The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 01, 1901, Image 3

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KUUll,..L.IJ'..UL,lmUJ ..Ji.UUU J.',lL.lU UJ.
Tiuucl of 170 t'( 0)t'im. Vela of
Hltth.rd C'ottl.
I( the prospaoti ol the Ophlr Mining
Company uiBUjriitliae.l'ortland wilt toon
have an unlimited sumily i( high-grade
uiauiina and fuel rani, and the cheat
Fuel problem, no vital to the manufactur
ing sua ini'"" luiirHw oi in ony,
will I KthW.
The property of the Ophlr Mlntiig
Company, which own 820 acre ol land,
I, vltimtwl near tim line ol the Northern
1'asillo railroad, about nix Dilli'i west of
Warruti tauon, ami not ovr eigut iiiilei
(roni the Columbia rlvnr. The company
M incorpiiravwj Auuuai 21 oi una year,
and September 1 wiu't men were put to
wort to proapoce me ooai cropping,
which were traced lor nine rultui and
open up the property. Hint then 17U
feet of tunneling ha been done, the
faosol the tunnel at the present time
having a vertical depth of nearly 1000
feet. me quality oi me coal nai lin
pruved with depth and 1 gelling butter
right along. From 35 per cent tiled
cr lion obtained In the flnt analyali the
the calorie quality oi tne coal itaa In
r ruined to 60 iwr cent fixed carbon
the reoult obtained from an analysis of
the coal at tho face of the 17lMoot ttin-
BVl Witvfv vim vci una nmuiw uvv
. fontanel four inchn.
At the present time there are (our
men empioyeti at me uiin opening up
road, the transportation problem being
the only obstacle to imuitxliatsi ship
ment of coal to the I'orliand market.
Ttte projected Northern l'acltlo tpur
from KoanpooM to l'ittsburg, will go
within a low hundred foot of the mouth
of the tununl, and when thle road ii
built Portland la promised an abuu
dinoa of ciiean fuel.
H. 1). 8taly, aecretary and treasurer
of the company, nai as line sample ol
coal In bliollloe, 427 Chamber of Uom
meroe building, M have ever been
procured from any Pacific Coaat coal
inina. He la confident t'lat thla prop
erty will prove one of the greateot boou
to f'ortland'a Industrial life in the hia-
tory of thla city. The nearness of the
mine to the city make the exploitation
of thla property a mat tor of vital Im
port to Portland, and ita further devel
opment will be watched with Interest.
It a new Industry, factory or mill 1
to be erected, men employed, wagee
paid and protlt realised I would rather
the factory ibould be atarted in uty own
town than In eoute oilier town. Why t
Flint: If I am a wage worker my op
porluultiu of employment will be in
creaaed by an enlarged demand lor latior
rloae at band. Kven if aome of tbe em
ployee are brought from elsewhere the
netting op ol tbe industry will open new
avenuut of employment, 'both directly
and indirectly.
Second: If I am a farmer the mar
ket tor my product will be Improved.
Every additional eater meana a readier
aale and poeeibly a better price for Ilia
output of my land, my dairy, my hen
coop. The nearer the market la tbe
better for me. Uiva me a clear field to
anpply a factory village of five hundred
people with their butlr, eggs, pork and
''garden mm," and the other farmera
can aend their tulf to Heatile, Tacoma,
ttpokane, Portland, or anywhere else for,
aught I care.
Third t If I am a merchant I muat
live on tlie folk within easy reach of
my tore. Unlet I am a big gun and
have long dietaries poll the folk In
the eonntry twenty mile away won't do
ma mucb good, lxmble the population
of my own town and yon double my
Fourth i It 1 own real eatate I am sen
altive about the coining and going. Each
new man or new fauiilv iutereiila my
pocket at once. They muat abide aome
where. Tenanta or cuatomora to aome
body they, muat be. A hundred new
familie In my town would be a "awnet
boon to my business, lly all meana lo
cate the factory here. Why, I'll give
tbe land (or it myaulf.
Fifth: If I am profeaaional man I
eurely want people here, more pupil,
more patient, more client, more peo
ple to build up the church in thl place.
The greater my opportunltlea the more
good I can do. Let 'em come bore.
Sixth: A a member of the town
council, It i my duty to develop tbe
town, to increase tt population, add to
It mean of earning a living, bring va
cant land under improvement o that
the wealth of the municipality may
be enlarged, thtia making easier tlie
burden of taxation and enabling the
local government to provide better
achoola, road, lighta for all without
hardship to any. Every new Induatrv
or old on enlarged 1 a help to na all.
llring the factory here and it aball pay
no taxe for ten year.
i. it ! with the town, ao It 1 with
the country. Don't buy anything abroad
that vou can vet made at home. It la
bad business policy.
ConsUtntlonallty of Tas Law.
An interesting case, wa argued here
In tho circuit court before Judge Mc
Krido last week. The case la that ot the
Well, Fargo Company v. Columbia
county ana invoivoe mo wmmmiuhvu-.-Hy
ol the law pasaed by the last legi
lature authorising the aale of all delin
quent property on July 1. Tha plaintiff
in tbe case at Issue represented a num
ber ol Interested parlies. The law au
thorised tho redemption ol property
without the paymunt of penalties, but
,,,,rt il nnmnelled the riar-
tic to pay tbe penalties, notwithstKnd
ing the law. Payment wa made under
protest and the action brought to re
cover. The uit put Mr. Allen, the
late' legal representative, in the
unique portion o! trying to defeat the
law? lie raied tlie question of the con
..i.,. iiki. ,f that 'tloii of the law
uhii.ii iiihiirinutd redemntion without
the payment of penalty, taking two
grounds that that section ol tha act
was not embraced in the title, and that
it wa an act Impairing the obligation of
contract. Mr. Allen also contended that
tha law wa void because it extended
tha Hm for rwleiiiDtlon after sale nnu
. i i. , .i, iwinni. Tha case was
' UVOII UiRUD W lire - ,
.......i ...-i ...kmittiui to Judira Mullriae,
whose ruling will be awaited with much
lute rest. " .."
Fifty-Dollar Slugs.
Ill reported IronTFort Btoven that
a workman thore recently unearthed
twenty-eight old lugs of the 50 denom
ination. Woverylswid ft'iave been
within the fortillcatlona. Whether the
gold wna In a box or lying loose w n
learned. Bimilar discover e o go'd
i .,i . v,ir (liilniiibia by
workmen, who have found a number of
obaoleto 50 piece. upii "' """"r 1
alter whom the neaa wbb namvu,
to have secreted hia wealth In the
ground, and the slugs found on the
north shore are believed to have boen
burled by him. Presumably some ol
the early settlor buried thosu aaitt, to
' have been found ut Fort Sloven.
Aa Up-to-Data rlcbool-llonae it Ken
an Awmred Tblng,
tttu;(IJr1 rurnoon wa bond
voting time in thla hool dlitrict, and
th unanimity of aentlmuut in favor of
audi aotion was a conaidnrable more
i i .7 " "iwcwu. I h present need
ol better wliool Jacllltle auum to have
tnade uch an linprcaaion upon the peo
ple that It wu ,;.,! r.l..
agreed to bond the dlntriut and build
tli Iiuuaa. Huuh
one of the preaent pnealng need of the
lAnn, i,im in ucoilinliNtttiuint Kma
ill b the found litltm Mtlllal nrkl Hrhlitl'i
jnor pruveiiiem wtu nndaatartlng
place, itetween 3,000 and 4,000 wlfi
build and equip a achool-houae iif
oiimt to aupply the demand of the dli
trict for twenty year or more, and It
can be bnllt without woiklng a finan
cial hardiihlp on anyone. The aaawiwd
valuation uf all property In thediatrlct
1 aUiut 175,000, and the law inecillcally
ataUta that the dintrlot can be bonded
for no more than 6 per cent of the en
tire valuation. Thl would ratae about
3,700. To pay Intoreat on theae bond
tor tun year will require a levy not to
exceed 3 mill. After ton year a levy
la to be made each year aulticlent to
pay tbe Intercut and one-tenth of tbe
principal, or a 6-mlll levy tor ten year
will meet all demand on a baai of the
preaent valuation, but there aeem good
reason for aunnoelnii that ere that time
a marked increaan In the valuation of
proiierty in the dlatrlct will be noted,
and juat aucti a atop a baa been taken
will nerve aa one of the linnortant fac
tor in building up the community and
conaequently increasing the valuation
and decreaxlng the proportional bur
den. At all event, should valuation
not increase. It would necessitate an
outlay of but 7H per cent on the valua
tion in twenty yeara to erect such a
building, and the community and prop
erty of the district will be benefited
vastly niore man mat amount.
Just as soon aa the details can be ar
ranged the school board should employ
the service of an architect to draw
plana for a suitable building;, and the
contract let according to thoM plana.
The aite owned by the district la a very
good one and ita proximity to a good
anality of stone should enable the fonn
ation work to progress rapidly and be
prosecuteo cneaply. lhe building can
be erected next summer and placed in
readiness for next year' school. To
know that better school facilities are to
be afforded should be gloried in by every
one in tbe district. -
Brport la Earoaraglng.
The Portland board of trade held a
very Interesting meeting last friuay,
at which the coal snitply question for
fortlana unucrwent discussion at some
McKcnns, aa chairman of the
committee appointed some time ago to
investigate the prospect of several coal
districts in this neixli nor hood, submitted
a final report and In doing so stated that
he had personally visited a number of
prospective nuns ana maims nnaings
upon the whole were satisfactory. The
Nchalem coal fields, he said, are at pres
ent so situated that without mean of
transiiortatiou they would not be worth
developing at till time. The Lower
Nelialem nuida snow noiiiing jusuiying
anv expenditure of money as yet.
the Hi. Helen and HcamtooM mines
appear promising and Mr. McKenna ad-
Vlseu Hie owners m eiixnu sumo umuc
in making further developmenta. Three
tunnels have been run at Scapnoose,
and all of them are showing good coal.
He said there are some good prospect
in Washington, Yamhill and I-ano coun
ties, but conditions are soch in tlie last
named district that nothing can be done
for at least ome year to come.
School Report.
Fnllowlna 1 the reoort of the St. Hel
ens school for the month beginning Sep
tember 30 and ending Uctoiwr 10 :
No. nuoils enrolled In both rooms, 65;
primary room, 83; advanced room, 82.
Advanced room. lays taught, 681 J
times tardy, 1 ( day alwcnt, 20. Pupils
neither attcnt nor taruy, lor me monto
were: Abbie Black, A I (red Daggett,
Hertha Dart, Sadie Bill. Ada ueorge,
Lloyd Hattnn, Bessie Hatun, Henry
MoKibben, Besle Malotdm, Alice Quick,
Dixie Spinner, Elba VanDyke, Oelia
VanDyke, Ixmnle VanDke, Noble Van
dolah, LaVelle Watkins, Kaymond
... in . . ani .
ITimary room. muiju.,
day absent, 24, time Urdy, 4. Pupils
neither absent nor tardy for the month
were: Lena Lindsay, Julia vanaoian,
Hsttia Vandolnh, Orville Malcolm; Er
nest Johns. Annie Quick, Had Watts,
Velma VanDyke, Uoorgie VanDyke,
Harry Thorpe, Frank lhorpe, riarry
Richardson, Kuth Ricliardson, Stuart
MuKio, Homer McKie, Oswald Doming.
m i luaaTBuna r . miim.
Teacher jUljU 0.0,aK.
Kalama-Vaneearer Koad.
It Is expected that the track-laying for
the Oregon Washington Kailway,
which la under construction between
Kalama and Vancouver, will be com
pleted within two week. There is now
about 1,000 men at work engaged In
grading and track-laying. The large
force ol men are bending every enori 10
reach Vancouver a soon as possime,
and the finishing touches in grading
and ballasting will he given at a later
date. There will be four stations be
tween Vancouver ana ribihb, vis;
Folldn, Whipple Creek, Bingeneia ana
wuiianl There has already been
considerable freight traffic on the line
to far built. About 250 tons of hay has
.i.lnns from Kidircfleld. besides
other farm produce, all of which U des
tined for tlie Moaiue marBeis.
High Prices Rule at Dawson.
t- Ttauann thprn are five sawmills,
.mnlnvtnff 177 men. with pay rolls
j men, witn vy
40,000 a month and a
amounting to
.....i nf KA.tKHi teet oi lumDcr,
There are also two shingle mills that
l..n nut. MS (XX) nieces a day, and a
i...u ...ill nf sn.ono dailv capacity.
K,..i.ln nlnnlim mills, a sash aud door
factory and a furniture factory. One of
the large contracts thla year was with
.1.- whieh matured 1.000,-
000 feet. The same prices are paid that
ruled last year. The best niatcned lum
ber brings 125 per 1,000 ; dressed, 1116 s
rough common. H0. Logs delivered at
Ml" "us k-n iia nr 1.000 feet. From
mo in". t- rr- -- ...
these reports it can oe muiij -
m.rket conditions are favorable and are
all that the millmen could wish-
A lady 104 yeara of age, in Missouri,
met death in a tragic way the other day.
I , Mnai r nine while lying
?"irr.: T: 7.7" . fnin out on the
blanko'ts, ignited them and she and the
" .i i ahu were consumed by the
r.""' . n... u another evidence of the
1" i th, tobacco habit. Had this lady
not boen aoaiciea w in. ; r, '
il,a might have lived to a ripe old age.
' ' ... . .L.A H.a nf 111. IVHAll
.i v..l..:..'a Mtamnnh
and Liver
iHIBUluni ibim -- , ,
Y. i,;iini,iu.ii. conntiDHti n
KSThey. are easy to take
,n V IU MW
and pleasant in ellect. ri
j, il,.luiis nharmacy.
ate at the
A. 0. Player, having secured a couple
of lots In town, ha bad them neatly en
closed by a picket fence and ha built a
comfortable, but rather small dwelling
house In the enclosure, which he is now
occupying. From the size of tii house
tt looks as though (Jus Intended to re
main a bachelor, though there Is a pos
sibility that a little housekeeping exper
ience may induce him tochange his mind.
He will be sensible, at least, if lie makes
the house larger,
Mesars. Switzerland Quick, of tbe
county seat, are in town on duty a ad
justers of the Bryant estate. They will
be entitled to a leather medal, neatly
engraved and gilded, If they succeed in
perfecting an arrangement to which the
he Irs will agree and form a basis of set
tlement. The three gentlemen ap
pointed by the court are sensible men
and their efforts ought to bring about a
settlement. Huch a result is most de
voutly hoped for by citizens here,
The attendance ot 150 scholars In our
public schools, with a prospect ot addi
tional scholars, has made tbe employ
ment ol a (ourth teacher necessary.
Last Saturday a partition wa run
through the upper room, new seat and
blackboard supplied, the old seat re
arranged, and by Monday the scholars
ol three rooms were seated in four
room with much more comfort and
greater efficiency, and Mis 0. J. Tracy
wa given charge of tbe first intermedi
ate room, comprising the third and
fourth grades of the present course of
study. School work is progressing in a
very satisfactory manner, now sustain
ing the reputation ot tbe banner schools
of the county. ,
Rev. Hawkins designated last Rabbath
evening for an autumnal service, with
special reference to old people. The in
terior of the church building was very
tastefully and quite profusely decorated
with leaves, fruit and flower. Some
rocking-chali were brought in lor addi
tional comfort in seating, and it had
been announced that conveyances would
be sent for those who wished to attend
and could not conveniently do so. The
church was well filled, the music was
good and tbe exercise throughout ap
propriate and helpful, the discourse of
the pastor being particularly adapted to
tbe occasion. Tbe new minister takes
bold of his work here with a commend
able energy, and bid fair to popularize
church work and do mucb good.
The golden wedding anniversary, Oc
tober 17th, of Mr. and Mr. A. H. Mur
ray was made an occasion for a pleasant
gathering of about fifty neighbor and
friends wbo came unannounced to offor
congratulations and brought with them
enough of the ubstantial comforts of
life to prepare an elaborate repast. The
aged couple received the friends very
cordially, and seemed very . greatly
pleased by tbe congratulations offered.
At the table the. host and hostess each
found a gold piece nnder a plate aa a
souvenir of the occasion. After the re
pant the friends spent some time in rem
tniscense and song, each finding it a
day of special enjoyment. Mr. and
Mr. Murray crossed tlie plains in 1862
and have snared the experiences both
agreeable and trying ot the heroic pio
neer to whom we a newer arrival are
greatly Indebted.
George Conyers, of Clatakanie, was
in town a day or two this week.
Oscar Hunter wa op from Goble
Tuesday attending to business matters.
Mrs. Martin White returned last Fri
day from a visit of several week to rel
ative in Montana.
Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach next
Sunday at Yankton in tbe forenoon and
at Bachelor Flat in the afternoon.
J. E. Dow and Burt Mill were over
from Vernouia the bitter part ot last
week, visiting; Portland before they re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry and Mrs. E.
Perrv aud Mrs. Lamberaon. of Houlton.
drove out to Washington county last
Friday to visit relative.
Probate court will convene next Mon
day morning, and the regular November
term of commissioners' court win con
vene Wednesday morning.
Twelve carload ot potato have been
hipped from Portland to Pendleton
during the last few daya. Tbe price 1
1.70 a taca oi iuu to too pounas.
Mr. A. J. Rubert started from thl
place Tuesday for San Francisco, from
where Bhe will go to Prescott, Ariiona,
to remain some time with her husband.
J. II. Collin wa in Portland Wednes
day eveninir to attend the lectures deliv
ered by Head Consul Northcott and
Major Hawes, on Woodcraft, of which
order Mr. Collin ia a member.
Oregon butter baa been awarded the
highest prise at the Pan-American ex
position. Columbia county i now pro
ducins; the best butter tnade in the
state. Call for it at Collin & Gray'.
It 1 absolutely pure and fresh.
Robert McNutt. of Portland, visited
triends in this city last Sunday. Bob is
no different from what he was in the
(lava nf his mercantile experience in
Vernonla, several year ago, only that
he la somewhat older. He is now em
ployed In the grocery department at
Meier A Frank', and of course, makes
a good hand.
Dnn ahnnt town. rjerliBD some of
them not young; boys, either, did a little
celebrating of Hallowe'n a day ahead
of time, and aa a result some m wo
places of business and abode about town
presented rather a sorry appearance
Thursday morning. Taking Wme by
the forelock wan considered expeaient
in this Instance, fernapa it was just a
"getting ready" (or better times.
T.ara Ellison la emmaed this week at
nii,,n in a aixtv-foot Buan bridite across
North Bcappooae creek, about five miles
west of Warren. The supplying of this
structure will afford an easier and
shorter outlet tor the people of that
section, and especially will it beaoon-
vn once to tne nenneuieu wik)k.-,inc tha rnuf nrosDect in that vi
cinity. This bridge is on what is mown
as the Tiiikham road.
u, Haltnn. of the CUftonow Conl
Mining Co., Informs ua that a contract
has been made with the owner of a core
nlll whnrehv the machine will be put
in operation a me compaiiy .r-"
and boring will proceed to a depth of
600 feet to determine the extent of the
coal under tbe aurface in that vicinity.
Several tons of conl are to be hauled
away from this company prospects
next week.
Friend of Dr. Ros have been quite
olicitona regarding hia whereabouts
and welfare for several days, not having
been at his office or elsewhere visible
about tbe town sinoe last Saturday even
ing. He is still alive and will emerge
from his hiding place in due time. On
...., .,i nf an 11 nwnlcoine attack of poison
' I . . I . HHVIIUUltl
oak he has remained very close to his
h inds drawn aim Hours uuiuu
liuuia witi-T....
I .... ... ..... ma
Ha'a about in a condition now to
out ngiiui.
Oregon Supreme Court Bender an
Important Decision.
The supreme court ha banded down
a very important decision in regard to
tbe collection of taxes.
In deciding three Portland street as
sesseHSinent cases Monday, the supreme
court pointed out a course by which Ore-
!on counties may recover om of money
ustly due as taxe upon real property,
t has fonn been notorious that a certain
clas of property owners will stand npon
every possible technicality to avoid their
ust proportion of the burden of gov
ernment. From tbe time their property
1 listed npon the assessment roils until
it is oflered for sale at public auction for
delinquent taxes, they watch for aome
irregularity which will render a sale il
legal, and if thore be any such defect
they refuse to pay their taxes. By this
mean the burdens of honest tax pay
ers are Increased.
One of the most common loopholes
through which an unscrupulous prop
erty owner may escape tbe payment of
ni taxes is tne detective description.
So numerous are tbe defects of this kind
that one is almost led to believe that
some property owner try to encourage
tbe assessor to make detective descrip
tions. It 1 certain tbat they do not
take the trouble to see that a correct de
scription I given. Even though a de
scription is detective, most men wonld
waive their right and pay their (bare
toward the support of their city, county
and state governments, but not so witn.
tbe habitual taxdodger. According to
reports there are valuable tracts of land
In many of the counties that have es
caped taxation for years, and it will
therefore be pleasing to tne people to
read a supreme conrt decision in which
there ia pointed out a way in which
these tracts can not only be reached in
the future, but also in which taxes' may
be collected for the yeara wben taxe
were evaded. "
The decision referred to was rendered
In the case of Thomas versus tbe city of
Portland. This was a street assessment
case, but in writing the opinion of the
court rfunuce vroiveriua imu uuwu urm
cipies of remedial legislation which are
applicable to general state and county
taxes. Among other thing tne opinion
"StLtnte relatlutt to the validation and
curing of assessment and tax proceed-
mea have become auite common, ana
tbe modes adopted for effectuating tbe
purpose are a diver almost as the stat
ute themselves, the legislation being
formulated and directed to meet tbe
emergencies as they arose, and it may
be said of such legislation, it being rem
edial in its character, that it has gener-
e rally received a liberal construction,
witn a view to smna it substantial ef
fect. Ferhao the most areneral form of
curative legislation is to adopt a scheme
of reassessment. This may apply gen
erally, or oe airectea u speciuc awe.
Sucb reassessments are nsuany en
trusted to the officers whose duty it waa
to make the assessment in tbe first in
stance. But the duty is not infrequently
assiened to different and aislinct ooaies
or functionaries, and even the legisla
ture itself has made the curative assess
ment. "The rationale npon which curative
legislation proceeds is tbat there has
been a lutiie attempt to levy an assess
ment, where the nartiea affected are in
justice and in equity bound to contrib
ute to tne public aemana. ana mattney
ought not to be permitted to escape the
burden by reason of some oversight or
nonobeervance ol tne prescribed tnoae
of proceeding in the nrst instance,
where the irregularities do not extend
to an act or omission that the legislature
is without power to authorize primarily.
In all such cases the legislature may
prescribe a new remedy, so aa to require
payment when juetice and eqoity de
mand it."
It may be seen from this that one of
the greatest needs in Oregon tax legisla
tion Is a statute directing a reassessment
in every case in which an assessment is
declared void for irregularities. For
example, a few years ago the supreme
court decided in the case of Jory vs. the
Palace Dry Goods Company that the
sale for taxea of a valuable piece of
property in Salem waa void because of
failure of description. Under such
statute as referred to, the property could
not escape taxation, for aa soon as one
ajunssment had been declared void, the
proper official would proceed immedi
ately to asses again for tbat same year,
and in doing ao would make a proper
description. Under this opinion ol me
anoreme court tne taxing power can
oome again and again and keep coming
nntil the property baa paid ita tax.
Under the present system, wben a prop-nrtv-vamr
has wou out in the courts.
the county not only loses the tax but
must pay the costs of litigation. Under
a aystem which made the ultimate pay
ment of the tax certain, property-owners
would not be ao ready to stand npon
technicalities. -
It would seem from the language of
the decision that the legislature might
provide by a general statute a remedy
that would be prompt and effective. In
any case of the failure of the collection
of taxea by reason of defective proceed
ings, the sheriff, assessor or county
court might make a new assessment or
a suit might be brought in the circuit
court. If it be found that the assess
ment waa defective, tbe court would
have nothing to do but declare the lien
for tares and authorize a Bale. Proceed
ings of that kind would partake of the
nature of both an assessment and a
foreclosure, and all the parties inter
ested would have a hearing.
l'rnonedinirs of this Kind WOU III seem
to be cumbersome, and it may be ob
jected that the expense of the reassess
ment would in many ctwea uo muro um.
the amount of the taxes. It should be
remembered, however, that when property-owner
know that eventually they
Will be competiea to pay mey win nu.
resist collection of their taxes. The
small taxpayers are not often found re
fusing to pay their taxes, but the hab
itual taz-dodirer are men whose prop
erty is of sufficient value to warrant a
reassessment, in a atare wnero puu.n,
nin..iaia work nnon a salary the expense
of correcting assessment proceeding
need not be great. Certainty ot conec-
tion willdimuiish the number of contest,
rt Ttvetol Yoa Haw lwm Bot
Brain-Food Nonsense.
Another rirliculou food fad has been
branded by the most competent author
ities. Tboy havo dispelled the sillv no
tion that one tuna ot 100a isneeueu tor
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other tor bones. A correct tltet will not
only nourish a particular part ut v...
body, but it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good youi 'food may
ko its nutriment is destroyed by indi-
You must
B . . i f . - a n nrAvnnt
.at rm nr rivanengia. iou must vtv
pare lor tneir I.1,irc...v . r
their coming by taking regular doses ol
Aimnat Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A
lew doses aidB digestion, stimulates the
liver to healthy action, puriles the
blood, and rtiakea you feel buoyant and
- - Q
vigorous. Yoil can get tr. vr. . .
Greeu.,, ,pccifti .imanac.
I u t. I M TOniHI VI II htlB il-.
- - .
Department of the Interior.
Laud Offlcs t Oregon City, Orcjron,
OwiW iwh. WH.
il followlr
till Intention
fojlowlna-nanifd settlor has filed notice of
i to makft nuai proof fniinportof
hi claim, anil that iinid uronf will bs made be
fore the County clerk of Columbia County, at
St lielein, Oregon, on November With, Mul, viz:
Homotm5 entrr 12,920, for the '( ol wtt-i of
Miction ti; e'i ol ni-'i ot nectlon 26, tp 4 n, r 6
went. Ha names tlie following1 wltneaftea to
prove hli, continuous residence upon aud culti
vation of said lnad, viz: tisorite F. Smith. Jay
Burtraw. Jerry Xandkuller, all of Houlton, Or.,
aud frank Wortmau, ol Vernoala, Or.
(iiXmH . CHA8. fl, MOORKS,
DeTrtment of the Interior. .
Land Office at Oregon Clly, Oregon,
October 12. 1901
i.1 followln
following-named aettler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof lu support of
his claim, and that said proof will bemadennder
Section 2DU1. ft. 8.. before the Keiclsler and Ke
celver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Morember 27,
iwi, viss u. a,, nil, iz,mi, o
0. 12,710, by
for th 4 ot nw'i of section IS, tp 4 n, r t west
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous realdence upon and cultivation of
said land, vie: H. P. Ballard and John Roberts,
of Pittsburg, Oregon; ft. f. Bums, of Hudson,
Oregon, and David B. Fartch. of Oregon city,
Oregon. oltfnZt CHAS. B. MOORE8, Kegtster.
In the Connty Conrt of the State of Oregon, for
Colombia Connty.
In the matter of the estate of John Kennedy,
Notick'is hereby given that the
nnderelaned baa heen aooolnted adminis
trator of the estate ot John Kennedy, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia County. All persons having claims
against tbe estate of the ssld John Kennedy,
deceased, are hereby notified to present the
same to the undersigned by delivery to J. O.
Watte at the County Court House, St. Helens,
Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof.
Li. A DKAnUfiQ,
Administrator of the estate of John Kennedy,
deceased. Paled October IS, )UL i. t. Logan,
attorney. oleulA
fl derslgued, administratrix of the estate of
vv&a Koble. aeceaiea. mat sue nas niea in tne
office of the County Conrt of Colombia County,
ureaon. ner nnai account oi ner aumimniraiiou
npou said estate, together with her petition for
final settlement and discharge, and that the
Hon. i. B. Ooan, lodge of said Court, has p
polutel Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1901,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, as the
time, and tbe conrt-mnm of aald Court, at the
court-house, in St. Helena. Oregon, as the place.
of hearing saia aocount ana eaia petition lor
flnal settlement and discharge, as wnicn time
and place any person interested may appear and
file objections In writing to aald account or any
portion thereof. ANNA KOBLE,
Administratrix of the estate of Fred Koble, de
ceased, vau d at St. Helens, uregon, uctooer s
1V01. W. H. Powell, administratrix's attorney.
In the matter of the estate of A. M. TIchenor,
ten of administration on the eshite of A.
M. Tichenor. deceased, were granted to the un
dersigned on the 2nd day of October, 1901, by the
Connty Court of Columbia County, In the Bute
of Oregon. All persons having claims against
the said estate ure required to present them,
with the proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice, to the undersigned,
as administrator, at hia office, in the City of St.
Helens, lu said Columbia County, In the State
of Oregon. Dated at the City of St. Helens, Ore
gon, tuts vtn amy or uctooer, a. v. iwi.
Administrator of the estate of A. if. TIchenor,
deceased. B. 11. G ruber, Ksq.
attorney tor the
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,
ftantc mber 16th. 1901.
lv following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support ol
his claim, under Section 231)1. R. 8 and that
said proof will be made before the County Clerk
ot Columbia County, at Bu Helena, Oregon, on
November ma, wui, via:
Homestead entry 12,360. for the of section
29, township 6 north, r. .1 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove hia continuous i
itienca mtnll and otittlvatkin of aaid land. VlS:
Andrew Kenowskl and Gerhart Morback, ot
Valley. Or., and Dr. Edwin Boas and a. S. Way,
of St. Helena, Or.
s27nl CHAS. B. M00RE8, Register.
In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for
the county oi coiumota.
In the matter of the estate of John Kennedy,
To Mrs. Barbara Kennedy, Miss Millie Kennedy,
Miss Barbara Kennedy. Mr. Frank Kennedy,
Mr. J. 8. Kennedy, heirs of said deoeased,
and to all others unknown, greeting:
JL Yon are hereby cited and required to ap
pear i n the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Columbia, at the court room
thereor, at ot. Helens, in tne iumy oi t.uiuiu
hia. nti Monday, the 2nd dav of December 1901,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show cause why an order should
not be granted to the aald administrator to sell
the hereinafter described real estate of the said
HmiuwiI. tn-wlt: Rnnthweet auerter of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-fonr (24)
and the northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-five (2S) In township
seven (7) north of range three (3) west ot the
Willamette meridian In Columbia County, Bute
of Oregon. . .,
Witness, the Hon. J. B. Donn, Judge of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Columbia, with the seal of aald Court
affixed, this loth day oi octooer a. u.,
IHKAid attest: . j. u. niia,iro.
In the Justice Conrt for Union Precinct, In Co
lumbla connty. sutroi Oregon.
Albert Adams, FlaluUn, vs. George Bants, de
To George Harris, the above-named defendant.
. Yon are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint nied against you in tne
above-entitled cause and Court within six weeks
from and after October 4th, 1901, that being the
date of the Brat publication of this summons
and the time prescnoea oy law ami tne raxiyr u.
publication nereoi, mr you io so svt' "
i, u ii,, i i v,.u tail tn Rnne&r and an
swer within that time the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you tor tne sum ui u,otu
dollars, the same being for a balance due and
nnnid from vou to the plaintiff for sundry
.. I . (,..luKa.t anil HllVArAfl tO VOI1 at VOUr
special Instance and request by said plaintiff
during the months of July and
Auanut A. D.
1901, and which you astro
reed u nay therefor, oe
.Mu .Wa iwt. ana Uhnnum-TIU of this aOtlOtt,
money owing to you for labor performed by yc
... hA HnMhAM, Puftrift RailwAv Company hi
Yoa are further hereby notineq ii ";
been attached and garnisheed herein to satisfy
such Judgment and costs, etc., as may be recov
ered against vou nerein. i nis buuiuiuu- fm
lished by order of the Hon. R. Cog, a Justice of
the reace tor saia umou nwiu ,
lumbK County In the -state of Oregon, made
and dated uctooer am, iwi. auu ,uo u- p-""
Mtinn ,,r thiN inmmnM ia made October 4th
loin in Tut onmnii Minx, a weekly newspaper
printed and published at the City of St. Helens
In said Columbia County,' tn pursnance of said
order. B- .UK, ,r .,'
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne county oi voiumoia- ,
In the matter of the esuts of Cyrus B. Boles,
JtWfi a l""! a
t ui.rm Mm Albert or (Nick! Boles, Mrs,
ii,. v. ,!,., Kur. .I.l.w nf Cyrils R. Boles,
dcwiiuied: and to Deloa H. Owen, devisee of
aald Cyrus R. Boles, deoeased; and to all other
TT., ..nknnwn. if anv auoh
there be, and to all' other persons Interested
tn the real estate or saia aeii JilKilvS'
w, rrilL- Ml.Vlir TU tt ATA IK Off- OREGON
I -.... aa,.K r vnn are hsrebv commanded
to be and to appear before the Honorable County
Court of the Slate of Oregon in and for Colom
bia County, at tne court ooiw. !";
in SftlU VOUIIiy auu Biawiim """J i ;-, - .
ind dav ot December, A. D. 1901, at one o'clock
in the afternoon of aaid dav, to show 'cause, if
any exist, why an order ol sale of all the real
properly belonging to said ette or such por
! , ' . . i n - .... i .1 rt mv deem necessary
for the best Interest ol said estate should not
be made as prayed for In the P""0? fll 5
aaid Cort, the real estaU eril J" '"L"
petition being as follows, lo-wlt: The south
Veat quarter Si section twelve (12) in township
five (.) norm ol range rourm ""","!'!-,:,.
lamette Meridian, In aald County of Columbia
State of Oregon, oontalulng one hundred and
' InVe.0 non7wh.ref, I, J. O. Watt. . Clerk of
the County Court of the State of Oregon lor
Columbia Coaniy, do hereunto set ny.5n.dn"
affix the seal ol iald Court, at my ofttce. Id the
C.tvolSt. Helens. County of Columbia, State
ol Oregon, this nth day of Octobet, A. D. 1901.
8EAU (
J. a. WATTS, Connty Clerk,
W. II. Powell. Attorney for Ad
ministrator. olsnW
We Expect to Get It
By giving you just a little mora for your money than
yoa can get elsewhere.
We Expect to Keep It
By felling yoa a quality of good that will Invariably
give entire satisfaction.
A Superb Quality of Goods
St. Helens, -
Full state contract prices allowed
for your second hand books.
Everything for School Uses.
How About
. E. QUICK &
Main Stmt
Vn2, 0-c.HouH. .
Information and Appointments by Mail.
Southetst Cor. 4th A Wash. Streets, 5th Floor,
To be well paid for the time and trouble expended la look
ing over such a complete and attractive line ot Fall and
Winter novelties as ire now exhibit, and to the many
popular feature of our department we are adding the .
Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes,
Clothing, Etc.
- -
Your Title?
0( BB VOC STJRg it la all right? Bememher that it Is th -V
BECOBDthat coverns. it ia onr business to search the
records and show what they contain in relation to land
titles. If yon contemplate buying land or loaning money on real
staie security, tajto no man's word, but insist upon kuowln what
the reconl shows retarding the title. An Abstract is aa essential as
a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of abstract
books in the county. All work promptly executed anil satisfaction
guaranteed. If you have property to Insure itive us a call. Wears
agents for the best Are Insurance companies in the world. If vott
have property lor sale list it with us and we will flud a buyer.
Theodore S. Thomson,