The Small of the Back Tht in whet a soma pcoplo feci weak all tho time. Tlioy are likely to be despondent and It is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble as If they badn't enough already. ' The fact is their kidneys are weak, either naturally or because of sickness, exposure, worry or other influences. t "I am thankful to writes 3. U Camp bell, of Sycamore, 111., "that Rood's Saraasa rtlla Iim curea" me. For but rears I was troubled with backache. At tlm.i I wu to bad 1 had to be helped from the bed or ohair. I am now wall and strong- Mid free from pain." Wast this treat modiolus did tor hla It has done for other. . Hood's Sarsaparltta Promises to cura and keeps ths promise. Bcgia treatment with Uood's todar. ' Why He Wu Glad, "Here's a queer announcement on the bottom of the bill of fare: 'Ihe proprietor will be glad to receive com plaint apainst the waiters." "What's queer about that?" "Why should the' proprietor be glad to receive complaints?" "Borauoehe knows that the cus tomers are not geting more than theia. money's worth." CaUioUo btanuaru and Times. - . ' : Some people enjov Rheumatism or Neuralgia If they did not they would use Hamlin's Wizard Oil. A Stftr Sport . "There's one respect, at least, in which fishing is a good deal safer sport than hunting." "How is that?" "We don't make any fatal mistakes booking up men who happen to look like fish." Cleveland Flain Dealer. Got Mot Oa 1 Slow. slassUh systems lasv. leaden liver; billow bratul Cascareis Candy Cathartic will Make there movt along. Move on I AUdruf latl, 1U0, JAC too. Her Opportunity. Kate Well. I got my revenge on Laura, after all. Alice How so?" Kate She let me trim a hat for her. Somerville (Mass.). Journal. BTiTS 0 OHIO. CtTT Or TOLIOO, Ltcu Cocxtv. I . . -ftun J. l alKlT make oath that ho is tho orator porter oi tho firm ol 1. 1. Csawsv A Co., dnina business in the Cltv ot Toledo. Conn it and State aforeeaid, ond that said firm will par the Bum ol ONK HITNDKKD HOLLARS lor each and every case oi Cetarrn that cannot be cured by b. use o. Haw. u;.CruBmT Sworn to before me ond subscribed In my presence, thueih da; oi December, A. D. 188. . -, A. W. GIJtASON, Aotor, Public Ball's Catarrh Cure It tasen Internally and act directl on the blood and mucons urlacee ot tho intern. Send ior testimonials, iree. F. J. CHK.NKY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druHists, 76c. HaU'i FwmlJ Pills or ths beet A Silent Signal. "And your husband doesn't arouse the house when he comes in late?" "No; we have a speaking tube." "And docs he yell up?" "No; he just blowa his breath up. I could tell Mr. Bender's breath in a thousand." -Chicago Newba. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an Infal lible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Ssktcn. Ocean Grove, N. J-, Feb. 17, laoo. New Millinery Requirements. "Harrv, how do you like my new hat?" "I don't know, Harriet; doesn't it need a little more fruit on top and a little more shrubbery on the left side?" Chicago Record-Herald. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One aire imaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder, it makes tight or new shoes easy. Cares swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet, in growing nails, corns and bunions. Aildrue rists and sUoe stores, JSc. Trial package FKEK br mail. Address Allen B. Olmsted, Le Koy, Kew York. According to the Stiton. "Would yer like tor be took terglory in a cherryoot er lire?" "Well, ef 'twuz in do winter time, mebbe I would ; but in July or Aupis' I'd favor a refrigerator aid wings!" Atlanta Constitution. Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh tut nothing more serious than a bad cold, simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, snd the poison through the general circulation is carried to ail parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they da not reach the seat of tbe trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses tbe blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. air. T. a. Williams, a leading dry-goods cheat of Bpartaoburg, S. C, writes For years I had a severe case oi Ssasal Catarrh, with all tbe disagreeable cffrcls which belong to that disease, aad which aaake lire painful sad aeadurable. I used saediciaes prescribed by swneated by a umbers est friends, bat without gettin tbant rtting any better. 1 s to take a a a It bad the desired effect, aad cured rae mftmr I.V In, .i.MmS bstlM Inmvootaioa A a S. islheooly aaedt ctae sw ia use thst will effect a pcrauaeat cue ot Catarrh." is the only purely vef- I e table blood ptanaer known, and the great I est of sll blood aaedi- cines and tonics. , U yon have Catarrh don't wait aatil K becomes deep-aeated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of S, S. S., and send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases Mtd writ our physicians about yaor casta, . tki twin an one co, stunta, uS .i. -it S.I I. si tluS. I Coosa olTva, issus uooo. iw I Inline. rV A hT emrsists. e-J. . ran A ' f" MSan'tiil 'Li . lisl ; filsi , J Beat Couch arop. Taste tiood. Das I 1 1 la lime, fo it It OnHTrtsts. f f TEASING A YOUNQ SOLDIER. Cemaisstder " a Military Institute VrlKhtens email ladei. In tbe "Personal Itecollectlons" o( Capt. Jsiuet Dluklns la an account ot a little cadet wbo suffered a severe "scare" at the North Carolina Military Institute. When bs entered the school, ha reported at one to the president, MaJ. Hill. "Well, air, what Is your namer' asked MaJ. UIU. "James Bleecker." "Well, what Is your middle hanier "I have no middle name. Just James.", The examination proceeded rather disastrously, but the cadet was finally dismissed, and told to answer to bis name st reveille the next morning. The little fellow lay awake nearly all night, feurlug he might not bear the drum-bent; and when It sounded he waa promptly in Hue. " Tbe roll was called, and each boy answered; but when It came te ' Blcecker," there proved to be several: U. II., U. B. and J, J. " When the lust-named waa called, no one answered, aud the tittle new comer felt that be bad been forgotten. After breakfast, when tbe boys had gona to their rooms for study, little Bleecker beard a tap outside. He threw open the door, and fouud there a ser geant and two raeu, wltn tbeir guns at a carry. "I have orders, air," said the ser geant, "to arrest you and take you to MaJ. HI1L" The boy started back In genuine hor ror and despair. He wondered if bla father bad auy conception of the awful situation, and what he would say If be knew. But there was nothing to do but to yield, and he walked away with his guard. As soon as they reached tbe Major's presence, that officer asked; "Why were you not at roll-call this morning?" "I was there," reptled tbe boy. "Sergeant, did be auswer to his name?" "No, sir." ' "Well, sir, why did you not answer to your name?" "He did not call my name, sir. 1 was there! I declare I waa there! But did not bear my name called." "Call the roll, sergeant!" ordered tbe Major. The sergeant began, and went on un til be reached "Bleecker. J. J." "Stop, air!" said the Major. "Is that your name?" "No, sir, my name Is James Bleecker." "But you told me that your name waa Just James Bleecker." "Yes. sir." "Well, doesn't J stand for justf This waa the Major's private Joke, which be bad concocted In secret, and at which be never smiled. FREAKS OF NATURE. A Monstrous Growth of Vegetation Found in the Golden State. "We are not so much ou corn here In California," said Seedman L. Germain, of Los Angeles, "but In all other prod ucts of nature we can beat tbe world." He Is perhaps tbe oldest seedman on tbe Pacific coast, says a Los Angeles letter. Wbut he does not know about fruit, grain aud vegetables Is not worth knowing. When asked about vegetable tuoo atroaltlea vesterdsv be refreshed bis memory for a moment and tben con tinued: "Of course, you have heard of tbe big grape vine at Santa Barbara, which covers an area of three acres of land. Then there la tbe monster rose buab at Santa Rosa. 1 remember when a boy, 1 marveled at the siie of this floral plant. It grew to an enormoua height and completely covered the house where It grew. During my life time here Id California I hare bandied squashes running all tbe way from 150 to 300 pounds each. "Watermelons I have seen weighing from thirty-five to 100 pounds. Beets are frequently known on tbla coast weighing all the wsy from forty to sev enty-fire pounds. Last fall I saw three onions, tbe aggregate weight of which was nearly five pounds. In tbe Pomona Valley I have known of onions weigh ing from one and three-quarters to two and a half pounds. Tomato vines fre quently grow ten or twelve feet across, and I have often seen radishes that looked like big turnipa" "How about potatoes?" "Well, I have observed specimens of tbe Humboldt County potato which weighed from two to three pounds. It Is not at all unusual to see cabbsge weighing from thirty-five pounds to seventy-five pounds. Some years ago a Mr. Fox, wbo lived down In the Santa Crux Mountains, ralsed'a carrot of the white Belgian variety which weighed about twenty-eight pounds. It waa tbe biggest carrot on record. In tbe way of fruits, we bave raised on tbla coast enormous peaches and pears. Tbe largest pears that come to tbe San Francisco market of course, are what they call pound pears, but I bave seen them weighing two and a half pounds." Mr. Moody and tbe QueattonableBook. Some oue asked tbe late Dwigbt L Moody If be bsd read a certain book. He replied, "No. 1 believe there la poi son In It; at least I bave heard so on good authority." The friend said. "But wouldn't It be well for you to read It for yourself V "No," said Mr. Moody; "If I take poison In my stomach the doctor has to come with a stomach pump to take It out Why should I take poison In my mind) I might never " able to get It out" Ladies' Home Jour nal. Explaining Unique Motto. There la a newspaper In Kansas wbose motto la "Lie, steal, drink and wear," and It la thus explained by tbe editor: "When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams; w ben you steal, let It be away from Immoral associates; when you drink, let It be pure water; wben you swear, let It be that you will patronize your borne paper, pay your subscription and not send your Job work awsy from home." Redlnaltooins In Jens, Tbe small Uerniaa university town ot Jena; has no fewer than seven free reading-rooms, with newspapers and books. What a pity It Is that when nature does a good thing (like a rain or snow In a dry season), we cat a it clap for an cCLfv,r IC Or a U NJ THEJ WW A Friend. If you desire a friend, y?gln by being one.-Babbl Levy, Pitts burg, Pa A Higher Morality. New conditions lemaad a higher morality. Rev. B. T. Root, Baptist, Providence. R. I. Furltanlsra. Out from Puritanism haa come the grandest type of man-bood.-Rev. M. R Pratt, Methodist, Akron, Ohio. In Search. We are In search of the knowledge of better ways of living. Rev. L. O. Hoeck, Swedenborglan. Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Deepest Craving. The deepest crav ing of tbe noblest hearts Is for eternal life and eternal love. Rev. B. K. Bell, Lutheran, Baltimore, Md. Love.-Love, like life. Imparts Itself, aud always In an Image of Its own likeness. Rev. Dr. Mackenale, Presby terian, San Francisco, Cab Accent of Chrlst-The acceut of Christ Is In every true word that Is spoken In your hearing. Rev. J. A. Kondthaler, Presbyterian, ludlanapo 11a, Ind. Revelation of God. The final revela tion of God came when he sent lnte the wortd his eternal, eaaentlal Son. Rev. J. G. Herndon, Preabyterlan, At lanta, Ga. Democracy of the Saloon. The dem ocracy of the saloon Is one of the chief sources of Its attraction and power. Rev. J. Henderson, Evangelical, Chi cago, 111. A Man's Life. A man's life does not consist of things h eats, drinks, or possesses, but wholly in what he Ik- Rev. S. L. Bryant. Methodist. Wash ington, D. O. A Follower of Christ If an one would be a follower of Christ be must live as Christ lived and show it forth In character and life. Rev. Dr. Ma veety, Methodist, Detroit Mich. Enough Material. There Is stored on earth so much that It will never give out, and In tbe Gospel there la enough material for us all to some day lead a spiritual life. Rev. Dr. Ingersoll, Con- gregationallat, Brooklyn, N. V. Correct Religious Convictions. Na Hons with correct religious convictions ill have right political economy. Prop er social condition can arlae only from proper religious condition. Rabbi R. Grossman, Hebrew, New York City, Christlsn Rellglou. Th Christian religion strikes upou the chord of self ishness In the political, aoclal and do mestic life until It vibratea with the music of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rev. W. C. Partridge, Baptist, Cincin nati, Ohio. Abhor Dishonesty. Some men think they are honest but because they do not abhor dishonesty they are not to be trussed. There is a sternness In love, without which It losea Its quality. Rev. A. S. Carver, Unitarian, Wor cester, Mass. Liberty. Liberty baa given us better business methods, better constitutional developments and enlarged and more human moral conditions; and yet wben all Is said, something more Is needed, and at this present day we are begin ning to find this out President Had ley, of Yale, New Haven, Connecticut Justice of God. Without the Justice of God we could not define his mercy. The man who would exclude from tbe character of God all sense of his right eous Indignation and condemnation of sin would take from bltn this Justice. He Is merciful because he Is Just. Rev. J. T. Stone, Presbyterian, Baltimore, Md. Fatal to the Truth. There Is noth ing so fatal to the truth as tbe divorce between doctrine aad righteousness. In consequence of tbe psat there bave been multitudes of men turned away from the church, and it is our duty te bring them back. Rev. Dr. Brent, Episcopal bishop of Philippines. New York City. Delusions. Delusions, like diseases, are epidemic. There la nothing new In sin and superstition except their aom de plume. Isms ot the earlier cen turies retppear aa the religious fads of the present day. People seem to be easy victims of anything novel or ob scure. Rev. Dr. Thoburn, Methodist Pittsburg, Fa. Another's Views. Tbe strong patri otism and loyalty of tbe American peo ple are budded upon the mutual esteem and respect for one another's views, political and religious. Tbe latter play ing even a more vital and Important part than tbe former. Rabbi Phllo, He brew, Akron, Ohio. The Labor Movement Tbe labor movement haa done something, and promises us to do more to put us on a footing of equality and fellowship and relationship In the productive power and In tbe distribution of that power. What every man needa in this world Is the power of self-assertion, and tben having the power to use It with moder ation. Rev. Dr. Bn scorn, Congrega- tlonallst North Adams, Mass. " The Work of Mercy. Tbe work of mercy, of which the rainbow was the token, which at first waa begun among men, will continue to be tbe chief cbsr- lacteristlc of tbe throne of God. All of tbe ages bave looked upon tbe rainbow. Wherever there Is light and water there Is tbe ralubow. Jesua Christ Is the universal sign of mercy to all men. God has given him to all.-Kev. J. T. Christian, Baptist Chicago, 111. To Keep Works at Home. There Is a very strict law In Italy sgalnst the export of works of art, and a member of the royal family even could not sell or give away a picture or statue, ornamental piece or pillar from a palace without tbe cousent ot the authorities. Lrftotern Fly. The lantern fly of Burlnan, South America, has two sets of eyes, to catch the tight from all possible directions. Tbe luminosity which glows from the head Is so brilliant tbat It Is easy to h-nri ' " J-,i . .. , f"SWSS jSPwi"ll MfrteOfWSI ftairar bman fw hmmttit fty tysffa d Plakham'm Voq fftaVs OeMsSsjMNSSSals TtMtl ImU tsr chs nim mmttfHM iM ttmtmmmnt to ft a tot, not m mmrm boU MfM mmtU' elnm hmm tnen m$toommfut In ourlng ma nuuiy wommn, ro om it not wmtt mm without tvy. Irs 7 ft-" I Ho not omllovo It YtlU hmfp mm." Witt . .w .--.. .ef Vegetable Compound li a positive ears for all those painful Ailments of Women. It will entirely sure the worst forms el Female- Complaints, all Ovarian troubles. Innaromatlou and Ulceration, Falling and Illsnlanementa ot the Womb, and eonstiqnetit Spinal Weakness, and Is peculiarly adapted so ins morion o i.tre. riSSSssaaT Voiir insdlcine eured me of sacl rib La famala Ulna Mas. M. K. siniAsw, la Concord Bq , Boston, Mass Backache. Tt baa eared more cases ot Backache ana LencorrhrM than any other remedy the world baa ever known. It is almost luramoie in sunt, ease. It dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus In aa early stag of development, and chocks any tendency tn rannarnua Rumors. assnsssmsssB, Tour VCBetablaCoaipound re S snored a Fibroid Tumor from my aWsr womb alter doctors failed to (its relief. Westdale, Mass. Dearing-down Feeling Womb trouble, eansins; pain, weight, aud backache. Instantly relieved . and perms sontly cored by lta use. Under all circa ra. stanoM It acU In harmony with the laws that govsrn the female system, and la aa hamlaaa aa water. ii,wiwisssairBai's.aohe lait ae after taklog f a the imoss bottle. Tour snediaUie staf aurad me wbaa doetors failed. Maa, Saaan HoiarriH, S Paris Block, OorUam St.. Lowell. Mass. Irregularity, Suppressed or Paiuful Menstruations, Weak neas ot the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Froetrattoo, Headache, nnri nabi li tw. a. ras I a fraud niedicine. i am I I i thankful for the food It has doae Jaa)- nw. Mrs. J. W. J., It is a fraud aisdlclne. I ?st:arolina Ave Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. Dizziness, Falntness, Kxtremo Laseitude, "don't ears" and "want to be left alone" feeling, xeitabil Ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the " blue," and backache. These are sure Indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus. I wss troubled with DIsslnaasT Headaches, FalntaMa, Hwelllaf Llmt. Tour medicine eured me. MBS. BAStan E. Daaaa, Bocksport, Me. The whole etorv, hswsist, le told la aa Illustrated book which goes with each bot tle, the most complete trestUae es female eocnplalnts ever published. asswssssssssm Vnr altfhft vnai ears I suffered with wrimb troiibla. and was entlralv eared by Mrs. Plnkbsm's snwllcine. Littleton. N. H Kidney Complaints and Backache ot eitAer sea the Vefstabls Comprmr.d always enres. IDI ?WlUf v-wr Ljdla E. PinUian'i Liver Pills oars ComtipiDOs, Slot HtJdwhs, 25c sound ouna IS SO MI uy an rogfists or sent bt rimjiali mall. In firm of Pllu er Losenies. on re eeipt of ei .oo. ihrrtMptmdmetnut awsral v.. . .H.i.Hi in strictest eoBSSence. IIDIA K. riSKlUB BSD. (.0, Lisa, Baas. A Utlls PtrsonaL Miss Pluniercqtiat (of lady baseball nine) I am not going to pitch for this game. Lady Manager hy notT Miss P!uiiierno,unt (indignantly) While I was practicing somebody in the crowd yelled "(Jet on to her curves!" Brooklyn Eagle. Swstt Enough to Est Mrs. Gaswell Tho czar of Russia now has four daughters. Mr. Ganweli Oh, the dear little czardines! Pittsburg Commercial. Provoking. "That is a lovely brarelet George gave you for Christmas," remarked the girl with the Mary Manncnng curl. "Y yes, sighed tbe girl witn tne band of crepe orf her sleeve, "but as I don't know where he bought it, simply cannot find out what it cost!" Brooklyn hugle. Th. u i.wi Vms iiiavst Alwavs ture of Cbas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his peraonal Bupervbtion for over 30 years. Allow no onts to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and JuMt-as-eood " are bat Experiments, and endanger-the health of Children Kxpericnce against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Panvs troric. Drops and Mstothlnir Syrups. It la rieaaant. It ssontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ubatance. Its affe is Its fruarantee. .It destroys Worntsi and allays Feverlshnesa. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthlnp; Troubles, cure Constipation, and Flatulency. It aasiniilates the Food, retrulates tbe Hromach and ltowels, prlvlnsr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Fanacca-rThe Mother Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For - -v er er-aT M bad a terrible cold and could hardly breaths. I then tried yer Cherry Pectoral, and It f eve me lm mediate relief.'' , . C. Lsyton, Side!!, 111. How will your couch be tonight? Worse, prob tbly. For it's first a cold, then cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Cougha always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. ; Tirwstsset 13c., itt.,1t. ASSratttsts. Oeasalt vest doetet. If e says e It, then 4a aa he s.s. ""'!." "7 ta laae is. sn.a . Laare ts Wlsa nira. r ,.... 1. 1). Aian co. . Leaell, Haas. Inordinate Vsalty. ' "Johnson loves to see his name in nrlnt. doesn't heT" "I should say so. Why ths morning after he was married, he got up at o'clock to read tho woilding notices in the papers." Town Topics. Aa OpllmiiL Susie Robinson Sometimes it isn't so bad havimi to wear a big slater's clothes. , Mamie Brown It isn t? Susie Robinson No; when my big sister's got this coat on it's a boa coat; but I'm so short that when 1 wear u, it's an automobile coat. Brooklyn Eagle. ' . ' Where Itneraat Is Bliss. Maude Kitty, do- you know what awful things people are saying about TOUT Kitty No, dcart and I suppose yon do not know what terrible things people are savins; about rouT Maude rerhaps, on the whole, It is well that neither of as should be en lightened. Boston Transcript. The Ktavy Work Explaliws. Bigby Hunting trips cost too much nowadays. Bagby Yes; if a man lias w ouy sit the aama he brines home. Biabv That's so; snd I Have to ouy about two doxon extra ducks or turkeys for my wife to give away .Detroit tree Press. . The Press Agent's Waterloo, "Yon see," exclaimed the advance agent for the Giddy Burlesque, "I thought if I could get them to talk of suppressing the show it would be good advertising." "Well?" "Well, liana- it stilt Ther weren't content to talk about, but they actually did suppress it." Chicago Post, Chance for Mcroisas. Adorer (anxiously) What did your father say? Sweet Girl Oh, he got so angry i was afraid to stay and listen. He's in a perfectly terrible rage. Oo In and appeaae him. ew lora neeaiy. Plata Dog. "Thoroughbred dog?" "On the contrary, he's precisely the kind of a dog that would rather belong to a boy about 10 years old than to any body else in the world." Detroit Journal. la A. D. IO06. "How far is it from Irvington to Bridgeport?" inquired the chaff eur of the racing automobile. "About 46 miles as the Dying ma chine flies," responded the man lean ing against the fence. Brooklyn fcagle. MORtLTtlANHALP A ttNTUSY, W tArasuiMs OU? CUARANTIL' U RACK or EVERY . WATlBPStOO? Olkt SLICKER OR COAT : fit .: on amLat evcttWHtvt. teWARE W IMITATION CATAL04UO PRf I aHOWINts PULLLfPrtt MSifMSMT MHO HsVta. A.U TOWeBCO..t0OT0N.MA3$. i Itoucht has borne) the sltrnuv Signature of Over 30 Years. TVrjrfc.'N'iWs' Tews Office Anxiety. look In a Wt; what's the matter worrying about the I. took f? ' SububB Oh not But I M it la my havs uot out and are scratching up my garden. Brooklyn Life. .. ' i m . u uriM.lnwa Rnntb. aiotners wiu nnu Ins Hyrup tlis beat remedy to use tor their children during tbe teething period. The Oreora'i Vlsw. " 4 First Groom I say, dese rich guys has de cinch. Kubber-tlred wagons, rublieNtlrmt sutoiuohiles n' rubber tired bicycles. .... Beoond Groom Yes, V all's loft fur na i tr rub 'r tired horse when they come lu Boston Herald. WELL LIQHTEO 8T0RE8, . Tht M. 4V. M. Arcs art Cauilnj Quits a Stir K'..ll,l.,r. la mora aillliivllia than I poorly lighted store. From the time of old tallow dips millions of people have been bothered by insufllclent light when n,.snlniKmi. Hut now it seems the whole question is settled by the beautiful, brilliant, economical "M A M Are lamps mat aro iwwihihh i popular. They are cheap, too. Write to 0. W. Lord, Portland. Oregon, for a circular telling you all about them. You'll be glad you wrote. Agouta sre wanted in every town. No Cllmblnt;. "Ah, my friend," sighed old BkUv flynt, who was dying, "I'm folng a long, long Journey." "Never mind," replied ths friend, who knew him. "It's all down hill." A Wicked Inilnuatloa. . Miss Peretcaf Fashion seems to tend toward costumes ot the last century. ,. Miss May Budd How nlcel Boms people will be able to make over their old dresses. . Tht Qualified Critic. Big School Girl Ain't you got no grammar yet? .. Little School Girl-Nope, not till next year. . . "Why, gracious; I've took grammar two hull years a'readyl" Detroit Free Press. . .' ' '"-..' Rtverwd Slluatlaas, "Yes, poor fellow, she rnsrrled him to reform him." "Well"? "And now he's got bis hands full trying to reform her." Denver Times. Aa Cxpsrltsctd Horseman. , Minks What earthly use nave you lor six horses? Winks Uuess yon don't know much about horses, do you? Minks No o. Winks I keep tlx so thst I will al wsvs have two that won't have any thina the matter with them when I want to drive. New York Weekly. v,;n.M mon litam Oeeaissl a ear ! THimSUomai , W. U imustas makss and sells mora maa's IliJOandtM aoshoes Uisnaujotlisr IsrossaB ufsoturers In the world. W. I,. loii.las S.10U snd 1. shoes plaeed side by side srliii 3.m and S.U9 shoes of other uiskas, are found to be Just aa pxA, Thee will outwear two pairs of ordiaar 13.00 and .1.S0 shone. afoee of l test Mlswa IncMI't sersm! (torsM IU, Oonxie Celt, e iVsf tout Hwiearaa rMbiiMMiaiiiii lirt sun fi. W. 1 Doualas S oo "Out Bdsre XsMae OannotbaaiiuallMtatanrPr'loe. 31n-iaaaU'i I' w. r. n. o. Me. s-tees. WHBN writlns; ta adeertlaers plesvee sssHitiasi this paper 1 : ? el the bs ' Vi shoe eealsrs li I X-1 J-jersfTase. I AssA. W aaro.a II I fy IsMn li . J all ""i"""1 1 1 UN10M sSAOf . ' ttttttt fcr. ' ass sWsarf tsae 1 s. sr. ysraBljBSlJs f r 0WpusI1 anT poultry food - fx XJ f H siakss Htnt Uj and Kesss tkest tsjlng. tt cares Ross, Cholera snd Jk I Dliessss. ttrtrys;clckSlrlSwtsfllrw, Prke2&Csd50, L S V J Br feerte rhtrsra. Mnmnal Srlnf . and aftw loslae foer 6omm I pee. A, .,se ,ri zL shai a vackm of four fHtimlskr rOOLTBV tMOO. .IN tbrra V tr ea ram aTins aad 1 aa.. gonstaaits IS os head e. .In. lroisad -' -n i i i it a.iu.1 .Uall. swM la raialue Ifouttrr. O a MllKHN, betaa, saa. eaUWIaS' uHk.i sstu slUkl, Caaat Agmmf, Perllaud, Ore., aad Seattle, Vt ash. wv jt . , iSPfBrfp sfefpsVoseJ' 1 I SAV JF : i ' Is,Susw..m.s aintos TWO S rMtaf j)VV f y. fjm. ' M sM.slMUM.MMiaMa.tfmrSstMSsri-asa VR V Vjv iS dim I SriiiMM.Sskari.ieS.Ml BnS.rMSS.OisS, 'X t ft C "'"f ovufW itNM., ue u Wm. i. .irr f : ,X,W,"V JT A ' V leiasmawirwaf iMwwrwikiaiS BssamwHrl TV, S'jH t r " sue la lan naaui Sna see sa see kesbals rm ''MM V ' .Vvi; -W :4k ' SMOMf. Sale sum MS rwlMf ihl. syrtaslstMl s V, swstsslssaslksiialnrttswril. nsillssrstjisariw., dW'rJ-'fV'v JpyV ataf KSmnft Whttmt 42 hmm. pern mcrm g 'if f Vwrf aartas.sMa arsaii.lll fMS a s.r1MfBMik.MM.,Msa. I fj iL 7' f&tm I eaSMseSI. Mw,MM.lats.U.fca. Ws Ms. bass ias SMsstsSsS Masse I : ' .Tv ' I ssa wksss. flilllsi sa ear Ssrtss, s l.aSi pm ac I .' "fKS I POTK I r'Vf' Ssf 1 " ' (t. iiu asiisis.skris I i KH VECttABIM SmJ3 I VarEN. eksSWIsssslssiiiariiMaKssms. SissiiSsillsssasaS I fS 7 f V MiMf sax siM" tsrs.M. t nm era rmj are, oaisasMSes ijj ' 'll'v stan ssS s s ssaaa. ItoW srtw. 4ff f C rM fOo IrVsvrffS $10 y, Oim m.ij, ran iniiiil r iri 7, I "'J-.l i f A " t ."4 M lN M' T'l.U lM .. (Mm W SS.U ' 'iVI' .-T f sariMar'.sSS MNiaisa niraulwnT . X v " sMsians, SfetMlas S aa. s u.als.i at hi I - ,' J s- WJ X Ota, alia It. S tea. si bay, aak Tmsi.h i,s Ss Mas. f r f JOIIIIaTALZEnSEED CO. f t St.' Jacobc Li J Oil eeesssseveseeesseeea ARB wnrrls familiar throughout the nlvllisutl oriel, win ils timt auml tor all that Is puie sua eduoiirs In sserllrillie. No power on earth has been able to ar lis nrusress, treuauao tt lild Its at polntea wnrt, In erery nllmS snrl with every people It hss worted wuniisrs In alltivlatlug pain. Its euros ef Rheumatism have ap.. proseheil the mlraiiilonsi lis Inltliislo value Is tht svoret ol turweas nl lis worlit-wltla popularity nl us wonderful sale ol Its oonstaut arotli, lis virtues are slsmiHi.1 on the hearts ol tlieouiorlitileri and toriureit sverr- .whste-uevet to be iitsvo.1 vt title me e lasts. . Hiion in Ariel is sr. aiaims tm tba pain klllliig niarrel uf Hiecsinuij, IT ACTS LIKE MAGIC. eetete)eesess BISHOP SCOTT ACiCIMY fSKtlaml, Ureiun. fouudwals? A Haait Sc&oat for Boys. Military m Kanual Training. Write ior Ulujtrattti Calaloftta, ARTHUR C. NEWILL, Principal WASHING MADE EASY Hy using my Washing Tablets. Kn acid. SUn.l All nnnts for tviickailll Bllilli'ifllt fuf 3 months, with lull directions. Agents . , Ul iJill?! 1 wanteu. v i.,. Box 606, Portland, Oregon. Tha Farmer's First Prodi Is Made ta his alIloB ef seed. ... Bead lor Our Complete Annual Cata - logue for 1902, FREEI It eMMalne hilt rllwllons for tardea , Bark aud many ttsnf ol uMm fur to ' Isvrnev. Konne svlla twtlec . 11. 11. M 1 , tAMBKlWOSI'S SKKOS, UMBERSOH Portland Oregon JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, root ol Morrison Street. Csn give you the best bargains In Pillories, Plows, Boilers and Knginra. Wiiiilmills and Pumt-s and (tuueral Machinury. Btw us before buying. Tor The Farmer The Gardener and The Housewife I Ttet Mat a llltl. mure. Tr ar. wutUi a s'Mt '! I Uian 11m uin.rv hlivd. a.. 1,1 1 ' eearrwasre. Iwus aanual frse, o. at. ssasv co. Detroit, Mioh, Sew Year Re$olutlon$ tits tsars reUef boat lloei, etriussaad tea sees aatslaa. Seas set aacUaalaseta Vaalae laelt.,U oed le SSO Williams lllliy IBI.Illlll, Ave.. Fortlaud. Oreaua STFDSTHE 0017ELI sr. mtHwtkMt. easiest, suost osrlsft war of aeevusj ue) sensstssisar assleieaalSsVlaae etAtent Wswasns, falaishl. I'oteni. Taste Oood TlotVwsl ?la-.T siokeo. Weaken. orUrloa, Kw. sue w rial ivr fre MmpW. aud booklet oa aaaiis. Addteas KEEP YOUR 8L00O CLEA1 WCStfi tSANOY If tmasttio '-w ss t?r ..TT i w r---.r- T"." . v -t ty .i X mei kiss ts sas wMa aau. sarSM as if fjg i L S read by It. encore.