ST. rUHi VOL. XVIII. ST. HELENS, OEE&ON, FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901 NO. 48. IV! f 1 I I I B li J I LI L I I 4-X a CHAPTER Vt.-fContlnned.l "1 tar luat left the rut of th tra- trdy, mmlaut: but knowing the torture jour nilotlH umt be under. I could not o i. m bom until I bid aeen you. Your mi ifituil out In Ihe slliiulest dsniter. Herman Craven bad denounced th man whom b founcl bent over bta nude's life- Ira clajr with the blood knife la bi band, bla tnnrderrr. Ilermsn Craven wa the dead man's nephew; the cashier of bla bank: the pro "Tour brother la In the malt debtor! room." aald Jailer Klljaw. "I did not like the ides of confining him In a cell. The debtor' room la bad enough." "Oh, thank you." In moment more the jailer bad singled out key from hi bunch and unlocked and opened the door. A recumbent tiicure, lying on a low Iron bedstead, aprang to ita feet, and Jennie waa cliiapcd in ber brother' arme. "1 will return lu flftevn minute," said the jailer, aa be hurriedly withdrew and loi'ki'd the door behind him. Kllyaw bad been Wilmington' jailer for twenty yeara; but teara atood in bia eye aa he trudged bark to bi office. "Komelhlng wrong aomewhere," be mat tered. "Lang Seller ahould be called In to thla caw. I can't bellcv a aon of Dun can Campbell guilty nf murder." Little did Kllysw know bow deeply tb great detective waa already Interested In the caae. "I waa In aad deapatr all nlgbt, dear sla ter," aald Itobert, perhaps St minute after Kllyaw had taken his departure. My reliance waa on Seller, and I thought he had abandoned me. Your goud new reawturee me. I am content to lie In Jail until surb time ss be Is able to place ber in my atead the murderer of my dear old friend. It will take time. but he will do It, and witb a network arouud him from which he cannot escape. Now let ua talk no more about this mat ter. You kuow the Inqueet takes place at ten o'clock. I do not wish mother to be there. If necessary, promise me that you yourself will remain borne and keep ner from attending. It would be too much EVENTS OF THE DAY PROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. True, h may remain in custody for sum uecttv husband of his daughter. At least, werka. The coroner's jury will to-morrow Herman had told htm that it was bis un- doubtlea hold hint for trlsl, on certain cle'a wish that they lie united, circumstantial vlilviu' (tint to tb inei- Herman had cashed thousands of cheeks pcrlcm-vd juror will seem conclusive, for him, which checks he had accepted In Your eon may even come 10 inn m iw iwjuirui w ina, n waa pmin 10 oner- Insl court, but, ucllev me, tint a usir or in vxiun mat iiobert uampiieii bad sougbt kla head shall lie Injured, and he shall re- that night to gain the banker' consent to turn to yuu, bla entire Innocence of the bis nisrrlsg to bi daughter, crime charged against him fully estsb- Tb bauker had utterly refused hi nc ll.hcd, the honored nam be bear uutar- tlon. aud forbidden him to pay bis ad slshed, and more, be shall on day present dresses to the girl. The girl loved, or fan is vou ss his loving wife the fair girl who, cled she loved, him, but would not be- even though she ssw bis bent form stand- come bis wife without ber father's con ing over the lifeless body or ner ratuer seni. semap ne una omerea Kooert uk ik. HMhine vitamin In bl bsnd that! from the bouse. Anyway, the banker re- bereft hlni of life, yet baa full eon Hdenc moved, th young man hoped to make I ,UiM, ber the pain of seeing me conveyed In his innocence, bis bonor and intrgmy, name nia wu ana ooisin me lonone sue to jsil again the daughter of the murdered man. woma innerii. "I'oor Ilattler eiclaimed th widow. "Nothing could be plainer," thought You must go to ber, Jennie, with the Sheriff Cobb. "II wa prepared for dawn of day. This Is terrible for tn poor ucn an emergency, tie naa me sneain I imv wnu hiiu. it mmj umjv im iu mu unguarded moment and In fit of passion that he thrust It blad to th banker'a heart, or the deed may have been coolly and deliberately executed. One thing aure, the blow fell quick and sudden, but In bl anxiety to make certain that bla victim waa dead the young man tarried too long. 4 Comprehenilv Review of in Important Happening of th Past Week Presented la a Condensed ran Which Is Moil Likely to Prov of Interest to Our Mom Readers. The fFrcnch squadron lias with drawn from the Turkish roits. Board of visitors to naval obaerva tory report in favor of civio contnl. The Hague council of administra tion will meet November 27 to con aider Boers' appeal. . Filipinos attempted to repeat the Samur tactic, but were completely routed by the Americans. One more of the four Kansas escsp ed convicta lias been taken, making one-half of them recaptured. Columbia university ha asked Wu Tinir Fanir. Chinese minirter to the United States, to fill the chair of Chi nese literature. William P. Sullivan, Jr., head of h Han Franninco I ol ice. is dead from for one of her years snd seusitlve nature. compjcatjon 0f diheasee caused by I shsll surely be held to court, and II would over ,ork. . Chan Yen Tung will be the new "Hue thought yoo would feel so. Robert, Governor of Shau Tung province, snd will remain at borne. Several ladles China, the position held by Li Hung Will ne wnn ner. i sunn oe si me mqiirai, r-hanir at the time 01 HIS dealt). girl. Why, Mr. Kellars, my son a so iwo objects In visiting Mr. Jltosett's bom to night. One, as yon doubtless know, wss to tsk up bis not. Th other ws to k bl sanction to th union of which ,.t hskWas MS r'air rut " "He hsd obtained that ssnctlon." aald rVllsm. "H had also tsken up bla note m,tA h.J Iff In hi. twtaaeaaion. 'I know." th widow ssld. "II hd Informed m. And then, tl bag of gold. It seems Incredililer im ,. mm ratnrn to th bouse, Disd ain, after h had received th bag of coin. sua neror going o i - The cries of tb bsnker reached the ear of bl nephew and those of his daughter. who sped down the stair and confronted Mm with the evidence of bis dsmnsul crime clutched in bis bsnd. "A moment more and he would have been gone, the sbeatb knife with him. In 1 . 1 . . , . L , I. 1 t t J L. "IU did not. He left o t nan arier in momma iur """ ""T, ...A k. raffurnad n WSS IB ueeo iwunu aim iiu mm. .T ' ..." ".1 u -m.k Yon know I him T Robert Campbell would have uu he eipected to leave for Baltlmor on th dertaken to fasten suspicion on the young ne esicica v, bosl- cashier, as he doe now. and perhsp with im'r"l'L-u::.;".iVh.mmi a greater prospect of success. But th. , .i""' M bag of colnt He did not have It with h!u .. . ..I ... k.... U,.l K., AlA .... i . .. , " iuira. i warn uv ruirim n,v n"" ' w lie BO miori-u - ... . : .t.. u- ... k.. k.A "l. Mnll.n. I SIIUDOS W BJSy VISIl n omam nmi uoii ' V...ih. in ib. eonntf islir It aud secreted It somewnere arter ne .Jfa'ltuEft blm la th. knife blade from theb.nker'a bcea.t. r. . . " J i.ik i. mr eomuio- It may b discovered In tbe bouse. Agsin, in oemors ronn, - . - u . ,.m whn fll . . Mnii. i r nit mi d turn w uhtv hu m e - . , h,.l,l i, in.l. You bad best visit mm Is-tween eight and nlue odocg ion morn- rtg'ht tlm. come. irnll.r will eet.b- belong, to on. of tbe first f.mllle. In the rUTnnZr d'tiock bl. pr.r Ik,.,,, but th MJ. ro,,. man' th . with tbe coin. At all events, 1 have tb. st.rt of Lsng Kellers on this esse. I bsve i he man who struck tbe fatal mow. lie my brother, and though you are returned to jail, knowing what the future will bring forth, I am content, and then I must be with Hattie, your future wife." llleaa yon, my sister: ' Tbe brother and sister est aide by aid. on th. Iron cot when Fllyaw again opened the door, aud tbe basket of edible bad been very much depleted. 'Heady, Miss Campliell r be asked. Yes, Mr. Hlyaw, and very thankful to yon." "Kulireiy welcome. I lust received a messsge from Attorney Dobbs, and am expecting him at the Jail .very moment. He may try to worm a confession from you, Koiiert. 1 would not see mm. Xbsnfc you, rilyaw, but I am guilty of no crime. Pleas, admit him." "I don't believe yon are, but these law yer are dangerous sometimes. Would you not like to see Lang BellsrsT You remember now be saved tbe lire or Her bert Kussell at the last moment Poor Herbert, he occupied tbla very room for some time. have no message for Bellsrs, aald Iiobert. f,Of course. If he calls volufr tarilv and wishes to see me, admit him but be stated last night tbst he thought A new dynamite gun baa been teat- ed by the United State government. It sliowa better power oi aesi.ruijnc- nes than any previous gun triea. The Nome steamer City of Seattle struck an iceberg in Taku bay, atav. ing a large hole in her side. The loAmer waa not disabled to such an extent tnat she could not proceed on her voyage to Douglaa Island, one returned to Seattle without passengers or cargo. The damage will amount to about $5,000. The Franco-Turkish dispute ha been settled. All Russian cropa'are reported be low tbe average. General Smith say a the rebel leader will aoon be captured. Escaped convict in Kanaa cap tured a sheriff and deputy, The Federal party continues its tur bulent meetings at Manila. Tariff legislation is not probable at tlm to find th. gold. Iiobert Campbell Is a eandidat. for tb. gallows!" Thus thought Hherlff Cobb as h. mane bis way borne after seeing bis prisoner in carcerated in Jsil. Th. cries of th. widowed mother and man. He did He did!" exclaimed Fllyaw, moving nervously toward the door. "Then I would not give much for your lire, uoa heln vou. sir! Itobert snd his sister exensngea glances. EXPRESS MESSENGER C. F. CHARLE8. Who refused to open the express car for the robberg that recently held an..h.ra o.eitie .vnraaa train near Eugene. Oregon. His action vw - -. - prevented the robber getting a large gum of money. Mr. Charles will be transferred to 8an Francisco snd given substantial promotion by the Wells, Fargo Express Company. c NEWS OF THE STATE TZMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. HAVANA 8 EWER CONTRACT. el Jersey "Neither tne orotner nor sister seem ...rthroken." thnueht Kllysw, as ne wstched her lithe form psss from view, Im fluff tirtft. fssten this crime whsr. It belongs. There Is double mystery here, at least. I bav. the key to one. I shsll solve them all, only It wl take tlm. And now. all that 1 hav. aald wa for your ears .. .k .r.0J n, lei Camnbe l might doubly sister of the prisoner yet rsng iu bis ears; ..bllt lf Ung Sellar made that ststement ?ncXJtb.di ther wm ou" - tot h" ,o the ""a ot I)untr Cn,rM wlu d" increase tn diracniura m " .ii.k. uih liit. I ... i.v ,l.ik nn the m Iowa " befor. l ; JP 'Tt eight oVlok on the morning of the ,To be continued., panic w y- -, BBe, Jennie Campbell entered th. office of th. county jsil snd made known ber dcalr. to see her brother. "Follow m. Miss Campbell," said Jailer FDyaw, an nndersiaed, corpulent littl. man. "There are no order not to admit ZLmS i:olih hsd sonrehended the right the coming session of congress. A Lick observatory astronomer nnas the new tar in Perseua ia moving. fevral burelaries have occurred in Pendleton, Oregon, the past few days. a fut.l dual in the German army He kissed ber good-by snd sh followed m lead , jeiobstag investigation, the jailer back to bis offlce. I , ... , An American scnooner 7it by Portuguese gunboat in the Bid of McGlvney and Rockcby, CHy, Accepted. Havana, Not. 12. The municipal council of Havana has decided by a vote of 10 to 8 to accept the bid of S. P. McGivney snd B. T. Kockeby, of Jersey City, which is $10,393,015, for the Havana sewering and paving con tract. Considerable feeling was man ifested during the sessioD over the circulation of a pamphlet insinuating that th Mo.Givnev-Kockeby bid was really the bid of the engineers' de- nartment. The papers assert that 8enor Tam ayo. secretary of state and govern ment, has been challenged to fight a duel bv a member of the Union Club whom, it ia said, Senor Tamayo and a friend assaulted at the close of the recent banquet given by the Cuban society to the visiting Chileans. . , 7 1 I ... Senor Tamayo was aetamea ny me police but ultimately released bythe civil governor. , The JJemooratio pariyjias auopu General Bartolome Maso as its can didate for the presidency of Cuba. various links In ehsln of .vldenc that will bring them to the gallow forged well together, nd .end m. """ """ across tb. eontloeut: therefore "Our lips shsll remsin sealed, Mr. Bel Isrs, but our grautuae to you- RAILWAYS OF ONE ENGINE. Azores. Surceon at Port Townsend, Wash., is ordered to Liverpool to inspect im migrants. . . Lukban says he will not surrender until the Americans withdraw Jrom Gandara valley. Northern Pacific and Great North Now "Pi 'Kight,' Roger. And your maid hsreT" "Oh. I will answer for Cbloe, saw Jennie. Ia England There A r. T Katlroad i...Asaiiiiiiitw rrti rail i ----- - orked with a single co-l One hundred and eleven soonoua i . m i!n.nt Rrltaln luml in Malheur. Oreeon. oil district "Don't swsk ot It. Mr. Kllysw, If you nlesse." ssld Jennie. "W hsv. every no fewer than ten railway companies that manage to get through their wtwk with nno Iron steed, ao . ji.i h ..m vnAne that nf brother will be abl. I . t..,,. . nni io looo. "I dunno . ting, son n. . -;r .-. hli rew.u ' . B.rb.?ktbrbre. ft &UJZ On of the most Interesting of these mliMJenV.hlndryr m U bXI, smaU line. 1. what Is known tb. "Why. don't you e. Chloe. mother I. ' j (e ot navegls. & Eskdale Railway, altu- amlllng now, and I-I m "other gin ai- h . , . Whltehaveu, tn Cumberland. Well, -night. UdtaC W th. , 5 rrin;' m Td toid. ." '.""Jrh'slet, "Bl rou." said' Flly.w. "I should orison whst prostrsted, did not accompany me, tectlve, not which run from Ravenglass to Boot, a distance of rather more than seven miles. The whole of the railway staff "LTAT i!m Tr rW.d Ood feed Robert Campbell on prison fsre. Th. """t,V,v of Bve perwus-two plats-"aood-nlght. Mr. tWI o f . . bl t(rord, honM b, nU, nw,,.on'yr',.,.!.r ,n nrt n -1 .1 1. .mi, n1l.Tlli. in w .... I . . aiu j - - . . ,....r tk ..illiv wretch who mnr- T'a: '"I kLiT.:i'. old friend. Oh. If :r h.t . ahock thi. would b. to him. And bl on-bl boy, .,AA Ksh Flinr "Hertiert Russell was held for tb mur der of Dr. Tsylor, nuidsm." "True," ssld th widow, as Bellars psss- -J svttjt snnln . Jennie accompanied him to tb. oor. bad. him good-night, and watched his form .. It disappeared 1 In , th. d.rkn. tbst so often precedes th. dawn of day. .wi... . ni.tatlnn that man bas ss rim sh. thought, ss sh. -.11,1 K.efc through th hall. "Through out th South, at least, h tnds without . vv.ll hn deserves to. When sh Joined her mother h fonnd her preparing to rettr In a chamber ad i.,i,,in. th. alttlni room, teara coursing ,i..i. .... .i. her cheeks In profusion. "Why. mother, dear, you ar. weeping yet." ()h. thank vou. sir, but either my rnsld or I will come every day whll my brother la here In jsil." They psssed from the omc tnrougn tne hsll into the corridor oi tne pnaou. r u ... blew a abarn note on his whistle and a turnkey came forwsrd snd unlocked and .won. ODen the heavy Iron door of the irortore. handing tn jauer a ouncn ot ken aa he did SO. The nsssed witnin ana iu urTj uoor closed with s clang that grated on poor Jennie's nerves. Two rows of cells conironiea mem ... to th riuht. th other opposite with a psssage between them and an Iron stsU- wsy at tn runner eno oi i i..o Hey, yOU jalieri t'OC. my ce cams off at September court r- wss me nrsi greeting that reached tneir ears as mey flvenced. "I think not, Wortell," wss the reply! lmt don't worry about It. It will come aS maii enouirh." "Got any 'baccr, Mars jaiierr were layers, engine-driver, fireman and one iriiardof-oll work, If we may use such a term. ' nn..n stations tne engiue wxa- have been withdrawn from entry. Tnrkev yielded to all of France's demands. , Peter Maher knocked out Jim Jef fords at Baltimore. British trade In past ten months has greatly fallen off. LonebauKh has been positively Identified at St. Louie. Canal system planned for joining Baltic and Black Seas. Three missing soldiers from Second Oregon probably muruerea. Ramnsnv to drill for oil on Mensles place in Eastern Muiinoman. Spring salmon pack on the Colunv .r:.7: ".T.. t M.n a sieed of alx bla River was 224.000 cases. 7. u. L hour, but the obliging drlrer Colombia Is levying on the steam - i si .v mIsi. wav rutiria. i- wii lintr to fitoD tne euftiue snip iuj w nf nnv one who! nnmrnnn of neighboring states may wish to euter or alight from the commend Lewis and Clark Expoal tnnnlug nluces. tlon. i,a vnHioirwnia tiaiiwur ii : rti VAnsion ounu io iuwb". the smallest tn England. in i mi utterances i..n amt tlm extent of Its rolling Wslker. . n.ll InmnlntlvA find tWOi Tf Off Tnhn who WTSCked StOCK is oue . v. --7 w. .-aated l. . . i nnniTB in w unuiiiftivu. ns The Hundred of Manhood and Selwy In London. rth ware recaptured and nf Chichester with Selsey Bill, two were killed, UIC v.. J , . mull nromontory to "But now, my child, th tear ar. hsppy mit thlt grMtod th.m from another the enst of Portsmouth, Jutting out Into the En- licK AtintkltM. " This funny little railway boasts of no slguallug apparatus whatever, and w rnin.miilr begins a legal se- tton against her son James, Premier of British coiumoia. Li Hung ChangJisMead. The British cabinet ..... --. - M ... m . ... k,,. in nine throunn tne iron ur oi uia vn. i . . . . discusses short repose. At eight o clocg you mu.i lusas k aflusl tllllllt?! IU Tuur U1UIUVI 1 he is under th. watchful esr. of Lsng Hellae. th. .rest Bouthern detective, who has promised to restore him to ns. VII. 'Tank vou. Msssa." and the negro grin ned as though he wss nsppy. - 'Why do you keep negroes ucrip, t. I' 1 1 7 " . . .. . . ... "All, Miss Csinptieu, woo tioii hw CHAPTER Hherlff Cobb. Ciiii.h.,11 Inln custody, was ..iuu..i .1.. aMiiiHtf man wss the puiiMiieu umi . . i ., bunker's murderer. Of that tner. can - . t.nth.i U no doubt, but It Is also certain that ', t.,,.,.. da lies. X neb lu his hssts to do so he wss . " ld 7.. hog, He corned to my tater a fear thst Bellars would roo mm ."- ; . .. ... ..mtln' dem up. You reck alne. .. k .i,i.el it. bv taking him F";- " w. Into custody himself. Blues the rescue of Herbert from the very trsp of th gallow a year ... . ... t ...1.a.I Kv tllA line, wnun nave u Oremen or driver when necessary. At one place the line mwsoa the cut i...oe ,nnl hv means of a frail draw cum,. - ...... k whlnll IA linen lO lk . . . . . I Ten persons perished in tne ourii ing of Wisconsin theatre, mm mnnev for the ereat 1905 fair, though stock lists are not reaay. The Panama canal has been offered Khkn Robert Uw7W .. ,km.,hi. sre liaoie to iuiuiiuu.r... . weeks after tue opt.-uii. , . .j : t . his onenae is noi i " . . ... i.....n, i rs.norai H. u. uonuu u now - . . ., . . i . barge waa wu """'"""--1 .. j , w..h, He merely sioib uo, ... - -- . . tn Edvti, ratten were uirri in omer iu !, brldgo gave wayl i ' k?i" 8"tPs."r.nd in ;of all English mail for Australia is delW brldge got stuck, and l"0 .Lrfi ;8 si davs when sent by way of Bussell n , doii.r, fer d uiaea uai, . . yar w :J --,. httif f It." prevloua, Sheriff Cobb had been very Jeal- orr- iompv; I have engsged ot uarouna great aei.". d twyer to defend you. hsd no deslr. that h .hould hav th f ,.iier.. eredtt of havlnc annrehended the murder- " n t. ,t.rway and aa- r of Bsnker DeUosette. . ?i t. u was much lighter on this man snd rrom hi. lumUn at the oeaa nour ui - , ..,.. .nnma ..b' 'laeln': TL?.!.' Alrl.wirabl. spsc. at tb. rear. 5 Tf wint it someone elje's hog wsMer g M ot l)e lowered. As It.was J"" L: r.ters. sn' deu 'low him to go freer . ,m,mr.Hnt that the euglue should the United States, tne quiomer he taken to the other side of the canal, jn j894 the TJntied Btatea senate iieff1 n(T the line-and drawn j . Kill nxcludine anaiohists, but round by road with a traction engine.- t ,ailed t0 IaM the house and did not Pearson's. beoome a law, . . O. N. Hartshorn, LL. D. Levi Z. Lelter made nia un , . ,,m0.t 60 ye,,, preai ... 1 1 j : - . t Union college, ui after a long illness from u. Ha was 78 years old ... . s uiaiiininii aiu' s " s nrivuiin u inuiauvi Ing. xwo '-''"'-"' trusted. OMNIBUS HELD UP. North Bold Robbery Wlthm th Limits of a Dakota Town. Valley City, N. D., Nov. 12. While an omnibus was on its way to North Valley City tonight it was held in bv masked men. nail oi tne pas sengers aboard were robbed, losing money and other vaiuaoies m urn amount of about 400. Lawyer Combs, who was ridine with the driv er, jumped from his seat in the dark ness, ran back to tne nearest nouso and telenhoned to the police. By the time the officers . arrived, however,, the robbers had escaped witn tneir oooiy. There ia no clew to their identity. The hold up took place within tne itv limits and was a hold piece oi work. ' Forgot to Close th Brtech. Athena. Nov. 12. A terrible gun actfl iHent occurred yesterday on the British battle ship Royal Sovereign, outside of the Ostoko harbor. n An artilleryman forgot to close the breech before the gun wa nred. une oracer and six artillerymen were killed out- rieht. the bodies being terribly mutil td. and the captain and 13 sailors were seriously mjureo. American Schooner Stixed. London. Nov. 12. The Exchange Telegraph Company has received dispatch from Lisbon announcing hat a Portuguese gunboat has sexed he American schooner Nettie and Lottie at Horta, Island of Fayal, in the Asores, for clandestinely convey ing 26 emigrants who were trying to svoid military service. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Charges Against Supreme Officers Not Sus tained and Everythinj is O. K. Seattle, Nor. 7. Supreme Presi dent W. YY. Terry, Supreme Secre tary J. L. Mitchell, Supreme Cap tain Paul Pferdner and T. B. Mc Devitt, of the Order of Washington, hare answered charges made by John B. Parker, president of the local union, regarding tbe organization. The supreme officers were indorsed in every possible manner by the members of the union, and whatever distention there might pave been, disappeared when President Parker threw down his badge and withdrew from the meeting. A unanimous vote of con fidence in the head officers was ex pressed by the Seattle union, and peace reigns, with tbe exception that Parker is to be tried under impeach ment proceedings. .The Order ot Washington nas un ions in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, and has a membership of over 12.000. The supreme officers are leading citizens of Portland. It is incorporated under the laws oi Oregon, and was the first society authorised to do insurance business in Washington under the new law. PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. Dowa Th Several Committees Ar Getting to Active Work. Mexico City, Nor. 13. The several committees of the Pan-America," congress are getting down to work. The committee whose work is pernaps the most advanced is that on fan- American railways, of which Senator Davis is chairman. Its,, work, how ever, bas largely been preliminary. Mr. Davis has received information about the route of the projected rail road from several countries through their representatives now in this city, and in oases where the delegates are unable to supply the information desired they have, at the senator's re turns t. sent to their government tor it. ,: The committee on commerce ana reciprocity has held a few informal meetings, but nothing of importance has developed. On Friday the dele gates to the congress and their fami lies will depart on their first excur sion, going to Pueblo, where they will be banqueted by the governor of the state. - -, ' Stage Huting. Miss Julia Marlowe, writing in th. Dramatic Number of Collier's Weekly, says that she was once asked lf an actress did not sacrifice her finer na ture by permitting "stage embraces." In reply she declares with some spirit: "Such a question demands the appli cation ot only a fair degree of com mon sense to ensure a negative an-swea." Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of th Growth and Improvements of the Many Induitrics Throughout Our Thriving; Commonwealth Latest Market Report , The La" Grande factory has made about 25,000 bags of sugar this season. The fall run of silverside salmon in Rogue river is greater than for 10 years. W. T. Grier has sold his fruit farm of 10 ucres, two miles from La Grande, for 13,000. The Hodson farm of 225 acres, three miles southeast of Salem, has been sold for fl,500. , A railroad will be built to Lake view, next summer, to develop the . property of theOregon Potash Com pany,' About 75 men of the coast artillery will complete their terms at Fort Stevens next month and will receive their discharges. A mysterious burglar got away with a large amount of goods from Pendleton cigar store and left all fastenings undisturbed. A receiver will be asked for the Baisley-EIkhorn mine at Baker City, so that it may be worked and made to pay up ita indebtedness. A movement is under way to or ganize a company composed wholly of Astoria business men to operate a freight steamer between that city and Portland, in consequence of ex cessive freight charges by the trans portation lines. A syndicate, of which the principal is a millionaire lumberman of Minne- apolis, is about to acquire the im mense lumber, railroad and sawmill holdings of the Siskiyou Lumber A Mercantile Company, including tne McCloud Kiver Railroad, for a sum reported to be $3,000,000. The Boseburg water company's ex tensive improvements are : nearing completion. The St. Helens school district will issue $3,500 in school bonds to build a new school house. The roads of Wasco county are vastly improved by reason of the adoption of wide-tire wagons. The Salem Automobile Co. has been incorporated to operate automobile lines between Salem and suburbs. ' Nineteen members of the Oregon City militia company were court martialed for neglect of duty. i County Commissioner Young, of Clatsop county, was in Astoria last week, and reports that tne county saw mill is in place and will at once be gin operations. The break in the dike is being repaired oy a iorce oi men. The Sumoter Lumber company's new 45 horsepower engine has been- installed at the saw mill at Sumpter, and all three engines started up last week and are working satisfactorily, both in the saw mill and the planing mill. The Chisholm logging camp near Knappa, has closed down for the win ter, after having cut the body of tim ber it has been working on for several months. It will start up again in the early spring on a body of timber in the same vicinity. Te Divert American Traffic j New York, Nov. 13. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says : Ac cording to the British correspondent of the London Chronicle the German railway authorities are arranging to run a train in connection with the ar rival of the North German Lloyd steamers, which win leave xiamourg and Bremen twice weekly, it is re lieved that if this plan can bo earned out it will divert much of the Amer ican passenger traffic which at present passes through .Liverpool anu ixmuou for Southern Europe. A heroic Elevator Man. ' New York, Nor. 13. Fire in the carpet making plant ot tne rianet Mills In Brooklyn tooay enaangereu the lives of 800 women at work on the upper floors of the building, but they were all gotten out. William Stew art, an elevator roan, kept his cage going until the last woman had left the building, and then fell uncon scious Irom the smoke and fire fumes he had inhaled. Three firemen were overcome by smoke. Loss, $35,000. Italy's New Battle-Ship. New York, Nor. U.The battle ship Brennetto Bren has been suc cessfully launched at Castlemare, in the presence of the King and Quoen. says the Naples correspondent of the Herald. On the arrival ot the Queen she was oresented with a magnificent bouquet. Her Majesty performed the christening ceremony, and as the bat tle-ship glided into the water the ships ot the Mediterranean squadron fired a royal salute. The Brennetto Bren Is one of the largest ships of the Italian Navy, having a displacement of 13,000 tons. Her launching weight was 7000 tons. Gav th Officers th Slip. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 12. Three of the escaped federal convicts have been located in a building in Shorey, a suburb of Topeka, ever since Satur day. The police were notified and they made a hurried trip out. t How ever, the men had become suspicious, and eluded the police, by leaving about 10 minutes before the police arrived. A negro woman noticed the convicts and her husband euve the alarm. , a Portland Markets. , Wheat Walla Walla, nominal, 5555KcT; bluestem, 56o; Valley, 5555c. Flour Best grades, $2. 653.50 per barrel; graham, $2.60. Oats Nominal 90$1 00 pr cental. Barley Feed, $15 15. 50; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $1718; mid dling, $2021; shorts, 1920; chop, $16. Hav Timothy. $1113; clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per tton. " Butter Fancy creamery,2527)ic; dairy, 18920c; store, 1415o per , .Eggs storage, zuo; iresu, misW Eastern 2021. Cheese Full cream, twins. HX 13c; Young America, 13lia. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.00; hens, $4.00; . dressed, 10llc per pound springs, $2.50 3.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old $3.00 4.00 for young; geese, $6 7 per dos en ; turkeys, live, 10 lie ; dressed, 810o per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3 Mo gross; dressed 66KJ per pound; sheep, $3. 25 gross; dressed, 6c per pound. Hogs Gross.heavySSS; light, $4.755; dressed, 77Ko per pound. Veal Small, 88Ko;large,77Ko per pound. lWf Gross ton steers. $3.604.00; cows and heifers, $3.003.50; dressed beef, 6mo per pound. Hops 8 10 o per pound. . Wool Valley.ll 13)6'c per pound ; Eastern Oregon, 812o; mohair, 2021c per pound. Potatoes 65 85 per sack. : The assessed valuation of Idaho ha increased $4,649,680 in a single year, and the total now is $52,195,486. Thirty-two additional warehouses are to be provided In New York for the storage of 600,000 to 600,000 bags of coffee. The total number of experiments on living animals In the United Kingdom tn 1900 was 10,839, 2370 more than iu the previous year. It Is statea iiik but few of these experiments were iu any serious decree painful. nvwks vv wururr, fm bwhi