The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 08, 1901, Image 3

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iiavao ivt a rnoAf morkimo v
masa wni
Editor ado I'mopkuto.
E. W. Wright, commercial and Dautl
reporter on in ureRtmian, wmi
Mltar t tltia ofto Tliuretlajr morning.
Eil li on of the pioneer newapatwr re
Mrtsr of this staUs, end hli work li
trllt to the journal lur wtiloh lie writes,
The three-year-old danghlrir of Mr.
Mrs. A. II. Tarbell. o( IWihelor Fiat.
M tery unexpectedly Wednesday Itrre
soon. The ohild lull from porch to
tht ground, siiutm:e 01 aoout two I wet,
Monday, trikiiiK on He head. It waa
thought there wae no serious Injury and
theoiiltd waa playing aa usual ail day
Tuesday. Wednesday morning con
vulsions tet In and the child died in a
abort time. The physician, who arrived
titer death oeoared, It of the opinion that
Ui brain received such Injury asto cause
Thlt from the Urant'a Pate Observer
will be read with much interest by the
Maple 01 una immeuiate vicinity i "it.
X CorllM tbia week told the I)ry Dig
tint placer mine, nxiimi aoout uiree
piles east of Qrant'e Paaa, to 0. W.
Anient, of Ohirwgo, the consideration
being IK.OOO. Mr. Ament will operate the
nine thit season, Mr. Corliss remaining
at supertntenaent. i tie ury uiggina,
alter a run cx lorty days last winter,
am a cleanup of eoinethina like MOOO.'1
Mr. Corliat la well known In thia part of
the country, having been a resident of
Ytnkton for several yeara previous to
1801, when ha removed to Urant'a Paaa
and engage in piaoer mining, rut
frisnds her congratulate him upon hit
good lortuue.
The prune tree mutt go. Farmera
1b the vicinity of fteappooee and Warren,
who hare devoted time and land to the
culture of that variety of fruit, have de
rptired and are ridding the land of the
treat. Harrv Weet. who bad a nrune
orrhard of ova acres or more, net naa
all the treea grubbed out and will mil
lie the land for other purposes. On
- . . r . . .
the Noon farm at Warren, where there
u an exceedingly large prune orcnaw.
the tame thing la being done. The frnit
yielded abundantly and matured well,
tmt It waa an unprofitable crop. Tbe
land devoted to prunea on both theae
placee waa in the higheat, pritneet atate
of cultivation, bat put eo at great ex
penie, and the action of the ownere la
eenalble if tbe crop ia unprofitable.
Commercial intereete at Rainier re
ceived a aurpriae laet week when it be
came known that J, i. Schmidt, tbe
Foi creek logger, bad taken a paaaea bv
the light of tbe moon, leaving hie cred
itor! and laborera in tbe lurch aeveral
hundred dollar, Schmidt aent two
rafts of loga to Portland a few days be
fore and went up to collect for them,
which ba waa auoceaaful in doing, to the
amount of 91000, which be landed deep
Into hla inaide pocket and then took a
abort walk, to where, no one aeema to
know. Hla buaineaa affaire had been in
bad ahape for come time, and bia depart
ure la not very much of a aurpriae to
many people. Numerous attachment
lull and liana have been filed and now
the court will bare an inning.
The county ererk ia "equating off" to
J a at tbe registration business again on
anuary let. Many votera maintain the
idea that becauae they registered two
yeara ago that ia aumclent. Such an
Idea It altogether wrong. The law reads
that "on the nrst of January neat pre
ceding a general, election the county
clerk ahall open tfa registration booae
and continue to register votera until
May 1Mb." There appeara to ba a good
deal ol unnecessary red tape about tbia
registration buaineaa, but after all, wa
believe it to be a Aret-cleea law. It
neccesttatea a good deal of trouble and
aome expense, not it doea prohibit "re
peating" and other illegal voting. It
tbe voter will hear In mind that ba maat
regitter, and when in the county eeat at
any time, attend to the matter, which
require only a minute or two to attend
to, and without coat, he will not ba in
convenienced in the least.
Meeera. L. Hansen, of the Ophlr Min
ing Company, and II. R. Cliff, of the
CllfUmow Mining Company, were before
the county commissioners Wednesday
with a request for aid in opening and
Improving the county road leading from
Warren to the coal prospocta In the Inlla
weatof here. If the coal ia what it la
aid to be, and there aeema little reaaon
to doubt but what it ia, then the oourt
ia juitifled in liberally aaeiating them In
the development of an Induatry that
will prove of lininenaa value to the en
tire county. Mr. Hansen claima that
with proper facllltlea hla company could
begin at once to ahip coal from their
mine, creating a great demand for labor
and bniiding up an Inimenae Induatry.
The court Is inclined to be liberal In
theae affaire, where a taction of country
la to be beneiited, and alter carefully
eanvaaaing the ailuaUon it la likely tome
aulitance will be rendered.
Another caae ol "not knowing It waa
loaded" occurred near Peria laat Sunday,
and but for the interpoiltiou of kind
providence another victim would bave
haaa anrnllttt nnder the banner of unfor
tunate who fall prey to such careless
acta. The gun, a 22-caliber rifle, in the
bands of Johnny Sobleakl. aent a bullet
whining through the right able of the
neck of the eldest daughter of Mr. J. B.
Wllverdlng, the accident occurring at
the borne of the young lady. The mot
ile of the gun waa to near to her that
tha kln In ill the vlnlnltv of the wound
ia oonaiderably powder bnrned. The
affair waa purely accidental, aa waa alao
the eacape from death of the young
lady. There might be tome aente in
stating a moral to tome things, but In
the naa nl Arurmi It ia abeolutely non-
aantloaL The ball from the rifle cut
thmnoh and nnilnr the akin, making
considerable of a flaab wound, but not
ArtUlaa nl trnvtrnnratlon o( tlieCllftOD'
nw nna.1 and Min ln nomtianv were filed
with the eecretary of atate and the
count nlark lait week. The aentlemcn
compoaing thia company donotaapeet
to protect! te work witli groat vigor thia
winter, but in the early aprlng there
will ha mnh activity about the proe-
pecta. However, operation will not
ceate at the mine entirely.. In fact, tbe
work of development la now in progreja
and will continue until it ia definitely
entiled whether there il a quantity of
coal at greater depth than haa yet
been attained. A eore-drlll converted
into a chum-drill machine, arrived down
Monday night from Portland and la now
inttallmi at tha mine, and it la expected
to drill to a depth of from 200 to 500
feet, There aeema little doubt In the
ininda of tha aentleuien iuterettea anu
othera who have exflored the country
that a vraat hodv l nnal underllea tbe
entire countrv In tha vicinity where
thete operation are in progreea.
Enough drifting hai been dene to lead
to I lie conviutlon that the proper wnv
to explore In in going down, which work
It confidently expei ted to reveal auch
roiiditlon aa are believed to exist.
Mir.'-: E.' Dow WM ' from Vr-
n .,,1 u'" o Bcappoote, waa
... nn i. uiiouar,
' Dr. J. W. Moanrve, of Delena, wai In
the county teat Wedneeday.
Will Connor, nl w..
the atreeta here WedneVd.. . "" w"
,110V. Mr.1 Phllbrook will preach In
thia city next Hunday evening.
Gene Whltnaa i -ii...l..i.
Tuetday atUnding to butlnen mattera.
Norman Mnlfaw li.
dairy farm, on the itland, Wednetday,
Thome Clonlnger waa down from
Scapporita Wedneeday attending to bual-
mw auaira.
N. A. Perrv. nl tfnnlliin
".to bulnt mattera 'ia Portland
Mine Bertha Rntlar and Ifnlnn
Bundt. of Portland, were the gueeta of
Miaa Grace Mile Uat Sunday.
Charlev Merrill. Frad aitama anl fl
E. Olaen, of Deer Itland, were doing
wuaiunn iu rurtianu ia eaturaay.
OttO Kulner made Anal nmnf laat Vrl
day before the county clerk, on hit
tioineatead in tha vicinity of Bunker hill.
Jnhn ft. Prtnt araa In Ifu..fnu1..
having luat arrived from Mehalem. anJ
conuouea on to hi work at Wettport
air. 1. r. KUtter. Ol Ulatakan a. waa
In town Tueaday attending to buaineaa
mattera. He continued on to Portland
in tbe afternoon.
Jodite McBrlde'a family, after havlna
anew tne aummer ana tan at tneir ueer
Ieland farm, have returned toOreaoa
visy lor we winiair.
Mlaa Dalav Swine- haa flnlthed her
term of tohoo! at Valley and returned
to thia city, where aha expect to enter
achool for the winter.
Wm. Hacker waa over from Vernonla
Wedneeday. en route to Oregon City.
wnare na naa Dumneee to attend to witn
the land office official.
waa in town Wedneeday. Mr. Leonard
haa lived contlnoualy on Sanvie'a Itland
for over lortynlne yeara.
. '-m .in mm i .j i mi. rmrmmwi w , n i.iiiu.iih
.... I. .. I... 1.! J L. ..1 . I
wm id wwb laai rriuaj. uaviiiy revuriiw
from Portland, where be apent a day or
two attcnuing to Dueineaa.
Bert Weat waa down from Scappooae
Tueaday. He report work procreaiing
aatiiiactoriiy on tne new nriage acrota
ncapjiooee creex, at mat piaoe.
Mr. J, S. Vancleve, of ficappoote.wa
in town Wednetday traniferrlng title to
hi farm, in the canyou, to Mr. William
Teta, who expect
to take poaeeaaion of
tbe place at once.
An order waa alaned by tbe probate
jndge Tueaday, designating ueoemtxir
8th for hearing the petition and final
report in the ealate of Elmer K. Whit
ney, deceaeed.
The Artlaan of Hon I ton will give a
necktie party thia (Friday) evening, to
which the public ia Invited. There will
be refreabmenta eerved and a general
good time bad.
The Rvnereon will appear at tbe opera
. . - .
nooee in tnia city nexi nonaay evening,
in tbelr long Hit of tpeclaltiea, and other
faaturee of entertainment. Admiwlon
60 cent and 6 cent.
Mr. Swen 8a ion waa In town Monday
attending to buaineaa matter. Mr.
Kaxon ia now and baa been employed at
Kalama for come time at hia occupation.
that of painting and flulthlng.
Will Milea wa down from Portland
thia week. Will haa almoat entirely re
covered from the attack of rheumatlim
which rendered him a cripple lor to
lona duiinc the aummer. and ia conse
quently much pleaaed.
Mr. 0. F. Fowler, formerly of Colum
bia City, but lately of tbe 8t. Helena
mining dirtrlct. waa lo town Monday.
Ha had with him eoma anecimen of
copper ore which ha found in the coun
try eaat Ol Hfc OU neiene.
S. A. MoCall, of Houlton, ia enjoying
a two weeka' vacation from bia labor
in Perrv' t atore. He expect to vint in
Caatla Rock, Oregon City and other
niaoea. Bud Hentbaw la very accept
ably filling bia place in the atore.
Mr. Thoraaa Cloninaer. of Scappooae,
haa recently received a letter from hi eon.
Tom, from whom he ha had no tiding
for a long time. Tne young man ia in
the minina dittrlcta of the tar North
and expect to remain there during the
Fred Caplea. of Columbia City, waa
In town laat Saturday ahaking hand
with friend and relative, after Just
having returned from Oape Nome,
where he had apent about two yeara.
Frodaay he expecta to return wine
North in the apring. j
five year of age, residing in the vicinity
of (ioble, waa examined neiore tne
eonntv ludm. Monday, aa to hi aanity.
lie waa aeni to uie anyiurn wr wwuv
ment, and Sheriff Hatun proceeded to
Balem with bim that atternoon.
Rnad Bunervlaor Flank II engaged
thia week at making a fill acrota the
canyon couth of town, on the Scappooae
road, to take the place of the bridge,
rhfoti had heooma decayed and uniafe.
The fill will coat no more than a bridge
and will be permanent and Mating.
U a meeting of the achool dtrectora ot
thia dlitrict, held Tueaday, it waa de
cided to iaaue fS.ouu oi Donon. in ooeui-
enoa to the expreaaea win oi ine poopie,
for tha purpose of erecting a tunooi-
houae. Nothlne deflnite in regard to
building will likely bedone before aprlng.
v. v.. O.ilrV. T). J. Swltxer and TJ. W,
Clark, the referee in the Brynt-Uon-
yera controveray at oiaisaanie, wm
nendlna a week on tha ground, in an
effort to adjuat matter, returned home
.mt Kridav aveninff. inev expeut w
have a volumnlou report to lubrait to
tha imnrk in remrd to their finding in
the matter, and It li nopea a enieinem
will reeult.
The will of Susan R. Shattnck,de-
ceated, waa admitted to prohdte Mon
day, Dy JUage uoaa, anu uU....
niXJ.In.r waa aniin nted executor with'
... knnil. Tha will beaueathed to each
r tl.a heir, exceptina Mr. Wlcker-
ham and Mra. Steven, $5 each, In pld
i ihm wnnalninar retldue being given
to tli'oie ladlea, constating of nearly 000
in peraonal property.
Friend of Tom Muckle Will be pleated
. .k.t h haa hann heard from.
T lf, Kara alwillt four VCaM UO, and
ince that time but two letter have
been received from hlra, and hi rea
.1.,.. lalt aome aonrehenaion for 111
Mr. Vanhlbber. of Portland
recently aw Mr. Muckle, who i en
aaged it freighting for aome mining
Jompany, at of Cape Nome. Tom
la laid' to hnve made coimlderatila
monev and now ha an extewive bui
new built up. '
Rev. Hawkin and wife apent a por
tion of last week in the metropolis
O. A. Andarann an1 wlf. n.V
babv to Portland laat week for operation
.w. ll.l, up.
Mlaa Laura Conycri left on Monday
for Oregon City, for more or lea ex
tended abaence.
The Imperial hotel la now at It
new elevation and will be much Im
proved when the debri la removed from
around it.
Tha fniir tmfmrm .m AndL. ..A
to keep them all in employment during
auuuui noura, ana eonooi wore progreeae
very aatiiiactoriiy,
Prnl. V.mmnn limb tmmt W.I.I
-" mrvm, w.uv IHI. IIHIH
evening to alip off to Portland and viait
f riend a day or two. He waa on band
Monday morning for achool work.
O. R. Hlggin haa returned to Clata
kania to look after our tima nl. !(
did not teem to find a location to auit
him to tha letter, and came back to try
u again.
We notice R. D. Kent brlnn hi bov
to town about twice a week for attend
ance to hi broken elbow. It 1 reported
the little fellow bid fair to bave pretty
good uae of the joint. ,
A league bat trimming aoclal la
announced for Friday evening at Con
vert' hall. The men are to trim tbe
beta for the inspection of the ladiea,
and for prixea that are offered.
Mlaa Eltle Hughe entertained abont
fifty of her young friend on Hallowe'en
evening, and those present declare her
efforts at entertaining company were
eminently auccesaful and that a most
enjoyable evening waa apent by all
The rain and conaeouent bad roads
find a number of bad place where the
idewalk ordered built bv the citv coun
cil have not been built. There haa been
difficulty in getting plank from tbe mill
and now the difficulty will be greater
loan oeiore.
We bave a new barber now. Fred
Iliatt sold out laat week to C. . Mo-
Cormick, who haa taken charge and
aeema to be a capable young man for
the place, besides being a very agreea
ble young gentleman, we are not ad
vised aa to Kred'a intention.
Not much damage waa done bv the
niichievouly diipoted on Hallowe'en
night, but tome wagone did get out of
place and aome other article bad
changed their location during tbe night.
wblcb, however, did not take very long
the next day to get in shape agaiu.
Tbe ateamar ia vlaitlns u now but
once per week, or at least, promise but
one trip weekly unless conditions
change. We regret thia action on tbe
the part of the Shaver Transportation
Company and hope they will regret it
enfliciently to re-establish the triweekly
service in the near future.
To the great aurpriae of all who knew
him. Perry 0. French, who had been in
Oregon about six weeka, and ha rela
tive iu and near' town, made deliberate
arrangement for hi own destruction,
writing a note asking that bia body be
filaced in a neat coffin and aent to hia
ather in Missouri, designating who be
wanted to preach bia funeral sermon
and naming the pallbearera, and after
the atatemant tbat life waa not worth
living for him, bade bi friend good bye,
folded tbe note and pot it in hia hat
along with bia pocketbook, got on abed
tick, put a revolver to the side of hi
head and fired into bia brain, dying in
about fifteen minute. He waa stop
ping with old Missouri friends. Sanford
Carver and family, and wrote the note
tome time during tbe day, packed hla
trunk and then went down town. About
7 p. tn., after spending aome time about
tne nouse wiui tne raniuy, appearing aa
cheerful aa usual, ha webt up stairs in
the dark and not three minutea later a
hot waa heard, followed by groans.
Mr. Carver went np staira with a light
and aeeing what had happened, ran to
the atreet for assistance. Two or three
peraous got in before life waa extinct
and witneased the end. Not being able
to find the coroner. Justice Barnes waa
summoned and coming over, held an in
quest, finding the facta aa stated, but
not nnaing any motive tor tne aeea.
A maaaam tii hla father waa nromntlv
answered, requesting hia body to be
sent Eaat, and it wa taken to Portland
Monday evening for embalming and
, rTarrea School Report.
The public achool at Warren cloaed
it cecond month last Friday. , I have
enrolled sixty-eight pupila.
wools ISO, oi uay aiienaance uoo;.
Whole No. of day absence, 97i.
Whole No. of time late, tt.
General average of attendance, 57.
Tboaa entitled to the placing of their
namea upon the roll of honor are: Hat
tie Urewell, Walter Cooper, Annie
Cooper, Clarence Cooper, Alfred Cooper.
Hasel Collins, Maininie Olaen, Carl
Luud, Annie Larson, Scott Lynch, Mar
garet Isbiter,Erwin Grewell.Elmer Dun
can, Lena Wileon,NellieGrewel,Gertrade
Lynch, Georgia May Slavena, Orilla
Tucker, Maud Wilson, Verna Tompkina,
Eva Urewell. Gkbtkvdc Lowa,
, reacner.
Tl ltohtnat riwkat nf hn alliens for
many month wa a condition confront
ing the county commissionera when they
convened in regular session heraWednea-
i i i i . i . 1 1
day morning, ana oy nigui n-mnj
the work waa attended to and tbe board
about read v to adjourn' However, some
minor affaire were attended to Thursday.
There were no order of court made, and
beside listening to the reading of the
journal of proceeding of the previoua
maotinir. tha time waa consumed in
examination and auditing bills, tbe
aggregate of wbicn waa aiso muc
smaller than la usually the case, amount-
Ing to pernapa noi over fiuw.
Fred Koble, duoeaMMl. that she h fllel In the
Orrifon, bar nnal oomintol hor administration
upon said estate, together with her petition tor
Anal settlement n3 dleeharae. sua that tne
Hon. J. B. Doan, Mm ol laid Court, haeap.
pointed Mondar.the tod dar ot Dcoerober, ml.
at S O OlIKJ ID IU. ! W mww w. ' I " - -
time, and the ouurt-room ot said Court, at the
courvnouw, in oi. hwiwm.. wiwi-i - "r " v
. . i .. ' ......... .. 'I ..41 Mtltniii Inr
OI neaniiu wm aoroiiij i, 1 1 T
nnal wuiemeu. aim unwiw,., . " ,
and place any peinon InterMted majr apir and
me oojeoiiuiw m w..n.i ". jr.-.r ;
eeMta. IMtfld t Hleu. Ore iron. October 4,
IVVl, We Mi rOWBII BUimtuatiumae ww..
In the Counr Court ot the State of Oregon, in
and for Columbia County.
In the matter ot the estate of Elmer . Whlt-
-'J1!?S,.,;.. BV TUR1TW
deniirued administrator of the estate ot
Klmer B. Whitney, dwaod, that he has liled
In the ollloe ot th Countr Court of said umuiy.
Ills nnal accouu i wu."i- V -i
said estate, together with hie petition , lot 'final
lattlement ol said estate, and that the Hon( J.
B. Doan, idge of said Court, hue designated
Friday. IHoember th. WM. at the hour of J
o'o oox in tne iiri.m "-7.
time, and Uie court-room ol said oourt. In Ui
olty of W. Holens, Oregon, as the place, for
hearlns sani potiiion ir wm.-'-
dfs' ha'se, at which time and elaoa anyone
interested may file "" JS.TiJ'JW "
ny they have, thereto. 0. fc y",HlrlJ,Kl..v
Administrator ot the estate of K niar B. W hit,
dowsed, based at BI. Helens, OrthlS
Mb day el ovemhr, At !., WW. , ,
Governing Appointment of
Those Offlelid. .
Two acta of Judge and clerks of elec
tion may handle the ballot in aome of
Of the lirecinnla at tha xlm-tlim nert
June. This wilt be an Innovation best
appreciated by the men Who have aerved
In the paat either in tha canocltv nf
clerk or that of judge. They know the
trims ana tribulation, the uitlgue and
legartby during that trying "counting
tha VOte." There ara anma hanetita- to
accrue from thia plan. When the last
legislature waa in session a number of
amendments were made to tbe Austral
ian ballot law. In moat instances these
amendment were suggested immedi
ately aftor the June election last year,
when defects were freth in tha mlnda of
the party leader. Among miscellan-
eoue improvements, or changes, wa
section three, aovernlna the annointin?
of (udge and clerka of election, which
wa made to read in au bstancea follow s
"Tbe county court ahall, at tbe regu
lar term in Jsnuarv nrnoedina a general
election, appoint three judgee and three
clerk ot election for each election pre
cinct, to aerve for the period of two
years, and ahall designate one iudge aa
chairman. Said judge and clerk (ball
each be duly Qualified elector within
the precinct for which they are ap
pointed ; able 'to read, write and apeak
the English language; not a candidate
for an elective office to be voted for at
the ensuing election. No more than
two' judgea and two clerka shall be mem
ber of the same political party, and
they ahall be appointed from tha two
political partiea which respectively cast
the highest and next highest number
of votes for- the presidential electors at
the laat preceding presidential election.
"Ten dava before anv election author
ised by law, the county court ahall des
ignate one poling place in each precinct,
and fill all vacanciee that may happen
among the Judgea or clerka by reaaon of
Amm.k Mn.r I .Urn. m.mmtm,mt Aim.
WMu, I.UWT.I UVUI iUV Jll 111. V, U.0-
Jiuallncation or excuaal by the board for
or good and sufficient reason."
Having rearranged the law respecting
the (election of officers, the legislature
maue an amendment to aection oi tne
Australian: ballot . law, that ia of far
greater Interest - than tbe foregoing.
Tbi proposition ia contained in the
appended summary.
''In all election precincts In which
were eaat 160 or more ballots at the last
general electlon.or if tbe county court be
lieves tnat many ballota will oe cast at
the next general election, the county
court may likewise, at the aaid regular
January term, appoint a second or ad
ditional board consisting of three judgea
and three clerks for each precinct, who
aball bold tbetr office for two years.
and who ahall possess the same qualifi
cation and exerciae the aame authority
as tbe nrst board.
"Judgea and clerk constituting tbe
second board for each Drecinef. ahall
meet at 7 p. m.. at tbeir respective pol
ling places, and relieve and take the
place oi Uie nrst board, iney anau
'orthwith commence to count and tally
tbe ballota in the manner prescribed by
law. In case tbe count ia not completed
by 7 a. m., of the following day, the
first board ahall reconvene and relieve
the second board, and continue until 7
p. m., when, il tbe count u not yet
completed, the second board most re
convene ana relieve tne nrst, ana so.
alternately, until the con 1ft ia finished
and the returns certified.
"When the first board is relieved by
tbe second board, at 7 p. m., of tbe
first day, it (ball certify and sign the
poll books as required by aection 22, of
the Australian ballot law."
The work of each board must be
shown separately. In order to accom
plish thia, each board, before taking its
recess, must knot the ends of its string,
upon which are the ballota it counted,
and aeal the knotted enda under the
official aeal ot the board upon the back
oi tne UDrjermaat rjauoc
The main question involved is whether
tbe county court will strictly ioiiow toe
amendment and create a aecond board
in precincts where there are at leaat 150
voles. paragrapn aaya -may .ap
point," and not "ahall" or "must," It
is contended, however, that Judge Shat
tuck, of Portland, held that "may"
meana "must.'.'
Thia new nrorramme will effect but
three precincts in this county, and prob
ably not but two. At the last presi
dential election thero were 230 votes
polled in this (Union) precinct, and 213
in Clatakanie precinct. Rainier pre
cinct polled exactly 150 votes, and per
haps it may be necessary to proviae in
the same manner for that precinct, a
will be tbe case for Union and Clata
kanie precincts. There are two or three
irecincta in tne county mat pou up to
00 or 126 votes, but the new law will
not affect them.
Aboat the Tax Levy.
The fact that the county la out of debt
la grounds for speculation aa to what
tha tax levy on the 1901 roll will be,
and it had Just aa well be aaid first aa
last tbat tbe prospect lor a lower levy ia
not very good. Thia statement may be
somewhat astonishing to many inter
ested people who have carefully watched
the trend ot events, but it ia no lea a
fact, nevertheless. There mav be a
alio-lit reduction, but the field ia not
open to anything that will materially
augur in wis respect, x 11a lorro
during the paat few yeara were not cal
culated to decrease the debt but merely
to meet current expense, which forth
with calls forth the inquiry 01 now tne
debt waa paid. Judicious management
in the collection of back taxes paid the
debt, and there is no other explanation.
' . 1 .r .
tor many years mere was no pu
forth to compel the payment ot taxes
and the amount of the delinquencies
toon arose to an enormous aum. it will
ha remembered that in the computation
of tbe financial condition of the county
these amount were always reierrea to
a resource by which the county was to
pay it way out. Thia Idea waa very
generally acoffed at throughout the
county, and the officiala were charged
with "atumng" tne ataiement, qui me
truth of the matter stands out very vis
ibly that by no other means than the
collection of these delinquent taxes haa
the debt been paid.
To manage county affair the most
judiciously the expense of maintaining
tne county itseu cannot u
less than a 14-mill levy on the present
valuation. Thia means salaries, bridges,
aid, miaoellaneoue expenses; the school
tax of 6 mills, state tax, which will be
about 6 mills! scalp bounty, K of a
mill: roads, about 8 mills, making a
total of 27 mills. Thia ia but an ap
proximate levy, which may be slightly
increased. The total levy lor thepres
aent vear waa 29 mills, and it may be
possible to cut thia down a little, but
li.tia Tha valuation haa been
increased some, and that fact will tend
to lower the rate some. The current
nr . aMAal nf tha r.ountv must be met,
and it I well known that the court has
been very careful in the management of
affairs in in past.
Card of Thank.
xvm. ,lnaira tn thank our friends and
neigbbora tor their many kindnesses
and assistance during the time of our
.... n iiAM.vAmflnt in the loss ol
tooth I-. i. 1 t . . 1 - -- - r . , .
r mother. Mra. Shattuck, and take
means of thanking all our frlenda.
Hew Law
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Columbia.
In the matter of the estate of John Kennedy,
To Mn. Barbara Kennedy, Hiss Millie Kennedy,
Miss Barbara Kennedy. Mr. Frank Kennedy,
Mr. 1, R, Kennedy, heirs of aaid deoeaaed,
and to all other unknown, greetine;
You are hereby cited and required to ap
pear tn the County Court of tliv Hliile of Oregon,
lor the County of Columbia, at the court-room
thereof, aiBt. Helens, in the County of Colum
bia, on Monday, the 2nd day of December luol,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show eaus why an order should
not be (ranted to the said administrator to sell
the hereinafter deecrihed real estate of the aaid
deceased, to-wlt: Southwest quarter of the
southwest quartar of section twenty-fonr (24)
and the northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter ef sw lion twenty-live (29) In township
seven (7) north of rang three (31 west of the
Willamette meridlaa In Columbia Countv. atate
of Oregon.
Witness, th Hon. J. B. Doan. Judge of th
Connty court of th State of Oregon, for the
County of Columbia, with the seal of said Court
aftlied, this lath day ol October A. D.. 1901.
(nAL) Attest: i, O. WATTS, Clerk.
In th Justlo Court for Union Preclnet, In Co
lumbia County. Wale of Oregon.
Albert Adams, FlaiuUff, vs. (ieorge Hants, d
To Oeorge Harris, the above-named defendant
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against yon to the
above-entitled cause and Court within six weeks
from and after October 4th, 101, that being the
date of the first publication ot this summons
and tbe time prescribed by law and the order of
publication hereof, for you to so appwr and an
swer herein; and If yoa fail to appear and an
swer within that time th plaintiff will tak
Judgment against you for the aum of fifteen
dollars, th same being for a balance due and
nnpald from you to to plaintiff for sundry
meala funtlshad and delivered to von at vonr
special Instance and request by aaid plalnuff
aunne; tne mootns 01 4uiy ana August v.
luol, and which yon agreed t pay therefor, be
sides th oosu and disbursements of this action.
Yoa are further hereby notified that sundry
money owing to you for labor performed by yon
for the Northern Pacific Hallway Company has
been attached and garnisbeed herein to satisfy
such Judgment and costs, etc., aa may be recov
ered airaiuat voa herein. Thia summons Is Dub-
llsbed by order of the Hon. B. Cox, a Justice of
the Peace for aaid Union Precinct In said Co
lumbia County In th mat of Oregon, made
ana aatea uctoner era, uui, ana in nrst paou
eatlon of this summons 1 mad October 4th
101, In THB Oaiooa Mist, a weekly newspaper
rrinta ana puoiisnea at tn i.ity oi et. tieieua
n said Columbia County, IB pursuance of said
order. B. H OKUBBB,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Connty Court of th State of Oregon, for
the County of Colombia.
In the matter of th aatat of Cyras B. Boles,
To Hlarra Boles, Albert or (Nick) Boles, Mrs.
deceased; and to belo H. Owen, devisee of
said Cyras K. Boles, deceaaed ; and to all other
heirs ana devisees, untnown, li any aucn
there be, and to all other persons interested
in the real estate ot saia aeceaseu, greeting;
1 You and aach of von are h ft re by commanded
to be and to appear before the Honorable County
Court ot the Bute of Oregon In and for Colum
bia Connty, at th Court Hons, la 8L Helens,
In said County and state, on Monday, the eeo
ond day of December, A. D. 101, at one o'clock
In the afternoon of said day, to show cause, If
any exist, why an order of sale of all the real
iroperty belonging to said estate or such port
ion thereof as said Court may deem necessary
for the best interest of said estate, should not
be made aa prayed for In the petition on 111 In
said Coart, the real. estate described tn aaid
petition being as follows, to-wlt: The south
west quarter of aection twelve (12) In township
five (5) north of range foor (4) west of the Wil
lamette Meridian, In-aaid Connty of Columbia,
State of Oregon, containing one hundred and
sixty (160) acres.
In testimony whereof, I, J. O. Watts, Clerk of
the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for
Columbia County, do hereunto set my hand and
affix the seal of said Court, at my oiBoe, in the
City ot St. Helens, County of Columbia, State
of Oregon, this 11th day of October, A. P. 1IWL
J. O. WATTS, Connty Clerk,'
W. H. Powell, Attorney for Ad
ministrator. oianU
Steamer Iralda
C. . Hooghkirk. - Ma.ttr.
Leaves Rainier dally (except Sunday) for Port
land, at A. M.. departing from St Helens at a
o'clock. Returning, leaves Portland at 2: P.
M arriving at bt. Helens at 4:46.
Passenuon and Fast FraiiM.
Oriental Hotel
Euesaa Bukssut, Paor.
At Rbasonabu Fiqdbc.
Visitor met st steamer landing and guests' bsf
" gage looked after.
w. d. Mores,
t. a. WAixaca.
St. Helens Hotel
Wallaci a Moraa, Paors.,
Is Again Open to the Public.
s Meals Served on Short Notice.
Beds 2d Cents, Meala 25 Cents.
St.Hxlens, : Obtooh.
St. HiLBNa, Orboom
-oEAiitaa nt-
Fresh and Salt Meat.
City trade, logging camps, ateam-
DO&la ana raitnntu uuij
Owl Saloon
Only the best ol ,
Lianon aM ClEars Kept ii Stoct
And other popular brands oi whiskies
always Iu stock.
on araugnt. i
"Tom Benton" Cigars. I
Alt the latest newspaper nd other pop-
llllir FaaarialtiftaUel. :. atal
Lea, wevVV5
We Expect to Get It
By giving you just a little more for your money than
' you can get elsewhere.
fe Expect to Keep It
By aelllng you a quality of good that will Invariably
give entire satisfaction.
A Superb Quality of Goods
St. Helens,
Full state contract prices allowed
for your second hand books.
Everything for School Uses.
Mow About
Main Strtet
O T,P I2 OrncBHooBB.
a ' WWSM WWWIssamBxi
Information and Appointments, by MaiL g
Boutheut Cor. 4th & Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, J- X
Yon Can't ?
To be well paid tor the time and trouble expended In look
ing over auch a complete and attractive line o! Fall and
Winter noveltiea aa we now exhibit, and to the many
popular feature ot our departments we are addinn the
Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes,
Clothing, Etc.
Your litler
It Is all rlghtt Remember tbat tt Is the
. KBt;tJ&il tnat governs, k ia our Dueinese w aearvn iu
f records and show what they eonUin tn relation to land
titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real
estate seuurlty. lako no man's word, but Insist upon kuowittg what
tbe record shows regarding tbe title. An Abstract Is aa essential as
a deed. Insist on having it. We have tba only set of abstract
books in the eoanty. A 11 work promptly executed and saUafacUea
guaranteed. If you have property to insure give usa call. We ara
agents lor the best fire insurance eompaniealn the world. Ii voa
have property for sale list it with tu and wa will tud a buyer.
'Phomb. JOffice, Hood 414
moMBa Fboht 147
Theodore S. -Tbonson,