The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 25, 1901, Image 3

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imvid cviav ritiDAV mobmmii v
: . k '"DAVID CAVHC, "
Edituh AMD r)fttlKTO.
or local mroBTAXca.
"flier It tn advertlsoiiient lu tit I
issu of tht Clttitkiinit) drug store,
whrU peopl ol th lower portion
oi U oouutjr on Hit limn ftmJ a
oomulcl lias of drag. Ptiit mudl-
- einMt toilet article, notion, alntlunerjr,
and all other artlulo usually found iu a
wll equljipud drug store,
Th director of this school district
this wk purchased sad bad pliioad la
th whool-houM uvouUeii now desks.
Tbli W!tlon ww uecosssry to oflum mo
dal th lanr number of pupil Id at
(Midano ami to provide for thus who
r contemplating Attending our school.
Tb oonditlom existing In th room
my easily l Imagined. Tha little fol
low art Jammed Into th room and
aeaU lit aardine In a box, and cer
tain ly good work cannot b expected
onder audi olroumitanne, beililt the
atmosphere mutt nncttssarlly be polluted
and aanltary condition very , dutri
mental. Home provision must be mad
to alter tboeo condition i. .
A timber cruiser of Aitoria tat that
tbsr I more fir, larch and spruce tim
ber in uiukP man in Columbia or TU
lamook countle. II y ha ha
aruiaed every Motion of the folio lug
land: Township fl, north range 8 went.
It ha 800,000,000 feet of murchantaula
taw yellow or, auntling timber. Town'
ahln 6. north rauoe 7 went baa 128O.0OO.
tOO feet of yellow ttr timber. Township
it, north range 8 wnet ba 110,000,000
leet oi feuow nr nmoer. iota 1 700.UU0,
OUO. tour hundred million feot of the
timber in the three township I trib
utary to th Columbia rivvr. it come
in to the Klaakaulna and Young' river
and Lewi and Clark streams. Other
low nili Id In CIkUod count are euuallv
a good. Tlinler on th other tde of
tb divld goe to th Nehalem river.
Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon the
taxpayer and other qualified legal
voter of thi achool district wlil aiuwin
bl at the atthool-houM between the
hour of t and 4 o'clock and vote noon
th very Important matter of bonding
the property of the district for the pur
pose of raking fund with which to
erect a larger ana oeuer tcnoot imtia
iag. Thie i a most important thing
and should be carried by a nnanimou
vote, Equipping the district with bet
ter educational faoilitie I one of th
mean by which th town, the commun
ity, theeounty can he benefited and at
a nominal annual outlay. Bond can
be bwued only to th amount of 6 per
cent of lb aweaeed valuation of ail
property in the district, but thi amount
would rata nearly $4,000. and with that
much money a aplendid building can be
put op and equipped.
Rainier Pythian are entitled to no
little amount of praia for the manner
In which they do thluga. Their latest
demonstration waa but Sunday, when
they held publie memorial aervlce in
honor of their departed brother and of
th lata President McKinley, who waa a
member of the order. Their lower hall
bad been taatetully decorated and coin
modiounly arranged for the Knight to
carry out their sxrvio and for the ac
commodation of the public. The me
morial service I not long, but It i moat
impressive, and a very Urge number of
cillaen congregated to wilneaa the cere
monlee. The evening before there wa
Initiatory work and onnaiderable Inter
est i manifested by the membership.
Th Kalnler boy have a beautiful borne
aud are Justly proud of it. There were
over fifty Knight took part In the mem
orial service held Sunday afternoon.
In telegraphic report from Fort
Towneend. published in the Oregonian
on the 17th lust, appear paragraph of
considerable Importance to many people
In thi part of the county, The para-
Sraphreads: "Ueorge W. Ramsey and
. Gordon Temple left Nora in a small
boat (or Teller, en rout to the Koug
arok. on July 10. fk far as known,
nothing ha since been heard from tbem.
I'art of the boat and various kinds of
good were found October 1 scattered
along the coast near Topkok. Tiie goods
were marked "Londstrom," and came
Iron the Northern Commercial Com
pany. The body of a dark complexloued
man wen found near the same Dlace.
and this, it 1 believed, wa the owner
of the boat, although Topkok people be
lieve there may have been several peo
ple In It, a the boat wa a large one.
There wa nothing found on the body
by which to identify it. The accident
probably occurred during the storm of
(September S7." There ia possibility
that this waa the boat belonging to
ticorg Ramsey, but th chance against
it are very large. The mere fact that no
tiding hav been received from Rain
ey aud hi cousin do not signify.
Mr. John Frants, who ha resided
near Iloulton the greater part of hi
life, died at the old home shortly after
noon on Thursday of last week. At the
time of hia death Mr. Frants waa about
aixty-flve year of age. He cam to
thi part of th country In 1863 from
Illinois, with his mother and other mem
bers of the family, and with th excep
tion of a short time spent In th mines,
h ha resided here continuously, lie
wa a man of honoi and Industry, being
respected by all who knew him. His
life wa devoted to hia farm work, and
th home he leave to hi family stand
as a monument to hi hard eilbrti In a
new country. About three year ago
Mr. Frants wa stricken with paralysis,
from the effect of which he never fully
recovered, and since which time hia
death bad been constantly expected.
U wa able to be about his farm to
owe extent, but never very active since
hit first misfortune. He leave a wife,
two daughters and one son and two step
on to mourn hi loss, besides an entire
community of people who regrot that so
good a citixon must be called away. Hia
remains were laid to rest In Odd Fellows'
cemetery last Saturday.
President Mellen. of th Northern
Pacific Railway Company, wa in Port
land last (Saturday. Regarding the bus
iness Importance of his visit at this time
ha bad but little to aay. However, in
his interview, he said regarding the con
struction of the Nehatoin branch of the
road i "About building in th Nehalem
country there la little to aay. We have
aurveyora In that country and the con
struction of a branch from Bcappoose to
Pittsburg haa been authorised, but I
don't know Just when it will b built.
Our object is to give transportation to
the great body of timber in the Nehalem
valley." The air ia full of rumor re
garding th purchase of th Astoria
road by the Northern Paciflo Co., in
which event the entire programme
would undoubtedly undergo much re
vision. The Utomont attributed to a
railmad man. whii'ti anneared in ill
Mist last week, contains a gnat deal of
logic and sober reasoning. The Colum
bia 1 the natural outlet to the ocean for
the vast scope of country west of
the Cascade, In fact, for all that coun
try west of the Rockies and north of
6sn Francicco. Undoubtedly the next
ten years will witness many changf in
the respect of tho development of North
wetteru Oregon, k
OnnrMi V,. .1 .
Tuesday """" ,Toat Bcappoose
Thur'ida' A' Vf'A vi,Uod lortl,nd
lAifday!' Grge
Mr. 1. W. Prlna , .. a
poos Monday. "
M,,?l'B ?oUn M dow War
ren Wednesday,
W. F. Hlant.n t..ii
- - - tiwwu gMiiuivr lest
Saturday eveulug.
Amlraw 1ftn - J.t 1 i
.... wrmm UUUIK UUIIIieSS 1U
Portland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. J. R nruu. .... .1.
ping in Portland Tuesday.
R. If. Italtfl and a,l' nl II.,.. 1.
were Portland visitor Tuesday.
Rev. Mr. Phlllimnk lll
Sunday in this city at 7 ;30 p. m.
Mrs. WaV. nf Pnrtln.l ru.n l
Sunday at the farm, near Iloulton.
Georg Foster, Jr., of Gob!, was a
Rainier visitor last Saturday evening.
v i.n.. t . . ,.
iiuuiujt jneeaer, OI Iloulton, Was
doing business In Portland last Friday.
A dautrhtar waa hnrn tn ilia al' nf n
D. Garrison, of Bcappoose, Wednesday".
Mrs. John Rnott waa nn frnm ITiiUnta
last Monday looking after business
Mrs. Bbattuck, of Bcappoose, bat been
critically 111 for several days with pneu
monia. Mrs. G. W. Col, of Portland, arrived
down Monday to visit ber parent for
two weeks.
Charley Merrill, of Deer Island, was
in Portland last Friday attending to bus
iness matter.
Mlsae Grace Mile and Nora Conyer
visited friends and relatives in ClaU
kanie last 8uuday,
J. W, and G. M. Farr, of NeerClty,
were circulating in the city of Rainier
last Saturday evening.
Mrs, Balmanno, of Portland, visited
her brother and sistor in thi oily last
week for day or two.
Mrs. Fred Koble, of Reuben, returned
last Sunday from California, where h
visited her mother for a mouth.
Ed Lamberson and wife, of Bcappoose,
who have been in San Francisco for sev
eral week, returned home on Monday.
By recent arrangements Collins A
Gray are enabled to furnish the highest
grade of creamery butter, strictly fresh.
Dr. Ross, Martin oWhlte and David
Davia and wife, of this city, spent last
Saturday evening and Sunday iu Rainier.
Mrs. A. J. Hubert, sr., expect to de
part from here next Tuesday for Cali
fornia, wber she will spend th winter.
Governor Geer la assisting th Ohio-
cm In their state campaign thi year,
making his first speech there Tuesday
Rev. Lew Davie will conduct service
at Iloulton Sunday at 11 a. m., at St.
nolens uip m.. and at warren in Uie
evening at 8.
Alex Sword came over from Vernonla
Thursday of last week, and proceeded
on to Portland Friday, where he tran
sacted busine.
Wia. Vandeusen and wife, of Sey
mour, Iowa, are spending month visit
ing their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Wise, at Reuben.
Jame Muckle and wife and Mr.
Jacob George, of Portland, participated
in the Masonic lestivltie lieiu in tins
city last Saturday evening.
Mr. B. L. Wilson. on of Jared Wil
ton, of Reaver valley, and Mis Mary
A rod. a so of this county, were married
at Houlton, Tuesday, by Rev, Mr. Phil-
Droot. ..
A renort come down from Warren
that Col. Hawkins has sold his farm at
that olace. to some Swedish-Americans
for li.ttoo, and will soon removs to near
Mr. and Mrs. Dillard and son started
Tuesday for Mr. Dillard's old home in
Virginia. They will visit Vermont Ba
ton they return here, which will be
about January 16th. j
Another campaign of house painting
and repairing is on in thi city, and sev
eral of the smaller bouse have been
treated to coat of paint, aud otborwiae
improved in appearance. i
Mrs. T. C. Watts, of Reuben, was in1
tb county seat Wednesday evening at
tending to matter connected with the
settlement of the Jaquiah estate, of
wnioa in is me auniiuiairaiur.
The tower that supports the fire bell
and give protection to the fire com
pany's apparatus ia receiving another
ooat of paint, by order of the council
and at th handa of Jack Wellington.
E. W. Bingham, the well-known Port
land attorney, fell from hi office win
dow to the pavement below, Monday
itMninii stuml A n'flfvW anrl racelviiu
a severe shaking up. He will recover.
TK nlhlvinA fitalMra nf thla MtV an-
royea anoiner uiuavauii vvouiuk
Thursday in their lodge room. Initia
tory wort wa naa, auer wmcn iuncn
eon wa enjoyed, and all bad a pleasant
In a table of figure published In
Wednesday' Oregonian, thie county
school year, ending wiu oiarcn,
315.72, an increase over th previou
I UOI ot
yearoi fooi.ou. ,
Rcpota come from Upper Nehalem
.1... m In that ui..!iitt ara wacrlnfr
aeuccesnful war of extermination on the
herds of sheep mere, ana some oi mo
people are taking steps to make way
witb his eougarehip.
Frank George and Augustus Bus are
meeting with excelleut success at their
.1 .!.... nl.n. fall Tli IwiVS have
lake on the Cunniugham place, and
... .1 l. L. TI..11
snoot tnere iwo oays eacu wb. uj
got 1351 auox iveanesuay.
Tho annrama nnnnnll of Scottish Rite
Masons, in session in Washington City,
has approved the promotion to the 83rd
degree, the highest Masonic honor, of
Joseph Kellogg to the next lower degree.
Alfred Morgan, of Beaver valley, was
i- . Ws,iuil tn nnnanlt a uhvsi-
ciun in regard to hi health, which, for
some time past, ha been somewhat . im
paired. Mr. Morgan says in. who .
rapidly recovering her health, a fact the
lady's friends are pleased to note.
Mr. James McAyenl and Miss Ethel
Taylor were married Wednesday of last
week at the residence of the bride's
father, W. H.Taylor, In Portland. Mr.
McAyeal Is one of the members of the
Maygor Co., and he and his wife will
make their future home at Mayger.
w ... cv.. in., aa the Astoria
train whs passing through Goble, somo
Individual, bent on deviltry, shied a
rock through one of th window of the
parlor car, and a hower ol glass fell all
over the car floor. The perpetrator of
such meanness should be caught and se
verely jumibhed.
Th editor of this paper visited Rain
ier last Sunday, the Arst time in several
months, and noted many change and
Improvement of (ubstantial aud per
nuuent uliatautur about the town,
Nowsome'a block and the Delts block
besides the large Pythian hall have
all been ereoted since we were last
In the town, and the business portion of
th pine Is wonderfully improved by
their presence. Th Smith mill is run
ning steady, employing over thirty men ;
the sash and door factory runs con
stantly, and gives employment to over
twenty men I Richardson and Muckle't
mill gives employment to several men.
and taken altogether the factories and
buslnuHs houses furnish employment to
over 100 people. Rainier has many
metropolitan improvement, the town
being lighted by acetylene gas arc lamps,
and the businen houses use the same
article for artificial light. Th Western
Cedar Company ia doing an extensive
business with Its immense, large, flume
from th Fox creek country, wliioh wa
recently completed, beside a great
amount of wood is taken to the town bv
other mean of conveyance.
Laat Saturday evening the Masonic
fraternity of this cltv indulged in an
other of their most pleasant business
and social gatherings, for the most part
in nonor oi uieir master, w, tt.
Dillard, who, accompanied by his wife
and son, were about to depart for an ex
tended visit in the East. The early
part of the evonlnar waa consumed in
conferring the first degree of Masonry.
wuen at aoout 1U:3U lodge wa closed
and th membership repaired to the
lower hall of their building, where they
were greeted by a host of ladies and
friends and all enjoyed a banqnet.
Speeches were made by several promi
nent Mason and the evening was most
pleasantly apent. It was an occasion
long to be remembered by those taking
part in it.
The steamer Kellogg came down from
Portland Tuesday loaded almost to the
guard with miscellaneous freight for
Kelso, her destination, and way nolnts.
The crew had worked th entire night
neiore discharging the cargo and reload
ing the vessel. The entire deck crew
was asleep when the vessel arrived here,
and Captain Whitoomb and Purser
Wharton were hustling like Trogans.
with their coat off and sleeve rolled
op. It' a rare thing to see steam
boat officials descend from their hieh
Ciitions to that of deck rustler, but
thi method of doing things is attrib
utable, very largely, the success of the
iweuugx iransporiauon company, iunj
are workers and consequently winners.
The Masonic lodge of this city last
Bainrdey evening wa th recipient of a
most valuable addition to its already
large library, the present being tendered
byMr.T. C. Watte, and consisting of
ten volumes of "Letters and Message
of the Presidents." handsomely bound
and illustrated. On the 6th of next
December Mr. Watt will have been a
member of the local lodge thirty-two
years, always active and the greater por
tion oi tne time serving uie louse in
one capacity or another as a valued offi
cer. Mr. Watt ba been honored, too.
by the lodge.and hia interest in it wel
fare ha never waned. The lodge i very
proud of tb valuable addition to it
Quit a disastrous accident occurred on
Monday, near Bcappoose. when Dee
Duncan, team, wagon, load of wood and
all appurtenances and hereditaments
thereunto belons-inir. crashed throuirh
the bridge across the small creek by the
Pattullo house, and landed in wreck and
disorder in the mire below. Fortunately
there was not much damage done. A
camnaiirn of bridire reoairinir will soon
have to be launched in the county or
else there may he loss of life and other
serious aamage io maae reparation lor
Unless the Northern Pacific Railway
Company makes some move very soon
to construct It line into nehalem. it is
rumored tbat an electric line is to be
built from Warren to the Ophir Mining
Company's properties, on the Giltner
land, on Bcappoose creek. Considerable
development work Is going on at pres
ent, but this will be more extensive
after some mean of transportation has
been provided, and the company seems
determined to supply mis tnemseives ii
other do not. .
Telegraphic advice from Tillamook,
of the 22nd instant, states that the
Northern Paciflo aurveyors will oomplet
the survey of the road from i'lttsburg
to Tillamook City In a few day. They
reached that city on Saturday and have
now only a few day' work to complete
the survey between there and Bay City.
Thla aurveying party has been in the
neld since last Marco, u ia reported
that the party will break camp about
Saturday and leave for other part.
The attention of oar reader 1 di
rected to the advertisement in ibis
issue of Watts & Price, merchants,
Scappoose. This firm haa an estab
lished business and established repute-
llVli l LUlUg BWIMVIIH Win iirBWB ihvivu-iiih
of the county. At their place of busi
ness can be found an articles neeaea oy
the country folk, and we cheerfully rec
ommend that the patronage of the peo-
le in that vicinity ne oeswweu on mat
tir- aawam.1 tinnA-Ail dnllara
standing out iu small amouuts, and
kindly request all who owe us to either
bring in or send in the mite they are in
arrears. No one individual owes a great
A.t-i l... ,ha,la InbAn all tnfrnther
aggregate considerable of a sum, aud we
need the money and want it. We have
our obligation to meet and can't meet
them without money. U you nave a
suspicion that you owe us anything call
tn ana seme it.
Messrs. E. E. Quick, D. J. Swltaer
and U. W. Clark, who were recently ap
pointed by the circuit court aa referees
in the matter of appraising the value
and partitioning the Bryant estate, at
rtitaVaniA ..t tn lnava for the scene
of their operations next Monday. They
expect to be on tne grounu at w.m m
weeks, as all lines must be located, ne
cessitating the services of a surveyor.
The clerical force In the assessor's of
fice Is this week engaged in extending
. t. .1 .1 ! .. !.. oalnuflnna ml tha aa-
,UO KIIUV1 UIOMlb, ... -- .- ---- ---
sessment roll for the year. Road dis
trict valuations canno. oe so
until after the November term of com-
: I .. ) M,..r In Annaiitnrattrm nf
IlliaaiUUOia vuum, - -
the fact that all boundaries might be
r ,1.. ..nna- fnnnf nf TArinn Bros
saloon there has recently been painted a
new sign ana name ior me pwco, m
most artistic manner and appropriate
design. The name has been changed to
that of the Owl saloon, and a large like
ness of such bird sit perched high up
on the front. The whole effect is owl
Friend Havburn, of Warrior Rock
light-house, has the thanks of this of
fice for a brace of Widgeon, which were
j.. I.. i..wl Mr Havhllrn'S Dre-
serve was always great haunt for
ducks, and with a eugni amuuu u.
coaxing his lake is a constant rendex-
fi.iia aneli fowl.
Miss Tillie Muckle went to Ca ifornia
Saturday, accompanying an invalid lady,
of Portland, aa professional nurse. Miss
Muckle was grnduated from Good Sa
maritan hospital last July, and has
since found steady and remunerative
employment in her chosen occupation.
Robber held no a northbound South
ern Paciflo passenger train between Cot
tage Grove and Eugene yesterday morn-
iiik, ana go away with the contents of
five registered mail pouches. A desper
ate attempt waa made to pillage the ex
press car, but this was foiled by the re
sistance of Musscneer Charles F.
Charles. But one rohljer was actively
eniraged. Tber is vldence, however,
that another wa present, and a theory
inai inree were in tbe gang. The trouble
beiran when the train had missed salalv
outside the yard limits of Cottage Grove,
ami enaea wunin signt of tbe lights of
Eugene, the main part of tha train
being left within about two miles of
Cottage Grove, when it wax deemed un
safe to continue tbe assault on the ex
press car. The sheriffs of Lan and
Douglas counties were promptly on the
hunt. Pinkerton detectives were sent
to th scene on th first train from Port
land, and a deputy United States mar
shal and three postal inspectors went np
from Portland last evening to take part
in the search for the robbers. There is
no way of ascertaining what value wa
taken In the registered mail until the
remitter tnall be beard from. The rob
ber' estimate was 1300. The baeuaze
car wa entered, but nothing was taken
from it. None of the passengers were
molested. Thursday's Oregonian.
D. M. Watson, manager of th Wat
son Oil Well Company, owning property
near Troutdale, has still Implicit faitb
in tbe prospect in Oregon, and believe
tnat there- will come a day when the
pure illurainant will tush forth from the
earth in copious quantities. Hi com
pany uas sunt aown temporarily, alter
a depth of 400 feet had been reached, aa
it wants to see what some near-by prop
erty, now being worked, will bring iortb.
Everybody lay tbe weather thi
fall ha never bad an equal, and tbe
statement we will not dispute, but cer
tainly there has been nothing to com
plain of in tbat line. Just now long
the favorable conditions will last no one
i able to say, but we may live and hope.
Try Collin A Uray for high-grade, ab
solutely irean putter. -
. For InfasU and Children.
Ill Kind Yoa Ran Ahran Ecsgtl
Bears the
Bignatur of
A new remedy for biliousness 1 now
on sale at the St. Helena pharmacy. It
i called Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablet. It give quick relief and
will prevent tbe attack if given a soon
a the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price 26 cent per box. Sam-
pies lree.
Bean the y Tin tod Km Haw siwan Batgie
When yoa cannot aleep for couehine.
It 1 hardly necessary that any one
snouid ten yon tnat you need a lew
dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to allay tbe irritation of the throat, and
make aleep possible. It i good. Try
lk t or tale at tne Kt. Helens pnarmacy,
Ceoklng School.
Mr. Tynklewics wishes to assist in
entertaining tbe ladies of Bt. Helens,
and will give free instructions in scien
tific cooking, a series of five or six les
sens, commencing Wednesday, October
30tb, at 2 o'clock. The first lesson will
be "bow to prepare breakfast Quickly
and have dainty dishes." All are in
vited to attend. Bring your tablet and
I Warren Happening.
Miss Gertrude Lowe spent last Sunday
in roruana.
An addition is being built to tb large
Darn on tne noon tar in.
Services will be held at the M. E.
church next Sunday evening by Rev
Lew Davie.
The members of the Enwortb Leasrue
will give a Hallowe'en social Thursday
eveuing ui next wee.
r .
Miss Jesse Mitchell, of St. Helens.has
been the guest of Mrs. Mollis Sundby
tor uie past two weeks.
Mr. 0. W. Adams, wbo has been on
the grand jury in Portland for the past
week, baa returned borne. :
Fred Hawkins. Ernest Ellis and Jesse
Bacon, of Portland, spent last Sunday
with relatives at this place.
CbrI Carlson returned to his home In
Astoria last Tuesday, after a three week's
visit with relatives at tnis place.
A few of the vouna ceonle from here
attended the dance at Carico valley last
Saturday evening, and report a fine time.
Miss Mattie Terry, who haa been vis
iting here for some time with friends,
left for her home at uanny last Saturday,
Mr. L. Hansen, ot the Ophir Mining
Co., Portland, was down the first of the
week and went out to tne mine ana re
turned with four sacks of coal, which he
took to Portland to have tested.
What might have been a very serious
accident occurred last Monday forenoon
aa Dee Duncan was crossing a bridge
near the Fattullo farm, with a wagon
load of cedar posts. Two atringers of
the bridge gave way, precipitating the
horse and wagon into the creek, which,
with mucb difficulty, were atterwara ex
tricated from their perilous position.
- The United Evangelical church was!
dedicated last Sunday evening oy ev.
C. C. Poling. An interesting sermon
was listened to by a large and attentive
audience. Hereafter the church will be
known as Grac United Evangelical
church of Warren. Protracted meetings
are atill going on and ar fairly well at
tended. A donation party waa tendered
the pastor Wednesday evening.
It Happened tn a Drag Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and asked for a brand of
niioh medicine that I did not have in
stock," ay Mr. C. R. Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y.
"She wa disappointed and wanted to
know what cough preparation 1 could
reeommend. 1 said to ner mat x coum
fnvalu roonmmanrl Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy and that she could take a bot
tle of the remedy and after giving it a
tair trial if she did not find it worth the
money to bring back the bottle and I
would refund the price paid. In the
course of a day or two the lady came
back in company with a friend in need
of a cough medicine and advised her
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I consider that a very good
recommendation for the remedy.-' It
is for sale at the 8t. Helens pharmacy.
DVfirtment of the Interior.
Land Othuv al Oregon city, Ornfon,
(VW I'iih,
follMWlliK-nsmed wittier ban filed Dotlna of
bis Intention io muke fiunl proof in M.rtof
blselaim. and that Mild proof will ba made be
fore the County Clerk of Colombia County, at
St. Haleua, Orexon, on November With, Mil, vl:
Homestead entry 12,920, for the tV7 of xtof
eeilan 24; 4 of ne'4 of section Hi, ip 4 n, r 6
went. Ms numei ttis followins witnesses to
prove hie coutiuuoui residence upon aud culti
vation of said lauil, vli: oaome V. Smith. iy
Hurlmw, Jerry .andkuller, all of Iloulton, Or.,
and Frank Wortuiau, of Vernoula, Or.
OiSulat CHAH. . MOORM,
Department of the Interior.
Land Ottlos at Oregon Cliy, Oregon,
October 12, MOt.
followlna named aettler haa filed notloa of
hie Intention to make Anal proof In support of
hi claim, and thateald proof will be made under
Mention KWl, K. s., before trie Hejrutter ana no
elver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Noramber 27,
1W1, VlSi 11. K. HO, 12,710, by
for tha eU of laK of section IS. tn 4 n. r t west.
Ha sainea the following witneanas to prove hie
flontlnaoua residence upon and cultivation of
aid land, vis: U. P. Ballard and John Roberts,
of Pittsburg, Oretion: K. P. Burns, of Hudwn,
Oregon, anil David b. ranch, of Oregon city,
Oregon. oln22 CHA8. B. MOOKB8, Kegiitor.
In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for
coium oia county.
In the matter of tat aetata of John Kennedy,
IV nnrlerelenad haa bean annotated adminis
trator of the entate of John Kennedy, deceaaed,
hv the Countv Court of the Htata of Oregon, for
Columbia County. All persona having claims
against the estate of tha said John Kennedy,
deceaiad, are hereby notified to present the
me to tha undenlgned by delivery to J. U.
Watta at the County Court Houna. Bt. Helena,
Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof.
tj, a. Brian uno,
Administrator of the estate of John Kennedy,
deoeaeed. Jated October 18, 1WL 1. F. Logan,
attorney. owiua
denlgned, administratrix of the estate of
Fred Koble. deceased, that she has Died in the
office of the County Court of Columbia County,
Oregon, her Anal account ol her administration
upon aaia eatate, togetnor wiin ner pennon for
final aettlement and dlacharxe, and that tha
Hon. J. B. Iuan, indue of aald Court, baa ap
pointed Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1S01,
at 2 o'clock in tiie afternoon of said day, aa the
time, and tha court-room of said Court, at tbe
court-houae. In St. Helena, oreaon. aa the place.
of heart n aald account ana aaia petition ior
final settlement and discharge, at which time
and place any perion Intonated may appear and
file objection! in writing to anld account or any
portion thereof. ANNA KOBLK,
Administratrix of the estate of Fred Koble, de
ceaaed. Iated at Bt. Helens, Oregon, October ,
1VU1. W. II. rowell, sdminiatratrix's attorney.
In the natter of the estate of A. K. Tiehenor,
11 tent of admlnletratlon on the estate or a.
If. Ttahpnor. deceaaed. were r ran led to the mv-
rianiffned on the 2nd daT nf October. 1001. bv the
bounty court ot uoiumout county, in tne owe
01 ureeon. au persona naving ciaima against
tha aaid estate are required to present them.
with the proper vouchers, within six months
rrom tne aaia oi uns nouce, w (n uuaeraigueu,
as administrator, at hia otnee. In tha Cltv of 8t.
Helens, In aald Columbia County, In the Bute
ol Oregon, uatea at tne city oi bc Helena, un
ion, this th day of October, A. D 11)01.
Administrator of the estate oi A. it. Tiehenor,
deoeaaea. 8. U. Oraber, aq., attorney for the
administrator. olilu)
nonce ton puuctioh.
Department of th Interior.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,
Hantftnher lfkh. 190L
following-named settler haa filed notice of
hia Intention to make final Drool In support of
his claim, nnder section 2901, R. 8., and that
aald proof will he made before the County Clerk
01 ixnumoia uouniy, as Bt- neiens, urexun, ou
November 2nd, 1901, vis:
Homestead antrv 12.380. for the wM of section
29, township o north, r. t west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous rea
Idanoii anon and cultivation of aaid land, vis:
Andrew akenowski and Gerhart Morback, of
Valley, Or., and Dr. Edwin Rosa and 8. 8. Way,
ol St, Helens, Or.
t27nl CHAg. B. MOORES, Register.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county oi t.oiumnia.
In the matter of th estate of John Kennedy,
Tn Mra. Harhara Kennedv. Miss Millie Kennedy,
Miss Barbara Kennedy. Mr. Frank Kennedy,
Mr. J. s. Kennedy, heirs ot saia aeceaaea,
and to all others unknown, greeting:
1 You are hereby cited and required to ap
pear tn tne county court oi me oiaieoi uiwo,
for the County of Columbia, at the eourt-room
thereof, at bi. Helena, in the coumy or boiunv
hia. on Mondav. the 2nd dav of December 1901
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then
and thai tn show eansa wh an order should
not be granted to the said administrator to sell
tbe hereinafter described real estate of the said
deceased, to-wlt: Southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24)
and the northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter ot section twenty-five (29) In township
seven (7) north of range three (S) west of the
Willamette meridian in Columbia County, Stat
of Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. B. Dean, Jndge of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Colombia, with the seal of said Court
afllxed, thla uttnday ot October a. v., taui.
IBBAkJ Attest: J.u. riAlio, uiera.
In th Justice Court for Union Precinct, tn Co
lumbia County, state ol Oregon.
Albert Adams, Plaintiff, vs. George Harris, ds
To George Harris, the above-named defendant
I Vmt an harahv raonired to aopear and an
swer th complaint Died against yon in tha
above-entitiea cause ana jouriwumn si, wkm
from and after October h, 1901. that being the
date of the first publication of thla summons
and the time prescribed by law and the order of
pnbiicauon nereoi, ior you to so spim au
u.. hAHin. ,nri If vns fall tn anDear and an-
swer within that time the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you for the sum of fifteen
dollars, the same being Ior a baianoe due ana
nnnatd fmm von to the nlalntiff for sundry
naala hipni.hwl and dnllvarad to Von at VOUr
special Instance and request by said plaintiff
during the months of July and August A. 0.
iwi, ana wmcn you aKreefi w paj wbiwui, w
sides the eoets and disbursements of this action,
Voe are further hereby notified that sundry
money owing to you for labor performed by you
tor the Northern Psclflc Railway Company has
been attached and garnisheed herein to satisfy
such Judgment and costs, etc, as may be reoov-
A..t . ...,.. VAn hM.ln. Thla summons isDUb-
llshed by order of the Hon. B, Cox, a Justice of
the Peace for said Union Precinct In said Co
lumbia County in tne state oi uregoo, mw,
and dated ireiooer ara, twi, sou mo
aatinn nf this summons la made October 4th
1901, in Th Oasoos Mist, s weekly newspaper
printed and published at the City of 8t. Helens
In aaid Columbia County, In pursuance of said
order. . n. i v, , u n ,v.
Attorney tor riaiuun.
In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor
the County of Columbia.
In the matter of the ssiat of Cyrus R. Boles,
deceased. ' , " ,
To Miarm Boies, AiDen or ictiukj
Phoebe Turner, heirs-aHaw of Cyras R. Boles,
deceased; and to Deloe II. Owen, devisee of
said Cyrus K. Boles, deceased ; and to all other
heirs ana aeyisees, unanuww. "j
there be, and to all other persons Interested
In tho real estate oi saia aecessea, giwuui.
1 You and each ol tou are hereby oommanded
to be and to appear before the Honorable County
Court of the Stale ol Oregon in and for Colum
bia County, at the Court Honse, in St. Helens,
in said County and State, on Monday, the seo
ruA.w a n lent, at one a clock
in the afternoon ol said day, to show cause, if
any exist, why an order of saia of all the real
property belonging to aald estate or such por
li. i..ruf aa ..M f'nnrt mi deem necessary
for the best Interest of aaid estate, should not
be made aa prayed for In the petition on tile in
aa d coart, tne real estate uoeunuj m
iw.ii,. aa foiinwa. to-wit: The south
west quarter of section twelve (12) in township
Sve (S) north of range four (4) west of the Wil
lamette steriaian, in swu wuu.j
State of Oregon, containing one hundred and
"Si'ffl ' rfir-. I. J. O. Watts. Clerk of
the County Court of th State of Oregon for
Columbia County, do hereunto set my hand and
affix the seal of said Court. my oft. In the
Cityot St. Helens, Countv of Columbia. Se
ol Oregon, tnia tm uj u - --
, ' i 1 n WaTTS. Conntv clerk.
J SEAL. W. H. Powell, Atlorney for Ad
miulitrator, uii-uu
We Expect to Get It
By giving yon just a little more for your money than
, yon can get elsewhere.
We Expect to Keep It
By selling yon a quality of good that will invariably
give entire satisfaction.
A Superb Quality of Goods
St Helens,
Full state contract prices allowed
for vour second hand books.
Everything for
How About
BK YOU StJRK It is ftll Tight? Remember th. ft Is tha
jtV KECORDtW foverns. It ia our bttaineM to March tho
records nd show whAt their contain in relaiion to laud
titles. It you contemplate buylDK land or loaning mouvyonreal
Mtat security, take no man's word, bat Insist upon knowing what
the recoid shows regarding the title. An AbHlrmot is as e8ential aa
ade3d. Xntjiston having it. We have the only set ol ahstratit
books In the connty, A 11 work pmrniKty erocutd and saihtf acuoa
fruaranteed. If you have property to lnure Rive us a call. Wear
agents for the best Are insurance companies in the world. U tou
ha-ve property for sale list it with us and we will Aud a buyer.
E. E. QUICK & CO.,
I2 Offici Hodh,
1 rwvvrrf
Information and Appointments by Mail, g
. . . . a-4 as. m..L rta a e?AL VI
takb; elevator.
Yoii CB't IF"mII
To be well paid for the time and trouble expended in look
ing over such a complete and attractive lino ol Fall and
Winter novelties aa we now exhibit, and to the many
popular features of oar department we are adding the
Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes,
Clothing, Etc.
School Uses.
Your Title?
'PU0M J0ffiC"' H00D 414 Y
"ioIM Uea., Fromt 147 A
Theodore S. Thomson,
- '