What are Humors ? They are vitiated or morbid fluids cours ing tin vclni and sfTectlng the tissue. They ure commonly du to defective dlget tion but are sometimes Inherited. How do they manifest themselves f Tn ninny forms of cutaneous eruption, salt rlieuiu or eczema, pimples and bolls. iid In weakness, languor, general debility. How are they expelled f By Hood's Sarsaparilla which also builds up the system that bat suffered from them. " It Is the beat- medicine tor all humors. . ' Whtr Vanity Rules. A IVench explorer has discovered on the west coast of Africa what lie regards as tlie vainest people on earth. They are -the Pnhonins, a warlike tribe, whore main employment is the adorn mont of their persons, chiefly by means of tattooine. Great ingenuity ' ia also exhibited in dressing their hair, which in many cam is arranged in astonish ingly elaborate fashion. ; I am sure Piso's Cure for Consnmntlon mvetl inv life three rears aim. Mas Tho. HooBiNfl. Maple street, Norwich, N. V ten. 17, 1900. Ths Maa-Who Dldn't-Get-Off. . "For deep-laid, underground, double- dyed, contrary meanness, give woman." me a "Goodness!? What do you mean?" "They always iro to cleaning hou.e Just when a man is thinking of going fishing." Chicago Hearld. Mothers wilt find Mrs. Wlnslow's 800th- tn? Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. RujmI Sijt't Lunches. According to the popular tradition Rueeell Sage sustains life when down town with a cracker, a red apple and a glass of water. This ia as wide of the fact as are many such stories about prominent men. Mr. Sape is not only "nice" in regard to what he eats, but a hearty trencherman and an excellent authority on all that goes to make up a hearty meal. Sew York Press. The wise ones use Hamlin's Wizard pil for Rheumatism and Pain ; the fool--ish ones try experiments. Employment for Indian Children. Miss Kathorine Hughes, of Ottawa, Canada ,is the leader of a movement for providing employment for Indian children when they leave the schools. She is called Kateri Kaieinerenstra by her Indian proteges, which means "she makes things go pleasantly." FSTQ Permanently Cnrrt. No Cts er nerronenee I llw afterflfflt Is'- i.eof fr. Kliee'sGreat Ciem oetir. Mod lor Fit E K g'i.OO trial Ixxtle&ot! treat 1m. lH.ll.U KLi.Lia..l.4rehSt..PhUd.lplu.P In Nautical Terms. Parson Yes, on one occasion I mar ried four couples in a quarter of an hour." Quick work, wasn't it? Nautical Young Lady Yes, rather. Sixteen knots an hour. London Punch. Cuts or Ohio, Crrr or Toledo, Lucas Cocntv. I ' Frake J. chsnkt makes oath that he la the senior parter of the hrm ot F. J. Chkksy at Co., doing business in the Citv of Toledo, Countv and Stale aforesaid, and that said firm wilt par we Bum 01 n u i.mr.1, uuLLAKti lor eacn and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hau. '8 Catarrh Cobb. FKANK J.CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of Decern ber, A. D. 1&8 ,11 A.VT.OLEAS0N, I I notary Public Ball's Catarrh Core ia tar en Internally and acts direocly on the blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J.CHEMtf A CO., Toledo, a Bold by druegist. 75c. bail's Family fills are the best. A Lawyer's Pine Distinction. A lawyer was passing along the street carrying under his arm a law book when he was accosted by a friend. "Ha! Mr. Elank, and where are yon g ling to preach today?" "I don't p.-eacli, I practice," jeplied the lawyer. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. anih r For manr years Garfield lea, The Herb Cure, has been earnlig rei iilntion that is rare it is UNIVERSALLY prained! This remedy uresenta uniiKual at tractions to those in search of health; it is made of H Kit lis t hut cure in Nature's wav hy removing lite cause of discus.; it is PUKE: it cleanses .be system, purities the blood and es tablibhcs a peri.-t-t action of the digestive or gans. It is equally good for young and old. Society for Preventing Tuberculosis. A society has been organized in Moscow, Russia, the members consist ing of both physicians and lavmen, for the purpose of preventing tuberculosis by putting into practice those means which science has indicated as effective. son There is no poison so highly contagious. SO deceptive and so destructive. Don't be too sure vou are cured because all external 6igns of the disease havedisappeared, and the doctor says yoa are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up mo Begets Uke. SVtX out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in Kiddle life, can be traced to blood poison con- IrTetrty ra Sin of the Parent. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly- treated and driven out iti the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it doe this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. I 7-a a cures contagious Blood Vv . Poison in any and all stages; contains no ) mineral to break down your constitution : it is Kurely vegetable and the only blood puri er known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. . Our little book on, contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a Cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA Clw I 4 Initttb Vvtici.c AU i:Ut (-All. But Coimrh byrup. Tamo ood. CTw iu iin?s. ri!'M n uriiMKiwtn, aus c2s3 Cm Knives ta Quarrels. In Burmah in Coylon, and, though fortunately in a lessor degree, in Mit dras, .quarrels are constantly occurring in which knives are brought into play and serious wounds inflicted, reaultin; more than often not in death. The knives used In Ceylon hto sheath knives, and for long the law abiding coniniunitv has been trying to go' the authorities insist on those knives being made with a button on the tip. They would thus be rendered harmless for stabbing, while still available for legitimate use. A Delusion. Willie Those gold fish you sent home are fakes. -Simeon How do you know? "Why, I took thorn out of the water and they turned. brown in IS minutes.' MILLIONS A YEAR INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF MONEY LOST BY THE WORKING CLASSES Aalutervlaw With George V. Hammond of Taenia, Wah , at Han Who Tailke from Experience). ., The money lost annually by skilled workmen of all occupations figures up to millions of dollars and is becoming greater every year. This amount of money represents mainly time lost and the serious effect upon the social com' fort of the workingiuen and their fain ilies is evident. Mr. George V. Ham' mond, of Tucouut, AVash., said the other day: "I have lost mv share of time but am thankful to sav that I have not been losing any of late." 'You dun t look as if you bad lost the much through sickness." C "No, and I don t feel so. But fact remains that I was a very man. I took cold along in 1889 rheumatism settled in my arms sick and and shoulders. I suffered for three years and nothing relieved me until! m April 1892, upon the recommendation ol my sister, I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People and found relief in the second box. I took five boxes in all and now am entirely cured and have had no occasion to use them since." Mr. Hammond resides at No. BIO N. Steele street, Tacoma, Wash., and at the request of the reporter made affi davit to his above statement before James II. Peee', a notary public, on July 5, 1901. There is a popular idea that rheuma tism is caused by exposure to cold and that some localities are infected with it more than others. Pnch conditions frequently promote the development of the disease, but, from the fact that rheumatism rung in certain families, it is shown to lie heriditary and, con sequent! v a disease of the blood. Frequently an individual, in whose family rheumatism has not occurred, develops the disease, and when a diag nosis of the cage is made, it is general Iy found that the ailment is due to a derangement of the blood, External applications may afford tem porary relief, but to cure the disease it is necessary to treat it through the blood. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People go directly to the seat of the dis order, pruifying and enriching the blood by eliminating poisonous ele ments and renewing health giving forces. They are a positive specific not only for rheumatism, but for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache the aftereffects of grip or fevers, and of other acute diseases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weakness, either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box : six boxes, two dollars and fifty cents, by addresisng Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get the genuine; substitutes never cured any body. Indian Territory Coal Deposits. Some idea of the value of the coal deposits in Indian territory can be gained when it is known the average thickness of the vein is four feet, which will produce 4,000 tons to the acre. These lands are leased in lots of 900 acres each, which means that 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 tons can be produced by those leasing the land. On this output the lessees pay a royalty of eight cents a ton; The output during the last year was 1,900,127, as against 1,400,441 tons the previuos year. General Bulltr's Wife. Lady Audrey Buller, the wife of Gen. Eir Redvers Buller, is the daughter of the fourth marquis of Townsend, and was the widow of the Hon. G. T. How ard when the famous general won her hand. She is an exceedingly popular woman. , Surely Not Mrs. Unchurch Maud, I wish you wouldn't have so much to do with that young Hinningside. I am told he is a confirmed agnostic. Miss Maud Why, mamma; the agnostics don't confirm people, do they? Chicago Tribune. The Real Thing. She You don't mean to say pro- lessor, that you have given up all your studies in the higher mathematics in order to play golf? , Professor Yes; I have. I wanted something to discipline my mind. - Wind Up of Mourning Period. The year's eourt mourning for the late Queen Victoria will come to an end on January 22. If the opening of parliament should take place, as is ex pected, on the following day, it will ba the first full state cercmoniial functirn of the new reign. On the opening day ot the season the king will be accom panied by the queen and by all tl e members of the royal family who may be then in England. - Has Voted Many Yuri. John Strunk, of Strondsburg, Pa., 93 years old, failed to vote at the fall election for the first time eince he be came of age, and then only - because 1 is son was unable to drive with him rn election day to the polling place, whith Is 14 miles from bis home. CLOTHING. Remember that the moat essential thing to a child's appearance la com fort Unless the little fellow la at ease In his garments be will uot look well, aud, as a general rule, the more simply children are Clothed the better will be the result I Ms such a mistake to put a bealtby. frolicking young chap Into a stiff. Ill-fittlnpr suit of clothes, with collnr thnt pinches and shoes that are uncomfortable, lu the attempt to ninke the proper appearance. How much better an easy-fitting, simple little suit, with shoes that tire neat and comfort able, and wfll-uiade waists and linen , collars. Koc. after all, style noes not consist so much In the garment as the way they are made, and the manner of weariim them. Oue of the. prettiest lit tle overcoat for a youngster of 0 to 8 years Is made of tan or brown kersey, with a double-breasted front and pret ty belt of patent leather, fasteulns with a heavy brass harness . buckle. Turnover velvet collar, forming a small bood lu the back of the coat Brass buttons and Tarn O'Shanter cap of tan leather. The second lad shows a very popular suit of Scotch goods In a mixed brown. The trousers have a slight bloomer ef fect, and are very loose and comfort able. Norfolk coat, with yoke lu rront and back. Single-breasted, and belt of same material. . The last suit Is made of the ever pop ular navy blue serge, which never wears out. The little single-breasted vest and cutaway coat mate a very swell little suit with short trousers, which are pressed with a slight crease In front The white vests are effective with this style of coat In spite of Its capacity for hard work. the elephant seldom sleeps, more than four, or occasionally five, hours a day. There are eight hundred public baths In Toklo. wblcb are patronised dully by three hundred thousand persons. The charge Is about half a cent- The New Hampshire Historical Soci ety has the original pateut on a process for the use of steam In propelling boats. t was Issued to Samuel Morley. Search 1705, aud was signed by George Washington. Twenty years sgo hardly 20 per cent of our man-of-war's men were native born, and not 50 per cent even natural ized citizens. To-day fully 90 per cent are American citizens, and neaily 70 per cent are American born. Texas Is the largest State In the Union, with an area of 200.011 square miles, and Rhode Island the smallest, with 1.247 square miles. Texas would make 213 States as large as IthouV I si- and. and have four hundred square miles left over, or more thuu twice as much as la the District of Columbia. The Department of Agrlcuture Is anx. lous to encourage the growing of flow ers for perfume-uiakltig lu this country. and attention is called to the fact that condltious In the Southern States, aud particularly In Southern California, nre exceptionally favorable for Industries of this kind. It Is believed that In Cali fornia the essential oil, or attar of roses. might be produced on an exteusiva scale to great advantage. During the burning of the Standard Oil Company's tanks at Bayoune. V J., July, 1900, an immense column of smoke, shaped at the top like an um brella, rose Into the air. where very little wind was stirring, to an elevation, measured by trlangulation. of 1:1411 feet or more than two miles and a half. Above the column white clouds farmed In an otherwise cloudless sky. and re mained visible for two days, the fire continuing- to burn and the smoke to rise. After the explosion of a gas oil tank flames shot up to a height of 3,000 .feet and the heat radiated from them was felt at a distance of a mile and three-quarters, where it was more no ticeable than close to the tire. To Care Stammerers. It Is said tbat stammerers rarely. If ever, show any Impediment of speech when speaking In whispers. On this fact a new method of treatment has been advocated, wblcb Is as follows: For the first ten days speaking Is pro hibited. This will allow rest to the Tolce and constitutes the preliminary stage of treatment During the next ten days speaking Is permissible lu the whispering voice, and. In the course of the next fifteen days, the ordinary con versational tone may be gradually em ployed. An Old Timepiece. An Interesting exhibit at the Smith sonian institution Is an old German clock that was ticking about fifteen years before the birth of the great American republic. It keeps good time and la 140 years old. ' It Is made of bard wood and the -work was nil doue by band. Every piece of the mechan ism Is highly polished, and It Is put to gether with band-wrought rivets of brass. Tbe parts show very little wear and the time piece Is so carefully con structed that It does not vary a second In time during twenty-four hours. The Great Food Staple. Rico forms a larger part of human food than tbe product of any ntber one plant, being tbe diet of India. China, and tbe Malayan Islands and occupy ing a place on the tables of 1)0 per cent of tbe Inhabitants - of tbe civilized world. One may safely venture the as sertion that 8O0.0U0.000 people eat rice every day in the year. New Vork Press. Ever remark bow. a dog admires tbe boy who owns blni? COSSRT IN BOYS' SiGtrWoritbn Ktrtu Valentino Telia Ho w Lyttta C PInkham'a Vogota bio Compound Cured Harm Happiness will go out of your life forever, my slater, If you have any of the symptoms mentioned in Mrs. Valentine's letter, ynl'w you set Procure Lydia E. Pink' ism' Vegetable compound at t ine. It is absolutely sure to help you. Then ; write for advice If there is anything about your ease you do pot under stand. You need not be afraid to tall the things you could not explain to the doctor your letter will be seen only by women. All tho persons who see priv ate letters at Mrs. Plnkhnm'B Labora tory, at Lynn. Mass., are women. AU letters are confidential and advice abso lutely free. Here is the letter: "It is with pleasure that I aud my testimony to your list, hop ing it may in duce others to avail them selves of the benefit of your valuable rem edy. Before taking Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I felt very bad ly ,was terribly nervous, and tired, had sick headaches, no appetite. Cnawing pain in stomach, pain in my ack and right side, nnd to weak I could scarcely stand. I was not able to do nnything. Bad sharp paias all through mv body. Before I had taken half a bottle of your medicine, I found myself improving. I continued its utt until I had tnken four bottbs. and felt so well thnt I did not need to take any more 1 am like a new person, and yonr medicine shall always have my prais." Mrs.. W. P. Valentin, do6 Ferry Avenue, Camden, N.J. &EOOO ml" far Iwsw TJim . Plnkham Mmdkalnm Ota Injudiciously Chosen Text A church was a considerable time without a pastor. A ureat number of persons of varied talents preached to them with a view of obtaining the post. All went well until he gave out the text: "See that ye refuse not him that speaketh." Imagine the consternation the people experienced when he read out the text in a lofty and commanding manner. He was umiwaro of the feel ing he created. The people did the op posite from the text. The young man was not called. Best Monument to McKinley. There has been much planning for Mc- suitable memorintls to William i Kinley. There could be no more ap- propriate tribute paid to his memory than the completion of a trans-isthmian canal, which in his last public utter ance he advocated as a project essential to the full success of trade expansion. The canal when built should stand as a monument to the far sighted president who did more than any other man to make its coutsrtiction necessary. National Magazine for December. Not Lost Entirely. I Miss Maude No, Mr. Smith, I can never be your wife, but I will always be your sister. ' Mr. Smith I'm afraid, Miss Maude, that you will not long accord me even i that comfort. " I Miss Maudt! Oh, don't worry about that, l have just promised to marry your brother. A Bad Break in Society, Jack Fortune-Hunt Yes, she reject ed me and all because of a bad break I made when I was proposing. Dick Adams What was that? Jack Fortune-Hunter Oh I told her she was one in a thousand. She thinks-) she's one of the Four Hundred. Cath olic Standard. Horny-Handed. When the labor organizations turned out the other day several well known politicians were seen in their ranks. "Didn't know those fellows be longed," said a querolous onlooker. "Oh yes," said a man of informa tion , "they're members of 'the Wire workers' Union." Indianapolis News. His One Chance "Goodness! I do hope our young minister won't marry that Miss Strong mind." "I didn't think you took so mnrh interest in him as to care very much." "I'm thinking of myself, that's all. If he marries her he'll never have a chance to talk except from the pulpit, an' n we'll suffer." Philadel p' la Press. I he Kind You I lava Alwnvs MR5W.P VALENTINE ture of Chan. II. Fletcher, and lias been made umlcr his personal (supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive yon in tills. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jiiflt-aa-good are but Experiment, and endanger tho health of ChildrenExiicrieuco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorfst Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and KoothLupr Syrups. It Is lMeasunt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotlo substance. Its arte is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcverishncss. It cures Dkirrbqcn. and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and IIowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Fanocca The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the In Use For Over; 30 Years. Twt et-rlum oommmv, yr .uha, YR.rr, Aw vox erry. Ctrl Cadojan'i linmsnn EsttU. ', Some Idea of Earl Cadogan's wealth may be gathered from the fact thnt some 13 or 14 yours ago he expended a quarter million pounds on tho purchase of tie Oil ford ostatu, in Suffolk, and tho rebuilding of the hones, shortly afUir this lie presented an oxtunnlvotutu in Chelsea, known as llliirklands, to Uiu Guinness trust, for the erection ot workmen's dwellings. It Is prohiihlo thlU dur.I1(t . the next few years his wealth will bo doubled. Lovt Ideal'iu, All active love iilonli--thnt Is, sees and loves the Ideal of the loved one. Often, indeed, the absorption In the idonl Is so complete that the outer life is mistakenly supiosed to be Identical with it, thus opening the way to shuck aud bitter disappointments. . Craft In Our Ports. There are about $30,000,000 worth of craft In our Atlantic and gulf porta any day In the your. The weather bureau can reach every vessel master In every port of material sUe within an hour in case ot danger. ' Lighthouse Belli Under Witir. The Rov. John M. Bacon, the Eng lish balloon expert, insists thut light houses should have warning bolls under as well as above water, because In a storm sound travels further uudur water than through the air. And They Marveled, And what are you making?" we asked of the Intelligent Arisun, as we admired the play of his brawny mus cles. "Mnkin'cowca tchers for milk trains," he replied without looking up from his work, Whoreat we passed on, marveling greatly at the Intricacies of modern sci ence. Baltimore American. ProllU In Altar of Rose. One of the most profitable products of Bulgaria is the oil or attstr of roses, w hich amounts to more than $1,000,000 annually. The town of Sklpka, where was fought the decisive buttle of the Turku-Bussian war, on the 7th of Turku-Bussian 'July. 1877, Is the center of the rose gariions. SEAFARING MEN a t i . wunxu run uai hp o --flVS 1. OILED CLOTHING IT WILL 0 KECK 1UU UK I in ine Werrocv waiTiin LOOK rOB ABOVE TfADtnMtt ON SALE EVEkTWHcRc CATALOGUES FCtC SHOWING PULL OFfiAPHfNTi ANDHATA A J.TOWER CO. BOSTON. MA35. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Puitiatid, Umsun. Fouuded IBM l Roma School for Boys. Military and Manual Tulilij. Write (or Illustrated Catalans. ARTHUR C. NCWILL, Principal M.&M.ARCS J 450 PorChnreh, Htore, Flf.fl. IIhII, Ht el Llvhtlni. lii Limn arv iiafe, ' nomlenl nnd roll ble, Mf wliit uri think of then by aUdrftiHitiig C. W.'JLORD, Portland. Or. Knobn and tolvn bhereber good crops are grown. Sold everywhere. iqot Annual FREE. D. , Ft (T CO. Detroit, Kfoh. Hnnn - lit lms bnrnA tlm kip-mv. Signature of A VLB a si ' i r i n ItNE lawSSSSBhSBMisaBJSiaU 60vei Uses Pe-m-na For Colds t r 1 as hi; i Jiiilifllll' V i.M.aasu . .fti-v, - . i.-ib'K,stMHM; '.. !iitrj-lai-L'iilli.' - CAPITOL BUILDING, SALEM, OREGON. ' A Utter From tho Executive Office ol Oregon. Po-rti-na la known from the Atlantic tlnually In tho bouse. In a recent let to the Pacific. letters of congrutulu- tion and commoudution testifying to the merits of Pe-ru-na as a catarrh remedy are pouring in from every state In the union. Dr. ilurtman Is receiving hun dreds of such lutters daily, All classes write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. - 1 The outdoor laborer, the Indoor arti san, the clerk, tho editor, the states man, the preachor nil agree that Pe-ru-na Is the catarrh remedy ol the ago, The stage and rostrum, recognitiiig catarrh as their greatest enemy, are esiociully enthusiastic, in their praise and testimony. Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Cuturrh Is well-nigh universal; almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-na Is the only absolute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. lo-ru-na not only cures r-ttttttrn, out prevents, fcvery household should le supplied with this great remody (or coughs, colds and so forth. Tho governor of Oregon Is an ardent adnilrur of Pe-ru-na. lie keeps it con- I . Motors for Tire Cnjt a I The first town in Kimluml tft do away with horses at the fire stations Is Ke cles. Mayor V. Smith has supplied the engine houses with powerful little mo tors, which were proved Burcesful In every wiy. The engine curries five iiieu, four ladderx, ,'Ut) yartls of bore. I two stundpipes and other appliances, ! It is driven by a seven horse power double cylinder water cooler engine fitted with variable Ignition. Koi) i-y DnrtrlrM ffiomund tlwitHtihntxl'ftlen -Yf ry wi.rrts in nun im i'-umiio ' iv OvUtfUa' uuimimhi irtc tniJ on bouuiu. JToHet imermM V mJ MtMl4ll,14rlrsj, 1901 1 ,5(720 Vslt. H itf m,t Hon Than flwMM M four fsara w . C Kniirt. nm, aM aftls more nwi'i Ss snatwl S.-1.&0 .liont tlmtt any mhvr two rnan-f In tlw wtrtl. IV. I. Ildiiulas Kurt a'Mt la.ao ,,on inarwd )! S.-y i Willi t.J) aiKt r,ji l,.. of ollmr waH-a, atv fiinM lo In lu as uu.nl. I will out oar lo pair ot orumarr anil .wwon. Mailt ot tut Sort ItaUtri. Including fHfM Corona Kid. Cnrotia Colt, anil flntiiuml Kangaroo. f.M C.I.F Rf.lH. ..4 SI.,. HmIi. .m.. W.L.I1.sm4.oo "Otn SS,. I.I.." Ma. fe. m.ii. BEST FOR L nn 1 11 " SHOIS fewL ill SCIT I ' I tt in tmc .. v, ! yj I WORLD I ') LS ' FOR MEN ., I j Psweeten""' tsa thestomachJ v- ' VEGETABLE ISCB&& LIVER TONIC j CCgl&t) aWllWllW)rlWllw . "HaWMBala i MILD BUT SURE I CURE - it i rnNQTiPATinM I NEVER SOLD j 3Ca3l IN BULK J in -f $100 REWARD '3 WiTttfn?-S5 . . . ,. ' " somsthini Jut as good" when CswareU r, c,u4 lor, vA furaisa rriln upon wtiich wt csa convict. All coni;onaeDct confidntlI, OliEGOi! in His -Family and Grip. ( tor to Dr. Ilurtman ho sayst State of Oregon, Executive Department, Btilum, May V, 181M. The ro-ru-nti Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio) , Dour Sirs I have had occasion to uro your l'o-rn-im mcilli-lne In my fam ily for colds, and it proved to be an eel lent remedy. I have not had occ. sion to ure it fr other ailments. Yours very truly, W, M. Ixird. It will be noticed that the governor says ho has not hud occanlm! to ue l'e rti-na (or other ailments, The reason for this Is, mmt other ailments begin with fl cold. I s ng lVriMis to promptly cure colds, he protects his family aKiilnst other aliments. This Is exactly what every other family in the United States should do. Keep Pe-ru-tta in the house, t'so it for conjihs, colds, la grippe, and other climutla affections of winter, and there will be no other ailments In tho house. Huch hi in i litis should provide theinrelves with a copy of lr, Uiirtnian's free Ixiok, en titled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Ilurtman, Columbus, Ohio, Prtildsnt RsoMVslt's Hors. . President Roosevelt's now hordes, Admirnl and General, weigh tiipether 2,350 pounds. The coachman and foot man wear red, white and blue corkado which was the badge worn by Jeffur souiun Itepublicans until 1718. - 1 - - -' i JOHN POOLS, Portland, Oregon, Moat at Hants trfc Can rlvs yoa the best brflns lit Pnmries, Clows. Koiij-rS snd K ii,is, Win mdls snd I'll in o an I linusral Machiuerr. See us beiore buyloi. The Farmer's First Profit It msJa In hit flpciloo ot m.1. Svutl lor Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREE! 1 II rnnUIn full dfrcrflitn for pur.t.-a work a n1 ninjr aftil tnhi-f,ir tli Uruitr. No tmr . fU iK'itur t hfHim tllBII LAUiiKltKij.N'H Br.y.Dn, LAMBERSON . Pcrlland, Oreson Aew Year Resolutions Kcclcy Curo lua XUsrsUst bom ilqaor, opium aol Iaa4s SaUts, Saoj lot partiatuara is Ieily Institute. KXVSrtiUW::?: BIG MONEY FOR IGENTS St-llinjt niy goods under m w plan. A tried article that sells on its iiit"rit. Write riiick for psrtlcnlsrs and xxclusivn trr ritory. Lock Box Ot'6 Portlaiid. Or. N. P. N. O. s-twns. vvu, KN wrltlnar i uanitlm this pap.lv THE BOWELS to as ao ALL QRUCCIST3. tssts rood, T.nt hsm lttt esndy. Thuy rrniova any bad tnsi In ths mnuih, li v Ins th braath awest snd ptrfumi-d. It Is f, pltaaura to Inks thim, and tnty srs Iked peelaUy by children, swtsteo tha slomnrh by rifsnslnf the mouth, thrust and food chanr.rl. That maana, thay slop undlgsslt-d food from souring tn I ho alomsrh, irvnt naa torm ina; In tha tiowla. and kill dlsrusa rms of sny kind tbsl braed and feed In lbs aiv tlrs syattm. are purely vaiwtsWs nd contain no mar- eurtal or ottir mlnaral poison. Thy coti lat of ths lattat dlarovsrlas In nifcllcliia, snd form a combination of r, mn1lc-s nn fqualtd to niaka ths blood pura and rich and make oltan skin and beautiful com plexlon. !2"i..,Jl,!l."ln,,',B "ow1' 1 stir ui th .... .., ... mi,, nn not marv y sorira .unaii ana nut tfit'm iniw tion natS?a.l!jr- """SM'"l Kln tb.lr so- riTr rrlp norr-lpa. Thay set qulady, pos Itlvary snd tiav.r u ,', kind of uncom fortablaftallns. Taken n Biil.rio .u- n.k. hou.dv,Th.v .""J;r?L'? s '.'i Itrnniirlw ( ir ' , " " tij ine uuu pro inenssa ths flow of milk In niirslnt moth HI Ju'tK11""!?.' LJi. 11 make. "w,"' m turn Ciena. nar mils miiniy purest vs and has a mild i...?iVtehI.onl,r ,af 'aatlve for tbe tskan pstl.ntly, persistently, will curs form Of const nallnn - ..'. sny w old or Piii-chssa money will ba cheer" ully r- funded. ohesrftilly ra- cost lOo, Jfie, toe s bos. 8amplB aorit fre L?.r.ti1,V.k""r' v Publish no testimonial ' -'areia on tne r merit under b- ftd booklit.0' W',, U' ,0' ,8m''1, ' tsswas stbiimm BBintor co., niitiAtie saw fuss. F 0- J r