Nothing Tastes Good Ami enting Is simply perfunc tory done because it must be. Tim is the common complaint of the dyspeptic ; ..-......,. If eating sparingly would cure dyspepsia, few would suffer from It long.- The only way to care dyspepsia, which is difficult digestion, is to give vigor and tone to the stomach and the whole digestive system. Hood's Sersaparllla cured the alec of Frank Far. 10S N. St. South Boston. Mass., who srrltes that she had bean a treat sufferer from riyapapsla for six r ars: had been with out appetite and had beta troubled with pour uirosi-a and hesilanhe. She had tried many other me-diclne In vain. Two bottles of Hood's arsaparilla mads her well. Hood's Sarsaparilla lromises to cure ' and keeps the promise. Don't wait till you are worse, but buy a bottle today i From the AutonebUst'e Vktw. . First Chauffeur Have any bad luck during your trip yestordayT Second Chauffeur Oh, I ran over man,. but 1 don't tkiuk I hurt the nia rhina an -Ohio State Journal. Are Tea Cains; Allen's Foot-Ease Tt is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alton's Koot-Kase, a powder to lie shaken into theshoes. ' At all t'ruggists and Shoe Stores. Mntilt nent FKKK. Address Alien S. Olnuted. UKv, N: V. Anothtr Reason. "I thought Jones said he was going to clmreh this morning.", "Xo. The minister asked him to give his reasons for not going, and he is Maying at home to write them." Cleveland Ttain Dealer. IMjo's Cure is the best medicine we ever need for all afTt-ciiont of the throat and lunss. Wm. 0., Vaiiburen, lud., feb! 10, 1W0V Mad Become a Habit. "I've been looking for my husband for the last two hours. ' asid the agi tated woman to the calm one. "Don't be excited, madam," replied the latter. , "I've been looking for a, husband for the last 25 years." Tam- ninny Times. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth Inr Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. Their Similarity. Mr. Ilicks How almost human that dog acts at times, doesn't he? Mrs. Hicks Yes; he growls over his food almost as much as you do. Brooklyn, K. T, Feb. , The actlritr at the laWsiory of ihe Garfield Tea Co. is further ei ideueeof the poitularitv of their prepara tions; over THKKK MILLION FAMILE3 used tierrield Remedies last year! This vast pnolie ai'i.roval speaks well for the remedies. They err: arnVld lea, Garfield Headache Powders. i.arrti-Wl Tra-Syrap, tiarfleld Relief Plasters, (rsrtieid Belladonna Plasters, Garfield iMgest ui Tablets and Oarlield Cold Cure. - After the Lectors. "Do you think the devil is worse than those who talk about him?" "Well, sub, hit 'pends 'pon who doin' de talkin'." Atlanta Constitu tion. . Hamlin's Wizard Oil is an old remedy, and like an old friend may be depended on. It cures pain. The Title b th Thinj. He Would you marry a foreign nobleman? , i She No; not for love or money. He Of course, not; but would you marry one? Judge. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind too Hars Always Bought Bears the Signature of What He Would Think. "Johnny," said the young msn, who wanted to conciliate him, "if I should give you a penny, what would you think?" "Humph! I'd think mos likely y wanted me t buy a automobile an break my neck." Denver Times. The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good .con dition, and tbe circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system : Otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady miernt result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy for old people and children because it contains n minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im purities. At the same time it builds np the weak and de i bilitated, and reno vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blood and skin troubles. Mr. 11. B. Kelly, of Urbane, O., writes i I had Eoieme on my hands and face (or live years. It would break out in little white pustules, o rusts would form and drop oft, leaving the skin red and Inflam ed. The doctors did me no good. I need all the medicated soaps and salves without benefit. 8. 8. S. cured me, end my akin is aa clear and smooth as any one's." Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Cape Hay, IT. J., says that twenty-one bottles of 8. 8. 8. cured her of Cancer of the breast. Hoo ters and friends thought Iter case hope- Hiohard T. Gardner, Florence, B. C. suffered for years with Boils. Two bot tles of 8. 8. S. put bis blood in good ooo cUtioa and the Boils disappeared. Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. IKE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, UL f Li.;ri-S rr'Hiit AlL fAiLS. i Best Vough larrup. 1 antes uooa. In time. Sold tiT rtniirtTlMS. ''"TSlVTeWssff" ?wj CCGD Short Storle$ It It related that once, when a cap tain In the army cornered by the ea- amy, be addressed bis men a followa "My men, fight like demons until your powder gives out, then run. I'm a lit tle lame. I'll start now." In an after-dinner speech at the Lon don Savage Club recently, on the pur ity of the .English tongue, Winston Churchill remarked: "I have written five books, the same number aa Moses but I will not press the comparison.' It Is said that when Tbaddeus, some twenty years ago, was painting bit fa mous portrait of the Pope, his Holiness exclaimed; "How old you make me lookT "But are you not old?" asked the artist. "Ah, yes," said the Pope. but the. Papacy, the Idea which I rep resent. Is always young." Hark Twain was recently chaffing Sir Wemyss Reid on the vagaries of English pronunciation, "You spell a name B-e-a-u-c-h a-m p, and pronounce It Marchbanks," he said. "And you do precisely the same thing," replied We- niysa. "What do you mean?" replied Mark Twain. ' n ell, you spell your name C-l e-oi e-n a, and you pronounce It Twain." An Edinburgh photographer was vis ited the other day by a man who wast ed a unique picture taken. "You see, it's like this," the stranger began. "I hsd a girl that I loved, and we was going to git married. She had her things made np, snd we wss all ready, when she was taken 111 and died. Now, what I want Is s picture of me slttin' on her grave weepin'." The photog rapher' was touched at the homely story of grief, and told him he could send a man with blm to the grave, and have the picture taken as be desired. "It's some distance," the stranger explain ed. "It's over in Ireland. I expect It 'ud cost a lot to send over your traps for what I want". The photographer said it would, whereupon bis visitor added: "I thought that niebbe you could rig up a grave here in your shop. ana I would weep on it. and It would do Just as welL It's no trouble for me weep anywhere." , v A prominent prysldan, the other day, told how he played a practical joke on an esteemed member of the medical profession, who did not believe in the germ theory, snd refused to pursue sny study In that direction, holding that it was all bosh. The more the bacteriol ogist insisted, the more doubting the doctor became, "uere is no such ding as germs in tuberculosis. I vtU not be lief it." declared the German physician. "Yes, but I have bacilli which I can show you under the microscope snd prove my assertion." replied the pro fessor. "Und Id bas head und tall?" queried the doctor. "Certainly. Come to my laboratory, and I'll show It to you," said the bacteriologist Tbe doc tor visited tbe laboratory, and the sci entist showed blm the specimen under the microscope. A peculiar looking, wiggling object, with tbe bead of a monster and feathers sticking forth like the war-path head-gear of a savage Indian, was presented. "Meld gracious! Und dot ting is sliver cried tbe doc tor; "no vonder the germs csn ravage a man's lungs. I shall get me a micro scope st vonce." The doctor was con verted to the germ theory, but tbe wicked bacteriologist failed to reveal to him that tbe bacillus shown In the microscope wss a common flea, ob tained from tbe body of tbe scientist's pet house-dog. A Historic Town. Metternlcb's statement that no room Is so small but honor may enter, ap plies to tbe recent modest celebration In Carlisle., Pennsylvania, of tbe one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Its foundation. .Carlisle was tbe first settlement, made under charter from the Penns, and as the farthest outpost of Quakerism served as a notable barrier of defense against the savages of the Western wilderness. Later It became the base of Wash ington's operations for tbe suppression of tbe Whisky Insurrection; its mili tary experience ss a regular army post ended only tbe night preceding the great Battle of Gettysburg; Benja min Franklin drew there a treaty of friendship with the Western Indians; "Molly Pitcher" went thence witb tbe volunteers raised by Carlisle in 1776, snd her body was Drought back to a Carlisle graveyard; Andre was for short time detained there In captivity; and Washington and Hamilton gath ered at Carlisle forty thousand troops for tbe arduous march toward Pitts burg. Few towns bare so picturesque and varied a history. Youth's Cotnpsn loo. , His Beat. Tbe late Sir John Stainer, one of En gland's most celebrated musicians and composers, was once staying In a small Swiss village, and tbe English clergy man was on tbe outlook for a musician to assist at tne service. Stainer was In tbe office of tbe hotel when the clergymsn found blm, and started tbe conversation with, "Do you play tbe harmonium?'' 'A little," was tbe reply of the ex- organist of St Paul's CathedraL Will you. then, be good enough to help us out of our difficulty on Sun day? We will read tbe Psalms, and the hymns shall be the simplest I can select" added tbe delighted parson. I will do my best" said Stainer, with a smile. . The service proceeded satisfactorily. but tbe congregation at the close listen ed to a brilliant recital. When the parson beard the name of bis assistant be asked him to dinner. "Do you smoke?" be asked st tbe close. I wlU do my best" responded Stain- and tbe ensuing Isugbter was the prologue of an entertaining exchange of Oxford reminiscences. Her Opinion. One of tbe greatest evils In life," said the elderly woman, "is procrasti nation." I think so, too," replied tbe young married woman. "I don't see the sense of putting off your golden wedding au nlversary till you are 00 or 70 yean old." Washington 8 tar. . THE IISJBEHIST03Y Or A REMARKABLE CASE NOW PUBLISH ED F0' THE FIRST TIME. Mrs. Nichols Makes a Statemet.Telllnc to the Rest or Her Knowledge tlis Cause welsh Led to tha Trouble. The following facts, says the Belfast, Me., Republican Journal, have never before been published. The incident caused much comment at the time and it was thought worth while to make an 'investigation, vtitii mis enu in view, a reporter railed upon Mrs. Elisa beth Nichols at her homo in Fears- port, Me., and obtained the following information. She said.: "About six years ago my nerves broke down eomnletely and my whole system became a wreck. I suffered dreadfully from indigestion and my eyes were very weak. I bad frequent fainting spell. Finally my sight failed me enttircly and I had to have my eyes batuUigod all the time." This state of affairs " she rcumn- nod. "lasted for a year, when I was forced to go to bed and stay there con stantly. I became so weak that I could take only two tablesnoniiftils of milk at a tune. I could not feed myself and sleep was almost impossible. This lasted another year and I was then in such a state of nervous exhaustion that when my people wanted to make my bed they could move me only a few inches at a time. I bad become ex- remely thin and was still losing nosh. I had tried nearly all the medicines in the market, but failed to find any that helped me." But how were you cured?" asked the interviewer. "I'll tell you. My condition finally became so critical that my family ex pected me to die anv dav. Then my husband bought some Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People, and three days after I began taking them I could eat without assistance, and in a week I could sit up and lie dressed. After I had taken five boxes I ln-gnn to gaiii flesh. I continued the use of Pink Pills for Tale People until I bad taken ten boxeo and was' able to help my family pack up and move to a new home. After reaching there I took two more boxes of the pills and I have been able to work bard and take care of my family of five people ever since. It is now four years since I stopped takine medicine and if I ever have to take any more it will be Dr. AVliliams' Pink Pills for Pale .People. Three of my neighbors have taken the pills with good results and I positively consider them the best remedy there is." The above statement was sworn to by Mrs. Nichols at the reporter's re quest before Charles F. Adams, a no tary public, at Searsport. . Not only have many cases similar to this been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People but equally won derful results have been accomplished by them in a large number of diseases arising from thin blood or shattored nerves, two fruitful causes of almost every ill to which flesh is heir. They are a positive cure for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu- f mat ism, nervous . headache, the after effects of girp, of fevers and of other acute diseases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fu Pale People are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females. In mei. they effect a radical cure in all casen arising from worry, over work or ex cesses of whatever nature. Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People ar, sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollars and fifty ecnts, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get the genuine; substitutes never cured any body. Made for Eich Other. Edith I hear that you and Fred are quite interested in one another. Berths Don't you tell a soul, Edith, but, really, I believe that Fred and I were made for each other. We have played golf together three times, and we never have quarreled except two or three times when Fred was clearly in the wrong. Boston Transcript. Stats of Ohio, crrr or tolido, i Lfcas Cocstv. Frakx J. Chsskv makes oath that he ts the senior psrter of the firm of K. J. Chsxit A Co., ' doing business in the City of Toledo, County ' and state aforesaid, and that said Arm will par the Sum Ol OJiK HuNlKKI DOLLARS for eaim I and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ' by tbe use of Hall's Catarrh Cms. FRANK J. CHENEY ! Sworn to before me and suhKcrihed 111 mr ! presence, this sth day of Ueceraber, A. D. Issti. i A. W.GLEASON, Hotary Public Ball's Catarrh Cure Is tasen Internally and acts directly on the blood and moeous surfaces of wesystem. seod lor testimonials, free. .... . Misfitx at CO., Toledo, U. Bold by druggists, 75e. Bell's Family Puis ars the best. Doing Him Justice. ' The Heiress You seem to have no objection to him, papa, except that he bas no money. - , . Papa No; and I'll even admit that he's trying hard to get some. Brook lyn life. My Hair "I had a very severe sickness thst took off sll my hair. I pur chssed a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D, Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. tl.M Steals. AN If your drorrlst cannot simply yon, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and rive the name of your nearest express oRice. Addrees. J. C. A VEK CO., Lowell, Mats. THE CZAR'S OLD NURSE Grief of an Autocrat for the Wonts Who Had Lorsd Him. A picture of the way In which love levels all earthly distinctions Is given in James Creelmau's book, "Ou tbe Urcat Highway." Mr. Creeluian was In Kus sla as a special corresirandent at tbe time when the Csar, Alexander III walked, a srter-strloken mourner. through tbe streots of St Petersburg, behind the coffin of his old English nurse. He says: - 1 Ou that dark, stormy day when the Czar's English nurse died In tbe Win ter Palace, I was lu St Petersburg, and I remember well bow the wet snow fell from tbe blotched sky, aud the wind whistled up tbe f roxen Neva. Wherever I went tu Russia there was always present In my mind the figure at Alexander III., aa I once saw blm, riding at the head of bis cuirassiers, au arrogant glaut on a great black horse, towering above his soldiers, the Incar nation of brute force, splendid and ter rible.' But I was yet to see the human nature bidden under that glittering hel met and breastplate. The Csar was with bis ministers when a messenger told him that bis nu'-se was dead. Through tbe dull harsh nature of Alexander there ran one stream of tenderness lore for tbls woman. Kitty, wbo had mothered blm In boyhood. And she was dead. The autocrat of all tbe Russlas went alone through the storm to the dark ened room In the Winter Palace where bis dead nurse lay. Tbe glaut knelt be side her body with a great cry, and tbe attendants withdrew snd left him alone. For a long time he remained there with bowed head, and when be came out of tbe hushed chamber there was a look on bis face tbat no one bad ever sen tbere before. A wblsper went about tbe city tbat none but himself and his brothers should keep watch over Kitty's eotHu. Alexander was tbe second son, and while lils elder brother, the heir to the tbrone, was alive, the big, awkward boy was neglected. Even then, how ever, he wss the favorite child of tbe English nurse, and his sullen nature re sponded to her touch. There was little known about the life of tbls bumble woman. She was quiet and shy, rarely seen outside the mag nificent Winter Palace wbere she lived; a patient soft-voiced subject of Queen Victoria, but she modified and subdued the boy's hard nature. How true was tbe love of the Czar for this friend of bis boyhood Is shown by the humility with which he followed her to tbe grave. No mourner rode that day. Through the snow aud tbe slush the Czar and bis brothers walked be hind the hearse; side by side, the Czar In tbe middle. Not a note of pomp vio lated the simple pathos of tbe scene. Tbe autocrat was simply a man walk lng humbly and reverently after tbe corpse of the woman who bad loved blm. It was a long way to tbe cemetery. but the Czar walked the wbole dis tance. He Bat In a pr-w of the Church of England for the first time, and watched the coffin at the altar rails. At tbe cemetery, when they lowered the coffin Into the frozen ground, the keep er of the cemetery laid a piece of car pet at the feet of bis Imperial lord, and the Czar Bunk ou his knees. He knelt there with the snow falling upon bis bare bead until the crave was filled. TheiL as be went nivny, he turned for last look nt the mound where he had laid the woman who had loved him ever since be was n hoy. ENGLISH DANDY OF THE ELIZABETHAN ACL Dandles have flourished In England almost since the conquest and the pic ture shows one of tbe time of good Queen Bess. His title was Lord Itus sell of Tburuhauffb. He wss the son of tbe second Earl of Bedford, ani LORD BUSSKLL OF TIIORNH AL'OH. learned the art of foppery ns a cour tier In Venice, Germany, Italy and Hungary. He fought In Ireland and In tbe Netherlands, and succeeded his friend. Sir I'hllli) Sidney, as Governor of Flushing. Sidney, In token of bis friendship, left Russell his best gilt armor. In September. 1002. he bad tbe bonor of entertaining Queen Elizabeth. Increase In Knsslan Erpendltnroa. During the last forty years ttie yt-or-ly expenditure of Russia bas Increased enormously. Tblrty years ago , Its bndget was less tliau SOO.OOO.OOU rubles ($250,000,000); twenty years sgo It was 1KX),000,000 ($430,000,000); ten years back it amounted to,. 000,000), and at present It bus reached nearly 2,000,000,000 ($1,000,000,000). A Wife's Claim. Three' friends of a Kusslmi living at Marlenburg gave blm 100 minks to sbare off liis beard. But Ills tvllv lu terfered wltb a police notice to-1 ins i-r-feet tbat alio claimed part ii'uini'tin ship. Tbe three frlcuds are now stilus tbe buMoand for nonpurformaru-e ol ii.s contrsct. Imports Into Old GreiH-e. Greece now Imports about S.000 tons of sulphate of copper em-li Jem- for tine In killing Hie phylloxera. Times hnvo cliiiiiril. in llio-e lii.v when a ttoinan asks for n llu.-timtn comb at the ilrnj; ilfiri mn i-iu' t, :he buck part, uml talks vt-r luw, . Th Wont Tst "It Is admitted that Napoleon Bona parte can got along without that staUie thai they propore to give mm in m, Louis." "Of Corsloan." Cleveland Plain dealer. Like the Others. "I thank God," said the ' Pharisee, "that I am not as other men." "Oh, I don't know," replied the lady. "You seem to! be like a good many of them. I saw you occupying a neat in a car last night When there were lots of women standing."-Chi cago .Record-Herald. lisr Share. "Oh, Lucy! Whore did you get that lovely new hat?" asked Mrs. roadiuk of Mrs. Keodick. "Frank itave me the money to buy It. It's my share out of a fortunate invest ment he made with a Mr. John Putt." Necessarily. She Really, my husband, Is quite a philosopher. Her Aunt Well, a man might as well bow to the inevitable when he's married to It! Chicago Journal. Wonderful Collection of Birds, Mrs. Honry Wells Terry, a resident of Babylon, I.. I., has one of the most complete and valuable collections of birds in America, which sh4 Inherited from her father, J. C. Knoess, an or nithologist, known all ovur the world for his knowledge ou this subject. , New York's Extinct Volcano. A Harvard professor has discovered what he considers the remains of an extinct volcano at rVhuylerville, N. Y., small country place already famous in American history. The World's Oreal Cities. There are in the world 270 cities, having more than 100,000 inhabitants each; S3 having more than 600,000, and 13 with a population o! more than 1,000,000. Only Eight Willie Oh, maw, I hare such a pain in my stummlck. Fond Motlior w illie, have you been eating something? Willie No, maw, I didn't eat a thing but eight green apples. Ohio State Journal. At the Cemrnoa free; Pond. First Boston Boy It wss all your fault that your yacht ran into mine. -' Second? Boston Boy It was not j l ilemsnd sn investigation! Boston Post. Better Uft Unsaid. Mr. Sappy Don't you often wish Miss you were or er a gout Ionian, Smythe? Miss Suiythe Yes; don't you? WELL LIGHTED 8TORE8. The M. 4. M. Arcs are Causing Quits s Stir. Nothina is more annoying than a poorly lighted store. From the time of old tallow dips millions of people, have been bothered by insufficient light wnen the evening comes. But now it seems the whole question is settled by the beautiful, brilliant, economical "M A M" Arc lamps that are becoming so popular. They are cheap, too. Write to C. W. Lord, Portland, Oregon, for a circular telling you all about tlioin. You'll be glad you wrote. Agents are wanted in every town. HERE THIS IS IT. Know by tbe sign scobs Oi CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAC0, 8PRAIM3, IRUISE8, SORENESS, STIFFNESS. CONQUERS PAIN Fmundrnd 1BlO A Homm Sohmoi tar sTojr) MIIMmry suisf Wtutsra Trmlnlmm Wrtlm for Ulumtrmimd tfmtmloow !.. a.-iaai. Ti nass mk ' The Farmer's First Profit It Biade In his selection of seed. Send for Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREEI " It eontslns full directions for gsrdr-n work and many useful tsnlos for tbe farmer, No one anlli better Seeds than " " LAMBKBSON'B BEEa LAMBERSQN Portland Oregon S -a erl I- T S . XI iuu Kinus ir iucs It la ft Smrt shot Hal Mfg wwtoble ond ftover Iffini r rouna in more gmuutn i aiitil on inrmi fsiniisi ttitui asiiv uthpr In Amrticsa. Tlirt5 la rnuim t or ttila. Wo own and rpTw ott btXi ftrm for Um prwitH-Uon ot our cholrsj mntxIj. in - . wrttnr w iikjui-v ju VJ f y t-itrui m: mm mako tt (oUowiiatf luipcoo r, Otlenletl onari w- Fo 18 Cettim Pomipaldf ; 00 Mf4 f r lwatM r4UeVW II BBaWsufleMM sPllSit fSlSIM 10 aorta ilarttysje tawat, , la yaarlaaa UUsm ? MiU It aataastU (Ma aH. t 41 gaff assail baaatlaJ ftawor amis. In oil 180 ktnda poolttTeW mm.ahlni tttialsftla ssf Ai-sArmlris Hitwra an iou or4 Iota of cbufo Ttbl(-a, trtlir with our frrmt oauIoruo uNiinwiui oooni -jrNtftinta mua ra, svrssi, atuu i) i iii ua bihj n,w-ii,a, uiiioft otwfi m w. o TKmna.5tc..ftii onir v . tot I $. la MiriiiA Write fcMljr, J JOHN A. SALZER SEEQ CO.. Li CrotftO. Wis. , -1 SI; SCHOOLS ftNDj:OLLEGE& w 'V mm life to the most favoreo la not al way full of sunshine, but tothe m Aoierioaa girl or wun who Is obliged to work for her Uvlar."". rWP to kelp others at home, Ufa is often hoary drag In ooneoquenoe of Illness. Women who work, especially those, who ar eoastantly on their fee, ar peculiarly liable to the devslomosna of organic troubles, and ehoul par ticularly heed the tint manifestations, suoh as backaohe, pains la the lower limbs and lower part of the stomach. Irregular and painful monthly periods. i r ymtm mas Ella Basxitia, C Rocassraa, One, falntness, weakness, loss of appetite and sleep. The young lady whose portrait we publish herewith had all these symp toms, and in addition leuoorrhoea, and was cured by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. First, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham's lab oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her trouble, received In reply accurate In struolions what to do to get well, snd now wishes her name used to convince others that they may be eursd aa she was. The same helping hand, free of charge or obligation, 1 extended, to every ailing woman in Amerlna. If ?ou are stole you are foolish not to get Ma 1,kKl -llM ifc nnata vou wrlt.h Inf. and she Is sure to help you. Don't 1 WSJ USUI It ia m istto snw so-oay IN WET WEATHPD A WISE MAN WEARS 0WE:o S Sw " OILED WATERPROOF CLOTHING m m? m m kotos, use m TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE J -CATALOGUES rUlf JrtorWiqrUU LINE orRHCNT5 AND HATS L A J TOWER CO . 5O5T0N. MA33. to Vew Year Resolutions Ilia Kccloy Curo Saie relief boas Hqi, opines eaS tosses SeMis. Seed U par Honiara M halty Institute. r.Wo'.t.'SoVJir n. r. m. u. Mo. S-IKO'J. w HBN wrltlne- a sutvertlsers please sneuUass this lis per. Sai n up'SSupcriorPoDDER Plants ALp VICTORIA RAPE . Alxsit lomllsaslMiador n.arf rjast Ha. is -J "K?', K'vS -sliuliine,in simicsml enansliinsyiialliT. It 1 V VJ I ' ,) - . . post r,l luxruw swum sii4 sfs W &fZXri'? s 1 and caul til over Giant Incarnate Clover i .ViV'.';j wroAntm Imurtftiit mm wiunii hs w exists) mttsr fstwHtiittt ana low tirt i4) vt parturiate- HI Mimrrwr long tails'. Will da waUsWjwtwtt, I'ri duictmp. Grama, Fodder Onr Mstiilnipia Is Hint M t (XMIttSlHl IIH4rrl ReVl; two ftnltW ix-r .vr : Vm 0U: tr . v'i."7 wu win vi i j tv tsvrv. nuuvn awsw tsrMMsfxsXtVuk Salxmr'm Crmmm Mlxiurmn tttldlntf toot of mtacnsftomt tmy &nd ft m4lr. Dromum inmrmfn6 tonm of Nay pnlcrm Thst tTt TftM of it rontfiTT , pTTowinsT w isrwwrfT otril la found. Our rrtwt ruu oriw, worth $ino to any will wiAks Aittrtifari ifnifr or fifiner, ! timiiIm! to jrotl with OUeUV fnu toml iguiiplfO, ItMf iMstptof uit .o miu ifutxMfsj. mr CiY.i aIum t tuti fur put, inHN a cai 7PD sr.m mMPANY I r.. Wis, jflZzSi BEST FOR AY W MLir ar sS - - r - i THE STOMACH ) VvwtAL I PURELY I j . VEGETABLE j LIVER TONIC BOON FOR 1 MOTHERS I l Afi f r VV A D n w111 VM t9IUU IiLtTI1 port to us " something fr, and furnish evldsacs upon which ws can I "'sun!"1 j Q3lg cure CSbcoda constipation v. 2 NEVER SOLO j KCJlC IN BULK lfVstAanMWsM ' 7t A Usf Narrow City. Duluth is a peculiar city. Its pepu. latlon Is about 70,000, yet the" length of the Incorporated town along the luke front is 28 miles. Its width ranges from one to two miles. , Foriunat. "Well, Joshua," said Mr. Warren to his country cousin, "what was the first thing that struck you when you reached town?" , ' "A trolley car," replied Joshua, "but, fortunately, it did not hit me very hard." Detroit Free Press. IT I ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine C&rter's pttie Liver Pills; Must Bear signature) of Sea Pae-Slmlle Wrspper Besrw. Tsar eseeU asset aseeer total attsaiask roaHumcKCs roi DIZZINESS roa iiuousRESt. FOR TOIPID LIVER. rOR COMSTirATIOR. ECR SALLOW SKIN. rCRTMCCOMPUXIOI I , m. . ssaaprvsstss bitssi l'srreyTetUl( C U RE SICK HEADACHE. n JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, , teetet Merrissa Street, , Can give yen the beet bsrsatns la Faiuiries, i'lows, boilers and Kugiues, Wni.imills and I'nmin an I lieneral Machinery. Bee as before baylngs Ferry's (feeds uake good crops, good eroos make mora eus. tomers-so esw-h year tbe erope end eaatumare have grown (raster. That a the secret of in Ferry mine. More rr-rrjr's Heeds sold and sown than any outer kind. Ho a bv an n.aiera. D, IS. ferry Oo. patron. lien. BIG MONET FOR AGENTS rirlllng my goods under new plan. A tried article that sells on it merit. Write quirk for particulars and m-lusive ter ritory. Ixck Box WO, l'orllanil, Or. Ah reditu i it. Itx It m rop thru trt toll ! I ! (CARTER'S Cloyera and Plants "Vlstfler '.. a- of thontturhlT IsNitM farm nv4 IHL ..! ItHMitl!, !' M Ml toil Of m ftilt. with it to lrualit of srjrsuii M I suumui of psuturMv on ony fluta in AmmUm. THE BOWELS ALL DRUGGISTS. taste rood. Wat them like eandy. They rvmove sny bad tsuls In ths mouth, l;a Ina ths breath swrrt snd psrfumrd. It Is a plur to take the m. and, they are t llk.d espsclally by chlMrtn. , ewssten the stomsch by cleansing 'the mouth, throat snd food ehannsl. Thst mcsns, they stop undls"tl food from souring in ths iotn'h, prsv.nt sas torm ina In ths bowels, and kill dls.nss limit of any kind tbat bretd and feed In the en tire system. are purely vsg-atabts snd contain no titer- rurlul or othir mlnorsl poison. Thsr con sist of ths latest discoveries in mulleins, and form a combination of remedies tin equaled to tnaks ths blnod purs and rintt ami make elsan skin and beautiful com plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and sttr up ths laty liver. Thry do not mrruly soften trie stools snd reus tnrlr dlsohsrss, but strensth.n the bowels and put th.m Into lively, healthy condition, making their as-. tloo DSturaL nsversTtpnorfrrlpe. They set qnlefly, poa. ltlvely ami never csuse sny kind of unoom f ortabls feellnt. Taken regularly they make the liver set n-sularly snd nnturally as It should. They keep ths sewraK of the body propurly movlns and keep ths system clean. Increase ths flow of milk In nurslns moth ers, If the mother eats a taolnt, it snakes her milk mildly purgative and has a mild but osrtsln effect on the baby. In tbls way they are the only sate laxative for tha nurslnc Infunt. , taken patiently, persistently, will cure sny form of constl;.stlon, no matter how old or how often othor remedies havs failed. They ars absolutely guaranteed to cur sny oas, or purchase money will be cheerfully re funded. cost 10c, JRe, 60c box. ' Ramplet sent free for the ssklns. W publish no testimonials but sell (Jaerurets on their merit under sb soluts Rtiuruntee to cure. Huy and try a box to-da r, or writs us for fres samples and booklet. assrw trssiiN ssssnf 0O., csicsso r saw toss. to nr nsder of this paper who will re. any attempt of substitution, er sals ot Just ss good" when Csscarets ars called convict All correspondence confidential. .ft. I rsirMBii