The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 18, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 18.
CHAPTER IX Continued.
By 10 o'clock thore was a consider
able nuiHtor at Wixoe in all about 100
moil. Kir Richard Knlnhnin was nut a
pcijutlur neighbor, and when It wm
known tluit a blow was to be struck at
Mm they came with a will.
Not more thun a third of them had
regnlur nrmor end wnnons. Hut in
tli Unlit of the shield lantern carried
by Tiler and ilnrmihy tlmlr euinient
of scythes. ax. mid lieclninti bills
looked ugly and formldAble enough.
Those who had more special weapons
ami regular defence of pluto, or sword
proof leather, were) inurhalled by Tiler
in front. The injunction of alienee
wan well ohnerveit; the mystery of the
armed gathering, the darknesa, the
flunhiiii of the uncovered lanterna on
face and, weapon, the suspense of the
issue held them mute.
When all waa ready, the altdea of the
lanterna were ahut, and Tiler, who bad
notml the ground carefully in bin morn
lug's excursion, led them to within 100
yanln of the outer gate, exhorting tnem
to move a sieaiuniy ai poaniuie
Then, after ngiiln repeating the injunc
tion of silence, be went forward alone
into the dark lies.
Presently, while the men atood bard
ly daring to drew brouth, be returned,
and told Uurniihy, in a vole uiMlamll-
bis to all in the hutihed alienee, that
all waa right. Then the order wa
given, and repeated In whisper by the
subordinate in command, that no man
wa to move till a messenger ihonld re
turn with the signal. Then Tiler went
forward ciiutiously again, taking Darn
abv with hi in, and Lawrence, and one
of the apprentices. Tiler tbia time
carried a waling ladder, with iron
cruoke nt one end. Barnaby bnd a
heavy i i mi iiimr and a crowbar. To a
modern eye, accustomed to the appa
ratus of l simple warfare, it would
have looked more like an intended
burglary than an operation of war.
Tiler had taken nobody but Barnaby
into hia confluence, lie knew that sue
cobs depended wholly uion the com
nletenes of the surprise. If the garrl
aon weie on their guard an army might
leat against audi strength for day in
The castle stood, aa we have already
aid, in the middle of a mere, connect
ed with the land by a causeway, protec-
ted nt the landward end by a fortified
gate. Tlila gate waa lirat to lie panned.
Tiler bad half hoped that thia out
work might be unguarded. It waa not
aa it Kir Richard lived in hostile
country, or bad any reason to appro'
bend an utlack. But in hia recommit
ering the cautioua leader bad observed
a figure pacing aentry-wiiie on the bat
tlcmtinted roof. How to gut rid of thia
sentry waa the flrat question. An ar
row might mice bim, or atrike against
hia armor, or only wound him ao that
be might atill give the alarm. They
could not afford to rink thia. A aurer
way must be found.
Tiler instructed the apprentice to
creep to the other aide of the gate, and
throw a email atone Into the water to
attract the aontry'a attention. ' He waa
to throw another at an Interval of a
minute, and another if necesrary.
At the tlrat eplaah the weury eon try
looked listlessly over the parapet, won
dering whether it waa a rat. Just aa
he wua turning away a aecond came,
and he looked again, thia time with
quicker curioaity. Aa he peered into
the dark nets, the gleam of the water
Juel visible, there waa a third elpaah,
and he began to suspect human agency.
"It must be some frolicsome wench,"
be thought, and looking keenly along
the shore, and amiling to himself, be
called in a soft voir of inquiry ,"Moll?"
There waa another light eplaah in
Tho sentry waa convinced. "Moll!"
be cried, "la it yon?"
This waa too much for the appren
tice's gravity. "Yea," he squeaked in
a falsetto voice, "it am I. Let me in."
Just at that moment the sentry
heard a light footstep behind him, and
turned. But he waa too late to defend
Himself. In enterprises of thia kind
human life waa bold of light account.
Tiler waa master of the gate, but it waa
a more aerloua business to get inside
the castle. For thia also, however, he
bad laid bis plot.
Tho main plan of the castle waa of a
familiar type of the oarly feudal strong
hold. Thore waa no aperture In the
first story big enough to admit a man.
The main entrance waa high up in one
of the aides, and waa approached by an
outside stair leading np from the cause
way and terminating in a drawbridge.
The bridge from the stair led on to the
first floor, if It may be so called, of
bit of substantial masonry built out
aquare from the main entrance. The
first door of this outbuilding thus served
as a landing for the entrance, and an
outpost from which the garrison might
defend themselves against an enemy
that had reached aa far aa the etair.
The . windowa were tolerably large,
larger than any other on the same floor,
to permit of the free play of missies on
n attacking party.
It waa by one of those windowa that
Tiler had planned to gain entrance. It
was true that even if he got In thore be
would still be outside the castle, for the
aquare outbuilding before the entrance
ley practically outside, separated from
the interior by strong door, with a
portcullis that could be lot down if
necessary. But the dungeon lay under
neath, being the ground floor of the
outbuilding; and he could get into the
dungeon through the trap door, and
Uwa the duogeon make bit way into
the Interior. Moreover, once into the
landing room,' be could out down the
drawbridge for hia follower.
It wm a daring plan, and he bad no
hope of success unlnsa he oould gain the
window unobserved by the garrison
Once master of the outer gate, be
sent Lawrence back to the main body
for a ruft, which be and the smith had
constructed that afternoon for passing
the moat. He told hint also to bring
np the men, and order them to be more
aileut than ever.
They advanced aa quietly a poaslbl
over the cauioway, and launched the
rait by the aide of the stair. Tiler,
Barnaby and Iawrence embarked on it
the scaling ladder, the hammer, the
erowbar all in readinaea.
It wa fortunate for the enterprise
that the Inmate of the castle were all
so absorbingly engaged. The first In
timation of visitor that reached them
wa the sound of the smith' blow on
the iron grating of the window. Bar
naby waa a strong man and skilful in
bis orsft, and be aoon mad room for
himself to scramble in. Tiler followed
It wa Lawrence' buainee to- bold
tbe ladder firm, but he wai o excited
by the adventure that lie went beyond
bis instruction and mounted after bia
It wa hi voice that called Ralph
f (ardelot'a name down the trap door
from behind Tiler. The smith was
otherwise engaged. He wa climbing
up to break the chain f the draw,
bridge. Lawrence' impulsive tea
proved of service for once, at least, in
the history ef that maligned quality
If he had not spoken, Tiler waa ao
wrapped in astonishment at the loex
plicabla scene beneath bim, the knight
lying bound in hi own dungeon and a
young man and a damsel (tending by
that he would not have raised his bead
and ao would have failed to eee that
one of the garrison had opened the
main door with torch in hia band to
learn the meaning of the strange knock
ing that bad been beard, and, eeeing
two stranger kneeling at the trap door,
wa making for them with a drawn
dagger in hia band. Tiler bad not
time to draw bia own dagger, but be
seiied the mini's wrist, and after
brief struggle disarmed him.
Meantime, the smith' sturdy blow
bad aevered the chain of the draw
bridge, and It fell with a loud, resound
nig crack into its place. Barnaby
leaped on to it and shouted to the men
now giitlicred on the causeway
"Now, my boys, up a if tbe devil
wa behind you, and roar like fiends!"
Up the steps they rushed pell-mell
and, headed by Tiler, poured into the
hall. Kainham a men were overpow-
ered almost before they knew that they
were attacked.
The raatlo waa won, but what waa to
be done with ita owner, Kir Richard
Kainham? Till " question, forgotten
during the hurry and fury of the as
sault, and the abort, sharp atrnggle,
presently became urgent.
Among the rough neighbor who had
rushed into the castle when the smith
cut down the drawbridge, only one
answer wa likely to suggest itself,
Ralnhiim was detested for mile around,
and with good reason. The tenants
and serfs on hia lands got little from
him of that protection in their Industry
which the Christian polity of the Mid
die Age prescribed aa the obligation of
the lord of the soil. They were con
etantly at loggerheada with hi bailiffs
over the term of their tenme, and if
he demanded sixpence where he was
entitled to a groat, or three daye' la-
bor instead of two, or double the stip
ulated number of egga or chickena or
capons, thev might grumble, but they
rarely escaped the extortion. Hturmere
Castle was one of thoee virtual neata of
robbers which the parliaments of the
tlmo denounced but could not suppress
Every hnmlut had it tale to tell of in
solent pillage and outrage by Rainhain
and bis lawless gang.
The victim had now tbe upper hand,
and were not in a mood to lose their
Towards the end ol tne nunarea years
of disorder in which feudalism in Eng
land expired, or wa at least funda
mentally modified, great eonstitu-
tional lawyer tried to disabuse the up-
per classes of a prevalent idea that
their only safoly lay in keeping the
commons coor. ll tney wore aepi poor,
aa the French were, it was argued that
they would not rebel, and that their
rebellion would not be danaeroue, for
they would have neither weapon nor
armor, nor money to buy these neces
saries of successful rebellion. A fatal
error, argued Sir John Fortescue. Pov
erty does not make people contented.
It is poverty that breeds rebellion.
"For nothing may make a people to
arise but lack of good or lack of jus
tice. But vet certainly when they lack
goode, they will arise, saying that they
lack justice, ruevertneiess, u mey oe
not poor, they will nover arise, but if
their prince to leave justice that he
give himself all to tyranny."
The commons in eir nicnaru nam
li.m'a neighborhood had been stripped
a bare a the cupidity of himself and
his followsra dictated. But tne opera
tion had not Improved their temper
They hated him cordially for It. And
when the emissaries of the pretended
Flemish merchant went round with the
new that a friend of John Trueman'a
m In the band of Sir Kichard Kain
ham, and Invited them to help in the
rescue, they were not " alow to respond
to the summons.
The gathering wa not a mere rabbi. -
There wa iome organization fn it, and
thi organization was baaed, oddly
enough, and yet not inappropriately,
upon the established machinery for the
conservation of peace. Tbe use made
of thi machinery in tbe great Rebellion
ol the feasant is one of the most curb
ou feature in it, and the least gener
ally understood. The machinery wa
simple, and it may be worth while to
describe It in a word or two, seeing tbat
it i one ol the main clew to tbe for
midable character of the rebellion.
In the Fourteenth century we were of
course still very far from the modern
institution of police force. If you were
robbed in open day, or had your house
forcibly entered and pillaged, or were
violently assaulted on your way to
church or market, there wa no olvio
soldier In blue on the spot, or, a it
might be, at some distance from the
apot, to protect or pursue. And -yet
there wa a certain guardianship ef
the peace, an arrangement by which
all the able-bodied men of a district
were constituted into a sort if reserve
police force. Every man, villein and
freeman, between the agea of 15 and
60, from the poorest son of the soil to
the substantial freeholder, wa bound
oy law to po arena arm of some sort,
Officers were periodically appointed to
make teura of Inspection, and see tbat
every man wa provided with arma ac
cording to bia mean, fiom rough dag
ger knife, or iron pointed (take, to
sword and apear, helmet, and coat of
mail. Then in every township there
wa a constable, and in every bun
dred a chief constable, whose duty it
waa to keep the roll of this reserve
force and call them out upon occasion.
Every man wa bound under penaltie
to respond to the call. When a flag
rant breach of the peace wa commit
ted, and hue and cry raised, the force
was put in motion thiough the con
stables, and criminals were chased from
township to township with an ardor
proportioned to the unpopularity of the
offence. There waa thus a simple bnt
effective military organ iiation, strength
ened by long established tradition,
available lor the preservation ol order.
When the feudal chiefa began to
neglect their duties, and became, many
of them, the enemies, instead of tbe
leader and protectors of the commons,
thi organization atood ready to the
hand of the widespread discontent. It
waa this that made the -insurrection ao
But to return to tbe armed gathering
tbat had stormed bturmere Castle.
Why did not Simon d'Ypres, aa this
agitator of many aliasea called himself
on bia present journey, raiae the hue
and cry against Kainham in tbe regular
way? A high handed robbery had been
committed in broad day on tbe king a
highway. Why did he not appeal at
once to the chief constable of the hun
dred? For the beBt of reason. Sir
Richard Ralnham wa himself chief
constable. The cuitoa pacia wa the
sturdy lawbreaker, This waa the rest
on why the plundered traveller ap
pealed to the organization which for
aome time he and hia frienda had been
secretly building up within the line of
the regular legal organization.
I rom thi moment that the aseembled
peasants crossed th drawbridge they
became a rabble, a rabble ' infuriated,
posse seed with the savage instincta of
lynch law. The whole affair had been
o sudden that there bad been no time
for such drill aa alone can keep in
check the irregular, bloodthirsty im
pulses of excited men with arma in
their hands, collected In the name of
justice. Justice thus embodied, furious
a well a blind, i apt to atrike wildly.
Neither Simon nor Tiler had any
fixed plan aa regarded Rainham him
self. Their first and main purpose waa
the rescue of the prisoners. Simon
also wished to recover certain paper,
of which be proposed to make use at
Stourbridge Fair, his outfit aa a Flem
ish merchant being a blind to his real
mission there. Further, he waa glad
of the chance of testing the efficiency of
the new organization. What might be
come of Rainham in the conflict they
had not fully considered.
(To be continued.)
Tht Telephone.
It ha not been many year since a
noted scientist, in an exhaustive arti
clo, satisfied himself and thousands of
other that the telephone could never
be brought into practical nee. Today
it is estimated there aie 2,278,000 tele
phone in use in tbe "United State
alone. No man attempts to do busi
ness now without the aid ol the 'phone.
Business ia transacted over the tele
phone, although the parties are separ
ated by thousands of miles. The home
and the office are brought together by
means of the telephone. Those instru
ments have now invaded the country
districts, and the telephone and the
free delivery of mall are going hand In
Khaki Color Doomed.
The British war office ha decided
that after the Boer war ia over khaki
will not be used, but a working dress
will be made of a peculiar drab mix
ture, which ia said to be of a more
neutral color than khaki serge, eo tbat
the present campaign will doubtless be
handed down to posterity aa the khaki
war. This material, it is complained,
ha not enhanced the appearance of
English soldiers, and the authorities
are by no mean satisfied that it ha
added to their safety.
Congressman a Traveler.
Congressman Burk ha traveled all
over the world outside of the United
States, the greater part of which is un
known to him. , He says he goes to for
eign countries in order to get an entire
change from hi usual surrounding.
He haa never been west of Chicago not
south of Washington.
Chicago has three buildings 17 or
more stories in height, seven of 16
stories, three of 15, six of 14, and sev
en of 13. This according to the count
of an alderman. -
Ik Comprehensive Review ef the Important
Happening of the Put Week. Presented
ia a Condensed Form, Which It Most
Likely to Prove ef Interest to Oar Many
Two men were killed in a mine explo
sion near Lake City, Colo.
Congress will not appropriate the
necessary funds to raise the Maine this
Tne Standard Oil Company baa se
cured control of its only rival in West
One thousand Chinese government
troops have deserted in a body and
joined the rebels, taking with tbem
their arms, munition and treasure
Friends nf the (IfiinftiiA ATelimlnn hill
in the senate have about given up hope
of the measure passing in its present
The situation throughout Belgium re
mains unchanged. Fresh outbreaks
may occur at any time.
During severe fighting in the Trans
vaal, 200 Boers were killed, captured or
wounded. The British also loHt
General Milea will be forced to retire
at an early date.
Tbe cholera aitnation i growing
worse in tbe Philippine.
Fire in a Louisville, Ky., lumberyard
destroyed f 70,000 worth of property,
Tbe house has passed the bill grant
ing Mrs. McKinley a pension of $5,000
a year.
Major Waller baa been acquitted of
the charge of killing natives of r-amar
without trial.
Rioting continue in the cities of
Belgium. Martial law will be declared
throuhgout tbe country.
A new independent steel company is
to be Incorporated in New Jersey with
a. capital of 1200,000,000.
England is very hopeful over the
prospects of peace. Tbe Boer leaders
have been in communication with Loid
Burglars entered an Indiana bank
and blew open tbe aafe, but the ex
plosion awoke citizens and no money
was secured. The damage by the ex
plosion was $12,000.
The revolutionary movement in Bel
gium appears to be spreading.
- Wade Hampton,' the famou South
ern general, is dead. He waa 84 yeara
of age.
Sir Hiram Maxim, an English capi
talist, offer 250,000 for a successful
airship tbat is not a balloon.
The Spanish commission which ia to
value artillery remaining in tbe West
Indies, has sailed for it destination.
Colombian rebels continue to harrass
the government troop. They are re
ceiving arm from the United States.
Tbe Boer have not yet accepted the
British term of peace Conference be
tween the leaders are still in progress.
John D. Rockefeller haa given a
Brooklyn school $125,000 provided tbat
friends of the institution raise aa equal
amount within one year.
Unconfirmed statements are in circu
lation in London to tbe effect tbat the
Boer leaders have accepted tbe British
terms of peace.
The body of Cecil Rhode ha been
placed in its last resting place.
Fire at Colnmbns, Ga., destroyed
property valued at $ 250,000.
Rear Admiral Norman S. Farqubar
has retired. His retirement promotes
Captains Joseph B. Ooghlan and James
II. bands to be rear admirals.
While at the Charleston exposition
the president declared his intention of
visiting the Northwest at an early date.
T)r. TnlinnffA in mneh wims. Tie In
now troubled with congestion of the
Socialists mobbed King Leopold, of
Belgium, and be bad a difficult time in
The Danish iandsthing, or upper
house, voted in favor of selling the
West Indies to the United States. Tbe
treaty will now go to the lower house.
Cholera is increasing in the Philip
Tbe Manchurian treaty haa been
signed at Pekin.
Fire in New York destroyed a six
story building. Loss, 1160,000.
Fighting between Christiana and
Turks is reported in Northern Turkey.
President Roosevelt received a hearty
welcome at the Charleston exposition.
The house's first vote on Cuban reci
procity showed both parties to be
Major General W. R. Shatter, United
States army (retired), ia a candidate for
governor of California.
Of the 20 tobacco factories In France
3 are in Fari.
South Africa ha ostrich farms con
taining over 300,000 bird.
In New York city alone there are
now about 400,000 German.
The governor of Finland ha ordered
the prosecution of the Lutheran pastor
who refute to read the new Russian
army regulation in their church.
Will be Forced by Secretary Root to Retire
at an Carry Day.
' Washington, April 16 The issue
are fairly joined - between tbe lieuten
ant general and the secretary of war.
Tbe trouble which began long ago un
der the Cleveland administration have
finally reached so critical a atage tbat
a compulsory retirement of General
Mile at an early date is an open secret,
and ia not denied at the White House.
In explanation of President Roose
velt' position, one of bis close friends,
who unquestionably apeak by author
ity, ai-l :
"The question is not a 'personal one
between General Mile and Secretary
Root. At present (Secretary Root boa
on hia sbouldre a heavier burden than
any other member of the administra
tion. No man less strong could carry
it all ; and now, at the very time when
he requires the most loyal support of
every subordinate who withe well to
the army and tbe nation, he baa to
spend much of his strength in meeting
the opposition of the commanding gen
eral. If General Milea is retired, it
will be simply because, after s patient
trial, President Roosevelt feels that on
tbe highest ethical grounds bis reten
tion would work grave and lasting in
jury to the army a a whole.
"Aa some of General Miles friends
have said tbat it would be unfair to
retire him, it abonld be said, in tbe
first place, tbat he secured bia promo
tion to a brigadier generalship only
through the similar forced retirement
of General Ord, be himself being jump
ed over by a number of bia teni ir offi
cers in tbe vacancy thua created ; and, in
the second place, that the only action
of the kind taken by President Roose
velt since he has been in office was in
tbe i-aee of Colonel Noyee, who was
compnlsorily retired after reaching tbe
age of 62, on the recommendation of
General Miles. In other word, the
general baa himself recommended and
profited by tbe very action which bis
fiiends now fear may be taken at hia
"If he should go out before General
Brooke is retired, General Brooke, who
is General Miles' senior, both in serv
ice and in age, and who did gallant and
distinguished work as a volunteer in
the Civil war, would undoubtedly be
put in his place a lieutenant general,
as it is known that the administration
has been very desirous of recognizing
General Brooke'a long and faithful
service." 1
Details of Proposals Now Under Discussion by
Leaders at Pretoria.
The Hague, April 16. From those
close in touch with the Boer leaders
here it appears that the latest secret
dispatch from' South Africa outline the
peace proposal now nnder discussion
at Preotria. Tbey contain tbe follow
ing details:
The Boers are to accept a British lord
commissioner, with a Boer executive,
both to be resident at Pretoria; the
country is to be divided into districts,
with British district officers and a Boer
committee chosen by a vote of the
burghers j the veto right is to be re
served to the British government; the
majority of the British officers must be
conversant with the dual language; Jo
hannesburg ia to be ceded to the Brit
ish, with complete British civil govern
ment; a war indemnity of 10,000,000
pounds is to be distributed by mixed
committees; disarmament is to occur
when the first batch of Boer prisoners
is sent back to Sonth Africa; no war
tax ia to be levied ; both languages are
to be recognized in the schools and
courts and in official documents; the
expense of the garrisons in South Africa
is to be borne by Great Britain; tbe
present Boer leaders are tobe retained
in office eo far as possible.
Cathedral Tower Falls.
Madrid, April 16. At the close of
the celobation of a grand mass today,
the tower of the cathedral at Cienta
collapsed, and destroyed three adjoining
housee and part of the cloisters. The
remainder of the cathedral threatens to
fall. Two bodies and a number of in
jured persons have been recovered from
the ruins. The number of persons en
tombed is not known.
Texas Suffering from Drouth.
Austin, Tex., April 16. Governor
Sayres has investigated tbe condition
which prevail in Zapato and has is
sued an appeal calling on the people of
Texas to extend relief to that section,
"on account of the very severe and pro
tracted drouth which has prevailed."
First Catholic oa tht Board.
Washington, April 16. The president
haa appointed Archbishop Ryan, of
Philadelphia, a member of the board
of Indian commissioners. He succeeds
Bishop Whipple, the eminent Episco
palian, who died recently, and is the
first Catholic prelate appointed on tbe
Thousands of Immigrants.
New York, April 18. Immigrants to
the number of 4,132 arrived during the
day from European ports. Tbe Trojan
Prince, from ports in the Mediter
ranean, brought 1,107; the Statendam,
from Rotterdam, had 1,097 aboard; the
Champagne, from Havre, brought
1,059; the Hesperia, from Mediter
ranean ports, 680, and the Island
brought from Denmark 219.
Commercial and Financial Happening ef Im
portance A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of tht Many Industrie
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
latest Market Report.
I. O. 0. F. grand lodge of Oregon
will meet at Newport May 21.
The electric light plant at Gold Hill
will aoon be in operation.
Tbe Oregon G. A. R. encampment
will be held at Astoria June 4 to 6.
Work has commenced at Grants Pass
on a three story brick Masonic ball.
The foundation of the new flouring
mill at Condon has been completed and
work on the superstructure commenced.
Tbe lambing season in Baker county
ia proving one of the best in years and
the prospect are good for a large wool
Ten stamps and a quantity of ma
chinery and equipment have arrived at
Grants Ps for the Eureka mine, in
the Briggs district, Western Josephine
Tbe Salem Fruitgrowers' Union ha
voted to contract its 1902 crop of straw
berries for Z cent per pound for the
best canning berries and 2 to 3 cents
per pound for other varieties.
The Oregon Lumber Company has
purchased the entire plant and hold
ings of the Beaver Flume Lumber Com
pany, in Beaver valley. The flume
ends at Runyon's station on tbe A. A
C. B. B.
The owners of the Red Boy-Concord
mines, Granite district, are completing
arrangements for installing near Olive
lake a large electric light and power
plant. Tbey will furnish power to
other mines in tbe same neighborhood.
Polk county is now practically out ol
Tbe postofBce at Mabel, Lane countv,
has been moved one-half mile to the
Tbe postofQce at Ridge, Umatilla
county haa been moved half a mile to
the southwest.
A postofBce ba been established at
Drew, Douglas county. The office will
be supplied with special service from
Fruitmen of Polk county predict aa
immense crop' this year. Tbe con
tinued cold, backward spring weather
has retarded the development of buds
which are not affected by the present
severe cold and chilling rains.
Considerable anxiety has been ex
pressed by fruitgrowers in the Hood
river valley concerning the probable
damage to fruit by tbe severe freeze in
January and February. From present
indications, however, the yield will be
average, unlesa some further damage
The Polk county Mobsir "Association
has sold its pool of 3b, 000 pounds at 25
cents per pound.
Mrs. Eliza Jane Wrislav. an Onwon
pioneer of 1852, has passed away at her
nome in Medtora. ueceased waa born
in 1826.
Wheat Walla Walla, 6364c;
blueetem, 6465c; Valley, 64tS5c.
Barley Feed,, $20(821.; brewing,
121(321.60 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, 1.161.22K;
gray, 1. 10(81.20.
Flour Best grades, $2.85(33.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.50(32.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid
dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop,
Hay Timothy, $1215; clover,
$7.5010; Oregon wild hay, $56 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, $1.101.40
per cental; ordinary, 1.00(31.10 cen
tal; Early Rose, $1.502.00 percen
tal, growers' prices ;sweets, $2.252.50
per cental.
Butter Creamery, 2022tfc; dairy,
1618c; store, 1315c
Eggs 15c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13(3
13)c; Young America, 14 16c; fac
tory prices, llc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3
4.50; hens, $5.006.00 per dozen, 119
11)60 per pouhd;springa,llllc per
pound $3.65 per dozen; ducks, $57
per dozen; turkeys, live,. 12Q13C,
dressed, 14(3 16c per pound; geese, $6)6
7 per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound ; dress
ed, 77)6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, be; dressed, 6)37c
per pound.
Veal 7 H 8 for small; 6X7 for
Beef Gross, cows, S34c; steers,
44)6c; dressed, 6H7sc per pound.
Hops 12(3 13c per pound.
Wool Valley, 1315c; Eastern Ore
gon, 8512)tc; mohair, 2121)ie per
The weekly wage of operator of
typesetting machines in Germany vary
from $4.28 to $14.28.
The Commercial Club of Louisville
u-es advertising space in street cars and
on bill boards to enjoin readers to
patronize home industries.
But little notice was taken in Hol-
tlhd of the anniversary of Queen Wil-
e amina'a wedding, and no reference
onit whatever appeared in tbe leading
Dutch paper.
Seventeen Incendiary Fires were Started Dur
ing Ont Night
Chicago, April 16. After extinguish
ing 10 fire yesterday,, moat of them
close together, and apparently of in
cendiary origin, the firemen of South .
Chicago at daybreak today were called
upon to contend with tbe moat serious
of the long string of blazes.
Tbe first of this morning's fire con
sumed a barn containing several horse.
St. Patrick' church came next, and
ws destroyed before the firemen could
reach it. Scarcely had they reached
the church when they were recalled to
fight a dangerous looking fire at Wil
lard Sons bell forge works. After
hard fight here tbe flames were checked.
Meanwhile the warehouse of the Wash
ington Ice Company had caught fire,
and before the flames were subdued
$5,000 damage had been done. The
Calumet theater came next, austaining
$10,000 damage before tbe fire was ex
tinguished. A four story structure,
having a feed store on the ground floor,
and dwellings above, waa discovered to
be burning before the theater fire wan
put out. Two families escaped in
their night clothes. Tbe building wa
destroyed. Meanwhile a saloon had
burned down.
The total loss of this morning's fire
is put at $50,000. Aa tbe bnilding
were not near each other, the firemen
declare that the fires were the work of
an incendiary. The people of South
Chicago were greatly alariued by tbe
rapid work of tbe firebug.
The financial loss in the fires yester
day amounted to $60,000. Evideoce
of incendiarism waa so convincing,
however, that citizens joined the police
in patrolling the wtreete in an effort to
guard propertv and capture the incen
diary or incendiaries. In spite of the
extra precaution", however, today'
fires were started. Citizens were be
wildered at the attack, and dayiigbt
wa welcomed with great relief.
Retailers Determined that Consumers Shall be
Made to Suiter.
London, April 15. The so-called
meat famine, which has ben exploited
through ut the Briti-h press, has be
come a matter of keen intere-t to Lon
doners, who hitl erto have not been
affected by the prevailing scarcity. A
careful can vans of London shows that
tbe retailers at tbe present time are the
sole sufferers by the advance in the
wholesale price, which amount to a
penny per pound on all grades of meat,
Since January, the majority of the re
tailers have been running their busi
ness without profit, because lack of or
ganization prevented a uniform in
crease of prices. A meeting, however,
has been called, which undoubtedly
will result in a uniform increase in the
price of meat on tbe part of retailer
throughout London.
New Seven .Million-Dollar Building Planned
for Washington.
Washington, Apiil 15. Senator
Fairbanks, chairman of tbe senate com
mittee on buildings, has reported favor
ably a bill providing for a building for
the executive, the department of state
and the department of justice. Senator
Fairbanks consulted President Roose
velt before the report was made, and
found him agreeable to having the ex
ecutive offices in the new building.
The proposed building is to be erected
north of the present state, war and
navy bnilding. It is estimated that
the new building and site will cost
$7,000,000. Senator Fairbanks sub
mitted an elaborate report upon the
bill, showing the necessity of relieving
the White House of the executive offices
and the need of more room for the
other departments. .The building is to
be constructed under the direction of
the secretary of state and attorney gen
eral, with the approval of the presi
dent. 1
Helen Gould's Gift to be Dedicated.
New York, April 15. The new
$100,000 building for the naval branch
of tbe Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, near the Brooklyn navy yard,
built with funds contributed by Miss
Helen Gould, i so nearly completed
tbat it is expected tbe work of the
branch can be transferred to it within
two weeks. The formal dedication will
take place on May J15. Secretary Long
will make an address. The building
has five stories, a basement and a roof
garden, and is in tbe architectural style
of tbe French renaissance.
Rtvolt In the Congo.
Paris, April 15. The minister of tbe
colonies has ordered that reinforce
ment be sent to the seene of the
troubles in the Fren. h Congo, ai the
result of the dispatches he received
yei-terday confirming the report of a
revolt of native in theSangha district.
The Paris manager of the Sangba Com
pany attribute the outbreak to the fact
that the fanaticism of the natives has
been aroused by human sacrifices which
were celebrated recently. He add
that the natives are well armed with
modern rifles.
Brigands Exterminated
Constantinople, April 15. A band
of seven Bulgarian brigands has been
exterminated in the Vilayet of Mon-ai-tir,
in Macedonia, by Turkish troope.
The brigands captured the tower of the
village of Kadi Koi and then fortified
themselves. ' The troops surrounded
I the place and demanded the surrender
of the brigands, who replied with
fusillade, which wa returned by the
Turka until all the occupant of the
I tower wtre dead,