OREGON MIST . -..irl at tho PnsU'ittlM at M. llel.-ua. Oregon, M sveumi-ctass mail uittwr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ibsied Erur Fwday Momuko Bt DAVID DAVIS, Enrros axd l'oi urroa. at m 8C3CRIPTI0a PRICK: One copT one year, in advance. . . Six months cocnty omciRA Representative .. iudg. Clera ... BertaT Treasurer.. gM. cl School. . A"-,, ........ nnrveyor eTornacr Kotmaa Merrill. Clatsianl ...Joseph to. Does, Haitiier .... .J. G. 'uu,t. Iltlmi ....K. 8. Klllu, St. Helens E. Kose,tt He!M I. H. Coneland. UoJitoo " " ' "iV LluieHmti Sb br H. K Cl:f. St. Heiem Commissioners J""' Y. A. Frmces, SeapnOjee .W. B. iase, t-luaourc APRIL 4, 190J. COURTT lEPtfBLICAN TICKET. For Representative MARTIN BOTH, Rainier. For County Clerk DAVID DAVIS, St. Helena. For Sheriff ANDREW L. CLARK, Rainier. For Assessor TH03. A. LAWS, Clatskanie. For Treasurer 4 EDWLS ROSS, St. Helena. For Commissioner H. L.COLVTN, Marshland. For Surveyor Wb, T. WATTS, Scappoose. For Coroner E. C. DALTOX, St. Helena. union 'precinct ticeet. For Justice of the Peace RICHARD COX. For Constable FRANK M. THORP. For Road Supervisor JOHN G. PLANK. These are the days when the eam- r sign liar runneth rampant; beware of im and be not led astray by bickerings, for bis mouth overfloweth with false ut terances. Thi doctors who attended President McKinley during his last few days upon earth, have at last presented their bill. The bill was a long time coming, but it see me to hare lost nothing by delay it is only 150.000. The republican convention in St. Hel ens Saturday nominated a clean cut county ticket. Every man is a good one and well qualified to fill the position. It is to be hoped that every republican will aid in giving them a rousing major ity. Clatskanie Chief. Thx report is current that VTsukiaknm connty. Wash., is to have another news paper, there being two there already, the Cathlamet Gazette and Skamokawa Eagle. The population of that county is perhaps $3000, with patronage suffi cient to permit one paper to exist if strict economy is practiced by the pub lisher. We predict fewer papers over luero luier a unci trial. A bull passed congress last week and U now in the hands of President Roose velt for bis signature providing that oaths, affidavits and proofs in home stead, timoer culture, desert land and timber and stone entries may be made l. t l c. : ' i ueiure uuiieu oiaiea cummissioners ana other proper officers in land districts in which the lands are situated. Hereto fore, such affidavits and proofs coo Id only be at land office, or in the county in wnicn me tana were situated. Thx coal business of Oregon promises to nave a great impetus tins summer. Some Illinois capitalists, who thoroughly understand the business, have become interested in the iiehalem coal field and promise that its product shall be placed on the market at the rate of a train load a day before another winter. As it can be sold profitably in Portland at about half of present prices of eoal, it will be readily aeen what a boon it will be to that city in advancing the ocean (hip ping interests of that port. Thk proposed constitutional amend ment changing the date of inauguration from March 4lb to the last Thursday in April has been favorably reported in the senate. It extendi the term of Presi dent Roosevelt to the last Thursday in April, IOCS. The weather conditions are so unfavorable to the inaugural ceremon ies that the people of the capital are very anxious to nave tne date cnanged to one later in the season. Those who have been in Washington on these occa aiona are no doubt in hearty sympathy with the purpose of the proposed amend ment. Thi operation of tbe new tax law is not favorable to the poorer or debtor class of the community. But it is hard to draft a law that tbe rich and creditor class will not take advantage of. All the well-to-do have rushed in and paid their taxes and got three per cent dis count. In some cases there has been a clear profit of several hundred dollars to those best able to pay. A tax law that compels payment in tbe spring in March is worst of all for the farmer and poorer class ot taxpayers, because they bave most money in the fall, and pre generally short of fund in the pring. Collection of taxes chould begin about August first and become delinquent about .November first. ! i H. Seamnejt h.is been quit seriously HI t '. 8. B. Bone bat been complaining the t past wkc vr ivg, uut ia euiv iuu w ttrouna. J Jonathan Pruett la on lb tick list i tbii week. He U at the borne of T. B. I UenalOW. I Carroll Keaeev, ol Pittsburg, spent a J portion of last week in Portland with bia brother, Dorr. j J. W. Cat made another trip oat to Houlton laat Saioniay, returning Moo ! UIT taatug. n iwu Via 1" ' "a n load. Road Supervisor Phil Sheeley baa done some most excellent work on the road between town and the A Jama bridge. John Baker baa been doing tome atuuin blastin on "the Keaerve" for Dr. ' n " Hatfield this week. John is i an expert at Uie business. , . . . . . , Jliet uui r.arirl wuu u. w-u tending school the "past winter at Houl ton, came home Tuesday and has en tered Mrs, Hatfield's school. Mrs. A. Shannahsn, woo waa hart quite badly a couple oi weeks ago at the ieidenceof Mr. Dow, baa so far recov ered that the waa taken home last Sat urday. O. B. Malmsten and wife made a trip to Forest Grove this week. Mr. Malm sten' father, O. Malmsten, accompanied them and Mrs. Lindstrom, his sister, will return with them. W. G. Woods made a trip ont to Cor nelias with his leant and wagon this week. He brought bark a tine Molina Clipper all steel plow, which be wilt use to turn over the soil on the F. M. Parker place. What's the matter with Rev. T. L. Harder T He's all right. He can preach a most excellent sermon, can eplit wood, maul rails, build fence, be a jolly fellow, hale and well met on occasions, and is a gentleman alway. J. 8. Mow and family have finally de cided not to buy a home in the Nebalem for the present. Thtv packed their ef fects this week and have moved to a farm near Hillaboro. We regret their leaving, bat wish them success in their new home. At the city conncil Monday night there was no one present who wanted office, consequently no candidates were nominated. Strange lot of men, not to want preferment. Flection next Mon day, April 7th. Polls open from 2.30 p. m. to 6 p. m. The Vernonia hotel caught fire last Saturday on the roof where the stove pipe passes thrcngh, and but for the prompt action of Tell Sonie, Dow Keasey and others it would soon havebeen re duced to ashes. Mine host, Biilalen, was not at home. "No man's bridge," on the bit of road in the east part of town, wbich be longs to neither citv or conntv. in fact, wbich is no road at all because it has never been established, is getting to be quite dangerous, iranklin Malmsten went through it luesday of last week, while crossing on horseback, and came near getting seriously hurt. The quarterly meeting last Sunday was well attended, Presiding Eider Smith preaching throe good sermons. The church here baa been doing well the past year. It has paid off the old debt that has been standing against it since the boose was built, and will come up to conference with all claims for the year paid np in full POLITIC Alt A BEN A. Judge Bean was renominated for su preme judge. The present state treasurer, Cbas. 8. Moore, was renominated. Superintendent J. H. Ackerman, of Multnomah, was renominated. A. M. Crawford, of Douglas connty, was nominated for attorney-general. F. I. Dunbar, the present encumbent, waa nominated for secretary of state. J. R. Whitney, of "Linn county, re ceived the nomination for state printer. The state convention named T. C. Watts, of Reuben, as state central com mitteeman for tbia county. Mr. J. B. Godfrey, of this city, dele gate to the second district congressional convention, waa named by the conven tion as cominitieeman for this county. Governor Geer Dame was not pre sented to the state convention Wednes day for nomination for governor, his strength going to Ankney, of Southern Oregon. W. J. Furnish, of Pendleton, was nominated. The first district congressional conven tion, which was held in Eugene Tues day, renominated Thomas U. Tongue, ol miisDoro, oy acclamation. Trie con vention waa less than forty mmptes completing its labors. Tbe second district congressional con' vention, held in Portland, Tuesday, nominated Mr. J. N. Williamson, of Crook connty, for congressman from this district. Representative Moody' name was not preeented to the convention, and Mr. Williamson was nominated by ac clamation. Colambl City Briefs. Fred Caple went to Portland this week to attend the funeral of bis cousin. James W. Butler. Judge McBride is having his pear orch ard so sred to oats and clover. Wm. Ma clay is doing tbe work. An immigrant, with wife and four children, moved into town this week. tie will hnd employment on tbe railroad. We must elect every man on tbe re publican county ticket. Tber are hon orable, competent, representative men. No better class could bave been selected in the county. Hex Caples ha purchased the Kinder place. His son, Arthur, has gone East to purchase a car load of Bed Poled cat tle to stock tbe farm with. Arthur will visit relatives while away. There is some evidence of a sawmill going up at this place, in connection with the railroad. The parties inter ested in the road have been looking over tbe location, at tbe lower end of town. The railroad iron is on the gronud at this place for the logging road u, Giltner ! sreek, four mile weit of town. Some ! lumber I. also here for house and bridge I u;iJi iiti .;ii " bnililine. " Work will commence at once on the road. The N. P. i putting in a- new three nch iron pipe to its water tank, on the Caple place. The line i a half a mile long, and raises the water thirty-five feet. A large amount of gravel has also been put on the road, and this improvement will continue all along tbe line. KIHTOR1AL BKllkFa. O.nly one veteran of 1812 survives, and lua pension has just been increased. In? soldiers ol the Mexican war are few and fevblu. RiiiL tvail delivery is extending, and if postal affairs are otherwise mov ing in the right direction the abuses in sex-ond-clas matter are lopped off w lib a firm hand. There are yet a good many voter In this county 'who have not regiatered. There is less than six week' time left in which to attend to this matter. Do not delay much longer. Bt sinus on the Columbia and its trib utaries promises to be brisker this season than ever before. The notion that the great waterways will not grow up with the country is a foolish mistake. TuocsAXD of immigrants are ponring into Oregon this spring. Some of ttieui are to be teen wending their way along the lower Columbia, and tbia county will undoubtedly get some of them. At least one of the contemplated bnsl aees enterprises for this county this year gives excellent promise of materialising. The Columbia City logging railroad en terprise is already assuming tangible form. The iron for the road arrived on the ground this week. Tiis latest version of the theory is that if it is found that politics or pleasure in terfere with one's business the proper thing to do il to quit business. Theo retically this might work to a charm, but practically well, yon may draw your own conclusions. You will not be deprived of the privi lege of voting because you are not regis tered, but you will be put to no end of inconvenience when you attempt to vote, by reasou of being required to have the signature to a voluminous document, of six freeholder, that you are a qualified elector. Better register. Thk nominees of the republican party in this county are every way qualified and titled to ably discharge the duties of the respective office tbev aspire to. The general verdict is that the whole ticket will go through with a good ma jority. Good management of national, stale and county affairs, through the party in power, along with sarong per sonal qualifications of state and county nominees, is good recommendation. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy when my son was suf fering with severe cramp and was given np as beyond hope by my regular pnysician, who stands nign in nis pro fession. After adminivtering three doses of it, my son regained conscious ness and recovered entirely within twenty-four hour," say Mrs, Mary tlaller, of Mt. Crawford, Va. Tijia Rem edy is for sale at the bt. Helens phar macy. The Mountain Suream. 0. noisy, ramblinc mountain stream, Like a wild creatnre ia your lltgbi; You never pause to idlr dream. But burrj alung mid shadow and light. Too gently flow br mo? banks As ii you loved the pleasant place; Tben madly daan 'raiast ruck? plaaks. Till juor waters look lika bliluwa ol lacs. Past deep, dark pools, where wary trout Krom uie "kins f fibbers" dart away. Into the suBsblDe flasbios out. You twist ud turn and merrily play. Without a paase upon tbe brink. You eraxtiy leap tram a dtuy height. Then thro' a gorge ere one could think, A ad iuto a tunnel biaca as night. Quickly, merrily, on you so, Lughiug at daueer. playina with tear. Far away tiom tbe banks ol snow. On to fields that are brown and sere. With you bear a meaaire of life V Far below to the parcUioit sod; You aid the laborer in his t.trife. Thou Uithlui mtmvQigtT sent from God. Uas W. T. Ouvas. Good for Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a very se vere attack of muscular rheumatism which caused me great pain and annoy anee. After trying several prescriptions and rheumatic cures, I decided to ue Chamberlain s l ain calm, which I had seen advertised in tbe South Jersevman. After two applications of this remedy I was much belter, and after using one bottle, was completely cured. Sal lik Haksu, Salem, N. J. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. Real Estate Transfers. Emma Anderson to Star Logging Co., w of sej-i of section 10, tp 7 ii, r 3 west, timber deed;400. S. Benson to Yeon-Pelton Co., swM of section 16, tp 7 n, r 3 west ; $2S. , (jnarlea Burgdoroer to t . M. Daniels. of sw of section 16, tp S n, r 2 west; $230. Lars Carlson to John Nelson, nvw of seJi of section 11, tp 7 n, r 3 west; 300. J. H. Colt to C. Gieber and E. Kempf, land in section? 10 and 15, tp 6 n, r 4 west; xieuu. iuicuic M. m uppni iu ..mm jr n. ji.uu- son, iota ana o, rnppin s SUDUIviston oi xicnenor s addition toc-latsKanie; W. Mary M. Francis to D. W. Dobbins. wW of Dobbins' D. L. C; $1.00. C. P. Terry to P. 8. Dick, land In sec tions 29, 31 and 32, tp 6 n, r 2 west ; flUUO. H. Faust to rl. Kratx,40acreain nwj of section 35, tp 7 n, r 4 went; (250. . D. Kiugsley to West-Oregon Lum ber Co., Flippin's mill and other timber rights; 6000. Samuel Kinder to Hezekiah and Harry Caples, 100 acres below Columbia City : 2600. M. J. Kettering to Star Logging Co., of sej of section 10, tp 7 n, r 3 west, timber deed ; $400. Hannah 8. Mills to Han Christensen, w'4 of se of section 14, tp 4 a, r 6 west ' $300. K. Merrill to J. E. Hall. nW of nei and tt of nw of section 38, tp 7 n, r4 west; $1250. t A. Marouam to T. W. Nordbv. sWJ of lot 6, section 34, tp 8 n, r 4 west;' $400. w. . Meserve to v. W. Wontlerly, lots 6 and 6, block 32. Moeck'a addition to Kainier;$300. W. B. Mar kav to Yeon-Pe ton Co.. land in section 28, tp 7 n, r 3 west, and other land ; $14,000. E. E. Mckereon to 0. O. Nickerson. 48 acres in nej of section 3, tp 4 n, r 4 west; $570. iS. L. Nnvlor to Hannah 8. Mills. wKi of of section 14, tp 4 n, r 6 w : $3o. fl 15 ,i t," r. . d. r.rope to fills v. brown, sk n ano es$ oi swj oi section 21, tp 6 n, r 2 west; $800. F. M. Parker to A. M. Parker, middle of anl4 of section 3, tp 4 n, r 4 west; $1000. 1). S. Reeder to J. M. Akin, land on Eauvie's island ; $3500. i. B. 8ilver to Yeon-Pelton Co., wj of section 27, tp 7 n, r 3 west ; $1000. A Doctor's Bad Plight. "Two vears airo. as a resuit of a severe ! com, l lost njy voioe, writes Dr. M. L. ' . h mlj TiTh, WrWni,i f Ltt. "l r"' tbn SZ t . f L Wn7 FT eoy known to me a a practicing phvsi- cian for thirty-dye years, failed, and I oanr grew worse, iseing urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Cough and Colds, I found quirk relief, ami for the last ten days have felt belter than for two years." Positively guaranteed for throat and lung troubles bv the St. Helens pharmacy. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle Iree. Fer Better Heads. To tu EniToa. Tber is a movement on In Columbia county to itiduoe the county court to purchase a portable rock erusher and ttaiitloa engine. An outfit of this kind, capable of crushing flitwn to twenty tons per hour, run by a twelve to 6fteen-horse-p)wereni!iu, would cost from 12000 to 2o00. There is rock in almost every road district in Columbia county. lu district three there is loo ntu.'h rock. There Is the bill at Garri son's place, which, if cut down and crushed, would make ten mile of the best kind of road, besides getting rid of one of the worst bills in the district. At Wsrren there has been a petition cir culated and liberally signed, aking the court to purchase a crusher and engine. Six teamsters have promised to do vol unteer work six days a year for five years, hauling crushed rock in that dis trict. Three men have promised one week's work free to help operate a crushing plant to procure crushed rock for their roads. This volunteer work represents about f 800 toward good roads. Others will come w hen these loyal and true men make a start. If the county builds one mile of crushed rock road in 1!J2 the cilitens in that district will build five miles of crushed rock road in 1WJ3, if the county will furnish the ma chinery to crush rocks enough. When an Eastern man comes to Co lumbia county to look for land he first inquires about the road and school sys tem. If they and the land suit him he makes his home here. But about 80 per cent of would-be settlers are driven from out fertile soil on account of poor roads. Cilisens, we have the best material (or building road in the world. All we hare to do is to procure the key to na ture's store-house and reach forth our band and help ourselves. That key is a rock crusher; the storehouse is the rock quarry. Look out for the man with the petition Ibis week. H. Fonnd. Between St. Helen and Houlton, a wauh. Owner can have same by ap plying to John Lamberson, jr., Houlton, and proving property. Dedicated to K. M. Uow. To (fee relatives ol E M Dow, Vernonia, Or. Through tbe pearly sates and the opeo door, Hi happy feet on the soldeii street Hare entered now to raiuru no more; For bu work la done and i he rest begun, Aod tbe traiuina time is fmever put; And tbe home ol rest tu the mansions blest la safely, Joyously reached at luu I. M. 8. CASTOR I A For Iafaati and Children. Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bear the Signature LOGGED-OFF LAND WANTED. WTOCtO USE TO Pl'RCHASE LOOT,!!D. Vi off laud. Address, statins quantity, loca tion and price, i. B. rmLay, Oregon City, Ore gon, box IM. MEETING NOTICE. nOt'LTOK CAMP NO. M, WOODMEN OE tbe World, meets every Saturday ulaht la ferry's hall, Houlum. i -wm. c. ( . rail riisn, Llers. SHINGLES FOB 8ALK. Dl'PONT 4 OS, SHINGLE MANTFAC turers. of Valley. Or., are orenared to sud- J plytheUx'al demand with as road Quality ol snuiKiesas are manuiariurea, and at prices as low as other dealers, delivered at Hoitltnn. War ren, Columbia L'itv or bt. Helens. Address or ders to 1. Uupont 4 Sous. Valley, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTfE IS HEREBY GIVE! TH KT THE 11 uodersisned bsa been, by the li'ia. J. II uoan. j'lUfe ol tha county tiunol tbe county of Columbia, sute ol Oregon, aoitotnted ad ministrator ot the estate ol A. u. Unit. d ceased Any and ail persons harlue claims airalnst said estate are hereby reo Hired to pre sent tbe sanse to me, duly and properly verltied, at the law otbee l W. II. Powell. In nt. Helens. Oregon, within six months Irora the dace bereof. CHARLU D. LUTI.Ii. Administrate? of the estate o! A - ft, Llttie.de cead. bated March 21. lSk'i. W. il. I'uwell. attorney lor administrator. m21a;s ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE- N'OTICE I HEREBY GIVES THATTHE CJ iersigned baa been, by tbe Hon. ). B. Doan, Judge ol the county court ol theciunty of Columbia, stale ol Oreaon, appointed admla. tumor ol the estate ol Charles L. Melis, de ceased. Any and all persons bavlnr claims atfalrifft aaid estate are hereby required to pres ent ids same to ne, ouiy ami property vermeil, at my residence, one mil below tlist. inaaid Columbia county. Oresou, with! six mouths trora tbe date bereoL fated April 4. IXri. A R MKL13. Administrator ol tb e estate ol Charles L. tfelts. deceased, ft il. Powell, Attoruay lor Admin istrator, slrol NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior. Juind utfice at Oregon City, Or.. March lt. 1902. VOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1HX ner intenuoa ii silt nual proof in support ol cmm,sn inaisaja prooi win oe mane lie lore the Register ant Kecelrer. at Oreaon Cltr. iregon, ou April jMn, lw, sis: COHA BLAKE, Homestead entry No. H.', lor the cut of tbe southeast ol section A. township a north , ranse s west, sue names tne following wit nesses to prose her continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said laud, rl: Ira B. Hir.n aban, ol Portland, Oregon, and ilarian Uanun, All Parker and John Parker, ol Piitaburs;, Or egon. m7all CUAd. b. MOOUEs, HeKlsiar. NOTICE OF riUNO FINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON THE 7ihdsyof Harch, A. D., 1402, I duly flled In the county court of Columbia County, In the slat ol Ore iron, mv final account ot all re ceipt and disbursement as tb administrator ol tb estata ol Hlley Adams, deceased, and tbat the county eoart ol said coumy bsa set Tuesday, the 15th day April, A. D 1W2, at tha nouroi clock in the afternoon of that day at tbe county court-bouse In the city of tit. Helens, In said county, as the time and place for bear! ns objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. This notice is published In Ths Oaaooir Mist by direction ol the under sinned as administrator and of tbe said county court. E, E. QUICK, As administrator of the estate of liey Adams, decesaed Bt. Helens. Oregon, thi March Uih, A. V.. wm. b. H. Or u tier, Ksq., attorney lor administrator NOTICE OF TIHAL SETTLEMENT. Ia tbe County Conn ol th But of Oregon, (or Columbia County. In the matter ol the estata ol N. L. Berj, 1 ceaed. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEK THAT I, THE underalKned. as administrator ol the said esta'e, base, on this February 7th. Vll, duly Die", in in sain county court my nuai account ol all receipt and disbursement a such ad mlnlstrsior, and Ibat Monday, lb 7th day ol April, IVi, at it o'clock p. m has, by the said County Court, been set as the tlma for harins objections to such final account and thesettle meut thereof. '1 his notice Is published in Tns Obsooh Mist by direction ol tbe undersigned and ol ssld Court, A. M. bh.KO. Adtnlnlstrstorof the estate of N. L. Berz, de ceased, bt. Helens, Orexon, Msrcb 7, I'M. . H. Orubsr, Esq., attorney lor administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. aTOTlCE lf HEREBY GIVEN BY THE DN is derslgned esscutrlz ot ths Mtatc n B F. Whitney, deceased, that sbs has AM In th eounty court ol the county ol Columbia, stat ol Oregon, her Una! aeeount ol her sdniluistra lion uHn said sstata, together with her petition lor filial settlement and distribution; aurt that the Hon. 1. H. Doan, Judge ol said court, has ap pointed Mondav. tha Sth dav of Ma 1M ill o'clock In th afternoon of Md aty, as the titn, and th court-room ol said court at the court-house In rit. Helens. Orpeou. tha uiave, ui neanog said nuai acooant aim petition lor distribution, aud oi th settlement thereof. Any and all persons Interested may appear and fie objections to the same or any part thereof. Dated March 28, 1KB. P. L. WfiirNKY, Executrix of the e!ata of B. F. Whitney, de ceased. W. Ii, Powell, Attorney for Executrix. A Talaable Medicine for Ceagkt Veld la CblJdrea. "I have not tbe slighteat hesitancy In recommending Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy to alt who are sulKTing from coughs and colds," say Chas. M. Cra mer, a well-known wauth maker, of l,o luinbo, Cevlon. "It ha been some two rear sine the city dispensary flrst called my attention to this valuable medicine aud 1 bave repeatedly tiaed It and it has alwav been beneficial. It ha cured me qub'kly of all chest colds. It is especislly effective for children and seldom take wore than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I have per stiaded many to try this valuable medi cine, and they ar all a well pleased as mvaelf over the results." For sale at the 6U Helens pharmacy. n.a3iyrTiXL y-ta lit Situ! Votj Haw tNnrt Botflt Blgaatars The Great Dismal Swam Of Virginia 1 a breeding ground of malaria germ. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills and fever aches in the bones and muscles, and may induce dangerous maladir. Mul Electric Bitters never fail to deatroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will urelv prevent typhoid. "We tried many remedies for malaria, and stomach and liver troubles," writes John Charles ton, of Bvesville, O., "but never found anything' as good as Electric Hitler." Try them. Utily 50c. The St. Helens pharmacy guarantees satisfaction. OA. m ToriiA. Bears ths 111 ym lw IT3 "a Bigaatan f YYields a Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's New Lile Pills the moat distressing loo, stomach, liver and bowel troubles, dysiiepeia, loss oi appetite, jaundice, bilioiianes-, fever, malaria all fall before these wonder workers. 25c at tbe 81. llnlvns phar macy. OASTOnXA BsantU flal M Hw Hw tlwari Batfl Bifustar af Try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. Stanwocd & Sherman Bros. -MANi'rACTtiaiii or- Lumber k Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. b fur all purposes for ihfl trvle, l.tcb w Ml tt must rrMonablc Bgur. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill. $6 Per M. TANKTON, OREGON, W. D. MOVia. T. B. WALLAH. THE St. Helens Hotel Wallace a Movr.it, Paors., Is Agiin Open to the Public. Meals Served on Short Notice. Beds 2j Cents, Meals 26 Cents. TEED BA fl.Y IN C0MIECT10H. HOUSES TO HA Y 10 CENTS. St. Hxlkns, : Oimoos. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD I OO 10 THI- Clatskanie Drug Store roa TUEl Drugs and Medicines CHOICE Toilet Articles and Perfumery Dr. J. C. HALL, fnpnttar Clatskakib : : Oreooh. Oriental Hotel EttesHB Blaebsuv, Paor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS At Reasonable Fionas. Vlaitors met at teamr landing and guests' bag. ; wvms mivef. COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. 8T. HELENS, : : OREGON. E8TADM8BKD ...11SJ3 1672. JOHN A. BECK DEALER IS Watches, Diamonds, Sil?erware, J EWELRLY Repairing a Specialty. 207 Morrison St. Bat. Front 4 First, PORTLAND. rw'tlv'Vt'1v . ttt i mmn n. nnmn r OUR SPECIALTIES Hard Wheat Flour, Shorts and Bran. We can save you money. . ft Smiiut ligKgSl If 1 A;-telahte PreMraltonfor As slmilatlnfi iheFoodaiydBc Ciitt linjg the St)inndo nnd Howls of sfc fj- fA rtomotes Digostion.ChiM-rfur-IW5S andltestContalns ndtlMa Oiiiiim.Monlune norluicraL Not NAn c otic. maustSAmsiramK Smi' 0s.-f . Iiai j rmm Aperfi-cl Momodf forConsllrvi. Hon, Sour Slonutfh.Diarrhoca Wornvs fonvuLstoits .Fewrialv nrss And Loss OF SLEEK Tax Simla Signalur of NEW YOHK. .SI EXACT COPY Of WtAPE. PliOFESSIOXJL. S. H. GRUBER, A TTORXE Y- AT- IA V. Ottn with g I. Quirk, 8T. HEI.KN8. I t OREOOIt. Will lr (Mat wrsonsi atlsnilon In all Isaal niattsra sntiustoi Id m WIHfiacUiw is all ths Stats 0 Unlud Htaia trourta. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY-JT- JLi W. UEPVTT WSTEICT ATTOEHEr. ST. II IE 1 JEN, : OKKUO.t. E. I Gmamam. T. J. CutEnm. Attorncys-at-Law. 3u6 Marijuatn Bulldlai, Portland Orrson. Columbia County baalneas will reoctr prompt attenuon. t, W. DAY W. B. UMLAKO DILLARD & DAY, ATTORXE YS-AT-Ll If Ofrntri) pmctifv in court of f)retnn ttt Wh i m ton. Altucu rotssj tiUwcilf frotn couutjr rttcortlsv. Dr. Ed wiu Iloss, Physician and Surgeon. BT. HELENS, 0KE00N. Dr. II. R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. ,T. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon, CLATriKAME, OKEGON. Dr. C. L. Hatfield, Ph ysiciati and Surgeon. VEBNONIA, OflEiiON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leases Portland on Taestla. Thursday and Mal ar.) ay at J a. a. lor St HtltM, faltma. Cairoft feint, Rainitr ana It Ho. Arrtvtncat Portland Monday, Wed Oaaday and F riday at a p a, Wharf foot of Helmon St. II. floLMAN. Atent. ft STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. ssaocr j DAILY. 21 2 , aTSrr5". 11 10 9 0 10 OA So IM S 'JO 9 sa a oo T As 9 20 )M 9 12 7 is 9 02 7 2S 8 A2 7 17 9 37 7 02 S 17 42 S 07 6 1 1 7 66 6 20 7 0 TATIOM M 21 r. m. 7 00 S OA S 20 Se si 8 IM S AH OS 9 1 m 10 no 10 oa in w 10 so a. a. S 00 9 05 t la S I 0 Lv Portland Ar Ml .... uobl ...Rainier.,. ... Pyramid... .... Mayssr,... ... dulnny .... .. Clatskaula.. .. Marshland.. .. Westport.... .... ( lllton ... ....Knappa..,, ... Hsenson.... ...John bay... Ar, Astoria .l.r !4A.! f t . 9 no 'mx 10 ( fill 10 10 MA' 10 1 171.21 10 M 10 67 11 0i 11 IS 77 WIS MX i9f.' 11 SO VO S All trains make elnaa mnHMU. - j -i , .Iri!'"i eM,iM tr,,V' w and Irom the East and Sound point. Ai Portland with all If 1!?;,.u PH t Astoria with, I. K. N. Co. shoal and rail Una ia ..... j 'i i waoo and North Beach do In la. Passensers for Aaurla n. trains at Houlton. Trams ni 17- 7. " ..on. rasa, .. Astoria, Or itnffffiiffinii'wiiia.fflllwwn,WWWffiWffiW)f( I THE NEW YORK STORE Has just received large invoice of I Summer Goods, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. U. MOEGUB, ('ooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. wmm mi Hill Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars Signature of Ts aswsava sswst, -VVTi MEAT I HEAT I MEAT I Cfty Market St. 11 ileus, OaseoM LINDSAY & MORTON, PROP'S. "DEALS EE IK- Fresh and Salt Meat. t - f Citv trade, 1'iecltiE ramps, steam S buU Slid railroatl ctn S supiilicd. a oanaas filled on short hotii e. Owl Saloon BB1NN BOTHERS, PB0PMST0RS Onlv tha newt ! Limn aiiCiEars Kept tn Stock CYRUS NOBLE And othr popular braads of wblstlt always la sturE. WEINHARD'S BEER on draasht. "Tom Benton" Cigars. All U latvst nesrspaper and other pop- alar perodloais. 9V WSk,Wri FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk. Matttf. KAILBOAD TIME. Lsssss Kalnlsr dally (escept Rnudaylfor fort land, at a A. M.. daiwninf Irom HI. II sin. sll o'elork. Ketarnins, lease I'ortlaud at 2.1V t. M., arriving at sl fielens at 4:46, Passengers and Fast FrciiM. PORTLAND LANDING, TAYI-OK 8T. 4 roB rOIITLAKD, DAILY. -TIAMsT "America" Willamett Slongb Route Leave Bt. Helens..., Arrive at Portland. . Leave Portland Arrive at St. Helens 6:30 A M 10:80 A M 2:30 PM 0:00 P H rBE SO CEITI. Will Carry Nnthlnr but Passen- (era and rast Frsifibt. lA.tien COOD, nasler. sW' the . Xf AW W hf Use U' For Over Thirty Years uiusUiiUiUiummiUiumiUiuiUiUiUiiiiUsUiiUiUsUUUi