Spring Humors Come to most jxople and causa many trouble, pimples, boil and other eruption, besides loss ot appetite, that tired feeling, litu of biliousness, indigestion and headache. The sooner one gets rid of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system that ha suffered from them is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination the Spring Medicine par excellence, of. unequalled trength in purifying the blood aa shown by unequalled, radical and per manent cure of Smrmfmla Rhm CnM Waaef Bmfm, Phmplmm All Kind ml Hmmor Pmmrlmmlm tMMMilif Rhmmnmllmm Omtmrrm Dymmmmmlm, Dm Accept no substiture, but be sure to get Hood'a, and get it today. African Fiddle The teze is favorite instrument in East Africa. It in a sort of crude vio lin, composed of a bar of wood fastened to a large gourd There is a single atring made of vegetable Bber,and differ ent tones are reproduced by lengthen ing or shortening the string. Mothers will find Mrs. W InsloWs Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their Children daring the teething period. fro) George IV. to Edward VII. Should the Baronesa Eordett-Contts lire to witnesa the coronation of Ed ward VII next June, it will be the third event of the kind she will have attended. At the age of 16 she saw George IV crowned, and she also at tended the coronation of Queen Victoria. THE CHINESE EMPRESS'S SEALS. Are Toa Cslae; Allen's Famt-Easa? It U the eoly e lr Swollen. Smarting; Burning, Sveatina Feet, Corn end Bunions. Ask lor Allen's Koot-Ease, a Dow.lsT to lie shaken Into the shoes. At all Urosgi'M end 8hoeStore.a. Wem.leenl FREE. Addreis Allen 8. Qlmsied. LeBoy. N. V. England to Uara From Li. At the suggestion of Alfred Moselev, of London, and Lord Keay, president of University College, London, a spe cial commission will be sent fom Eng land to this country to inquire into la bor matters and the relations between masters and labor unions. Piso's Cure for Consumption ia an infal lible medicine for cnugns and colds. S. W. 8ibuix. Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. A Joke From England. Mrs. Gotham Now they say Chicago is to hare the most powerful telescope ever made. What do you suppose that is for? Mr. Gotham I presume they want to find out if the top stories of their booses are inhabited. Tid-Bits. ion THIS? The Imperial seals of the Dowager Empress of China were recently sold by auction In London. There are no duplicate to these very Interesting and beautiful specimens of Chinese art. and therefore they are of special value te the wealthy connoisseur. The seals are four In number, and are of green Jadestones. They are of Interest te artists, for the strong-minded dowager waa much addicted to painting water color, and to prevent any doubt being cast upon them as not the genulue pro duct of her own Imperial hand, and that posterity should also be enlight ened as to her genius, she used to af fix one of these Jadestone seal upou them. The Thoenli Is carved on two of these seals. This Is the special mark or crest of an empress dowaser of the empire. Rut the lady autocrat was not satisfied with the Phoenix alone. Having usurped the reins ot government, she arrogated to herself the prerogatives of the Emperor, and added the iTajron to her own emblem of majesty. This makes the pair of seals belonging to Yl-Kun Palace of especial value, and will be a token te succeeding generations of her usurpa tion and reality of power In the em pire, ne of the seals Is of aa espe cially beautiful design. It la of white Jade, the surface of which is a beau tiful red color. It belenced to the Bm- peror Kien Lung (1 730-901. and la stat ed to have been carved by himself, his majesty having been quite an artist m his way. It bears the words, "It ia only the learned of the present day waa love the lore of the ancients," In the cut are shown the Impressions of two of the seals, the Dowager Em press' ordinary seal and the Emperor's Yl-Kun seal. The inscription of We former Is translated. "Nourish your mind and nurse your spirits," while that of the latter is "Written by the Imperial Hand in the Yl-Kun Palace." We offer One Handled Dollars Reward for any ease of cettaxrh that can not be cured by HaU'i Catarrh Care. F. i. CHENEY A Co., Prone., Toledo, O. Wetheonderalirned.haTeknowiiP.J.Chener for the part 15 vear. and believe biin periecUy leoaorable in all biuiuess transactions and fin ancieJW able to carry outanjr obligations made bT Ueil firm. . , Wan A Tar!. Wholeeaie Irairgists. Toledo, WaLdiso KikkaxA Maavra, Wholesale Drug sr.su, Toledo. O. Ball's Catarrh Care Is takes internally ,aetin directly en the blood and mucous enrfseesof the system. Price 75c per bottle. Bold br all dnwrists. Testimonials free, stall's family Pills are the best. Danger of Resentment. "Republics are ungrateful," said the hero, sadly. "Well," answered the business man, "I suppose a republic has a great deal of human nature about it. Nobody likes to be dunned, and come people are liable to make the mistake of con tinually reminding a republic of its debts." ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's iattte Liver Pills, Bust Bear Signature of See Facsimile Wraps Below. DAN GROSVENOR SAYS: Teruoaisan Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy I am aa Well as Ever." Hon. Dsn. A. Grortnor. ot the famous Ohio family. Hon. Pan. A. Grosveuor, deputy au ditor for the war department, in a let ter written from Washington, 1. C, say:' "Allow me to expresa my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Pcruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics it is an excellent catarrh remedy." Very respettiLlly, Dan. A. (irosvenor. Hal P. IVnton, chief national export exposition, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "I was completely rundown fiom over work and the respnnsioiKty naturally connected with the exploitation of a great international exposition. My physician reooni mended au extended vacation. When lifo seemed almost a burden I began taking Peruna, and with the use of the fifth 1 Kittle I found myself in a normal condition. I huve since enjoyed the best of health." Almost everybody needs a tonic ia the spring. HomeUiiiiir. to brace the nerves, invigorate the brain, and cleanse the blood. That Peruua will do this is beyond all question. ' Every one who has tried it has had the same experience as Mrs. D. W. Timbyrlake, of Lynchburg, Va.,' who, in a recent letter, made use of the following wonts: "I always take a dose of Peruna alter business hours, a it is a great tiling for the nerves. There is no better spring tonic, and I have used about all of them." For a free book on "Chronic Ca tarrh," address The Peruua Medicine Co., Columbus. Ohio. AND THE CAT CAME BACK. This Angora Beauty Waa So Destruc tive, 8a i J the Domestic. A Brooklyn woman recently gave away her pet cat, an Angora of great beauty, although she was much attach ed to "it But the cat had broken many plates, two cream Jugs, a teapot, sev eral teacups, several handsome pieces of bric-a-brac; had drunk cream and milk intended for breakfast on several occasions, aud bad stolen several sweetbreads when the Ice chest waa left open. Nevertheless, this destructive cat was a great favorite with the cook, chambermaid, and dining-room girt who won their mistress" heart by al most crying when she sent It away. Two days after the Angora's de parture its mistress found a handsome baud-painted plate on the dining-room table broken in several pieces. She asked the maid about it. "I dunno," answered the maid, "how it happened, unless puss came back and paid a visit. You know, mum, cats has a way of eomin' back." "Yes, so I understand, Mary, and I think puss will soon be with us again, so that she will not have to make vis Its." replied the mistress. That night she wrote a letter to the friend who had taken the cat, saying: "Send puss back, for I think I have discovered the cat or cats for whose acts she has been blamed." Puss was brought back, and for a wonder the domestics don't like her as much as they once did. She Is not so welcome In the kitchen, but then she has reformed Her mistress furnished the key to her reformation when she told the story to a friend. "You see," she said, "she has quit dol ing damage since I told the domestics that I would hold them responsible for all the damages she did and would take enough out of their earnings to pay for the damage. Since that they have watched her so closely that she has neither broken any dishes, drunk any cream, nor eaten any sweetbreads." And the owner of the cat smiled at her friend, says the New York Times, and actually winked. A FENIMORE COOPER LETTER, Tins sen mm r I JUUra I a rryrrtt fiwmi.rv to I I r Vf FOriEABUBSi FBI DIZZINESS FDR IIUOffSREXY. FOI TORPID LIVE. FOR COHSTIPATIOI. roo SALLOW SHIT. FOimCOMPLEXIOl CURE SICK HEADACHE.. mt GET 5AKED 1 Aiiet CLOTMINC m KELP YOU NT WTHl W ABBftT SiTfaPsH K ASOVt TPASf Mm KWAftC OF IMITATIONi f Cli.Wi"-J ri.i- lAMdVM PULL LINfi OffiARMfNTJAMOMATA Otac5-tK3TON.r1A53. i'.iyrriir n,ulS MriUl ALL fclb f AILS t J Best Cough Syrup. Tanes Oood. Use f 1 in time. rVji by drngrtft. r iL i . m- a'y.sat ye. i-jg;o;aj "w ,n ii ...ar -- a Famous Novellat Called Europe a Ro mance and America Humdrum. Here Is an interesting letter. In the possession of a well-known autograph collector, that, according to the Phila delphia Becord, Fenimore Cooper wrote to but publishers In 1831: "l hope you will be wrong in antici pating a bad reception for The Bravo.' I cannot tell you much of Its reception in Europe, though Gosselin says it Is very decidedly successful in France. America Is, of all countries, one of the least favorable to works of the Imagination. In Europe, or, rather In England, where there has existed a necessity of accounting for some suc cess In the very teeth of their preju dices and wishes. It has been the fash Ion to say that no writer ever enjoyed so favorable an opportunity as I, be cause I am an American and a sailor. As te the sailor part of the business. It Is grossly absurd; for what advant age has an American sailor over any other? They know the falsehood of what they say In this respect, for I can get 3,XK) for a nautical tale that shall celebrate English skill to-morrow. "For myself, I can write two Euro pean stories easier than I can write one American. Why, Europe Itself Is a romance, while all America Is a matter-of-fact, humdrum, common-sense region from Quaddy to Cape Florida." An Uautual Occurence. Towne You seem to have a little cash. , Browne Yes; railroad accident. Tonne You don't mean to say that you got damages. Browne I mean to say a railroad I took some stock in years ago has final ly paid a dividend. Chip of the Old Block. "Thomas," said the minister to bis five-year-old son and heir, "I trust you will not misbehave in church this morning, as you did last Sabbath Such conduct is very mortifying to me." "But, papa," rejoined the incorripi ble Thomas, "aint we taught to mortify the fleah?" None llequired. He was obviously anxioua, and she seemed almost willing. "1 shall refer you to papa," said she, with a becoming blush, "before giving you a final answer." "But I am perfectly willing to take you without any reference," said he, magnanimously. Indianapolis News. ANOTHER GRAND REPORT FROM HIS MAJESTY'S DOCKYARD, AT PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. Wbtrs Upwards of 10.000 Men Are Coo. stantly Employed. Some time ago the Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette published a mont thrilling and remarkable experience of the wife of Mr. Frederick Payne, him self connected with the Portsmouth Dockyard for many years. The report produced a great sensation, not only in Portsmouth, but throughout the coun try, being considered of sufficient im portance for reproduction and editorial comment by the leading metropolitan and Provincial Press of England, as showing the marvelous powers which St. Jacobs Oil possesses as a cure for Rheumatism, its application having effected a perfect cure in the case of Mrs. Payne, after having been a help less cripple and given up by several physicians. We have now further evidence of its intrinsic value as a Pain Conqueror. Our readers will do well to follow the intelligent and highly interesting de tails as given in Mrs. Rabbets' own words: To the Proprietors Rt. Jacobs Oil : Gentlemen My husband, who is a shipwright in His Majesty's Dockyard, met with an accident to his ankle and leg, spraining both so badly that his leg turned black from his knee to his toes. The Dr. said it would be months before he could put his foot to the ground, and it was doubtful whether he would ever get proper use of his leg again. A few davs alter the accident I had a book left at the door tolling about St, Jacobs Oil, I procured a bottle from our chemist, Mr. Arthur Creswell, 379 Commercial Road. I began to use fit, Jacobs Oil, and you may gues my sur prise, when in about another week from that date, my husband could not only stand, but could es'en walk about, ami in three weeks from the time I first u:-ed the Oil my husband waa back at work, and everybody talking about his wonderful recovery. This is not a Seeing what St. Jacobs Oil con Id do eave me faith in your ogeler'o Cur ative Compound, also favorably men tioned in the book left at my house. determined to try the compound on my little girl, who was 'suffering from a dreadful skin disease, the treatment of which has cost me large eume of money in going from one doctor to another with her, all to no purpose. She has taken two bottles of Vogeler's Curative Compound, and one would now hardly take. her for the same child, ber skin baa got such a nice, healthy color after the sallow look she has always had. I shall never cease tobethankfful for the immense benefit- we have derived from these two great remdies of yours. I think it a duty to recommend these medicines now I have proved their value, (Signd) ELIZABETH ff. RABBET8, 83 Grafton Street, Mile End, Land port, Portsmouth, England. A lioeral free sample of Vogeler's Compound will be rent by addressing St. Jacobs Oil Ltd., Baltimore. i,t-vy- I Short StorieJ Shortly after Walt Whitman's "Leaves of (irasa" made Its appear ance, J. T. Trowbridge was walking with Lowell In Cambridge, wuen me latter poluted out a doorway sign. omcwiaa." with the letter act bib- iaf. to m-oduee bizarre effect. "That," aid he, "l Walt Whitmau-wltb very common goods inside. While he waa In England, Mark Twain aaya hla head waa once taxed as gasworks, lie wrote Queen Victoria friendly letter of protest, saying: "I dout know you. but I've met your son. Ue waa at the head of a procession iu the Strand, and I was on a 'bus." Years afterward he mot the Prince of Walea, now King Edward VII., at llomuurg. They had a long walk and talk to gether. When bidding him good by, the Prtuce said: "I am glad to have met you again." This remark troubled Twain, who feared that he uau wvu mistaken for some one else. He com municated this suspicion to the Prluce. who replied: "Why, dou't you remem ber when you met me on the Straud and I waa at the bead of a procession, and you were ou A 'bus?" It Is related that about ten years ago Mr. and Mrs. Iceland Stanford were traveliuis through the Middle West in cognito. They hapiiened to be In BloomlturUHi, Iud.. oue Sunday, and pursuant to their usual custom went to church. They attended the Christian Church of Bloomlugton, then largely In the bands of Amxl Atwater. When the plate was passed for the collection Mrs. Stanford dropped iu a ten-dollar gold piece. Mr. Atwater was the dea con In charge of the collection taking. It waa noticed that the ushers held a hurried conference with him when the money was taken forward. At Its con clusion, Mr. Atwater aald: "Utdles and gentlemen, there has evidently been mistake, Some one has dropped a ten-dollar gold piece Into the collection. If he will pass up after the services, we will be glad to allow him to ex change It for the amount he intended to give." It is, of course, needless to say that Mrs. Stanford did not take advantage of the opportunity. The manager of an Eastern life Insur ance compuuy received the following letter from a policyholder: "I hold pol icy In your company, No. , dated 27th July, 1900, for fJO.ooo, on which I have paid the yearly premiums. I have now to Inform you that my physician advises me that I have a prouounced case of appendicitis, aud his diagnosis is confirmed by a specialist whom I have consulted. I am told that the only hope of saving my life Is an operation, which with hospital expenses will cost S3U0, an amount that I have no menus to pay. I am sensible that I owe It to you, who have so large a pecuniary In terest In my life, to give you the option to pay the cost of this operatlon-to save my life that 1 may continue to pay you for the yearly premiums on my policy (I believe that I am otherwise strong and healthy), or In the alternative to pay the $3).00 to my beneficiary with in a few weeks. I am quite willing to be examined by any physician you may name, and to have you select the oper ating surgeon. Immediate attention Is, of course. Imperative." The manager is at a loss to know whether or not. from a business standpoint, the com pany should pay the cost of operating. Lake Hanninirton. Sir II. Johnstone, in a recent speech, gave the following picturesque descrip tion: "The waters appear a very deep blue-green, and their surface Is so still and their mirror-like reflect Ion la so complete, that when coming upon the lake suddenly It Is ditllcilt to realist! that you arc looking down upon a lake. and not upon some awful chasm In the earth's surface, over which hundreds of thousands of flamingoes are floating: for the only thing real about the hike when seen under these conditions are the flamingoes. Seen from above, they look like a belt, which on its outer side Is gray-white, the young birds; white in the middle, the half-grown ones; and possess an Inner ring of the most ex quisite rose tint the full-grown birds, in the full beauty of a plumage whlcn rangea from pale blush-pink to scarlet-crimson." Had to Mislead Him. "It was a dhlrty thrlck aunyhow,' growled Mr. Slulcahey. "Pbwat's thot?" asked Mr. OTun der. "Me b'y Terry Is playln' th dhnim In th' Slvlutlcth Regimlut Hand, an' tb' bnndmasther knew he wudden't play anny Gurman cbunes, an' so be crashed out th' toltle ay 'Th' Watch on th Rholne, an' all th' other Gurman wans an marked thlsrn as Th' Wear- In' ar th' Grane an' sooch lolke, an' Terry played lolke th' dlvll all th' toime Tr-r-rlnce Hinry was here, nlver knowln' but phwat he was handln' out good Olrlsh music. An now th' b'y has brick In his ban' an' bar-r-d wor-r-rds in his tatbe and Is bunt in th' bandmasthcr, New York Judge. Easily Swallowed. "1 don't quite know what the lady meant," says an elderly physician, "but whatever It was, she meant It bard, She came to my ofllce last Tuesday, and after considering her case, I wrote a prescription, which was to be put up la capsules of very large slsse. I explained the why and wherefore of this to her, and asked ber If she could swallow anything so big. She looked at me In an acidulous way. "'Swallow It!' she said. 'Why, my husband belongs to two whist clubs and more lodges than you could count. Swallow It I Humph! I reckon I haven't been married ten years without learn Ing to swallow bigger things than that.' "Washington Post. Pro-Boer Pspsr la Psrli. A nw nro-Doer miner called Paris- Pretoria haa mado its apiearnce in Paris. It contains communications eympatbiiing with the Boers from large nubnior of senators and deputies. Mad Hmdent, An extraordinary Incident Is related In the "Journal des Debats" In connec ! don with the University of Budapest, It Is stated that an Individual confined In a lunatic asylum left It In order to undergo bis examination ut the univer- alty. He answered all the Interroga tions clearly and Intelligently, and, bay ing received bis diploma, re-entered the asylum. Tired Out l wit very poorly and could hardly get about tha house. I waa tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer'i Sarsspsrilla, and It only took two bottles to make mo feel perfectly well."- Mm. N . S. Swln ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get m tired ll the time, y? Your blood is im- ?urc, that's the reason, ou are living on the border line of nerve ex haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured, fiilat Ask rear aoetor east he thlsas ef arm's a.," ArTlla. H. e... all ... IMj ' iti hmllt roxIMns. r.U.. bis eSTlss suA 'm If; '? Co. Umetl. U riTS rsnaassnllr Cured. Ho fits ar iwrroorana rllw alter SrslJsr'" weef "r KlieeVlwel Urn itakmr. B.iuirMrli.Wlri.Hsll..n.lU he, na.A.U.Ausatu.is-rbjL.ritilsdvaia.ra would Thr Wcrs Mors litis Mini. Johnny ia seated at the paino read, ing. Johnny's Mother (from atxive Johnny, why arent' you practicing? Johnny I am, ma. Johnny'a Mother Well, Idont' hr anvthlnit. Johnny -Well, I m practicing the pauses. Wa srs of .oms vsr !7TT7t , nf rlatiis In Ike rtrw, and ws nltsn ksva a larse inrniti. !ilVi4.w. wiiil ..'aTCauU . ;' '' "Hfi.i a u.Vi, i i ..uiTarss eaaaHibs. o Its Mi-r-lr Varistsii Karlr ,'" -' 9JI a Vrkl Par d,ts., J'H-I ,t, .0,?! IQW.fM.M, M mtttn Kl,,,r V.rU'lMl fifl Vflll l.rnUKrl .r. K.Hyi.ri.t''sil,h,lats,', re.'ymu,,,,,,,, piQDArCCO ". Saainiath lt. ' ", ruHUUHUkv i Henri iMir Order wow. I.AstHsjMStsM, Partlawd. Or. f-auMrtW 170 A Horn MahI t mtMmn awiaf MtmI trmlh,B l,rf fj JBI Exprtiilv. Riter (after reading his poem) Now, what do you think of It? Critlck Well Rltur Of course, I know tho meter is a little slow, but Crltlok Yes, I was going to say lis foot appear to be asleep. Good 0n Indttd. "Can man with a family be good Christian on a salary of 5 week" Is a question causing great discussion Iu Eastern circle. If he la Christian at all ho would have to be a good one on that salary. Ortat Courage. lUoblis The colonel is utterly fear less of public opinion. Blobl That's right. I once heard him admit before A crowd of people that he didn't like grand oior. Wht BtuiM of rhm. "What became J your brother Bill, who never could learn history at school, and always Insisted that Penedlct Ar nold discovered America?" Inquired the Former Kosident. "Who? Hill?" responded the Per son Addressed, "Oh, he don't live here any more, lie made a million dollars out of a historical novel that had Adam for Us huro and Joan of Are for the heroine." Baltimore American. Sew Year Resolutlont it." Kccloy Curo Mm relief fi4 Hqaeft enlnsisa tiaaMe feaMia. eaaa tut aaitleolaisks Intel Intllluti. ZZMSIZX:?; Don't be a Drudge You can do your washing In an hour with mv Washing TabluU. No rubbing. No acids. Heud 60 cents for pnekava mid Instruct Ions. W. O. POWELL, Dos 606, Portland, Oregon. S ffffif evaoics. C (Meaileilnv"a than ear Uilngoa f c the market at enyliiU'a, lis pis-a, Im. C ? muse ilier are mi "I ewnarial w f nd irsea tuads" tr eres a bo-llas, nru've shans. snl- , ) .fowins! inia, sei f m. i'reasi t .lsirtl,si r'Sf-MeI"aa1ea. 1 1 ey's worth, sea ror S I " a a I siit-hMI" (Uaaf) Haw. We faaraa. i ( Ihsiu. 1 i MHmhmtt, Lwmlm M Mtmrm Cm. i ? twaiila, Msnkane, iMaa. furtisad, Or. i 1 M. r. M.U. Do. It-IMt, WM AM wrltlea a svdTTtlsste, Meaaa enauUaa stale pa pee. I AtgetaUe Prepanriortfor As similating CroodandBcCula-uAgtJttSbakxtBaislDowBcA' Prooiotes DigealioivCbmrur nf59 ar1 Rest. Contains neither Oprumforphme iwr Mineral Not narcotic. sW jthclmtm ttic Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tlon , Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .FevCTish ness nnd Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOT11C. tXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. J n Tho Kind Ton JTaTO Always Hotisht, and ythlch haa bom n ia bh for over 30 yeum, has borne tho alsmnturo of and luia been maao nnaer 111 peiw tJy , Aortal aapcrTUlon vlnco Iu lnrtinry. tfcM. Mow no one to deceive yon In thU. An Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-aa-ft-ooJ" are bun KxperlmcnU that trlilo -with rtml endanger the health off Tnftmf and QiilJrcn EAPrlence against Expcruucnt. What is CASTORIA Cairtoria U a harmle anbutltate for Cantor Oil, rare poric, Dropg and Boothlna; Byrapfl. It Ia ricaaitnt. 16 contain neither Opium, Morphlno nor other KareotlO AubsUnce. Ita age Is IU cuarantce. It desitroya "Tornaa nnd allay FeTeriahnc. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teethlncr Trouble, cores Count! potion, and Flatulency. It assimilate tho Food, rrgtilate tho Stomach and Bowel, gtvina: healthy and natural sloop, Tho Children's ranacxs TUo Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALYMY0 Bean the Signature of The Kind You Hate Alaajs Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Delicately formed and ijontly roared, women will find, In all the wason of their liven, as maids or wive or mothers, that tho one glniple, wholesome remedy which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions, when tho system needs a laxative is Syrnp of Kips. It is well known to be a simple com bination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aromatic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable jb to the system when its irentle cleansing Is desired. Many of the Ills from which women suffer are of a transient nature and do not come from any orpunlc trouble and It Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, but when anything more than a laxative Is needed It Id liAct ..ticinlt li r.,.M. 1 .. . I.I II in wn, w wunui hid iuiukj jiujeiciuil dim IU IIV1I111 SW the old-time cathartics and loudly advertised nos- iruiimui iiiij preseui. uay. mien one nceus only to remove the strain, the torpor, the congestion, or similar ills, w hich attend upon a constipated condi tion of the system, use the true and gentle remedy Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the depres sion, the aches and pains, colds aud headaches, which are duo to Inactivity of tho bowels. Only those who buy tho genulno Syrnp of Figs can hope to get Us beneficial effects and as a guar antee of the excellence of the remedy the full name of the company California Fig Syrnp Co. Is printed on the front of every package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs Is fraud ulent and should be declined. To those who know the quality of this excellent laxative, the offer of any substitute, when Syrnp of Figs Is called for, Is always resented by a transfer of patronage to some first-class drug establishment, where they do not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation remedies. Tho genuine article may be bought of all reliable druggists everywhere at DO cents per bottle. iUmnia1TgStrvpC9 11 Pi TV-la. "a I i- LI AT SA UiMl. f V A A Mm A