THIS OllKG ON MIST, IHUKO CVIHV rHIUAV MOBM1MU VV DAVID DAVIS, EDITO Am rl)l'HIKTOB. Try "Webfoot" flour, at Collin & tlrav'. Mr. S. Kinder, of Deer Inland, wbi In town TueiUHjr. Mr. G. W, Perry, of Houlton, wa In Portland lant Monday. 0. E. Olxen and Inrael Grogg wore up from Dwr inland menxiay. Mr. E. O. Jotie. of near Qobte, waa In the county cat Monday, Mr. Frank Dow, of Oak Inland, spent lew daya in town tnia week. Judge Blattohard waa up from Rainier Tueaday looking after busluenn matter. Mr. Wm. Downing, of Portland, vlalled friend in tliia city a day or two thla week. Jack Balinanno, of Portland, vlalted hla undo, David Davia, In tbla city laat Sunday. W. W. Blnkealey wai alght-ieaing In Tortland aud Vancouver laat Friday and Saturday. Bliorlff Hattan waa attending to offi cial buiinoaa In tbe vicinity of Deer Inland Tueaday. , L. Dupont, of Valley, pruned through town Tuesday morning, en route home, Iter a few daya (pent lit Portland. Mian Lulu George, ol thla eity, haa bnen employed to teach the summer term of achool In South Bcappoose creek valley. Mr. Albert Montgomery and Mini Ida Trtvette were niaraM In Rainier hint (Sunday at the home of Judge Doan, that gentleman orllciating. Anyone denlrlng a email tract of land, near town, Improved, can find what they want by applying to K. E. Quick, agent; L, W. Vanl'yko, owner. Oolllna A Gray are ready to 811 your apring ordora in almont any kind of gooda. They carry flrnt-clana goodn, and their pricea are reasonable. Anaoaaor White started out Monday morning on hia annual crnnade throuifh out the county in qtieat of property val uation!. Ilia atarting point thla year will be at Mayger aud vicinity. The adminlntrator of the entate of Jonenh rk'hnlkowakl, dttcvased, aold by public auction Monday, at trie front door of the conn-bonne, the personal ftVcta of the eatate, realizing therefor 416.. Judgo Doan waa up from Rainier Tuea day. T'ib judge reports that Mra. Poan'e health la Improving, although ahe ia ni vniirely recovered Iron) llie (tack of grippe which haa been trouble ing her fur aome time, George Reaver, of tho Lake farm, on the Slough, wan in town laat Hunday, having Leon summoned to Houlton, where hia daughter waa very nick. ' Late reports are to the effect that the young lady baa typhoid fever. Cotumlnaloner Cane waa up at Spring water, in Clackamaa county, laat week, with a view to purchaning a aawmill. Negotiations, however, tailed, and Mr. Case will prolmbly purchase a mill In Portland for uae at Pitta burg. A aoclal dance la announced to take place at the hall In thin place tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Ticket, including aupper, will aril at 76 cent. ftupper will be served in the hall. Grewcll brothers, of Warren, will furninh the tuutio. It la reportelthat the White Collar Line haa purchased the atoamer Bon ita from lloaford Bros., and that the ateamer will be placed on the run be twoen Portland and Tho Dallea in con junction with the Tahotnalu competition with the D. P. A. A. Co. The long bridge acroaa the canyon, Mow Columbia City, ia to be repaired. The bridge haa been constructed for a long time, nnt altbnngli aome repairs .have been made to it, and with the ex ception of aome of tho center benta, ita condition ia naid to be good, even yet. Mr. E. RUlgway, formerly of Ver nonia, but now of Hpringwaler, Clacka maa county, waa at thin place over Bun day, lie baa purchaaed a farm of 1 16 acrea at Sprinitwater and ia very much pleased with that section of country. Ilia household goodn were n hipped from here Monday, At the democratic primaries held In thin precinct laat Saturday, bealdea elect ing dolcgnien to the county convention, Mr. H. P. Watklna wan nominated for iuatlce of the peace and George Kelly, r., of Houlton, was nominated for con atahlo. Clny Clark, of Houlton, waa nominated for road auperviaor. Charles Little haa been appointed ad minlntrator of the entate of bin deceased father. The inventory shown real and personal property valued at $11)88. The administrator gave a bond in the sum of $21100. There in a life insurance in the Woodmen's order, made in favor of Mrs. . 1$. Little, the mother of the deceased. CommlHsioner Case told ua that his recent visit to Clackamas county had convinced him that it is ponnlble to have good roads in thin country. He trav eled over forty miles of road iu that county, thirty of which were planked or graveled, lie said that a great deal of money had been expended on roads there, but the county had something to bow for it. The personal property belonging to Andrew Kenowski, ol the Bunker bill region, with the exception of the cattle, will be sold by publio auction by the constable next Monday, on the premises. Tbe cattle will be brought to this city -and disposed of here by auction by the constable. There are twelve head of cattle and one pony. The stock will be sold next Tuesday. From what Is deemed a reliable source, Jt reporter of this paper learned that the steel has been purchased with which to start the work of constructing the logging railroad from Columbia City to the timber belt went and south of that place. So soon as an arrangement ciiu be made with the Northern Paciilu Com pany to secure eronaing privileges, it in reported that actual work on the road will be begun. For tho third time since Dr. Ross has tjeen county treasurer this county has been the nrnt in the statu to pay its taxes in full to the state. This year's payment whs made on Thursday of lant week, and wan receipted for by the state trennurer before the week wan fltiinhed. Itanton county puid one half of Its state tax about' three weeks ago, but had not finished Its payment when this connty'e full amount, wan received at stato tvean nrer's headquarter. Twenty-one sawmills, representing a combined output of 600,000 feet of rail road lien daily, have formed a combine in Portland under the naineoi the "Col umbia River Tie and Lumber Associa tion." The purpose of the combine in to raise the price on their output. The tie manufactures claim that the price has been too low lor some time lor a reanonable prollt and that action of some kind waa necessary and that the present action seems to be tbe best. The meet ing was brouuht about in Portland by correrpondunce the first of the present week and after holding a number of secret seHslons they toruied the combina tion. They have only received 2 and 23a for ties in the past and it ia now the purpose to nut mr ceuta. rue com bine is composed of mills on Lewis river. Hood river, and at Vancouver and Troutdalo. Outside of the statement that the combine lias been formed and that the price of Ilea has been raised to 2oc, each of the niembera of the combine reluae to give any information. A v-shaped flu too, four miles long, with 24-Inch sides aud 83 inches in width across the top, Is being built by the Western Oregon Lumber Company, to carry lumber from their sawmill on a branch of the Clatskanle river to the town of Clatekauie, where they intend to erect large dry houses, planing anil shingle mills, etc, says Monday's Ore gunian. Home 2800 feet of flume Is al ready completed and the material for construction Is flurried "to the front," thus greatly expediting the work, the planks, etc.. being all cut to the right lengths and fitted at the mill. The flume haa a 6 per cent grade, and as may be imagined, the lumber goes down it like soatmuds down a sink. Ho Ionic as the head of the Hums is kept filled with water, nothing can stop on It, but must hurry on to the exit. The com pany owns an almost inexhaustible sun- ply of timber in the region where ita mill Is located. The man who wrestles with the cow and teaches the calves to suck, who casta the corn before the swine, is now in greatest luck ; veal higher than a kite, pork la climbing up the scale and beef ia out of sight : the ercs he gathers every day from hia Poland chicken eoop are almost worth their weight In gold, and we are in the soup, Ilia corn brings him a fancy price, it's rising every day, and ha rakes in all kinds of nion for a half load of hay. The farmer la In the saddle and when he comes to town, the rest of us by r lit lit should go way back and sit down. Messrs! G. L. Tarbt.ll. S. Salser, Fred Briinrn. G. K. Hyde aud xm Bareer. from Yankton, invaded our city Monday morning, starting in to dig telephone pole holes up and down our principal street. These gentlemen are constructing the MHiepeiiutMib luieiiiiune linn iruui initft- ton thruuirh Houlton and in to this city. The wire waa up and the instruments in action between Yankton and Houl ton last Sunday and it is expected that the lino will he completed to this city by the eud of this week. Josenh W. Huh nabel. a brother of Charles J. Schnabel, the well known at torney, who has been 111 for aome time with consumption, died Sunday evening at St. Vincent's Sanitarium, aged 33 years. He wan born in Pittaburg Pa., and since bis arrival iu Oregon several yearn ago had lieen engaged in the practice Ol law ami was tor a lime J 'en tity Prosecuting Attorney under W. T. Hume. He was held in high entente by a large circle of fneuds, and universally respected. The bent record ever made In this county on tax collections haa been made this year. The sheriff has had the roll just about one month, and has turned over to the trraiircr$3U,132.tt0. Ue has on hand over IjliUOO for which he haa is sued receipts, and be estimates that there are remittances in his office to the amount of $000 which he has been un able to attend to, making a total of $40, 000 collected. There remains on tbe roll but about $10,000 to collect. There are several persons in the vi cinity of Pittsburg interested in the sawmill enterprise projected for that Place. Messrs. jonti rringie, j. i. arker, E.J. Mills, N. J. Parker, Wm. Pringle, John l'arker and W. D. Cane will iirobably constitute tho ownership of the plant. Shingle-cutting machin ery will be inHtaiiud, winch win ue ine principal induntry engaged in. The manufacture of lumber will bo a side issue. Rev. Mr. Phflbrook will preach next Sunday at Bachelor Flat In tho forenoon and in this city in the evening. T'. Tlm..Va ,.l Pi.nHl.Onn nlo.i nt A munmair IVtiitjv arrivAfl In thin city Wednesday evening on a brief visit. f.M.lAk lalABt nnwdlirl!wut(mni tliH mihliaheni! 2K-cnt novels at 10 cents, at the drug store. Repnbllcan Delegates. Un to a late hour Thursday evening we had received word from the follow ing precincts, and are able to give the tinmen of the delegates to the county convention choseu from the several precincts: Union precinct. G. L. Tarbell, C. N. Gable, A. King, Fred Frants. It. H. Bat lev, J. u. l'lana, uus lieguie. for constable, F. M. Thorp; for road supervnor, J. G. Plank. Rainier precinct. Joseph Doherty, Ed Josenh. G. B. Johnson. Wm. Hoi- sapple. Justice of the peace, J. B. E. bourne; cunstame, J. J. uraiia; roaa supervisor, C. B. Sutton. ScanpooHe precinct. W. E. Stevens. till " WIWI & U.tlVI "J . " supervisor, Ole Bohman. Ulatskanle precmet. T. J. mppin, E. B. Elliott, N. Merrill, J. E. Hall, Oliver Anderson, Bert Seffert. M. E. Page. Road supervisor, J. E. Van ; jus tico.of the peace, J. M. Blackford. lieaver talis precinct. Jonn ic Adams, Thomaa Morris. Road super visor, Wm. sanburn ; justice of the peace, Wm. istacklord. Deer Island precinct. M. Burllng- ame, James Gaitu-na. Warren. li. Hansen, IN. r . Baker, i. Rasmusaen. Road aupervlsor,Lara Kas- mnnneii. Goble precinct. James Kennedy. M. Link. II. M. Fowler. S. E. Butts. Road supervisor, J. P., Archibald; justice of the peace, J. B. Kennedy; constable, James Kennedy, jr. Marshland precinct. H. L. Colvin, O. E. Elliott. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Id the County Court of the Btnts of Oregon, for voitimuift i ouiity. In the mauer of the eiute of Anew". Swnnion, attceHMMi. -Ao whom u nmv concern: NOHUK 18 HKHK1IV olVKN THAT THB iitidur1ffnu(l. admltilNtrntor of the e- tata of AuviiNt Hwnnton, iteeenied, Aleit till snui account in unto county court, in nitron Wit. A I, lOlV, un.l .k... .1. 1J.... I II am lii.lirn tif anlA flniintu i.nurl ham n. tliA 9th iliiy of Mny, A, D. m'l, at tlx) hour of oeiouK in me afirnoon ol mat any. ai (tie etiunty court-homo of Mtii county, ns inn time, lor tnc nenrnitf or objections io turn onm no cuntit nti't the ncltlement thoreof. This notice li iHlillKlid In Ths Dnnaox Mut, n uewnpnpcr publitihfd In said county, for (our auceeNMtvn weeki, by order of nitld court mid by the direc tion of the uudenlKUf d n tuch nditiliilitrntor, E. K. Q11H:K, AdmhilfitrHtur. DnlAd nt St. Hitlenn llntnrnn. thll Mroh 18th. A. U. 19(12. H. It. timber, KM , Attorney for Ad ailillrnlor. BUtnl . Democratle feunty Ticket. The democratic county convention for Mils county was held at Rainier Wednes day afternoon, with a good representa tion. After the organization, which was soon affected, the following complete county ticket waa nominated : For representative, 8. 11. Kistner, of Rainier. ' For county clerk, II. Henderson, of aiavger. For sheriff, R. 8. Hattan, of fit. Helens. For treasurer, li. P. Watklns, of (jt, Helens. For commissioner, A. 6. Graham, of Miirsnianu. For annessor, II. T. Grewell, of Warren, For surveyor, U. W. Clark, of Houlton, For coroner, R, II, Mitchell, of Bt, Helena, Meters W. F. filauehter. Louis Fluh- rer, J. 1). McKay and Peter Loualgnont were cnosen an delegates to the state convention. R. H. Mitchell was chosen chairman of the county commute. ine convention was represented by thirty four delegates. Resolutions asking for reform in county allnlra and conuemlng the ac tion of President Roosevelt for apbolnt' ing envoys to attend the coronation of Kiiig Edward were unanimoualy adopted, All the officers were nominated by acclamation exceptcommiiHriouer. which was voted to Arnold uiaham because that end of the county had never been represented on the county board. Reuben New Note. John Munnon waa a nabsenror for Ahioria monaay, Ed Joseph and Martin Both. of Rain ier, were in town trmuy. W. D. Battcrleeand son arrived home from Vernonia Saturday. II. M. Fowler, of Goble, waa pasnen ger on the Kellogg Monday. Henry Wanner sold five head 'of beef cattle to J. 11. Uartcr. ol Kalama. Mon day. J. II. Edwards has rented the Oleen place at Deer Island, and will move his laiuily up there this week. M. L. Satterlee and family, recently from Dakota, left here Wednesday for Hood River to visit Mrs. rJatterlee's brother. M. L. Batterlee and wife and son, of Anscln. North Dakota, arrived here Friday. They are visiting with the former's brother, W. D. Batterlee. Warren Happenings. Miss E?M. Racou spent last week in Portland. . James and Jesse Bacon, of Portland, spent last Sunday at home. Mr. Ed Collins waa a Portland visitor Monday of thla week. Morton Tompkins left last week for Juneau, Alaska, where he will work in a cannery. Mra. Lucinda Blanchard. of Newburg. spent this week with friends and rela tives here. Services were held at Grace church last Sunday by Ri'V. Bullantyne, both morning and evening. A few of the Warrcnites attended the dance at Scappoose last Friday night, ana reported a good lime. Rev. and Mrs. Davies are visiting with the latter' parents at Rock wood, this late, for a couple of week. Mrs. George Ramsey and daughter, Zelln, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lynch a few days last week. Fred Ible, who has been employed on the Noon farm for some time, left Tues day of last week for San Francisco. Mine Stella Adams, who has been spending the past two months with rel ative at Centraiia, returned home last baturday. Miss Maude Slavens returned to Ka lama last Monday after spending the past two weeks with relatives at this place and in Portland. A "hard times" social was given by the ladies of Grace church Wednesday of last week. A short program waa ren dered, after which refreehmenta were served. A little over $10 was raised, hich will so toward oavimr off tbe in debtedness of the church. Vail tzranse No. 204 held their resular meeting last Saturday evening, and a very interesting time was naa. ine Hrpt and second were conferred on two candidatea and the third and fourth de grees on one candidate. The next meet ing will be held on the first Saturday in April. Easter services will lie held at Grace church In the forenoon. A short pro gramme will be rendered, consisting of songs and recitations. In the evening services will be held at the M. E. church. An address will be liven by the pastor. also an interesting programme will be rendered. The Ladles Aid Society grave a delight ful tea at the parsonage Thursday after noon of last week. Quite a number of invited guests were present and a de lightful time was had. A ladies toreign . .i.l ;l. llHBBiuunrT am'iTTiy nM vutiw, .v., the following officers: Mrs H. II. Clark, president; Miss Clara Hegele, recording secretary; Mra. N. F. Baker, correspond ing secretary : Mra. G. W. Baker, treas urer. The officers of the Ladies Aid Society are Mrs. Lew Daviea, president; Mra 11. il. Clark, vice-president; Mrs. N. F. Baker, secretary; Miss Garnett Lynch, assistant secretary ;' Mrs. G. W. Baker, treasurer. This society meets at the parsonage every Thursday after noon. The reoublicans of Multnomah county met in convention Wednesday. They nominated a legislative ticket and ad journed for one week. Judge Henry E. McGinn was nominated for state aenator. Newspaper reports claim that the entire It ablative ticket is antl-Slnion. The pro gramme up there soems to be to take some time in fixing up a city and county ticket upon which both tactions can agree. m This Year's Registrations. Tniu,Anlt,.no tn the ennntv are In creasing in number very much faster of late than was the cane during the first few weeks the books were open. Up to press hour this week the total iuthe county was us is Indicated by column of following ngurcs unuor me ! nenum ; . ittrul 1 1 u ,H 1 vw iw Auburn 160 Apiary. Reaver Fall : 100... 01 . 6 . 29 .154 Clatskanle 220... Peer Island ou. . . Goble 10 .. 80 ,. 28 .. 46 .. 90 .. 91 .. 49 ..ltlu Marshland 63.. Nehalem 98 . Oak Point ...ll!8.. Rainier ".. Scappoose , 118 Union 260 , in M , 01 The total number ol registrations ia 921. There are about BOO voters yet to register. Union precinct, it will be seen, has the greatest number of registrations of any precinct so far. Deer Island and tioin'ii, . -w- ..... (heir full vote registered than any others. t'latikanle Briefs. Notices are pouted announcing city election the first Monday in April. Miss Nora Conyers spent last Friday in our vicinity with parents and friends, and attended tbe graduating exercises mat evening. W. K. Tichenor has disposed of about 00 acres of land near the city to James Van. who expect to get it in shape for cultivation in the near future. Tom Carter ia improving his property, and has recently enclosed and plowed hi lot. Tom ha a sightly location and can make his home very attractive, Mr. N. Merill and Mra. J. I). Lewi have each had healthy and vigoroua looking caiia my in bloom, standing on the front porch of their respective residence. Danial Dixon, sr., celebrated his 77th birthday recently, and took a trip to Catlin and Castle Rock, spending nearly a week with his sons, Isaac and William, living there. He ia hale and vigorous for one of hia year. Mr. Keating, with her eon, Teddy, ha been visiting with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Murry, for the past few days. They are her guest and are on a visit to her sister, Mra. Dixon, at Castle Rock, thi week. Our voter are figuring on (even good and true republican to represent Clata kanie precinct at the county convention. There are so many here it is not so much a question who can be sent as who we can afford to leave at home. Rev. W. T. Kerr, of Portland, spent last Saturday and Sunday in our town, having charge of the quarterly meeting services for the presiding elder. He is a wide awake minister, and hia service were enjoyed by those who heard him. The Red Men and Pocohontas orders generously placed their hall at the isposal of the school board for the graduation exercises. Considerable dec corating had been done to add to the attractiveness of the hall,' with very satisfactory results. Among the ont of town guest who were present at the exercises last Friday evening was Dr. Rog, of St. Helens. If the people of the county feel that they want him again for treasurer he will take it. The people out this way feel that they want him. Our teachers are leaving town this week. Professor Esson return to Ger vin. Mis Tracy to Portland, Miss Harris to her home at Dayton, and Miss Cole to her aunt, Mra. A. Graham, at Marsh land. Two of the ladies will teach spring terms of school in the Nehalem, beginning about the first of April. The Hughes donkey engine was puff ing and pulling iteelf over the road on runners, the first of the week, destined for Elliott Wood's place, where work will be done at drawing logs the coming season on the W. S. Chandler contract. Hughes and Chandler seem to he a firm now for logging and lumbering purposes. Peter Syverson, of Quincy, has sold hia litlte home there, and start this week for Colorado valley, in Arizona, taking hia family with him. They ex pect to cultivate the soil by irrigation from the Colorado river, and will not at once appreciate the change from locality of copious rainfall to one as dry as that region is, but think they will prefer it in time. Possibly so. The cloning exercises of onr public schools panned off pleasantly and satis factorily last Friday evening, though the rain was falling outside, making it hard to get the white dresses inside tbe Red Men' hall without spot or wrinkle, for of (Jouree, the eweet girl graduate each wore a white dress and each looked be witchingly becoming. The class of 1903 wore white dresses also, that is, those who took part in the exercises. At tbe appointed lime to begin the ushers as sembled at the entrance, and marching to music, preceded the teachers, gradu ates, clergymen and the achool board, who marched around the room and up the center isle, to the platform. After invocation by Rev. J. K. Hawkins, Pro fessor Esson, acting chairman, enounc ed the numbers, as per printed pro grammes. The three graduates, Misses bertha Tichenor, Leona l'opham and Bertha LewUton, each read an essay that reflected credit on their work and instruction. Misses Hughes, Tracey and Conyer made the occasion more enjoyable by instrumental music, and Mien matt rendered some selection oi vocal music that were highly appreciat ed. Rev. A. Esson, of Portland, then delivered an unique and highly pleasing address, in which he urged the young people on to higher ideals, and spoke of a higher intellectual plane for which he hoped to see the young people strive. He closed with a few inspiring words to the eraduates. after which the applause showed the appreciative manner in which the address was received, vr. J. E. Hall, after a few well selected and appropriate words, presented the di plomas, and was followed by a short ad dress from the principal, which closed the exercises. The young ladiea receiv ed floral tributes from many well-wishers, and after a continued flow of con gratulations and words of praise to the four teachers, who did such noble work in our schools, all parted, feeling that they had spent an evening of rare pleas ure and entertainment. Vernonia Pick-ups. Albert Wood made a business trip out to the county seat last week. Commissioner Case made a flying trip to up-country points the hitter part of last week. Business. E. W. Keasey. of Home wood ranch. waa down visiting his son, U. VV., and family, Tuesday of last week. J. W. Cave went out to St. Helena with team and wagon the latter part of last week. He reports the roads the worst he has ever known them. The base ball bovs are clearing (-round in the flat along Rock creek, just above the Braden place, which they intend us ing for practice and game during the summer. Olaf Malmsten and son, 0! B., went to Portland last week, going by the way of Forest Grove. They spent the first night out at the home of Mra. West, near Greenville. Clarance Palmer hit the road over the mountains, toward St. Helens, Wednes day of last week, headed for Westport, where he will work during the summer in a logging camp. Reube Sesseman. who has been work ing all winter for Casper Libel, near Mist, came home Friday for a few days visit and to do some needed work on his claim, about four miles west of town. , The fourth quarterly meeting of the church hore.the Evangelical association, will be held next Hunday week, begin ning on Friday, that is, on March 28th to 30th inclusive. Presiding Elder Smith will be in attendance. At the democratic primaries In this precinct last Saturday John Pringle and Ralph Rogers were elected delegates to the county convention. The republican primaries, coming on the 20th, is to late to report the result for thla issue. Legislation for Roads. Nearly every atate in the nnion is tak ing some active measures to secure bet ter public highways and many of them are appropriating large sum of money each year to be used in constructing roads on improved plans. Results show that the investment of the public funds in improvement of that kind haa been profitable one. In some instances saving of aa high as 60 per cent has been made the people in the annual out lay for vehicles and horse and the ad vance in the property valuation aa a result of the improved transportation facilities ha greatly exceeded all expec tation. In spits of the experiences of other state and the fact that an im- Jiroved condition of tbe public thorough ares is needed here more badly than in almost any other portion of the coun try, Oiegon legislatures obstinately re fuse to enact any measures that will bring relief to the people. They not only refuse to make appropriations of state funds for road building but they will not even pas laws so that the money raised by tbe people through special taxation can be judiciously expended. One great drawback which Oregon has to contend with il the fact that there is too much politic and not enough busi ness sense used in the administration of her public affair. Astoria Budget. Cbronlo Diarrhoea. Mr. C. B. Wiifleld, of Fair Play, Mo., who suffered from chronic dysen tery for thirty-five years, says Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him mora good than any other medicine be bad ever need. For tale at the St. Helen pharmacy. Samual C. Horton, a farmer living just across the Columbia river from Bridal Veil, was instantly killed at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon by being struck in the bead with the sweep of a stump-puller, with which he was work ing. The rope by which the home was attached to the sweep broke, causing the accident. Real Estate Transfers. William Adams to A. Coleman, lots 9 and 10, section 6, tp. 7 n, r 6 west ; $1500. Jamea Adams to A. Coleman, lots 11 and 12, section 6, tp. 7 n, r 6 west; $500. Hugh Boyle to Tho. Boyle, land in section 28, tp. 7 n, r 6 west; $500. Lucia Brewick to Frank Clark, 5 acres in section 7, tp. 7 n, r 4 west; $1.00. C. E. Cook to Thos. Meserve, e M of ee J of section 16, tp. 7 n, r 3 west ; $640. R. P. Nixon to Amelia Sherwood, land in section 31, tp 4 n, r 6 west; $875. A. Player to Lucia G. Brewick, lota 6 and 7, Bryant' first addition to Clatska nie;$105. Slate of Oregon to C. E. Cook, e of e H of section 16, tp. 7 n, r3 west; $160 F. C. Winchester to A. L. Richardson, parcel of land in Rainier, $200. E. M. Watts to Amelia Sherwood, 480 acrea in sections 31 32, tp. 4 n, r 5 west ; $2500. Anna M. Wood to J. B. Yeon, a of ne li of section 16, tp. 7 n, r 3 west; $1000. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. NOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEtf THAT THE umleraiffned bu been, by the Hon. 1. B. Doan. Judge of the County Court of the county of Columbia, stale of Oregon, appointed ad miniairator of tbe eiutte of A. B. Little, de ceased. Any and nil persona hsrlng claims against said estate are hereby reqeired to pre sent tbe same to me, duly and properly rerilied, at the law office of W. H. Powell, in St. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. LUAKUa U. 1.1 J lltB, Admlnlttnter of the estate of A. B. Little, de ceased. Dated March 21, 1902. W. H. Powell, attorney for administrator. m21alS NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Or al arch 1st, 1902. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE folfowine-named settler hnn filed notice of her intention to make fiual proof in support t her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Rcreirer. at Oregon City, Oregon, on April 15th, VMtl, viz: CORA BLAKE, Homestead entrv No. 13.333. for the east M of the southeast of section 25, township b north. range n west. ne names ine iouowmg wit nesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivating of said land, vis: Iva B. tJtrmn ahan, of Portland, Oregon, and Marian Barnes, All Parker and John Parker, of Pituburg, Or egon. niTall CUAS. B. MOORE3, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of N. L. Berg, de ceajsetl. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE it nndersie-ned. as administrator of the said estate, have, on this February '17th. 1902. duly died In the said Countv Court my final account of all receipts and disbursements as such ad- mlalstrator, ana tnai ssonaay. ine na aay ox April, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m., has, by the said County Court, been set as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settle ment thereof. This notice in published in Tax OacooN Mist by direcUon of the undersigned and of said Court. A. M. BKRU, Administrator of the estate of N. L. Berg, to- ceased, tit.- Helens, Oregon, March 7, 19l. 8. H. amber, nq., attorney for administrator. CALL FOR A COUNTY CONVENTION. A REPUBLICAN COTOfTY CONVENTION 18 called for Columbia countv. Oregon, to be held nt St. Helens, Oiexon, on Saturday, March 22nd, 1902, at 11 o'clock a. m., of sId day, for the purpose of nomiuating candidatea for the various county offices of said Columbia county, Oregon, and to elect seven (7) delegates to the state convention, to be held In Portland, Tues day, April 2, 1902, and to transact snob other business as may be brought before the conven tion. The convention will consist of forty-five (46) delegates, apportioned among the several precincts, as follows: Auburn 3 Apiary 1 Keavar Falls a Nehalem S Oak Point i Rainier 4 Scappoose ....I Union....... ..7 Warren S Claukanle 7 Deer Island 2 (Johle t .4 Marshland .....2 The same beinr one (11 delecate-at-lanre from each precinct and one (1) delegate tor each (25) twenty-five voles oast for McKinley presidential electors tn 1900, and one (1) delegate for the remaining major iraction of twenty-nve votes cast for said presidenUnl electors. The central committee recommends that the primaries in the several preeints be held at tbe usual poll! nt places in said precincts on Tbura- v. March 20th. 19U2. at 2 o clock p. m. By order of the committee, A. L. CLARK. H. R. CUFF, Chairman. Secretary. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of ths State of Oregon, for Cniumbla Countv. State of oregon, plaintiff, vs. A. Nevln, ss administrator of the entate of John Farrow, aeceaseu, an netra oi toe oeveueni tu any there be) and nil persona Interested In said estate, defendants. It appearing to the court by the Information filed In thin eourt by the district attorney and by Chester V. Dolph, special counsel by Uie leave and ander the direction of Hon. T. T. Ueer, governor of the state, that John Farrow died on the 9th day of July, 1X91, In Columbia countv, Oregon, leaviug real and personal prop erty therein; that A. Nevin was dulv an pointed an administrator of said estate and duly qualified as such and took posseBSton of all the real and pergonal property of said estate; that said eatate has been duly administered upon and there remalus In the hands of said admin istrator the sum ol (469.62. And It further appearing that the decedent died without heirs and that by reason thereof the slate of Oregon has by law a right to such f eraonl estate now remaining In tbe hands of he administrator, It Is therefore ordered: IK THK NAME OK THE STATE OK OREOON: 1 That all persons interested in the estate of John Karrow, deceased, be and they are hereby required to appear aud show cause In this court, 11 any thev have, on the 13th day of May, 1902, why the title of, in and to said personal estate should not be adjudged and vested In the state of Oregon. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in Ths Oriooh Mist, a newspaper published In said county of Colum bia, for six aaooessive weeks. THOMAS A. McBRIDE, Dated March 4th, 19U2... Judge, Wc Expect to Get It We Expect to Keep It By selling yon a quality of good that will invariably give entire satisfaction. ' NOT JU8T NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, St. Helens, AiS, ST. HELENS Patronize a drug store when yon want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Poblisher-Regnlar 25-Cent Novels Only 10 Cents at How About S BE YO0 RtIRK it in all right? Bametnber that It In ths j RECORD that governs. It is our businees to search thn M records and show what thev contain In relation to land title. 11 you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real a tale security, tako no man's word, but insist upon knowing what the record rhnwm regarding the title. An Abstract is aa euenUal a a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of abstract books In the county. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed, if you have property to Insure give as a call. Wears agents for the best fire insurance companies in the world. If vou have property for sale list it with un and we will find a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., ST. HELENS, OREGON Main Stnet 9.T.9 l Officb Hocbs. Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 60 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Southewt Cor. 4th 4 Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, POETLAND, OREQOlSr. TAKE ELEVATOR. THB PEOPLES' Carry a loll stock DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, WOODENWARE, TINWARE, GKANITEWARE, CROCKERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY, OIL MEAL, LIME, GLA68, OILS, f PAINTS AND SIMILAR WARES. sf ' ' ' 3 Goods Exchanged for Produce. 3 ST. HELENS, YOUR TRADE! By giving you Just a little mora for your money than you can get elsewhere. Oregon. Your Title? 'Pnoira Office, Hood 414 ",",M jRes., Fbokt 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist 3 MERCHANTS m li of staple and fancy OREGON. SI 4