Nttftttffc, ';j OREGON MIST aeved at the IVxtoibtw at St. Im-Icai, Oregon, as sxcond-class cum tuatwr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Imcm Etut Fkioat Mobs is e Br DAVID DAVIS, KTBSCKIFTIOX FBICE: ne eowy Mt year, in advance 6ix mouths.. OMENTAL. APPLst MARKKT. I Indaatrial Agent Jodson. of the 0. R. ' S, reeently made a shipment of fon? 1 boxes of Hoi! River euDlea to Phtna , ' end Japan aa an expert moot to ae wttat i inifht M a one wita Oregon Irniu is j that market, iney were aunt to sanas e aa to an; other market witti do attempt ! to secure different handling or special I price, and tb mull it to aatifiactorr I that there ia no doubt that a (real trade I may ba boil ap ia the Orient. While I the maaa of people there nay ba too : . poor to boy. yet there are weal It ciuteos j is those great empiree who will freely ' pay a reasonable price far good Iran. AFTERTHOUGHTS. Meat ia noarntt, but fish are running and the faithful ben is attending to bns- inea with redoubled tariff One nart of the Klondike cable ia too COM to permit 01 toe regular tranptutv ion of meaaaeea. ckmieiwdy will ha to invent a cable furnara. Tbe remains of the Vtlls ahip Maine) are still riaible at Havana, but the tuao who were responsible for tbe wreck have gooe away back from pablic view. One of the trouble of North Dakota cocstt oitichs.- ktmuhUn fomu Merrill. Clankanl Joaxe. Cler ... anerttf Trwaaarer. ....... apt. of ocfceoS. AWMOf Sumy.......-. CMtmlMioaen j 'MS and they are so nomerousse compared this spring ia "impromptu lakes." 40 i with our producer here that they will There wen times lat niaiuer wben a .. i become an important factor in oar mar-! visitation ot Una natar would have ket. Tbe coat of transportation ja been greatly prixed. ' email coacb teas than to xuiatera mar- i , .JuwBh a Doa. uiim. kets and toe ounces lor aeiiing at a "-ini in . r ... ....... . . . T V a ; ms A ai wvt If J. w nnv prodtaois price are oeiter oecaase there I "itioi ia nxeu v iw,vjw. ai uw -- ? ! m likelihood of nnexnertMl mmr 'Cabana keen so tbe pace wben lelt to a. Ka.t neiena i ... , . .. . ., - I ,v,.ui. .v... .ill ...... thm i..A - uuw vm uma mt BwrHh &nrr bub . .wMtww - ......... - in this region who baa aa orchard tboutd , hot piaee lor crime. took after it, for it will be belter tbaa gold aaine. I. m. I'mlinJ. taoultoa ....IvU ite. St. Helen , a. a. Mule, HoMtioa ..Dr. H- 1L Qut. M. Hciaaa F. A. Tnltt. Smerojw W. D. Cm. Pitubari APBIL 18,1902. STATE ItPUSUCAB TICKET. For Uoveraor W.J.tTRSHU, UnuUilU Co. For SecreUry of State F. 1. DO' BAB, Clawop Co. For Supreme Judge B. S. BAN. Lane Co. For State Treasurer C. 8. UOOR, Klamath Co. For Attorney-General A.M. CRAWFORD, DoogiaaCo. For State Snperinteodent 3. H. ACKERMAX, Haltnomab. For 6tate Printer J. B. WHITSET, Linn Co. CQNCIESSIOIAl TICKET. For Coogreat Second District J. '. WILLUHSOX, Crook Co. COOMTT lEfUIIUCAl TICKET. For Bepreaentatiae KAKTI.V BOTH, Rainier. For County Clerk , DAVID DAVIS, ' St. Helena. For Sheriff ANDREW L. CLABK. Baisier. For Aaeeasor THOS, A. LAWS, Clatakanie. ForTreaaurer ED WIS BOSS, St. Helena. For Commissioner II. L. COLVIX. Harabiand. For Sarveyor Wm. T. WATTS. Scappooee. For Coroner . E. C. DALTOX, St. Helena. MIOK MtCIKT T1CMET. For Justice of tbe Peace BICHABD COX. For Constable FEAXK M. THOBP. For Road guperviaor JOILS G. PLANK. MARCH KOAKS AT APRIU Tbe claim made for Aguinaldo that be providea liberally for hie Brother-in-law will win high praise for him until it ia remembered that all of hi provisions came from Uncle Sam's commissary. If the senate paseea the Nicaragua canal bill already approved by the houas work ran be Iwyun at one. The com plication aaanected with the Panana mate could not be cieared away for years, if ever. The dairy products of the United States are of sufficient value to pay the national debt in litue over two veara, Tbe caw and the baa bave per formed wonders in the West in lifting farm aiortfrafree, and If Unrle am ever mi into a tight place be can call on the. Eight times aa much sugar la con tained in the world now aa waa pro duced in 1M0, and the percent of beet sugar in tbe world's supply bs In creased train o per cent to 67. xne His tory of beet sugar ia a atory of wonder ful development in agriculture, chemis try ana macnioery. A straw bondsman in New York city baa been sentenced to the penitentiary for tlx years. In closing the eaae the prosecuting attorney said the prisoner waa one of the moat unconscionable scoundrels be bsd ever met with, and the judge declared that tbe straw bail business must be abolished. This evil requires sttention elsewhere. A Talaable Hsdlelne for Csaghi aa i'alds U Children. slightest hesitancy In Chamberlain's C'wirli ? At the forks ot the road March lost bis way, and loudly called his winds vk iSEM l-AN N U AL STATEM ENT green and glorious and aeot tbe echo of j " their voice back to tbe opposing bilk, j And then did March with trumpet blast f , . - , , . command bis winds to storm the rosy Of the Financial Condition of Columbia County, Oregon, on uaiururnw mum mu iuo w icit-vrv npa captains of the April armies; sod tbe captains feu before their might, and their rich raiment waa tent and scat tered over a thousand hills; and under a sky serene and beautiful the soldier winds lay down to rest and sighed them selves to sleep, and, sleeping, dreamed of little children, sweet-singing in tbe sunshine, and reaping from that storm swept battle field bright anna full of bloom! WEARY Of BOAOMASTER. the 31st Day of March, 1902. SEMIANNUAL REPORT Of the County rtcrk of OlntnbU Cooatr. Sot of Ortfne, how1n U unrant of rialr Jlaird Sr th 0Bi7 sail Cirrvtt Court, for at M.wet. mool of vimnu ilrmw-n. aoj the siwmnt of arruu oubuadtnc sixt onfmd. tiuai lb til Uj ( Ocubr. 1WU 10 U Ut 6ar ot March, lftci. txHh wrlaxln: OS WHAT AOCOCKT AIXOWBa Road u brMm. (vaeral rasd , Roxti ul ttndsc, road iumi The editor of the Tillamook Headlight ! "oJ aocoani. rtrcait urt iff his hat to the democratic w,t. xoanl, Jujuc of U Wc court.. convention and says "Amen" to tbe de- rourtiuM ud'jaii.' mand that tbe office of road master be abolished, for we have several times pointed out that there are far too many oosses ooeeing roea wore we think. however, that republicans, eapecialiv in Tillamook, will coincide with their dem ocratic brethren on this matter, and wben Representative B. L. Eddy goes to the suite legislature again he will be carrying out the wishes of bia cottstita eics by trying to abolish the olfice of road master, for it ia an expensive luxury the people of Tillamook ean do without. Beeides, the salary paid to a roadmaster could be better nued in iaxB roving roads. Headlight. JT8X HEX; TSAT-8 AlXw The county repubtieaa ticket for this county contains tite name of men of standing in tbe community, qualified to perform the duties of the office to which each aspire, worthy of the support of every voter. This is all that ia claimed tor them. Tbe candidates are men of affairs. Tbey claim no attributes of deity. They are earth-born, not child ren ot the tuties. No halo encircles their brows, their garments are not made of now. A good bat sad a suit of elothes, part wool and something lees than a yard wide, seems to satisfy them, to gether with the knowledge that the goods are paid for. The ticket ia not! composed of seraph or cherubim. Tbey were draws from the rank of the Bkblcc, with a population of 1,901,567, according to a centos just taken, stand high on the list of the world's cities in point of population. There is a strong probability, however, that she is beaten by Chicago by this time. In 1900 Ber lin stood fourth London, New York and Paris beinjr ahead of her on tbe roll of cities, and Chicago fifth. Berlin then had 1,63,0)0 inhabitanta and Chi cago 1,636,000. Berlin since then has grown to 1,901,000, bot Chicago has probably passed that mark or if she has not she uodoubtedlv will toon. The Lotted states is the only country ia the world which baa more than one city of over people. Me fiaa three now New York, Chicago and Philadel phiaand she will have another by 1910, it Bostos'i saaexation pians are carried out. Moreover, even without any ap propriation of outlying territory, St. Louis will not be very far below the 1,000.000 line ten or fifteen years hence. Tbe United States is a highly expansive country. Th Millard and all other land leas ing bills now before congress should be "laid on the table" for the reason that the passage of either of them would re sult in preventing : First, the D roe elect ing, location and development of min eral lands; second, the settlement of millions of aerea of agricultural lands ; j third, the construction of iarn irriga tion canals and reservoirs now under consideration and the consequent re clamation 01 tootuaoas 01 acres ot and and semi-arid lands; fourth, tbe use of adjoining lands by the homesteader and small land owner; fifth, the construc tion of railroada into localities that need the settlers' occupation of the land: sixth, tbe passing of the title to the gov ernment binds into the hands of the in- dividual and keeping it under the con trol of the cattle and sheep baroas and ouivr corporations. Clerk Sheriff SnrrTor BitUS t-efcool upertnlfOoent Cottaty joljr County eoBunUaioner Bad Qpenison laa Jury roprnr Tnearr Awewor Butts: tor rXMrict Altera Bmrdof Drioan Oflk"il Reporter... Rebt( Fee Tax fmid byCoaaty oa 1M bid ta I .. Rebate ot lax Soldier sad Sailor1 indigent mad Copying Ulx roil Total amount f claim aliased and warraata drsva. AVOCSiT WARRANTS DRAW!! I :::::::: 14 M 7M It 11 W WO JO tut a) H 06 1174 K liTO 11 170 m oo 3 71 St 14 JO $78 l asm 16 0 X u SO 00 m u w u v 10 00 1 4U) at M CO so "I have not tbe VSBAkaAkasHiiililts? i Rsmedy to ail who are suffering from j OMighaant cold," sav 1 ns. a.trr mer, well-known wstrh maker, of Co lumbo, Cevlon. "It has been some two rear, since" the eity dispensary Drat called my attention to this valuable medicine and I have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneoctal. It has cured ms quickly of all chest sold. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I bave per suaded many to try this valuable medi cine, and they are all aa well pleased a mvseif over the result." For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. OABTOniA. Bartse s 1M U4 1 Hf) Mw tSfH 5atife to BaUdlag CsatracUr. SEAl.rO BIM WIU. BH BKCKtVKD AT Til B oAn ot U arbool elerS ot ilKUlol No. . In Columbia iuoit. Orrxon at bhW.a nilrn from vlobl. u to I ai la lh altvnoaa ol M.xxla;. Hay ISttl. WU.'Mt tfc rrtlo ot a c buol buildiitf ia aald Jlnrui No. 17, ia avor4 arK atih plaaa al (:! IHailooa now oa x klollloa at lit oSe of Mid vrbool clrk. All bid laaat be anpaBlt.l by a eeniBnt ebark la a mm Mual to ma (lu) Mr rem ol Ud 00 bulk'lpc compMsit. mll ebara to b Int. felid to aald irliool dlilrM ho. X7 la raM lbs loaoat or aoeMed bid ler (aila lo quail fv vllb a food and aufficleat bond wlthl tea (Uday after aaarvlm of th cuBirac. Tli ribl te le.w any or all u oervoy roarreu bi oilrr ol th board of arbixl director at acbou. diuict No. SI, AurU W, 19U1. t aa. atknia lioruaa Aua. kruoira Aua- Attost: P.A"Brraa.IiMrKCiera. ainml . . ... . ... - "aarrlf 1 " - f; . ' 1 LOGCCD-OFF LAND WANTED. XVOrU) UKC TO PCBCHAa LOOOID- II of land. Adilrwa, Matin aoanulT. kvay rioa nd Mloa, J. B FlKLSV, Orrao city, Ura p. bo in. CATTLE FOR SALE. TUBES' rREsH UK I rl!l WITH CALVES; IvoeoviaDdaM belter eooa u point IB , twoyearllhsMer. AU la ood oonditla. V. Wacboolak. t'anco Vall, oaa aatl aauth of ran acuool-houa. J I U4U1 7 AMOCST OF OCTSTASBDW WAR RANTS OPAID. Octnaadloe unpaid oouniy warrasai oa th Sat day of area. iu rarimaicd inlcreat accrued thereon Total txasant of unpaid eoanty wamat and iaureat 8UINUL FOIt SALK. rf"0!T A BtlXS. SKISOLt JSAXtTAC lorvra, of Vallav. Or., ar prepared loans- ply tb local dcaac4 "lib as good tialltyul ahlncio a are manufactured, an.l at brlee a low aa other dealer, delltend al Mxili.n, . ren. Coiurobia City ot tit. Ileieoa. Addrcaa or dra 10 J. PupoDt a Ihiaa, VaUay. or. AVoCctaUe IVeptwJlionrar As slmilatinS ihe Food ami Betf uLv ifiit5warax113owvBor Proinoic DicalionJChfrrful neasanaResiIontAins neWw t)nkn.Morpluive itjrmieraL KOT NARCOTIC. arjK-W Apertircl Remedy forConstipa (iort. Sour Sloowh.Dkintiijea Worms otTvukKW lewri jlv nnrs and Loss OF SLEEP. racSineA Sitnalurs of NEW YORK. m 1H1 EXACT COPY OS WWASWI. J fill Tor Infants nd Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years it) m I am, .. PE0FESSI0XJL. I 4T71 at St OB I sin as STATE OP 0REi5, I County 01 ColnmbU.1 I. J G. Wait. Conatv clerk of tbe Montr of Colombia. Kate of Onena da herM. rtffe ta to rem in u tr-ie and correct atatement of to amount 01 claim alkxtad t,t th rmuir and Cireoii Conru oi aaid etianty, lor th m xaoniha ervitn oa th Hat day ol Karrb. la. on woat accooai me aam wr auovea, ana tae nt&oant ot warrant arawa. and the naount of war. ranra oniatandinc and nnpld a tbe aeun appear apoa ta record oi my office, and In me official cuatody. Wiroea sty hand and th aesi ot Ui County Court ol aaMcnuuty, thialotb day of apeu. a. it. iw. J. u. watis, troanty Clerk. By W. A. HARRIS. Deputy. SEMIANNCAL STATEMENT Of the Coaaty Treamrer of Col cat bia county. Orrfoa. for the tx avmtht endfnr oa lb tint day '4ca. UtO, M money received aad paid out, from whoa nceltod and frvra anal aoarc, and oa what accoant nald out: AMOVSTS KKCETVEO. 'PROM W BAT aOC&CCi RECEIVED. It takes tbe assistance of tbe public to get a good local paper. If one ia in possesion of a bit of news and does not disclose it, it may be lost. Newgpsper reporters, irom lorce 01 naoit, go where they are treated best in this respect, and if tbey skip news item which you hare in mind, nine times out of ten you are to blame. It ia not our intention to lose a single item. We will call on yon persistently. We do not only propose to follow the beaten channel of news, but intend opening new ones. If tbe reporter calls on you encourage him, and in this way yon aid in getting out a good paper, and the snore good enea you nave la the community, the better. In an opinion given br the a.intnt voters of the eoanty, and are regarded ! attorney general recently it is held that a representative men, who will hon estly and capably perform the duties required ot them it elected. That's ail. The men composing the opposition ticket are no d liferent. We personally know each one of them, and we know them to be gentlemen, capable and wil- where a county makes a compromise of taxes with a railroad or other eorpora- ; J : j i i ' . mvu wi uiuiriuu.1, picu vuuJproiaiSB IS in reality an admission of excessive val uation, and therefore each fund must suffer its proportion of the reduction. The apparent lorn to tbe state in its rev- To usotsat on band fro lan To amount raneiTsd from nnei To To - To - - To - - To To - To - To " " To - ' - To " To " " To - To " faral tax ifoonty road tax . . ... . span tcboot tax., .ispeclal city ta Total Received. . " Iielirjquent county lax ' " (Cot oa nal of land.., Conatr Clerk 'He.iemptl.ia of land. ' - " ..' Fee ' " " Scain bonntr ' " " Jwifme t state t. tVAml no aad ucena School rtnpt .liuuiut (nod ' School dtatnet So. 5 Special lax retnroad.. AMOUNTS PAIB OfT. By urunnt paid ont oa eooaty wamtnl By amount paid out oa School erjperinteaiden!' warraata. . ana By baXanc reneral fond on b By balance e4oi fund oa hand. ny amount paid oat state tax. By amount taecUl arhool tax paid By amount paid out on road warrant By amain l aoidien' and tea lorn iodieent fond paid oat. By araount oa hand to pay adaertteed county warrant. . By amount on hand pecia atnool tax By amount 00 hand ipedal eity tax By amount oa hand eoanty road tax Br amoonton hand Intrltota fund By amount oa hand Soidler aad iailora ledixest raad. ny amoant oa band Bicycle rand ..... By amotint oo band tpeeial deaotil UNKRL PVKD. t STtSM , 17 i vT7 M WM u a i ia m lu it : so A 1 tui to m U 15 CUD 00 14 W ll ISMHil 77 O XER L PVND. it Total paid out.. f 1317 131 47 !S5 17 M 15 S7U 00 mi m isua 1000 SV 5i sin m i & a 57 6a an 4 a IS 46 S. H. GRUBER, attorxe r- .ir- jli r. Oflr with K. K. Quirk. ST. HILEXft. : : ORKCOrf. Will tire brat peraonat atiamloa v til letral Batter ntnined to toe Will practice la alt in Mate and t nil! stau umrt. W. H. POWELL, ATTORXEY-AT-Il DkrTTT iMaraicr atto-ixt. ST. HELENS, : OREUOX. B. P. Graham. T. J. Cutrrua Attonieys-at-Law. X xfarnnax BalMlac. Portland Oregon. Columbia Coeuity bam will reomtt prompt Hicauaa. J. W. DAT W. B. DtLLARD DILLVRD & DAY, ATT0ILYEYS-AT-L.1 II OflJrw? wxx door lo CanlKMUat, Gstrml pttie in ctart of Oraivm or Wwh mwui. I)r. Edwin Boss, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS. OREGON. Dr. II. R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Ktosi TJ STATE OP OBEOOS. I Countt of Colombia, f 1. .iwla Roe, do hereby certify that the ioreanfne la aim ami .i-... i .v.. wwuui iwvi.v.1. wu 0u, mini RisiHiii on auq. in me tounty irvaaurr ol ai County lof the ax laonth eadicf oa lb Hat day of March, ista. Wltac my hand tfal ttb day of April. - 1.. rkb, county ireaanrer Dr. J. E. HalL Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon. VERNONIA, OREGON. rTEMIANXUAL STATEMENT Of the amount of mooer and warrant reeeired for laiea. and money paid to th County Traaa- j vwmij, vrern, Hjr m at aoonuu eauina 00 ta Iit day oi orer March. TO AxtOl'HT RECEIVED. ling to do their duty. A man to receive enues is not to be paid to the county out tbe honor of nomination on suds ticket ! of its (reneral fund, but the county must must certainly be tegacded with decent respect ty bis lelloa A. B. Hahxokd, who is in the East, is having built at the Newport News Company's shipyards a steel steamer, whiea is a forerunner of a large fleet ot raise tbe amount necessary to reimburse the state by future levies. The question is one that has risen in nearly every county in the state. Whe it cornea to measuring rainfall, it is surprising how mach water there is the kmd, which is to be put on the 1 ".iJFZL "aT"! " "T P.1. lMrf I ryv-1 1 t. wi , UlMtr UU M lU3 tlVriliWCVl, XU aVCl UmU 1 Zlr Ia';. ?"TDt nieaurement one inch of rainfill i, lilJZ tJtai equivalent to 27.147 gallon, of w.ter oa feitl e Jff to SrlieTt'w ! of 4300 aquare feet, or 862 har wh ninfelt draft t to enter Nehalem, Tillamook and other Lii, lX' '6,6i toM to "re shallow barbor and carry 1,000,000 feet ! acres. ( of lumber. She is also to be well! equipped to carry passengers, and will be su constructed tnat she can be loaded j Tax of 1909 Coat on tax aaia lKJl tax Tax deed and milar fee.. Mortgage tax Total reeeired DIRIJtti THE HOSTHS OP Oct. Mot. 64 54 ''ii'sar 'kx'ial m im Dee. I Jan. .'JXMowPl ST 41 Peb. Marcbjl Total H 0! t 01. .toner St 55 llM 1 fKISl; I.W OC IMt V7 4 4SIM1 Paid to treaanrer Pid to Miicnell for advertising;., keoai Total paid, Inelndlng rebate . pests tu t i j rr- ntni M oavua rr 4 !";"j:"i".;;;('ii4 tm ot 40 05 UrW roam 7 4 to tat 00 m, ,t cm in STATE OP OREdOK. I Coeatyof CotumbU.) X cerehv ertife that the formf iw arnn th aavnat tamed ever h mntb, for lb at month t4lDt Marc a. s. matt AS, Bberftr of Colombia County. Orefoa I tre. ahowln the anmut eollaeted and .n sita. lvtn SEMIANNCAL 8CMMARY I3TATEMENT Of the Snanei! eoadinmt of th Coonty of Columuia, la the Rut of Oregon, oa th flat day of LIABILITIES. AMOCXT. tfroritCEfj. A X early Fatal Runaway and unloaded within twenty-four hours. It is claimed that this fleet will revolu tionize shipping at Tillamook. Mr. Hammond is expected to return in about a week, and other matters of im portance are expected to be developed lor the interest of the Northwest. Wars a new arrival comes to town any town in the coonty take it upon vourseif to show him the value of tbe location, tell him about the resources oi our county, and make it as pleasant f ov inia as possible. 11 yonr time is too vaiuawe Started s horrible nicer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, Ik., which defied dor-tors and all remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica gslve cured him. Just a good for boils, boms, bruises, cuts, corns, scalds, tkin eruptions snd piles, 25c at the St. Hel ens pharmacy. Gseder RkeunAtba. Last fall I waa taken with a very as jvere attack of muscular rheumatism J which caused me great pain and an soy - Abie to spend much tiaxe in bis com- f snd rheumatic cures, I decided to use patty, send him to some one wno will ; Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I bad get hiss uite reeled la the locality and j seen advertised in tbe South Jersevmso. surrounding country. If there is re-j After two spplications of this remedy liable real estate firm in your town send ; I wss much better, and after using one bit" there. The more people there is j bottle, was completely cured. Saaub in a community the more valuable your ! HAxam, Salem, N. J. For tale at tbe property will become. 1 6t. Helena pharmacy. 1 To warrant drawn oa thai county ireuurtr, nd out-' atandi nr and en paid f To eatimated amount of in- lerewl accrued thereon i Te outstanding and anfAldj ium wartmu , , Br fbd In band of eosntv traaa. 1 urer to pay atneral fund warrantai AHOUKT. Total llabiiWea 4771 at By etimate4 unnald eurreot tm.m: I appileabi to payment of county! mto warranie ..(.. By amount of lien on land aold for 117 70 Uxea 17 to 11 jj eaiitnataij wnpam currreot txi appiieatil to paym'l road warraouti , ia... D4 Iff KM. 1W ; 1 1KW...... lvuo By amount of uxe paid by county! OH MlBOa 01W 111 1"', ........... IK KM 1W vm KM By amount of delinquent taxes lfisfi w tyw, IDTIUfire By eaah In bnd of Iremmrcr lo nay advertised eonnty warranta. By cnab In hand of treuanr 10 pay IDWI .Brivm Lot, court houa and farnltara... 675 T Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Lea Portland oa Taeeday, Thurmday aad 8t- araay atf aa. lor If. fV, lelim: Camir Pwf, Haiir tni tilt. Arrlrlniat Portland Monday. Wad nclay and Pnday at J p at. Wharf foot of Halmon Rt H. HOLMAK. Agaat. Oriental Hotel Etrotaa Btaxuuty, Paor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS AT RtAaOBABLB FlOCIRS. Visitors met at Meaner laadlni aad gaeat' bag- Bv Hjoaea ILr. COMMERCIAL MEMS' NOME. ST. HEIiSg, : OREGON. XXTABMSHED 172. ...vm JOHN A. BECK DEALER IS Watcnes. Diamonds, SilTenare, ....JEWELRY.... Kepairing a Specialty. 7 Morrixoa at. Bat. Pront A Plrst, PORTLAND. I 4M OHf Total raaoaree. V TTT ff fllrllt CI weMv P im at iiwiiii vs iiiiiiiii - OUR SPECIALTIES Hard Wheat Floor, Shorts and Bran. We can save you money. beappoose, - Oregon, i Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -aiNi racTtaia or- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. W mfr4or trat-euu rrmrh 1 timber for all purpcae lor tbe und, wblcb we all at a stoat rvMoaani Bgur. Diraeusiou Lamber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. TASK. TO. OREGON. W. D. MOV IB, T. S. WALUU'I. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallacs a Movta, Paor., Is Again Open to the Public, Meals Served on Short Notice. Beds -ii Cent. Meals 25 Cent. HED BA B.I IX C0XXECTWH. BOSSES TO BA T 10 CEXTS. St. Hsuks, : Oaxoos. OOWI-COUiW PEOPLE SHOULD teOTO THE Clatskanie Drug Store roB THiia Drugs and Medicines CIIOICB Toilet Articles and Pcrfumerj Dr. J. g. HAU. frtpnmtw CLATxtnii : Oatooa. fVrfrt MEATI MEATI MEATI City Market rVr. IIkuijis, Oanoon LliDSAT A MOITOM, PlOrS. -MULtU IM- Fresh and Salt Meat i City trade, Wjing ramps, teaxa- i boats and rattnma cam(s suppiiea. oatxju mixu on snowr koth-s. Owl Saloon BR1X.1 BOTHERS, FB0PB1ST0BS Only til beat of Liassrs aEi Ciarx Keiit in Stsck CYRUS NOBLE Ami htr poTuir Ifmv1- U whl. i JST0RIA& COLOMBIA RIVER H RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. 3 j asf or BSABDowa 2 j.TATI! daily. 1 5 )j I a j) n j a r. a. a. a. j ii .a. a. r.u 1 0! OLf Portland Ar 11 w tea S .!'!.... lentil ... ilSOfi S 15 S3) 1 4.S ... Rainier ... lu g 10 t MAj.. Pyramid... t U too 144 40 S6i..)y..r... yu S90 !... Vjuincy.... 30 T 4 SM ISM SIS ..Clat.kanl.. la 1 W IS 4 .. Marahiand . I at T T 10SI7S7 tlifum... J7 TIB 10JD M47 MS ... a.pp.. g 17 i 10 0. 11 M su, . neanwrn... . 07 8 was 11 H t.4 l.John Day.. TM til -l.LJljr Ar. A.iorla .!. 1 u is WEINHARD'S BEER oa draagkt. "Tom Bentou" Cigars. All th laual new. paper, and Mnor g ttiar acrodlceua. rot POITIANO OAlir Steamer Jralda C. I. rasyAtu. Matttr. RAILROAD TIME. LaV RaiBiwedatlrfeilMnt aMeaetfMPaft larut. at A. M.. dwpartlug from M. Helent all o'clock. Mi arrtelng laatea Pbrthud at f ff. Keturntnf at at- Helena al 44, PasKEien and Fast Fttii-L PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR ST. j A .fa .T. xrrx jr.Jkr. AMorl Alt . . mi iiwb. hi . rioea mmnMiuiii. a. iui. . i 1 with W.... 1 - . . . 1 I '-'-- 1 uwni 10 ani fmra lb Kaat and Sound point. Al Portland wlta ail ! traiue leanng Iniou depot, at Aeioria amk 1 i et ft Co.'. boat od rail llaj. l . ti waco and Korth Beach potata. j Peneera for AMorlaae a.. train at Houltoa. Train, will itno 10 mPm' vB. Paaa. Axt.. Astoria, Of rt POBTLAS1B, BAILY. -TIAKIH uAmerica,, Wiilamett Slongh Route Leave ft. Helens ... 6 :30 A M Arrive at 1'ortlaud 10 JO A M Iave I'ortland 9:30 I M Arrive at tt. Helens. A.-00 P M rAfaB AO CENTS. Will Carry Nothln bot Paen gers snd Fast Fraifht. jams: cood, Mststsr. llZSsT 7S1 H TU0S 91 110 Id 4 IX V I i 7 xa 21 Mi ' 17! 414 16 ; ) 41 a a t m , ii oo 117 H leA 41 1 1 zBl 1 t . . li 3m; axa no , prwmwmmmmmiimfmmmrmffWfflitfrirTiriifiW I THE NEW YORK STORE I Has just received a large Invoice 'ol 1 Summer Goods, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. H. MOEGDS. Cooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. siMJUaMMsUiUM