OREGON MIST '!5riCl to the 1905 exposition udden awakenlmr from tha heretofore- legartlile spirit prevalllng- Entered t tha Poetoffice at St. Helena, : there, and the surface indications of rte- Oretion, as aecond-clas mnil matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, Issued Evany Friday Mohhino By DAVID DAVIS, ; ElMTOB. ANll PHOPKlKtUR. SUBSCRIPTION PRIUKi One copy one year, in advance. , , . .$1.00 Bis months... i..... ............. 60 COUNTY OFFICURS. Representative. ....Normaa Merrill, Clatakantt Jims..... .....Joseph B. Doiuit Kaiiuer Cleri. j. (j. Watts, SI. Helen, ttlierifr R. 8. Hatlftn, SU Helen, Treasurer K. Hoia, SI. Helen, B ii pt. of schools.. ......I. H. Ottelend, Houlloa Amaiwnr.. Martin Willie, St. Huleua Surveyor..... A. B. Little, Hnoltmi Coroner Dr.H. K. Clllf. 8t Helens commoner, jffiS j DECEMBER 6, 190i. i termination to make ol the attempt a . retiring success can result in tmt one wy great good to tbe city, the state and the coast. Evorv person in Ore son should (eel a keen interest in this under taking and lend their unanimous sup port to its success. It means more than an advertisement for Portland. There is not a county, precinct or hamlet in the state but what will rather soma gooa irom sucn a great lair. Tjui message was presented to congress upon ine opening aay oi its 07tn session, and truly, we fail to see that it bears any of those thin-spaced.attenueted char acteristics tnat have all the time been claimed for it. It ia voluminous in' struwent, and deals sensibly and hon orably with many questions of national moment. Upon some matters the presi dent appears uncertain, undecided, and be does not hesitate to say so, but of matters upon which he has convictions be state bis ideas clearly, forcibly and leariessiv. It la oertain that if Mr. Roosevelt's idea on most public matters are concurred in oy congress public affairs will not be neglected and the country will continue to prosper. It is none too early for the people of Columbia county to begin to figure upon having good display of the products of this county at the 1905 exposition in Portland. All doubt as to this great event coming off ia now practically dis pelled, and 'line to think out the proper manner and provide ways and means THANKSGIVING REFLECTIONS If you had a good dinner, there was occasion lor tnuukiuinesa. It takes more than turkey and eran berry sauce to Inspire gratitude. You may have a good dinner every aay, out tne surrounuings are uiiierent. 8ome women would be thankful on Thanksgiving day, it it didn't take all their tune apologising to the company lor a poor dinner. Possibly tbe family met for the first time in a rear, and you discover evi dence of success and prosperity. That is reason for gratitude ol the genuine sort. Thanksgiving for 1901 is thing of the past, but its memory will linger in many hearts and home, as a pleasant reminder of bounty and good cheer, and as families scatter and pleasant associ ations are severed the spirit of the day win not oe torgotten. He Didn't Advertise. One dav this week we noticed a larm jack rabbit skipping around in one of; the principal streets, ears the Wasco New. At first we were pussled to ac count for this peculiar and unusual caper of his rabbitahip. aa the street of our city seemed bustling with, trade. Then the thought came to us: "Why he is there in front of that so-called place of business whoee proprietor doesn't ad vertise. He's after the nice green j morsels of grass along the walk in that quiet piace, wnere ne won't be disturbed EXECUTORS N0T1CB. ' NOTlCK IB HBRKBY (ilVKN THATTHK UN derslirnad bu been, bv th linn. J. M. IWn, Judga ol the County Court oi ths Stale ol Oregon, (or Columbia Comity, con It mini as sxeeiuor el ths HUH ol Susan ft. ritiatniek, daoaaavd, and lslly apfiointed as aHoh axcou- tur. Any una ell Osmond navine elnlms aralnst aid estate are hanhy required to present tha aui to jne, with tha proiwr vouch., at my resltleuoe, at Soapnoose, Ureaoii, within ! month! from ID data theraof. Patad Nofota bars, 1D0I. THUMA8 A. CLON1NOKK, Kxecutor oi tha estate of Huin U. Hhatliirtk. dot-eased, W, U. Powell, Attorney lur Kiaoulur. NOTICE OF FINAL, SETTLEMENT. In the County Court ol tha Bute of Oregon, In and for Columbia County. In tha matter ol the Jutai of John Farrow, oece aaeti. NOI ICK IS RKRRBY OIVBN THAT A. NRV 111. the administrator oi tha aetata ol John Farrow, deceased, haa tendered and pressnted for settlement, and fllad in said Court, hla filial amount ol hla administration of aald aatata. and that the th day ol January, lata, at ona o'olovk n. in., at the Court-room lu tha Court houne in St. Helena, In said County and Slat, bu been duly appointed by tha Judge ol laid Court, lor tha aattlanienl ol laid aooounl, at wntcn tlma and nlaoe any beraon Intaraatad In aid aatata may apvear and ohjaol to said Anal account aud tha eettlemtint thareol. nsNr.iT A. MiVIN, Administrator, WESTERN PROSPKHITY. Kansas has more ready money on hand at this moment than it ever bad before in all its history, lu banks are filled with cash. There i on deposit in the national and state banks of that state . about $88,000,000. which is in the neiirh borhood of MW for each man. woman and child In the state. This is far ahead of all past record. On a bank capital of - boom iio.vuu.uuu in tbe state there is i profit and surplus item of over t6.OUO.000, These figures were never closely ap- proacnea oeiore m an Kansas' career. Of course, the amount of monev on band in the banks of a community is not necessarily a measure of that locality' prosperity. Often the bank deposits are niioii meic ia a coagustiua in uusi ness. The lack of a demand for money in irauo win seiiu uie casn toueoanas. ana it win pile up tbere in big boards. tfut tnis is not altogether the case in Kansas at this time. Tbe failure of the corn crop bus injured the state to some eitent, but tbere bas been a Urge yield of wheat, aud although this does not . make op for the loss in corn, it goes a ginm w BLy buwaru meeting uiie uenciency. Even in the corn shortage the loss to the farmers will not be so great as ia com- : uionty supposed. Bhort crop make . high prices. Corn is selling at figures now wnicn were out ot sight a year ago. Most of the loee in shortages in the great food staples falls on the consumer, who nas to pay tne metier prices. Kansas like all the rest of the West, ana use ine country in general, is leei ing the stimulus of the prosperity which is diffused all over the United 8tatea. All sort of business has been active through the past two or three years. Crops, on the whole, have been good, too, in this time. Big crop do not always bring big money to the producer, for unless the wage-earners of the coun try are actively employed at fair wages their purchasing capacity is small, and prices of all sort of articles, as a con eqaence, are low. Price, however, of farm products, aa well as of all other staple com modi tee, have been fairly high In the past few years, and profit, for the tarmer, ana ior an workers, have been good. The Wert ia having greater pros perity at the present time than it ever enjoyed before in all its annals. This j one of the reasons for the recent drop In the populist vote in this region, and for tbe gain in tbe republican total. NOTICEOF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tha County Court ol tha 8tata of Oregon, In and lor Columbia County. In tha matter ol tht estate ot Sit U. Foster, NOTIi'K 18 BKRKBY OIVBN THAT THE undnlnd, administrator ol the aatata oi nu u. riMr, ueewiaed, has filed in aald oourt his Snai aooount of hla ailmlnUtralioa upon said aatata, logather with his palllion lor dlM-harm, and that tha Hon. 1. B, loan, Judsa mi hiu wun, naa appmrnau rfauiiary vtn, IWZ. at tha hour ol 1 o'elova p. u., as lh II ins, and by intruders, nor frightened bv the din as tha nlaoa. lor tha haarina of said ni ..i and rlinnrni traja Hi'i a . flln Count aud petition, at which tlma and nlara ior successinily providing such an et and deserves all the credit generally ac-l&6a,M'&F.m UJWl hibit should be taken advantage ot by corded hi kin for shrewdness in seW w'Uw,n' t.Twatts. US. Ihe numerous snlendid rjroducts inir the mnat nnint an.l infnuiii.ntl I Administrator ot tha estate ol Kli O. r.utar. n...i.u uu. own mu fiiiujw yiciu BV IU1- I epuUS SO Oe lOUna. Idreaaaod. uriantly and perfectly must be dis played. We cannot afford to sit idly by and allow so splendid an opportunity to advertise our county go unheeded. AFTERTHOUGHTS. Foil m Deadly Attack. "My wife was so III that good nhrsi- cians were nnaoie to neip ner, writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Ind.. "but NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol tha InUrlor. land Offloa at Oregon Cily, Orafmn, KovemlMr Xt. 10m. ajOTICK IS RRRRRY OlVKN TIlAT TU plans that he ha already commenced to 'Q atomach and liver troubles. Cure vuusiripnuon, sick neauacne. 20c at tne tU tieiens pharmacy. waa cumpieteiy curea dv nr. jvina' his ini.mion rmk. sn.i in .. ;. r . . . ... . . v.. Tlx- full- it am i " . , . 7 .... . .. . air. Varnegie is so mil Ol tjnnstmss 1 1,ow laey wore wonaer osoia"ni, ana uiatsaia proni win oamaiio twfors unload, Frank James is aroma on the stacre. wnicn is really much better than to bave him in front of it. egon, on January 13th, 1S03, vis NELSON J, T08ANT, Homeitaad entry ll.tL1. lor lha naW ol section 18. township S north, raiiae 2 west. Ha nun An old farmer vis tins- In tha cltv for "" wmiesaea to proa his continuous u- nf m,,u !,.. i.1 ij raauin upon and cultivation ol said land, j .k 8 " woold yis: Gaorira Archibald, Jay Archibald, Gaorsa i.iviiu me siienter. tue mar peina: I aiorsi ana uauty waaaer, an or uobie, tiraaon, The-expenee incurred by the citlsens' "forty Thieve." He went to the opera d"w uaiuu in acoomDiinnina1 tne rietMat ni uuum si ins aDDOintea oour. isia aown Tammany was less than 1200.000 one $6 bill and asked for a miehty trood oi tne greatest oargains oi tne year. I a was aeitiy servea wun a piece oi pun warn ana a aonar in cnange. Nnthintf maw nl tnl it. I HA ntrdtari nn ilia rlnllav knt laf )n WUJV V. .., VU. tUO BU. I f WW. .v.. HIV geetion that congress shall take hold of ticket and started to go out. "Hold on the beefsteak question is one of the I stranger." said the show-man, "here is CHAS. B. HOOKKS, Register. MORAL EFFECT. It sometime happen that in com tnnnity there are people who forget that ' "Borne was not bnilt in a day." They teem to see a certain end rhich must be reached at once. They are too im patient, too emotional it may be, to reason as to methods and results. They are strangers to close, analytical thought on any subject, hence they oftentimes adopt crude, imperfect, mischievious methods. It not infrequently trans pires that these Impracticable come into a community where thev are entire I stranger. They know nothing of the thought, life, purposes and condition of tue people, yet, before tbey can find ineir way around the nearest block they uotmiuiiujf against tne laws and morais oi tne community. Public offi cers are maligned, good, reoutabla hon. est citizens are abused, and tbe mass of the people spoken of as being without uigu merat perceptions or righteous u.uwc. y matters not whether this 18 done by borne or by imported "talent," or by a dazzling combination of tbe two, the result is tbe same. Many good people are grieved, some are angered, ail disgusted, and harm rather than good is done. Advancement in any re aped is not made at a line of attacking nn entrenchment by a Bene of "rushes," but by slow, careful. guarded, persistent approaches. Host rouiinuniues reiy upon their own well chosen, carefully-fitted agencies for de velopment, change or improvement. . cuuura uecause it is system atically builded on a good foundation. it is directed upon individuals rather than upon the masses. It thus builds up a steady, sturdy, efficient public sen- uuwunin an questions, (spasmodic ef fort never doe this. These are but wasted enenrv. Anneals tn tha mMn the judgment, the intelligence and self' jcopcv-k m uicn win carry tnem some instance loaay and yet further tomorrow. There is no backward lapse, there i no room, no occasion for any. Men, as in dividuals, learn that "Italy lie be yond." and they hopefully, gladly, toil on. It Is thus and only thus that eom- uiuuitica an raiseu vi nigner levels and moral srood clothed with immnrt.iii. . that good results follow persistent, con- BuniHvw siiu uunest enort. most humane hints of the season. Kansas ia getting warm amin. On Saturday a lumber yard went on in spontaneous comDUstion at Newton, and vu v wutmwKW VApiuucu at Aicnison. One mininir dintrii-t in C.ninmAn producing gold at the rate of $30,000,000 year, uncieeam's mineral wealth is matter of uu bounded poesibilities. Irrigation is bigger subject than it was a year ago. Tbe drouth of laoi waa an object lesson, but the subject is a fivwiiiKvua apai uuui apteral circum stances. The United State will lead all eonn. it!. ' . . snes tnis vear in lo reign exports, in foreign trade balance and in its treasnrv surplus. Under suet conditions contin ued prosperity may be confidently expected. The present eonarress will be asked tn provide tor Duildinsr thirtv-two new war. nips at a cost ot foo.UOU.OO tbe number may tie reduced ill keep the navy moviutr pwara. Timber Land, Act June 1, 187. MOTICt fOH PUSUCATIOH. Dhitsd Status La so Orrics, uravonenv. orwnn. Nov. 7th. ION VTOTICR IH IlKllKUY U1VKN THAT IN :osf il plisnoa with tha nrovUioni of tha ant nf Congress ot June , W7S. autitled "An aut for uie saia or tuaoar lanua in the Htalas ol Calllor' ma Oreaou. Navada. and Waahluirl..n Trrl. lory." as aitanded to all tha Public Laud Btataa oy act oi Augunt , law, Jsrry zandkullsr, ol haa this day tiled in this odica hla sworn stata meat No. lor tha pun hase ol the aek ol the swl ol Section No. 7, in Township No. I n, Raoxa No. 6 w, and will offar Drool to show that oa ina sougnt is mora yaioaoia lor ita timber or stona than for agricultural porpoaaa, and to establish his claim Ia sal,t Una h.lai.in. kichabdsow. on tttnyls's Island, satnrdav. I Beaistar ana Kectiver ol mis omoa at Oregon .Novmler30. 1901. to lha wlfa nf ChH. Hinh. City, ureiron. on Monday, tha '17th da nl Jun. ardson. a son. I ary, 1WU. Ha names aa witnesses.- Albert ford I and Frank Ttortman. ol Varnonla; August ot-ouiapiat ana maniD uuiaentani, of aasey, I Oregon. Any aud all persons ouUmina adysrsa- I ly tha aboye-deacrlbed lands ara requested to aim uisir riatma in inia omre on or oeiore said in oay oi January nuz. CUAS. B. MiMiKKa. nlSjis Register. your ticket to the show. "Keen II. dern yer," replied the farmer, "I don't care to see tne other thirty-nine, When a man marries he thinks he is getting a mate, but often the supposed mate turns out to oe a captain. BOK.V CASTOR I A Jor Infant and Children. Tbi Kfci Yea Han Ahnjs BsLfgist Bears the 8igBtorof I FOR SALE. CITATION. Ia the Coonty Conn ol tha 8lat of Oregon, lor In the matter ol tha Katata ol Augvat Swanson. - - . "t . MH.II W NIU AU,UI Bwanaoa, and to whom It may concern, (reet- lns. TSTHI NAVE or TRR htatk nvnaitnnM- X Yon ara hereby cited and raoulrMl k.atvMr a wo county unn oi ine atate oi orMffon, lor I nilllTy ICSva ntrrunirDi a v-r. M, Ul, I U. ThODIb P iij... Jii tT ( ? T , 'f .muiT oi voiumma, at tne umrt-rooa ,fc 'r? ,..He,- ,wihlch 'ornwrly belonged thareol. at fk Helens, in ths County ol Colum Uncle Sam to the Bennett estate, lylns tn the nwW ol awW hla. on VrM.. h. ii,i. r .J..I LT. , oT, onward and ecuon , township 4 noiUi, r 1 west. In Co- at 1 o'clock. Mn tha ilun f th.i m..' ,..' Last year the United State exported a total of $25,000,000 in animals and ani mal products, including: 46.000 horses and mules. The growth of this indus try is nigniy encouraging to those en gaged in it. OREGON TIMBER. Forestry Expert Johnson maVaa tha following estimate of the timber in Ore gon, mis estimate applies only to trees eighteen inches and over in diameter tuirxy ieet irom tne ground The heretofore apparently congenial and harmonious relation existing among the members of the county com missioners court of Tillamook county is threatened by disruption, if not to be entirely rent asunder. The county judge over there seems to bave taken upon himself the responsibility of "run- nins the Whole show." aa una nf lha Tillamook irnpers puts ft, and there is consequently "war to the knife and blood to the hilt." Thst seems to us to ve a very poor policy to pursue in run ning public affair, and it can result in Homing snort ol disaster and ruin. ' Take unto yourselves a large brace, and get together on tbese matters of public importance. Come over to Columbia county and here imbibe tbe spirit of harmonious action ia tbe court and eon Sequent success and prosperity. Portland ha done herself great credit by tbe manner in which her peo ple to liberally responded to the call for Yellow or red fir. Spruce ,, Hemlock. i.... . Yellow pine.... Sugar pine White pine Noble fir. Silver fir Bed cedar White cedar. . . . Tamarack White fir Oak, maple, etc. ....265,000,000,000 16,000.000,000 7,000,000,000 20,000,000,000 7,000,000,000 InfllV (A a-itVtial STOCK FARM FOR SALE. TjH)R BALE, AX IXCKLLENT STOCK AND dairy ranch, located on mainland side ol "iii.uiiimn, ne tones from at. Helens. There are 870 acres, mora or im. in th ni.M which Is capable ol producing a Urlng lor 80 or 100 bead ol stock. Sufficient meadow on which tO CUt 150 tons of hav VMrlr- ri.ll. Ka.. h,.,.. l'r panes place at J a. m.; 24 head ol stock lor rwiuiuw particulars can at place or ad dress MK8. c. HRi.Kve Car Utr. America. 81. Helena. Orea-on. HOTICt fOR PUiUCtTIOH. Department ol the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., Kn..n,lu..l(lll. .AM NOTICE 18 HEREBY OlVKN THAT THE foIloWlnBVDalniKl aMtlvr h. ail Itention t ) mak HomI nhwif in - - ... his claim, under Section 2301. R. .. anVth.i and there to show causa. If anv a a lata, arh lha sw4 of iw of section 1, township Bye north ol ranirs two west ol Ihe Willamette meridian, In Columbia County, State ol Oiesnu, should not be sold in order lo pay the claims asaliial said estate, taxes and cost and expensea ol ad ministration as In the petition herein la prayed for. Witness lb Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge ol the C'OOnty Court Ol tha Btala nl Ham. fnr tha County ol Columbia, with the seal of said t'oart atnied.thls 12th day ol November, A. P.. 1)L HEAL.J Attest: j. q, watts, 1MB Clerk. Timber Land, Act June . 1S7S. nonce rot pubuchtioh. Uhitsd 8TATEa Laud Orrics, Oreann ritv. Hmmiii Hn,MU, t ini OT1CE IS HEREBOIVKN THAT IS COM Plisnee with tha nrovlalnna nf Hi a aj nf Congress ol June a, US7S, entliled "An a.: t for ' ' oi umnar lanas in tne stales ol Ualllor nia, Uregoa, Nevsda, and Washington Terrl- ujtj, as eiienoea to an tne ratine Laud Slates by actol August s, ln. Iva B. Strsnahan, of uitiauu, vvuuty oi naiinoman. ataie oi ura- LOGGERS' DISCUSS SCALING. An Informal meeting of teveral prom inent loggers on the Columbia wa held In rortland yesterday to avl nom plan looking to th aiioptiou of uniform methods in scallin logs. For some tim lutst oousiilerable diaautltifnctlon has lala.1 Italian nl tha Scalintf mSthOdl employed by certain mill, whereby th price per thousand feet, th logger lay, was materially reduced. The logger have been helpless, under the existing system, th decision of th tcsier being final. While the practice of cutting in tbe cle haa not yet oecome ennM tha liunmra fear it may. aa the mill pay- Ins the full prio are compelled to oiler . . . . -. , . i . i . tneir product in in same iuar.ov, and at tha same prices aa the concerns which pay a less amount. It was th sense of the meeting tnat sometning was necessary to regulate tha deduction to tie made for knot and other Imper fections, that would be In force all along th river, tun putting an tue uiius uu the same purchasing uasis. - A letter was read irom tne rugui Sound Timborman'a Association, settini forth th method employed there, which include a fixed scale of deduction to be made for imrjerlection. after tin log had been graded according to uni form schedule. The logger discussed th Pnget sound system, a outlined in the letter, and decided to go over lo the Hound in a bodv. to make a practical and personal examination of Its operation. Under the method emolovcd there. Ion. It i aaid brine- a hisher nrice than on th Colum' bia. The logger espretied themselves as not desiring to raise tne price iiere. but said that their action was Intended solely to bring about th establishment of permanent uniform basis of scaling. A detailed report of the Investigation on tue Sound will lie mane to tne Log ger' Association, which will meet her soon. Tuesday' Uregonlan. Saved at Grave' Brink. "I know I would long ago have been in my era ye." write Mr. . 11. Aawsom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it bad not been for Kloctr'o 'Hitter. For three year I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, waterbrash. stom ach and bowel dvsneosia. But the ex cellent medicine old me world of aood Sine using it I can eat heartily and have gained 85 pound." For Indiges tion, loss of appetite, stomach, liver and kidney trouble Electric Bitter are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 60o at in ot. Helens pnarmacy. O. Xausta ttfBatai Of .BTOnXAs Manager Saldern. of the Saldern Leo ging Company, of Gray' river, came down tbi morning on hi way over to pay on ni men. The monthly payroll is 13600 for tbe laborer, and includini th mesa house, it overruns 4000, which is all for the Astoria market. While Mr. Saldern was telling thi interesting I... . it:t- a- . .1.1 '-v. ... iirwi ivuwisr tiiia muni- ing. Manager McGregor, of the Astoria Box Company, was standing by, and, on being asked the amount of hi payroll. said that it was about 14600 a month. logging camp like Saldern's is equal to a pretty good saw mill for the Astoria merchants. Mr. Saldern will close down hi camp until after tbe Christmas holiday on account of the bad weather. Astoria ews. A Good Cossri Medicine. (From tha tiaiatia, Toowoomba, Australia.) I find Chamberlain' Cough Remedy an excellent medicine. I have been suffering from a severe cough for the last two month, and It haa effected a core. I have great pleasure in recommending it. W. C. Wocmm. Thi I theopln ion of one of our oldest and most re spected resident, and haa been volun tarily given in good faith that other may try the remedy and be benflted, a was Mr. Wockner. Thi remedy i sold at the Ht. Helen pharmacy. This will save your Lira. Awir iMiisuisy wan a naa. Dr. Kiss's Mo Dtery l,,,WM. iwwwiwwi mwm , lawn n ii--w.l.a.fiw.w hi. ! , mmnmm ,Jlilittlaf-fcAJ,-J',aLAA''11'1 Tha Kind Too Havrj Alwnyn Bought, and whlcJt hu been in uh fbr over 00 year, hu borne tbe ilgnatrir) of and om been cutae under big m jfyt-Bonal aiipcrrlidon tinn 1U infancy. . icii Allow no on to decisive you in tlitu. All Counterfeit, Imitation and " Juitvaa-food ' are but EzuerUnenta that trifle with and endanger tha health of InfonU and Children Experience airtvlnitt Exporhneats What io CASTORIA Gastoria la a harmloM anbstltuto fbr Castor Oils Pare goric, Drops aud Soothing Byrnps, It is rieewttvnt. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootla anbstanee. Its aire Is ita trnarautee. It destroya Womia nd allays Fereriahaess. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate, the Stomach and Bowels, Klvtne healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ltnaeeaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean th Signature of 7 atr Mir f g i mmj i mw The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNE Y- AT- L,i W. Oldne with B. I. tiitlek, trr. IUI.ICNS, t I OKKtlON. Will (lv beat Mraonal altaatlnn lo all tarsi manors rmnmir.i in ma. mil praouca la all uie ntate ana utuieti Mates .uuns. VV. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-L.ni nrrr msnuc-r ArroniiiT. IT. mi.ENH, t r ORIIIOK. R. F. lliiAitAsf. T. J, CLurroN, Attorneys-at-Law. f M Marquam Bulldla, fartland Oragon. Colembla Coautr ewataeas will raoalra tnatt W. PAY W. B. PILLARD DILLAKD & DAY, ATTORXE YS-AT-Li IF Office nest door to t'otirtltimse, HT. HKLK.NS. OttKllON. fl'neral nnut,. m roiirts ol Orsaon or Wash Inatou. Abatraet mmi illreolljr Into cuuutjr Dr. PMwin IIohs, Physician and Surgeon. HELENS, ORKOON. ST. i''VW-V"" S" ProI will ne made Delore toe Bealster sn.1 son. Iiss this clay filed In tbls olDee hla sworn ,wu,uw,wu I " .i.j, viusun, on jauUttTT I winrni ooti ior tne Total 334,000,000,000 One-eighth of tbe timber has been burned over. Two year ago it wa not known that there wa any red wood in Oregon, bat in Carry county there are 1000 acre of thi timber. HAS A SNAP. 1 .000 (inn fKsl I via: 9 imn nnn iwil RANDAL P. BURN8. 1 mn'issVraai S0"""8 nr 12.70, lor the ei ol section 2 iWivin'fWi it 4 n,th '" WM- H names ,tAJ,0UU,UU0 tha iollowlns witnesses to prove his cootlnuom A,iAajtWUtWU i ,u..ui;uw w-ui ana cuitivaiion of aald laod, . ? . ' D1 ana narreo a. wood, i S"?,bu,'' 0ren. and John Roberta and 6a- wuici w. waiwiiuTsr, oi vf-rnonta, Ureaou. J CHAJ. B. 1100RB3, Reillster. 17,000,000,000 An editor of country newspaper ha uw uuoimcti su uiaae miataKes. ne nas no business ever to get anything into ma uauer mat DeoDie ao not like. H ought to know what would suit each in dividual, or be ought to take each item oeiore it l published, and let the per son whom it concerns cenanr it. An H. itor haa nlenfw nl tlma tn A ski. .a .11 be ha to do is to hunt new and clean roller, set tvne. clean tha, flmr short item and hustle advertising, press the papers, fold them and mail them, write wrapper, talk to visitor and dis tribute type, read proofs, correct mis takes, split wood (when there' any to spin; uunu we nrea, nunt tne scissor to Clio articles, dodira the hillaatul Hnn aeunquenta, take cusaings and tell the subscribers he needs money. These are a few of the thinn a coontrv editor haa to eoniena wun, ana yet ne should not maie mistakes in bia nsner while at tending to such minor details, at the same time iivinfr on ox tan snnn inn. shine, wind pudding and imagination, with antlcinatlon for deaaert; Marin old shoes and no collar, s patch on the equator of his pant, and at the same time tarn a smiling countenance to the man who tell bim that hi paper isn't worth the subacriotion nrice. and that anyone couia run mucn better one witn their eye shut. A. J. Knell wanted to attend a nariw bnt wa afraid to do ao nn umsnt naina in his stomach, which he feared would grow worse. He says, "I was telling uij iruuuie. to iauy iriena, wno said : 'Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and rtiar. rhoea Remedy will put yon in condition for the party.' I bought bottle and take pleasure In stating that two dose cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. Bnell is a resident of 8ammer Hill, N. Y. Thi remedy is for sale at the 8t. Helen pharmacy. Christina is coming, and you will have to make soma nreaenta.. Cnlllna A Gray have just received a large assort ment of just inch thing as yon will want. Bee what the have twlnna malr. ing your purchases. W0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior, laud Omc at Oregon city. Oregon. Knv.inli. ia lum NOTICE IB HEREBY OlVKN THAT TlIB lolloWinc-namad aattlar haa ait nA,tu ... bis intention to make final prool in support ol ' amwi dscihiu taji b. . , stiti mat said prool will be made before the Register and Ke- iin 11 . ureou. on uecember JO, JOIIV AfTk-v Homestead entry U.ttt, lot the seU ol section S4. township 4 north, ranje S west. Ha names tha Iollowlns witnesses to prva his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, VL.,aK' Hnw Joaephlii Tompkins, Lars r. EllaoD and Halror Olsen, all ol Warren. Ore- him. s ainmm, uZ2dZ7 . Befiater. X0TICS Of MUl SETTLEMENT. Io the Cottny Court ol the Bute ol Oregon, In and lor Columbia County. In the matter ol the estate of Elmer E. Whit ney, deceased. NOT1CK 18 HERKRY GIVEN BY THE Un dersigned administrator ol the estate ol Elmer K. Whitney, daeaaaad. thai ha ha. ma in the office ol the County Court ol said County, bis final aeeouut of hla administration. Mn..n said estate, together with bis petition for glial aettleinento! said estate, and that the Hon. i. . uoan, jaoga 01 aaia court, uss designated Friday. December Sth. ltul. at tha hna o'clock In the afternoon of said day, aa Ihe tlma. and the eonrt-room ol said .mi ri i.ih. city ol Ht . Helens, Oregon, as the place, lor hearing said petition lor final settlemenf and discharge, at which tlma and place anyone interested may file objections fa writing, It! an wit.- uave. inereur. r.. n 111 1 K 1. Administrator ol the estate ol Klmer E. Whit ney, deceased. Dated at Ht. Halana. ftr thla Mh day si November, A. !., IVOl. nSd BUMrhaaa nl lha mA nf ui Nvvii nu, in uiwnsnip no. a nortn, range ho. I wet, and will offer prool lo show that the land sought ia more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purpotea, and M establish his claim lo said laud before the Register and Receiver ol this ornc. at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Mb day ol i-ebruary. lint lie names as witnesses: afar- a . C""J- ua ', of Portland. Or., and John Parker and Albert Parser.-of Pitta. burg, Or, Any and all persons claiming ad v,7? ''h. above-described land, are requested to me their claims In this otnos on or before am u uay oi reoraary, isn. nlai CHAd. B. MOORE8, Register. CITATION. In the Connty Court ol tbe State of Oregon, for In ths matter ol th estate ol q, Ci juulsb. ds ceaaed. To Mary Archibald, Reflhen, Or.i Barah New comb, Cottaia Grove, Or.; NetuOarrett, Kan kaaee, III.; Usrths Campbell Great Park, III., and Hugh Jaquish. Uaiuavllle, Oa., and all I?!1!?.?.. 2nwn or ""known, greeting: S THE NA ME OK THE uf ATE ooRBCOM: Ypo are hereby cited and required to ap pear in the County Court ol the state of Ora gon. lor the Connty ol Columbia, at the Court room thereof, at 8t. Helens, in the County el Columbia, on or before the th day ol Decem ber. 1W1. at 10 n'cln, k In tha XiVu.. dT. than and there to show cause why an ordar should not be granted authorising aald admin latratrtx to solithe real aetata nl aaM ..i described as follows, 10-wlt: The west hall of the northeast quarter ol section 14, township north o' range 1 west; also about twenty acre, de scribed a follows, situated in the County ol Columbia, Bute ol Oregon, beginning at north west corner of section 1. townships north of range two west: thence smith aa mkU east to the Columbia river; ihence down said stream following the meander thereof to th north boundary line, aave and except about tblrty acre therefrom, and also on acts of tide land in iront ol said property. Witness, the Hon. 1. B. fioan, Judr. of th County Court ol th State ol Oregon" lor lb County ol Columbia, with th seal of aald Court affiixed, this 2t'h day ol October, A. I. Ml- Attest: I. a. WATm SEAL Cferk. CITATION. In th County Coart ol ths But ol Orsgon, for Miwuiiij 01 wumDis. In the matter of th estate of Anson 1. Orwlg, deceaaed. To Luclan H. Orwlg, Delia M. Lludgren, Leona si. uranam. anna . orwig, Sadie K. Orwlg, Clifton . Orwlg. Herbert H. Orwlg, Jennie si. Orwlg, C buries K. Orwlg and Harry E. Orwlg, heirs of Anson J. Orwlg, deceased, greeting: N THE NAME OFTHR BTATK OF OltEOOS: . You ara hereby olted and reouirad tn annaaa n the County Court ol the state nl Himmi fnr th County pi Columbia, at th court room thereof, at Ht. Helens, In the County of Colom bia. n Monday, thaath day of January, 1902, at 1 o'clock, in tha afternoon ol that dav. than ana mere to appear and snow caaae why aa order should not be granted to aald edmlnlstra-1 trix ta sell so much ot the hereinafter described real estate ol the aald deceased as shall ha nan. essary, to-wit: The 11W4 ol section at, In tow i ships north of range ft west of the Willamette Meridian, In Colembla County, Oregon, to pay the liens and debts ol said estate and th ex- enssoi aamistrauon. witness, tbe Hon. J. B. oan. Judge ol tba County Court nl thn Htaia ol Greg in, lor th County el Columbia, with th seal of aald court alhxed, this 3ud day of December, A. D., 1M)1. HKALJ Attest: i. O, WATTS, dJI Clerk. Fyvvvvwvvvvvv Mr- Vfl roBt FOBTt-ANB, DAILT. ki TIAME'r- M onssnptfoa. Ccsrgfts enil Colds. The onlv Cuasanaaul rusa NO Cur. HOP. Yntflna arlat sslll aa W" aiaMistua is. ABIOLUTKLY CURES mrAJjtjanta, Aathma, BroochiU, ..uiu, avungn, i ueuoKxua. or anj IffaMfUa . L . em. & a v aaaanvvsuss VI Hid A 111X4 SDH laOJin, TRIAls BOTTLES riKK. gMM1 BSm AO seaU and $IX& Bearsik j EBTABM8HE0 U7i. .uai JOHN A. BECK DEALER IH Watches, Diamonds, Silycrware, JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty. m Murriaon St, Bet Front A rirrt, PORTLAND, nil A Special Movement Willamett Slongli Route r Leave fit. Helen. . .. 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helen. 6:00 P M FARE BO CB-TI. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight, 8, In watches is Beldlng Bros.' celebrated 17 to 21 jeweled pedal. Itwillitand mora Jar than any other move ment on th market. We guars 11 tee them to keep penect time. The, Jew'I'e js Tbliia - r. 4 a K 10 -ars.t - rsnniHi Belding Bros. "America,, M Clatskanie and Portland -ROUTE., , Dr. H. It. OiiT, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATtJKANIK, OREGON. Dr. a L. Hatfield, Physician and Surgeon, VERNONIA, OREGON. WHITE COLLAR' LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. 8TR. "BAILEY QATZERT." Dally Ruuna Trips Eaoept Buoday, ThriMieh Porttann Annnaallnn all. aUMU Nahnaiu Irnm llwaeo and Lone Beaeh Points. Vt hit Collar LlnaTlt-hata lnlawl.,lH.M. a R. AN. and V. T, Cempany TioaWa. Iav Portland.. May Astoria. TIME CARD. -T A.M. -J P. U. AKD Siioi(rlii!. U:ion Pacific baeasT nia rhleasn portlaud Miwilal Wa. m. via Hunt- liKluu. 'lull f .b, IU..U SN Wtirth, (luialia.K.n- sas city. at. UhiIs, t'talcaw and Baal, Allantle Kspiaaa I MP. m. via ll ant ltt (Km. Hi. Paul Faal at all Up. n. via Bpakaa TIMR M'HRIlltl.l FKOM PuHTtANU. Salt Uke, Penvar. Ft. World Uinaha. Kan sas t'tly, Ht, loU.; Lnansse and Baas. Wall Walla, Levis- U.n, Bunksu, Wal lat, riillman, Mm nrapolts, hc psal, Imluin, Mllwaiiaiw, CtllcajfU and Baat, Aaaiva raua Itin, let.. ockah and mivkm m mkddu rwoiti pouTLAinn. p. 1 Ilslly Ri. Sunday a p. m. Saturday 10 p. ut. I a. m Bx.HiiwIa; fa. m. Tua. Thur, aud Bat. Lv. Miliaria ;an. a dally x Mua, All aeJHni ealaa sub-j m Ut ehansa. For Han Franrisro Hall every Dv days. Oelumbla Rivar To Astoria and Way launiusa. Wlllaivislla River, watar tiarnilltliia. ' 1 " I! - "7 ""a. Selotn, t orvaiii and W ay-land (a. Willamette and Vawv Mil Rlvara, Orsfrnn CHv, Mayton, and way ismiiiiss. Snake Rlvae, Rlparta fa Lewlaton. ip.n. Islrni umlsy I Dd a. Ka.euuiiaf I n ra. Mun. Wad dFrl. I.v.lew'loB dally at T wa. m, 1 Han. A. L.CRAIO, General Taaienger Aft., Pobtuud, Obi. ISI0RIA& COLOMBIA RIYER ad RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILV. - The Dalies-Portland Route. STEAMER "TAHOrVtA." Between Portland, The Dalles and way points. TIMKCARO Leav Portland Tue., Thnra., Bl..7 a. M Arrlv at The Uallaa sama day ft p, S' Uav The Uallea itun.. Wal. vri i I H Arrlv at Portland san day at 4 5; MEALS THE VCKV BfT. '"tLhia oIrU? 0.rI",,, 8otnl LANDINO AND OFF1CI: Foot of Alder Btreet. Both 'Phones Main Mi hOSTLSJfO, UBSttOH, E. W.Cbiohtom. affen t. Portland. t-. THBB4 BabbI, agenU, Hood River: J. 0. Wvatt, agent, Vancouver j Wolfobd A WvBB. agent., Whit Salmon : our M. FiLLOOH. aa-ent. Tha naiu..'l . Tayiob, agent, Astoria. ' ' ' r. at. 7:00 a w w SIH 8 44 t 90 ft OS l trr 10 as 10 on 10 JO 10 M A.M. Oil I OA IS 4.S SA U.6 40 (A W .l 10 00 X! 10 10 IM.t M Jl 7I 3 10 M 7 7 10 07 IM.S 11 on sti.s 11 is ;ft& 4 II so 'Nl' TATIOKB Lv Portland Ar .. Uolil .... ..Rslnler ... . Pyramid... Mayar.,.. ..Quluiiy .... Claukanl.. Marahland., West port.,.. . . t'llftuo. ... ,.Knatiia.. , Hvenson..., John liar... Ar. Astoria .I,v aaso ur OAILV. A.M. 11 10 10 06 U Sft ao 20 11 to A3 I I? 17 07 T M 7 r. . a I 1 tn 7M 1 t 7 I IM n M JO 10 All train, make eloa eonnentlona at Uobl with Northern Paollle trains tn and from Ui Bast aud Sound points, At Portland with trains leavins Union depot, at Astoria with I., R. N. (Je.'t boat and rail I In to and from II waoo and North Beach points, , t Passenr era for Astoria or way point, must da train, at lloulton. Trains will stop to 11 fs sensers off at lloulton whn coming from petals waalofUobla. J. U. mates. Oen. Pass. Ant.. A worts. Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leavas Portland on Tuesday, Thursday and Bat anlajr at 7 a. m, lor If. , Kalam: Camir Pwrt, Ralnitr i Kl$o, Arrlvlns at Portland Monday, Wd needay and Prlday at 2 p. ni. Wharf foot of Salmon 8t H. HOLMAN. A sent. JAMRR oos, master. HlsisTj iii'T ' i mii .I'aHlliMTWMiiiiii ininffUM. ii.it la. STEAMER 8ARAH DIXON. leaves Portland Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p. m., for Clatskanie and wav land Ings; Sunday at 6 p. m. for Oak Point. KETtlKMINd i Leave Clatskanie WaHnaiJ.. ..1 n.i ?it i4 .p;.m-!. pormlttingi leave Oak Point Monday at d p. m. . MTOmmmwirfmmmmfmmrifmnfmiifnffflwm I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothinff , f- i l Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Cooper Building, Main Street, St; Helens, Oregon.