THE OREGON MIST. MBVW WVMy 4TH1DAV MORKIKO SY DAViO DAVIS, Editok and PHormrroa. 8e Oolllnt A Gray whan you want to Aov enoUi, Mr. II. H- Clark, of Warren, ,u tn ftuwu TuorUay. Ed llonrlel. o( the .UUinl, wm in town last Frltluy. Mr. Henry Lamberaon was down fScpKK)j last Friday. Jiitlm Kallaiian, of Kalama, wm In 0, Helens Wednesday. Mr. 0. L. Smith, of Itoer Islund, wm In th.county soat last Saturday morn ing. Mr. 0. G. "Copies, of Columbia City was in town Wednesday circulating oa Ahe ttreW. Thomai-Climlngor, of flcappooM, wm ,mong th vleltors In tho .oounty seat Wednesday. , Mr. John fiMnn, oi warren, wit .among the oounty teat visitors on Wednesday. lillli doesn't Judicata spring time, jentle Ann to. Mr. John JDlbbloe, of Rainier, wai Hn the oounty iet Baturday, looking .after business affairs. Mr. Edwin SenVrt, ol Doer Island, wm In town last Hatnrday evening at tending Masonic lodge. SoperlntendentCopeland waa in Port 4and laet Saturday attending to matters connected with tala ofllce. M. F. Hazen and eon. of Warren, were in the county arat Wednesday at .tending to business affairs. Mr. William Hsslett, of Pittsburg, wm in town a day or two tliii week at tending to buaineaa matter. Mr. J. P. Wells, of Goblo, was In town Monday paying text and attend log to other business matters. Rev, 0. E. Fill I brook will preach nest Sunday at Bachelor Flat in the forenoon nd in Bt. Helens in the evening. Mr. John Nowles, of Yankton, has leased the Howard place, and will reside there with his family, and engage In iaruiing, Ed Black, F. Bucher and Frank Clark, of the vicinity of Goble, were Jn town Wednesday attending to matters before the comity court. Mr. D. 0. Quick, of Philomath, father of our townsman, K. E. Quick, arrived in town Monday night, end will spend s ime time visiting. Dr. J. E. Hall was op from Clatskanie 'Tuesday to attend the monthly meeting of the county medical pension examin ing board for pensions. Captain C. E. Gore, of the Northern Pacific ferry, at (iuhle, was in town butt Friday, paying taxes, and looking After other business matters. The damage suit In the justice coart of Frank Peterson vs. Qerhart Moroback was settled out of court Wednesday by sthe defendant paying costs and damage. Moasrs. George Foster, T. C. Walts and James Kennedy, of Goble were in town Uat Saturday evening and spent itanday with friends in tins place and Houlton, Ed Webster and Loo McCanley were in town Tuesday. Mr. Webster ex- fwu-ta a hull liintlia Ltiia auaann from the Jhipout mill to the railroad at Houlton. W. II. King, of Clatskanie, to cutting lumber with his new mill and expects ito start his shingle mill soon. Mulcolm iliros. expect to get their shingle will running at once. The ownership of one of the saloons of ithls city changed last Saturday, when the partnership of Ulakeslny A Richard sun was dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Blakealey retiring. March Is at Icaat partly fulfilling that time-honored saying, it's advent waa similar to that ol a lion, and time is yet .to demonstrate whether its departure will be like that of a lamb. Mr. Elmer B. Wharton and wife, who have been in Spokane for some time, spent last Friday In this city, and on Saturday left for San Francisco, where .they expect to reside for some time. Miss Mary Conyers came down from Oregon City Monday and assisted with the work this week while our regular atandby took a well deserved vacation from her regular work in this office. Attorney Conyera, of Clatskanie, and St. 8. Payne, of Quincy, were in town Wednesday. The former wm attending to business before the county judge and the latter vu interviewing the county court. E. E. Quick, of the abstract Arm, has iiad installed in his office th's week a new roll top office desk, of the latest Improvements, Including drop table for m typewriter. Such improvements in dicate prosperity. Every mother's son of a voter in this oounty should make it a point to turn out and attend the primaries ol their re spective party. Urgo your noighbor to jfo also. That's the war to get good, strong ticket nominated. Mr. A. M. Berg, of Mist, was in town she latter part of last week marking ar- rangementa to settle the estate f N. L. Bern, deceased, ol which be Is the ad' uiinistrator. The notice of final settle ment appeara In this issue of this paper. Quality Is the essential point to eon eider when jwi buy goods ; low price quoted does not indicate that yoa axe getting your money's worth unless the .quality corresponds with the price. Collins dt Gray's goods are ilrat class and their prices are reasonable. Mr. F. C. Whitten, formerly principal of the public schools of Clatskanie, wm in town last Saturday looking p mat ter in connection with the tisuber land business, which he is devoting his whole time to ol late. Ue reports that he is doing well in his new line of bnsinen. Mr. J. H. Dobbins, of Portland, after visiting a few days at the home of his another, Mrs. P. A. bcappooee, returned to Ashland this week to resume his duties in the service of the Southern Pacific company, which, last fall, he waa compelled to give up, on account of ill health. A report has been current for a day or two that the Beaver Flume and Lumber Company had disposed cl its extensive interests on the Beaver to the Oregon Lumber Couenany. of Eastern Oregom. The deal involves all the holdings of the , company and the consideration is saiu to be 166,000. John Palm, of Clatskanie, is cutting on a 8,000,000 loot contract lor Delaware. Tht lumber la mostly snort stun, run ping from 18 to 32 feet; the sizes run from 2xllX 6xb 6x7. The superior strength of fir over yellow pine and tha rlAcr-AaaA In ahtrtninff weight accounts for the scant measurements. Count iCommisaloner Case came over from Pittsburg last Sunday and at tended to business allalrs lor a day or two and was on hand Wodnesday morn ing to take up the regular work of the session of the ooiiiiiriiMoiir's court, along with the other members of that body. Mr. usee, tn conversation wun a reporter of this paper said; "1 have heard imports that there were errors In the clerk's accounts, and thinking that $10,000, said to have been expended on roads and brldues In 1U0J . was an over drawn estimate, too large for the visible result, 1 tnade a thorough examination of the road and bridge account and found that the actual amount expended on roiiUs and bridges In IWl was 1,(W, and every item Is plainly recorded, wun name of party receiving the warrant, that the separate and several accounts are .properly and neatly kept, and I be lieve all othor funds are as well and proerly recorded, all reports to the con trary notwithstanding. Iam well pleased with the result of my Investigation." S. Benson, wbo hu purchased so much Umber land in this county In the last year or two, has recently transferred his title In the property .to the Benson Logging Company, of which he is a meinlier. Tlte deed was tiled for record last Saturday, but as the stated consld atlon wm but $1, there Is no means of knowing what the real consideration waa, itut in all llkllhoud the deal in volved something like 76,000 or $100,000. In this connnctiou we might state that a great ileal of property f being purchased in tikis count bv ouUiido parties, most ef which, as a matter of fact, is timber land, however, some farm land I also changing hands. One man Is buying several tanning tracts in me iowor Nuhalmn country, which is Kood Indi cation. There promises to be great movement in Columbia county property thisyaac Louts Barger, of Yankton, who la promoting the independent telephone line from that place to St. Helens, was In town last Saturday, and report good progress in his undertaking. The people at both ends of the sine and all along the route are taking snore than usual interest in this affair, and it is now only a matter of a very short time when the line will be In operation. A tele phone line from Yankton, through lluilton anil Inri HI. IIhIhiis will nrove a great convenience, it is not being constructed as a money-maaing w-neme, but merely as a convenience for the outlying district, a well as for the people of tins place. The Clatsop Mill Company, of Astoria, has leased the Blanchard mill, at Rainier, and will chanire ita position somewhat, relit it with other and new machinery and operate ll in connection with their box factory at Astoria, as thev dhl the Smith mill at the former ulaoe nrior to its sale to the California parties. The company Is lust now tak ing steps to rebuild lis mill at Astoria, and until lis completion provision must be made ler material lor iu uos lactury to operate upon. Tbe annual election of city officers for the town of Kaiuier took place last Mon day, when a full corps oi officials was chosen. There were some independent candidates in the field, one of which was elected, as follows: Mnrtin Both, J. B. Doan, Miles Sheeirn, rred Trow, cltl sens' candidate; J. E. Doherty, inde pendent. G. B. Johnaou, recorder; Ivan Blanchard. treasurer : J. A. Schun- asen. marshal. From the five council . i i . it i i i.. men eiocwxi one win uu mayor. .Ninety votes were CMt in the election. Itantnn conntv bended off Columbia county this year in the matter of paying state tax. For two or three years Col umbia has been the first county to pay slate tax until this year, when Benton guts to tbe front, having paid to the iUUi last Saturday $4,000 on its stale tax account. However, Columbia might yet be the first to pay in full, and by so doing cheat Benton out of the honor which it is evidently attempting to win. Tax money is coming in pretty lively, and the county treasurer might hustle a check on to the state treasurer almost any day. Mr. Israel Spencer, ol Vernonla, wm in St. Helens Wednesday, paying taxes and attending to other matters. He had with hi in a rare relic of Indian days, in the form of an arrow point, made of flint, and almost transparent, measuring 54 inches in length, 3.4 inches wide and about a halt an men in uucaneas. me implement is perfect in every way. Mrs. Sponcer found the relic in Varuouia last Sunday, just its point protruding above the surface of the ground. Two or three weeks arc The Mist re ceived an estray notice from Timber. Oregon, to be published, in the hope of locating the owner of two stray horses. Tbe notice had the desired efluct, as the description given of the animal tallied exactly with two horse belonging to Charlie Wallis, ol Yankton, who went to Washington county, and is now in pos session of the animals, which have been away since lost fail. immt VrlAuv attjamllnff tn htiainMM mat ters, among them being the payment of . j . . 1 ... ji . I M ...... a pari o Hie tax ior me iirm ui mmoi w Bros. Thomas reports that business In .I...!- ..nritthtnllif Ka w1 thin II Will iimvu ....... . n season. Thev are prepared to cut any ana ail KinUS OI lUIUUer at tumr mmir lishment, and when tins la tne case there usually can be found something to keep busy at. There was quiet wedding at the parlor of the Oriental hotel in this city laok uaiui ubj hwm, " Snider, of Soappoose, and Miss Lena Tucker, 4augiiter el Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tucker, of Vernonia, were made husband and wife. The young couple have a host of friends in this county wno exienu congratulations Buu wiau L. a hannw MimU a lnna inH nnwmrnnl innrnev throunh life. Rev. Lew Davie officiated. Messrs. 8. 0. Scboonover, John Edholm and N. J. Parker, of Vernonla, passed through this "place last Friday evening on their way to Warren, to attend the meeting of the county grange held at that place on Saturday, as dele gates from the Vernonia grange. No. 06. N. 1). Peterson, Andrew Elliott and William Pringle were the duly elected delegates from the Natal grange, No. 302. The receipt of the county clerk' office for the month of February kept np a pretty good average for the month preceding, which wa a good slued amount. Durinir the last month the clerk took in $331.52, of which $220.50 wm for recording, $06.30 for circuit court and probate court work ana $5.72 land redemptions. The county convention of the demo cratic party of this county is called to meet in Kninier on ine JUtn oi mis month. Wednesday, when it is said by the party leaders," that a full county ticket will lie nominated. Their pri mary elections for the various precincts is called for Saturday, March 15th, in the afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Palon' Clark, of Deer Island, entertained a large number ol their neighbor and friends on Friday evenimr of last week at their home, Dancing was the principal amusement (4 the evening, which was Indulged in until tbe early houranf Ube next morning. Clatskanie Brief. Th Tonng Men's Ckib entertained themselves in a mock trial last Saturday evening. " Prof. Whitten was down from Port land one day last week, shaking hands with old friends. U report all well at home. Sheriff Hattan made the town a friendly visit last Monday in connection with euine official business. (Or was it Saturday? Rev. and row Monroe, of Woodlawn, assisted Rev. Hawkins in special meet ings last week, leaving for his home on Saturday, Tilden Graham went to the hospital last week on account of an inflamed knee, th result of a cut. He wa im proving at last account. Special meetings have been lield nightly for the past two weeks nndor the direction of the pastor, Rev. Hawkins. A considerable degree of interest has been manifested. The city council at their regular meet ing Monday evening decided to extend 2-fncli water pipe out into Ticbenor ad dition, 1000 feet along Walnut street iroin Italian's property. Mrs. Cunningham left her daughter, Mrs. Brotohle, where she has made her homo for the past year to return to her old Missouri home. She enioved Oretron but thought she must return to other IrienJs there. The Tlchenor Mill Company I ready for business at the mill as soon as logs can be secured. Jack Campbell expects to move his family out to the mill where Mrs. Campbell will do the cooking while Jack help to get log into tbe miil dam. On Tuesday evening the lodge of ttoyai neighbor neld their meeting at Conyers' hall and before leaving for home were visited bv the Modern V ood- men, who brought with them a suffici ent quantity of refreshments to tender the ladles a apreaa wnicn ail enjoyed Charles Hall resigned his position at the drag store and left for Portland Mon day morning thinking that the metropo lis offered greater advantages for bnsiness. The last ol the week lound Charles back again, satisfied that at this time Portland bad ju many young men a could bs provided for comfortably. Borne Rainier friends have been drop ping in to see us recently, among them Mr. Delta, Both, and A. h. Clark, whose visits may be said to be a little like the man who -bud no particular errand, but thought lie would look around lor pos sibilities. It i suspected that political possibilities may haye had a little to do with starting these worthy gentlemen out. If so. there is eood timber in them. Clatskanie precinct had better take stock pretty soon and see what it has to offer the people in that line. If the county is bunting for capable men for office it cenerally happens that suitable material can be found about hena. A meeting of citizens of the town and vicinity was held at the city hall last Tuesday afternoon to ascertain what could be done further than what had been already Dromised to induce the A A C. R. R. to run a track into Clats- Jutnie. The location of the planing mill and drv house here seems to be condi tioned upon the track being secured so as VJ KlVQ BlllipiliK im-iimea wiu rail and water. A request comes from the Dresident of the railroad that the citizens provide half the expense of grading the proposed extension. There WUS au unwuunguess to nuauina una ex cease, but eeneroua contributions in cash and labor were subscribed and committee annointed to circulate paper to find out what more can be added. The president and secretary of the West Oregon Lumber Co. were present and agreed to guarantee at least a shipment ol 250 cars per annum, and expected to sbip much more if tbe car could be secured. There was a pretty general feeling that the R. R. Co. would be rnnnine no risk in bringing their road to town, but the willingness to help is Influenced mainly by a desire to nave the aklautof the West Oregon Lumber Co. located here. Preliminary work is being done toward locating a flume from the company's mill four miles out of town to the river at this place or to tbe railroad should the track be built to town. lankton Briefs- Work has begun on the telephone line which Is to connect tin burg wun Bt. Helena. Tbe strayed horse advertised in The Mist of two weeks ago proved to be the property of Charley Wallis, of this place. The animal bad been gone nearly a year. Mr. Henry Griffis and children have returned to their home on Tcdford creek after a four week's sojourn in Portland, where Mr. Grillishas been at work for several months. Yankton grange enjoyed a visit from Brother Scboonover, Edholm and Parker of Vernonia grange at their regular meet ing lost triday evoning. xneae gentle men were on their way as delegates to the county convention at Warren. Hon. T. H. Phair. of Presqne Isle, Me., called on his old townspeople, the Crouse' and TarbeU'a on Sunday lost. Mr. Phair is the largest manufacturer of potato starch in the United States, hav ing fourteen factories in Arostook county Ma. He Is much interested in the de- ve ooment of tbe Northwest and wi sties to speak from personal observation of tbe advantages of different sections of the country. Mr. A. Crouse accompanied the gentleman to Seattle tor tne purpose of looking over some timber lands in that vicinity. Bennett New Note. Wm. Doherty and wife are visiting friends In Portland this week. R. W. Fottcr and F. Holmes, of Port land, were in town last Sunday. W. D. Satterice and son started for their homestead, near Vernonia, Thurs day. E. V. Butt and family moved down from Portland Saturday. They will occupy their bouse In Reuben, J. H. Edwards and family arrived here Thursday from Utah. They nav movea into the Jacob Severson House. George Snyder and wife returned home Thursday of last week from a ten day's visit with friend on Sanvie'a island. A. Meier, who bought the . W. M. aTlau-MiAa .Mnaorv Haa YlliIttAt W ill this vicinity Tuesday looking over the ground and prospects ot luocessrauy operating a woou numv up juu i-rca. Clinton Bonser. one ot the earlv set tlers of the Columbia river section, died at his home, near Rocky Point, on Thursday of last week at an advanced age. He leaves a wife, three sons and two anugniera. ms remain were wm to rest in the Fairfield cemetery, at Scappoose last Saturday. County court is grinding this week at routine work, mostly road matter. ' Ternoula Flek-np. A. L. Parker and wife are the Barents of fine boy. John Rice da at work otrt near Farm- lngton in Washington county. W. II. Bear closed a verv successful term of school here last Friday and left Saturday ior Forest Grove. He began a term oi school near ween vine Monday. Mrs. Sitts and Dell, who have been llvlnirin Vernonia the past winter so that the latter could attend school, re turned to their Kock ureek borne last week. Wesley Batterlee. wbo live at Goble. but has a claim in the Glaun neighbor hood, came in Friday last and went on up to his ranch Saturday and will re main for awhile. I. P. Spencer was In fit. Helen this week with a remonstrance against the petition before the county court for a road around th hill, east of town, to tbe Adam bridge. D. F. Baker went ever the mountains to St. Helens Monday, and on to Port land Tuesday, where he will probably remain during the summer, doing evangelistio work. The Vernonia Literary Club bad a very snccesaful meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield Friday evening. The next meeting will be held at tbe home ot Mr, and Mrs. U. Halmsten. Mrs. Hatfield's school In the Ridgewar district, starts off with good Interest, not- witnstanuing tne rainy weatner ana long distance some of the pupil have to rq. Several are attending from oatside district. Witlard Tucker, one of the mail car rier on the Houlton Vernonia route met with quite a serious accident to his horse Friday last. At first it was thought the horse's leg was broken and word came here to that effect, but tbe report proved untrue. The boat which got away from ton Emmons, Clarence Palmer "Teck" Mills and others who were drifting a net in Rock Creek, was overtaken and caught below the fringie place. The boys had quite a race for it and got no salmon. A. E. Thomas bit our town Wednes day of last week. He had been out in tbe timber between bere and uoble. crueine for Wisconsin parties. He is thinking ot going to Ualilornia to work in a sawmill, near the border line, where bis son has been working for the past year or two. J. W. Rench has moved into the little home in town vacated by G. IU Price and family, so as to be handy to his work, carrying the mail on this end of the Houlton-Vernonia ronte. Mr. Price's family is domiciled on the Rench ranch two miles below town. George Sitts and Omar Nickerson, with a team and load of bay took a tumble down into the canvon nn Rock creek near the Smith place one day last week, bnt neither they nor tne team were hurt, nor was the wagon broken, although it rolled over and over as it went down the hill, forty or fifty feet. C. A. Robets and eon, Bert, who have been working in Slaughter' wood yard for the pant month, came over the moun tain Wednesday of last week for a few- days visit here, returning Saturday. Mr. Roberts has bought a little home about two miles this side of Houlton, and will move the family out m soon a the roads are good. Jay Burton who has a claim eight miles east of Vernonia on the proposed road to Scappoose, was in last week for a dav or two. going out to his claim Thursday. He lives near Houlton and works in Slaughter's wood yard for the S resent, but intends to hold bia ranch own until the road is opened out, then to make that bis home. Mrs. 8. B. Rose and youngest child. Bee, who have been in Eastern Oregon for a vear nast. enme home last Friday. Mrs. Rose says she likes that part of the state and it certinly agrees with her for she has materially gained in neaim. Of course there wm a jubilee Friday evening at tbe Rode mansion to welcome the home-coming of the wife and mother. George Zillgitt, who spent the past winter in Los Angeles returning about three weeks ago, left Monday for that place again where he will visit tor awhile with a brother, then go back to l i i i . T : x' u I11B OIU Jiuiue l Ittil uiuuui, nvitu Dakota. George will be missed by our young people, lor during the year be has been with ns he became quite popular. The eitv eooncil held a regular meet ing last Monday night and arranged for the coming city election to be held April 7th next, by appointing R. Sessmen, Frank Tracy and A. L. Baker to be judges and D. N. Keasey and Tell Boole to be the clerks. Notices will be put up about the 17th and a caucus to nomi nate candidate is called for tbe 31st. Let voter make a note of these dates. The Nickerson brother were at I. P. Spencer's who is a notary public, mak ing out the paper for the land trade we mentioned some weeks ago. Leroy and Omar transferred their father's 65 acre to E. E. and wife, wbo deeded the im proved 40 acres to Omar, who will make the Nehalem his home. LeRoy and his mother will reman, here for about month, then go to Montana to make their home there. Everet and wife left for Portland Wednesday, where they both have engagement. A petition ha been circulated and liberally signed for a road from Vernonia to Scappoose. The road is surveyed and opened east from here three miles and about seven mile we understand, this way from Scappoose, which leave only about aix or seven miles that the peti tion covers. Already enough signers have been secured and John Baker was out along the route posting notices the latter part of last week. He went through to Interview some of the people at the Scappoose end. About one hundred days work has also been signed as a donation to open out the road. Our people are very much interested in this matter, since it not only give them a shorter but very much better outlet to market. We furnish Th Mist and Weekly Oregonian for $2.00 a year. tt w mmn n TtTfc Y1V1 " OUR SPECIALTIES Hard Wheat Flour, Shorts and Bran. We can save you money. tocappousje, - vjreguu. 4 ANXIOUS TO PAY TAXES J Large Amount of Money Baa Been Keoelved on 1001 BoH, Taxea on the 1001 roll are rollimr in at a lively rate. The roll wm turned over to Hiieriir liattan a week ego Monday, and by Saturday nujfat he had collected $2,500. This week the sheriff has made big collections, and his office is visited early and late by people who are anxious to pay in order to get the benefit of the 8 per cerit discount allowed on all taxes paid before the 16th of the month. The work -of mailing out statement of amounts due was finished last Saturday and there will undoubtedly be a great many thousand dollars pour into the tax collector' office in the next week. Taxes becomedelinquent tbe first Mon day in April, after which heavy penalty will be added. A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I never wm so much surprised in mv life as I was with the results of nsing Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Asbeville (N. C.) Gazette. "I contracted a severe case of rheumatism early last winter by getting my feet wet. I tried several, things for It without benefit. One day while looking over the Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm wm positively guaran teed to cure rheumatism, bo bought a bottle of it and before nswg two-thirds of it my rheumatism bad taken ita flight and 1 have net bod a rheumatic pain since." Sold at tbe St. Helen phar macy. County Statistics. From tbe report of the secretary of state recently compiled, we glean the following information in regard te Col umbia county. The expenses of tin county, as re ported to the secretary of state for the year4901 , exclusive of roads and bridges, was $12,807.19. The total acreage of this county is $431,040. Tbe assessed valuation of property in the connty. as returned by the hut assessment la $1,517,845. During the year 1001 this connty paid out for the care of the poor, $1,401.12. STRAYED. nEIFHR, OVER TWO YEARS OLD, 1IULEY red and white, mostly white. Been out luce November. Send information to John achieve. Valley, Oregon. FOR6ALE- 1 OA arCRE8 OF LAND, TWO MILES FROM lZv Deer Iiland station. For particular, write to 8. OoaaiD, Woodland, Wash. MECTINGNOTICE. UOULTOH CAMP NO. 6S6, WOODMEN OF tbe World, meet every Baturday night in rerry nan, uouiton. u. bomnon, i. Fred Faaan, Clerk SHINGLES FOB SALE. J.OOPONT SONS, BHINGLE MANOFAC turara. of Vallev. Or., are prepared to iup- plv the local demand with aa goad quality of ninglei aa are roanuiar.mrea, ua ai prices aa low as other dealers, delivered at Hoalton, War ren, Columbia City or St. Helena. Address or ders to J. Dopont i Sons, Valley, Or. SUMMONS. Id the Justice's Court for Colon precinct, in Columbia county, Orevon. Oerhanit Morbach, plaintiff, vs. Andrew Kenotkl. defendant. To Andrew Kenoeki, tbe above-named defend ant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: you are hereby commanded and reauirad to appear and answer the complaint filed heroin against voa, or or before 19th day of April, 1902, and if you fall to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment against yoa for the sum of IU0.2&. together with the costs and dis bursements herein, and wiU apply to the Court for an order that all the personal property at fached herein be sold to satisfy plaini ifls de mand. This summons is published by order maae ana ntea dv me, aaiea reoruaryzsm, tju. The date ol the first publication hereof Is tne 7th day of March, 11102, the same to continue ouce a week iur six (6) consecutive weeks. R. COX, Justice of the Peace. Bchnabel A Schnabel, attorneys for plaintiff. H0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., March 1st, 1902. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make Dual proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon OKy, Oregon, on April lSth, 1902, vis: CORA BLA1LK, Homestead entry No. 13,333, for the east X of the southeast of section 25, township t north , range 4 west. She names the following wit nesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Iva B. Stran ahan, of Portland, Oregon, and Harlan Barnes, All Parker and John Parker, of Pittsburg, Or egon. m7all CHAS. B. MOO&E3, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In tbe matter of the estate ol N. L. Berg, de ceased. NO I ICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE undersigned, as administrator of the aaid estate, have, on this February 27th. 1902, duly filed in the said County Court my Anal aocount of all receipts and disbursements as such ad ministrator, anu mac jsonoaj- iue -Tin oay oi Anrll. 19U2. at 2 o'clock d. m.. has. wy the said County Court, been set aa the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settle ment tnereoi. mis native is puuusneu iu mi OmaoN Mist by direction ol the undersigned and of said Court. A. M. BERG, Administrator of the estate of N. L. Berg, de ceased. St. Helens, Oregon, March 7, 1902. S. U. G ruber, Esq., attorney for administrator. CALL FOR A COUNTY CONVENTION. AREPUBUCAN COUNTY CONVENTION IS called for Columbia county. Oregon, to be held at St. Helens, Oregon, on Saturday, March 22nd, 1902, at 11 o'clock a. m., of said day, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various oounty offices of said Columbia oounty, Oregon, and to elect seven (7) delegates to the tu convention, to be held in Portland. Tues day. April t, 1902, and to transact such other Dimness aa may ne -uruuam utiuire tne wurru tlon. The convention will consist of forty-five (44) delegates, apportioned among the several precinota, as follows: Auburn S Nehalem I Apiary 1 Oak Point .. Beaver Falls 2 Rainier ..4 Clatskanie .7 Scappoose Deer Island . 2 Union 7 Goble 4 Warma ...... Marshland..; & The same being one (1) delegate-at -large from each precinct and one (1) delegate for each (251 twenty-five votes cast for McKiuley presidential .lAntitra In 19U0. and one (11 delegate for the remaining major fraction of twenty-five (25) votes cast for said presidential electors. The central committee recommends that the primaries in the several preclnts be held at the sua poiu ig uaws iu wiu vu iuuiv- day, March 28th, MW2, at 2 o'clock p. m. By order ol the committee. X L. CLARK, H. R. CLIFF. Secretary. Chairman. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Couhtv Trsasckke's Orncs, DT. UK1.BNB. us. am-u f.uau. OTICS 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia N' County, Oregon, which have been presented .nrl Aniinnuwf' "Not Paid for Want of Funds. " prior to March 1, 1M2, and all outstanlng and uupald mad warrants ot Columbia county, will be paid upon presentation at this othce. interest will not do aiiewea arier mis asn, KDW1N ROSS, f7m7 Treasurer ol Columbia County, Or, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE umlonlgned has been, bv the Hon. J. B. Doan, judge of the County Court of the oounty of Columbia, state ol Oregon, appointed ad ministrator oi the estate ol Joseph Schulkowski, teoeased. Any and all persons having claims gainst said estate are hereby required So pro seat the same to me, dulv verified, at my ofnoe. In 8t. Helens, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. DAVID DA VIS, Administrator of tha estate of Joseph Schul kowski, deceased. W. H. Powell, attorney for administrator. Dated February 14, J2, UimM We Expect to Get It By giving yoa Jnst a little more Ior yaar snauej tlisn yoa can get elsewhere. We Expect to Keep It v By felling yoa a qnality of goods hat will invariably give eatire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW I A Superb Quality of Goods I BUT AIX THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, St. Helena, - - Orgraa. ST. HELENS PHARMACY Patronize a drug store when yon want pure3 fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc HEADQUARTERS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Pnbiisner-Regnlar IS How About fit BE YOU SURE it Is all right? Remember that It Is tha JrV BKCOKD that governs. It is our business to' search the M records and show what thev contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning maney on real estate security, take no man's word, but insist uponAuowing what the record shows regarding the title. Aa Abstract is as essential aa a deed. Insist on having It. We have the only' set of abstract books in tbe county. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. If you have property to insnregivensa call. Wears .agents ior the best tire Insurance companies in the world. If yoa . ' hare properly for sale list It with ua and we will and a buyer. 1(5 E. . QUICK & CO., Jr. HELEHS. 0REG0H Htum Sfraer 0T,9 OrnciHoDBfl. Information and Appointments by Mail ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDO, Southetat Cor. 4th A Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, PORT3A.lSrX), OREGON. . . " . . TAKE ELKVATOB. I COLLINS THE PEOPLES. Carry fall stock j ...GEOOEEIEB... DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, WOOPENWARE, TINWARE, GKANITEWARE. CROCKERY. V STATIONERY, FLOUR, FEED. GRAIN, HAT, OIL MEAL, LIME, GLASS, OILS, jf PAINTS AND SIMILAR WARES. J Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, YOUR TRADE! Medicines FOR SCHOOL BOOKS 25-Cent Hoiels Only 10 Cents Your Title? Phoi JOffic. Hood 414 jt H0" jRea., Fokt 147 Theodores. Thomson, Dentist &;jRAY I MERCHANTS' 35 3 of staple and fancy SI 3 SCHOOL BOOKS, OREGON. B