..... i i VI THE OUEGOX MIST. ,JILK0 KVkltY fHIIJA HOHMKU BY DAVID DAVIS, Enirw and I'moi-riktur. OF LOCAL ISTtlUNT. Hurl wheat flour at Collin & Gray', fit. Helon,r. Jeans Hendrlcki, tr., ofCarlco, wt vti tq)n Monday. Mr. and Mri. W. H. Pol man were Portland vlaltor laat Friday. Mr. L. W. VenDyke U nt recover ing Ihjiii a very sever alck spell. People who buy PtwrlrM Pure Food ,ot Collin & Uray enjoy good health. K. fl. Payne, ol Qitlmty, wai shaking ,hand with frleml In thU otyy Wednea lay. Superintendent Conelantl waa looking , alter buslnttii mutters In Portland last Friday. Deputy County Clerk llarria wai at (tending to buaiuosa matter In Portland Tuesday. MIni Titlltt Muckla, ol Portland, la minding a few daya with relative in lUia city. Janie Adam, of Vernonia, super visor of road dintrlot No. U, wa in town laat Friday. Erwtn Soffart, of J)eer Inland, wa looking after business matter io town Wednesday. John Scott, .of Kalama, wa in St. Helen Wednesday looking after busi ness affair. ' Do not fail to attend the lecture at the courkhonie till (Friday) -evening by Judge Caple. Rev. Mr. Philbrook wilt preach at Yank ten and Houlton next Sunday at the uvaal hour. In ttie probate court Tneeday the Anal ettleiuentoflhe Riley Adauia, deceaaed, state wa had. Mia Mande Decker eame up from Rainier laHt Sunday and spent the day with retativua here. forge tnck oMatcst noveli direct from the publishers; 25-cnnt novoi at 10 centi, at the drug (tore. Miss Meta Flnley, of Oregon City, aprnit last Hundur In till city with Mr. .and Mr. J. 11. Collin.. F.d Gore, of Scappoose, wa In town Monday, on hi way .to the iron pro ijwcts, near Hunker hill. Collin A Uray'a 1 headquarter for all kind of good; call ana sec tbein when you want anything. Mr. M. E. Ruhert returned laat Sat urday from California and Arlaona, where ahe apeni the winter. Rev, Lew Davie will preach at Co lumbia City at 3 p. in. next 8uuday .and in thii city in the evening. Mr. N. F. Raker, of Warren, ha taken a contract to build a lariH $1',0UU M. E. church near Vancouver, Wash. Rev. Mr. R reck will conduct aervlce at the Episcopal church in thi city next Hunday evening at It o'clock. We knowingly misrepresent nothing. 'Try Schilling Best baking powder, it I Al. Collin & Uray, St. Helens, Or. Mr. J. K. Dow, of Vernonia, wa in town the latter part of laat week, having brought over a load of dairy product. A large force of railroad men 1 em ployed at Warren, removing the bridge there. A large fill will be put in to lake it place. John Mortrus. of South Rend, Wssh, formerly of Rainier, and Mr. Gertrude Raker were married at Astoria .last Monday. Contractor F. A. Raker, of Portland, ds here to begin work on the new school houae. The building i to be completed by August 20th. The new city -council met with the old board Monday evening and pro ceeded to organise. The new officer transacted no buaine, D. H. Po. of Rachelor Flat, expect ito leave in a day or two for Bkye. Wash., near Waahougal, where Jie will be em ployed during Uie luminer, Mr. E. E. Quick thi week received cocoanul, in ita natural condition, by mail, from Florida, ant by Mr. Liver more, a former resident of thi place. John Rroo and family, who have re aided for a couple of year near Houl ton, expect to leave Ssturdry for Gray' Harbor, Waah., where they will reside. Local teoni player are preparing for the season's purt. An etTort will be made to have better ground than here tofore and consequently better game. John and Albert Parker, of Pittsburg, were in town Wednesday evening, on their way home from Portland, where they had been 'looking after buaine ,airs. Assessor White arrived la town Tues day afternoon from the lower portion of the county. He ha taken valuation in Oak Point, Clatakanie and Marshland precinct. The many friend in tlila county of Mr. I. rltunwood will be pleaeed to learn 'that the condition of hi health i rap idly improving. He haa been at a sani tarium in Portland for several week being treated for rheumatism. The M. E. parsonage at Warren u completed and the pastor it occupying it. It is a two-story building, the upper room being 24x21, and will be used for entertainment and socials. The build ing doe credit to the builder, Mr. N. F. Raker. August Schleve waa brought -down from Portland laat Saturday to plead to rthe charge of murdetiing Joseph Bchul kowaki. The prisoner pleaded "not ?;ullty," and Judge McBride act hi cnae or hearing Thursday, May 16th. Cir cuit court will convene here on the 13th. Those Interested in the welfare of the 8unday ichool, aa well a all who desire to learn something of the conditions, life and habit of the people of South America, cannot afford to remain away from the lecture by Judge Caple at the court-house this (Friday) evening. A. 0. Garrison aupreme doppty of the Order of Washington, 1 at Yankton looking after the interest of .the order. Mr. Garrison i well known in thi i lust about right. All members of the oruer snouia oe at me acnooi-nouee urday evening to eat cake and hear what Mr. Unrriaou and other have to say to them. Mr. F. A. Buchor, clerk of school dis trict No. 87. waa in Ht. Helena Inst Sat urday, looking after preliminaries for the recti(in of a school-house in hi district. In this issue will be found a notice to building contractors, asking for ' bids on the contemplated structure. That district levied a 86 mill tax this year te 'raise funds to build, a newhouae, ' -and about $600 i on hand. ' C'laUkaule Brief. 0, IT. Bryant spent ffuonday at St. Helen. - Mrs. J. E. Hall I spending , the week in roriiaua. The new shingle mill at Htunyon haa been. In active operation tut week, 0. U. Wheeler and wife, of Falrhaven, Wash,, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Jones, parent ol the iatiy. The little (teamer "Brick'' wa In last week with quite a large scow on which aeveral hundred cedar fence post were loatiuu ana taken out. An additional thousand feet or two of two-inuli water pipe is being laid on Main street extension to accommodate the patrons in the Tichenor addition At a council meetlnit held laat week the resignation of Ueorge Sutherland as city .marshal waa received and accepted. A. B. Haines resigned (. a member of we council ana wa appointed niamiai to mi tne vacancy, Our people generally are pleaaed to learn that there la a pros poet of accept ance ol lite court' decree wltn regard to division of the Bryant estate. It may b well, however, to await develop ment, mere is lime yet lor an appeal. Our city election last week resulted In the election ol S. C. Tichenor, president, ami J. E. Hall, P. J. Pophaiu, O. C. Tichenor and W, E. Con vers as mem ber of the council; C. L. Conyera, re corder; m. rage, treasurer; a. d. Haines, marshal. Another meeting of shippers and cltl sans was called for laat Saturday to talk over the railroad situation. Additional pledge were made to secure the pur being brought to town, and the meeting adjourned until Wednesday, to give the committee a little more time to solicit funds. A detailed offer will be arranged and presented to the management of the railroad company to induce a promise of speedy-construction of the track. Vernonia Tick Up. Lloyd L. Detrlck, of Pittsburg, made a flying business trip out to the metro p olt laat week. Mr. Situ, of Upper Rock creek, vis ited friends and relative in and near town ttio first of the week. E. E. Nickerson. who has been out at Portland at work for the past month or two, came in thi week to put in crop. R. Sesaeman I arranging hi affairs so as to travel as a propagandist in the socialistic cause. He thinks of doing Columbia county first. ' Mr. Bonnick, whom we reported sick in our last, has been fluite seriously ill during the week, but at this writing is slightly improved, and we trust out of danger. George Parker and family, who have boenitiving near Houlton for nearly a vear, are now domiciled on their ranch, just eaat of town. George says he likes the Nehalein pretty well, after all. Miss Merle Shanuahan returned home Thursday of last week from a two weeks' visit with her sister. Mrs. T. J. Cleeton, of Portland. Miss Merle will begin the Kist school the first Monday in May. Quite a number of our gardener have supplied themselves this spring with Planet Jr. seeders and cultivators. Tbry are the thing to have if one wauts to do good work and lot of it without a back ache. D. W. Keasey is the agent here. J. E. Dow made his bi-monthly trip out to Houlton laat week with dairy .product. His butter brought him 00 cent a roll, uooa lor ue penaiemi More of our farmers ouirbt to be doing in like manner to Mr. iow, and they will In time. The rood weather thi week ha set all our farmers at work with team and dIow. The season is a little late, but if old Sol continues to show a smiling face for two or three weeks the grain will go into the ground in good shape ana we shall have due harvests. Rev. T. I- Harder, who has been sup plying the church here for the past eight weeks, left Tuesday for a short visit with the home folks in Portland and then to his Aeld at Tigardvilte. One of the other ministers, Weinert or Jones, will be here and preach next Sunday morning and evening. Gilbert Biierry, an electrician of St. Louis, who had been visiting with Car roll Keasev, of Pittsburg, for a couple of weeks, left for the Eaat the first of last week. He had been on a tour of the Pacific Coast, visiting part of Califor nia, Oregon and Washington. He liked the Nehalem, except our muddy roads. Miss Liszie Early haa been employed to teach the Valley school, and will be rin Mondav next. We understand that a, lady from Minneapolis haa been em- loyeu to teacn the a.easey scnooi. jine vilbfnanii Mhool ia still without an in- true tor. Heverai of the districts around -here have had hard work to find teach ers. They are scarce icia spring. too many teachers nave taxen a sutuui oi una. C. A. Malmeten and Mias Alice Soule, two of our popular young people, were married in Portland on the 10th Inst.. gov. L. F. Clark, officiating. They, with the groom' brother, F. . Malmeten, took a trip to Seaside laat weex, return ing to Portland Saturday. The young married couple v. ill begin .housekeeping oon on a ranch four miles .cast of town. May their measure of happiness ever be running over. Tha flalilna apHMm nnened Tuesday forenoon, but the same happy smile that has adorned the lisheruien on other occasions was very conspicuous by its absence. There were only three tons of fish received by the local .agent nere T......lair mnrnlnir aa Bffaiiiat ton to fif teen tons on the opening day of the season other vears. Fishermen declare there "are no fish," and their spirits ..w..(llni,lv ml a vrv InW fthb. Wftlt and hope for bettor conditions is all that is in tore. Wields a Sharp Ax. Million marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's New Life Pills the most distressing too, stomach, liver and tiowcl troubles, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, Jaundice, biliousnes, fever, malaria all fall before theae wonder worker. 2So at tha St. Helen pbar- OABTOIIIA. Bsuitfca 1M MM m HBW simaw UBIIgW fUgaatsn of The Great Dismal Swamp Of Virginia 1 a breeding ground of malaria germs. So i low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germ cause weakness, chills and lever acliea in the bones and muscles, and may Induce dangerous maladies. But Electrio Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will surely prevent typhoid. "We tried manv remedies for malaria, and atomach and liver troublea," write John Charles ton, of Byeaville. O., "but never found '""Vul..'.. I .'. VlaMrln Hitters." Try them. Onltr Oo. The 8t. Helen pharmacy guarantee aatisiactoen. Kite Musical Event of tbe Season. TIms -concert which will 'be given by the Rainier Choral Society at the opera hous in Rainier on Tnesday evenisig, April 20th, will be .under the direction of Prof. J. W. Belcher, who i the lead ing tenor linger of Portland, being tenor soloist at the Jewish synagogue and at the Catholic cathedral. Mr. Belcher will be assisted by Miss Leonora Fisher, also of Portland, who Is one of the lead ing pipe organists of that city, being organist at the Calvary Presbyterian church and at the synagogue. The above accomplished musicians will ren der vocal and instrumental selections, which will be a rare treat to lover of good music. The best local talent of Raininr and of Ht. Helens will also take part in solos, duet, quartets, choruses and instrumental numbers, and taken altogether, the programme, which will appear ia full In these columns in the next Issue, will far surpass anything ever attempted in that community. The reputation of those instrumental in giv ing this concert is ample assurance that all who avail themselves of the oppor tunity of hearing it will be well repaid, and we predict for the entertainer a crowded house. This Year' Registrations. The total number of oter registered to dute is 1142, over 400 short of the reg istration two year ago. There 1 less than four weeks time in which to attend to this matter. There are fifty or sixty voters in this (Union) precinct who have not registered, and in nearly every pre cinct there are many who have not yet complied with the law if they desire to vote, iselow li the entire number ol registration in each precinct : 1900 1902 Auburn 150 96 Apiary 23 10 Beaver Fall 100 60 Clatakanie 106 Deer Islandl 60 86 (loble 106 93 Marshland.... ..63 30 Nehalem 98 88 Oak Point 128 120 Rainier 105 126 Scop poos 115 62 Union 269 195 Warren. 83 74 . The Yankton Yanks. II. O. Howard spent Sanday in Yank ton. Ouy L. Tarbell went to Rainier Sat urday, returning Sunday. Two minister of the "Saint" are holding meeting here thi week. There were about thirty young people gathered at Harry Oliver's at a party i ri day evening. Ever thing is booming. Improvement are going on rapidly. Creamery and mm and logging camp are doing a rush ing business and farmer are especially busy. Yankton Orange No. 901 held an In terinir meeting Saturday evenlog. Tbe subject discussed wa the "initiative and referendum," and at a vote taken the vote waa unanimously In favor of thi amendment to tbe constitution. Beaben Sew Notes. Barney Wiggins was in town Saturday evening. Frank Bishop made a shipment of shingles to Portland Monday. Clark Bros, made their first shipment of shingle to Portland Friday. The Brown school received a lot of new school seats from Portland Tuesday. Mr. F. A. Baker finished tbe carpen ter work on our school-house Saturday. It is now in the hands of the painter. E. V. Batta and family moved down to Astoria Monday. Mr. Butts has ac cepted a position with the Trescott Pack- lug tympany, The O. N. & P. R. R. Co. started a surveying party out last Friday under the supervision of Cant. F. Oilmau, a civil engineer, and H. M. Corlach, gen eral superintendent. Tbe starting point wa on me main line, aoout one-nan mile eaat of J. M. Archibald's. From that point they ran through Mooreeville, thence north and west toward Beaver valley. Deer Island Notes. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oragg spent Sun day with their mother, Mrs. Susie Oragg. James and Claries Muckle, of St. Hel ens, were Deer Island visitor last Sat urday. School becran here last Monday week, with Mia Rosa, of West Portland, as teacher. Clarenee. Frank and Ida Gore, of Ca naan, attended the party last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Merrill, of Clatakanie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1. 8. Uragg. James Galtten Is able to be out again after being confined to hi room for aev eral daya with la grippe. J. M. Pavne haa bought an 18000 farm at Waahougal, Wash., and expects to move there soon, we an wish them much prosperity. The dance riven at Qaittens' hall Sat urday evening went off pleasantly. There were about fifty people present, who danced until li o'clock. What makes so many smiling, good- natured people? Because they buy Wehfoot flour, Peerless Pare Foods and Schilling's Best baking powder of Col lins Gray, St. Helens, Or. 'A neishbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy when my son was suf fering with severe cramps and wa given up as beyond hope by my regular physician, who stands high in his pro fession. After administering three doses of it, my son regained conscious ness and recovered entirely within twenty-four hours," say Mrs. Mary Holler, of Mt. Crawford, Va. This Rem edy ia for sale at the St. Helen phar macy. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. tl3 Kind Yoa Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature on A Doctor' Bad Plight. "Two years ago, a a result of a severe cold, I lost my volt, writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough, of Hebron, Ohio, then besan an obstinate cough. Every rem edy known to me as a practicing physi cian for thirty-five years, failed, and I daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, ami for the last ten days have felt better than for two years." Positively Guaranteed for throat and lung troubles y the St. Helens pharmacy. 60o and 1.00. Trial bottles free. COUNTY FINANCES. Tn this Issue of Tnx Mux appear the semiannual report of the county ohlcer, flowing the financial atatu of the county on the last day of March just past, and it ia an exposition of condi tion that every person in the county should carefully study and consider. The summary statement of tbe county clerk is the most important, it being made from his record a well as from the reports of the other financial officers. By reference to that re part it will be ob served that tbe total liabilities of the county aggregate lea than $6,000, while the resources from which revenue i ex pected to be derived, aggregate over $30,000, including cash on hand, which amounts to about $7,000. In tbe hands of the treasurer there is the sum of $2,848 belonging to tbe road fund, with but $117 of outstanding warrants. There Is due on the tax roll yet uncollected not to exceed $1,000, which will go to this fund, making the total amount available for road improvement purposes, ont of the S-aaill levy, about $3,700, which, as a matter of fact, will not go a great way, inasmuch a the aeason for road work ia just opening. Also, npon the current tax roll there is about $11,000 yet to be collected, and after tbe portions of that amount belonging to other funds are set aside, there will remain not to exceed $4,000 to go into the general fund by which the ordinary and customary ex peases of the county for the ensuing year are to be defrayed. With what is on hand and what is yet to be collected there will be about $12,000 for the county to operate upon for almost a year. This, of course, ia excluding the possibility of there being no back taxes collected. It is not reasonable to presume that there will be no back taxes collected. On the other hand there i very likely to be a neat income each month from that source. The county holds lien against land npon which taxes has not been paid to the amount of $3,435, a large percentage of which ia gradually col lected. Twenty-five per cent of this amount, added to the other estimated cash resources of tbe county will give at the most about $13,000 of tbe general fund npon which tbe county will have to depend for expenses until tax collect ing time comes another year. Tbe fi nancial condition of the county on the 1st of April stood at about $0,000 to the good. The fact that Jour-tilths ol tne whole amount of taxes on the current roll was paid in to the county this year before the first of April makes the surplus on hand, which, in former year did not come along for three or four months later in tbe year, ine running expenses of the county, aside from item paid from the road fund, average about $1.3. 000 for each six months, hence, it will be seen that under favorable conditions, the county will be just about even at tbe beginning of next year. Republican Platform in Brief. 1. Declares in favor of the United States remaining in the Philippines. 2. Favors Roosevelt's position on the question of trusts. 8. In favor of Chinese exclusion bill now before congress. 4. In favor of protection policy of the party. 6. In" favor of the right of labor to organize; in favor of a department of labor, its bead to be a member of the cabinet. 6. In favor of putting all state offi cer on a salary. 7. In favor of a state mining bureau. 8. In favor of the national govern ment undertaking the irrigation of arid lands. 9. In favor of opening np the Colum bia river to navigation. 10. In favor of the improvement of coast harbors. 11. Opposed to leaaing the public domain. 12. In favor of fostering the fisheries interests. 13. In favor of oleomargarine bill now pending. 14. In favor of the initiative and ref erendum, recommending the adoption of the resolution. 15. Approves the primary law, and recommends its extension throughout the state. 16. Favors electing senators by popu lar vote. 17. In favor of making Crater lake a national park. 18 -in lavor oi pensioning inumu wai ve terans.. MDMimTHiTORS K0TICE. NOTICE 18 HRREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned haa been, by the Hon. . B. Doan. iu.lse ol tin Count; Court of the county of Columbia, stnte of Ore iron, appointed ad- mtnlNtrmtnr nf lhA MltAta of A. B. Little, de ceased. Any and all Demons haTinn claims againat said mtata are hereby reqslred to pre ont lbs mine tome, duly and properly veri lied, at tha law olilee of W. H. Powell, In 8t. Helens, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof. Arfmlnl.rfjf. nf th At&t nf A. B. Llttle.de- eeased. Dated March 21, vm. W. H. Powell, attorney for administrator. milala NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, aa administrator of the es tate of Lylia Baruos, deceased, has Sled his final accnunt In the eountv court of Columbia county, In the state of Oregon, of his adminis tration UKn said estate, and that the Judge of said court haa appointed Wednesday, the Mth day of May. 1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. ni., as the time, and the ooHrt-rnom of said court, in the city of St. Helens, Oregou, as the place, for hearing said final account and settlement thereof, when any objeotlou thereto may be ... ... i.i L'hW.U f UlttVk' niauti iu wnwuK ....... .... Administrator of the estate of Lvdla Barnes. deceased. Dated this 11th day of April, IU02. allmll ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN derslgned haa been, by the Hon. J. B. IVnn 4. ....... nl .hAAm.nlv n.N 111 thAUdlinlV of Columbia, state of Oregon, appointed admin istrator of the estate of Charles L. Melts, de ceased. Any and ail perilous having claims against said estate are hereby required tn pres ent the same to me, duly and properly verified, at my residence, oue mile below Mist, in said Columbia county, Oregon, within six mouths trotu the date nereoi. uaieu jpni , . A. R. MEU8, Adminkitratnr of the estate of Charles L. Metis, deceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Admin istrator, aim NOTICE OF BOND SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, Comity Treasurer of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, will sell seven ichool bonds of school dlstriot No. 2, of said county and state, to the amount of 1.1,700, in the following amounts, to-wit: Six bonds of the par value of ;oo each, and one bond of the Ear value of 1700, each of said bonds redeetna le after ten years, but due and payable abso lutely twenty years after date oi said bonds; said bonds to draw I par oent Interest per an num on the par value thereof. Bids will be re ceived by the said undersigned for said bonds until six o'clock in the afternoon of the loth day of May, 1902. at the office of the County Treasurer, at St. Helen, Or. Dated April 11, 1902. EDWIN ROSS, County Treasurer of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE ON dersigned executrix of the estate of B. F. whitnov. deoeaaed. that she has tiled tn the county court of the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, her fiual account of her adminlstra tion upon said estate, together with her petition for final settlement and distribution; and that tha Hon. J. 11. Doan. Judge of said court, has ap pointed Monday, the oth day of May, 1902, at 2 o'clook In the afternoon of said day, as the time, and tha court-mom of said court at the court-house in St. Helens, Oregon, as the f.lace, of hearing said final account and petition or distribution, and of the settlement thereof. Any and all persons lnt rested may appear and t'le objection to the same or any part thereof. Dated March 28, 1902. P L. WHITNEY, Executrix of the estate ol B. F. Whitney, de ceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney lor Executrix. Better Tkan PUls. The uueaiioo has 'been ' asked. In What way are Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets superior to pills 7" Our answer in; 'they are easier and more pleasant to take, more mild and gentle in effect and more reliable, as they can always be depended upon. Then they cleanse and invigorate the stomach and leave the bowels in a nat ural condition, while pills are more harsh in effect and their use i often fol lowed by constipation. For sale at the 8t. Helens pharmacy. OABTOIIIA Btantii llil Kind Vou Haw BougM Hfiiatu at Try Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. For sale at the tit. Helena pharmacy. MCETINGNOTICE. nOULTOJf CAMP NO. WOODMRM Or tha World, meet every Saturday uight In Perrv'i hall. Houlton. i. 8olomon. C. C. yaxu Fsamti, Clerk. J NOTICC OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In tha matter of the estate of August Swanson. deceased. To whom H may concern: NOTK.'E 18 HEUKBY GiVKN THAT THE undersigned, as administrator of the es tate of August ttwanMon, deceaaed, 61ed his Aual account la said county court, oa March 18th, A. D. 1U02, and that the Hon. i. B. boan. as Judge of said ooanty eotirt, baa appointed the ith dar of Mar. A. I). XWi. at the hour of 2 'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the county court-nouse of said county, as tne time, for the hearing of objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. Thia notice is publuhed In Ihb Oaaooa Mist, a newspaper published in said county, for four successive weeks, by order of said court and by the direc tion of the uuderaigned as such administrator. E. E. QUICK, Administrator. Dated at8t. Helen Oregon, thi March 18th. A. D. 1902. 8. li. Orubar, w., Attorney lor Ad ministrator. B21al SUMMONS. In the Justice' Court for Union precinct, In columbta county, Oregon. Oerhardt Morbach, plaintiff, ' v. To Andrew Kenoskl, the above-named defend ant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREUON: yon are hereby commanded and required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against yoa, or or before lth day of April, 1H02, and if you fait, to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment against yon for the sum of S110.25, together with the costs and dis bursement herein, and will apply to tile Court for an order that all tha personal property at tached herein be aold to satisfy plalnilfT de mand. This summons 1 published by order made and filed by me, dated February 28th, 1MI2. The date of tha first publication hereof is tne 7th day of March, 1W2, the same to continue once a week for six (6) consecutive weeks. R. COX. Justice of the Peace. Bchnabel 4 Bcbnabel,aturncy for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia Canntv. T. Kauir. plaintiff, vs. D. Kaozs, defendant. to It. Kruze, the above-named defendant. TN THK NAME OP THE HTATE OF OHEOON: J. You are hereby notified that the plaintiff herein oa niea a complaint against you in tne above-entitled Coart and cause, and you are hereby required to appear and answer said com plaint on or before the laat time of the time Srescrlbed by the order of publication hereof, .-wit: On or before the 17th day of May, 1UU2. You are further noOfled that if you fail to ap pear and answer the complaint herein or to plead thereto, the plaintiff will cause your de fault to be entered and will apply to the Court above mentioned for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein, that is to say, for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony that may be existing between plaintiff and defend ant herein, for the custody of the issue of said marriage, to-wit: Birhard Knue, and for such other aad further relief as to the Court may seem proper, meet and Just. The date of the first publication of this summons 1 rrlday, April 4th, 1W2, and the last publication Friday, Mav 16th, 1UU2, and said summons shall be pub lished on the said Friday of each week for a Period of six weeks. This summon is pub lished by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, iudge of said Court, made in said cause and Court, in chambers, and dated the 1st .day of April. A. D. 1902. BCHNABEIiASCHNABKL, aral6 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Colambia County. Jessie E. Shaver and (J. U. Sharer, plaintiffs, vs. Anna Boden, Nicholas Boden. Francis M. Tomp kins. Mary J. Tompkins, Fred gpagele and Jane Doe Spagele, defendants. To Anna Boden and Nicholas Boden, two of the defendants above-named: IN THE NAME OP THK STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the six week next following the first publication of this summons; and it you fail to answer, the plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For the partition nd division, by the above-entitled court, of the southeast quarter of section sir. township three north, range two west of the Willamette merid ian, in Colombia county, Oregon. Thi sum mons is published by order of the Honorable J. B. Doan, county Judge for said Columbia county, Oregon made and dated March rath, 19U2. The date of the first publication hereof is Friday, March 2th. 1902. The time prescribed in the order for publication is six weeks, which timn will train tn ruu from the dav of the fint j publication hereof, and the time within which you are requireu io answer mo uuiuiunui, te v or beiore the last day of the time prescribed in the said order for publication. DILLARDADaY, m28m9 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. . To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Oregon. WE, TBE UNDERSIGNED LEGAL VOTERS residing ia Scappoose precinct, Columbia county, Oregon, would respectfully petition your honorable body, at its next regular meet ing, which will be held on the 7th day of May, 1902, in the court-house In the city of St, Helens, Columbia county, state of Oregon, that a li cense be granted to Ed Holmes to sell spiritu ous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon, in Scappoose precinot, in said county aad state, and that said lie nse be granted for a period of one year, for all of which your petitioners will ever pray: J. D. McKay, N. H. McKay, Chas. Fisher, A. Stump, A. F. Bibby, P. Louslgnont, U. Lang, Win. Teti, J. W. F.versol, J. Freeman, J. D. Morgan, C. Robinski, P. Pusey, John lsenblat ter, Vern Ervin, Isaac Craig, J. Susa, Cha. Uurgdorffer. R. A. McKay, H. West, R. D. Sny der, Fred Kamineyer, Jim Grant, Ueorge Lemue, Kd Crawford, Henry Bushman. Ueorge Grant, E. T. Gore, M. J. Englert, T. W. Grant, John Him iller, G. H. Seireks, f. H. Slaven, Fred Kam mever, Jr., Joe Mavers, George Vt. Howell, C Anderson, A. Anderson, Daniel Keller, S. Neu man, H. Neuman, A. Kaucger, C. K. Cluster, Win. F. Cook, M. Teukosits, U. Skura Wm. Skuia, Nicholas Moser, Oeorgo Moser, Wm. W. Shlpman, J. B. Duncan, J. Callahan, J. H. Beaver. Robert Johnson, T. W. Morgan. N. Nel son, J. Rowland, George J. Herman, A. J. Amell, Otto Schults, Thomas Bennett, Carl Friedel, Wm. Anderson, Geo. L. Vlnsou, T. F. Piper, A. H. Larsen, R. A. McQulnn. M. Beaver, A. Bar ber. H. C. Domever, O. F. Graves, E. T. Ander son, V. K. Armstrong, Henry Vandermost, L. W Gllllhan, L. W. Bonser, L. Snider. C. J. Elder, U. C. Robinski; Andrew Manhart. W. E. Stevens, J. McCarthy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Colnmhia Countv. State of Oregon, plalutifT, A. Kevin, as administrator of the estate of John Farrow, deceased, all heirs of the decedent (It any there be) and all persona iutereated in said estate, defendant. It appearing to the court by the information filed in this court by the district attorney and by Chester V, Dolph, special counsel by the leave and under the direction of Hon. T. T. ii..p B,.vaniAr of tha state, that John Farrow died on the 9th day of Julv, 1S91, in Columbia eountv, Oregou, leaving real aud personal prop erty therein; that A. Nevin was duly ap pointed as administrator of said estate and duly nuahfied as auch and took possession of all tbe m.I and naraoiial nmoertv of said estata: that said estats has boen duly administered upon and there remains in tne nanus oi saiu auiuin iutratiir lht alitn of 14K9.62. An) It further aDoearini that the decedent died without heirs and that by reason thereof I the state of Oregon has by law a right to such ! personal estate how remaining in the hands of the administrator, it Is therefore ordered: T a THK NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON: I That all persons interested in the estate of John r arrow, aeceaseo, ue ami mey Hro uoreoj required to appear and show cause in thlsoourt, if any they have, on the 13th day of May, whv the title of. in aud to said personal estate should not be adjudged aud vested la tha state of Oregon. It Is further ordered that a copy hereof toe published' in Thc Orkooh Mist, a newspaper published in said county of Colum bia, for six successive weeks. THOMAS A. McBP.IDE, Dated March ith, 1902. ' Judge. We Expect to Get It By giving you just a little more for your money than you can get elsewhere. We Eipect to Keep It By selling yon a quality of good that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR St. Helens, ST. HELENS PHAJBMACY A Patronize a drug store when you i want pure, fresh and reliable Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. t v HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher Regular 25-Cent Noiels Onlj 10 Cents How About Or RK TOU SrjRg it I all rightr Remember that It I the 2 RECORD that govern. It 1 our buslaea to search tha " record and show what they contain In relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real entate aecurity, ttUto no maa' word, but inaist upon knowing what the record show regarding the title. Aa Abstract I a esaential a deed, Insiit on having it. We have the only et of abstract book in the coanty. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. If you have property to insure given a call. We are agent for the best (Ire Insurance companies in the world. If vou have property for sale list it with tu and w will and a buyer. E. . QUICK & CO Main Stntt Omen Hour. UK. Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDG., Southeast Cor. 4th & Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, PORTIA.jS"D9 OREGON. TAKE ELEVATOR. . I COLLINS THE PEOPLES' r Carry a full stock of staple and fancy ...GEOGEBIEe... DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, ' WOODEHWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE WARE, CROCKERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY, Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, aay"'"''" " j T i YOUR TRADE! DEALERS, Oregon. Your Title? 'PHowaa Jffi. Ho0D 414 ST. HELENS. 0RE60N Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist & GRAY 1 MERCHANTS OIL MEAL, LIME, GLASS, OILS, z - - OREGON.