Till: OllEGOX MIST. MUD (VERY tUlUAY NOkXIMU IV !. DAVID DA VI 8, . KlllTOH Al pROrMETOR. JUtaauuj--. U-'!iu!ji.-i....j..jj.u...j..i.iiiaj Mr. Frank Barne, o( Qulncv, Or,, nd Mis Ullle. Martin, eldest daughter ol Mr. Krluk Martin, of the Kant valley, worn married In Portland lt Hunilay. Mill Mamie Anderson and Albert Mar tin wMiit up to attend tha wedding. Mr. nd Mm. Unmet will make their home t Qulnoy. Hkatttokawa Eagle. . A petition will be prevented to the uIiikiI district bouwlnry board at iti meeting in January praying for the ad dition ol aouia property to thin dtNtrlot, Iwlng the , Oeorlg (arm, on Germany hill. The children realillng there have been attending the actioo! in thla dis trict, while another district wa receiv ing the financial bene tit. We are very much obliged to "Occa alunai" for hit contribution to ourool ttuius thla week ol a number of well written, splojr new item from Heap pooae. We are alway glnd to have inch favor bestowed upon UK, and "Occa sional" ha gained a firmer hold on the machinery In our anatomy which manu-fnt-tarv appreciation, and if he'll come oftener he can have full control of the throttle that ttarta the whole business in motion. The dance given at till place Thanks giving; evening wasaaucouss both socially nd financially. -There were forty-nine nuraber out, indicating a sufficiently large crowd to Insure a good time. Mr. Ed. Htanwood. of Yankton, and Mr. burrows, of Hidgefleid,. were the win ner of the flrit price for boat waltzing. Mr. llrlce told a reporter of thia paper that he would give a grand tnaaqaerade ball here on Christmas, which, wilt no doubt, be largely patronised., The many frlenda of Mr. and Mr, frank Dow will regret to learn of the continued serious illness of their young et on. Altr removing to Portland the little fellow w attacked with thlckeiipox, later dipthtlieria and later with typhoid fever, from which the un fortunate boy ha now been auflerlns nearly three week, tie wa removed from Portland to their uiiimer cottage at Hvadile laat Baturday, where it i imned a speedy and permanent recovery will be had. Tha fee collected in the county clerk' office during the month of Uovember mounted to the mug (nin of f244.90 for reeordina and court fee, Besides tills amount the clerk colluded during the month I3fi.8tt of dellnqunnt tax. The earnings of the clerk' otllce are gradually increanlng each year, a a matter of fart, the volume of business bemg on the luoreaae. tor year or more there ha been -treat deal of transferring of title to land, wnicn ma terially awell Uie volume of buainea in the clerk ' office. The dlspatchee from Forest Grove in Tuesday 'a Omeonlan ttated that JohnO. llrvnnt had been unaninmualy chosen captain of the I'aeiiic University foot 111 eleven for next year. Mr. Itryant' home la at (Jlatskanie. ami a he aim Watson Philbmok, of lloulton, and Arthur Hall, of Claukanie, are member ol the Pacific University font-ball team, it indicate that Columbia county ell mate and condition are auch as to pro duce nmt first las peclnien of phvnl cal manhood. Puny Indlvhliii wouldn't lat long In game of football. Judge Poan bronght np from Rainier Mondnv three dxls lor reconi. convey in title to J. li. Yeon of all the timber nn llUl sa-fM nl laiul awnM bv Josetih llarkenberg, 10 acre owned hy John ilomlrioksen and 200 acre owned by Mn. K. Lohman. of Portland. The nrire naid for the Haekenberg timber was MOO. forth Heudrlckson timber 11000. for the Lohman timber $1500, These latee are a result of the recent yarchaaoof the Star Logirlu Co', plant. . and it la understood that Mr. Yeon will purchase all the timber that i for (ale in that vicinity. Hurrv Bherman waa in town Tueaday from Yankton. He wa doing business wit1! the county clerk not ngotiatlng for a licenae to wed bnt wa having a mortgage canceled, which indicate that he i proeperon. Harrv t member nf tha firm of gtanwood 4 Bberman Bros., who are making a incce of their sawmill business tliere. They (tarted In on email wale, but have gradually bit It in their iius nesa. aaueu new ma chlnery to their plant and made other improvementa until they hae lirt class manufacturing concern. They have enjoyed good trade till eaoa nd aro correspondingly happy and prosperous. TnnaAi anui a biff dav for Milton -crnek loffoer. a over million feet of Inn were driven out of that stream. The log belong, for the most part, to J t HmhI and Abraham U rouse, now ever. Rm Stanwood had a few log votorwl atom- the stream. The flood Kate of the big dam, near Yankton were rained early in the forenoon, and the 'tremendous volume of wter and log w.m. with a ruah. and the drive wa vnrv successful. It I estimated that her were nearly two million feet of log In tbe creek, bnt nearly one-third ol them hung up in the croek near Orouae' place, and another attempt wtll tie necessary to got tnera vj buo wwr. Fire waa discovered lattt Welneday morning nndor Thomn Oooner' aloon, j the. oocu pant of the 111m ront retaurnt. The alamn wa given and the railroad boy were oon on hand and the aide door wa Jammed In and etream of water . waa tamed on the fire 4rnm the I made 'and another from the restaurant waa turned on below, no in few miiiubwi the two atreama had ex tinguiahed tin flame. The tire wa atarWd In pile of lumber under the ' ealoon, which wa evidently wturated with several gallons of oil. No damage mu done excepting to the floor, which wa burned through In teveral place. The Are company wss called out, put the fire wa extlnguinbed before they could get to the Are. Kalama Bulletin. We (ailed to mention fast week, along with other awarda to Columbia county -products at the lltffnlo Exposition, that received by the Holaday nursery, at ffln.nnnnM Thl. inrd ia undoubtedly ,themot notworthy of ny ward re oelved by Columbia county people, be cause it waa a goiu moum, warded for collective exhibit of freh 'IrulUi, eaon of 11X11, being a ope , pear and plum. Holaday are build ing forthemeelve wide reputation for fruit and niueery stock, this award being tho bet dvetriement any In dmtry of that nature could possibly re ceive. We doHlre to oirr further reo omineiidntlon for the Holaday nursery, thla la tha eaon of tlw year when .order are being given for wnreery tock for fall planting, and thoe about to et out an orchrd hould avaU themrolvea of the experience ol the manager of the Holadny nursery, who have been en- tngnd in tb buaiiie lor many years, t always pays to buy home grown nursnry stock, and to disregard - the n( the man with aome- thinii new and wonderful. The variety if t,.A and trim to name urown and ,,oldliy Holadaysaliouldbe amolmitrec- oinmeiuutiou to inwnoing siurcunro.. Judge Illaiichard wa up from Rainier Mnndny. Rudolph Ilenrlnl wa down from the liland Wednesday. Lon Bmlth and daughter, of Yankton, were In Portland Tuesday. Mr. 0. 1.. Aver waa In from hi home near Peri last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Kappler. of Yankton, were in Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Cooper, of Kalatna, vis ited her parents la this city a day or two thi week. It I expected that the new bridge aero Fox Creek, at Rainier, will be completed next week. Rev. Mr. l'hllbrook will preach next Sunday at Bachelor Flat at 11 a. m., and at St. llolnm in the evening at 7 :W. - George Parker, of Pittsburg, expect to remove to lloulton oon, where he will be engaged at cutting wood for the winter. Mr. Solomon Rock, of Perls, wa out from hi ranch Tuesday, and continued on to Portland, where He transacted business. A petition for new road In the vi cinity of Oulncv has been filed with the county clerk. Ther are thirty-two signer on the petition. A Brand marauerade bull will be rven at ftwppoose Christina night by Messr. L. Brawn and J. White. Ticket, In cluding tupper, 11.60; tpectator, 25 cent. Letter for the following perton re mained uncalled for at the Ht. Helen pontotlice on December lit: Mis Maud Watts, 1; James William, 1; A. R. Wood, l. The steamer OaUert was unable to weather the gale that prevailed in the vicinity of Tongue point Tueaday even Ini. and consequently laid over Wednes day in Aitoria. M. C. Uray, the genial lightning dinger for the Pacific Poatal company, at thi place, wa out Monday on a tour of inspection of the line, going a tar south as Holbrook. L. W. VanDvke went to Woodland Monday evening to awmme charge, temporarily, at least, of the New, new paper being established there by R. II. Mitchell, of thi city. Dr. 3. E. Hall waa un from Clatskanie Tueaday to attend the meeting of the board of pension medical examiner. The doctor remained over night In our town, and continued to Portland Wednesday. We reoublish thla week the list of subjects to be treated at the entertain ment to taxe place at ricappoose, iwem ber 24, as tills promises to be an affair of more than unusual merit and interest. Col. Peter Dolman and hi bride, of Montana, annnt several rfnva in tills cltv this week, the guest of Mr. W. H. Dol man, who is a brother. The gentleman is engaged extensively in mining in Idaho. Mr. John Urln. whose familv reside at Houiton. and who ha been employed at Fort Steven for teveral year, spent Thanksgiving at home, and on Tuesday went to V ancouver, where he will remain tome time in the employ of the govern ment. . A tolesranh brief In Wednesday' Orraonian said: "The Waukesha Springs, Wis., Sanitarium Dunning, nearing cotnnletlon. burned last night. jm nut 000 " Thla la nndotibtlv tbe Institution that wa being built by Dr. Byron Capie. Mrs. Kineline Meeker.' of this cltv. has been seriouslv ill for several day, but i now reported improving. Mr. Meeker I one of the first settlers of this oart of the countv. and bas many Irienda who will regret to learn of her serious tllnesaj Mr. Alfred Cleveland, of Astoria, spent a dav or two in this city laat week, viaiit- ln friends. Mr. Cleveland was tint Ian Sromoted from the principalship of the Ineyachool, in Astoria, to tbe prlnd nalahin of the fihivelv school, in that city, where there are afx roomsand about 260 pupils under nia cnarge, a mri nis manv friends in tbi county will be pleased to know. A. II. Tarbell wa in town Monday from hi Bachelor Flat mill. Mr. Tar bell told a reporter that be had enjoyed a splendid patronage at ma mm mis year, and at the present time nas an trie order ne can nanuie. nr. mrwiii ia nmmtrln to Increase the boiler ca pacity of hf mill so that he will be able to meet tne oemanu maue on on point for next aeason' work. He Is manufac turing good grade of lumber, both rough and dressed. Monday evening was the time for the regular monthly meeting of the city council, and majority of the members met and allowed number of claim and aa loomed, to meet again at the oall of the president, some time during the month, when the question of repairing and constructing sidewalks win ue taxeu nn. There should be some definite plan agreed upon, right away, in order that the walk to lloulton might receive tbe attention It greatly needs. Last week Mr. W. D. Connell. of Deer Island, drove fifty head of prime beef steer to Portland, where he sola tnero w w Unanliltiiff for a fancv nrlre. Two or three year ago Mr. Connell nnit tha dairv business and has since devoted his time and place solely to tock-raising, which 1 proving an eml nent success. Tbe nana oi steers re cently cold by Mr. Connell is said to be the finest bunch of cattle ever driven out of this countv. Ilonlton Woedmen Entertain. lliuvm. ijwum'i, camp of Woodmen of which the com munity may feel justly proud. Through n,a ,nimalt nl the members of that eamn tha editor of thi paper wa af forded the pleasure of attending the first public entertainment and sociable given by them, and if that one is an index of tha function usually prepared we state without hesitation that ss a ..i.i nrHav It has few eouals and ne peers. Thl affair took place Wedne- duy evening and will long oe remem bered by ad who participated. There tavnfaa ah DAP inn twmle nreeent. who were oiw antnrtnWd throughout the early n.rt of tha evening by meritorious rNiitrammr. nnnnlstintr of readings, reel (iinn. music sneeches and various W desire here to conipli' ment the Honlton Wotximen upon the at dlanlavail and exDenM incurred In Haenratlnv their lodgeroom. We have H - . . , . , IJ -Mr unii mora heauuf Ul interior uw ..iinni la pnliimhla oauntv. Later in the evening the gneau were escorieu w the dining hall ol tne nouivon nnn An AiaKnpata luncheon wa en inva,l This feature deserve apecial mention. Mr. and Mr. Matthew not only demonstrated the trnthfulne of the saying mat "ino -way -heart la through hia atomach," but tbey demonstrated the fact at they havojno ,i in tlia nnuntv as caterer! In tin's resnect. The Houiton camrl of i,a twin orffsmzed but a lew mntha. hnt It ia destined to becdme for rood in the com. mnnlty. The personnel of Us member- .i.i n i nf t.iia nicrnesL citnnivHir, Iiiaiiraa anncus. TrulVCnoUgh the community may well be proud of its newest social, fraternal and Denin .I.,. trder. Houiton eauip No. 000. Woodmen of the World. . ClaUkanle Brief. Some 200,000 shingle are piled up at the railroad station for shipment from Norman Merrill' mill. He 1 making a fine grade of shingle. A dance at Kednien' hall, and re ception at the parsonage on Thursday evening gave people choice of enter tainment for the evening. The logger on Clatikanle got to work to loosen the Jam of logs left by the flood of the previous week. They feel satisfied now that the logs will come at the next raise of water, if proper care is taken, At the meeting of the cltv council last Monday evening, tbe resignation of Frank Merrill wa read and accepted, and P. J. Popham wa (elected to till the vacancy as councilman for tbe bal ance of the year. Rev. Hawkins rode over to Mayger Thursday afternoon to perform tbe cere mony tuat united miss Minnie Mayger and Mr. Haas as husband and wife. He report very pleasant occasion, with ?uit number of guests from about loioe and elsewhere. Prof. F. 0. Wbitten is packing hi household goods thi week to move to 1'ortland. a location more central for hia present field of operation. He and hi wife have euch taught in our public schools with ability and success, and their leaving town ia matter for regret, tempered by reflection that they may M useim einewnere. A vacancy exists in the school board hich. we understand, there is a dispo sition to fill by selecting woman who Is eligible for the place. Since district No. 6 is a llntrict of the second clans, it requires a person to own property in the district in his or her own name, to be eligible either as voter at school meet ings or as school director. Thanksgiving exercises at the church were quite largely attended, and proved very interesting. As announced by pro gramme, brlcl addresses were given ny Rev. Prof. H. B. Esson. on "Our Schools," Chas. Hall, "Our Young Peo ple," Miss Olive HarrU, "Our Women," Dr. Hall, "Our Government" Rev. Hawkins, "Our Churches." All these ildresses were carefully prepared and stened to with marked attention. Tbe business house were generally closed tiring portion of the day. pen J. P. Report of St. Helens School. Following I the report of tha St. Hel en school for the mouth ending Novem ber 23. aDVAMCKU DKPARTM KNT Whole No. day taught. 630 Day absence 104 No. times tardy 6 Pupils neither absent nor tardy A fa ble Black, Alfred Dagget, Bertha Dart, Grace Dart, Sadie Ellis, Alfred George, Ada George, liessle Hattan, Mamie Mc Clay, Henry McKibben, Rbea Pinokney, Alice Quick, Dixie Spinner, Elba Van Dyke. Celia Van Dyke. Lonnie VsnDyke, LaVelle Watkin, Raymond Watts, Dora C rouse. raiMABT DKPABTMEKT. Whole No. day attendance. . . . , . ,627 Whole No. day absence ,.. i No. time tardy. 14 Pupil neither absent nor tardy : Harry Richardson, Stuart MoKie, Hu mor lloKle. Johnny Lindsay, Harry Thorpe, Frankie Thorpe, Orville Mai- 1 t'.l -J X 1 1 1.1 T-.mI Willi, uuwaru uubi. wifuiii toiij, Ruth Richardson, Velma Van Dyke, Annie Quick, Lena Lindsay, Ernest Johns, Alice Richardson. Principal, Gxirnii'DC F. Collins. Assistant, Lulu Geoho. ' ; PROBATE MATTtRS. Judge Doan waa in the county seat Monday, holding regular term of Drobate court. Among other probate matter attended to wa an order made directing the issuance of citation In tbe estate of A. J. Orwlg, deceased. Finn! settlement of the accounts of the administrator of the estate of Elmer E. Whitney, deceased, will be heard by the probate Judge today. The Frlde of Heroes. Many soldier in the laat war wrote to say that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, corns, aore feet and still joints, Bucklen' Arnica Salve i the best in the world. Svne for burns, scalds,' boils, nicer, skin .emotions and pile. It cure or no pay. Only 26c at the St. Helens pnarniacy. - Real Estate Transfers. A. 8. Gordon to B. A. Miliar, m of K'i Jacob Bollinger t From Seappeose. W. T. Watt 1 adding another tboos- nd prune tree to bis orchard. , Three well-organ Ixed and highly in teresting lodges exist at Mcappoose. Holaday & Son have shipped three car load of winter apple to the Denver market. . .' A successful drive of log wa made on North Suapuoose creek during the recent iresliet. F. M. Tompkins ha leased bis farm for a time to a gentleman recently from the East. , : w: n ...... t..u r H.L.. Jinan fjcvkj .uiihpjhi VI iw..r vij, ;ient Thankigiviog with ber sister, Mrs. west. v An entertainment of unusual merit and interest is being prepared for tbe Uhristmaa time. County Clerk Watt and family were among friend and relative at thi place Thanksgiving time. , Olave Johnson ha aold hi interest th sawmill on South Scappooee creek, to liurgdorder brothers. Slavens brother have about completed the new county bridge across ricappoose oreek. It I substantial structure. A dairyman from Seattle bought and shipped car load ot Ireab mux cow Irom ncappoose parties uuring last weex A quiet club dance waa had at Watt Price' ball Wednesday evening of last week. Good order prevailed and good time was uau. Cooner Whitney has lust completed r ..... .t - . . . neat dwelling at Scappooee station. Mr. Whitney is a recent arrival irora tne East and is much pleased with the cli mate here. The Northern Pacific Railroad Com- oanv has ordered the supplies of switches etc., which were unloaded at Scappoose last summer lor tne mtaourg road, re- hipped to Tacouia. Evidently the pro posed road l a thing ol tne remote iu ture. Occasional, Keasey Rotes, Tbe home-coming cf C. C. Keasey and wife, accompanied by Lloyd uetner, made sunshine within the wall . of Homewood on Thursday last. . . A number of the young people from Keasey thought it not too unpleasant to attend services at vernonia rnuraaay evening, also Sunday evening. Thanksgiving ha come and gone, Some were e ad. while otnen were sad Vacant climrs make tearful hearts, but the admonition of St. Paul ia "Giving thanks alway in all things." We have not doubt In our mind but that Tommie Throop is exceed ingly thankful these rainyjmornings when he arrive at the Tucker school-houee, alsojafter he get home at night over three mile travel daily each way mean a desire for an education. Letters received front Mr. D. E Keasev state that she 1 improving in health and the physician savs he see reason whv ahe should not be per fectly restored. Mrs. Keasey ia at El Paso. Texas, and even in that far south em clime the weather is much colder than in Oregon. - - ttt I mmrr n nniirt f haits mm , BUY ASP SULI ST API AND VANCT GROCERIES Hardware, Feed, Dry Goods, Notions AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghklrt, . Maittr. RAILROAD TIME. I.aavM Rainier rlallr foxaeDt BunrtT)foT Port land, M t A. M.. depanlna from HL Beleiit at 8 o'clock. Returning, leaves Portland at 30 V. M., arriving at ttt. Hilsns at 4:46. Passcnzers and Fast FreiEtit. PORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR ST. l 00 of lertlun M. to 7 n. r 4 weftl I icob Bolllnrorto J. R. Bolllnatr. i of wW. nw ol iwU ol Mctlos 7. to 4 a. r 4 wert SIX) 00 Kmenr Blcknell to O. W. Girt. ne'A of eU Ol icfluon . id o. r west tva w . K. DouKhertr to K. L. Ht.nwood, 4 ore. Id n'A of st!4 of secilon t. tp 4 n. ilwul . . 300 00 JuMnh Hackenlienr to J. B. Yeon. wtSi of rctlnn IT, tp 7 n, r wmt. Umber deed.. 800 00 J, H IliHidricknen to J. 11. Yeon. nHf neellon 21, Ip 7 n, r 8 weM. timber deed. 1000 00 B. R. Haver to H. K. Ulrt. H ol IIU OI Bevtioo u, tp s d, r wt wuw Eleanors Lohman to J. B. Yeon, iw and iwu or itu or iiu oi a. iu I n. r a waul, timber deed 1600 00 CharlM klavaerto Charier Erickften. 20 acrefl in ne$4 oi aeonon w, tp a n, r a w vn w W. K. Van to D. W. Freeman. ol isi of aeetlou 2S, tp o n, r 6 want 700 00 A. Van til O. w. Vraeman. Ji6 aeraa In sectlun 30, tp n, r t went JO 00 CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS Recoaneadatlon ef a Well-Kaowa Chicago Fhrslelan. I ose and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all atce. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from cold and coughs and bronchial afflictions. It is non-nar- ootio and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. A universal panacea lor ail man. Mas. maby k. melehdt M. D.. Ph. D.. Chicano. III. This rem' edy is (or sale at the BL Helen phar macy. . 1 A Dsoer in an Illinof town relate that a woman went to the telegraph of fice and informed the operator that ber husband had gone to Chicago to get a motto for Sunday school, but she had forgotten to tell him the inscription or how lame the motto was to be. She then wrote a telegram to him containing the needed information, and handed it to the operator. It read: "My dear Frank. Saratoga hotel, Chicago: Unto us a child 1 born, eight leet long ana two feet wide." GEORGE L.PERRINE ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimate furnished on application. All work guaranteed. CLATSKAtflE, : : : OREOON. DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD OOtOTHB Clatskanie Drug Store roa thkib Drugs and Medicines -0 CHOFCB Toilet Articles and Perfnmery Dr. J. C. HALL. Prtpriiter tiLATSK AXIS' : : VHIOOH. Oriental Hotel Booms Blakulbt, Faor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS At RtASOHABU FlODBI. Visitor met at steamer landlnr and guests' bag- ga looaea alter. COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. ST. HELENS. : : OREGON Braln-FoOd Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind ol tood l needed tor brain, another for muscles, and still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish particular part of the body, but it will sustain every otner part. Yet, however good your food may be. it nuinmeni is aeeiroyea ov inur gestion or dvspepsia. You must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulate the liver to healthy action, purifea the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at the St. Helen phar macy. Get Green' special almanac. OABTOniA. Ba,,., "a" Mw"! Ntf Stanwood & Sherman Bros. MAN OF ACTUK BBS OF- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manufacture flnt-elaas ronffh lumber tor all purpoaM for the trade, which we atsll tt a moat tvuonable figure. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OREGON. YQUR TRADE! We Expect to Get It I By 'giving you just little more for your money than you can get elsewhere. We Expect to Keep It By selling yon quality of goods that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. ' DART.& MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, St. Helena, Oregon. SCHOOL-BOOKS EXCHANGED! Pull state contract prices allowed for your second hand books. Everything for School Uses. GET YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT THE- ST. H ELENS PHARMACY c Veer Island Note. Mr. Albert Adam ia Portland vis itor this week. A! son was born to tbe wife of H. C Gore, on Friday, the 22nd. Mr. Erwln Seffert spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mr. 0. L. Smith. Mr. and Mr. Shearer spent Thanks giving Day with J. M. rayoe ana wiie. Mr. .! Flihartv. of Nome, is visit ing with hi ister.Mr. Will Splawn, of (Janaan. . Tha frltnila of Mrs. E. Merrill will be pleased to learn that ahe i improving in health and liable to ne oat again. James Gaitten and family pent Thanksgiving at lloulton, with Mr. Gaittens' parents, nr. aim airs, a i . Usher., - nharlna F.nirliah. whb has been visit ing relatives and frienda in Portland the last three weeks, returned home Mon day morning. Miss Leona Hardlson, who taught school here last summer, wa married nn tha imh nit. to J. G. Miller, of Port land. They will mae tneir nome at Milwaukee. Christma good at Collins A Gray'a Wa have on hand sow stock of blank receipt book of our own manu facture. These receipt are roomy and each book contain oue hundred blank. A SUNDAY SCHOOL ; Literary Meeting WILL BC HCLD AT THC CONORC QATIONAL CHURCH, AT Scappoose, Dec. 34th Whtn prises will be swsrrled to th beat and asoond bnt, on. Uta followina subjects: 1. Knur ('or meoHTha raaoarees ol Co lumbia county." a. Kay iter women) "A mother's lnflu- ns?' Kmay (tor boys under 18)-"Tbs life of Jse.PKnv jorRri80I1(1er n.'Qun Esther." 6. Poem "Columbia River." 8. Rea.ltn((fnr all ases)-"Ksther,TlII,, 10." 7. Readhi tfor boys under Wl-'Matthew, T' tu Readi'nf (for glrU under JSAsU lj 1, S, " V"BeeluUoa (all se)-"Palm of Ufe." Longfpllow. 10. Reading (all ages)-anypieeiTeo at the lima. I II. 8paaklnt(anire8)-lmpromptu. 14. Qiiartet-(No SU) -"On Calvury'i Brow." 15. Duet (No. M "Though Your 81ns be as "'VoloHo. 164) "Ths Ninety and Nine." 16. Irwtnuaental mualo (all agea)-Vour own la. "Peumamhtp" (under K) John 1: 1,3, t, 4, i. Competition limited to Scappoose pre cinct. Compositions, with fictitious names onlv. to be sent to Mr. Georse Fo, 8cappoose, by Deccember 21. Com petent adjudicators will De proviuea. Admission 10 cents; small children free. W. D. MOVBB. T. B. WALLACK. THE St. Helens Hotel Wall aci a Movkh, Prop., Is Again Open to the Public Meal Served on Short Notice. Beds 2d Cents, Meal 25 Cent. mo bash in comrscTwsr. Eonsss TO HA Y 10 CISTS. St. Helens, : Oekoow. . A Million Voice Pnnlrl hardiv express the thanks of Ho mer Hall, of West Point, Ia. Listen why: A severe com uau evi.i.icu uu uw imuko. Mnalllff a most obstinate contrh. Several I ? ' L... 1 1 rtinr, till I pnysicians aaiu uau wiiDumpuu) could not help him.. When all thought ha aa doomed he began to nse Dr ifino'a Now niacoverv for Consumption .ml wriifi "it comDletelv cured me .n,i auvmt m life. I now weich 227 pounds. H'S posiuveiy guaranieeu iw cough, colds and lung trouble. Price BOo and 11.00. Trial bottle free at the St. Helen pharmacy. MEAT! MEAT! MEAT1 f. City Market St. Helens, Orsoos LINDSAY & MORTON. PROP'S. "DEALERS IN- Fresh and Salt Meat. City trade, loRging cam)?, steam- Doau ana rauniiKi uufa supplied. . ORDERS FILLED ON SHORT MOTIC. Owl Saloon BRINK BOTHERS, PROPRIETORS Only th bsrt ol Liprsani Cijars lent ii Stoct CYRDS KOBLE And other popular brands of whiskies always In stock. WEINHARD'S BEER on dranght, "Tom Benton" Cigars. All th latest newspaper rkl other pop- , was. r.v.vv- How About Your Title? Main Stmt BE TOC 8TJRB it is all rlehtr Remember that It is the KECOKU mat governs. Jl ia our nusiuetw w Jiren nia record! and show what they contain in relation to land tltlna if ami fintitamDlata harine land or loaning mooer on real- utate aeeurltr, take no man's word, but InsiM upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is aa ementlal as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set ol abstract books in the county. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. If yon have property to insure give us a call. Wears agents lor the best fire insurance companies In the world. If you have property for sale Hat it with us and we will and a buyer. XI att Vc&UJLWaUi BJWWsa ST. HELEHS, OREGON Tpl2 Officb Hour. 'Pvnwaa i0ffice HooD 414 PHONES JBe8 f Fa0MI M7 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Southewt Cor. 4th A Waah. Streets, 5th Floor, . POETLAND, OREGOIST. mAirw TTT.BVATOR. r 5 X. 5 4 4 a1swVsJt You (Can't Eail f To be well paid for the time and trouble expended In look ing over such complete and attractive line of Fall and Winter novelties as we now exhibit, and to the many popular feature of our department we are adding the IRRESISTIBLE POWER OF LOW PRICES ALL DEPARTMENTS FRESHLY STOCKED WITN THE REST OF EVERYTHING IN Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. COLLINS & GRAY, the peoples' ihkrchaists ST. HELENS, onccorj I Y r r r P P-