The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 07, 1902, Image 4

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April May
There is a best time for doing
everything that is, a time when a
thing can be done to the lst ad
vantage, most easily ami most ef
fectively. Now is the liest time
for purifying" your blood. Why ?
Because your system is now trying
to purify it you know this by the
pimples and other eruptions that
have come on your face ami body.
Hood's Sarsaparilta
and Pitts
Are the medicines to take they do
the work thoroughly and agreeably
and never fail to do it.
Hood's are the medicines you
have always beard recommended.
kI rtiDot recommend Hood's Ssrwparllla
too highly aa spring medicine. Wnen
take H in the turlii ae sll (eoi better throuuh
the Hianv." Mai. S. H. Nsal, McCray- I'.
Mr fMMt7 m asas f
mmrm wear mmm
What tic Miy Hsvs Hunt -
Mrs. FunkingtonKmmy writes that
her rich Sew York feller takes her out
to his country place ev'ry evenin' an
gives her a ride on his drag.
Amos Punkington Goeh! It beats
all what girls will do when they git
citified. You wouldn't ketch Emmy
idin on no drag hereto hum. Judge.
I am snre Piso s Cure for Coitsnmntiort
eyed my life three years tto.-M Thos.
Kossiks Maple street, Korwicb, Ji. V,
Feb. 17, .1800.
Th Ring to Blame.
Con Seet Diamond engagement rings
are," very evidently, not fashionable
any more. '
A scum What makes you think so?
Con Seet I offered one to Miss Box
ley last night, and she wouldn't have
it at all. Philadelphia Tress.
Are Tom Vslne- Allen's Foot Kw?
tt t the only care for Swollen, Smarting;
Barnlng, Sweating Feet. Corn and Bunions,
ask lor Allen'a Foot-Ease, a powder to ba
shaken Into the sfcoes. At all fmnfirta and
Shoe Store,. Sample wmFRE. Address
alien 8. Olmsted, LeRor, K. Y.
Why He Drinks,
Blinks When yon are tempted to
take liquor, think of your wife at home.
Jinks I do. That's what drives me
to drink. Baltimore World.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow't Sooth
ing Srrap the best remedy to use tor their
children daring the teething period.
Doubly A-Tiwtrtd.
"Do you object to cigarette smoke?"
asked Young Softleigh, as he prepared
to light one of the undertaker's de
lights, i
"Really, I don't know," replied Miss
Cutting. "Xo gentleman ever smoked
one in my oesence.", Chicago Sews.
The M. 4. M. Arcs art CauiinJ Quite a Stir.
Nothing is more annoying than a
poorly lighted store. From the time of
old tallow dips million of people have
been bothered by insufficient light when
the evening come. But now it seems
the whole question is settled by the
beautiful, brilliaut, economical "SI &
M" Arc Lamps that are becoming so
popular. Thev are cheap, too. Write
to C. W. Lord," Portland, Oregon, for a
circular telling you all about them.
You'll be glad yon wrote. Agents are
wanted in every town.
She's Prepared to Conquer.
tfben a girl gets a rose in her hair
and a white crocheted thing on her
head she is armed for anything she
might meet in society. Atchison
Z MOW I la Ihm Tlmm USE IT. .
. ..... ........ .A A
f f f f f ff ffltf Hlf f ifTTTfTTf
Trying Situation.
Miss Amateur Can't you give me
a part with more speaking in it?
Theatrical manager For what
Miss Amateur Well, before going
on tbe stage I belonged to a woman's
debating club, and not having a chance
to asy much, goes very ill with me.
Ohio State Journal.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by either will see in the
child tie same disease
manifesting i taelf in
the form of swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eyes, offensive sores
aad abscesses and of
tentimes white swelling-
sore signs of
fiCTofnla- There) m
beaoexternalsignsforX ir'.
elonrtime, for the disease develops slowlv
in some cases, but the poison is in the
blood and will break out at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast
ing;, destructive disease by first purifying
and building up the blood aad stimulating
and invigorating the whole system.
J. af. Seals, its Public Square. NishTille.Tena..
says: "Tea years ago my daughter fell aoa cut
her forehead. Ftora this wsuaa the ftanda on
the aide of her face became swollen aad burned.
SoaM of the beat doctor here aad elsewhere
atteodea her without any benefit. We decided
to try S. ft. a., aad a few bottles cared her cb
tirely." .
makes new and pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
and is a positive and
safe cure lor Scrofula.
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If you have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood taint, take S. S. S. and ret
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease dome further damage.
Send for onr free book and write oar
physicians about your case. We make no
Charge whatever for medical advice.
t ' yf 'A If
i j fci FaalISrfA$. I r
1 Beat Court ayrup. Tauea M. tTss ? I
I 1 a time. Sold H? annr. r J
Science has armed herself with a di
vining rod which cannot be open to the
suspicion which has ever attached to
the pronged twig of wltchbaxel. A
simple apparatus has been devised for
the locating of ores and mineral-bearing
rock snd eaith.
The new device pretty uearly elimin
ates tbe element of chance In mining
operations. " The principle Involved Is
that a velu of ore Is a better conductor
of electricity than the earth around It
Two steel rods are connected with
eiicb other; with an electric battery,
and with a dellonte Instrument which
measures the reslstsuce of the circuit
The rods are driven Into the ground,
and a light current is sent through the
connecting wire. The current to com
plete Its circuit must travel through
the earth from the end of one rod to the
eud of the other. Tbe resistance of the
earth Is noted, and the rods are moved
to auy positions. This is repeated until
a marked reduction of resistance la
noted. Then the operators know that
one or both of the steel rods are over
or nearly over a body of mineral. By
repeated shifting, the locatlou of the;
mineral Is narrowed down until the
vein of ore can be mapped out with ab
solute accuracy.
Minerals have been located at a depth
of 500 feet, and the operators of the de- J
vice say that, so far ns they know, there :
need lie no limit to the depth at which i
they can work. J
A stream with peculiar properties j
flows near Tucson. Ariz. Wood and
vegetables sud other soft substances ;
thrown Into It become petrified. It is
customary for visitors to leave pota- j
toes In It for a few weeks enclosed In :
wire receptacles and find them turned !
to stone.
Tbe women of Finland of the lower j
classes perform arduous labor that in
other countries Is usually assigned to'
males. They wheel handcarts and bar
rows of various descriptions containing !
heavy burdens. They also sweep the
streets, act as boatmen and even assist
In loading ships.
It is reported that a camera has been
placed so as to take each day one pic
ture of tbe new building of tbe depart
ment of physics of tbe Cornell Uni
versity, now being constructed, with
the object of producing hereafter a
moving picture of the building from
Its beginning to its completion.
Birds are made to take their own
pictures by the Ingenious apparatus of
O. O. Pike, an English photographer.
A bait of fat Is placed on an electrical
wire which Is so connected with a
camera that vrben tbe bait Is removed
tbe camera shutter Is released, giving
an Instantaneous exposure of tbe sen
sitive plate.
Tbe average weight of engines on
German State railways la 42.67 tons,
while those In use on prlvste roads av
erage 37.68 tons. During tbe year
1SSTJ 446 engines were purcbased by
tbe State railways and 69 by private
companies. In tbe year 1808 $550,000
was spent for the purchase of new and
the repair of old engines on private
There Is considerable amusement In
some of the census tables, and jokes
are going tbe rounds over the fact that
Chicago has more bogs than New York,
but that New York leads In tbe matter
of goats. Pennsylvania beats all other
States In tbe number of mules, which
fact Is mentioned In relation to Its fac
tional politics.
There Is a large number of profes
sional "bee hunters" In tbe West and
Southwest of Texas. Small caves and
dark recesses formed by shelving rock
a bo and along the waterways of tbe
Texan rivers. They are tbe natural
hires of tbe wild bees, and take tbe
place of tbe hollow tree trunks of tbe
forest regions of tbe northern country.
These caves are used year after year
by the bees, and in many Instances tbey
have been found to be literally filled
with honey.
"I understand," said tbe enstomer,
"that yon keep pbotygrafu of all tbe
prominent men."
"les, sir, we do," replied the dealer.
"Well, my name's the Hon. Jabex
Perkins, Mayor of Pettyvllle, Ulnoy.
Lemme fasve one o' mine." Philadel
phia Press.
"Lady." said Meandering Mike, "I
notices dat yon marks de crust of each
pie wit' a letter."
"Well. I'd like to ask yon. In a spirit
of holiday cheer, whether M stands fur
'mince' or 'Mlker" Washington Star.
All Doubts Removed.
She And yon will always love me.
even when I am old and ugly?
Ue But yon can never grow any
older or sny uglier In my eyes, darling.
Pall Mall Oazette.
According to latest authorities, the
Hindu chronology extends to 0174 B.
C; Babylon, 6758 B. C; China, 6157
B. C. --
Hating your enemies makes you un
comfortable, and does your enemies no
harm. . .
.There Is no denylog that there are
great many happy-looking w idows.
i Short Storie
Henry Thomas Buckle's thoughts snd
conversation were always on a high
level. Once be remarked: "Men and
women range themaelvea Into three
classes, or orders, of Intelligence; you
can tell the lowest class by their habit
of always talking about persons; the
next by the fact that tbelr habit Is al
ways to converse about things: the
highest by their preference for the dis
cussion of Ideas."
It la said that one of David a Hill's
first lawsuits was a non-Jury case In
which the opposing counsel was one of
the best attorneys la New York Bute.
Hill gave a speech which lasted about
three hours. It was such a speech as
might be expected from a young law
yer, and It was very trying to the court
After he bsd finished bis opponent
srose and said: "May tt plesse the court
1 Intend to follow tbe example of my
young friend, and submit the case with
out argument" U1U loat the case.
When asked what he thought of a
certain captain who frequented tbe
Essex links a Scotch caddie said:
"Weel sir, he's a verra nice gentleman
an 'a good gaufer, but he's awfu" nerra
awfu' nerra." "Narrow 1 What do
yoif mean, Donald r "Weel sir. It wis
this wsy. Efter tbe gsme was over, and
I had carried his clubs up tse the bouse,
he says: 'Donald, will ye bae a drawT
and I said: "I do ve verra pleased,' so
he gets tbe bottle, an' he pourin' awa'
Intae a glass, an' 1 wantlu' Ue be gen
teel, ssys: "Stop! stop! an" he stopped."
L. K. Stockwell, the popular actor,
says that some years ago In this city,
when Peter Jackson, the colored pugil
ist was a feature In a revival of "L'uclo
Tom's Cabin." "Bill" Nye was to hsve
lectured at the Baldwin Theater, but
wss greeted by so small sn audience
that be excused himself and went over
to bear Jackson talking of the pearly
gates to Little Eva. After the perform
ance Stockwell met Nye In the lobby of
tbe theater, and he exclaimed: "Hello,
Nye! What did you think of Peterr
"Well." responded the humorist, dryly,
"anatomically be was great, but Uncle
Tomlcally be Is tbe worst I ever saw."
Philadelphia boasts of a setter called
BUI, who recently aroused a sleeping
family In a burning bouse, when delay
would have meant death, and then him
self carried a little child to safety. Bill
was asleep at the foot of the stairs ou
tbe first floor, shortly after mldulglit.
when the house caught Are. When tbe
smoke aroused him the family was still
asleep and unconscious of danger. lie
instantly bounded up tbe stairs, bark
ing furiously at every step, until be
reached tbe rooms of his owners, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Shannon, and tugged
at the bedclothes with bis teeth. Mr
Shannon awoke, and, alarmed by tbe
smoke, leaped out of bed, but before
be could get Into bis clothes tbe dog
bad csugbt tbe nightdress of Elvlna.
a 6-year-old daughter of the family,
between bis teeth, dragged ber to the
floor, and bore her out Into the hallway
where her parents took the child from
him and carried ber to the street
Origin of a Joke.
Dr. Pinders Fletrie. the eminent
archaeologist, announces that he has
deciphered the cuneiform Inscription on
a tablet he excavated in the plains or
Assyria, and believes that it is a copy
of a prehistoric comic aper. Anions:
other items, it contains tbe following
merry Jest, which bears a strangely fa
miliar sound:
"Now, there were gathered together
at the place of the telling of stories,
many of them that have lived long In
tbe land, and one of them lined up bis
voice, and said:
"Behold, it groweth cold with much
"Whereupon another made answer,
" "Verily. It doth. But let us separate
and get hence, for here cometh Me
tbusalem, the aged, and If we tarry
he will even tell us agaiu of tbe cold
spell of the year 40.'
"And they gat hence with much
speed." Baltimore American.
Garments They Removed.
A prominent Sunday school worker of
Indianapolis. J. M. Dungan, was con
ducting a review of the Sunday school
lessons of tbe quarter at bis old bome
cburcb In the country north of Franklin
and discussing customs of Biblical
"Now, in those days, children, what
did they do when they entered a
house?" he asked.'
"Took off their shoes," came a chorus
of respense.
"An, that's right children. But now
adays what do you take off when you
enter a bouse?" be asked, expecting to
bear them say "Your hat"
But there was silence for a time and
much thinking; then one little fellow
held up his bsnd.
"Well, wbst Is Itr
"Your overshoes," said the little fel
low confidently.
The teacher at this point announced
a song.
To Be Envied.
CastletOJt I envy you.
Clubberly-Wbat for?
"Didn't yon say yon were obliged to
attend a deep philosophical discussion
lasting seversl hours?"
"But I don't see that's anything to
envy me for."
"Well. I've got to go to a society func
tion and talk about nothing." Detroit
Free Press.
Death Preferred to Baths,
Jacob Baker was arrested In Pitts
burg while trying to commit suicide, tbe
reason for blsstempt being tbat during
a term In the workhouse, from which
be bad Just been discharged, be bad
been "humiliated" by baring to bathe
once s week. When he told tbe magis
trate this be was sent to the workhouse
for more baths.
Three Populous Cities.
Toe population or New York City.
Chicago and Philadelphia Is slmost
one-twelfth of tbe population of the
whole country.
Man was made to mouru aud be sel
dom gets out of It by murryiu.
fjaatele to aland Car Maaths Mas at
Sprained Aaalee.
fVo ( CWvf Timr;
Among the thou.-wuds ot voluntary
endorsements of the great valus ot St.
Jacobs Oil for spraius, stiffness and
soreness, is thut cf Mrs. O. Thomas,
4 Alexandra Koad, Gelll, Ysbrod, near
Pontvpridd, South Wales, who soys:
"It U with great pleamire that 1 add
my willing testimony to the invaluable
excellence of your cvlehratod St. Jacobs
Oil, as experienced in my own caie. I
sprained both my ankles in walking
down some steps so severely that I was
unable to stand tor several months.
The pain I suffered was most severe,
and nothing that I used helped me
until I applied St. Jacobs Oil, when
they immediately became better aud
in a short time I was sule to go about,
and soon after I was quite cured. I am
now determined to advise all persons
suffering from pains to use this won
derful remedy, which did so much for
Mrs. Thomas does not enlighten us
as to what treatment she pursued dur
ing the months she was unable to stand,
and during which time she wss suffer
ing so much, but we venture to suggest
that had she called in any well known
medical man he would at once have
preocrihed St. Jacobs Oil. for it has
conquered pain upwards of oO years,
and doctors know there Is nothing so
good. The proprietors of St. Jacobs
Oil have been awarded twelve gold
medals by different international exhi
bitions as the premier pain-killing rem
edy of the world. The committees
who made the awards were in each in
stance composed largely of the most
eminent medcial men obtainable. Mrs.
Thomas did not know the high opinion
in which St. Jacobs Oil is bold by
almost evory progressive medical man.
tatting Ready for It
"She never studied for the stage, did
"Studied for it! Well, ratherl
Why, she's taken the entire divorve
court course." Chicago 1'or.t.
Big Bets Compared.
Elections have not produced the big
gest bete. In August, 1000, a New
York firm wagered I250.OOO on McKin
ley's election, nut in 1813 Lord George
lien t link bet STl'O.OOO on one of his
race horses in England.
With local application!, as they ran Dot reach
the seat of the diei-aae. (. siarrh ta a blood or
constitutional di-aee, and m ordar to care It
you must tase internal remadiee. Hall's Ca
tarrh ure is taken intrrnallT, and aetsitlrec tir
on the b;ood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh t ore it not a quas me,tieine. It was
prewibed be one of the beat physicians In this
Country lor years, and isaresular prescription.
It ucounHcd of the bent tonic known, com
bined with the best blood partners, sctlnc UU
recur on th mucous suriacea. The perfect
comb. nation of the two ineredients in what pro.
dm'i-i nt h wonderful results lo curtnf oaiaxrh.
Send for testimonial, free.
P. J. t'HKSKY .k CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Sold by dmiestits, price TV.
Halls Faatili fiua ara the bast.
"My friend," said the very severe
person, "treasure the precious mo
ments. Think, with the deep awe
which the subject deserves to com
mand, upon the fart that time is swift
ly fleeting and stays for no man."
'That's sll right," answered the
cheery citizen; "1 want it to fleet. If
time were stationary I'd be out of work.
Yon see, I'm a watchmaker." Wash
ington Star.
" My wife bad a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, snd it cured her com
pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Tbrea sunst VM.t an ouch for an ordinary
eld; Mc., Jual right fur broocbltu, koaria
am. hard colds. ate.i SI. moat eeooonueal
for ehruule ra hi snd to kaee oa aaad.
i. u aim CO. LewsU,
mass w Suva at reus ,
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of MorrlsoB Street
Can give you the best bars-sin in
Eugso'es, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. Bee us before buying.
Sew Year Resolution
iCcclcy Curo
several laf boss liqa, spinas sad tat
A Meuete) tesssl ATejr.
Mllkmrv swef AWjsissm Tnlnlmg
WrUmfmr Ulumtmmlm Omtlmm
atr. t -j.-.
a. r. w. s.
Sa. la lso.
WHatST wrtUnw ta,
aaautlaw this pa
adewrUaars plaasa
u.a.... au......ti.B al raueaa.
4' .. want in this town," said
the mkusaer of the opera house, "Is a
real hot show. The classio drama is
all right for them that like it, but we
want something sutunn or it wvu v.
"M dear air." replied ths sdvsnit
agent with quiet confidence and that
strict veracity for which be was justly
noted, "at the last two towns we
played they cancelled the fire Insurance
on the theater buildings. "Chicago
Post. .
She round Out.
.t!p.n.u xnikwiMut Law. child,
how'd your head get to be so big?
Emerson Longfellow wai-onsirwi
It Is caused, madam, by a stierbund.
nee of cerebral cortox in the tower
frontal lobe, an ultra vesicular growth
of the midbrain end eatwordinary de
velopmental phenomena in tlie meiiuiia
oblongata. This condition has for its
primary causation excessive inieuecmai
strenuosity. -Chicago News.
Order From ths Philippines.
Among recent oidors from Philip
pine headquarters is the following:
"The metallic lining of boxes sud
packages belonging to the United
States, used to protect matches and
other ariclea from moisture, snd when
no longer needed will be welted end
thrown into deep water or otherwise
disposed of In such manner as to pre
vent recovery."
tier Duties,
VWe have a deaf and dumb memlier
ot our Woman's Club," said Miss Gb
beigh to young Mr. Duggloby.
"Indeed," gnrgled the youth, "!
should think she would be at a disad
vantage." -
"Oh, my, no! Why, we let her
make all the motions."
And the next day Harold Puggleby
smiled audibly seversl times, hsving
cbsrted the remark and arrived at an
understanding of its import. Haiti
more American.
Little Liver PUls.
Mutt Baar Signature 0
e Fac-SiaUl Wrapsr Best.
I TeTf sai all ad aa s
SetsAe aasasjsas
mi iiuootictt.
ni iauow sui.
Bubbing them to pieces ; use my Wash
ing Tablets. No rubbing required, riend
60 cents for sample packaire and fu'l di
rections. W. O. HOWELL,
Boa 606, Portland, Oregon.
Baa a aw waOaal
I" wwaJ
I r-t
Ths Swans
fi 1. . ..1 1,. little storv told of
one of the Itussisn children of tha royl
family. Hhe was very fonu 01 wime
- .-.1 1... (,.il,r- hud a or ant DUUI-
ber of thein brounht to tha castle lsUs
to nlesss the lima osugnter. u
while she was still very small she died,
leaving the castle quits dowilnte. 1 i
...!... ......1.1 nn liKiiritr hear the
sau mwier vi'uiu
sight of the beloved white swaiis, ) he
hud black ones sunailiuwa in mumi-i
ot tbe gentle child.
, whsrs Ms WM lor It.
Albert was sent down town by lili
mother to got some horse radish which
he needed for her pickles. '
After quite a long abwna he wnie
back home tired and empty handed.
"Well, where Is the liuraorudUliT
nuked his mother.
u'i, mnthur. T went to every liv
ery stable In town, and they didn't
..... , . ,1 .. ... 1.1. .
have a bit, answered Aiuwrt w
weary sigh. TH-lUts.
Tstllnf Mil fVltnd.
Friend (over the wire after dinner)
Your wife is certainly a brilliantly
handsome woman. I should think you
would be jealous of Imr.
His Host . (confidentially) To loll
you the truth, Poymoiir, I m. I never
Invite anybody here that a sane woman
could ponsibly take the least fancy to.
At ths Orssd Optra.
"What's the big fuller a-doin of uow,
Maria?" '
"Hush! He's a-slngln' of a song In
German. What do you want?"
"I wants," mild the Millvlllo citizen
in a hoarse whisper, "to cuss some
In English." Atlanta Constitution.
Dlvltloa ol labor.
"He Is vory rich, but insufferably
vulgar," she said
"And yet you are going to marry
him?" returned her dearest friend.
"Yes. You see, I've figured It out
that I con look after his money and
leave the vulgarity to him. lie n
care for It at the club, and he onwlit
to be thankful, don't you think?"
Chicago Post..
We Will Give You
2 Hyacinth Bulbs
6 Tu
Together with our Complete Catalog
for loo, if you will send us a mail
order, no matter how smnll. Write us,
and make your selections from our Cst
iilm;. Hpfingtiine is here, and it is
time for planting.
LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon
f rt?
S , Si... . lift BUlHll 111 w
now as ati.ii aiiiitst
C 1 -tjoSSuperior Fodder Plants
Ah-wi KtmllMathnaslol' twarf rax rt.ln c
. lMlufWe. Its TliTW Ssltsi nuoi iaJt tUf atsathl t It v, .
6 ItisvA i I issiMat t
1 stmi nulls ti on
as 1 '.
leJ Jh
Giant tncamaie Clover
..1 .. iixwyi
rnartnoM Iturartai
( ' 'at "1 ' . I iT M --'S" 'I
tUUA MI VfVKB SftSf -Mill'-
ftnd tfU rf aturaiftf mi astvTMtieBT )
tirattw. Wo. ki weM asnjrwtevcv. f iu
4ir. cbsma
Grass, Clovers and
Fodder Plants
Omi mlailnarrM ( hrnnful
tnrU M 1 IstMaMUMl tlrt
rw rWa isfr swtw; l-etl
Ttli toMef wgnltma bay aVod u mdlm amotuti of putm m ttxf fwm M AatMHrWt
flitNwHM iumvmlm B I rt mf Map pm Mcrm
Tha) sthU eTval Bsf t hsi rant way . arrtrsjrutay w haTwrs toll ! ffwuwl Our rriel uUosrat. TatVlh l)
Mf kkM iwiM Auwimn tfr'VTr or frm, ti itutill to jru antti um4s; (km n4 iaiiiai, wgaw-ie-
ITtUeapttrf UU MCSBIlU HMUetV. f ('ahsVUtf aUUUal ft Ct luaT HAet
Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and atrengthen the internal organ
on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little one enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and ita beneficial effects, is
Syrup of Figs and for the aame reason it is the only laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs la the only remedy which acta gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which resulta
from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern Imitations, and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded, If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, atrong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant aud
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and aa you value the health of
the little onea, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full name of the Company
tlie front of every pack
age. In order to get Its
beneficial effects It ia al
ways necessary to buy
the genuine only.
la Abt to Mete Sktk Woman
WtMHt Doctor Fall,
How ffladlf would men fly to wo
man's aid did they but umlursund a
woman's feelings, trials, st uMbilities,
and peovllux oriiaiilo disturbances.
Those things are known only to
women, and tbe aid a man would give
I not at his coiunmnd.
To treat a case properly It Is necea.
aary to know all about It, and full
Information, many times, cannot be
given by a womau to her fimiily phy.
aidant Khe cannot brine- herai-lf to
toll everything, aud the physician Is
Mas, 0. II. Caarrsu.
t constant disadvantage. This la
why, for tbe past twenty-five years,
thouaaode of women have been con
fiding their troubles to us, and our
advloe has brought happlnaaa and
health to countless women In the U K,
Mrs. C'happell, of Grant Park. Ill,,
whose portrait we publiah, sdvWa alt
sufforiojf women to uae Lydia E. 1'iuW
ham's Vegetable Compound, aa It
oured her of Inflammation of the ovaries
and womb i she, therefore, speaks from
Wnowlr.ltfo, and her experience ought
togiveothersconAdrnce. Addreia Mrs.
ik haul's Laboratory, Lynn, Masa.
Kills Uwes rowltry. Voe
Mini tha t-rrtw. tUa
tlt I IT D lamaa kill the Ur. tlna
i: J k je'' ' -
f The Farmer
I ih Gardener it!
Jf j The Housewife I J
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I 1 w N iaa auiuial Ine.
I o. at. rtsav 00. V
I I Detroit, SXIdh. V
yon. I'riew, SOe and SIMsraa, Sold tty dalra,
rst'stA SKSCTT co , rail. ) -I am a hr-rf-r of (!' rtass Sll I WTaadofl-a.
I m,gl ,w.rl'Ml iMHS UoTil I II S IU.Hl a ;i u
b rnluu, at ia SI rallry Shu uf law ar-a Simi II l J
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wil,,lnitt WS tf WAiir.l:T, rwi ln,
1 It V"MI af ... is. mi sis i n r KtU.
Ju.t IS lu lur Ilea f . asa w af ' S Se llawa lis Ag.ala. rritaarf, Ora aad SeaHU. Wait,
Its em mnti riV J
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rrt mp tbrm few! tatl
of UtotHMwht tsMM firm mrM
KaJ; TMMUta', ftl fMtttteI a lt.SftS taf
1 ft twit a, ilh itsj lnsah-t. uT rau
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