The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 21, 1902, Image 4

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    Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ha won success far beyond the effect
of advertising only. 1
The secret of it wonderful popular
ity is explained by iu unapprvwcUnln
Based upon a prescription which
cured people considered incurable,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Unites the bent known vegetable rem
edies by such a combination, propor
tion and proceaa at to have curative
power peculiar to Itartf,
Tta curea of scrofula, ecsema, psori
asia, and every kind of humor, aa well
at catarrh and rheumatism prove
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the best blood partner ever produced.
Its curea of dyspepsia, loss of appe
tite and that tired feeling make it the
greatest stomach tonic and strength
restorer the world has ever known.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is a thoroughly good medicine. Begin
to take it TODAY. Get HOOD'S.
Mr. Newlywed (solicitously) And
how did you get along with the butcher,
Mrs. NewJywed Oh, splendidly.
He is each a generous man, Mortimer.
When I order a four pound roast he
always sends me one weighing si ot
Mothers will find Mrs. Wtiutow's Booth
In Svrop toe best remedy to us tor their
children daring the teething period.
His Qukk Retort.
The lady Yes; it's only men that
torn tramps. Why aren't women idiet
The Tramp Because most of them
are busy bodies, mum.
At Ye Celag H'i Fot-K?
It H the only care for Swollen, Smarting,
Burning, Sweating Ft, Cum aud Baniona.
Aak tor Alk-n'i foo-w. a powder to be
shaken Into the ehoee. At JI Dmrfijty anil
Shoe Store. S. Sample sent FKEE. Addreas
Allen o. laated. URot. V-
Small Man Yes, sir; he's a con
temptible scoundel, and I told him so!
Big Man Did be knock yon down
Small Man Xo, I told him throngh
the telephone.
Pian'a Pur. Nnnnt b toO hieblT SpokC'l
of as a coueb. cure J. W. O Bsts. 322
Third Ave., Minneapolis, Uitio., Jan.
S, 1SUQ.
The Careful Sportsman.
Jimson Where are you going?
Bilson Only for a day's shooting.
Jimaon Great snakes! With that
car load of freight?
Bilson These ooxes contain books
tbe largest and most complete cotupen
dium of the came laws of the state. 1
don't want to shoot anything out of
for Infants and Children.
Tta Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
An Acceptable Neighbor.
Blizier How does your wife like
that ladr who moved in next door?
Buzzar Oh. all right! She hasn't
as many gowns as my wife.
Stop guessing ! Try a certain cure for
painful ailments by getting at once a
bottle ot ttanlin s vv izara uu.
Cause Enough.
Housekeeper Why did you leave
Tour last nlace?
Servant Faith, tbe lady and her
husband was always quarrelin'.
"What did they quarrel about?"
"fiekase I wouldn't lave till me two
weeks was up."
xQREGMfitaooPuRMf l
J nrrro a no rmje buarahteedX
X mow I In thm Tlmm tm USE IT. e
Not Noticeable.
Willie Why, Uncle Jake, how you
mu.t have changed !
Uncle Jake What do you mean
"Fapa says the other morning you
had a terrible head on you."
There Is a certain
disease that has
come down to ni
through many cen
turies uu a
older than
history itself,
yet very few
outside of
those who have learned from bitter ex
perience know anything of its nature ot
kharacteristics. At first a little nicer oi
ore appears, then glands of the neck oi
groins swell ; pimples break out on the
breast, back or some other part of the
body and fill with yellow pustular matter :
the mouth and throat become sore and
the tongue is at all times badly coated.
Headaches are frequent, and muscles and
knnts throb and hurt, especially during
weather. These are ftome of
the rmptomj of that most loathsome oi
r ... t a o..:--...
Tttia attrana nois-
ContaiOUS on does not affect
Blood PoUon
eaten np with it within a short time after
being inoculated, while others show but
alight evidence of any taint for a long
lima oft- nnMun. but iu tendency in
every case is to complete destruction of
tbe physical system, sooner or later.
S. S. 8. is a safe and infallible cure for
this bad disease the only antidote for
this specific poison. It cures Contagious
Blood Poiton ia every form and stage
thoroughly and permanently. S. 8. S.
contains no Mercury, Potash or other
harmful minerals, but is stncuy ana
entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer
f 1,000.00 reward for proof that it ia not.
DKFAKTMtNT, i( doing- a noble
work In rallwrinr suffering-. Olva our
ohreloiane a short history of yonr cut
lad r their adTics. This wrtU coal
wow no thins, and what yon say will bj
held in strictest confidence. Wltn
their help and a oopy of our book on
Oomtaerioos Blood Folaon won caa
gnanaar yomr own eaaa and cure you,
sjslf at homo.
45W1FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta,
A 080
I Beat Uowib fcjrup. Tasu baud. ue f 1
1 In time. f-M hr e.msiw. r I
M. Floreseo has comuiunloftted to the
Academy of Sciences at Varls proofs
that there Is a fixed relation between
tbe quantity of Iron In the liver of ani
mals and the color of their skin and
hair. Animals of dark balr contain
nearly twice the amount of Iron and
pigments In the liver and skin as those
of white balr.-
Prof. W. W. Campbell, the Director
of the Lick Observatory, In summing ,
up the results of the observations and ,
photographs . made by the party sent ,
from that observatory to study the to
tal eclipse of the sun iu Sumatra last :
Mar. says that the general conclusion
to be drawn Is that the coronal struc
ture surrounding the sun Is made up of
matter, probably very finely ttivuiea.
ejected from the surface of the sun
with great velocities. Just as we nave
matter ejected, now and then, from
terrestrial volcanoes, wltn compara
tively small velocities.
Few persons have any conception of
the tremendous degree of heat repre
sented In the sun. Just as they are lg-
nroant, as a rule, that it is hydrogen
gas that, blazing In tbe sun. keeps the
universe of life existent An astron
omer has Just given some interesting
details respecting the temperature of
the sun. lie assorts that the mean tem
perature la about e,2uO degrees centl-grade-approxlmately
11.200 degrees
Fahrenheit. Of such a degree or neat
one can form no adequate conception.
Of the total heat the earth receives, cf
course, only a very small proportion.
The rest belODgs to space ana is snarea
by other worlds than this.
Men sometimes dream of enormous
wealth stored In the earth, below tha
reach of miners, but according to the
statements of Frof. 0. R. Van Ulse at
the Ienver meeting of the American
Associativa for the Advancement of
Science, there Is little or no ground to
believe that valuable metallic deposits
lie very deep In the earth's crust Such
deposits, be said, are made by under
ground waters, and owing to the pres
sure on the rocks at great depths, the
waters are confined to a shell near the
surface. With few exceptions, ore de
posits become too lean to repay work
ing below- 3,000 feet Nine mines In
ten, taking the world as a whole, are
poorer In the second thousand feet
than In the fierst thousand, and poorer
yet In the third thousand than in the
In September the hunters and trap
pers of the Yukon start out for their
lonz winter sojourn In the midst of
the snowy and pathless woods and
along the banks of frozen rivers and
streams. Bears, beavers, otters, minksv
martens, foxes, wolves and wolever
ene all fall before their rifles or are
caught In their traps, and the man who
can accumulate a good store of tbe
furs of any of these animals Is well re
warded for his hard winters work.
But the greatest prize, which all seek
and comparatively few get Is tbe rare
black fox, of which only about half a
dozen are killed In a season, whose soft
robe Is worth from J200 to $300 to the
trapper who takes It From twenty
five to forty silver-gray foxes are
caught In a season; their pelts bring
from $100 to $200 apiece. The prices
of bear pelts vary from $10 to $25; of
beaver, from $3.50 to $7; of mink, from
$1.50 to $3; of marten from $3.50 to
$12, and of otter from $4 to $S.
Same Style, Fame Snbject Matter In
Them for Many Generations.
"What I'd like to see," remarked the
druggist on the corner, "Is a family al
manac filled with half-tone pictures. It
would be a novelty to soothe the eyes
and mind. We, who have gone through
many years at this business and have
had ample time to digest the countless
free almanacs devoted to the relief of
all bodily ills and 'sure guides to
health,' know the average almanac
from cover to cover. The wood-cuts
that decorate some of them were made
for oar granddaddies and are as fa
miliar to their fading visions as they
sre Interesting to our own children. I
recall perfectly the almanac of by
"After giving the church days and
cycles of time, with the eclipses for the
year and tbe best time during that
term In which to observe the planets.
It bad an address to tbe sick and a ta
ble showing the mean time of diges
tion of the different articles of diet
Then followed a choice variety of an
cient Jokes, Interspersed with the sun
and moon pbases for every month, each
day being marked with such phenom
ena and important events, such as
'Swedenborg born' or 'Kansas admit
ted.' At tbe bead of each month was a
woodcut representing some timely re
minder or scene of the month men
tioned. For Instance, January was
generally depicted with snow-covered
ground and woodsmen felling huge
trees. February showed tbe farmers
threshing grain In an open barn.
March displayed the arrival of the
seeds and April the sowing of them.
For Mar we bad a woman and chil
dren working In the garden planting
potted flowerj and in June the farmers
were gathering the first of their crop.
July showed a boy fishing In a pond,
with a stately bouse and fine-looking
windmill at bis back. August illus
trated tbe gra'n-cuttlng time and Sep
tember gathering of apples, pears and
other tree fruit. Then came the bar
vest of corn for October, a shooting
scene for chilly November and a warm
fireside with a giant Christmas tree
for bleak December.
"Tbe odd thing now about thia old
fashioned almanac Is this: Go over to
the next drug store yon meet and pick
up the first almanac you can lay bands
to. Ton will be surprised to note tha
marked similarity between tbe old and
the new. The latter is made up of tbe
features I hare mentioned as being In
tbe old, even to tbe 'unsolicited testi
monials selected from thousands re
ceived,' the table for foretelling tbe
weather throughout each year, and
perhaps the latest postage laws.
"It Is said that everything changes In
this blessed world of ours," said tbo
druggist, accusing to the New York
MsII and Express, "but I have never
known tbe average almanac to shed its
old time Ideas. That Is why I sigh for
a modern almanac with half-tone pic
tures." '
African' Lion Killed at
FIrat Shot.
AnEngllahman who lived many years
In Africa relates a thrilling experience
which befell his family there. His
home at the time was In the edge of
the Transvaal wilderness, aud It was
there that the event occurred,
On evening about dusk my wife aud
child were sitting on tb veranda of
the bungalow. I was engaged a few
roda away, putting the finishing touch-
to a bit of wagon-repalrlug. The
servants were at the rear of the house.
It was one of those peculiarly quiet
evenings when nothing seems to break
the stillness. .
Suddenly I felt rather than saw.
something moving near the veranda. I
looked more closely, and to my horror
perceived an enormous lion stealing
along tbe ground in the direction of my
wife and child. My wife saw the crea
ture at the same Instant and despite,
her terror, fortunately remained per
fectly motionless and silent
Scarcely knowing what to do, I hasti
ly crept toward the side at the bunga
low to the open window of my room,
where I knew a loaded rifle w as leaning
against the wall. I cllaioed Iu at the
window, seised the rifle and leaped by
another window out upon the Veranda.
There was no time to think; the lion
wss within a few feet of my dear ones
and crouching for a spring. I called
softly to my wife not to move, and then
fired. ' -
The ball passed directly over my
boy's head and lodged In the forehead
of the Hon, Immediately above the eyes,
and stretched him on the ground.
There was an Instant of fearful sus
pense. Then I fired again, but the sec
ond bullet was not necessary, for the
Hon had been killed at the first shot
"It Is wholly inspiration," said Elmer
Bowman, the author of "Oo 'Way Back
and Sit Down,"
Mr. Bowman Is a
negro. He was born
ia Denver and lives!
ih New York.
"Ever since I could
first remember 1 1
was bumming live
ly sirs of my owu
aud. putting words
to them which were
funny everybody
laughed at them,
anyway. And so
when I went to
New York I deter
mined to make use
of my talents, and
I have done so.
"When my mas
terpiece, 'Go 'Way
Back and Sit
Down,' was Incubating I practically
ostracised myself frcra family and
friends. Great subjects cannot be
treated lightly. I felt the inspiration
in me to compose something that would
enter Into aud become a part of the lit
erature of music, and 1 gave myself to
It as only tbe artist can.
"I have, however, turned out somv!
other compositions' of which. I believe.
I have reason to feel proud. There is,
for instance, the lyric, 'I've Got Chick
en on the Bralr .' -hlch has become so
popular In New . - That came to me
one evening after I b 1 - ied from
a birthday party. I recogTii
once as material for a classic,
gave my whole mind to the production.
The success It has achieved fully re
pays me for the brain work 1 expended
on it"
A Genial Encounter.
The tsar's last visit to France has
filled tbe French papers with reminis-
One day he drove incognito to tha
house of Loubet, then president of the
senate, and while bis companion went
In to announce the visit, be amused
himself by putting his bead out of the
window and looking at tbe people who
A whistling street boy approached
and - recognized blm. In spite of the
plainness of bis equipage. He stopped,
took off bis cap snd said, cheerfully,
"Good day, sir! How Is the empress?"
The tsar was naturally surprised, but
he replied, with a smile:
i .-lfcisA
"Thanks, young man. Tbe empress Atlanta Journal, and pretend to have
is quite well, and has enjoyed the trip ailments when they are sound In ev
very much." i ery part
The boy seemed glad to bear It, nod-
ded, and went whistling away. The :
tsar said. In telling tbe story, that be, !
thus cordially accosted, was tbe only !
one of tbe two to be embarrassed. !
Mrs. Whitman a Successful Rancher.
Mrs. C. N. Whitman, of Denver,
Colo., owns the largest ranch of any
woman in tbe world. It is located In
Texas, near Tascosa, and Is called the
L. 8. rsnch, after Lucien Scott the first
owner. Tbe ranch Is thirty miles
square anu is uevuieu mura, 10 caum
raising. Mrs. Whitman makes her
home In Denver, tltbougb she Is ab
sent a great deal, both at tbe ranch and
In Europe. Mrs. Whitman understands
the management of the ranch thorough
ly. When down there she rides over
It from day to day on horseback, and
keeps herself thoroughly Informed as
0 ILS UWU, tilt's Buvnn uvtu V I
the business; bow to raise cattle and
how to sell them profitably.
He Tumbled.
. . ... . t. . n.iii!. ! ,.
"Ha: na. laujtueu v. ui. . ciiuca-
ed a bahaner skin In front of de teach-
"I don't see any Joke In that,'
up bis mother.
"Don't you? Well, ha tumbled all
right all right"
Why He Excelled the Typewriter.
"I can take 100 words a nilnote," said
the shorthand writer.
"I often take more than that" re
marked the other. In sorrowful ac
cents; "but tben I hare to. I'm mar
ried." A man will talk for his Interests, even
If It Is necessary for blm to say that
black Is white.
Why not be eccentric by praising peo
ple? . -
De.irlptloo of ths Latn'rlana Vthlcls
Ordered for Kin fcdward.
Iu his uiajtssty the KJIng of England
motoring possesses cue of Its keenest
Since the days wf tb English built
laliulor, which was his majesty's In
itial experltueut In motor ownership,
quite a number of 'cars bava passed
through the gates of Sandrlughaut for
his use. but bis Interest In this form
of locomotion la unabated. ; .
The majority of his cars, however,
have boon Coventry Daimlers In tha
setpctlou of which his majesty has set
the very necessary example of encour
aging the home ludustry. The last car
tupplled him wa a great, roomy, com
fortable vehicle, principally destined
for use at shooting parties and similar
fuuctlons, and known as the beaters'
car. This, however. Is entirely over
shadowed by the splendid carriage
which they are building for him at tha
present moment, particulars of which
are now published tor tbe first tints.
The car. which Is a Coventry Daimler,
will be fitted with a UUVi-horso power,
J toor-cyllnder motor, ruunlug at a nor
mal spee;l or tm revolutions, ii is aw
sUmed" to- carry sufficient petrol for a
run of 150 miles; Is fitted with both
electric and tube Ignition and la gear
ed up to twenty-four miles an hour.
The car Is unquestionably the most
luxurious ever constructed, tha body
differing materially from tbe ordinary
form. ,
The tonncau, which Is ot tbe roomiest
and most comfortable description, Is
deslgued to bold six passengers and
the seats are built considerably above
the two In front intended for tbe use
ot tbe mechanician and an attendant,
in order that the passengers may ob
tain an uninterrupted view ahead. The
seats are rouuded and are fitted with
line gauze curtalus on either side,
which may be drawn at will.
While effectually protecting the royal
party from tbe dust, they are sufficient
ly transparent to allow of an uninter
rupted view of the scenery on all sides.
At the back of the tonneau glass win
dows extend from the door upward to
tbe canopy and form a further protec
tion agalust dust, that arch-enemy ot
tbe motorist
Tbe whole ot tbe coach work, says
tbe London Mail, which Is of the fin-
Mt PsibIe description, will be palnt-
m ltie t0'al colors-
Would Be Useful In FlhtlnB Natives
of J auale Countries.
Captain Steele, of the Sixth Infan
try, after an experience of tbe condi
tions ot warfare In the Philippines,
strongly urges that dogs sbould b at
tached to the army. Iu the Army aud
Navy Journal he expresses the opin
ion that dogs are the ouly scouts that
can secure a small detachment against
ambush on the trails 'hrough these
tropical Jungles.
Tbe bush ia so dense that Annkers
are out of the question; and trails are
so crooked and over such rough ter
ritory that tbe point at one or two
huudred yards, la out of slgbt ot tha
main party. The lusurgeuts, lying In
ambush usually, or ofteu, let tbe point
pass and open with a volley UKu the
wagons aud main body of tbe escort
They open from apparently Inipen
trable Jungle, and at a range from
thirty to two hundred yards.- Tbey
fire one or two volleys, then usually
run away. Sometimes ucver a man
of them can be seen.
The dogs, pointer or bounds, would
need little training. Their Instincts
for hunthis and snillliiiir In every boio
and corner would be sufficient to Jus
tify their use.
Captain Steele possesses a dog nam
eu Done, and asserts that up to the
date of writing no detachment, with
which It has beeu out has fallen Into
an ambuscade.
He went with us last winter, on
General Schwan's long southern ram-
j palgn," says Captain Steele, "and
"J? ff,mwf tha,Y UIoa,h ,on rtta,
of hard bread and bacon. He covered
six times as much ground every day
as any man of tbe column, and Is the
friend of every soldier in my battal
ion." '
Eipoaina; a Fraud.
Dishonest holders of accident Insur
ance policies frequently put the com
panies' physicians to needless trouble
by claiming damage for trifling hurts,
which under tbe law entitle them to
nothing. Some deliberately practice
fraud, says a physician quoted In tba
a few days ago, says tbe physician.
I was summoned to a hospital to ex
amine a man who pretended to bava
bad bis hearing totally destroyed by
the premature explosion of a blast
I had an Idea from tbe start that tbe
man was shamming, but all the testa
that I could apply seemed to show
; tha( he wag i(one dea( m)U , wa, not
j miinaea. and resolved to try a little
cing tne aune beforehand "bow
t0 act , entere(j the room hastily and
eTleA: "Quick, quick! The fire exiln-
aulsher! Where Is It? Never mind
the deaf man! Save yourself!"
Then we both rushed to the door;
but tbe patient was quicker than we
were, and got out before us. He bad
the srood sense, however, to realize
that the game was up, and be never
; appeflrea agm,
: Safely nailed a Million Miles,
j One of the largest sailing vessels In
the world Is the California clipper Boa.
noke, which sails out of New York bar-
; . .,-, , i A Ameahnrw
j of th(f ol(Jert mcrchaat ,kIt)pt.r,
I .-iiino- tlm aen. but still bale and heartr
i and good for many years more. For
nearly forty years be has been a cap
tain, sailing under tbe American flag.
Since first going to sea be baa sailed
In American vessels "1,000,000 miles
of sea, four times the span from earth
to moon," the record, It will be remem
bered, of Kipling's "dour Scotch engin
eer," McAndrews. And he never one
has been wrecked!
First American I'ostofttoe.
.The first postofflce In tbe country
was that of New York, established by
the act ot Parliament In 1710.
You can get encouragement in many
a town where you can't get a dollar.
Sim tmi'tm tul tuKiwteg
cured of Ovarian
, s..,j
Dua Mr. Pixcta : Whan I wroU to you a few months.
MO I had bean suffering from inflammation of the ovsnea and
womb lor over eighteen months. I had continual pain nd
soruiwa ia my back and side. I believe my troubles were caused
by orerwork and lifting some years ago. Life was a draff to me
and Halt like (riving- up. I had several doctors, but they did me
little good. I Wan to use Lydia E. Pinkham s Variable Com
pound four monUis ago aud am In bettor health toay than I
bare been for years. All my pains are gone. Your 'ViMtoM
Compound haa made me well. I recommend It to ail iufferlng
women.'' MM. 8. J. WAtsoh, Hampton, Va.
Whan ttaara I on remedy that 1 mur: and
hundred of thouastnds of woman know from o
portonco Is) reliable), la It wlao to mparlmant with
untrtod and comparatively unknown mcdlcln r
Aa Easy 0.
"Sleepless" wanU to know: "What
would you give a dog to prevent its
barking at nightT"
"Give it away."
la Doubt.
Bildad Did tbe slaeof her pile make
you hesitate?
Perkins Yes. For a long time I
didn't know how much she had.
A PheiiMs Theory.
She I wonder why a man's hair
turns gray before his beard.
He Oh, that is easily explained.
Them is uatially about 20 years' differ
ence in their respective ea.
Grimes What do yon think of
Landsmsn'i marine novelT
Hurley It is the most perfect thing
I ever got hold of. It actually Is sur
charged with the sea. I was sick be
fore I had read three pages of it.
It b Running Dow.
"I should advise," said th polite
croupiler. aa he raked in another stack
of Lord Bosslyn's bine checks, "that
you take something for yonr system."
Grsnheppen la Sooth Wales
nnal,nnnra are an (front a t'laane at
Hay, Kew Hoiitb Wales, that they ob-
sctir" all the street lamps at nigni,
leaving the town in total darkness.
Woman la Rupoiuibte position.
Miss Belle MacKinnon, of Utica, N.
Y haa been admitted as a partner by
her brother in his large knitting mills,
and has charge of 2,000 employes.
Worth Makes the Pries.
"Divorces," said the man who want
ed to talk and philosophize, "cost more
than marriages."
"Certainly," said the practical man.
"Why not? They are worth more."
The Gams e( Fame.
ficribbs Do you think yonr new
novel will sell?
Ktubbs Sell? Yes, sir-ee: I've hired
a Chioizo man to come forward and
claim the plot. Detroit Free Press.
Limited Ambition.
He I suppose yon wouldn't think of
marrying a man unless he could atlord
to (rive vou a yacht?
She Oh, I don't know, ll l really
loved him I would be satlnflod with a
little smack occasionally.
With local applieatlons, ae they can not reach
theeeatol thediacaaa. Catarrh le a blood or
eoDeumtlonaldiaeaao, and in order to care II
yoa must take InUtfoal nmadiea. Hall'e Ca
tarrh Cure la taken tnioroally. andactaillrectiy
oo the blood and mucous surfem. Haifa Ca
tarrh Core la Dot a ouack awlleln. It waa
prearrlbed by on ' tne beat phalctaaa In thia
eonntrr lor jeers, and las regular preanrlptlon.
It iapumpoaad ot the beat ton lea known, Com
bined with tbe beat blood porisere, acting ilU
rectly on tbe mueooa eurfacaa. The perfect
combination 01 tbe two Inrredlente ! what pro.
ducee eaist wonderful reeult Id curing oauuih.
Bend lor leellmonlala, free. , . "
P. J, hknky A CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Sold br dniCTHlt. price 75c
HalU retail filU are the beat.
The Cynic. "
"The number of people who speak
English," said the amateur statistician,
"is now 116,000,000."
"It is a wonder," said the cynic,
"some of them do not find their way
on to tbe stage."
"For 25 year I have never
missed taking Ayer'a Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanse my
blood, makes ms feel strong, and
does me good In every way."
John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the . body. You
are Invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. You become strong,
steady,courageous. That's
what Ayer'a Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
il MikaUla. All srenbts.
Aak rotrr Sector wnet be think, or Ayar'i
Sarupartlla. Ha knew, all about tkU grand
eldfamllrineMcltte. Follow bleadvtoeaM
. i. c. arsa Co., Lowell,
wsxzsa how
Inflammation by
i .ftUfi.y ,,
1L lui . i
We have deivMrited with
tha Mai tonal cue Hark,
I Ivan. Kwa, wfcdh
will M twla la in per.
mm who can awl that the abura tMtinumlal
latter la . or waa mbUtic4 twfsra
Matains the wnler-s apeclal prrmmlon,.
Lvma B- FiKKeuw, Msdu-insCo.
The Part H Took,
Tha Don And what pait did yon
take in this diurracuful proceeding ot
holding Mr. Waters nndor the pump?
Undorurad (modestly) U is loft h'gi
Unexpected Meppenlnj
Caller la the editor in?
The Imp Nope. Gone home.
"Sot ill, I hope?"
"None. Wife telephoned baby was
asleep. . Went home to sea what It
looked like."
Simple Whea Tea Ksew.
"I was up in the mill district today.
FriKlitlully nouy bp there."
"That's light. I've got a friend who
lives up there. He can't hoar himself
talk in his house."
"My! Hoi ler shop next door?"
"No. He's deaf and dumb."
rrwelrmto With, tthetuaatle Fetor Us
Tlaaoe Within Twenty f tare.
This wss the can of Mr. Eli Wilt
shire, of landsdowne Terrace, Calne,
Wis., who, during this time, suffered
tbe most intense aKony. He writes:
"I heartily endorse the testimonials
which yoa publish of Ht. Jacobs Oil as
a pain killer, for I have ren a sniTorer
from thenmatistn and kindred com
plaint at different . times during the
last twenty years. I have been laid
prostrate with rheumatic fever sis times
during that period, therefore I consider
I know something about rheumatism.
During atl of those twenty year I have
tried various advertised rheumatic rem
edies, oils, ointments and embrocations.
None of tl.em gave me relief, but when
I tried St. Jacobs Oil I found it eated
the pain almost immediately, and has
done (or me what all other remedies
put together never befran to do.
"I could give yoa several eases that
have been cured, which have come un
dor my notice, and through my recom
mendation ; one of bxithnche, one of
facrai-be and one of sore throat.
"I have recommended St. Jacobs Oil
and shall continue to do so by every
means in my power, as I consider you
Trying to Explain.
"Josiar," said Mrs. Corntassel,
"what ia these neglijay shirts I
advertsed in the bargain sales7'
"Well, they ain't quite so prim an'
scratchy as a b'ilod shirt. I reckon a
neglijay is what you might call a soft
h'iled shirt."
M. r. M. V.
Ho. is-tee.
WHEN wrltln. t advaetlowrs ptoaae
sawuUoet this paper.
Cure Your
ur Hi
if bnimn, s
Ct'KKU 1 lllKTV-rOI u uoataKa.
Pavaaim Rshsdv Co., at. Paul. Minn.
Oshtlshsu: I hare born nalna- tbe
nsea tbe at rlirbt moo tha, and Is tbat time baveenred 1 1 horaea I
ofhraTee, 14 oldietenper and of tbronli-cookIu Yoar Praeelu I
Hemcdlce bare gained a great reputation In
BOWES Ilea STOKE, CeaaS Agaata Portlaad, Or., aa teatllo, Waeb.
W-WrL ntUa. ft.lavr'a . V .Lav, i If A
: i- jkpy mm jr CwMfeaiiaNMauaiiHMi x srr,; If f
44f ir-i.aa fytu.Mta.WM-MrMiaM,r ThM X f.
AV? y f kklariMnMtMM.HI'lthM
r..A'WVU(l-J J awirtriHtMtM.MariNiiimfaiiM,wal V 1n
"" X. tutaart " w aa.M. V j f V
f a,. I.mI Ow m 0Mtarr nu I, Wa.4 H MeMMlf V '.
vjr, -VS r)-. i. irn mm ae w aao m. rnmu KkJt y
vStv bii ibma u kitau lf tta wmaiM
''f J rw awnbw, i, wtog m a. mml. Ii alll mrUr pmT tm. V rVf'fv
J2 I So'ree'a Marvwf Whemt-42 bam, pm Mcrm jrS,
T I A Mr ottai .mm wa atti rM HriNntoa,N,Nak, I .rnimS
f ja 4 I a4 M M ! mrr mm. la ia, U.M. W. U. aafa tea wlliran Mwiai I 4fi
K&t jit 1 noMunUmulHaail, 4MtM " f 4
fSWRfK wafawiarenarw,MaMrMMawiiMrMiaMaa,BaiMraaaS !
WI'intt. " '' " "MM M NaiMMTlM Oattaawaa) TjifrJt
ly Ai'V aw aa4 at tl.ial.ea, talla. T T
f.WZ'.X . rf 10o-WmrtH 910 I , n
"4li oamri aaflinw wawaaa Wl 4MneaM ! aar SMretaa Batar, V--.g fir
1 r"a'al I aMUi aa, Trt,U lnn.1 0-ra. mnmt w fcaafcrtai K -TX
' -C- . , aar pMAbMa, ,M4laM a.4 pwaarai aal eaM aa .vw y '' " J
, ijiamJSK V aUiwm,, ar4Mtae at wac.lAMal aaff Ml taa M J
wliHuwMat.r,a4 TnalawaM aw, fifs , jT
T a M4ar aw aar. Salm'a erMi, X S ' J i I J
ifji . a" w aa, .Ml aaaaa eaaaar m JT' ' .tf f Ik
t a tk ifl waThwSiWIssssr I
a to
toimmr awaf Atoawai rrrnkthig
WrMm for Ulmtrmmit tmtmhtmm
VeWill Give You
2 Hyacinth Bulb FRF F
Together with our Compteta Catalog
for i ooj, If you will send us: a nuil
order, no matter bow small. Write ns,
and make yonr euloctioim froto our Cat
alog. Ppringtlme Is hure, and It is
time fr planting-
UMBERSON . Portland Oregon
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
root of Morrtaoa timet.
Canglva yrm the best lwrtraln In
Pturgie, Flows. lhilr , and Knglnix.
Windmills and l'tuiips and tiuneral
Machinery. See us before buying.
Sew Year Reflations
ill ilecloy Curo
MS tie we, apis M tee
haw saaaBMUe4MU
r..t. l.'lt,.l. We Williams
IIWII InUlUIl, Ave., l-orllaad. Ores..
fx.: nuam
Kamu or rrnrmj Vcox pes amm tbajc nut.
Stowing Full Una of Oarwnt j and Hat
. AW.T0w'egCO..IOTeN.tA.ia
yttle Liver Pills.
Mutt tear Signature of
at Pec-Slaailo W rappee Bats,
Terr esn awd aa
My asing my Washing Tablet. No acids.
Hnnd 50 cents for package sufficient for
3 months, with full direction. Agnntt
wanted. W. a POWELL,
Box 606, Portland, Oregon.
Of Reeivwa. Coosta
o llurapw wil
Paoaaiaa Baava Fnw-
thia aectlon.
eTf &A. '
A -9
I sttaka
n rife r
la.. . enu