The Stimulus of Pure Blood That is what ia required by every organ of the body, for the proper performance of its functions. It prevents biliousness, dyspep sia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, weakness, f aintness, ' pimples, blotches, and all cutaneous erup." tions. -, ' It perfects all the vital processes. W. P. Kfeton, Woodstock. Ala., took Hood's Earsaperllla to make hi blood pur. H wrltrs that be bad not felt wall bat tind for tarn time. Before; h had finished the first bottle of this medicine he felt better ua when he had tkn the second wee like another man -free from that tired feelin and able to do bis work. Hood's $ar$aparilla Promises to' cure and keeps the promise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood's today. v Hli Plight Explained. "I saw Blinks today, and he was in a terrible shape both eyes closed and bruises all over. He isn't a quarrel some man, is he?" "Oh, no; quite the reverse. He nevr er sees a quarrel that he doesn't want to act as peacemaker." "Ah, that explains it then." Chi cago Post. ' ' " ' ... Bend to Garfield Tea Co.. Brooklm. N. V. for eanrplc of l.artield I ia and Headache Powders two ijivaiuable remedies. Quieting Suipklon "My dear," said the suspicious wife, "this eeaUkin sack you gave me for Christmas has the odor of gasoline." : "Very likely," answered the crafty huehand. "But you know Santa Claus is using an- automobile now." ' JCevertheless, she had her" doubts about it," fearing that he had pur chased the garment second handed of a cleaner. Baltimore American. Everyone who uses Hamlin's Wizard Oil locure pain is never ayain without a bottle of it. . . . Sure Sign, jester Dobster has in him the mak ing of a great artist. Jimson What makes you think eoT jester Because he painted a picture recently, and when he looked at it, later, couldn't tell what the subject was. Ohio State Journal. 4 lartloa Snee One tire smaller after uln- A llen'e Foot Kase, ;ww.ltr. It mak tieht or new shoes easy. OBiessirollesi.iint. sweating, aching fee in growing nail, corns and bunions. Ait drug gist? and sin Ktoiea. 2x. Trial package FKEB hi- -.1 Address Allen 8. Olmsted, la Roy, Kew York. - - Out of a Knothole. He (just introduced) What a very homely person that gentleman near the piano is, Mrs. Black. Phe Isn't he? That's Mr. Black. "How true it is, Mrs Black, that the homeliest men always get the prettiest wives." TitrBits. 0 1 m ' Garfield Tea cures constipation. Cab Riles in Cities. In New Tork, Chicago, Washington and other cities it costs $5 for a carri age for a theater party, a dinner or a ball. In Berlin it coets about 50 cents. There is a cab stand every few blocks, the locations being fixed by police reg ulations. One pays for the distance. Pico's Cure cannot be too hiehly spoken -of a a cough cure. J. W. O'Brien. 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Mum., Jan. 6, ISM). Cable Span 3,000 Miles Long. The longest span of submarine cable in existence will be that between Van couver and Fanning island, 3,000 miles apart. The task of laying it com' menced in January. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's 8oolh Ins Syrup the best remedy to use tor their luUMiren uuriug we iceiuiug jnuu. Fooled. "When she married that old man for bis money, she thought his cough would carry him on in a tew momns. "Anrl it hasn't?" v "No. She can't even make him cough up what money she wants. Philadelphia Bulletin. cancerous S are most frs ores breast, though they are liable to appear upon other parts of the body- When they begin to spread and eat into the flesh, sharp, piercing pains are felt as the underlying tissue is destroyed aud the tender nerves exposed. Cancerous sores develop from very tntlin cause: a carbuncle or boil, swollen gland a little watery blister on the tongue or lip, a wart, mole or bruise of some kind becomes an indolent, xesienng sore, which in time degenerates into cancer. "Tea years ago I had a sore oa my left temple, which the doctors pronounced eanceroaa nicer; It would Itch, burn and bleed, then scab over, but would Borer heal. After taking 8. S. a. awhile the sore beran to discharge, and when & all the potapnous matter had paaaed out it got well. I u., took ia all about ' thirty bottles, continuing- it for some time after the sere bad healed, to be euro all the poison was out of mr sys tem. Have soon no sign of the eanoer til ten years. JOSEPHUS BEID, Cant, Audriaa. Co., Ho. is strictly a vegetable remedy, and, while possessing purifying i and healing properties that no other medicine W contains nothine that could derange the system. While cleansing the blood it also builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or other blood trouble, send for pur free book on ninnd and SI: in Diseases, and write to ns for any information or advice wanted; We make no cnargc tor uiu bwh.c THE SWIFT SPECIFI0 CO, ATLANTA, GA r- '- " VIA :m,LUS'l Jt (Jv uis ft it it All Hot JAilh. it UoustU turnip. Tai UwA Vtt l rtirt ;ihl Y,v rinirrrlitn. nil its mr - " H TIIEY TRY NEW CROPS KANSAS FARMERS ALWAYS READY TO EXPERIMENT. They Have Firm Faith that the (salt of Their Stat Will Kate Anything -The Keeord-Breaklns Wheat Crop of the Tear 190U . The advance of Kansas to the first place among tba wheat-producing com monwealths again calls attention to the wonderful productiveness of that State. It Is also calculated to make one reflect on the remarkable history of agricultural experiments by the Kansas farmers. In the early '80s there was high-pressure wheat growing, but It did not reach the volume, nor even the relative Importance, of the crops of the last few. rears. The crop of 1901 aggregated more than 1)0,000,000 bushels, . by far the largest of sny State in the Union. This crop la val ued at more than $50,000,000. Wheat raising In Kansas has passed through many experimental stages, as has the growing of mauy other agri cultural products At first It waa sup posed that only spring wheat could be produced with profit In the State. This Idea was dispelled by the demon strations of T. C Heury. known as the "wheat king," who owned at oue time 60,000 acres of land near Abilene. Henry Introduced winter wheat. Oue year (187(1) be raised more than 200. 000 bushels, which be sold at about $1.20 per bushel He .revolutionised wheat raising In his State. At preseut the spring wheat crop la an Inconsid erable item In the total product In spite of the fact that Kansas has led the prairie States In agricultural development, and has held the ceuier of the stage for many years, there have been times in the experimental pro cesses when Its people suffered dis paragement for their foolish and un profitable methods. It used to be said that a Kansan would plan anything: that he bad to be shown that a thlug would not grow before be would be lieve his State could not produce It. For example, there are said to be 2.500 varieties of apple. State reports show that at least 2,000 of these have been tried In the Sunflower State, many of tbem proving utter failures, of course, but the best varieties being establish ed through this Indiscriminate but con clusive method of demonstration. A story Is told of Secretary Mohler of the agricultural department that be once visited the French market In New Orleans and there for the first time saw macaroni . He was Inquisitive about the curious looking food prod uct. He waa told of the various uses to which the article could be put He declared that, he believed "the stuff would grow in Kansas," and expressed bis determination to try It In recent years the Kansas farmers hare learned through their own exper iments and through- the useful Infor mation of the agricultural schools what crops are best adapted to their soil and climate, what parts of the State are best for this or that variety, when to plant and sow, bow to fight crop enemies, etc. This practical school spplies to cereals, fruits and cattle. It is wholly probable that the present preference for wheat over corn will be permanent since It has been demon strated that as fine winter wheat can be raised In Kansas as in any other part of the world and with much more certainty of success than attends the raising of corn, says the Kansas City Star. It seems Improbable that the world's wheat supply will become overlarge as a result of this change In Western States. The product of the Eastern States Is' growing less and leas. As an Illustration: Two counties In Kan sas produced this year more than 11 000,000 bushels of wheat more than all the New England States and Jer sey, Delaware, Alabama, Arkansas, Montana and South Carolina combined. Bow to Help the Fal'eo. "Icy pavements are now with us, said a Camden man, "and women are beginning to fall frequently. Do you know the right way to help tbem up? I ask you this because I see all about me In the winter time prostrate women and men making monkeys "bf tbem and of themselves by offering help that is not helpful. . "For instance, down goes a young woman. A young man rushes to her, and, standing before ber, takes both her hands. Then be pulls, but since she has nothing to brace ber feet against Instead of rising to the pull she slides along In an undignified way. Another woman falls snd the man who runs to her gives ber bis band. She takes It so aa not to hurt his feelings. but It Is a hindrance to ber Instead of a help, for, unless she Is being actually lifted up, she needs both ber hauds In rising one to arrange ber skirts with, the other to press on the pavement as a kind of levr. "The proper way to assist a woman to ber feet" said the Camden man, according to the Philadelphia Record, "Is to stand before, ber, saying, with a smile and a soothing gesture: 'Re main perfectly still, please,' and then to step gallantly to the rear, put your bands under ber arms snd raise ber with a firm grip." ' Blst Trees Id the Philippines. An idea of the size of the trees of the Philippines Is obtainable from the dimensions of Governor Taft's round table, the top of which Is a solid sec tion of native tree eight feet In di ameter. Throughout the Islands oue frequently seea in the better class of bouses dlnlng-tablea that are seven. eight snd nine feet wide, the tops In every case being made of a single sec tion. These are not so large as the Southern California table tops, but they will do. Kansas City Journal. Monster Automobile. The most extraordinary automobile In the world Is that being erected by a French doctor, in which he Intends, with two students, to make a trip round the world. It will contain two sleeping apartments, a large workroom and four big tanks for storing oil. It will unquestionably be the largest mo tor ever built No woman can cultivate ber mind and ber complexion simultaneously. IllCtUSFST THE STORY OF AN ATTACK AND ITS REPULSE. . A Vanning Account as Told by Vat ran af the One Hundred aad Fifty fourth Indiana Vol an seers. Jacob T. Keller, of Girard, Kans., is a veteran who saw long snd hard Serv ice in the Civil war with ths One Hun dred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Volun teers and he tells many a story of biv ouac and battle. He was recounting some of his adventures to a reporter the other dajs. "Of all rnv experiences in the war and out of it," he said, "one is most often uppermost in my thoughts. , I had strained my hip in some manner but I thought I had got over it all right. About two years after that, however. When I was plowing for wheat I gave out again in that spot. Rheuma-1 tism set in and I had to quit work. I tried one thing after the other to get some relief from the pain but nothing that I took helped me at all aud 1 -became discouraged. , The cords of my left leg were drawn so badly that I could not straighten it . ... 11 ...", iwtuM T alt Hnvit t hip and knee paineii me ami i suxierea horribly. At times also I had nervous headache. After trying a number of things, my daughter, Mrs. Fry, who had been cured of rheumatism by Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Teople, induced me to try that remedy. My case was a very stubborn one and I took five boxes of the pills before I could see much change but I kept on and they certainly did wonders tor me. The cords in my leg began to slacken and before long it limbered so that 1 could . use it again and be able to sit down. , My kidneys had been bad and the pills soon made them better, too. Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a grand, good medicine and I recom-. mend them to all who suffer as I did." The real cause of rheumatism ia the , pre-sence of acid in the blood, which ir-1 ritates the sensitive tissues that unite I the joints and cover the muscles, thus causing those indescribable tortures which rheumatic suflerera endure. Years ago those afflicted were bled; as if taking away some of the impure blood could remedy the balance. This folly has been abandoned and today phvsicians prescribe snd druggists rec ommend the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, as these marvel ous vegetable pills go directly to the seat of the trouble, exerting a powerful influence in puifying and enriching the blood by eliminating poisonous ele ments and renewing health-giving force, thus making a potent remedy for cur ing this disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from impoverished blood or shattered nerves. They cure not only rheumatism but locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, nervous head ache, after-effects of grip, of fevers and of other acute diseases, palpitation of the heart, anaemia, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness. At all druggists, or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schenec tady, N. Y., fifty cents per box; six boxes for two dollars and a half. Recommendations. Mrs. Knowles That ia a beautiful recommendation you gave your cook. Of course she deserved it? Mrs. Milton -Of course. Mrs. Knowles But what do yon really think about the girl. I have written recommendations myself, you know? Boston Transcript. Karfleld Headache Powders: 4 Powders are sold for 10c. 1 Powder cures a headache. 'Tit Hard to Tell. Dinwiddie The city of Colon' has been given up by the insurgents. Van Braam Does that put a full stop to the war? Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele graph. Considerate. "Don't vou think von could drive tnat mule witnoui tne use oi proian- ityT inquired tne person oi rennemeni. "Yes" answered the canal boatman. "I reckon I could get along all right. Put it u-nnld cet rtowerftil lonesome for the mule." Washington Star. AVegelahle PreparalionforAs-' slmilating theFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs amlDowels of Promotes DigcstionChcerful ness and Rest. Contains neither Opuim.Morphine nor Mineral OT HAHC OTIC . AM tfOUOSAMVn.PtTQStR Pnrk Semi- Hx.Stan linn jn'ir rtmrm Aperfec! Remedy forConstipa fion, Sour Stotrtrch.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nessandL0S90F SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new york: it -1 rvstfrr rnov rtr wo a para Wilfully Mliundsntsod. . "Some of niy latest photographs," said the camera fiend, "I took 60 foot under water." "Why did you go to the trouble of taking thara there?" remarked Pepprey, "It wuuld have been easier to JtiHt .tie a stone to them aud throw them in." Philadelphia Press. Squirrels Nutlnj In Church Chimney. .Sexton Davis, of the Congregational church, at Winter Park, Fla., met with an unexpected accident when he made the first tire of the season in the chutvh this fall. The chimney would not "draw," and the caune was found to be in a large squirrel's nest, or a series of nests, in the top of the structure. The opening was found completely closed with squirrel nest matoriul to the depth of four feet from the top. -Florida Times-Union and Citizen. War Watts of Hones. Roughly speaking, a corps requires to be mounted every four months, but one cavalry regiment records the stag gering figures of 3,oi)0 animals In a lit tle over a year, says a London news paper. , It was the general opinion of experts that the members of the House hold cavalry proved themselves the best "caretakers" and despite their heavy weights got as much work out of their mounts as any cavalry in the field. There waa even one instance of a troop horse weathering the whole -campaign and returning fit and well toceremoniul duties in London. Different Kinds of Ivory. Today nothing but elephant Ivory is used in fine carving. In the past there waa walrus, narwhal, nylghau and .mammoth. Tusks vary from 10 feet long, weighing 200 pounds, to smaller ones, and the price ia about $0 a pound. Narwhal ivory is unlimited in supply, owing to the discovery of large quanti ties in the erotic regions, where for un told years it has been prererved in the ice. It is of no uee for fine ivory carv ing, but is used in all inferior types of work, such as l low-priced umbrellas and stick handles, cheap chessmen, frames, etc. ftsrfleld Headache Powders are especially a. dapted to the needs of nervous women. Try them. 0a tht Jury. Employer So you served on the jury last week, Pat. Did you know what, to do? Fat Shure, sor, I had no trouble. There was a man there tould me what to do and gave me f 10 for doing it. " ' r Stats or Ottro, crrr or-rot-eno, I FB4NK J. ( HiNiY makes oath that he IS the 1.IV .H ITIimSTT. I senior parteroi the firm al f.l. CHSKST A Co., dome business in the i'ltv of Toledo, County ana state aloreeaid, ana mat saiu urm win par the sum ol ONK Ht'NUKKl) DolXAKS (nr earn and every ease ol Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Mali's Catarrh Cvaa. Sworn to Yifnr me ami subscribed in bit presence, taUSlh day ol December, A. D. law. A. W. GLEABOX, tl JVetorv rubtit. Ball's Catarrh Care Is teeen Internally and acts directly on the blood and mnrous surfaces of u system, eenu inrmMimonieis, iree. Bold bv drurglsts, 76e. Ball's family rills are the best. Garfield Ta. the herb medicine, cures con stipation, sits beadune ana liver aisoruors. Their Advantage. "But," said the young mosquito, "is not man much stronger than wei "He is." responded the fond parent; "but we may venture to attack him on account of our superior mobility." Puck. KELP YOUR SADDLE, DRY! s TUB. ORIGINAL POMMEL fy BLACK UNrtLlOW ij PROTECTS sOTtl V BIDES AND SADDLE SiSS". HABDEJT STORM tamMa0 .TklMKIt tops a1.?. ' IN THE I artOWtrlS rUU. LINE Of fi ARM W5 AND HATA A .el.TOW E Wt.P, a h. p. v, V. He. 7-ieoa. w bss writing- t advertiser pleas BMuuoa wis papas Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use lor Over Thirty Years ill tmi asKTMia (MMsr. onerr. 7A X.YMM AW Mi rFssjnrf . .. Avoid Norvou Protratlo at . s.. what ia i.1 TUU lO MuBw.wvt-y ------ IUQ lilO- VaUtjr wi j"... r.v.... ---- - quiets the uorToui ystotn. h ae&aui A 1 J esxaall Vou ought to know that whan you Mittwd to be ifulr in your oourmei, , i . - l i . I. t A.m.. mnn arrow irrn ft u ja mutuu. ' pats slpleas atlghta, there la serious Mas. llAKTLET. trouble somewhere, aud nervous proa- trauou ia aura w iuiiuw. You oturht to know that I nl I (rent I on, exhaustion, womb displacements, faintlwr, dlxzincKS, headache, and backache send the news wild with affright, and you cannot sleep. i ... itu-iu r.f o- i v Conirreaa Rt-. Chicago. 111., whose portrait we pub- was entlrelv cured by Lyttia B. Plnk tiam'a Vftrotable Compound ! her eaae should be a warning to others, and ber cure carry eonvietion to the minas of ererv aufferlnp; woman of the tin falllnir efficiency of I.ydia K. Plnkbam'S Vegetable Compound. Btjgart Had $S Apkcs. Some of the professional boRKrs ar. rented in the Christina shoppiiiR dis trict in New York had only II when searched, but some of them , had so much more that it brought the average up to S apiece. Bacteria la Scheol Inks The suthoritics at Mlntlen, Germany, have matte a. bacteriological examina tion of school inks. They have found that most of them contain bacteria which, If animals are inoculated with them, often prove fatal. , Lift Averages. In 800 years the avernire length of human life has been doublet!. In the sixteenth century it was between 18 and 20 years; at the close of the eighteenth century it was a little over 30 years, and today it is over 40 years. Wild Elephants Gsttinj Scares. It ia estimated that there are fewer than 10,000 wild elephants left in all the countries on the globe, and that five of these will be killed off where one is Ixirn. It is a matter of only a few years when the hiHt ono must go. Population Multiplying In Algeria. The French census returns for Al geria reveal the fact that in less than 60 years the native population of the colony, Arab and Kabyle, has almost doubled Itself, having rinen from 2,307,000 In 1850 to 4,070,00 at the present time. Csaadiin Hay for Africa. Canada's entire surplus crop of hay and oats is being marketed this year to the British government for the use of the army in Honlli Africa. An estra fleet of steamers is transporting this for age to the seat of war. Easily Interpreted. Mrs. Hoon I dreamed last night that you had given me an automobile. Mr. Hoon li'm, yes I You had a horseless nightmare and, by the way, my dear, dreams usually go by con traries. Smart Set. The Range Pony In Alaska. The best animal for the Klondike and Inner Alaska baa proved to be the range pony reared In th cold, mountainous country of Montana, Northern Idaho snd Washington. Th pony weigh from 800 to 1,000 pound and I giving much better service than the mule. II pick bis way through stretches of bog where the mule mires, climbs glaciers and canyon side where the mule turn back, and eats snow to quench bl thirst, which the mule will not do. For prospecting purposes th trained pack pony i Invaluable and the best mean of transportation tn Alaska. -VL CLFJill THE Wow U mtmmnhnttMmt tttttits rt. ' mw aoth OtMtar Oat Wtn . ffla) alii bt(M ylaMat varrwhsrs), Ttt ll, Ba4w' ewM br4 M prmi. 1st V. ft. Iitpwt Saasnttaf Aatr(exiltsu)obalsna thaloatiai avar 4Maaripl ! ItlBsVa iMiad. sVsilsMr arw Mr. rwtBavf 0r Mtk CottUrf CM It fc-sm. I wBMttf rsvattiUerata) t mfWimg to4 w i pa 1 f Wrr l r0ff Vlalsta la MH ra...i fra sanA a. lift ha.. U I ISM mwim ul rr Might? tlM win tU fsr a4. It will Mr4 pv Salim Manrml Whmt42 bum Acrm '. t i aa4 a.. aJ la ., al.ia la asa. If alaa Mat lattV jMMlaff ta w ttwu, M fcsa)V yc tm BPttTZ Tfcs) mm mm ulatw fml wMI r r4MMrta, fUMBl tm um mmu m rtass mmg pm svsf. VEGETABLE 8EDS r Ik UrtHt frvwm sal wmt itMN f saiflit rj, sua, 9mt r satvklwi vfHkia U taarwatM, frU an rarj t. OalM I Mtl ar tMa4 CftUloiti will. For 1 0 c far grcal tItrt sawsitsilain rklt f iMIB IIS BMaAVtatf tStjr TflplS ar Nltl"! Jlll WW WS BliiWN, rMiwJiii a terns UK. ltt lis tni r aaj, ffTMa Eaoasr pmt a)r, fMrta miuo tsi wios aWsBsr, i isj nrai fit lyg)ts start JMiHrVfiiii yt?iiwir?fBrara x.riaaar. u ti ii-ia ihsMiwib tus v ...l.lm and Edmond About, the French nnvellNl, was ones asked to write bw-W notice of a Play written by Msnd. Hie playwright begged him to dl so m the. Ithig and scenery, bu tt-- , about tne urama - was not proving mm-1 . - About did as naiusststl, lo d o the plot at length and gave much deta 1 as lose- tarn! "AlKint inidnlglit the curtain fell and with it tne piece. Ttx ll ioa Cyclists. The Imudsomo sum of m'arly 5,600,. . ..I , i.rMnu it into the ouu iranes tins o -- - . . treasury of the French republic by the .. it .... ...1,1 tint vear tax upon tne cyrum" - ' mi . II. InilHIMed III Uie iWUl. 1MB HI " I ,. .v. year 18114, and was paid by SUJ.0J ' . u.A 1 ....... lnulflil tllHill persons, in - - i!30,084, lu 189tJ upon 320.80, l uiwn uikmi 408.80U, III 181)1 upon 484.. 414, sad in 18 nearly dmiWo that numbsr-838,85ft. T ! upn -tor carringos in 1900 was tld by person. ' " " ' ' .. '., India th Und ol Rpork India Is the land of reports. There Is a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annual plague of tliom. Tbera i no country probably, in which so tnany ' .......!... anil all fllW useless reports am i. - - read. In one province the chief busi ness of the local government consist ill dunning It olUccr for statititlc snd reports, and In compiling from them volumes for the delusion of the supreme government. Moro than one half the time and energy of every civil olll cer I takeu up lu writing. Fortnight, ly Iteview. . " Serve Four Mule a Usy. Washington hotel are said to be the only ones in this country that serve four regular meal every 24 hours breakfast, luncheon, dinner snd sult rier the latter being served In. tome case a late a midnight. Most Important, lo Us. Teacher Tell me some of the mwt important thing f listing today which did not exil 100 j t ars ago. Tommy U. tray rttorle. Natural Reasons let Friendship, The Browns and the Jonese ar .l....l. Mi Rniwn and Mr. Jones are friend because they like th same thing, and their wives are irieimt hM-aue thev dixlike the same puniile. New York Time. Just Ilk Basts) Olrl. He was rescuing a Boston girl from drowning, and It looked a though they would never see Cambridge again. "Hold on tight, Penelope," h gasped; "hold on tight " ' "Don't say 'hold on UkM,' " Rrgl"I the girl, with her mouth full of the At lantic ocean, "nay, 'hold on tightly.' " Weekly Telcgrapn. Said th Obicrvsat Foreigner. "I have noticed," said the Observant Foreigner, who wa not writing a book about America, "tlutt, atvording to your new papers, the bent t illen arc always to be found in largo number at just three places." "Where?" wo asked, being mildly curious. "At political rallies, prUo flglit and lynching bees." Baltimore American, cure the most difficult case of Rheumatism after every other form of treatment ha failed. St. Jacob Oil never fails. IT CONQUERS PAIN Price, 26c and 60c. AGEHTS MiKE HOKE. flailing mv good. Big profit. No ex perience. New plan. Writs for circular, Lock Box 600. Portland. Or. TRUCKS lht swk. Iff! tba Imm. Mow 4m m I1B tsiM, loi tsalslticslsl Mf ufl. PrlM H ktiy Ult rUT (bll sprint t ttU (W Va aJaa baWsl Lava BbraVfcsVA Mfcltsls Worth $10 ataaarrlpliawj of SrUf tWU"1lM BWItifi laOfSrM (JSWa. tU H ll fftr liril wwr fjiHsj sjisiTsaj r masinsj muf, wr srw issHiaw win v Halisr s grl Mill!, si waa a iimi atj tsoei MaapiM,wsBrsB Is aiftll4 fa a lu wa vsw . ttrMmts, 1 BOM TO HUMiXITY. a MOBS 1 IZVtYTU U.U 111 Li A Sayn ot PerunMt "I Iota I c-mnmm Ct.llkalfl. PnMrh ll tnd McCneiy In (tielrgood opinion oll'ervaam mii if toetlva catarrh nmcdy. " Kansas Clv' Shd Tret. - , Turing the past year 2,000 'shads tree have been planled in Kansas City, nhistly at ml,lic expeusa.. At a recent ninxting t ie ublic Improvements com mits of ihecity council autlmrUrnl the planting of Stl.HJO trees almig the vari ous ktrvels. Ftls Hope. Te-r I heard hint say he felt rather Mt,.uit.,.l lutpAiiiiM w.m loft. tfi irua tiirneil low in the parlor when tiecalltxt. Jens Ilnw ftKilish of hlml Ons needs a dark room to devult p a nega tive. Albany Journal. ThoM Dear Girls. Madge Fho was In a collision and had all the cnitmel scraped off littr wlieiO.. IKilly How lucky she war! II she'd taken a header she'd have bail the enamel m-ritpcd tfl her face. Judge. Ready for Another Cant. Ileiievulent Old Gentleman What nr von crying for, my Utile man? - Mttle Toy I Imio-Iio" Jea" lout fl' cents. old Cientlenntn Well, here I five cents (or you, so stop crying. How did ynti nn it? Little liny I lost It piU hin' pennies. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. " BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY foitlauit, Oigun. fouudsa isiia 1 Home Scheol for Bort Militarf mi Manual TralRlriB. t'rlt fur llliHtrated t'stitloeun ARTHUR C. NUWILt, Principal liUfiURCS CANDLE POWER. For Chnrch. Sioro, Until, llall, Kirinl l.ltatln. 'inoaa lamps ar af, ceo- -- nutnkat anil ralia tila, Itov what user think ol thorn bf addtSHHic C. W. LORD, Portland, Or. ef Year Resolutions "m raw " ilecloy Curo tats Sara rUaf ham llaa, opium aas MtMN aabtaa, a lu partUoUra ia (Delay laaillnt. MmkI ta 4KO William IDI.IIUIl, Aa. furllaua, Oragaa yrHmO. TWtJaWtW. ..,:-S''.. .j. a.WK. Si sis 'f7iaiBia lisjtsiii sasfi i n" Knobn and lolvn fohereber good crops artgrobm. j Sold averywhersj. I tfot Annual FtEB. . o. at. riaav a oo. Dasrolt, SS'eh, The Farmer's First Profit Is mads tn his selection of saad. Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1002, FREEI . t It contains full dlrsntlnns fnr sardco . work and many nst'lul tahliia for tlis farmer. No una sells buttur Saatl than ' ; tAMHISKSO.N'g BEKDS. ' ' LAMBERSOH - Portland Oregon JOHN POOLB, Portland, Oregon, rotol Morrisoa Sir Can give yen th boat bargain In rltiggiu. I'lowii. Boll snd Knginsa, Wln-imill and Pttmos aud Usnsrai Machinery. Bss ns bsfurs buying, ISA A mm ! :i 'I YaK actva- V SI2E. iaiiiMMiasaiBHai.iiffnMsieastMitaiiii 1 Jr.-rtX. I I Inl I