The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 20, 1901, Image 4

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Is a constitutional d I seas. -
It originates m scrofulous condition ot
lb blood and depend on that condition.
It often causes headache and dltilneaa.
Impair the, until and hearlnic, af
fee' 3 tl.e vocal oiKui., i Um u
It la always radically and permanently
cured by tl,e blood-purltylng, alterative
and lonio action (
Hood's Sarsaparltla
Thl great medicine haa wrought the moat
wonderful cures of all diseases denandlne
on scrofula or the scrofulous habit.
Pleasant DtatH. .
Dark Pedestrian And the laat thing
poor jonn.flid was to kiss m.
Fair Cyclist Ah! And then h died,
I auppos r Ally Sloper,
Moon Fiua milaM eathartla.
. . Acquaintance Renewed.
Bunko Bill Hello, uncle, haven't we
mot before? '
Reuben Granger Guess we have. It
wes down In Hardscrapple, when you
were sellin' the farmera them $3
chtirns-and every cussed contract
turned up ter W a 300 note. I met
you with six citizens and a rope.
Bill Aw, here, now, let me down
Reub Did that onct and too quick.
Extraordinary Man.
Mr. Bimpkina Arabella, you are the
on y woman I ever loved.
Arabella There la only one man In
the world like you.
Mr. Slmpklna How tweet of you to
Bay luai.
Arabella Yes; you told that Smith
Rtrl the very same thing, and I know
there Is no other man living could do
it. Ohio State Journal.
This signature is en every box at the genatn
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy thai mure s eel im tmm stay
Willing to Share,
Old Gen.t--My boy,. I'm, aeventy-flva
years oil, and I never smoked a cigar
in my life. .
Boy Well. If yer likes fer foller me,
you can 'ave th'S butts, when I'm done
with it.-AHy Sloper. - -
Valee ef a Man's Life.
The Supreme Courts have decided that
the tile of the averaira mail is worth just
K-l.t Ka I l,l In M..n),auM
depend to a treat extent upon his tihrsual
health. The stomach is the measure f
health and strength. Every man utav be
bright and active if hie digestion is normal,
If is ia not, Hostetter's (Stomach Hitters
will make it so. Irvttfor dyspepsia, in.
digestion, constipation, biliousness, tlalul
eucr, urer or Sidney irouoie.
Right Up to Cstt.
Sculptor What sort ot bust do you
wish for yourself T
Mr. Newrocks Well, I alnt partlcu
lar, but I'm gettin' it to please Mrs.
Newrocks. and she says It must be a
mythlologtcal one. Brooklyn Eagle.
I do not believe Pisn'a 'ure fr Con
sumption has an equal for mitelis ami
colds, Jobs' K ISovxa, Trinity Springs,
lao.i ren. 14. lswo. . t. ,
-Do you like romantic
CIT! rrmnttl Cuml. Ko fits mt
S IO Iterant la.', uwof Hr KUaaVGraet Nora
t"tM. Send lor FR K K trial hottlsenl treat
in. i'. u. ii ntiiT t i.tii m ttttitt , rtmasiitraie ra
Cost of Railway Mail Car.
Harry I guess not! When you
make a hole in your salary buying
then expensive flowers, they tear
them apart, repeating, "He loves me,
he loves me not."
I rnn svaw wnai von ataai Tivtun
A modern railway mall car, equip- When von take Grove's Tasteless ChllS Tonic,
ped With the latest contrivances, such fieeausaUieformiilaisplaiiilynrlntedonevery
a vPstihnW .ninmatli. mlM .1-. " showlnr that it Is eimr.1. Iron and Quf.
. ; " " . siue u s tesieieae torm. McnArnMnr.
cn.j., t-uein oiweea aa,ouu ana
$6,000. The Government pays for the
use of railway mall cars at the rate
of 140 a year for a 60-foot car per .w l yo Mv . e?
The Power of F'attery.
"What MUle feet you have f"
track mile, and $50 per year per track clf'me" seeing snoe cierit
milo tnr a A.frv.r c, miHngly.
- j - And then he sold her a pair of back
I number $t boots for $8.50 Rnd she she had a bargain Somervllie
StopmfPf Camtih ansa?
asttr BromoQuinine Tablets en re a cold In
one day. So cure, No ray. Prim Si eeats.
A Dik-rrmj.
Mrs. Von Blumer I don't .know
what we shall do about that cook.
Von Blumer What's the matter
now? j; -. .;-.- :
"She threatens to' stay." Life. , '
An Apt Answer.
An apt answer Is credited to the
well-known Lord George Sanger, of
circus fame.. On being asked what
steps he would take should a certain
wild least break .out ot its cage, be
repiied with all naivette, "D d long
one," London Qaily News. .. . u ,
By local spplicatione, as tbey cannot reach the
diaeaMd (Kircton ef the ear. Tbere is only one
way tocure dtaineeft, ami that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deatoess is caused by an ln
flsmed condition ol tbe bquvmu Uning of the
EtiHtachien Tube. When this tube gets In
flstued yon bare a rurabliog sonnd or imper
fect bearing, and -arben it Is entirely closed
deaiues is lb result, and nnleaatbeinflamma
ttou can be taken out and Ih is lube restored to
its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed
lorerer; ntneeases out of tea areesused by
catarrh, wbich is nothing but an innamea
, conaitionot toe mueous surrsoes.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deai neas (caused by catarrh) that eaa
nut be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send fat
circulars, free.
P. J. CHENEY A CO, Tslsde, O.
flail's FaisUlyftUs are the bast -
. Why Wsiktr Was Defeated.
Representative " Joseph H. Walker,
of Massachusetts, was asked the other
day why be had been defeated for re
election last fail. He replied: "It
was things, and more things, and votes
that defeated me.
Finding; His Place.
He (complacently) I'm Just begin
ning to find my place ia the world!
Bhe (Innocently) Dear me! How
humiliating! Fun.
Take laxstlee Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH
Aruf gists refund the money if it faila to ears.
It. W, drove's alienators is on each boa. Vac
felt Honored. ; fV
Father My daughter tells me, sir,
that you liave been making love to
her. ( v
Clubberly I jdont know why she
should single me out among so many.
Detroit Free Press. ,
- Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'S Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
"wuw uurius; uiv wsuun ponou.
Just as He Thought.
"If I were to ask you to marry me,
what would you say?"
"Why. Mr. Brownby." she faltered;
"really this is sudden."
"I thought so," he answered; "that's
about what they all say. Much
obliged." And then he said it was
time for him to go. Exchange.
Thei Best Prescription for Hal art a
3hiUs and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic It is simply iron snd quinine in
n Hwaon mn. io v ure. no fay. rrlce a0c.
The Commercial Instinct
Mamma Tommy, do stop that
noise. If you'll only be good, I'll give
you a penny. ,
Tommy No! I want a nickel.
Mamma Why, you little rascal, you
were quite satisfied to be good yes
terday for a penny.
Tommy I know, but that was a bar
gain day.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature ef
' Pac-giaaUe Wrapper Betas,
: Z-" Positive Proof. ; V . ' '
Tees Oh, yes; I'm positive she is
Jess I suppose you saw the record
In the family Bible, eh? ,
Tees Better than that. I asked her
at what age she thought a girl should
marry, and she promptly said "twenty
eight." Philadelphia Press. "
Very ssasB mmM ,
roa Dozimts
roa nuoosauSe
roa sauow tut.
roa thccompuxsoi
For Evidence of Fraud In Testimo
nials Advertising Dr, Will
iams' Fink Pills for
Palo People.
, It is sometimes thought that some
concerns, in order to make people
believe that the article in which they
deal is a good one, manufacture
themselves the testimonials which
they use in their advertisements.
The Dr. uliams Medicine Co., man
ufacturers ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People, however, have always
held that the publication of a ficti
tious Or even a misleading testimon
ial is not only had morally but is bad
advertising. Consequently the great
est care has always been taken in se
lecting testimonials for their adver
tising. Eveiy case is not only care
fully investigated, hut in most in
stances it is sworn to in Iceal form
and the affidavit placed on file. That
.1 .... V . L. - . t - . . ... 1 . .
iiu hiiiiuv may uc in tun minus Ol me
public, the company offers one thou-
sund dollars (41,000) for evidence of
fraud, on its part, in the publication
tfanyof the testimonials used in mak
ing known t lie merit a of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Tale People. In view
of this, the following remarkable case,
published m the Democrat and Sen
tinel, Lew is ton. Pa., is given without
further comment:
Mr. Frank A. Means, a well known
farmer o." Keedsville, Mifflin county.
Pa., writes: ,,
I had the grip and as a result my '
nerves broke down. I lost the entire 1
use of the lower half of my body.
For a whole year I lay in bed perfectly
helpless, with no power in either
limb, and the feeling cone so that I
couldn't feel a pin run into my legs
at all. I couldn't turn over in bed
without help. Six doctors gave me
up and said it was only a question of
a few weeks with nic, as nothinc moro
could be done. Then a friend sent
me a pamphlet containing statements
of two men who hud been afflicted
something like me and who had been
cured by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I began taking them at
once and although my improvement
was slow it was certain. Now I can
walk most of the time without a cane
and everybody around here thinks it
is a miracle that I can get about as I do. J
lour puis nave certainly been a
God-send to me."
Signed, F. A. MEANS.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this I7th day of April, 1901.
Notary Public.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Company. Sche
nectady, N. Y., fifty cents per box j
six boxes for two dollars and fifty
tlrrn. VlentIito Tmllm How
tytila C Ptnkham' VeffUf
hi Compound Cured Harm
Happiness will go out of your life
forever, my aister. It you have any
of the symptoms mentioned in Mrs,
Valentine's letter, unless you . act
promptly. Procure Lydfa B. link'
finding that a railroad company It
guilty of negligence for falling to keep
Its platform lighted for fifteen or twen
ty minutes to enable passenger to pass
out safely, Is held by the ftopremo
Court of Arkansas In the case of St.
Louis, etc. Railway Company vs. Bat
tie (68 a W. Rep.. 80S), not to be un
reasonable. structure connecting two buildings
on opposite sides of a street built so
far Above the street as not to inter
fere with tntffle thereon, to held by the
Court of Appeals ot Maryland, In the
case of Townsend va. Epstein (40 AtL
Rep., 820), to be nuisance as to ad
jacent property owners, whose light It
The renewal by new not of a
usurious note, but excluding all the
usury, to held by the Supreme Judicial
Court of Maine in the case of Ver
mule vs. Vermule (40 Atl. Rep.,' 0081. to
render th new note valid and binding
on the maker, as the parties themselves
have done what a court of equity would
require them to do.
Where mining stock to deposited un
der a binding escrow agreement that It
hall pas to a certain person on the
! payment of a certain price within a
' certain time, and the price to paid by
such time, the Supreme Court of Utah
in the case of Clark vs. Campbell (OS
Pac Rep., 400), holds that dividends
declared before the price Is paid do not
belong to the purchaser.
A fair association which maintained
a race track on Its fair grounds negli
gently made an opening In the fence
surrounding the track, and through this
opening a horse ran from the track
among the people assembled on the
main part of the fair ground. Injuring
one of the spectators. The court (Ap
pellate court of Indiana) held the fair
association liable for the Injury on the
ground that the cause of the Injury was
the failure to Inclose properly the track.
(Wandeler vs. Rush County Fair Asso- fSOOO91 "M,k""hl
elation, 60 N. B. Rep.. 064.) lTCSii'i! kXtJZZl
Out ef ls
"Back!" shouted the here, "Your
presence here Is only perfunctory.
You are doing nothing whatever to ad
vance th action of th tory.''
With a muttered curs th villain
shrank back into the chapter in which
tli tuurdur taUea place, and tha etory
proceeded on the conventional line
prescribed by our best modern critics.
Enforcing th Uw.
that dog off the
street, or
ham's Vegetable Compound at once. 1 pil run you in," ordered th consolen
It la absolutely sure to help you. Then tlou policeman.
i "But why'" asked tn man wun ma
dog. "He ha a license on."
write for advice if there is anything
about your ease yon do not under
stand. You need not be afraid to tell th
thing you could not explain to th
doctor your letter will be seen only by
women. All the person who see priv
ate letter at Mrs, Pinkham'i Labora
tory, at Lynn, Mass., are women. AU
letter areoonfldential and advice abso
lutely free.
Her 1 th letter I "It la with
pleasure that 1 add my testimony to
your list, hop
ing It may in
due others to
avail t h tu
ssive of th
benefit of your
valuable rem
edy. Before
taking Lydla
E. Pinkham'a
Compound I
felt very bad
ly.was terribly
nervous, and
tired, had sick
headaches, no
gnawing pain In stomach, pain in my
back and right aide, and so weak I
could scarcely stand. 1 wa not able
to do anything. Had sharp pain all
through my body. Before I had taken
half a bottle of your medicine, I found
myself improving. I continued it us
nntll I had taken four bottlss, and felt
so well that I did not need to tak any
mora. I am like a new person, ana
your medicine shall always have my
praise." Was. W. P. Vai.kntih, Mf
Tarry Avenue, Camden, N.J.
'That's all right a far a It goes;;
but that' 'a plt dog, and w hav
strict order to enforce th antl ei
pnetoratton ordinance." Baltlmor
I Yarlnt Amtnitli'.
I Her the Sea Serpent rallied th
' Mermaid upon her notorious non-ex-Istenre.
I "He who lives In a glass nous
should not throw stones!" retorted th
Mermaid; with spirit
The laugh was against the Sea flr
! pent, hnwhelt he loudly protested that
I he resided for the most part either In
j wood or Doulton ware, or something
ot tnni sort, ana out seiuom in giass,
Mad Monty (a America,
Theodore Chartraln, th French por
trait painter. Is said to have earned
more money during hi short visit to
th United State than during all th
rest of hi previous career.
Coed Word for Him.
Banks Dumlelfth I not such a
dunce a they make htm out. He get
oft a good thing once in a while.
Hill But It lint original.
Bank Htlll, It' bright In him, to
remember It. Boston Trancrlpt.
Catarrh of tha Stomach,
Rabbi David Kloin, C26 E. Main
street, Columbus, 0., write th fo,.
lowing to Dr. Hartman in regard to
1'eruiiai "It afford nie great plessur
to teelify to lii curative merit of
your medicine. Perun i a well
tried and widely-used remedy, E.
pecially a a specific for catarrh of th
sUmaoh it cannot b excelled, .
run will do all that I claimed (or
" . .-Y-vnM!iwnl .
(, ;V
T2im iu MmMimm sefsii On,
lit Thought Quickly.
Sandy Oh, policeman, yer salr
need't in at "Black Bull" yonder
there's a maist awfu' fecht gaen on.
Policeman Is Black Jock there?
Sandy Aye!
Policeman And Lang Jimmy?
Sandy Aye!
Policeman Ah, weel, I'm sorry, but
I canna leave me beat, ye ken.
A Parting Stab.
"Sarah," said the lady ot the bouse.
breaking the news gently to the new
servant girl, "we shall have to get
along without your services after the
first of the month."
"Yes, mum," replied Sarah, "Pm
sorry the master's affairs are in such
bad shape, mum."
i " r "ti't'."" hi 'ii 'pi i .ijiiiui,! iiiiumi tit,iiiiiiniiniiiiji.v.g.ui.Ti .,.T..j.n.iiniimmi iisiiaiWiiiiui.iL
'Ihe Kind l Yon Have Always Bought has borne the signa-
o viiukm a- lewuer, snu uas oeen mane under nig
personal euperviiiion for oyer 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Ju8t-as-g-ool' are but Experiments, and endanger th
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorta Is m harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrboea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Htomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
la Kind You Haie Always Bought
Sears tbe Signature of
; In Use For Over 30 Years.
r ' ecwTftu MMMirv, rr iMmMV tmim. mm rnr. ' :
and all wise mothers make
a household remedy for tbe
simple reason that it always
Conquers Pain
".:' n0 Cause for Alarm.
"Great heavens! What' the cause
of all that yelling around tbe corner?
come! Lets hurry; there may be a
"Stay! Don't get excited. We're
used to that. We hear it every day.
There's a painless dentist's office
around there." Chicago Times-Herald,
v - - - ,
Saw Nothlat; in It
One of those matter-of-fact persons
who apply the rigidly utilitarian test
to everything was looking one day at
a "puzzle picture" in an illustrated
paper, the puzzle being to "find the
man" cunningly hidden by the artist
in some unexpected part of the draw
ing. "I can't see anything worth looking
at in tills picture," he said.
"See It now?" asked a friend, point
ing out the concealed figure. "That's
the man."
"Yes, I see him." he reDlied. still
puzzled. "What of him?"
Aate-War Ttaae He ia la Attic of a
Clevelaad Office Batldlas.
Packed away in the attic of a big of
fice building here is a heavy old cherry
wood desk at which Captain Ulysses
8. Oraut, afterward commander of the
Union armies and President of the
United States, once sat and made a not
very fat living in the real estate busi
ness in St Louis.
The desk Is big and old-fashioned
now for modern use, and it is covered
with dust and almost forgotten. It be
longs to A. T. Brewer, a Cleveland law
yer, who got It in part payment for
rent, and be told a reporter a few days
ago bow It traveled from Graut's of
fice to this Cleveland attic.
"In 1870," be said, "I was a young
lawyer just starting and 1 rented a part
of my office to a life Insurance man
named Avery, who came from St.
Louis. He brought, with him this old
desk, aud when he left tb office be
owed me some rent and be left the desk
In payment, with the understanding
that he was to bsve tbe right to redeem
It at any time. That was thirty years
ago, and I guess he's dead uow.
"lie told me all about tbe desk. Cap
tain Graut, when be dabbled In real
estate In St Louis before the war, bad
desk room In Avery's office, and this
was bis desk. Avery got It when Grant
went to the war In part payment for
rent as I did later from Avery. He
told me a great deal that was Interest
ing about Grant
"When he was In the real estato
business tbe Crimean war wa on and
Grant waa much more Interested In
that than be was In real estate. He
made large map of tbe battlefield In
tbe Crimea, with tbe position of tbe
fighting amies marked on them, and be
used to spend hours over these maps.
which be spread out on the top of tbla
desk. The blunders in the allies' cam
paign annoyed blm greatly, and be used
to tell his friends what the command
ers should have done.
"'Here la tbe English position,' be
wonld aay, according to Avery, 'and
her are the French. Tbe Turks are
here. Over ber are tbe Russians. Tbe
allies should not have attacked here;
that wa a mistake. It was Just what
the Russians wanted them to do, for It
gave them an opening. What the allies
! should have done wa to feint here to
distract the attention of the Russians
' to their flank, 'and then concentrate
their forces and attack here. In that
way tbey would have been able to
break through the Ruslan lines and
crlmple them back.'
"Tbe gronps of Grant's fellow citi
zens who listened to these criticisms,
Avery said, need' to laugh at the
Captain's criticism of the European
generals. Probably they remembered
that later. Tbe more In earnest Grsnt
grew tbe more amused tbey were. Then
Grant would see that they weren't fol
lowing him and he would stop.
"He was neither silent nor taciturn
In those days, though, and be paid a lot
more attention to hi war map than
be did to tbe real estate business. He
seemed wholly absorbed In tbe prob
lems in generalship the Crimean war
For many years, Mr. Brewer says,
lie nsed the old desk himself, and he
still keeps It for tbe cake of Its associa
tions; but be has no room for it in tho
office be now occupies, and that' why
It is relegated to the attic among the
discarded and useless furniture plied
under tbe roof. New York Sun.
Mr. Faintart MIbb Upperton, I feel
that I am overpresnmptiious; that you
are not for me; that you will refuse
my hand; nevertheless I offer It to
! you, in order to satisfy .In a measure-
Miss Upperton (faintly) April fool!
Patent Procured.
Promat, Kltlrlent and at!fartr; 8er,l
Attorney's lee not iwrable till patent grained.
Irt gs Tiber A Whitman Co., HS-eO Warder
Bldf., Washington, p. C.
A Sporting Note
First Bear I saw a man shot a min
ute ago.
Second Bear What for?
First Bear For impersonating me,
I think Puck.
Redd Have you een tho new
golf stockings of Link'? They look
like a checkerboard.
Green Should think they might
give him tbe appearance of having a
game leg. Yonker 8tateaman,
Kabul David Klein,
People afllicttnl with catarrh of th
stomach complain of lassitude, all-tired-out
feelings, their blood bvoonut
thin, nervou system deranged, food
Mm to do them no good, continuous
and increasing wcakes. Parana I a
gpecillo for catarrh of the stomach,
rerun corrects the limmiicd iliifiw
lion, inskos rich blood mid sternly
"dtimnwr i Catarrh" scot frcn hy
The rerun .Medicine Co., Coltiin
bl"' - .." " -Ittsrli
Nut Trumps.
Olilspark Love, they say, I th per
fume of the heart,
Ml Younger Well, perhaps It Is:
but, realty, I don't care forerfumery.
Bruoslrn, N. Y Sept. lth. The OarfleM
Tea Co., manufacturers of iarl.l Tea. t,ar.
Held Headiiche Pnailnrs, (iarrield Tea Syrup,
t.arSeld Hallef plaaters, Uartleld lileestlve
Tablets and (jarfleld Lnilnn, are now o.H upr.
lng the large and eiesant iifhre building and
fat'lorr rewniir erected h them, fur man
rears the tiarfleld Kemrdlrs have been grow
ing In popularity, and tbeir success Is null
desenred. 1 her eure diseases aud keep people
we.l and strong.
"Oh, I don't know!" remarked the
optimist. "After all, you'll find In
every one at least some of the milk
of human kindness."
"Huh!" grunted the cynic. "What
you do nnd is usually the condensed
variety!" Philadelphia Press.
1 -
mmmamamammmnmwmm mm- WT' y
life V 1 Jk
..-- .,, ,, ,
Beit ponbie to build, "est material. Seat pre.
portion. H.M flnlsb, f.isbtwiti running. Heveutv
Jran' iporisaue. MIKHKII.. I.ll A
TAVKH ;.. MamtTajrlnrats., Portland. Or
Smt and only
eerleel blowercui.
(er en tbe market.
Hand fur elreulsr,
Mitchell, Umlt A
Starer ' .
Portland, Ore,
Hard to UndtritsrwJ.
"What make Mr. Vyperi apparent
ly so welcome and charming a conver
sationalist In society?"
"It's a mystery to me. I understand
she's been sued several time for slan
der." Philadelphia Time.
S3.G9 TO S5.C3 M DAY
Easily made for tb seat 90 days, selling an
attractive Una of Holiday Goods. For full par.
tlculars send nam and address to
8tar Bid.. Chicago, Ills.
In tha Labour Msrkst
The following appeal Is extracted
from a church paper: "Old man, lame,
deaf, epileptic, desires situation. Will
any Christian take hint for a garden
er?" St James Oaxotte.
JOHN POOLE, Portland. Oregon,
Caa give von Jh beat bargain In
Buggies, i'luws, hollers and Kiiiiiues,
Wiu'imill ami l'uino anl (ienerai
Machinery. Bee as before buying
300 Poslllons limi HI?.
San Francises Easiness Cote
1 Market St., Saa rraiolseo, Cat!
Writ fat Catalogue.
kablla. Saa
' Great Opportunity.
Mr. BJenkln They are going to
have another rummage sale next week.
Mr. DJeuklns Good! I wish you'd (! IfJjtltBta,
bvum . vs vr s l ivvniiifs vtmii u tW
sitting-room that I aiway tumble over
when I come In late at night Somer
vllie Journal.
Summtr KttQlutton
ill ifcaioy Curo
Sar relief noes Honor, opines and tobaese
ad lag par Haulers ie
Meved te 410 WltllsuM
Ate., Seel Bide.
s t-ieek"
WH aw writing te, aeorUseuV pUaee
Wenied to Be in Harmony.
Brisket What can I send you
today, Mrs. Style?
Mr. 8. Send me a leg of mutton
and be sure it is from a black sheep.
Brisket A black sheep?
Mrs. S. Tes; we are in mournlne.
yon know, Tid-Bits.
I aess (low
(OUll tijTUp. TeUtstt 6o4 Vt
. mild y Oman-ista.
Word Oi.lned In Boston.
When Boston was three years old, the
word "coasting," in the sense of sliding
down an Inclined plane, was used for
the first time by the Court of Assist
ance. The term "lumber" appeared
first in tbe town records in 1003, being
employed to designate tbe embarrass
ment caused by tbe "lumbering" up of
the street at a time when tbe lettlers
were doing a great business in forest
products. Schooner, sleigh, haraegs,
phaeton, carry-all, barge, currency, ten
der, sinking-fund, depreciation, appre
ciation, caucus (1T40), labor trust (1741),
unconstitutionality, gerrymander, war
den, unconstitutional, immigrant, and
chromo, are all Yankee words, that
have been imitated and used far and
wide. ' '
Considering the monotony of a mar
ried man's life, bis wife should really
contrive oftener to bare hot biscuit
and blackberry lam.
Meins misery on the eve of lift, Nine out
of ten old people are constipated because the
muscles of their intestines have become
weak, worn out and flabby. Constipation
is the curse of old age, causes bile and
add poisons to remain in the blood, making
the skin yellow and wrinkled, the eyes
bleary and causing the "bones to ache."
Keep the bowels strong, healthy and regular
and old age loses all its terrors and weak
nesses. No reason why grandpa and
grandma shouldn't have bright eyes, and
dear, ruddy skin and feel lively and active,
if they will only keep their bowels open and
vigorous with CASCARETS CANDY
CATHARTIC, the greatest bowel tonic
ever heard of. Try them Way a 50c
box a whole month's treatmentand find
that the tortures of constipated old age are
I I - 1 D
"S:fis.sfs. ""- , l II 1
fc -e': i I":..,--."". a. rt- tea t SA
-Mt-. t i i w in isii - m a El w t . r . w aa -
25c. 50c.
feovral (renblea.
witcAiaR.r rHJ35?. " dri- '
moo.V . .T1LI """""r ;.et, l. es
oi iai.rili mi'i.r S'saeta lirMllaa,, ir -
TOC-TTIf Si Five rear
Jte Srl aea ar fAsi'su.
1 r waa sold. Mow It ts
ear eta aasSISSaaaa aM m
a-eaaee Has ahae
baa . . : ---- 7 mm ,M v)are a
""J" " the eeaetar haa tm mm -. .-.,!. , .
Sar H..U. . i J! !"" "r wkalall. vev-eca-s
rwlHt..i.. .L -r tmimm aaa veaartll bteaskbe a
H-ass siaiaUHU k-akiil .. k Ill . a ... .,