Tho Small of the Back - Tlmfc Is wheie some people, feel weak, all the time. They are likely to be despondent and it is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble aa if they hadn't enough already. The fact is their kidneys are Smith' Handkip. Reir. Dr. Thirdly I wish to an nounce brethren and listers, that next Sunday my place in this pulpit wilt be occupied by the Rev. Mr. Smith. I Xr will nw aln SKma n , , , , , - - T l - ,. TT OIU. UIIW T VI DUB VI ciuior naiuraiiy or Deoause I hymn No. 196. "That Awful Day Will of sickness. eiDosure. worrw Surely Come." other influences. A Ditagrceiblt Chsractcrlttlc. Katharine I detest that Mr. Tlf- Ongtonv , .. . . ..... t ; .. MargaretWhy. Katharine' "Oh, he's the kino, of man who ah waya calls when you are expecting somebody else who doesn't come." Ufa... . , .- . .-. iimrm boon ran tared to hmmtik torm mro on film Mndprovo this ztzizzmas ia at fmvit rt m ohm torn fawn smoessAI In oar In 3 mo mtumy woman, you mwi avoir may without toy Snai f 4 not b&liavo it Wi.I ftAB OM." " I u thankful to sr." writes J. U Cants Ml, of. 8eaaMra Ut, "tee Hoed's Barsape rtua has eared ate, For Bur rears I m sTeaMea with backache. At timee I wu e fceeH bad so be helped from the bed or ehair. I eMewweU sad strong-and free front pain." What this treat SsedUina did tat Urn It has eVsas for ethers. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Begin treatment with Hood's todav. Hl Experience. "Suspense," sighed the condemned man. "Ah, my young friend; you don t know what momenta of torture are." "Oh, yes I do," interposed the cal ' low youth. "I have often sat quietly with only a dime in my poeekj while my best girl leisurely persued the menu of a French cafe." .Chicago AlBWe. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. : Tit ld Yon Ka.e Always Mghl Signature of (ifti Caller H Id Up. Mistress Jane, have you ever been second girl before? Jane No mum; alius cook. . Mistress Then, when a caller cornea you take the card, show tho lady into the reception room and bring the card to me. I will then tell you what to do, " Next afternoon: Jane appearina at the door of her mistress' sitting room Caller down stairs in th' hail, Mistress In the hall? Why didnt you show her into the reception room 7 , Jane She dldnt have no ticket Beheola la Porto Rie. The expense of nminmiiiinc schools in Porto Rico is verv hiaii if we consider the amount spent fur tue small number of pupils enrolled. Kdw-auoti, however, ia a j ware ecseutini to itn-es. 111 our coun try the iieople are being educated to the fact that "thereto a annex re forimliprretioii, drspensia. constipation, nervousness and malaria, lever and avtte, and that medicine ts tl .wiener ' ttaimai-lt Hitters. Trv it. Our Private Die Sianin ia over the net k of theootue. v - These Lew Characters. Greene That' fellow in the short coat was a wonderfully fluent talker. Gray Yes. I was wondering wheth er he was a labor agitator or only just a priiefighter. Boston Transcript. There la more Catarrh In this section of tho country than all other dtseaeee put together, and until the laat few yean was supposed to be tncuraoie. ror a areas maav Tears aoetora pro nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local rt 1 remvuivv, sou nj awitsnuy tenuis; to cure you ! 1 with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. 7 vegQiable Cornpound IS a positive cure for all thosa ttainfal Ailments of Women. It Will antirolv lnr. th mnrmk f.-...- Female CoaiDliunta. ail nnrim sm. Inflammation and Ulceration, Falltag a3 ltnlarementa o( the Womb, and Spinal. WeakncBa, and ia peculiarly adapted w . u' w r,(-e. Your ntUictr(ej ourwi m e( tor MU.M.X.KOUAM, Ia Cancont 8q., Bortoa, WAY ACR0S8 SJBEXtIA RAIL LINK FROM MOSCOW TO VtADIVOSTOCK. Trawa-Biberlaa load la Oaa f the World's Creates Acblevesastita-' cepttoa, rrearava, rarpeooe aadi la' atnenoa aa a Kaaalaat reaaeaaiea. I A TRYING OCCUPATION FOR WOMEN WITH DELICATE NERVES, The Bard Work Katatlad by the Charge of a School Rmm Of tea Causae . the Health to Break Dawn. A Otiutlae Surprise. Her Mother I saw him kiss X am terrioiy Shocked. I did not Science has proven catarrh to be a constats, imagine fora moment he wm.M H.l!l4i,"ion,u take such a liberty. Dackache. It has eared mora oanna nf Hukx.W m.A Leacarrhosa than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in snob eases. II diaaolvaa and Tamora from the Dtarna in an aarlw an of development, and eheeka any teadaaey f -"5a Your Vegetable Compound re- moved a Fibroid Tumor from snv wonih after doctors failed to tro nuei. atas. at. A. l m A D, Wesldale. Si Me. Herself Kor did I, ma. In , fact, I bet him a pair of gloves he daren't 1 Brooklyn. N. ., Oct IsL -After Inrestlrat Ins; Cerfleld Tea, which Is suite nritromii 1 acknowlrdsed to be the best family remedy, it .ra uacuii toeipiain lusnoceas it is the soeaicroe lor liWU RESULTS, It ia nciureu oere ny laeuarneld Tea Co. ia their w end attractive labratorv and is made Sivini UBKHS. UarHeldTuUtw.nrATu . . herb oare for constipation and aick headache When r Was. A tittle four year bid occuniMi uper berth in a sleeping Awak- his mother asked him if htinew where be was. - "Tourse I do," he replied, "I'mll sue sop arawer. " tTrre) fimmiitlT Oaiea. r. eta 1 BlIW afUrUrst .!.' uof pr. KliaOrcx Narv, aww. Sjudfor VSLKK W Muul fco.uii snot isa. Dl-XU liui.Lj. '"V-tilan Ps Way Thty Played Pattatra, . iney had been married a year be fore anybody knew it, and even then ineir secret was discovered only by accident." . inaeear- -res. one ev ening at a card party, they thought- icasiy piayea partners, and the way they quarreled let the whole thing muss uvuvit xree xresa. 1'fllITrn ,Ewv maa. woman and child saner I. 1 1 r II li,' TI croup, pm- Derl laai mania or eoaMmstlua to write aa. oaa X.uaa Balm Pad Co., Caauaaooia. .. A Pckia Miuicale. From the pagoda of the late Prince LI Bum What we heard strains of strange and weird music. Turning to the guide we asked "What causes that peculiar melody?" "Why." he explained, "that is one m our Boiaiers playing on bis toot." Baltimore American. tional treatment. Hill's Catarrh Cure, man- uiactnred ny r . J cneney a Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia 1 lie only constitutional cure on tho market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly oa the blood and muoons surfaces of the syttasn. They offer one hnndred dollars for any ease it falls to cure. Bead for circulars and testimonials. Ad drees, r. J. CHKNK i A CO, Toledo, O. vim Dr Lms;iriBis, foe. Ball's Family Fills an the beat. Helpful Hints. "Are you the man who used to write articles about 'How to live on Ten Dollars a Week'?" asked the caller of the pale gentleman with the bulging brow. "I am be," responded the cele gentleman. ... , .. j- well, say, won't you me ns one on 'How to Build a Thousand Dollar Cottage on Five Thousand Dollars'? Baltimore American.. ,,,r Bearlng-down Feeling' Womb troubles, eausinc pain, weight, and backache, instantly relieved and perma aeatly cured by its use. Under all curasa. stancos it acta la harmony with the laws that ovara the female system, and ia as harmless as water. V 1 "sea Bacache left me after taklna 8 r the second bottle. Your meduuno m eared me when doctors felled. Maa. Siua HouTnnr, Davis Block, (iorhain St., loweU. Mass. j. " wimuuu nn, vv uiaiuw e oootn "--yrup the best remedy to use for their -VJ,n daring the teething period. ' The Current Dutctstsloa, Dr. Tooagun No, sir; I do not ap prove of admitting others than the physician to the aick room. If tho physician understands his business he can prepare the patient for the hereafter. Mr. Oldun You mean If he doesn't understand his business. Baltimore American. Irregularity. Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, Weak ness of she Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Kervoua Prostration, Headache. General Debility. 1 is a arand medicine. I am fnl tor the rood it has doaal Mrs. J. W. J., 7s Carolina Ave, Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme, "don't care" and "want to be left alone" feeling, excitabil ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues," and backache. These are sura indications of Female Weakneaa. soma drmniMMnntnf th Cterua. " I was troablad with DIulnMa 1 Headaches, Faintness, BwelUiujl limbs. Soar medicine eared sse. I Maa. aUaaa K. Bassk. I Bueksport,JaTe.t eW"ar Piao'a Cure for Consumntlon ia an inf. I. ible medicine for eoueha and col.l. v W. 3aaiDKb. Ocean Urova. N. J.. Fah. iV 1900. ' ' Bitter Exptriencc. Mrs. Basin Kane Oh! Rasin: there's the wedding march. Do yon remember when we marched op the aisie io n ten years agor Mr. Raisin Kane Yes, and I have been marching ever since. Tho whola storv, however, la told la aa Illustrated book which (oee with each bos. tie. the enaet complete treatise aa fesjeaJ ooaaplalasa over pbliehed. P "" Ban For eight -years I saiTered with t f.,, j womb trouble, and was entirely "sTwr eared by Mrs. Pinkhsm's msdleioa. Mas. i. h. Towaa, Littleton, N. H. Kidney Complaints and Backache of aitAer sea the Vegetable Compound always cares. The Vegetable Cosaw nind la sold by an agists or sent by mall in form of Pills Losenges, - Up-te-How. "Have yon hay fever? "No; thafa old." 1 have the elec tric fan sniffles. Fuck. to Very Probable. ; Teacher What led Columbus conclude the world was round. - Bright Boy Well, his experience with it proved that it was anything but square. Boston Transcript. Ljdia L PiaUun'i Lher Pills eura CeMuBjBas. Slot Hndicha, 25c seim ot al.oo. la 1801 the first coupons were Issued toie the building of the Trans-Siberian railway. ; la December, 182, the work waa begun. A highway waa to be push. ed from St. Petersburg to the Faciac, a band of steel 0,803 miles long, binding the extremities of the empire and ever Its polished track affording an unrival ed route for the commingling of east and west and of their measureless products. From Farla to Vladlvostock the Journey by passenger and traffic waa to be made In twelve days, and later on In ten. Prom Farla to Pekln In thirteen days, to Hong Kong In seven teen daya, diminishing the expense In money and la time by a third or a half. ' This railroad waa to be financiered. constructed and administered, not by private enterprise, but by the Bute. Hence Its object waa not by financial returns to swell the revenues of giant corporation or Individual capitalists. The profit and loss account on Its pe cuniary aide waa a minor eonalderev tlon. its single design and aim waa to strengthen and develop the Russian em pire, the dominion of the east, the mas tery of Asia, As the strategic position of Bussla over against Asia la unique, so is this railroad unique In Its possibilities. Whatever acquisitions Oreat Britain or Germany now hold, or may hereafter obtain on the Asiatic contingent, those poeaeaatoug are remote by thousands of miles from their base, and their effi ciency dependa upon a difficult and pre carious connection through those thou sand miles of sea and land. Nor can those possessions be brought Into much more intimate relatione with each other and with the home empire than they al ready are. That Is, for Great Britain or Germany or any other power to de vise a political or strategic rival to the Trans-Siberian railway la an otter Im possibility. It remains and must re main the most stupendous agent in de termining the destiny of the globe that haa yet been conceived by man. It Is to be maintained, as It was first orig inated, under the most favorable geo graphic clronmstancea which a State haa ever enjoyed. - There Is no assertion here that aa an achievement of engineering skill this railway surpasses or even equals a trans-American railroad from New York to Ban Francisco, or a trans-African railroad from Alexandria to the Cape. Viewed merely aa a railroad. It may in every respect be Inferior to either; Its trains may be less commodi ous or less luxurious. Its locomotives less powerful or less swift, its technical management less efficient or less sa gacious; bnt, regarding simply ' geo graphic position, having In mind only where It runs, what it connects and what It must Inevitably effect, nowhere can experience or Imagination suggest a rival. The nearest approach to rival ry would be afforded by some line crossing China from west to east But the western terminus of such a line would of necessity be close upon Bus- sian Siberia or K use Ian Turkestan; It would traverse only a moribund or dis integrating Asiatic State; and what ever might be the governing board of its construction and administration, it would Indirectly, If not directly, be sub ject to Russian Influence. National IM TWewsx. mmmvMt, afina. Teaching school is an occupation which lias many attractions tor our tured women, but it also has many drawbacks and often affect their health seriously, Especially is this so In the case of women with delicate nervous systems and those with a ten dency to imlmsnary troubles. Miss Mary K. Towers, of Elltworth, Wis., is a toucher whose health was broken down by the hard work which the charge of a large school entails. She says: ; "During the winter of 1803, white teaching school, I became subject to nervousness, which grew worse until my whole system was run down." My back aohed and at times I was so diiry that I could hardly stand. My limbs were swol.'en and always tired, so that I felt no mure rt'nteii in the morning than when I went to bed. I was also troubled with a cough and the food I ate did not strengthen me. This condition, accompanied by pal pation of the heart, kept up for sev- I eral months until in March, when I read about Dr. Williams', Fink Fills for Fnle Feople in a Juneau, Wiscon sin, newspaper. "I began taking the pills and in about a week I noticed a change fur the better. 1 felt so encouraged by this improvement that 1 kept on tak ing them until I had used throe boxes, and was entirely cured. I always keep Pink Pills by me and I take them occasionally when 1 frel the need of a tonic "I believe firmly in the good 'done by Pink Pills for Psle People and have advised many of niy friends to use them." All the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are con tained in a rontlt'iiciil foim, in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Psle People. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partinl paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexions, and all forms of weakness. At all druggists, or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 60 cents per box ; six boxes $2.60., - , FARM MACHINERY J1IID SUPPLIES. f me STAR OF STARS aWawsh f-5 1 V V 7.J cmn KILL. bail bverlni la turn-table, - Turns Ireely to the wind. Ball bearlnm thrust in wheel, Insurlnf tlehtesl riiiinlni utialitiea. and reaarvlut greatest amount et powar lor nmnplna. uairaniaau aiier raaauia- rut oinH- Ith aalvanlseu bolls, (touble-nutteui na part can rust or (et l""f anil rattle, Welshl regulator: nerfsel rvniilsllon, Ma sprint to ohaiii tension with every ahange of teninerattire, and arow weaker with age. Kepeirs always uu hand. These Utilise are wurlh money to TOU. Then why aot bur s STAHf MITCHELL, LEWIS .ft STAVOi CO, PORTLAND, OftCaOH. ItVASS PENSION If SICKFOKO, Wsshlneten, B. 0 thsv will re Is eelve aulrk renliKa. a nhk. H V.,l. m.e )th Corps, frvseeutlag oUitat since Is?, JOHN POOLE, PortisM, Oregon, .... Cetsst sa ass saaw Can give yen the best bsriralns a Ungiiies, flows, lliilrs and Kiigmea, Winoinills and Pomps and Uensrsi Mauhinary. Bse on before baying, SCHOOLS m COLLEGES. I., Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate flails. ! , , COVRSKS-t'lasslesI, Ui.rary. ftilantlfla and Cvinmetulal. J'ut particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, PrtsMrnl, University Park, Portland. Oregon, 0 n "-WUSSW POULTiW FOOD w viwHt. r nrtngifitfit ytvng cftrUi, ftKri fttaHt -sffl v raw. rrcZKifMit)0. W f my To"W ooicstsMM ,mmri tiyinty, tvni Art htm i your i Ki HtitAii ruuirnr rotiw. ki AHrt iMoku ! your I'KUimiAtl roUletnV JfOOl. " uymgT ana l n thiiauitiy Ktp9 1 om I t4 hmm v. lS tire ptai.u th.H. IIMiustwhatlaaea4lianiauiMMiH'r, u. a aiuolM, Lata, Waah, J. HUWSK, tloaat Agent. Portland, ttregea. Arriving at s TotsL Tax Collector -How much Is your uiiauana wonnr Mrs. Wise About mllllbn. Tax CollectorAre you sureT Mrs. wise Ob. yes. You see, the jury awartieo him ror the loss of a finger. I think in proportion the test of him would be worth about SOU times aa much. Chicago News. Losing Na Chances. Genial Doctor (after latighina heartily at a Joke of his patient) Ha! ha! ha! There's not much the mater with you, though 1 believe that It you wore on your deathbed you would make a joke. Irrrepresslble patient Why, of course 1 should. It would be my last chance. Punch. To Rtmovs Spot, Jester That man' Sliarnlev ia a patent medicine advertising Strong Provocation. "Johnnie, yon must never inter rupt any one when they are siieak-ing." "Not even to correct such bad grammar as don't, nis?" Tie wouhrt Back Down. Miss Jones Professor, do you dare to look me in the face and then say that I originally sprang .from a monkey T . Professor (equal to the occasion) Well, really, It must have been a very charming monkey. Stray Stories. Th Wrtck of the Birkenhead. J. Johnson, who died recently In I Liverpool was the laat survivor of the famous wreck of the Birkenhead, the troopship that went down In Si mon's Bay In February. J852, when only 184 men out of 638 got ashore. The troops stood drawn up under arms on deck till the ship sank. clever man. Jimson Is he,? Jester You let I He's been sie naling the sun about the elllcscy of ins new magio freckle cure. Ohio State Journal. Block Homes te Dtftnd Railroads. A series of block houses are being built to defend the railway lines in 8outh Africa. When the order to build these block houses waa given by General Kitchener, a chain of them 180 miles in length was completed in a fortnight. Trifling that Costs. Neglect Sc.aiica and Lcsibago AM vou msv be SIsahlMl ami ncapecitated Kir many loot days. wore lor Geographic Newa de Toa eaa address la strieteet eonSdenee, HBU B. PUHsUal sUB. (Xk, Lisa, kaaa. Coed Pries for Morse 1. Eighty-seven carriage horses were sold in New York the other day for an average of over 11,000 each. V 1 ?llth ?any mI,lions of families Syrup of Figs has become the ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fie Syruo Commnv ane... U- r. 1 . 6 ! r ; r u TJ ucttcLt. yumy ana uniiormity 01 product. , which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the 1 most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all wno are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. byrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with- ' out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect ! freedom from any unpleasant after effects f : 1 - In the orocess of manufacturing, figs are usedas they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene ficially on the System. Toti Hs beneficial effects- by He ervuirxerMakrvufacturcd by Iruiavilk. Ky. SAr frAncfaco.CaJ. Hcw YorK'N.Y row juatt iv Att pstuociavTa s-mca j0e rr rt B0TrLa ' 6 A Man of Reeottroca. Tbe spectators who were watching a large store building burn down were horrified to see a man appear at a win dow about twenty feet above the front sidewalk, every other avenue of escape having been cut off by the flames. The firemen t were at work In the rear of the building, and there was no time to go after a ladder. A leap to the ground below seemed almost certain death. The man, how ever. In spite of bis position, waa ths coolest person In sight "Take off your coats," be shouted, "and make a pile of them on the side walk! Ill Jump down on them." It was done in an Instant A hnndred men Jerked off their coats and threw them on the walk beneath the window, the man meanwhile having climbed ont and bong by bis bands from the ledge. us oroppea, alighted on the center of the pile, and escaped without injury, the crowd cheering him lustily for his pluck and generalship. " ' - v It only remains to add that It took some time for the owners of the respeo tive coats to Identify and recover their property, and the last man found only a ragged remnant of a garment In Dlace of the One new tailor-made article he bad contributed to the heap: bnt this. let na hope, was an accident, such as may sometimes happen when hasty se lections are made from a crowded um brella rack. Home Life la Janasv ., Is Japan the higher class ladles never go to market; the market comes to them. That Is, the dealers call and offer wares for sale at their customer's doors. The fish merchant brings bis stock, and If any is sold prepares It for cooking. The green grocer, the saks dealer, and now- adays the meat man all go to their pat rons' bouses. In the morning the ladles are frequently engaged in the charac teristic occupation of doing barmona: that Is, in starching old clothes ; and spreadlngbera on large boards to dry In the sunshine. This Is the first step to making over old garments, and Is done In the open air. Nearly all Japanese women make their own clothes: at all events, even the very richest embroider their garments themselves. They are very economical little dressmakers. i Woman's Home Companion.' A Candid Announcement. "Mike," said Plodding Pete,1 world owes us a living." "Yes," answered Meandering Mike, "but In order to collect it we've get ter do something to convince de world dat we're alive. An' dat's too much trouble." Washington Star. Two Feints of View. , , , An emotional citizen of the arrest city of Illinois was one day showing a visitor the wonders of the lake front "A few years ago," said he, "the lake front extended inland far beyond where we are standing. 1 tell you there isn't a town In the world that's making history as fast ss Chicago is!" It looks to me more like making geography," replied the unemotional stranger, St. Jacobs Oil " Will cure surely, rlfht twsr, and save time, money and : sufferlne. it Conquers Pain Prteo, $e and goc. sou bt six bsaucas ia asDicim Pointers for Sosvsalr Celltdsn Souvenir ootlectora will be interest ed to learn that 100 large tables, six dosen chairs, twelve dosen work boxes, II desks, 14 dosen knife hand les, 24 doi.u cigar esses, 100 dotrn umbrella handles and over 10,000 (ten holders have so far been made out of thepnly original surrender tree ol Baiitiago,'and the tree ia nearly all there still. -Mew York World. A Ceiacldtncs. "I suppose it is merely a coinci dence," said the young man who Is anxious to learn. "What is?" inouired ilia as cured friend. 1 he fset that the most annantlnnal reformers have been men who were so rich they didn't need any more mimr. or so poor thut they had lost hope oi getting any. "Washington Star. Break th Rut Tuner Your daughter left word that I snould estl and repair the piano. Mr. Binks What's wrong with Itf Tuner 8I10 says three strings are broken. Mr. Dinks (confidentially) Look here, here 'a five shillings for your self. You break the rent, of them. Tid Bits. : v , ' Why Hs Did It Mothar Gooduoss gracious, Willie I W hat do you mean by spilling ths milk and honey on the HtxirT Willie tiusie wanted to play we ; was in Canaan, the lust like the bible. J-'liegcnder Dlautter. - . tvWsnte. Struggling minister There was a stranger in church today. His Wife Well, what did he look likcT - Struggling Minister I did not see ' him, but I found a live-shilling piece in the contribution box. Cuaaells Journal. Expert Testimony. "Jenkins has just wrote a book on How to Succeed.' ' . - "1 wonder if it will tM a success." "it ought to be, Jenkins has failed st everything else," Summer Resolution ' ifcclay Curo Sars relief beat llqaor, opium and masses eaa SMi keMie, 1 perils Ulan te m, p. n. 0, Ke. SS-lSOl. . Conductivity sf ths Earth. Col. PllsoduskI, of the Russian army, has, it Is reported, Just suc ceeded in transmitting a telegram without the use of a wire by utilizing the conductivity of the earth. It Is said that the Insignificant force which will transmit through air a dis tance or only fifty yards will allow transmission through the earth for a distance of 550 yards. , BEST FOR THE BOWELS fk w tADY (STUART. First Fire Engine In 1781. The first fire engine used In this coun try wss brought from England to New York In 1731. . , . v - Thus Good New Days. "Are my coddah balls as good as those your mother made, David?" "Better, my dear, 100 per cent bet ter. We didn't have any boneless codfish in those days, and every time we nsa codfish balls some body got J siiuaeu. tnicago neraia. IO s ao ALL OBUCCISTS. CANDY CATHARTIC A Battle of Giants. "Smithers can tell as good story as anybody I know, him an awful whopper the night, but he matched it." ; "How?" "Said he believed it ,gtray Stories, a fish I told Other aVaaeaaaiaa)SaaiaSal SWEETEN TRE STOMACH Sat them Ilka candy. They 2a. P-snanaafrsiiSiis.ssaajSii PURELY VEGETABLE ' saaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaae1 KlaaP YCU2 SADDLE. D2Y! " 'C, THE ORIGINAL a I. Aid oar.iift Every widow even to the 300-pound limit. Imagines that she "makes a pa thetic figure In black." Most girls who look sweet at tlou't uieuii It ' PSOrfCTi 10TH V C!EE2 Aim SAfiWr ShOWHS POLL LIN? OP tt&Ki HT5 MHOTKTHi AJKMtn CO"R08TOH.riA33. .? 1: """f. I LIVER TON If! I af?.-' "es"WaOls.snUsLa 'LVMsHMIV, !ssVssjkefsslsjlaswsa MILD BUTT SORE1" ; mmtmm0mmMlmw0mWtm - aimWmWmmmWmm WsalJa?laS llWassaswafaWa tWllWllHl Hi ll I'll Jar)keSaM 1 .ill I, . tests sreed. 1 remove any bad taste In the mouth, Isav ma jne oreain street ana psrfumed. It IS a Pjeaaure to take thsm, and thay ara ,.u aibiaiir or enuarsa. !w,f.,KU.l.lh .eaeh by elssnslntr ths mouth, throat and food ehannsl. That , means, they ston tinrfiatd rnAa r.n t Isourlna In tha .Inm.l, ln In the bowels, anrt'klll ira yivteMn, ;r.!.P,ur.,,'.T,',,M "4 enntsln no me i.r.i .i . mineral poison. They cos I VSi ti. ,h. '"""L ?!coverles in metllolne. ', ans rorm a KimMnaiiAn .1 0 , . ..." !2Vid.wt0 mak bl00d fu'e and rich ttnti lalBstst sfilatan aL tea mA U. t..i plexlon.- e- the'la'al ,ES,&!5-?f'i "?.'' JtJrrj"u'?i.Lh bow" P th "m Inte iten'natSa."' TT "7 """" lV Pf?Jh,1,p"0T'', Theyantoiileny.pns."" : t r..?ti".U,.fl'v,!;c?"" k""i of uncom. th. n!,'e.elin- Ti!k,n "sularly thry make iEt, V,S.,ct "SUlarly and natural y aa It " Doni.Tm!,'", tS""e of the hed, , Properly moving and keep the system clean, increase the flow of milk In nurslns molh. h.V J,WhI,,olh"T ' a tahlst, it aiakra hf.. HL.k .""'i'" Pursatlve and haa a mild ' nur'sinVInrant. " "'V '' " r!!kmB?-"n.,."r' Prs!tently, will ears sny IS-SA eonL'Psfion, no matter how old or 2Sw.k,,,n .',her ""a'es have 1 afi4. They !IV.b"JuU" rentd to ours any ease, funded. a""'t, wlU b o'1"'' fit.i!2B' ""J1 bo- Bsmph-s sent free '. .?. . V.kln"T- w PuWIah no teatlmonlala iULf" Csacarsts on their merit under ab-K- t?.auarantee to cure. Wuy and try a fSJ fcViJ..f mtitt u t0T siaauss ssasBi as., onus a saw roan, iwmW&x&Zi $100 REWARD Vp"4to "'r"a thI ppwbwi ' ,n "" '" """""" M niair port to ns any attamnt of anh.ttt.fina r .1. . M .... ...., .-,.M I for.saa furakk ivUsncs anoa ?ltliiH Ja,t V t0' whsn CascarsU are eaUsd - 'rTaence BJUa w, JU1 ewssjondssee wnalsntifi.