rection. W. O. POWfcLL,
Box 606, Portland, Oregon.
yK,.Y.auJ aHQrses IV 5.7:52
ir bint ns, m mii,M '
Famwu Bsmhuv Co., t. Panl, Minn.
mmii!!Ii!y!i"Zl been ! Pst'ssiA Ttstvs T-nw-
Z!ii!f.v!!ltJ5'tJ't.moat' "" ln tbst tlnir Imvecmcil 1 1 horses
""-"'"'' ui.icroncr una u ol chronic conuh,
Knca Krcut rrootstion in this
OWE! tKED STORE, CoaMgratf
i.. ,i ftnunt LI li.J lAit
test (.oub SfuA. Tti U'Ki. Oa
1 A Obrviti Boy,
I.lttlo ttfly Wlieti I'm grown up I'm
gnln' to bo aporlicoman, au' yuuean be
my nurse.
I.I tile li Irl Pol Iceman ' don't hav
Little Boy Don't theyf I giics
you've never walked up the avenue.
Harriot Sadie' husband never gets
excited, never flghu back, and sh
imply cannot make him cross,
rU'll Yo. Tho horrid thing,
He 1 simply oxasiwrBtlng, Brooklyn
Ksgle. '
r)umroily Hsadkapotd.
Bibbs It Is very amusing to waUh
Sellers play Rolf,
tiihlis Wiiyt
Itibb II has an Impediment In hit
speech TliO Smart Ht.
Th fsrsMr's InMrttt to It
Farmer Waylwck Those, pesky boy
tied a tin pail to that dog's tail and
then ran him 11 mile. I'll sue em I
Mr. CltytiuMi Was tt your dog?
Farmer WgvNt-k No; it wss my
pail. Hoiik' iIIo (Mas.) Journal.
A Osluililen.
First Boanlor What I the exact
meaning of "viands?"
Second Boarder Oh! Tilings yon
gel to eat when you don't board.
I'uck. -
rVscaosat CiUkllshcd.
"What makes you think slit will
marry you?"
"She ha married other mn"
Puxxltd Him.
First Tramp (In the roo.d)-Wliy
don't you go tn? Th dog's all riH.
UWt you .,,' bU tatl?
j rWond Tramp Yes, and lis growl .
in st th same) tuno. 1 dun 110 wblcb
end to belie. Tit-Bits.
Little Liver Fills.
Mult tear Signature of
As pbSlsslls Wr ftsssw.
Vsst sall mm4 y
roi EA9AS81.
roa etzzmus.
reu ti u outlets
rei Tcins uvu.
roi iauo W mii.
fi!r tttsr 1-fV-tttti Own anvihlnff tm
IHfiHtlitttll'sI IU tJ jifk. fa
tiuivrwvl t 'tl nitriftJ ia
us. rid 'tirroo rdn" lion rfirtitf OB
bo lit, bri-a haft, ii tycoiHl
KtowUi wtit-f-it, iwirPwtHi fim I r yon ws.n
t ftKlBur UltU jrmi sVfUtftff vour tiitm-
w-y'n worth, man tor "it l, " r m
'Mtt.-f ir- (HrnD ) tlttfg. S Uvrvi
lw ihtiu.
Mftofttt, Lmmfm ffm Cm.
aWmiUa, HpokMia, IfeU. lVrUtntt, Or.
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thirty-tMnl , r sr. Commodious MitM
Uift. M'utsrn eiilr.mitnl. AcadVmi
surl rolli'so prprftlor)r rourpet, H
eisl rnnr.M in ami srt. Illus.
Usiert rsisl.isiio. All ile.srtmonts will
riln September 1.
MIH.S KI.KASOU TKnllKTTa, rrlnclps.
rmtled 1870
A Warns Softool tor Boy"
Military and Mattaal Training
WrMm tar lllumtrmlod CMmloava
Vew Year Resolutions
the"' ifccioy Guro
Sure rellrif from lienor, opium and tobacco
haulis. heii'l Ut psrltitulsrs to
Kseley Institute
Moved to William
As., ru.tiMiiit, Ota
M. P. N. V.
No. i-iioa.
Wlll.N wrlilns; to sdrsrtlssrs ls
snenlloa this paper.
Your I'ruftAluit f
' VanUiCor' And iUl Wwh,
I 3
IWfl --g