THE OREGON MIST. IiniriD IVIRy rwriAY moinimo a.v DAVID DAVIS, Ebitob and PnurmitTOB. ' . 6F LOCAL INTEREST. Staple goods at Collins A Gray's. Mn. J. H. Collins visited Portland Just tfatordny. Neat Bunday ia Easter Sunday, the tx-gluntng 01 springtime. Percy George, of Portland, vlilted hit parent in tlile city last riundny. Mr. J. E. Dow, of Vernonla, wu In tbe county test Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Phllhrouk will preach next Sunday at t ana tun in me lurenoon John Cooper, of Kalnuia, visited friends In this city a few day this week. George Perry, of Houlton. wai trail' acting business in Portland Wednesday r .. x.. l n.Mm I . uuimiu MDM4 ui uiv, tranaacting business in thia city iaat Monday. vcurye iBirimu.. VI .110 iniiwh u.wn wood cauip, visited In Portland a day or two thia week. District Attorney Allen, of Astoria. was In tlili city Iaat Saturday, attending to legal matter. Editor Blackford, of the Clatakaiile Chief, wat in thia city iaat Haturday at tending the county convention. through thia city Tuesday en route to Portland on business mlaalon. W. E. Stevens wat down from 8car jjoom Tuesday attending the aale of rat- ieoiMjucuMi jiere oy me consvauie. Wataon Pbilhrook, who la attending Pacifio Univeraity at Foreat Grove, vis ited bis parents at liouiton iaat ounday Collins & Gray carry a large ttnek of Mineral merohandiae, and are fully pre pared to aupply tbe common wanta of tne people. Mra. M. E. Hubert, who spent the winter In Ariiona and California, la ex acted to return to her home In this city about tbe Orat of April. The dance Riven at this place Iaat Sat urday evening was well attended con- eiuunng wo iiviFinvucy ui we wmuor. fiocialiy it waa much of success. Mr. 0. W. Lane, formerly of Mlat, who a fw months ko was sent to the Insane hospital at Salem, died on Thurs day of last week at that institution. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Maygw expect to return to Mayger about the first f next month to make their permanent home there. Mr. Mayger will be employed by tbe Mayger Co. The city recorder has notices posted announcing the forthcoming city elec tion, which will take place on Monday evening, April 7h. A complete set of ciif oUlcers is to be choen. The length of days over that of the nights will increase vary rapidly here after. Tbs sun crossed the equator on the 21st of thia month, at which time the amount of daylight was the same the world over. , At the primary convention held In thia precinct Thursday of last week Richard Cox waa nominated for justice of the peace. Frank M. Thorp for con a table, and J. G. Plank renominated for road aupervlsor. Last Saturday evening the United Ar tisans presented Mrs. J. S. Cloninger with handsome gold watch, aa brat srise, and Mra. D. S. Crane a act of books, as second prite, for being the best rustlers for tbat order. Kalauit Bulletin. A notice to the effect that a meeting of the subscribers to tlie fund for con structing the telephone line from Yank ton to St. Helena will be held at the former plain Saturday, with a view to perfecting an organisation, appears in Hi in paper this week. N. J. Dupont was In from Valley Iaat Sunday, and reported that hia mother had been quit ill for sometime. Mr. Dupont mated that their shingle mill was running at full capacity all the time and that a big aupply of lirat-class shin gles liad already been cut. Mart Hswn and Floyd Puiey roan aged a dance at Warren last Friday evening, which was great success so cially and financially. The proceeds, which amounted to $22.60, were given to a poor family of that neighborhood and were greatly appreciated, Messrs. Lindsay & Morton, proprie tors of the city meat market, will open m shop in Citthtamet the first of the omlng month. The Cathlamot shop will be supplied from this place. Mr. Morton expects to leave for Cuthlamet Monday. We bespeak for them success lu their new field. Up to the first of the present week the sheriff had collected and turned over to the treasurer $40,261.87 on the current tax roll. On this amount the rebate amounted to $1104.26. The total Amount charged on the roll waa 67, 716.76, the amount remaining on the roll being but $16,209.03. Brother J. II. MuKihben, editor of the Senator, the Oregon Pythian frater nal paper, of Portland, paid Avon lodge at this city a fraternal and business visit last Tuesday evening. Brother McKib ben Is one of the most enthusiastic Pythians in this state, and his Senator is the best fraternal paper on the coast Mr. Ben MantellL of tbe Bound, who is interested in the Iron prospects In the vicinity of Bunker hill, waa out there a day or two the fore part of this week looking after hia interests. The camp baa been in operation all winter, and Mr. Mantelli ia much encouraged in the hope of developing a lode of the min eral In paying quality and quantity. Articles of Incorporation of the Ver nonla Cemetery Association were filed in the office of the senretary of state on Monday. The Incorporators are: Chas. Mellinger, president; L. W. Van Dyke, ecrelary; U. M. Beegbley, treasurer. These are also, trustees. The objecta of the incorporators are to own and con duct a cemetery and sell burial lots near Vernonla. The Instruments for the telephone line betweon Yankton and St. Helens are 'all placed, the one at this end being la the drug store, and telephone communi cation between tbe two places, including Houlton, is now possible. Connections were made Wednesday, and everything is working perfectly smooth. The Yank ton people, who are so keenly interested in the success of the line are jubilant. The convenience of the line cannot be overestimated. Benton county is also troubled with an epideinlo of bad roads. It seems odd that in so wealthy a county as Benton and one . of the first settled sections of the state there should be such condi tion of roads as are described in the following item taken from the Corvallis Gazette; "It la a publio outrage that the county roads should be in the con dition we And some of them at present. For instance, between Philomath and Corvallis, a distance of about seven utiles, the roads are in such a bad condl tlon in many wlaites that a feathur bed would sink out of sight almost instantly, For this deplorable state of affairs there is no excuse. This is one of the mainly traveled roans oi the county and is old enough to have had something substan tial dona on it. The public Is largely to mame tor this condition and It Is a sad commentary that if the public deserved any better roads they would have them." "Murder will out," notwlthstandin the saying of the old woman, who toll that site killed her husband twenty years ago, and because) it had not been discovered before, she knew there was no truth In the saying. About two years ago mere were two light wagon wheels stolen from the charge of Fred Zellar, who was to take them to Ver nonla tor some party over there. On Monday, while Constable Godfrey was at the Kenowski place, lie found, two wheels hiu under tne hay in the barn, which are said to do me wneeia which so mysteriously disappeared. From all accounts there is no telling what has been stolen and secreted away about the premises in question. It might be well for the parties at Vernonla who lost the pair of wagon wheels to examine the ones recent ly lounu. George Clark was up from his home back of Reuben. Wednesday, paying taxes and attending to other business matters. Clark brothers are three of the progressive young men of that por tion of the county, at present being ex tensively enguged In tbe manufacture of tutu Der ami shinnies, tbe latter in ner ticular. About a year and a half ago these gentlemen purchased the tiorgren mill, refitted it and operated it until aboat two months ago they purchased an entire new lot of machinery, which has just recently been started in opera tion. Thev have not erected a kiln, bat as their product is cut from dead timber their shinnies need but little drying. They expect to deliver their product at it en oe n during the summer, and being of first-class quality, will find a ready market. Tomorrow (Saturday) night the Rain ier Dramatic Club will present the roar ing farce comedy "Captain Rocket," at the epera bouse in that city. The cast Is competed of strictly home talent, all popular young folks, who have devel oped much ability in their work and the several roles thev take. There are eight characters in the piny and thero is no doubt at all but that those who attend will witness a production highly enter taining. The proceeds from this effort are to he donated to tbe public school fund of that city, a moat laudablo thing, and tbe people of the community will show their appreciation by giving tbe players a crowded house. The Houlton school closes today, after a several months' successful term. The schoolchildren there and the people of that pluce are to give an entertainment and basket social at Perry's hall next Monday evening. There ia to be a mis cellaneous literary programme rendered, followed by the social, a general invi tation is extended to everybody to be present. J lie proceeds derived from the sale of the baskets is to be devoted to nse for school purposes, a cause which merits encouragement. The literary programme will consist of manv merit orious numbers, and a general pleasant evening is assured an who attend. Constable James Godfrey was busy Monday and Tuesday disposing of the personal property belonging to Andrew Kenowski, the fugitive, which was sold uudor the hammer, consisting mostly of rattle. Some potatoes and other arti cles were sold on the premises, near Bunker bill, Monday, and the stock was driven to this city and sold here Tuea- lav afternoon, rroni the artlclea sold. aside from the stock, the cotietable re alised ftl.tMl, and the cattle and pony brought 1211.70. several muereui par ties were the purchasers. Georire Mnvgar met with a very severe accident in this city last Monday morn ing. From the enecta ot morpnine taken to relieve neuralgia in his teeth, he became faint, while sitting on the porch railing at Dr. Ross' residence, and fell backwards to the around, a distance of about five feet, striking en his head, where a very severe wound was sus tained, besides receiving injuries to bis back. He soon recovered, however, and was able to jouruey on to Portland later in the day. Keasey He tea. Timber cruisers are about aa plentiful as frogs, but not as noisy. . The bottom of Nohalem and Rock creek roads ia somewhere in the vicinity of Hong Kong. Garden seeds are being very liberally distributed by U. 8. representatives. We trust they are a kind that will keep for "winter is lingering long In the lap of spring." Mr. Harloy Redmond and wife (nee: Allle Sitta) came in Monday, March 17th, on horseback from Houlton. Harloy has been employed at Vancouver, B. C, for several months, driving hack. Mrs. Charles McCauley came from Houlton over a week ago to stay with her grandmother, Mrs. Hacker, and last Thursday Charley wended hia way through clouds of dust (?) and will re main some time with wife and baby. Miss Estella Lindsay, who has been since last fall employed in Portland, came quite unexpectedly to the heme ot her aunt, Mra. Joseph Reed, last Sun day, March 16th. Very fortunate tor Mrs. Reed as she had been confined to her bed several daya with the la grippe, but is much improved at the present writing. Louder and nearer and from every di rection comes the rumbling of railroad news. Yes, yes, we just as much ex pect to be relieved of our present toil some mode of travel by snch promises as we would think to be relieved from toothache by a dose of cod liver oil. We have become faithless and porverse. We do not want the porter to disturb us again till half an hour before train time. Our trappings are not so numerous but that we can oe ready on short notice. Deer Island Notes. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shearer were St Helens visitors last Saturday. Mr. J. H. Edwards, of Nebraska, has rented the Oberg place and moved there with his family last Saturday. Mrs. Susie Gragg returned from Port land Inst Saturday, where she bad been visiting with Mrs. E. Merrill the last week. Mrs. Florence Adams died at her home on March 12th, at 6:20 p.m., of consumption, aged 23 years, 11 months and 2 duya. Burial took place in Lone Fir cemetory, in Portland. COHVEWTIOM PROCEEDINGS. Xhe County Ticket Named and Res olutions Adopted. The county convention of the repub lican party, neid in this city last Batur- uay, transacted its business with prompt ness ana dispatch, rne delegates as sembled at their meeting plaoe at 11 o'ciocx, anil were caned to order by lr. Ji. R. Clin, chairman of the county central committee. Dr. J. E. Hall, of umisicariiH, was cnosen temporary chair man, and M. E. Page, of the same city, was chosen temporary secretary. R. H. Bailey, of Houlton, and W. G. Pomeroy, oi ncappoose, were appointed tellers, A motion was made to make the organi sation tiermanent, which won carried, when the ehalrman appointed a com mittee on credentials, as follows: M. Burlingame. of Deer Island: W, G. Pomeroy, of Scappoose; C. Libel, of jntHt, xhe following gentlemen were ap pointed a committee on order ot busi ness; 8. Butt, of Goble; N. Merrill, of CUtskaniejC. N. Gable, of St. Hel ena; M. Link, of Goble; U. B. Johnson, of Rainier. On motion, the name of N. F. Baker, of Warren, who was present without cre dentials, was added to the delegation from that precinct. The delegatea were asked to present liaise AAI,n 1 1 a Isi asriAii m mnilnn m tv 1 1 vi c ii; it in ib j nuu s iiivsiuu m made and carried for the convention to take an adjournment until I o'clock, When the convention reassembled at the appointed hour the chair appointed N. Merrill, Dr. Cliff1 and M. J. Englert committee on resolutions. The com mittee on credentials then reported the following-named persons entitled to seats in the convention : Apiary precinct. O. E. Wonder I v. Auburn precinct. Israel Spencer, J. S. Mow. U. M. Beeghiey. Beaver Falls precinct. John Mc- Adim. Thomas Morris. Clatskanie precinct. -T. J. Flippin, E. B. Elliott. N. Merrill. J. E. Hall. Oliver Anderson, Bert Henert, JH. E, rage. Deer Island precinct. M. Burling ame, James Gaittena. Gobie precinct. James Kennedy, M, Link. II. M. Fowler. S. E. Butts. Marshland precinct. 11. L. Colvln. O. K. KlllOtt. Mehalem precinct. C. Libel, 0. H, Wilson, J. A. Van. Oak Point nreclnct. L. S. Mason. J. Stockenberc. W. E. Jones. G. W. Barnes. Kainier precinct. josepn uonerty, Ed Joseph, G. B. Johnson, Wm. Uol- sapple. Scappoose precinct. W. E. Stevens, M. J, Englert, Waller Pomeroy. Union precinct. G. L. Tarbell, C. N. Gable, A. King, R. H. Bailey, J. (. Plank, (its lieguie, Fred Frantx, II. R. Cliff, proxy. warren precinct. u Hansen, c. r. Baker. L. Itasmussen. The committed on order of business presented its report, as follows, which was adopted : 1st. domination ot representative. 2nd. Nomination of county clerk. 8d. Nomination of county sheriff. 4th. Nomination of county treasurer, 6th. Nomination of county commis sioner. 6th Nomination of county assessor. 7th. Nomination of county surveyor. 8th. Nomination of county coroner. 9th. Election of delegates to the state convention. 10th. Election of delegates to tbe congressional eosvention. 11th. Choosing oi members oi county central committee. 12lh. Organization of central com mittee. Nominations for representative were then asked for by the chair. The names of Martin Both, of Rainier; Dr. H. R. Clift. of St. Helens; D. W. rreeman, of Fishhawk, were then presented. Upon second ballot Mr. M. Both was chosen. The names of W. A. Harris. E. E. Quick and David Davis were presented lor county clerk, upon tne second bal lot David Davis was chosen. When nominations for the office of sheriff were called for the names of A. L. Clark, of Rainier, and Martin White, the present assessor, were proposed. On ballot A. L. Clark was nominated. For the office of assessor there were three names presented, as follows : M. Burlingame, of Deer Island, R. H. Bailey, of Houlton; A. T. Laws, of Clatskanie. Upon ballot A. T. Laws waa nominated. Dr. Edwin Ross, the present incum bent, was uominated by acclamation for treasurer. Considerable of a contest came on lor the oftice of commissioner. There were six gentlemen named for the nomina tion. H. H. Clark, of Warren; Joseph Holaday, of Colombia City; H. L. Col vin, of Marshland ; Thomas Cloninger, of Scappoose: G. L. Tarbell, of Yank ton; G. W. Barnes, of Quincy. Three ballots were taken before this nomina tion was made, H. L. Colyin receiving a majority. There was but one name presented for the nomination for surveyor, being that of W. T. Watw, of Scappoose, who re ceived tbe nomination by acclamation. The nomination for coroner waa also made by acclamation, Mr. E. C. Dalton, of this city, being the nominee. A large list of names was offered for delegates to the state convention, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to be declared elected, the ballot resulting as follows: Dr. H. R. Cliff, N. Merrill, James Muckle, O. E. Elliott, Caspar Libel, C. E. Runyon, W. E. Stevens. The same proceeding was had for the election of delegates to the congressional convention, resulting as follows: John Dolan, G. W. Barnes, R. Cox, Dr. A. P. McLaren, L. 8. Mason, E. H. Joseph, J. B.Godfrey. The committee on resolutions re ported as follows: "We, your committee on resolutions, beg leave to report as follows: "Rxsolvxo, That the thanks of all good citizens be extended to our retiring officers for their capable and judicious management of county affairs during the past two years. i "RxaoLViD, That tbe timber land owned by non-residents be raised In as sessed variation, that the revenue may be greater for use In improving our roads. "RxsoLVxn. That the county roads are now in a deplorable condition and that tbe officers should provide a rock crusher for said improvements. Resolved, That any other resolutions on the table be now read." "Whkrkas, There la to be chosen a United States senator by the members of the ensuing session ot the Oregon legislature, and" - "Whereas, Columbia county has, in her distinguished citiren, Hon. Frank A. Moore, a man eminently fitted and qualifiedlorthat position ; therefore be it "Resolved, By this convention that In the event of the election of our can didate for representative that he be in structed to use his best endeavors for the nomination and election of the Hon. Frank A. Moore to the United States senate. , , The following-named gentlemen were chosen as precinct committeemen for their respective precinct: Auburn, U. M. Beeghiey; Apiary, O. E. Wonderly ; Beaver Falls, Aimer Meserve: Clats kanie, Dr. J. E. Hall; Deer Island. C. H. English; Goble. H. M. rowler; Marshland, O. E. Elliott; Nehalem, O. H. Wilson; Oak Point, G. W.Barnes; Rainier, . B. Johnspn; Scappoose, W. . Pomeroy i Union, E. E. Quick, War- VT If Vt..t ' ' The central committee organized by electing tbe following officers: G. B. Johnson, of Rainier, chairman; secre tary, a. a. iuick, at. iieiens. A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I never was so much surprised in inv life as I was with the results of using Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Aeheville (N. 0.) Gazette. "I contracted a severe case oi rheumatism early last winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several things for It without benefit. One day while looking over tbe Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaran teed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and before unlnr two-thirds of it inv rheumatism bad taken its flight ana i nave not uaa a rheumatic pain since." Sold at the St. Helens phar- What Counts Most. Some one raps the candidates aa fol lows : "He kissed the babe and comheri the head of Sara and sister Sue: and wore me twins were beautiful, and wisneu ne naa out mat doesn't count. He asked about the corn bread whii-h he vainly tried to chaw, and forthwith asked the recipe, and of course tbat pieaseo ma but that doesn't count. But just before he left he itonned and winked, closed up his law. and slinninir out behind the barn, he took a drink wltn pa and that's what counts." Ex change. Haying a llun on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ' Between the hours of eleven o'clock a. m. and closing time at night on Jan uary 20th, 1801, A. F. Clark, druggist, Glade Springs, Va., sold twelve bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says, "I never handled medicine that sold better or gave better satisfaction to my customers." This Remedy has been in general nse in Virginia for many years, and the people there are well ac quainted with its excellent qualities. Many of them have testified to the re markable cures which it has effected. When you need a good, reliable medi cine for a cough or cold, or attack of the grip, nse Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are certain to be more than pleased with the quick cure which it af fords. For aale at tbe St. Helena phar macy. You will never wish to take matW dose of pills if you once try Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easier to take and more nleaaant in effect. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. MCETINGNOTICE. lTOULTOI CAMP no. es. wonnMKN nv II Ihe World, meets every Saturday ulrhl In Perry's nail, Uoulion. a. Hoi.okon. C. C. raxi Fbastz, clerk. BHINGLBS FOR SALE. J. DUPONT A 80N8, 8UIKOL MANUFAC turera, of Valley, Or.. ar prepared to sup ply tha local demand with as Rnad quality of lilnales aa are manufactured, and at prices aa low aaomeraeaiert, aeiiverau at Houliou. War ren. Columbia ClIV or BL Heleni. nr. dors to J. bllpout A Soiu. Valley, Or. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land ofllce at Oregon Cltr, Or.. Manh 1r 10O9 NOTICE 18 HKREBY GIVKN THAT THE following-named aet ler hu Hied notica of her intention t3 make filial proof in support of her claim, aol that aaid proof will be made be fore the Kegister an1 Kecelver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on April 16th, 1902, via: CORA BLAKE. uwmwi '.I . J " u, lJI lilt) ...l 7 vi the aoultieaM H of bectlon il, lowmhlp & north . ranaea wei. ne names me following wit nesses to prove her continuous residence unon and cultivation of said laud, via: Iva U. Slran ahan, of Portland, Oregon, and itarian Karnea, All Parker and John Parker, of IMUsbarr, Or egon. m7all CHAS. B. MOOKE3. BegUler. NOTICS OF FINAL SETTLEMENT'. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of ihs estate of N. L. Berg, 4e cvnsru. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE underalaued. aa arimlnl&trMtnr nf the aejd ettate, have, on thia February 27th. lfttt, duly filed In the aald County Court my final account of all recetpta and dlabiiraeineats as such ad ministrator, ana mat Monday, tne 7th day of April. 1SW2, at 2 o'clock p. m.. has. bv the said County Court, been set as the time for hearing objections to such Anal account and the settle ment thereof. This notice la published in Tui OstaoM Mist by direction of the undersigned and of said Court. A. M. BKKU. Administrator or the estate of N. L. Bertr. de ceased. St. Helens, Oregon, March 7, 19(12. 8. a. uraoer, Esq., attorney for administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEtf BY THE ON dersigned executrix of the estate of B. F. Whltnev. deceased, that she haa filed in tha eounty court of the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, her final account of her adminislra lion upon sata estate, togetner with her petition for final settlement and distribution; and that the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of said court, haa ap pointed Monday, the 5th day of Mav. 1902. at 2 o'olock In tha afternoon nf said day, aa tbe time, and the court-room ot said court at the court-house in nt. Helens, Oregon, as the filaee, of hearing said final aceonnt and petition or distribution, and of the settlement thereof. Any and all persons Interested may appear and "le objectlona to the same or any part thereof. Dated March 28, 19U2. P. L. WHITNEY, Kxecutrix of the estate of B. T. Whitnev. de ceased. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Executrix. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Codstv TaSASvass's Ovncg, a- i J -. rm u.Mh II lam Notice IB hekkby' oiVkn THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia county, uregon, wnii-n nave neen pr-BiiM5u and endorsed' "Not Paid for Want ol Funds," will be paid upon presentation at this otlice. Interest will not be allowed after this date, K.DWIN KOHH, thai Treasurer ol Columbia County, Or, ADMIIHS THt TOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been, by the Hon. I. B. bosn. Judge of tha County Court of the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, appointed ad ministrator of the estate of A. ii. Little, de ceased. Any and all persona having claims agalnat said estate are hereby reonfrea to pre sent tbe same to me, duly and properly verified, at the law oMce of W. H. Powell, In Bt. Helena, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. CHAK1.KH it, LITTLE, Admlalstraterof the estate of A. B. Little, de ceased. Dated March 21, 1VU2. W. H. Powell, aUorney for administrator, BKlal NOTICE OF FILINO FINAL ACCOUNT. N OTICE K HKREBY GIVEN THAT ON THB 7ib day of March. A. !.. 1V02. 1 duly Sled in the county court of Columbia County, in the state of Oregon, my final account of all re cetpta and disbursements as tbe administrator ol tne estate oi Hiiey Aoama, aeceasea, sua that tbe county court of aald eounty haa set Tuesday, the 1Mb day April, A. D 1902. at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day at tbe county court-house In the city of Bt. Helena, in said county, as tne time ana place for hearing oblectiona to sueh nnat account and the settlement thereof. This notice is published in Tux oaxooM Mist by direction of the under signed as administrator and of the said county court. B. E. OUICK. At administrator of the estate of Klley Adams, deceased. St. Helena, Oregon, this March Mth. A- !., 1902. 8. H. Oruber, eu,, attorney fur administrator NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tbe County Court of the But of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of August Swonson, deceased, to wnom it may concern: NOTICE U HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB undersigned, as administrator of the es tate of August Mwanaon, deceaaed, filed his final account in said county court, on March UUh, A. D. 1902, and tbat Ihe Hon. i. B. Doan, as iudae of said eounty court, haa aunointed the Mb day of May, A. t. 1902, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, at the eounty court-bouse of said county, as the time, for the hearing of objections to euch final ac count and the aettlement thereof. This notice Is published la Ths OBaooa Mibt, a newspaper published in said eounty, for four successive weeks, by order of said court and by Ihe direc tion of tne undersigned as such administrator. a. b. t4iii;&., Aamtuisirator. Dated at Bt. Helens Oregon, this March Mth. A. U. 1902. S. II. Gruber. Jim.. Attorney for Ad ministrator. m21aM SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for Union precinct, In coiumoia county, uregon. Gerbardt Morbacb, plaintiff, vs. aiuic a.ukmai, uricuunub To Andrew Kenoskl, the above-named defend ant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREUON: vou are hereby commanded and required to appear and auewer the complalut filed herein against you, or or before 19th day of April, 1902, and If you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe sum of 1110.26. together with the costs and dis bursements herein, ana win apply to tne ixiun for an order tbat all the personal property at tached herein be sold to satisfy plainiifTs de mand. This summons ia Dubliahed bv order made and filed bv me, dated February 28th, 1902. The date of the first publication hereof ia tne 7th dav of March. 1902. the same to continue once a week for six (61 consecutive weeks. it. COA, Justice of tbe Peace. Schnabel A Bchnabei, attorneys for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In ana lor loiumma county. Jessie E. Bhaver aud V. Q. Shaver, plaintiffs. vs. Anna Boden, Nicholas Boden. Francis M. Tomp kins, nary j. rompxina, Fred opageie ana jane una ftnarcie. aeienuania. To Anna Boden and Nicholas Boden, two of the defendants above-named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are herebv reoulred to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the six weeks neit following the Orat publication ot this summons; ana li yoa nui to answer, me plaiottn win cause your aetautt to oe enierea, aud apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For the partition and division, bv tbe above-entitled court, of tbe southeast quarter of section six, township three nortn. range two west oi tne muameiie mena isn. in Columbia couutv. Orea-ou. Thia sum mons Is published by order of the Honorable J. B. Doan, county judge for aald Columbia county, Oregon made and dated March 19lb, 1902. The date of the first publication hereof is Friday, March 28th, 1902. The time prescribed In tbe order for publication ia six weeks, which time will begin to ruu from the day of the first ikchlication hereof, and the time within which you are required to answer the complaint is on or before the last day of the time prescribed in tne sal a oraer lor publication. sliA sua vi i , m28m Attorneys for Plaintiffs. YOUR TRADE1 We Expect to Get It By giving you juat a little mare tor your money thaa you can get elsewhere. We Expect to Keep By gelling yon a qnality of goodi that will Invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPTJLAB DEALERS, St. Helens, - - - Oregon. l''VfVfVVi ST. HELENS PHAJRMAGY Patronize a drug .store when yon want pure, fresh and reliable Drags and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc Direct from Pablislier Regular 25-Cent Novels Only 10 Cents CITATION. In tbe County Court of the State ot Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the iruarcllanahlp of Mahala J. fowler, an luaane person. Order to show cause on application of gaard tan- in ip itr onifT ui aaie oi real estate. IT IS HKRKBY OKDKHKD, TH ATTHE NEXT of kin of the said ward, and all neraona in terested in the said estate. aDnear before thia court on Tueaday, the 8ih day of April, A. !., iwe, at one o uioca, p. ni., at tne court-room oi this court, at the court-house in the county of Columbia, then and there to ahow cause whv an order should not be made or granted for the aale of auoh real estate described in said ueli- tlonaa follows: The one-third or dower inter est In and to the WU of Bw of section 30, in or . i p u .1 , n a wra. ui . . a.t ! of $188 IS. Also ihe one-third, or dower interest in and to the undivided U luterest in and to the timber on the SWW of Nwu of section 30, Tp 5 w of w, M. Dated this Mth day oi N. Hi March, 1WH. J. B. DOAN. County Judge. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Columbia i.ouniy. uregon. WK, THK UNDERSIGNED LEOAL VOTKR8 residing in Soappoose nreeloct. Columbia oounty, Oregon, would respectfully petition f our nonoraoie ooay, at ita next regular meet ng, which will be held on the 7th day of May, lWi. in the oourt-houae in the oitv of 8t. Helens. Columbia oounty, state of Oregon, that a II oenae be grauted to Ed Holmes to sell spiritu ous, vinous and malt llquora in quautltiea less than one gallon, in Scappoose nrecloct. in said oounty and atate, aud that aald lio nse be grained ror a penon or one year, jor ail oi wmon your petitioners will ever pray: J. 1). McKay, N. H. McKay, Chas. Fisher, A. Stump. A. V. Bibby, P. Louslgnont, li. Lang, Wm. Ten, J. W. Eversol, J. Freeman. J. D. Morgan, C. Roblnskl, K. Pusey, John Isenblat ter, Vern Krvin, Ixeae Craig, J, Suae. Chas. VurKdorlier, K. A. McKay, H. West, K. D. Sny der, Fred Kammeyer.Jiin Great, George Lomue, Kd Crawford, Henry Biuhman, George Grant. E. T. Gore. M. J. Englert, T. W. Grant, John Hlin iller, U. H. getrcits, F. H. Slaven. Fred Kam meyer, Jr., Joe Mayers, George W. Howell, C Anderson, A. Anderson, Daniel Keller, 8. Neu man, 11. Neuman, A. Kaucger, C. K. Cluster, Wm. F. Cook, M. Taukoaita, G. Skiua Wm. Bkua. Mlcholaa Moser, George Moser, Wm. W. Bhipraan, J. B. Duncan, J. Callahan, J. H. Beaver. Robert Johnson, T. W Morgan, N. Nel son, J. Rowland, George J. Batman, A. J. Amell, Otto Schults, Thomaa Bennett, Carl Frledel, Win. Anderaon, Geo. L. Vinou, T. F. Piper, A. H. Laraeu, R. A. MoQuInn, M. Beaver, A. Bar ber. H. C. Domeyer, O. F. Gravaa, K. T. Ander son, F. K. Armstrong, Heary Vandermost, L. W Gilllhan, L. W. Bonaer, h. Snider, C. J. Elder, G. C. Roblmkl; Andrew Manhart. W. K. H! ovens, J. McCarthy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa, for Columbia Countr. State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. A Nevln. aa administrator of the estate of John Farrow, deceased, all neirs of tne aeceaem in anv there be) and all persona interested, in said estate, defendant. It appearing to the court bv the Information filed in this court by the district attorney and by Chester v. iioipn, special counsel oy tne leave end ander tbe direction of Hon. T. T. Geer, governor of the state, that John Farrow jtiMi nn the ftth dav of Julv. 1891. in Columbia countv, Oregon, leaving real and personal prop erty therein; that A. Kevin was duly ap pointed as administrator of said estate and duly quail tied as such and took posseaaton of all the real and peraoual property of aald estate; thai aald estate has been duly administered upon and there remains in the Bands ol said admin istrator tbe sum of tmt'J. And it further appearing that the decedent died without heirs and that by reason thereof the atate of Oregon haa by law a right to such Sersonl estate now remaining in the hands of le administrator, it is therefore ordered: 111 THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: That all persons Interested in the estate of John Farrow, deceased, be and they are hereby required to appearand show cause in thia court, if any they have, on the ISth day of May, 1902, wujr lug UMO UI. IU UU W RUU VI.UUO. V.MaW should not be adjudged and veeted ia the state of Oregon. It la further ordered that a copy hereof be published in Ths Oaaeoa Mirr, a newapeper puuusnea in aaia county oi unlia ble, tor sU saoeessive weeks. THOMAS A. McBBIDE, Dated March 4th, 1902. Judge. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia uounty. M. J. Kinney, plaintiff. va. I. G. Wlckstrom. Alice D. WIckstrom, his wife, aud Charles Andrews, defendants. To I. G. Wlckstrom, Alios D. Wlckstrom, his wife, ana cuaries Anarews, tne aoove-tuunau defendant. TN THE NAME OF THB STATE OF OREGON: 1 Yam and pooh of vou are herebv reoulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against ou in tne aooTn-euuiieu suit wuuiu wo nm. lapeinafter stated for vou to do ao. or the above- named plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aald complaint, which ia in substance that a certain tax deed, executed by the sheriff of Columbia county to aald defend ant, I. G. Wlckstrom, dated May 22nd, 1899, and recorded on stay tn, imw, at pages ao ana w oi Vol. "W" of the records ot sheriffs deeds of and for Columbia County, Oregon, and for the weal half nf aectlon nineteen and the aouth fcalf of section thirty, in township five north of cange one west of the Willamette meridian, and in coiumua uoanty, uregon, ana aiso a oeruun quitclaim deed executed by defendants, I. G. Wlckstrom and Alice D. Wlckstrom, his wile, to defendant, Charles Andrews, dated November ilb, 1901, aud recorded December, 11th, 1901, at page 81 of volume "Y" of the records ot deeds of and for Columbia Couuty, Oregon, and tor aald south half of said section tniny be canceled and held to be nun ana voia hv a decree of the above-entitled court, and that said plaintiff have a decree of said court quletiug his title to all of said real estate here inbefore mentioned, and requiring all said de fendants to convey their interests in said real estate to plaintiff, and also that plaintiff be de creed to be the owner of all aald real estate in fee simple, and that defendants oe aecreea to have no right, title or interest in or to the same or any portion thereof, and also that plaintiff have and meover of and from defendants the costs and disbursements of this suit, aud have such other relief aa in equity may appear just. This summons Is published la Taa OaauoH Mist ouce a week for six weeka, pursuant to an order for such publication of the same, made by Hon: J. B. Doan, the Connty Judge of Columbia County, Oregon, dated February 7th, 1902, and directing the pablicaiian ef the same in said newspaper for aald time, and the date of the flrat i.Mhliealinn of thia aumoinna la February 14th, 1902; and you and eaeb of you are required to appear and answer said complaint ou or be fore the last day ot said period of six weeks from said date oi the first publication of this summons, namely, on or before March 29th, 1902, or the plaintiff wilt apply to the above-entitled and mentioned elrcuit oourt for the relief here inbefore mentioned. JOHN H. AMD A. M. SMITH, Attorneys for Plaintiff, How About Your Title? gf EK YOU SURX it ii all right? Remember that It Is the jf RECORD that goTerns. It is oar bosiueM to Beftrcb the C records and show what they contain in relation to laud titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real atttate seen lit y, taJce no man's word, but Insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. Aa Abstract is as essential aa a deed. Insist on having it. We have tbe only set of abstratrt books in the comity. All work oromotly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. If you have property to iasuregiveusaeaU. Wears agents for tbe best fire insarancecompaniesin the world. If vou have property for sale list it with us and we will find a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., ST. HELENS, OREGON Main Street raol,M Rea., Fowr 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDG., Sonthetst Cor. 4th & Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, POUTlISTD, OEEGON. " TAKE KLEVATOK. COLLINS & GRAY 3s TUB PEOPLES' MERCHANTS 1 Carry full stock of staple and fancy ..GEOOEEIEe... 3 1 i 3 n DBY GOODS, BOOTS AND 8HOE8, LEATHER, HARDWARE, I 3 WOODEN WARE, TINWARE, GRAMTEWARE, CROCKERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, ; FLOtlR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY. OIL MEAL, LIME, GLASS, OILS, , 9 FAINTS AND SIMILAR WARES. Goods Exchanged for Produce. J ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. t 1