Tiiis gmjcaox. MIST. jtMIK0 IVUHV fBII) If MOJIMNa ftV DAVID DAVIS, Kltmm AND l'MOPHIKTDR. IUJIJJ, J"miUluxlUJMJUm TOLD IX 81DEJllUlt4. OrxNiKO or'THi 8011001., Tin publlo Kboul ! "' II, 'M( Monday with an atttindaun of fifty-four pupil ianty-evn in eaon room, which iiuhv ber will be largely increased in a ahort Urn. Th no ooure 01 iuay wa put la aw ud lively crinbl ensued dur ing the Bret day to get the proper booki nd the pupui in me proper emtio ana proper room. The tahool, in charge of lln. Collin end Mine George, will un- dottbtedly be greet euoceee. Qoma to Tihamook. Th Northern Peoldo lurreyon re heeded for Hob (onviile, tbet being tholr objective point bleb they eipeot to reach in few wevki. They ere now near Nehalom Thli it preliminary turvey undertaken to ascertain what the coot of ooniitruct- ini road from ScappooM to Tillamook would amount to. From what we can learn the surveyor! have not come aoroe many difficult place to contend with, ayi the Headlight, and it It expected that the coat of building the road will not foot np nearly a much it wa out thought. A the matter of the cost in building is flrat to be taken Into con' ilderalion, nothing I definitely known whether the work will be commenced or when. At the turvey will eoine at far at Hobtonville, no doubt it will be ex tended to Tillamook City, at that would only entail few more weekt work. Givtt KNCOt!aiMNT. The luaceet which the ttocknien o( thle county met with at the atato fair, at a remit of tak in representative of their herdt there, oflor big inducement for elmiiar action another year. Ooinmliwioner Fraket, to an ailing eipreeeion, returned home from the fair betmeared witb honor. Hit two-year-old herd bull, Lunde Ore gon IKol, weight 1788 pound, got Unit prite. Though etrwug competition exiiUHi, Mr. Fraket won flrat money with hit yearling bull, Clothilda Grace' Sir liengerveld, which he purchased in Htm York. Ha aleo won flrwt price with bit bull call, nnder one year old, of bit own breeding, with ttrong compe tition. Iteeidet 1203.76 in catb prize, Mr. Frtkee' herd wm awarded fourteen different ribbon, and the gentleman ia jmtly pardonably proud. To Coll tor Mohtuao Tax. The county court of Washington county hae employed an expert to compile list ol the delinquent mortgage taxe for that county for tb year 1883 to 1892, both inclusive, and at toon as the list is com pleted the coort will proceed to collect the amount due. A etmilar list bat already been prepared In Multnomah county, and the collection of delinquent mortgage Us on property in that county It being vigorously prosecuted. A rul ing of the supreme court short time mwii whs n ui riiHib a. k limo iuui whd Ux was lien against the property and the amount due In the several instance could be forthwith collected. On the delinquent mortgage tax rolls of Colum bia county there it about )000 due the county. In numerous instance this Ux bat boon paid, and compromise ef fected ia tome other cases. On the whole, if any part of this Us it e be collected it should all be eollecte4. The county need tb revenue, and inasmuch t the taxpayer escaped this burden through exemption allowed in tbe past, it does not teem like an unreasonable demand thnt the several amount be liquidated. Etttcraio Railoai. There it a grow ing Impression among those In a posi tion to know that a new railroad, either team or electric, will be bailt in the ear future to connect the Tillamook region with Portland, remarks the For est Qrov Timet. The large investments in timber lands made by A. B. Hum mond, Blodgett 4 Co., Wheeler 4 Co., nd others, are practically unproductive until a market can be reached by rail. These are not men to invesfnundreds of thousands of dollars in property to let it lie idle and wait for an increase in value. Bather they are men of affairs who believe in developing, and when they have heavy investment in timber will make other heavy investments in railroad and mills to put that tinihor on tbe market in the shape of lumber. Now if a railroad it to be built what shorter and better roete could be secured for It than through Forest arove? Com ing np Wilson river and down the Gale creek valley will eerUinly make at short line at conlcl DC lonnu, wnue we engi neers surveying the Wilson river road say they have found a route in which there is nowhere a grade in excess of five par cent Dsvklop Nxhalkii Coau Secretary W. J. Cook, of the Nebelem Coal Com pany, said recently that it was the in tention to prosecute work vigorously from thli time on. A prospectus baa just been issued and stock will now be placed upon tbe market. The pros pectus has been Indorsed by tlie Com mercial club, and th chamber of com merce and Push club of Astoria, will be eakod to take similar action. The prop erty bas already been developed and no money will be used hereafter In experi mental work. The funds derived from ssts of stock will be used to take out the coal. It is the lutentlon to sell about 30,000 worth of stock. The com pany has engaged three experts, with whom contracts have been made for opening up the Holds. All three men peak in glow ing tonus of the property and any the mine will prove one of the richest In the West. The conl will be conveyed by cable tramway from the mine to Nclmloin bay and then taken on to Astoria on three of the Wheeler Liitubor Company bargot. The ooHt . of trnnportntlon will be l ton, whilo the cost of mining the coal will bo 00 cents. The oponlng of the mine will be vust uouout to that tectum, Contract for Carrying the Mall to tie Let next February. The postofflce department 1 asking for proposals to carry the malls over the evoral routes In this county, and the oius win be received at the ottlce of the sooond assistant postmaster-general, in nasnmgwn, until 4 oiclock p. m. of December 8, 1(K1, on tht routes and by urn scneuuies 01 departure and arrival as speciflud In tht pamphlets. Declf ions will be announced on or befor Feb ruary 1, 1901, contracts to be tl and filed In th department within sixty dayt after dale of acceptance of bids. No bid submitted under the regulations will be considered unless the bidder hall agree In his bid that in the event of the service being awarded to him he will give his personal attention to the performance of the same and will reside on or contiguous to the route. Tbe con tract are to be of four years' duration. Following it a list of the routes in tblt county: From Vesper, by Hopkins, to Jewell. 13.07 miles and back, three timet a week. Bond required with bid, 700; present contract pay, $102.24, subcontract pay, siuo.uo, From Clatskanie, by Mist and Fish hawk, to Vesper, 18 miles and back, three timet a week. Bond required with bid 1 100, Present contract pay, 1363: subcontract pay $363. From Houlton, by Yankton, Valley. and Pittsburg, to Vernonla,2S miles and back, six times a week. Bond required with bid $2,600. Present contract pay, $803.00; subcontract pay, $700. From Kearny to Vernonia, 6.60 miles and back, three time a week. Bond re quired with bid, $500. Present contract pay $120; subcontract pay, $120. From Pittsburg to Mist, 11 miles and back, three times a week. Bond re quired with bid, $000. Present contract pay, $106. From Rainier to Apiary, 8.60 miles and back, twice a week. Bond required with bid $400. Present contract pay, $H3.ft3) ufwontraet, $ii8.76. From Kalnier, by Hudson and Dolena, to Kyser, 11.06 miles and back, three times a week. Bond required with bid, $700. Present contract nay. $103.00: subcontract pay, $182. from veroonia, uy jiraunsport, to Kbit, 16 miles and back, three times a week. Bond required with bid, $700. Present contract pay, $106; subcontract pay, $106.00. From Houlton to St. Helens. 1.20 miles and bark, twelve times a week. Bond required with bid, $400. Present wail messenger service pay, $140, Roberts-Kowloy Weddlug. Lima Falls, Wasb., Sept. 30, 1001. EoiToa Mist: I am requested to report tbe wedding of Mist Ida May Rowley, of Houlton, to Mr. John 8. Roberta, of Vernoni. The ceremony was solemn ised at the home of Jas. Rowley, at Houlton, Saturday, September 28, at 3:30 p, m., by Rev. F. M. Fieher. Those present were all near relatives of tbe contracting parties: Jat. Rowley and family, Mrs. Roberts, of Vernonia, Mrs. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. B. Harris and children, ol Portland. The happy couple were the recipient of a number of useful presents, among which may be mentioned a set of plates, cups and saucers, aauce dishes, knives and fork, silver tablespoons, syrup pitcher, pair towels, bed comfort, blsukets, complete bed. one lot In Vernonia and 15. W) rash. The young couple Intend making their liuore nome in vernonia. mey are followed by th well wishes of a circle of iriends. F. M. Flatus. A Branch Wood Flcw. Manager ((laughter, of the Oregon Wood Cum ay, i now engaged in the construc tion of a branch flume to Up the woodod district of Uermany hill, up what is known a rerry creex. inis w a very heavilv timbered reaioa and an immense ?iuantity of wood will be taken away rem there. Mr. Slaughter informs us that the new flume will have a fall of eight inches to the rod, hence there will be little difficulty in running the wood outol there. 1 Company Oboanikri). Articles of in corporation of the ClKtouow Coal Min ing Company were Hied in tneomceoi the county clerk Thursday, the eaplul stock being $1,000,000, divided into shares of $10 each. The object of the oompany it to develop and mine coal in tint county, in enicers ciecum we : 11. It. Clin", president, . C. Dalton, vice-president and general manager; F How, eectreUry : James Good, treasurer. The bead oflice it to be in Portland. Additional Warren Notes. ing witb frionds at this place. Miss Clara Hegole and Mrs. Gus Heg ele and daugbtor were Portland visitors Tuesday, The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carlson died Tuesday, October 1st, aged 3 month. The muniot have been raging in this community, and some have been quite tick with them. Mrs. N. F. Baker was in Portland Tuesday , buying fall and winter milli nery and dress goods. The Evangelical church ol this place will bo dedicated October 18, and fol lowed by special revival services. Mr. Bryon, of the Pioneer Wood & Fuel Company, of Portland, was in this vicinity Tuesday, buying np wood. John Slavens. J. P. Jones and Chas. Clark attended tbe Portland car nival riUay ana eaiiiraay 01 "" . TV rV-.rAr and Dale Bern nle left here on Monday for Southern Oregon, where they are to use cnnrgw i ivu l.allour, uuuirie v. Mr. Eli Lynch has Just returned from the state fair and reports a good time. All seem to think- Columbia county made a good showing. Miss Lily Larsen. who has been spend ing some time at Astoria and Bav Cen ter for the beneOt of bor health, has re turned home very much improved. M. Collins, of the Honeyman ranch, wst at the state fair with his tine herd of Ayrshire cuttle. He did well with them, taking in over $200 in premium. nor aeliool is nroarosilng nicely, with Miss Gertrude Lowe, of Portland, na teacher. There leiug at present a very large enrollment of jiuplls, Miss Lowe will nave ner nanus um. -m. i v fialihath school will otv ,ei ve Rally day, Octoiier 13, at :! p. m. There will be special exercises con sisting of miiHic, short addresses and recitations. All oro invited to come. Columbia Coanty Herds (Jet Kuiner a State Fair Award. 80m of the herdt of stock from this county, those represented at the state fair, just closed at Salem, bav proven prise winners to a remarkable degree. Following are the awardt mada to th herds belonging In this county i ' Jersey. Bulls, 2 years and under 8: first crUe. II. West, ScaoDoose. Cows and heifers, 8 years old or over ; third prise, II. West, Scsppooee. Cows, 1 year old and under 2: third prise, H. West, Scappoose. Hard of five animals. 2 vears old and over; third prise, II. West, Scappoose. nuon cow-f ure Hreed. First. Jersey. 11. West. ScaDDnmu.. second, Uolstcin, Haselwood Creamery Co., Spokane, Wash.: third. Brown wins. F. A. French. Portland. Tbla premium Is awarded to th cow yielding trie largest amount 01 butter-fat during a two-dayt test. Tbe winning cow cap tured the Dremlum, last vear. and la a descendant of the herd of Jerseys brought to this tut lit 1883, by Hon. Z. F. Moody. .. MUCH (JOWS. Any breed, drat. H. West. Scannoose: second and third, Haselwood Company. tioistaln. Two years and under 8; first, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. On year and under 2; first, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. Calf, under 1 year; first and second, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. Two year and under 8; first and third, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. Herds, two year and over; second, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. - Under 2 year ; second and third, P. A. Frakes, Scappoose. Ayrshire. Bull, 2 years and nnder 8; first, River side King, Honeyman Bros., Scappoose. Calf, undor 1 year; first, Lord Kelvin; second, Henry Herbankbell, Honeyman Bros., Scappoose. Cows, 8 years and over; first, Ossidine Silver, Honeyman Bros., Scappoose. Cow or heifers, 2 year and nnder 3; first, Myra of Poultney; second, Bessie Verbank, Honeyman Bros., Scappoose. Cows and heifers. 1 vear and nnder 2; first, Bell Douglas; second, Sweet Violot; third, Clarine Douglas, Honey man Bros., Scappoose. Calf, undor 1 year; first, EtU Poult ney, Honeyman Bros., Scappoose. Herd ; Honeyman Bros., Scappoose, Th Honeyman herd was nnder charge of M. Collin, foreman of the Honey man farm at Scappoose, but in tbe daily press report the credit wa given to Multnomah county. The livestock department at the state fair this year absorbed $3,103.66 in pre miums. This is the largest amount of money assigned to any one department. Over $710 wat awarded on Jerseys alone. Charles E. Ladd and W. O. Minor received more than $000 for Shorthorns, Honeyman Bros., of Scap poose, won $208 for Ayrshlret; F. A. French, $213.76 for Brown Swiss; George Lazelle and E. A. Hinkle, $316 for Red Polled ; tbe Ladd esUte, $210 for Guern seys ; P. A. Frakes, of Scappoose, $203.76 for Holstolna; M. Potter, $203 for Polled Angus. The premium for milk and batter tests was won by H. West's Gaatilla, of Scappoose. - The amount of milk yielded was ttOVi pounds for two days. The but ter test wat 8.3 per cent. Tb second premium went to Leucadia Fietertje Beets, owned by tbe Haselwood Com pany. Her production f milk was 88 pounds, and the butter test was 2.63 per eent. Trustee's Sweetheart, owned by the same company, won th third prise with 67 pounds of milk; test, 2.38. .Large Whlto-Cbeahire Hog. The twin on exhibition at the state fair from tbe Sunny Bunks Stock Farm, at Scappoose, also won a half doscn or more prises. The prise list follows t Boars, 1 years and over; first prise, H. West, Scappoose. Under six months; first, II. West, of Scappoose. One year and under 2; first, H. West, Bceppooae. Under six months; first and second, II. West, Scappoose. Herds, boar and three lows ; first, H. 'et, Scappoose. Four pigs from one sow ; nrBt and third, H. West, Scappoose. DEER ISLAND NOTES. Mrs. Ann C. Grav hat moved into the Lyman Merrill house. Mr. Fred Adams and little daughter are Portland visitors this week. T rh.rLn KnolUh. aftnr a wMtk'a illness, is able te be around again. Mrs. Kdwin Merrill has been confined . her bed for several days with nervous to prostration. Mr. t. A. Wamsley, who has been laid nn niirainv a severe cut in nil root, is able te be out again. They sav a brand new piano arrived at J. M. Payne's last Tuesday to help celebrate the eigntoentn oirtnasy 01 Miss Nellie Payne. if All.., Aflama rAtiirnnH laat aTnn. day from Arlington, where she had gone 1-1 - l UnaHHlntf hir hAflllh. Am in lli:a wi v n - - sorry to say she was not benefitted by ner trip. crauomnn on the steam shovel, at work T I 1 . 1... fPt, i.bl uere, was caneu to hotu hm imr dav to attend the funeral of her brother, wm. ray. , lr V.mlian anil dflnorlitar af inn Tress's, wore visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. v. t...w.itB. laat Tlmrwlav ami Fritlav. They left Friday evening for San Fran cisco, expecting 10 ue gone bovwiw monins. iiv. 41.MA ilnva and iiitrlita T Buffered agony untold from an attack ol cbolera morbus Mongol on ny eaung cotuw hers." buys M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Oonterville, Iowa. 1 .1 1.. T aiirc.lv Hin and tried adosen different medicines, but all to no purpose. 1 sent ror a nowo m Ohamlierlnln'a Colic. Cholera and Hiar- i)n...u.lw n.tA ihrrA rloaaa relieved me entirely." This remedy is for sale at tho St. Helens pharmacy, "Standard next week at tbe Oak." Will rrluglo wat over Lou) PilUburg a day or two this week. Tht local board of medical examiners for pension wa in session Tuesday. Messrt. Martin White and Charles Blakesley visited, Ths Dalles last Sunday. A daughter wat born to the wife of Charley Morris, at Bachelor Flat, Sep tember 28th. Wm. Placke, of Vernonln, was in town Tuesday and ' Wednesday, tran sacting business. ; Rev. Mr. Falrchild will preach next Sunday at Houlton In the forenoon, and in this city in the evening.' Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach next Sunday at Yankton at 11 :30 a. m., and at 8:30 at Bachelor Flat. Mr, and Mrt. George Rice, of Ver nonia, were in town Monday, They re turned with a load of merchandise. List of letters remaining in tbe post office at St. Helens, October 1, 1901 : Lewis Munson, 1 ; II. B, Peck, 1 ; Lewis Snider, :, j, . , ,, ,. Mr. and Mrt. Frank Dow, of Oak isl and, have taken ap their temporary borne in Portland for. she-purpose of schooling their children. ; " ; The . receipt of th county clerk's office for tbe month : of September amounted to $228.20, $207.20 for record ing and $21.00.conrt feet.'. County commissioners' court will meet in adjourned testioa next Monday, at which time bids for the erection of two bridget will be opened. Mr. George Foster, sr., of Goble, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Foster it settling up hit business affairs and may toon enter tbe Soldier' Howe, at Roseburg. At the special meeting held at the school-bouse Wednesday evening, it was unanimously voted to permit the teach ing of grades higher than tbe eighth, if there are any who desire to Uke the higher studies. , Messrs. N. F. Baker-and Wm. Cooper were down from Warren Wednesday looking over the plans and specifications of the contemplated bridge across Scap poose creek, witb a view to submitting a bid for it construction. . Mrs. Selene was down from her ranch on the Slongh Monday, attending to bus iness affairs. Mrs. Selene desires to sell her place, and is offering it at a reason able figure. An ' advertisement to this effect appear in this issue. G. D. Gilson, formerly of Houlton, but now in tbe hotel business at West port, was circulating on. our streets Wednesday. Mr. Gilson say he it doing well in hi new borne, a fact hia friend will be pleased tq know. The board of equalization will meet at the court-bouse next Monday, U there are any who are afraid their prop erty has been assessed too low tbe board will very gladly comply-witb their re quest to put the assessment np a few notches. Johnnie Plank tells us that be hat a bigger hauling story to relate than tbe one in Wasco coanty, of which mention wat made in these columns last week. He said be drew two cords of oak wood at aae load with one team, tbe load weighing 6000 pound. Mr. D. J. Swftxer bas been doing con siderable land clearing in the Bachelor Flat district this summer and fall. Be sides a good deal of that kind of work on hi own place, be shot the etump out of four acres of land on the Quick farm. j - - ! ' . A "Salamagundt" social will be given by the Basket Bull club at the large hall In tblt city this (Friday) evening. Ladies will please bring a lunch in a plain box. Programme will begin promptly at 8 o'clock,'' Admission 10 cents. .A pleasant evening is assured. Tbe Methodist conference, in session last week at Uillaboro, made tbe follow ing assignment of minister, of interest to our readers: Rev. J. K. Hawkins was assigned to the Clatskanie charge; RoTt Lew Davlea to the Bt. Helens charge. Rev. A. C. Faircluld was sent to the Oswego charge. ; Casper Libel, of Mist, reports that he landed hit traction engine safely at home and tbe machine i operating all right. It was qHe ea vtfal Jon roc y with the, big engine from. Clatskanie to its destination, but ,il' Vthere' and from the look of Casper eye when be said it, it's there to ttay... - .? A Mamnatcm nr'ajiiAWftlir Mnairinff la A . d halni wurad in til rltv. ths onlv dan ger being that It will be brought to a too hasty termtnatioa. Homewner mine neighborhood of $60 has beta anbseribed to repair the walk frown thia ity to (Trlirn avhlph in sorda nlace is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition. In the yard at Mr. Ow H. Johns' resi dence, in this city, is an appl tree full of bloom, a very unusual eaper lor na ture to be amity of at thit season of th vear: The tree made a healthy growth in th early spring and summer, but seemed to have nearly Urved for water later in the year, and at the first thorough wet ting of the ground this fall it sUrted in to "make headway backwards." Mini Fohtv Abstracts. Mr. E. E. Quick, of the abstract company, of this city, has just completed a large list of ahatrni-ta nf title to lands between Scap poose and Pittsburg through which the survey of the Northern Pacific railroad extends. These abstracts were msde for the railroad company, and it ia pre sumed that it will not be a great while until tbe company's representatives will be in the field securing right of way. Some of theBe abstracts required a great amount of work, while others wore less tedious. Bertha L. Barr to Martha 3. Ban:, Z. Bry ant D. I C t 8. Bcnuon to A. M. Smith, ijfof section Is, tp. ia, 1 1 wett.,.. t 00 . H. Deardorft to t. B. Hogda, J. J. Ho Danald and Sulla M, Peck, aeH at tto tloa 28, tp 7 u, r 2 watt ; .1800 00 DttTld Dupe to Benaen Logging and Lumbering Co., of saV ol section , tpn,r weit 1 00 00 Henry Uoerr to 1. K. DaBols, lot t anil M el nm ol taction 1, tp 4 n, 1 1 went. O. Euglieb toC. H. BnUal), lots and t, I Iblock 1, Der bland 200 00 (ioorfje S. roster to A. B. Owen, neol le)4 ol aeeUon 30, tp I n, r 3 went 660 00 O. C. Hopkins to Levy Wolf, nH ol a and w'4 of of taction 31, tp n, t4 wett 10 OH O. Bolboks to 0. D. Danahar, f4 of ne)- . and te'i of nw of taction 86, tp S n, r S weit ..1200 00 Joeeph Hajrhurn to Harriet U G ruber, ne'4 of Hottoo 84, tp 6 n, r t waet 8 00 John Hendricks to W. Bats and 0. Saoar- laasn, parcel of land In Bohert D. L. 0. . 1 00 J. H. Holand to 1. B. DnBoU, at sec tion W, tpSn.T Sweat , too W. 8. Ktaney to I. D. Beatley, t of sec tion SO. tp I n, f 1 weal (traat deed). ... Ml 00 Bailie D.Long te Stella D. Peek, eof and wJ4 af aa of section a, tp 6 n.Mwent m 00 J. B. Meaerrs to W. Miller, U aarei In Le- montD. L. 0 BOO 00 F. Miller to J. E. DuBola, lot 1 and ne of nw)4 and se of dw and awH of nw)4 of aeoUon SO, tp t n, 1 1 weat too Mary W, Newtome to O. W. Kyaer, blook 23, and lot 6, block 23, Dobblna addition toBelnler....... , 100 00 P. A. Bellly to W. B. Millar,1 aw of seo- . tloo 26, tp t n, r 4 want 1920 00 E. Beffert to C. P. Sanaber, ee4 of sec tion 26. tp n, r weat , 2000 00 A. M. Smith to L. C. Kinney and George Xobocb, H interest In H of section II, tp4n, r Sweat last 00 W. B. Van to A. Peterson, I aeree In neii of nwJiof section IS, tp n, r Sweat... 60 00 W. A. Wood to Kmll Kempt, M of nw of section 22, tpt n. r 4 weat tU 00 C. E. Whitney , administrator, to Iagjer Lern, ne of aw H ol section 13, tp 4 n, r2 wet , 800 00 Buy your fall supplies of Collint & Gray. - A. II. Powell, of Pittsburg, wa In town a few days this week. Mrt. J. B. Godfrey wa a Portland visitor Thursday. FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda EAILBOAD TIME. Learea Rainier dally (except Bandar) for Port land, at t A. M.. departing from 81 Helena at 8 o'clock. Returning, leavea rortlaad at 3.30 P. M arriving at bt. Helena at 4:46. Passengers an! Fast FrelEit. PORTLAND LANDING, TAYLOR ST. 1 Stsnwnnrl I Shnrman Rrns. VSttll Wfajfajsi wsas weaawa " ssrai-avww -MAUUFACTUBBafl QF- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manufacture trat-elaaa rough lumber for all purpoMM for the trade, which we sell at a most reasonable figure. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OREGON. -AT THS- City Market St. Hblbxs, Orkoos . LINDSAY A MORTON, FROP'8. -DKALSBS IN- Fresh and Salt Meat. City trade, loftging camps, atcasa- rjoais ana nuinwi campa snpplied. ORDER PILLED OH SHORT NOTICg. Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HELENS, - - - 0RSG0N. NEW PLACE. If ro want something good In the Hue of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only tha beat of Liquors and Cigars Ksgt ia Staet OPEN 'ROM A. M. TO IS COLOOK MIDNIGHT. 8TEAMEH "America" Willamett Slougli Route Leave Bt. Helens. . .. 6:80 A M H H H H M M H H M H M H M M hi Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M C J Leave Portland ...... J:30PM Iff Arrive at St. Helen. KWPM 4 fare ta cr.iv r. a. m E" Will Carry Nothing: bat Passen (j gera and Fast Freight, i J A. HEN GOOD, Waaler. IaatVBV lOH PORTL1ND, ialLI. Btl We Expect to Get It By giving you jnst a littfs more tor yonr money than yon can get elsewhere. We Eipcct to Keep It By telling yon a qnallty of good that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT AJA THE TIME. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR Bt. Helens, it SGHOOLBOOKSi EXCHANGED! Full state contract prices allowed for your second hand books. Everything for School Uses, GET YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES -AT THE- ST. HELENS How About ( I a BK TOU BTJHE it la all right? Remember that It la ths . JrV RECORD that aovernn. It la oar braineaa to searcb the ' C records and show what they contain in relation to land .tlllea. If yon contemplate buying land or loaning money on real-A. estate ascurity, take no man't word, but lnsiat upon knowing what the record xhows regarding the title. An Abstract laaaeMential aa a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only aet of abetract books in ths coanty. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. If you have property to Insure give us a call. Wear ageota for the best fire ineurance eompaulee in the world. If vob I nave properly lor aaia uai u wim na ana we win una a oujer. E. E. QUICK & CO., 8 Mail Strtet TP OrwcaHoons. MMIalla Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 60 & 51, WASHINGTON BLDQ., Sontbeiat Cor. 4th 4 Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, -p POETLAND, OKEGhOISr. j TAKE ELEVATOa ' ' ; i 000rr0r000000CHO00000000OO To be well paid for the time and trouble expended in look ing over inch a complete and attractive line ol Fall and Winter noveltie a we now exhibit, and to the many ' popular feature of oar department we are adding the IRRESISTIBLE POWER OF LOW PRICES ALL DEPARTMENTS FRESHLY STOCKED WITH THE SEST OP EVERYTHING III Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Oothing,Etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE rEOFLES ST. HELENS, eVuF YOUR TRADE. DEALERS, . Oregon. PHARMACY SB Your Title? ST. HELENS, OREGON PiroKita jfflc9' HooD 414 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist BRHRCflAMTS OREGON