torn Distinction In That, Pon't lot my refusal of your pro dsh! embitter you, Mr. Simpkins. lie Oh, not all. - After all, it ii something to have been rejected by pirl who own a f 500 dog.DetroU l-'roo Press. 7 Nothing New in That "You can't dispute the miracles In the 111 bio. man. why Just consider the raisins of Ijisarus!" "Humph!' I've seen people raised that have been dead longer than Lai arus. Why my wife raises Cain every day!" Denver Times. NEWS OF THE PACIFIC NOETIIWEST A Goad Week's Record of Commercial and Industrial Progress and Development In Oregon, Idaho, Washington and California. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 15th.- Medioal authority ea;a: "In many farcillw throughout l ho world GarSold Tea oftea ukn tha place of tha family physician, lor practically Yryone auffors lit time from dfaonteraof atoraecb, Urer, kiilners or bowels, certainly from no other nit-diilne ran such good results b obtained. '11m Herb remedy makes people well, thus greatly Increasing their ataelt for enjoying Ilia. It la good for young aud old." A Future Plttibute, Development work Is now beine done on what may prove to be the t :.,;H Cheerful Wight V '; '! "Yes, he's always happy when he's ' hunting for work." "What a cheerful disposition. And is he never discouraged, never sad?" "Only when he finds it." Phila delphia Press. most Important mineral . properties- Southern In the State of Washington so tar as adding to the state's commercial and Industrial supremacy Is con cerned. These are locations of coal and Iron mines located in adjacent and overlapping claims on the tlivUtu between Cowliti and Lewis counties Aa bnsorUnt Railroad Enterprise. ' The most Important railroad en terprise since the building; of the Pacific Railroad throuiih Southern Oregon, was the com mencement on November U, of the work on the Sugar Pine Lumber Company's Railroad from a point two miles south ot Klamathon Station to the timberland huMliiga of the same company at Pokugtyna, Ore, Brotherly Assistance. Rodrtek They saw that Beaker j visited North Yakima for the purpose waa held up by masked men the of purchasing or bonding the proper other night ' ties with a view of Installing deveiop Van Albert Yes; It was at the mas- ment work on a much larger scale querade ball. If they hadnt held ! and, eventually building upon the him up he'd never got home. Chi-1 properties a vast productive Indus- and about slxtv mllea aouthwest of ' a distance of 30 miles bv the rout Yakima. The properties consist ofTh wor ' oein Prosecuted vlgor- aome 700 or 8000 acres of coal lands """''' . ur "oouer located under the coal land laws and w'" btt a ?d carrying a large number of Iron claims local ' i7., . 1Knt- d under the laws governing mine. " '' audaru-gauge a, location.. These claim. ar. this wlln. '"Pouua rails. Tne coat of nmurt. I tonstrucuon will be I2O.U00 ner miif. : r :rr:' , .r.. i" win be only Ou0 bridge, win. a small scale is going slowly forward!"1 tn Km.m,uo on the nronertiea. '"Y "i"" "v,u uny treea. me Two Spokane capitalists recently csgo Daily News. Ing live the King) The Kins is v izard Oil ; Pain his enemies, whom ne conquers. Rather Serious. Wife I had to get a policeman to put out the cook. Htinbniid Gone, is she? "Oh. no. He proved to be her le-t fellow, and they're both waiting for you in the back hall." Life. 1 ' : iThe. Difference. ; v , " Pater1 You are very forward, sir. In my day the young man waited until he was asked to call. Young Man Yes,and now he waits until he's asked not to call. s ' Good Reason. Arthur Has the widow given you any reason to hope? Chester Yes; she told me last night that I reminded her of the only husband she had ever really loved. try in mining and smelting iron Ore. Tne Importance of a discovery of Iron ore in this state has long been recognised by men who have made a study of the commercial progress and development of the -world and many have been the efforts to find Iron In sufficient quantity and of suf ficient quality to justify mining and smelting It As yet none ot the re ported discoveries has proven suf ficiently promising to justify the ex penditure at this time of the large sum of money it would require In or der to properly develop the industry on a scale commensurate with its Importance.. .Several promising lro:i locations have been made but little or no development Is being done on any or tnem except as Is necsary la order to mske the locations valid from year to year. end or tne present construction la in me neart ot ttie company 70. OU0 acres of timberland holdings and win aiso onug tbe road over the high grades Into the Kiamata Basin laud aud will allow tnem to make t-oitegama tne freight-shipping poiut for , Klamath County, aud a wide range ol Eastern Oregon. As a start er and for we principal motive the road is oullt to naul logs from their uuiDer district to the connection witn tne Southern Pacific line, aud 100 logging cais have been arranged tor, aa well as other rolling stock. The Sugar Pine Company has se cured 1500 acres of land two miles south af Klamathon, and will erect tnereou an immense two-set sawmill and will manufacture lumber of all kinds, sash, doors, boxing, etc., mak ing one or the most up-to-date outfits on the Coast. They will lay out a townsite and establish a small city m iii tit. piace, Pacific'! Trade Supreme. A writer in the Monthly Review The feature of : sometime azo drew attention tn th these properties which makes them statement that supremacy In trade was passing from the Atlantic to the Pacltic ocean, at least that the rela- riTfi Peraajwntiy Cored. Ho nts r mrromw attarUm inTrofnr. KliM'lGmUNera lUstomr. Send far e?K EK Ss.etriJ trtUed trot Ha. Il.a H Ku. UJ iai ifh-M Pt,,u.i,.i - ' - Fat Sighted. ) r Little Girl Please, mamma, can I hold the baby for awhile? " Mother No, dear; you re too lit tle. You'd let him fall. Little Girl Well, mamma, can I have him when he s worn out? seem particularly promising is the fact that the coal and iron deposits are so near to each other, thus per muting tne former to be used for the purpose of smelting the latter with out the necessity and cost of trans porting it The coal Is claimed to be an excellent gra"e of anthracite, the flret discovery of that variety to be reported in the state, while the Iron ore Is very fine and of high grade In addition to being in such a form and In such a condition aa to be easily and economically reducible. Sure He Knew Best. Aiamma jjora, your - lather says that that young man of yours, Mr. liartt, is deceiving you. Dora But he isn't mamma, for I asked him, and he said he wasn't. Of course be knows better than papa. ICvrT man, woman and child nnar- n? w lb colds, s-ttauiK. croup, pnrtt- monia or iTOttutupooa to write us. Auti-nran LaMx Halm Pad Co-.Cuaiianoue'a Hit Great Anxiety. Athlete Did I break it, doctor? Doctor 1 will be plain with you. The arm is broken, the collarbone crushed, the Bkull is fractured Athlete Xo, no, no! The did I break the " "What?" "Kccord?" Tid-Bits. Depressed. ."I am afraid Bliggins has met with evcrsea. " "What make you think so." "He goes about with a gloomy look, saying there is no such thing as dis interested friendship. That is almost a Bine sign that a man hag been try ing to borrow money." Exchange. , I am sure Pirns Cure for Onsmuniioii 'Snved rny life three rears 2o.-M Twoa. HoimiSB. Maple at reel, 'Norwich, S. Y., iei. 17, 1900. All Servants Alike. ' ; - Townc I could never.. understand why political officeholders are culled public servants. Browne Why not? ' Towne Because they are really our bosses. Browne Well, J guess ' you never kept house, did you? Philadelphia Press. Scenic AMracrka te Pull Trains. " The Great Northern Is preparing to investigate the possibility of util ising Snoqualmle Falls, the greatest scenic attraction in the State of Washington, for pulling its trains be tween Seattle and the summit of the Cascade range. . The Northern Pacific road is also considering the falls aa a source ot tive importance ot the latter was sure to increase. A writer in the New York World points out that there are 800,000,000 people in Asia, Africa, Aus tralia and the Pacific archipelagoes, and his expectation Is that the Amer ican countries will obtain the larger snare or their trade, so far as China, Japan and Asiatic Russia are concern ed the United States and Canada are certainly In an advantageous position for trade, the route across the Pacific being better than any of those avalla- oie tor Kuropean countries. Half the steam merchant vessels now under construction In the United states are for the Pacific, and at tempts are being made to shorten the voyage by the building of very pow erful vessels. The development of China will be one of the most import ant elements In the trade of the Pa- cine. It Chinamen were to Increase their consumption of foreign goods to faawS.'m llZ the extent of ,5VheaTthVamount of the Cascades. President HiU has decided that electricity shall be the motive pow er through the Cascade tunnel, and If feasible, from the summit of the Cascades to the western terminals. The falls have a total of 100.000 horsepower. Only 10.000 of this la now in nse. The falls are 280 would be nearly as great as the whole of the present trade of the united States. California Lemons Arc the Beat At the request of the Earl Fruit Company, Messrs. Stilweli and Glad ding, chemists to the New York "Pro- feet duce Exchange, have made an anal- high and at present they supply the ys's or this year's California lemon power for the street railways, flour- crop. - It Is almost a year since a ing mills and factories of Seattle. Autos as Sags Coaches. In remote - Harney and Malheur counties automobiles are tsking the place of the old-fashioned stage in the long runs into the interior. Two antos will shortly be purchased to make the 160 mile stage trio between Ontario, Malheur County, and Burns, county seat of Harney. Here a lum bering stage makes the run In 36 hours, delaying the mall of Burns business men and residents. P. A. Snyder, an Ontario business man, will have two automobiles on this arid route shortly, which he calcu lates can make a daylight run in 11 nouns. , uut or Pendleton, a long weary mn over hills and mountains through Pilot Rock. Nye Ridge and Alba to Ukiah, s distance of 60 miles. The route Is considered practicable - for an automobile, but the scheme will not be pushed locally until the out come of the Burns Ontario experi ment isseen. -". . Not UntuuaL May Have you heard of Clara's hard lurk? Belle No. What is it? "Now that they sre married they have to retrench awfully to make up the money he wasted while courtine i,. t ;r - Iifaho Mines Active. The owners of the Thunder Moun tain mines near Bo'se, Idaho, have ordered a 100-stamp mill to be de livered next spring. It will be one of the most., completely equipped mills in the west. The 10-stamp mill sent in this fall will begin work in a ftw days. The last news from the mine Is to the effect that It was about ready to be started up."' Mothers will fi nd Mrs. Winslow'a Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their A Fsntaty Moored. Scribbs I'm getting up a fetching ! article on "How Men Carry Their Umbiellas.' ; Mrs. 8oribbs Huh I Men don't carry their umbrellas; they lose their umbrellas and borrow other peoples. Chicago Eecord-Herald. . w Wanted Newer, Truer Maxims. ' Mr. Scherraerhorn I hope yon '. bad the new girl clean up the halls, Lobelia. You know "A new broom sweeps clean." f ( Mis. Schermerhorn (wearily) Not in this instance. She said sl.e wasn't going to clean np any of our former girl's dirt. Brooklyn Eagle. The Hour Was Lata. ' Now McBrane bas more sense than anyone I know " tinued Mr. Staylata. "I tell he's the coming man." "If he has all the sense you say," remarked Miss Peppery, making an effort to suppress a yawn, "I should think he would be the going man at this hour." Philadelphia Press, good A Million-Dollar Company. The Cascade Coal Mining Company filed articles of Incorporation here this afternoon. The Incorporators are J. M. Wilhelm. H. E. Wllhelm and J. R. Campbell. The stock is 11,000,000. Shares are worth $1. The company has a coal prospect on Mr. Wllhelm a place east of Creswell, which has been worked for several years. similar analysis was made, showing the comparative merits of California and Italian lemons, the result being much discussed on account of the favorable showing made by the Cali fornia product The growers In Cal ifornia have been making every ef fort to bring their fruit to a still higher degree of perfection, by sclen- unc methods of cultivation, and, as compared with the test made last November, this year's analysis Is even mote favorable. The percentage of waste matter, consisting of pulp, seeds and rind last year was 64 per cent; this year ir is o3.t& per cent, according to the last analysis. The percentage of juice was .38 per cent The citric acid, equivalent to crystalized citric acid last year was 8.23 ounces per united states wine gallon; this year It Is 9.21 ounces per United States wine gallon. : Good Use for Small Pota'oei Capt. J. A. Brown Is preparing to build a new starch factory on his place at Terry, Ore. He has secured a practical starchmaker from Califor nia, who will use potatoes in the manufacture of the product Each year there are hundreds of sacks of small and unsalable potatoes raised In that neighborhood which have served as feed for stock heretofnro. They can be made into starch, and will net their owners a handsome revenue if utilized in that way. It is Plans for s Bij Factory at Astoria, Or Superintendent Trover, nf th Wnl piant oi the American Can Company, Kew Source of Western Wealth. A large number of inquiries from various parts of the state have been received at the State Agricultural College of Oregon, of the progress of an experiment conducted by the col lege experiment stat'on for the man ufacture of vinegar from refusa prunes. The character and number of the Inquiries Indicate that much, interest Is aroused in the experi ment. The Inquiries generally seek Information concerning methods and steps necessary in securing fermen tation, acetic acid and other, matters connected, with vinegar-making.. An analysis yesterday of the nrune Juice, now but a month along in the three or four months of process nec essary to secure final results, shows an acetic acid content of 2.16 per cent., a far greater per cent, than Professor Fernot expected. It is now believed that the ultimate acetic acid content will be greater than is usually secured In pure cider vine gar. Ear It l -.,4 I 'w; j ft I sa p U MlilS i v if r.' ii v. 'fN.i u f ,ti 4 fil fr- -nil W .J.vAi''-il III I III " . t. ..rjr sr -ii m road ill .J i fill . lit V ;. . I I Kit I '" .1- tx I '": afar ' III :, iHViV 0- I ; 1 IS 1 til 4" DmJitl I it saflSk. aSVSkv em - K &i TTflflflv yMI ''amen i I ill ti f nri rlr tl : 0-0 1L PUW II t I mnfc rot nut rteu. I 111 M'T srr .t,rrmmrtm ' I M Pe r4 . Ill - I . W Bal tf ill ir.-j - , t-m i . . , II 1?" '''r''tZ?!g!5ngg-'-l''taf it I Iii nss- I II fwrnrto KH jt ael. I ij match aa. I ill i . x..-y.i rA s.v iv' i fil -ZtfMi1&SS'u doc ntt. . . H Oiy faun i -wtsxNs : ... U: i vnn-.. , insmei(rmirni- - :iiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir ---T SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. i FROM PIAPTCni'MH U9 M WfU'ltllsjf (PkUQ 3MQKINQ.) Li u mSMfMM AR II 1A p7 n L A li3 PLUG SMOKiNG) (PLUG SMOKING.) "E. Rice, Greenville," J. T" "Good Luck." Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," Brandy wine," Jolly Tar," "Standard Navy," "Planet," "Nep tune," Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tie," "dranger i wist. (Two ' Urangw Twist " tage tMlog equal to on of othara m.ntlooad ) TA05 MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURINO PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 win include many articles not shown hero. It will contain the most attractive List ot Present over offered for Tags, and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, tool.) Our offer ot Present for Tags will expire Nor. 30th. 100a. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY, Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, 421 Folsom Ave., 5t. Louis, Mo. 11U2 v r )" 1 fil) czzrJ Br mi my ai I "-'-,m. V m - I . Ill raw MIC. I HilBilieK" S 1 JAG El 7 IIP I l 'T' I t. at car, f I lift l tIM. p ijmri'w Vl M I If 14 " ts ma. . I o mils' 1 irrfpwiaa8aaj . - . Farm Land at $300 per Acre. W. T. Orlder ha sold his fruit farm of 10 acres, two miles from La Grande, Ore., for $3000. This is one of the largest prices ever paid for orchard land in this valley. For the land, Mr. Orlder paid ISO per acre six years ago. He has since har vested two heavy crops. It is esti mated that the purchaser will be able to psy for the orchard from next season s ciop. If the season is favor able. To Operate Marble Quarries. Spokane Investors have formed a stock company for the development of 'V- '1)4 i ' fit jU-' ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. C0URSK9 Classical, Mtarary. Solentlfle and Commercial, tor particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President, University Park, Porllaud, Oregon. at Astoria, has received the olans ! mirhi. n,,,rria. rth ct. :LaI.faCt2rmore than doubl the ien8 county, Wssh. The company was capacity of the present one, but he j incorporated Nov. 1, under the title of - inxiveu instructions wnetner the factory will be erected in Astoria or Portland. The plant win pe moaern in every particular, with the latest-improved machinery. Its character will be of a broader the Inland Empire Marble, Brick ft Lime Company. The capital stock Is fixed at $1,000,000, divided into 1,000,- uuu snares 01 l eacn. The Incorporators and trustees of the company are Hal J. Corbett, J. M. ft fi, k pr"ent factory, and Nelson, Henry R. Allen, Louis L. Hunt fLW . ,e1 MPped ,or the manufac- and Harry S. Burdick. The incorpor mlsceUaneou. cans of all de-ators announce that work on the quar scripuons In addition to those now' rles and the burning of limestone will oso ' - I be commenced at once. OKtOON. . 1'OKli.AMi. Si Helen's School for Girls. Thirty-third rear. Comimdinus WnilrJ IttK. Mwlarn equipment. At'adfmln and coileKe prejmratury foMrit!,. Him--clal eourMm in muxlc am ait. liliis. tratol i;hib1ouc. All deparluicnta wul reien September 16. . MISS F.LEANOR TKBBETT8, Principal. Climatic Courage. The Chinaman," remarked the Orientalist, "is one of the meekost, self effacinir people in the world." "Oh, I don't know," answered rthe friend who is always doubtful, "The Chinaman is the only person I know of in this hot weather who isn't afraid to go out in publicising pajamas." Washington Evening Star. y A Jewel. - Mr. Gooph -I tell you, Blithersby's wife is a jewel. Mr. Wliooph Is that soT Mr. Gooph I should say so. Why, he went fishing yesterday and came nome with an empty jug, a can of salmon and two salt mackerel, and she complimented him on hi luck. Why Pay High Prices? . . For WATCHES, PI AM ON 1)8 and JEWELRY when yon can hny tin- redeemed Hedge, for Amount of Money Loaned with Interest at the Portland Loan Officer thiki. sthrkt, AWNew Jewelry ,t w p,, eet. lower than at anr Jewelry Store In Portland. 1 1 At Mia Tailafs, "It's a mKniflcent suit, sir." "Yes. What a pity I don't fit It.' inuianapons Piews, Looal Agent Wanted, , ' WANTED A local .(rent in each township to sell our np-to-ilate publications. Good remuneration and steady emplovment. Address, UNION PUBLISHING, CO., Krmm 111, Iwi liWIir., Cor.ttband ilorrlaoa 6u i'OHlXANO, ORK. , .i LA (11..K a c,uuh bs mp. TaMut iioini. Csa In t'rr.e. H"',l -t rtniwiti Millt 1 JtJU Optimistic "Xo," said the business man,. "I never lie about my business. It doesn't pay." ' But how about your advertising At this he became thoughtful. , "He describes the bargains and opportunities ss he see them," he replied. "If he bas a failing, it is optimish nothing more." Chicago Post, A Boy's Grit A Swedish boy fell out of a window and wss badly hurt, but with clinch ed lips he kept back tiie cry of pain. ino King, Augustus Adolphus, who saw him fall, prophesied that the iwiv ! would make a man for an emergency, j And so he did.for lie became the fam ous General Ilnuur, HOOANHALFACENTUSaf tii&!. All amaiuaia . AHI BACK OF EVERY oLICKER Oil COAT BEARUM THI5 TBAPE MABt 1- ow 5ls ew-rwuise' c erVARSWIMITATlOK , Of SANMKNT NOATJ. "fl LAF A,J.TOWgaco,,BQ5TON MA . Summer Resolution iicQioy Curo ear. p,,, Keeley Instlluti, 'irVM-rsllj-' Mo. r-iti" THE STAR OF STARS a t '-V ' STEEL STAI2 vi::a LULL. Has ball Waring In Inrn-tahK liirtis (rtly 10 ilia Wlnrl. M. f, S, V. Hnl Ijcarltiw. ti,.u., llglitalt runtiMia mutim.... .,i' ,nu.,.in "aii'st amount of pownr Inr pumping. Willi BVII ll. ,l..,,l,la.n,, I , part ran runt nr gat loom) nnj rnllla. Clirht rruillaiitr; n.u .n..l...l,.n Vn aprltiir to rtliango tcnalou with overi- ohaiue oi tmm,raiuri), anil grow venkpr Willi use. ",..- niirii), tin rinipi, Jliine things are worth mnnay to voiu ' lhu why not buy a HTAKf MITCHELL, LEWIS fi STAVCR CO. POHTLAMO, OntOOM, JOHN POOLE, Portland. Oregon, ;'eotof Morrison Streak Csn give yon the best bsnrslni In mma. flows,, liuiiers mi l Kium 'iii 'milla ami Piirnni an I v,n Machinery. 8oe ns before buying. Patents Send no Money But a moilr-l or draw Inn wlih t an1e wlllailvlny.i. J. h. ImiiW pn,;;,) to,, (l;a.t. A) Wa.lilNflon, 1. C,