TIIK OUKCjQN MIST. iwmi.'icu vkmy miliar monnimu y DAVID DAVIS, JCmTOM AND 1'KUI'IIIItTOII, Of LOCAL IKI'OBTAifCB. Tliure never will b a tlmn whan real estate in uoiumota county nun be pur niiitMHi at so reasonable a prlca a at present. Tiie Investor need look fur no bolter proposition, mare ere alios fur sdilltioimi manufacturing, mm It will not be long Mora uianr ) these availa ble stiea win us (HHiupiod. Tli man who buys Columbia county property now, Is winelor oun Is the beat county III (II ' i Mr. J. L. Walker, who, with hi tarn llv. has resided In tlis vlclnltvof I . i ton (or several years, has runt'liitlml to re move them (rout there to Hood Hlvtir, uu I. '.,I.,..,I.U .,,,1 ' K to d i' part (or titer In a ahort time, lie will atui ma iiousoiiom ellocta, stock and other articles ny punua aaie tomorrow (Kalunlay) at hia present llvlna nvar lloulton. Home bargains are likely Dr. A. 1. McLaren and Mr. Martin mii ii up iruiii nmiiinr iat Monday looklnit a(tor attain in connection with the misiness matters oi the Columbia knitl"! Co., Ita prealtlunt, J. J. Hclmildt, having Inlt the conutry nmler strange eircumavancrs anu me community and numerous laliorars In almoat "busted" circumstance. Dr. MnLaron hail been appointeti reoeiver or the Inaolvont cor. nitration by Judge Mcrlrlde. Dr. Mo- Ijri'n s noim aa such ofllcor, wai placet) at $100, which amount he eaaily enough raised, and forth with entered upon the uisciiergo 01 ma omvini uuues. The county court made acme changes In the boundaries of the voting pre- cini'ia a ua mat session, wnirn are Ini xrtant and ahould be carefully noted. A part of what waa formerly Auburn pre cinct waa attached to Union precinct, taking In eeveral settlors out in Carlco valley and extending tho road district boundary on the west one mile farther. A part of (Jlaukanle precinct waa added to Oak l'olnt precinct and a part of jpeer Inland precinct waa added to Uoble precinct. Auburn precinct received aoine additional territory, ity rulerence to the proceedings of the commissioners' court in thla iaaue, the lands taken and added will be found deearitiecl. The memliers of tho conntv court via Ited the coal proapecta, weet of Warren, hut Friday, with a view of determining to what extent they ahould appropriate aid tor opening up a good wagon road into that region, interested purlieu bad made an apiieal to the court to aid them to the exutut o( 11,000, but after view ing the altuation the court allowed $a0. In the eipreaaiona of opinion of tome o( the meiiiliera of the court It la under stood that there are a good many act tiers in that region who are In need of better roada, and partly with the idea in view of assisting them In gaining a better outlet, the appropriation wai made. The atlpervlar of that district, Lara Itasititiasnn, of Warren, will likely proceed forthwith to 0ien np a better roan to trie nun, tnua aiding bom eet tlcra and coal duveloer. It ia becoming quite generaltv be lieved now that the Northern I'acillc Hallway Companv doea not propoae to conatruct (lie I'lttatiurg apur, upon which to much time and money haa been expanded during the present year. It la anlnorttlvely atatod that the pur chase price of the Aatoria road la on de poait In Portland, according ti minor that the Northern people hail made an oiler for it. Hhoufd thla deal lie con eliminated it la not very probable that the Northern would desire two roada touching almoat the aame pointa. It waa believed that the Northern'a inten tion waa to ultimately reach Tillamook with the I'ittahurg epur, but that terri tory could be much more eaaily and in expensively reached from Aatoria than to conatruct all the way through the Ne balem country. If the Northern people make thla change In their programme many people will be keenly disappoint ad. It ia aaid that thla company ia de termined to have an outlet to the coaat on the Columbia or elsewhere, on the Oregon coaat, and if the Aatoria road can be purchaeed at what the company consider a reaaonable figure, it will eurely buy lustoad of building. BliUF LOCAL M ETHOS. m-.day. mk'nhy WM ln Portland Wed i .... -,.-..;, W. I). Conn.ll m.. and a day or two thla week. Hl'liool Sllnerlntiinil i.,,i. . : . .'"V " rr" iiuth m roruanu taat Saturday, Attorney Oonyori wax up from Olnta airalra ' tu' ltn,li" buameaa E. K. Quick, o( the abatract firm, waa traiiaactiug buaineia in Portland Wed- ivvunj KOV. Lew r)alK 11 r..,.l. I. il.l. ".'.'y Hunday evening at the Medio uinv Vliuruil . ... . Dr. Bvron nimlm tJ wi.r..,.L t vvi u uunm viVa landlord Matthewa, of the lloulton Ilouae. waa tnnui Li, Ln.ino.. i.. I, ' it . . ..wow au uruanu laat Monday, K6V. Mr. Ilrack will r,n,tiit u. Ill the Kplaconal church in thia ci'tv n. k: I .... . 1 vav UUIIUI ay evening. Mra. W. A. Wood, Mra. W. II. Powell, nu uene and urace M ea wora naa. vugura mr x onianu iiiurauay. Rev. Mr. rhllbrook will nrK . Sunday at Yankton In the forenoon and at uacneior Mut in the alternoon. Mra. K. Porrv. of Ifoultim. v i in 7 . .-."" i biiiiiiii couniv una weeK to vmittim acenu of her early experiencea in Oro- ann, niie accompanied Mr. and Mra TT II 1M). The fraternity of Odd Fellowa of thu city naa a pieaaant aeaaion of their lodira laat Haturdav evenlna. After liianoalnir oi ineir uuninaix tnoy enjoyed a aunip- moue luncnnun, anu a moat pieman evening waa apeni, A Mr, Holton, of PoKland. arrived in town late Monday evening, and next morning continued on to Nehalein val ley in company with Attorney I'owell, U ia aaid that Mr. Holton Waited the valley with a view to Durcliaainv tiuibur lanua. If ron ahould Bet anv impure or atale butter from ua It will be by miatake. and wa hope you will kindly return it w u and receive vour money back Thia rule alao applica to other articlet which we recommend to be flrat-claia, Collina & Cray. Mr. William Jonea, a man of about aeventy yeara of age, who, with hie wife, arrived at Yankton about a month ago from Michigan, died TueaJay even ins at 7:80. Deceased bad been in few tjle health aeveral yenre and came nera Hoping to be benefited. Mr. and Mra. Martin unite are apending a few daya thia week at North Yauil.i . In Yam i countv. aaaiattnir ... . . i in the celebration of the annlveraary of the birth of Mra. White'a uncle, who haa attained the age of ninety yeara, and la yet bale and liuarly We love a prompt paving lubacrtber and a large number o( our aubacribera have come in lately and paid uparrear agca and renewed for another year, and we are in hnpee that all dclinquenta will r, The excitement over coal proapecta In thia county ia anaumlng rather gigantic troportiona and operations along tne Ine of development of coal proapecta ia being started up ln new placet at rapid intervals. The latest in this rcapect ia what ia known aa the Columbia City eoal bed a. While there hat been no demonatratlona there at yet, prepara tions (or active operations are now being tionaummated and work ia expected to aoon atari. The gentlemen who are iiromoting this latent enterprise are well mown to moat Columbia county people and are financially able to push work In an energetic way. Just to what extent coal exists in that locality la not known to ns, but the Columbia City eoal beds have been favorably spoken of for many years, and if genuine, energetic develop ment work is started there good reaultt will undoubtedly follow. The location of the Columbia City coal bedt make. the prospects of somewhat more value on account of their accessibility, lo cated aa they are, well up on the moun tain and not a great diatance from the river. Just how soou it will tie possible to get at tha work ia not known by us, but at all event it will be no longer than it requires to arrange a few details; t leaat, this is according to our Inform ant, whose word Js considered reliable. There are divert and aandry alTalrt with which the members of the county mourt have to deal, which are generally unobserved by the average person, or (considered at trilling if noticed at all, but to the court these affairs some times re trying perplexities. One of these tieculiar matters is the problem of roads, In all the different phaaea that the ques tion so often presents Udell in. One or dinarily would suppose that where hinds were on hand with which to do road work the supervisor would be eager to put tha mouey to use, but there are cer tain road diatriota in tha county, tome with over 1200 of apportioned fundi in their favor, which have not employed the funds at all to Improve the roods, and the court it helpless in the matter. Complaints pour Into the court from the people of the district In regard to the iconditlon of the road, and all the court can do U to aak the eupervisor to work out the money. On the other hand it keeps the court buay restraining super visors In other dlatrlcta from using three or four timet the amount apportioned to the district. There are many thous ands of dollars expended on the roads every year, out ol the general fund, be sides the anion nt raiacil by the road levy. Most all of the claims allowed out of the general fund at the recent term of county court was for road purpoaoa, ll for a mvul en nan ami a marked Im provement In the condition of the roads throughout tho county la iioticeniiiu. The court is dealing with the road ques tion in the very ablest way It can under the circumstances, and is very liberal ; with its appropriations out ol the gen eral fund (or road purposes. put themselves In a POKition to be eter nally loved by os by following suit. Remember that we are striving to publish a good clean local paper. We aak your help and co-operation. We want the news, therefore when something traniniret in your neigh borhood that will be of interest to the public, let ua know about it. Many times you could do us a favor in this way with very little trouble to yourself, Mr. Columbus Rock and family, who raiue here a couple of yeara ago from Missouri, and aettled in Carico valley. near Teria, were in town Tuesday morn- Ingen route for their old home. Mr. Rock was not altogether contented to remain so far in tne interior, ana wnue makinit a move, concluded to extend the journey and go back to his old home. Mr. Elwood O. Varney and Mrs. Fran- celia Marks were married at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dnpont, on Monday, Rev. Mr. Philhrook oiJieieting. Mr. Var ney has resided in this county for sev eral years, and has a good ranch in the vicinity of Hunker hill, which he expects to continue to improve Hit friends congratulate him on his late good fortune. Captain James Cox, an old Columbia river pilot, haa returned from the Yukon, where be has been operating river boats the past summer, lie bears the record of having taken a common stern-wheel river boat across from Vic toria to t. Michael in the open ocean, without convoy or other assistance ex cept the craft's own steam. 1'ersonal In last Friday's uregonian. Mr. Georire Tennant. who aeveral yeara ago resided with his family in Ne tialem valley, In and near Vernonia, ia on bit way back to thia country, after some time spent ln lowa and fteoraaaa. He it at present at work at Hood River, thla state, and expects to visit this country again aoon. His oldest son, Elmer, is now in Portland, and the young ton, Jesse, it in Iowa. The White Collar line baa withdrawn ita steamer Bailey Oatsert from the up river run and placed rer on the run be tween Astoria and Portland. This is done because the water is getting too shallow for the Uatsert to run in safety and the Tahoma will lie used to do the winter business on the upper river, 'the Oatxert made her first trip Tuesday and ia a welcome visitor, indeed. Mr. and Mrs. David Davis entertained a number of married friends at their home last Bnturday evening, tha occa sion being the celebration of the thirty second anniversary of the birth of Mr. Davis. Twenty-one hands of drive whist were played, after which refresh ments were served, and what seemed to be a very pleasant evening was spent. Especially is thia tha case in regard to tha boat and hostess. Supervisor Tlank It displaying com menduble tact and energy in his road work in making repair! of a permanent nature in regard to replacing decayed and dangerous bridges throughout tha district with stone aud dirt tills. Buch work not only makes the safest kind of road, but It is lasting and a great deal cheaper in the long run. Wherevor such a plan of work can be carried out anywhere in the county, It is our advice to aupervisors to emulate Mr. Plank t method of making repairs under such circumstances. - . - William H. Braden, one of the most popular traveling men on the road, and representing the Page Leather Belting Company on tha Pacific coast, is in the city toduv accompanied by his friend, Mr W. F. Barnes, ol California. Mr, Itraden says he has a warm place in hit heart (or Astoria and always likes to . !, Whiln traveling around he .! fails to anv a good word lor the town and he has been instrumental in directing a nnmlier ol men here to lo ir iun Is a prominent lum ber "man 'of California and Is looking around to tee Just what this section con tains n the way oi Tiuiurr .m ....,... :-i ln..lltii.. Mr. Barnes and his I'OMfllfj.SIO.NKKS' COURT, I'rooeedlnga In I'ull or Regular No. vein her Term. Court convened in regular aeaaion for November, 1001, term, for Columbia county, state of Oregon. Officers pres- iii uon. j. b, uoan, Judge i P. A Frakes and W. I) LL..7;Ji' . U, Watts, clerk H. 8, Hattan, sheriff! 'u rwiBiiiBMon oeiiig made, the fOl' lowing proceedings were had : f etition of E. M. Wharton for rebate on amount overpaid on block 29, In Co- lowed i,r6 '' Claim of Bucher nnt lr raiUl nf t Atkins. In the sum of HO.OO.allowed out of soldiers and sailors' fund. retition oi Holmes 4 Cornelius for nquor license in etcappoose precinct, al (or six months. ' Petition of John fitemorl fro mlinia . . -- " - ... .... . . ll-Vt Vll innu aoia unuur Incorrect riw, allowed in the sum of $61.00. Anton Kerowskl admitted to citlxen ship. In the matter of changing the bound anus ol the voting precincts. Ordered that sections 81, 32, 88, 84 and 86, in township 6 north, range 2 west, and sec tions 4, 6 and 6, township 6 north, range uumiTueu irom jjeer island precinct and added to Uoble precinct. That sections 1, 2, 8, i, 6 and 6. in township 8 north, rsngo 5 west, and sec tions 2. 8. 4. Rami fl In anahln a range 4 west, be added to Auburn pre That section 4, township 7 north, range 4 west, be detached from Clauka olnct and added to Oak Point precinct. That sections 21, 28 and 83, township 8 north, range 8 west, and section I. township 4 north, range 8 west, be de- wenru irora Aiiuiirn precinct and added in ITnlnn nnuliuit , an. I t . : n. -w .vv.m. RUU RI0U BVUblUIIB 4, .hi and 24, township 6 north, range 8 worn, anu mciions iv, iso and zi, town ship 6 north, range 2 west, he detached from Deer Island precinct and added to vmun precinct. Return of sale of sheriff on dnllnnnnnt tax roll confirmed and sheriff's tax re ceipts checked up. Books of the clerk, treasurer and shor iu examined and approved. irruerea mat me sum Ol be ap propriated for the opening of the Tink- nain county road, in district 2. The following claims were allowed and oraerea paiu : okmkkil ruMD surxaviBoaa. h Rasmussen, Diet 2 $26 00 J Ul'lank, S 89 00 it Bchmltt. 4 20 110 FLCIark.fi 84 lio U W Richardson, 8. 48 00 JS n Klliott. 10 11 00 J F Graham, II. H 00 John Boxler, 12 20 00 O II Wilson, 18 18 00 Jas Adams, 14 ,,,, 21 00 a la Klce.O H 00 naiDoa wokk, oiar I. Henry Larsen 1 60 A II Larsen l 80 P K Bushman 8 00 John Heimiller. 4 60 Hen Vancleve. S 00 Chat Palmer 3 00 Geo Grant 2 00 as Klbby 1 80 P A Frakes, making culvert 19 00 BRlPOX wokk, pibt 3. Clay Clark 20 00 A N Clark 17 65 C B Harris 18 00 A Heushaw , 18 92 Eugene Milet 20 18 VV U Kelley 12 00 Chas Wallace. , . 10 66 Wm Ilailey ., 4 82 w U Kelley 12 16 N A Perry, material '. . . . 26 40 D18TRICT 4. OH English.. 7 66 Jesse Belear.,,. 1 80 Ward 4 Co 30 60 H Bchmitt 41 00 li Gleaaon 9 00 E Horgren - S 15 K Horgren, lumber 49 90 Chas English, powder 29 80 IN BISTBICT 6. Wassor. 12 76 Munn. 6 26 E Wnaeer 3 76 Lengacher..... .....i... 28 62 G Clark 9 23 Neer, timber 80 Clark Bros, lumber 69 72 JUBORS, CIRCUIT COURT. - LClark 6 00 C Zeigler , 6 60 E W Conyert 9 20 Wm McCollani.... 8 00 Clark Allen ., ,, 8 20 W 8 MUler 9 60 OHHiatt. 8 80 R Holmea 8 80 W Foster 9 40 11 Aldridge 8 80 En os Hankins 9 60 GHult 8 20 G A Johnson... 4 00 B Swift 8 00 FBIoomouist 7 60 John Sail 8 40 R Buckler 8 00 John Nelson 6 60 O D Lavender 8 00 N FBaker.. 3 00 G M Farr 4 40 FTimoney 5 60 It Doan 6 60 GW Grant 4 20 JO Johnson... 4 20 A E Harvey. 9 80 James Meeker , 2 40 E 0 Blackford, printing , 2 60 D Davis, snine. . , , 81 2ii J 11 Doan, five years postage 16 00 It 8 (fallen, noaliiva i nil J U Watts. aame. , . 7 60 voiuna a uray .supplies for C h , 6 60 E Ross, same 9 ig Joe Hall, cleaning vault 8 00 A King, repairing lock. 76 II H Cliff, ex insane and pauper. . 15 00 E Ross, same 5 00 11 n una. ex McMreenr. innn n rm T 0 Watts, powder, distract 6. . . . 18 60 W VIMI , UU A Bcmeer. labor In road district A 1 an Jesse James, same 180 nacxenberg, same 12 60 W E Rice, same 19 iui John Rhodes, same 10 80 8 M Rice, same 10 80 0 B Anstine, timber, , , . 8 46 0 B McKee, lumber 7 10 Htanwood & Hherman, lumber, 8 . 44 61 Meserve Bros, same (or 9. 12 60 GLPerlne, labor in district 10... 87 E S Bryant, same , . 8 60 E Tichenor, aame 1 80 H 0 Tichenor. aame 1 an J T Graham, same . ....... 14 40 T J Flippin, lumber for 10 114 58 0 Anderson, labor in 12 160 A lierkenfeld. same 2 no 0 Libel, lumber 12 26 4- -t.l.QIU. OMIKC I,......,,,'... 1 OU E Gronberg, labor in 13 7 60 J F Peterson, same , 7 fio John Pederson, same.. 8 00 navid Mye, same 6 00 Will Deeds, same. ... is no 0 Libel, lumer..., 6 60 Bert Hosford. labor in 14 8 00 J P 8heeley, labor in 15 82 00 r, i miiis, work, Kehalera bridge. 85 00 W D Case, tame 17 M G W Parker, same., ............ . 9 00 i J Mills, same ;,. 16 80 N J Parker, hanllnor. 6 fio J W Parker, hauling. ; 28 60 G W Rice. same. 36 00 John Pringle, nails, etc 8 00 nmitn a Thomas, lumber.., 11 20 Pittsburg Mill Co, shingles. ...... 7 60 E Ross, paint 67 00 Dow Keasey, painting 6 00 D Davis, return of (ees, Webber eat 10 00 II R Clin", team hire. 2 60 8t Helens Light Water Co. . . . .. 3 00 BOA I) WAJiBANTB-MSTBICT TWO. J Beegle... ...12 26 n uaaer 4 50 M Bender , 17 01 K F Lareen 11 84 P J Rasmussen 16 20 J M Cooper 13 77 A Freeman... 12 15. PLuud;.... ... 26 92 L Rasmussen 14 00 PISTBICT THBKC. J T Woodward 4 88 G B Kelley 17 10 BBalser 180 D gwitzer 5 40 J G Plank 17 28 CITATION. In the County Court of tlis Beats or-Oreiron, for ills County of ColuniWi. in ina limiu-r 01 the cntats of John Kennedy, To Mm. H'rlr. Knn1jr, Mlm MIIlls Kennedy, Ml Burlinra Kennedy. Mr. Krsnk Kennedy, Mr. J. 8. Kennedy, belra of aaid decenMid, fid to all nthem unknown, sreetlnii: TN THK NAMK OF l'HK HATK OrORKOONl a. You are herelif elteil and reuulred to ap pear In the County Court of the Htnte ol Orenon. for the County of Columbia, at the court room thereof, atitt. Helem, In the County of Colum bia, on Monday, the 2nd day of December lwil, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of tlit day, then and there to how cue why an order nhould not t granted to the mild administrator to -ll the horelnefterdeecrllied real enteteof the aaid decaiuwd, to-wlt: Houthweat quarter of the outhweiit quarter of section twenty-four (m) and the northweat quarter of the northweat quarter of aectlon tweiity-Svs (25) In towniliin even (7) north of range three (it) went of the Willamette meridian in Columbia County, State of Oreon. WltnflHM. the Hon. 1. tt Tlnan l.rf..Af H,. County iurt of the Htate of Oregon, lor the !"nty of Columbia, with the aesl of aaid Court amiwi, una lain oay ol OCloler A. !., Iwl. IBKAL- Atteat: J. tt. WATTa, Clerk. DISTRICT FOL'B. LB Gleason 1 80 h Horgren 82 66 M 8 Shearer 2 62 Chas Spencer 6 40 isu varney 1 44 wm Miller 4 14 Richard McConachy 18 00 M Fresh 11 10 H Schmitt. i 22 60 Fred Bucher 5 40 Frank Clark 85 Frank Envart... 7 20 Wilfred Miller 4 14 James Gaitent 90 DISTRICT PIVB. J Wasser 15 00 E Wasser 17 75 8 Munn 6 75 W E Clark.... 23 26 F Bucher 24 00 D18TBICT SKVBM, ' SUMMONS. In the Juitlce Court for Union Precinct, in Co lumbia County. Htat of Oregon. Allien Adauia, Plolutln", vs. (leorire Harris, da lehflant. ToGeoreo Harrta, the abovennmed defendant. IN THK NAMK OKTHEHTATK (?OKBU()N: You are hereby rwiuired to antiear and an. wer the complaint filed a!nl you in the alxve-enlltld cauee and Court within aix weeks from and after Octiiber 4lh. uoi. that hAltitf th date of the Drat publication of thll summons and the time preacrilied by law and the order ol publication hereof, for you to so appear and an swer herein: and If yoa fail to appear and an swer within that time the plaintiff will take Judgment afrainat you for the sum of fifteen dollars, the same being for a balance due and unpaid from yoa to the plaintiff lor sundry meals famlhhed and delivered to yon at your special inatance and request by aaid plaintiff during the months of July and August A. D. IMtt, aud which you agreed t pay therefor, be sides the costa and dlabursemennj of this action. yoa are further hereby notilied that sundry for the 1 money owing to you for labor performed by yoa ior me nortnern rsoinc Hallway company haa been attached and garuishced herein to satisfy such judgment and costa, etc. ered aifaiust you herein. Thl liahed by order of the Hon. R, Cox, a Justice of . as niav be recov. This summons is pub- the Peace for said Union Precinct In aaid Co lumbia County In the state of Oregon, made and dated October Srd, 101, and the Unit publi cation of this summons la made October 4th, l'l, In Tbi Oaaooa Mist, a weekly newspaper f Timed and published at the City of Ht. Helens n said Columbia County, in pursuance of said order. g. H GKVtBKR, . Attorney for i'lalnUff. . John Roeser. DISTRICT IIOHT. Wm Johnson Harold Richardson.... ..... G W Richardson R II King John Ball... B Shearer. . L B Elliott LB Wood. PISTEICT TIM. wrrNKssKt bkfohk DIBTBICT ATTORNEY. CJ La ni hereon 3 60 R B Hanborn... 6 80 ALDeverney 8 40 jimoBS, cokonbb's INO.UKBT. JAKrum 2 00 II W Brown 2 00 John Hendrickson 2 00 Dan Allen.. LJolma ......... Richard HeruiQ. . . 2 00 2 00 2 00 WITNKSSKt, CORONER'S INQUEST. W E Jonet 1 60 Swen Norgren 1 50 R M Jonet. 1 60 John Blue 1 60 Earl 8toner 1 60 T J Davis 1 50 MISCELLANEOUS. G W Barnes, acti ng coroner ...... 6 00 Good Samaritan hospital, care of Johnson 128 00 Bt Marv's hospital, care of Batson 42 70 Mrs M'Girt, care of McCourt 13 06 II Larson, care of Hesdley 80 00 A E Thomas, care of La ne 8 00 Aldrich pharmacy, medicine for Farroll...... 5 16 Western Cedar Co, supplies for Jordan 35 81 Eme Vanblaricom, supplies for fani'ly 16 00 Q W Lane, supplies for self 8 00 N A Perry, supplies for Isabel. . . . 6 60 E Illakesley, board of prisoners. . 1 4 IX) A U Little, surveyor 124 75 8 M Rice, assistant surveyor. .... 7 00 J A Schunaeen, tame 8 00 I H Copeland, superintendent. ... 24 67 P A Frakes, commissioner , . . 2(1 00 W I) Case, same.. 24 90 C W illakesley, deputv assessor. . 95 00 Maude Decker, assistant 26 66 Marie Watts, asaigtant clerk 24 00 U II Mitchell, nriutinir delinquent tax roll.... ...132 00 Glass & Prudhomuie. books, etc. . 42 90 6 85 18 60 , 7 00 . 14 85 . 825 . 12 00 . 17 25 . 9 00 . 5 40 . 9 00 90 G A Kelty 22 60 DISTRICT JCLBVEN. GW Welch . 2 50 CM Graham , 6 00 DIBTBICT TWBLVB. John Boxler 9 75 Gisselberir 16 00 D W Freeman , 2 26 DIBTBICT rODBTEKH. DMcGill 6 39 Cleve Mellinger 7 20 w Mellinger 8 10 Green Adams 4 59 Wm Wood 7 74 Fitznerald 4 69 E Erickson 4 69 8 A Wilkinson 7 29 DIBTBICT PUTEBK. A M Randolph .,.....4 60 WG Woods... 4 60 J A McDonald ..... 4 60 Louis Siegert 12 60 Emery Sheeley 7 60 US Mellinger ; 4 50 H Christiansen 6 00 CITATIONJTO HEIRS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, In the matter ol the estate of Cyras R. Boles, deceased. To Miarm Boles, Albert or (Mick) Boles, Mrs. Phoebe Turner, heirs-at-law of Cyrus R. Bole, deceased; and to Delos H. Owen, devisee of said Cyrus K. Boles, deceased ; and to all other heirs and devisees, unknown, if any sucb there be, and to all other persons interested 111 me real eiiaie 01 saia aeceasea, greeting TN THg NAME OF THE STATE Of OBKGON X You and each of you are hereby commanded to be and to appear before the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Colum bia County, at the Court Honse, in St. Helens, in said County and Mate, on Monday, the eeo- ono oay 01 iseceinner, a. if. lwi. at one o clock in the afternoon of said day, to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale of all the real properly oeionging to saia estate or sucn por tion thereof as said Court may deem necessary for the best lntereat of said estate, should not oe mane as craved ior in tne netition on aie m said Coart, the real estate described ln said petition being a follows, 10-wlt: The south west quarter of section twelve 1121 In townahii five (.') north of range four (4) west of the Wil lamette Meridian, In said County of Columbia, State of Oregon, containing one hundred and aixiy iuu; acres. In testimony whereof. 1, 1. O. Watts. Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Coanly, do hereunto set my hand and ami the seal of said Court, at my office. In the uil ct. nciens. lounry 01 uoiumola, state of Oregon, this 11h day of Octobei, A. D. MM. St YOUR TRADE. We Expect to Get It By giving you just a little more for your money than yon can get elsewhere. Ye Expect to Keep It By selling you a quality of goodl that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT AIX THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS, St. Helens, Oregon. SCHOOL BOOKS EXCHANGED! Full state contract prices allowed for your second hand books. SEAL. J. Q. WATTS, County Clerk. W. B. Powell, Attornev for Ad ministrator, olnnlfi FOB PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. . Hooghkirk, - Matttr. RAILROAD TIME. Leaves Rainier dally fexcent Bnndarlfor Port- lend, at S A. M.. departing from Bt. Helens at 8 o cioca. Keturaiug, leaves rortlaud at i.w r. M arriving at Bt, Helens at 4: to. , Passengers anA Fast Milt PORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR BT. Oriental Hotel Ecaina Blakbsuv, Faor. TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS : At Rkasonabu Eiouaa. Visitors met at steamer landing and guests' bag gage looaea alter. COMMERCIAL MENS' HOME. 6T. HELENS, : : OREGON. W. D. MOYBB. John Etiholm 15 00 A G Hotchkiss 4 60 DISTKICT THIHTIK. EGronberg. 7 80 J F Peterson 7 60 0 8Lvon 20 00 OS Lyon 6 26 DEER ISLAND NOTES. U. D. Kelly and family have moved to Clatsttanie for the winter. Warren 3. Kinder, of Portland, has been visiting with bis father the last wee. Mrs. Jennie Goodman, of Kerns, Wash., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Merrill. Mrs. Edwin Merrill has been confined to her room several daya with nervous prostration. Rev. Mr. CalifT and family arrived here last Tuesday, Irom Columbia, Tenn., and are occupying Mra. Gragg't residence. Mrs. N. A. Andreas it visiting her daughters, Misses Nina and Winnie, tins weea, . rney are attenaing scnooi at Kalama, Wash. CASTOR For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Kavs Alwsjs Bczgbt Be art tha Signature of Real Estate Transfers. James Adams to E. Lydvigson, ee ol aej . of section a, lp 7 n, r s went ii Atnnwortti Co. to O. A. Brodie, SM.M.acres in section 6, tp 4 n, r I went 346 M Km I hie J. Onus and husband to C. C. lmM. . anrea In iwW of section IS. ID 7 north, r S wost 500 00 Elijah Hawkins to John Hons. 90 acres In n-S l ne'. of seciion 24. tp U.rlw 1000 00 n u Clnv in J. n. Aholantler. 10 acres tu w4 of sw'i of seotitm in. tp It 11. r I w 1 00 D J Malarkoy to John Wailaoa, loU 1 and J, block R, Eto 100 00 J. 8. Vancleve to Wn..Tcta, landslaScap- pnoie canyon 200J 00 J H WaiU to C. Whitney, 4 acres 111 see- tlunia. tp 8 n, rawest 00 Unlied States to T. C. Uvesay, patent; ame lo Thomas Meserve, patent: same to W . 8. Kyscr, pale ui; sum to (.'. I. Wanhburu, patent. T, B. WAU ACK. -THE St. Helens Hotel Wallace Moykb, Props., Is Again Open to the Public. Meals 8erved on Short Notice. Beds 25 Cents, Meals 26 Cents. WW BARK IK C0KKSCTI0K. HORSES TO BAT 10 CEKTS. St. Helens, : - Okkqon. . MEAT I MEAT I MEATI EAT1 MEATI f -AT TH- City Market St. Hblins, Obsoom LINDSAY & MORTON, PROP'S. -DEALERS IN- Fresh and Salt Meat City trade, logging camps, steam" coats ana rauroaa camps supplied. CHOKES riLLED ON SHORT 80T1CB. Everything for School Uses. GET YOUR 8CHOOL SUPPLIES . ' -AT THE ST. HELENS PHARMACY i.'-VaVfAvVsfVsv-aV aVfVfASVSV- --V How About Your Title? BK YOU 8T7RE It Is all rfgbt? fiem ember that U la the ne.unu mat roveriia. 11 n our ousineiw to Marco tha rwonl and show what they contain in relation to land titles. If jrou contemplate buying land or UninR money on real ritat wiritr. UUKc no man'i word, but insist upon kuowtnr wnat the record shows regardim; the title. An Abntract liaaeMeBtial as a deed. Insist on havine It. We bare the only set oi abstract books in the county. All work proniHlyexecnted and satisfaction guaranteed. If you hare property to Insure Hive us a call. We are agreuts (or the best fire insurance companies in the world. If vou nave property ior sue im it wun us and we wm and a buyer. 1 . E. QUICK & CO., Main Strttt ST. HELENS, OREGON . ST.P 0,nc. H01b8. bs Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist Owl Saloon BRIKK BOTHERS, PROPRIETORS Only the beat of Lianors and Cigars Kept in Stoci CYRUS NOBLE And other popular brands of whiskies always in sioua. WEINHARD'S BEER on draught. "lorn Benton" Cigars. AH tho latest newspapers and other pop- 0 uii I'o"""'- m MMfcafcatatAstsrafa. J) 1 V U h s ra Information and Appointments by Mail, g ROOMS 60 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Y Soatbetst Cor. 4th A Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, Jf PORTlAJSTI), OREGON. X TAKE KLKVATOR, Oil. UjaM'l ad ait ? To be well paid tor the time and trouble expended la look ing over each a complete and attractive lice of Fall and Winter novelties as we now exhibit, and to the many popular features of onr departments we are adding the IRRESISTIBLE POWER OF LOW PRICES ALL DEPARTMENTS FRESHLY STOCKED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPI.ES INKHCHANTS ST. HELENS, OREGON 4 p p' y V p - ' .