TI1K OREGON MIST. ituaxu hvkhy rmuAV momnino bv DAVID DAVIS, ElMTOIt AND rUDI'IIIKTOH. TOLD IX MUKIIKABH. Almost Pi,ni,ui.ATito. This section of tli country I furnishing II propor tion of Hi lopiIokm lor the Wlllitm etw vftUy yards, ami aa a result the lurrotimlii'lt country la about dkpciit Isled. Many people look forward to ioiM'l'kliiK ll,"e '"r t,,uir summer vacation, iid wlill tlioy are. taking tnoutliitf tliny at th same time Imve an opportunity to earn little money wlth which to pay expense., ItlKOI,AkV AT HKtlHKN,-Lat Sunday pl.lit tin store of T. 0. Watts was an toretl awl (w articles, lifted. The money till l tli "tore and postotllce nre nnuiHinriwu, una it uia uunui ol Mr. Wti tlit aside from some cigars nd towuico anu iHMiiuiy nam or two, tim luas wi notliiiiK. Entrance was ef fected by pryiifl tha front dixir ol the tor open. 1 I the Mound time Mr. WhIU' Ure lift been broken Into. PKVKI.or NNIIAT.KM (Joal. It re ported that tli work of developing the ftclmlt'iu col tluld will Ij commenced lit once, says tli Astoria iiewa. Ac cording to rumor, the owner of the land will not work up Coal creek, but don the Nehalem, mid It (twin to be the intention of the company to build a line into Astoria. When asked about llm matter recently, Dr. August Kinney did he had heard the raiort, but he wis unable to give the names of the jiartirs who have undertaken the work, or any Wimg regaining tnoir plans. From Kaj.ama to Vancouvkm. North" arn I'aoillo train lire eipocled to run into Vancouver from Kalmna by Novem- Iwr 1. Condemnation proceed i ok for the old bridge pier on the lite of the bridle across the (Columbia at Vancou ver have been begun, but the bridge will not be built until now act of Om it was I passed allowing it. Three route have been surveyed Into I'ortland from Vancouvor by the Northern (Oregon A Washington, In name) but nothing baa been glyrn out to wbidi lia lieou De lected. Arri.ee ftmmi ll.Mi a box. That ap plra are In demand at a very remunera tive figure I ahown by the now that comet from liood Kiver, Wasco county, to the effect that I. II. Hear made a le of carload of lien Davla apple at II. WS per box, delivered on board the ear at the Hood Kiver doMit. The car load of tWU boxe brought U:lO cash and were bought by J. X. Carroll, mer chant of Iawon City, Alaska. The apple will be gathered and shipped at once in Older that they may reach (he Kloiiklke market before tiie winter freeze ant in. Immediately after Mr. Henri mado the sale of thi carload at 11.65 per box, Chicago buyer appeared and asked him to set a price on the re mainder of hi crop, iomi nine or ten carload. fiAva Tiirki la fLKNty or Coat Oil. " If th country In the neighborhood of Hunker hill and Jewell potolllc in Clatnop county was prospected the re sult wonld cause no little surprise," ay a man who ha Just returned from an axteuded trip through that part of the itate, in an Interview with a Tele gram reporter. There are unmistakable eigne of oil there, he aay, and all that It lacking i a little push and energy to bring it out. Formation peculiar to oil land are much in evidence. Fur ther and even more concluidve proof of tho presence of oil la found in the fact that nearly all bodice of water In that district are coated with a film of oil. Moaquitoe are unknown, where, waa the water not thu coated, they other wise would iwarin by tho million and make life a burden. "Willi a railroad forming an outlet for It wonderful re sources that section will prove one of the richest part of the state, but until eome modern mode of transportation ha been provided the vast land will lie practically idle. A few rancher her and there only aerve to break the monotony of an unexplored region, though It be but a comparatively abort distance from the mvtrupolia of tho Northwet." To Tst 0 iwon Coai.. A letter from S. 11. Uruber, of Ht. Helena, addressed to Secretary Miller, of the board of trade, states that coal is being taken out of the Clitr A Dalton mines, near tit. Ilelons, and that snlllcient amount will be mined by the Knit of next week to make practical test of its steam making qualities on one of the Colum bia river steamboat, which ha been arranged for. He says that they have a vein of four feet of solid coal, and thore are other smaller veins, but between these there are softer coal formations. He sent down lump of coal a few days ago, and it ia now on exhibition in tiie window of the Horticultural and Min lug Exhibit building, on Washington Ifm.1 Tim In inn on exhibition is a foot in width and a half foot In thick nes. Tho mining facilities are poor, as the owner are not able to buy maciiin r. Mr. (1 rulier is anxious that some one take the matter in hand who has moans, and ava that if coal can be (omul i.l a fxwl vraila it will be of In Ul.ln I.nellt to 1'ortlaiid. He has no interest in the matter himself, except the development of thi section of the tate. It i the general opinion of those who have examined the ground and lav nf (tin Mmntrv and the formations that a larger and better vein lie dooper tn the earth at tut point. xuiegram. Not Oood Pbobi-ict for Fall Fish Ud to the c resent time there are no lnll,.atina nl the Columbia river can nerie tartlug up on fall Hull. The price whicli ha been ollered fishermen nnaoant a null nil. and tilil i Oil ly contingent upon the maintenance of the present market conditions. There seems to be no demand whatever for tin class nf a.i. i.l. ..IuLx.k trnin Now York Inilieai Hint. Timet sound salmon is still u.lHno 11 a. down, and on c count of many weak holder in the mar ket, buyers are expecting Btill lower fig ures. On the coast rivers and bay but one cannery i in operation that at Rllets. John Klernan, ol Bllota, report that he will operate only in an indiffer ent way, packing Just enough fish to online the supplie now at bis cannery. Mr. Tlmrnln i on the Coquille offering 10 cent for ailveraide and 25 cents for elilnn.it. iTntnaa t.lin flahurtnen accede to these price, be will run hand seinct and pack their catch only. The Beng- sweken. ol the Uoos tiny uompany, fifteen Chinamen engaged and will pack at Coos Hay, paying 10 cents and 26 cents for his fish. The product of these canneries, however, being very small even under the best of condition, the market will not be atfectad at all. Nothing baa as vet been done on the Biualaw, and thut la also the situation at Umpqiia, Alaoa, Tillamook and Ne lialom. F. O. Uarnes, at Blioalwotflr bay, is taking fish and shipping in cold storage for tiie fresh HbIi market. ' The same came can be said of Aberdeen and Cray's harbor. a. '"JbaKrin, I)avai.ornaNT.-The t V"? , ",l!,"l7 thi county baa woiiuVrlully developed in the past two or three years, and there ha been a largo increase, In the number of all kind of livestock knot on tU frm. How ever, there needs to be a great dcnl of deveh,pmnt yet along theau iii.ua, hut we are certainly coming to the front in moat amlafHctory niaiiner. From tliia county thi yar there will be aiplundld exhibit of dairy cuttle at the itate fair, and our people ehould Interoat them elvo to the extent of encouraging aucti onterprlae. in other. There I a direct Iwnellt from audi oilillilta Iu.mI.1... ii,. creation of an iinpreaaion that county ", - "uu" pwnnni caiue a thoae ex ll lb ted mna citrlulnlu I,. . gxl place to live and engnga In other and dillcrent piiraulu. Another ten year will bring about change and ad vancement In the dairying, atockralaing, ItlllilHtrintr and horticultural imnnli. that atrangeHi and even our own people marvel at. The county I now on tho eve of grunt development and advance ment, and thoae fortunate enough to realde and have home here will be for tunate, indeed. Coal Madk Uood Fiwe. On Wednes day there waa a thorough teat made of the con I from the CHIT and Dalton pros pect, back of Warren, a to it steam producing qualities, and the result waa moat satisfactory. This teat was made by the steamer America, her flro box having been arranged to burn coal in stead of wood, and Engineer Charley Thompson, of that boat, Informed the writer tiiat the coal produced ail the team the engine could utilise, and when proerly arranged for the round trip could easily be made on two tons of coal. The proximity of the coal to transportation would enable the article to be laid down here at a cost of about $3 a ton, which would mean exceedingly cheap fuel for not only manufHCturlng puriose. but also for domestic use. The quality of the article now having been proven beyond uouut to be all that la required, the Important thing is to ascertain the extent to which the coat exists in that vicinity. I'rospect work is being prosecuted to some considera ble extent in other places, near the C I i tr illion nrosiiects, and the operator vein extremely sanguine as to the favor able result of their labor. Co a i. From Qiltnkk Land. A chunk of coal weighing about ton pounds, from tneuntner land, on ricappootie creex, was left at thi olflue thi week, sent in bv Mr. llanaome. the gentleman from California, who ia developing the pros pect. We are no Judge of the article at all, but the specimen Indicates a good quality. We understand that Mr. Han some fins had no asay made, directing hi effort entirely to the work of discov ering whether or not there I sufficient quantity of the article In that vicinity to warrant the development work which it will require to get the coal nut should it quality lie all that ll required. In fact, quality seems to have been given little consideration, it being taken as a matter of (act that if there In quantity tbeouallty will tie all right. Surface showing Indicate au Immense body of conl at the llanaome prospect, out what is beneath the surface is what it is deal rod to find out. Licinhk Dm Not last). The majority of the legal voter of Bcappoose pre cinct did not or do not now want a sa loon up there, anil by reference to the ctmimfasioners' proceedings it will be seen that there is to be no grog shop up there, for the present, at least. A great many people of that precinct always reinonetraUtl against the existence of ucb a business enterprise in their midst, and tills element had their in nings In court last Friday and won out with hand down. Aside from the fact that there were more remonstrators than petitioner it ia most likely the pe tition would have been knocked out by teclmicalitie and some very serious fault of the petition as printed. Any how, our friends at Bcappoose will have to go elsewhere for a time, at least, to wet their whistleN. The majority said nay, and that settle it. Max OaxooKiAKS Bliwi. The Con cordia (Kan.) Empire, in it last Issue, hud thi to say ot Mr. ungn u. omi" : "II. U Smith and fnmily, of Buffalo township, who have been spending the summer In the Willamette valley in Oregon, returned home last Saturday. Mr. Kmltti tnlliKS tnai I a Kreomuuu- try, but the rain get awiuny wei ai time. He ay they raised good wheat crop and the big Iruit noruss ne tell would make oven an Orcgoman blush." Mr. Smith will be remembered by many people in this county as me brother-in-law of Assessor Whito, who, with his family, visited here for two or three month during the spring and early part of the summer. Rn ir Mh. Biiikikn. The dis- nati-hna Tni'ilnv iu the dailv miner told about Miles Bheelrn, ol Rainier, being robbed of W2 n Astoria Monuay nigni. If credence is to be given this report we symputhixe with Bheeirn, but lie glioma know better than to carry such tarn of money about with him. About Taxes. Th nw tur law. tissued at the 1001 session of tho legislature, is similar to (I.M iruillA law. fearfully and wonderfully constructed. Property owner will have to study it carefully in order to take ad vantage of it provisions and not get cauulit with a penalty. This law goes into effect December 1, 1001. Tl,n ffillnwinir DiirnirruDhs are taken from the law, and will undoubtedly prove of Interest: 1. Taxes paid on or before March 15. ..-n,..ii., .l.Lie nf lew. will be allowed a rebate of 8 per cent, provided the rolls reach the Bherill prior to mi ubid. i t... mi i.l between March 16 and the last day of March, inclusive, will not be allowed any rebate and neither will there be any penalty of interest ""a'.Taxes become dolinqnont after the o..i u,.Lu In Anril. when there will do Immediately added a penalty of 10 per cent, and also interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum In addition to 4 If' one-half of the taxea are paid . ti.A fl rut. Monday in April, Ull III wji"'. im.w - - - - - .- the payment of the remainder of such tax .nay be extended up to nd J ing the first Monday in October, but if the remainder be not paid on or before the first Monday in October it shall be- .i..iinnm.iit mid subiect to a pen alty of 10 per cent aud interest at 12 per ce.it per annum from the first Monday of April preceding. . 5 On all personal property taxes the . i" .i. .i..riir in lew unon laws compel v" "l,v"" v. . t :.. i nr ti.. satim a ter May 1. unices one-half thereof shall have ton paid on or More the first Monday of April , ti,. l.u. nninnn i the sheriff to sell have not been n.iaiiu. .r.i. .ball not lie rtttld. Rim vni ou" n.- K d' later than March succeeiling the year in which the tax Vr-'pttywill be sold to the per anna bidding the lowest rate of interest, SnTce illcate. will be issued therefor, and deed, given to the property throe "ears after such sale, unless sooner to BALL TOURNAMENT. South End of County Coinoletelv Mopped Up, The baseball tournament was sue- ceas. It was a roaring success, and ro llout credit upon our town In every way, except that there are no ball dIuv era here. The entertainment afforded the visitors by the town nnnla was ample reward for th eifcrt spent, and all our neighboring friend left u feel ing repaid fur their trouble in visiting us In the rapacity in. , widen., The northern portion of the county has me oau piayers. aim we not only con gratulate them, but we are proud that in some portion of the county there I material of that kind. ihe nrst dav'B HtMirla warn elfiaa and interesting. In the lottery for time to play and team to contest each other t lull to tiie lot 01 t) atskanla and Rain ier to cross bat In the forenoon and Warren and Bt. Helens In the afternoon. and the result were moat satisfactory to the spectators. The Clatskanie team captured tiie game by but a shade, the result being a score oi ii to in us favor. This nut Clatskanie at the head of the list for first money, It being nec essary, however, for them to play th winners oi trie aiternoon game. At Z o'clock In the afternoon the War ren and Ht. Helen teams plaved a most exciting game, the score standing 18 to 10 In fayor of Ht. Helens, wniuh, accord ing to rules, pitted Clatskanie and Ht. Helens against each other (or first money. Tiie losers of the first day played off their game Saturday fore noon. The game was anything but in teresting. At the end of the fifth in ning the Warren boy gave up the game, not having a tally, while the Rainier team had nearly a score of tallies to it credit. Interest then centered tn the after noon game between Clatskanie and Bt. Helens, ana Hie result was little diller- ent from the forenoon game, the score being 82 to 3 in Clatskanie'e favor. This settled the matter of awarding prizes, Cmtskanie being entitled to first urize of 110. Bt. Helens icttimr second prise of ).'10, Kainier third prize of $20. and Warren fourth prize of $10. Had merit been the winning feature Rainier i justly entitled to second money, but according to the drawing the team was shut out from such an opportunity. triiiay niirnt, mere was aireeaance given the viaitor, and we are positive mere waa not a person in attendance who did not thoroughly enjoy them selves. The very best of order pre vailed and we are pleased to know that we could afford such pleasant entertain ment. Umpire Hoof, of Woodland, wns ustand Impartial judge, and while it Impossible lor an umpire to aee all ttilnis in a ball game a spectator see them, his decision were rendered from motive ol lairneis. uur Keenest regret ia that our cart ol the county did not demonstrate it ability to make the na tional game more interesting for the visitor. BRIEF LOCAL MENTION. Merchant T. C. Watt was up from Reuben Wednesday. Herman Bcluuitt, ol Deer Island, waa trading iu town Tuesday. There will be services at the Episco pal church Sunday evening. Mrs. A. 8. Foster and son, of Portland, spent the week with Dr. Clitf and family. N. A. Forrv and family, of Houlton, are enjoying life at the coast this week. Read the pharmacy ad for information about school book and school supplies. Mrs. J. R. Watts was down from Bcanneoae lost Saturday visiting her son and his family. Rv. Mr. I'll il brook will preach next Sunday at Yankton at 11 :30 a. m and at Pen at 8 :30 in the afternoon. Mr. W. B. Dillnrd and family expect to atart about October 25th for an ex tended visit in Vermont and Virginia. Complete and official report of the proceedings of the county commission ers' court appear in Tux Mist this week. The Potter is now on the Portland-As toria run In plane of the llossalo, the latter steamer being laid off for repairs. Ed Henrlci wa down from the farm Wedneadav afternoon in ctuest of medi cine for his son, Rudolph, who is sick of malaria. Mi axes Jessie Mitchell and Myrtle Avrea. of Peris, were among tho host of merrymakers at the ball in this city last Friday evening. Mr. C. P. Claude, of Keasey. waa in town Monday, purchasing supplies for t lie winter, wime ne stays on ins nome- stead and improve the place. Friond O. II. Wilson, of Mist, came to town last week to witness the try out of the ball team here. Oliver didn't muke much noise about it, but he ta an admirer ol the national game. At the residence of Justice Cox, in this r.itv. Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. Oscar Cheldelin and Miss Fannie Throop, Itoth of Keasey, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock. County Surveyor Little was at Rain ier tills week resurveylngand measuring the site for the new bridge across Fox creek. Bids are to be asked for again for constructing the proposed bridge. The cool antnmn day have come, and yon wrll noea a new suit oi ciomes. Collins & Gray are prepared to furnish rou any style ol suit, made to oruor, rom the beat of cloth at Eastern prices. Thin Richardson and Walter Blakea- ley went gunning for duck Wednesday forenoon and returned with considerable evidence of good luck. They used "booster," which worltetl to a cnarm. Jacob Prous, formerly of Kainier, but now of University Park, waa in town last Friday. Jake is carrying his hand in a sling, ana nas wen ooing u iur month, suffering from an abscess. He was in the hospital for awhile. Mr. W. M. Perrv.of Rainlor, whom we reported last weok as being ready for the shelf, was so far recovered a to be able to visit town last Friday and wit .. tha hull vnnias. He did receive a severe shaking- up, but his indomitable grit kept him up and going. It is only very meager Information that we can obtain of an accident which occurred at Peer Island Tuesday, when a team of horses being driven by Edwin Morrill became unmanageable while hauling a load of lumber down the steep grado west of Merrill creek, and dashed off down the incline at frantic speed, throwing the driver from the wagon and Inflicting serious bruises and scrathes upon his body. A marriage license was issued Tues Av in Multnomah county to Omar Hlinnnahnn aud Ida May Wilson, both uf Voinor.la. Both the young folks are very popular in that part of the county. Miss Wilson has been a very siioceBBfu i....iir in the county schools for several years, and Mr. Bhannahan is known as ono of tho moat industrious, exemplary vouinr men of the entire county. May fortune aud happiness be their future lot, COMMISSIONERS' COURT. Proceedings of that Body at Ilegu- lar September Beaslon. Court opened In regular session Wed nesday forenoon. September 4th. 1001. Olllcers present, lion. J. B. Doan, Judge, Messrs. P, A. Frakes and W. D. Case, commissioners, J, (i. Watts, clerk, and It. B. Hattan, sheriff. Due proclamation being made, the following proceedings were nan : Journal of July term read and signed. Iu the matter of bids submitted for construction of bridges as advertised for. Four bid for Fox eieek bridge were in, as follows: J. A. Fastabsnd.of Astoria, bid on frame trestle for 12550: for iiilinsr bridge $2850. Check for $140 accompan ied bid. C. O. Pnlmberg, for piling and trestle bridge, $2078, bent bridge $2043; check for $150 accompanied bid. Hid of E. J. Mills for $2.(80, unaccompanied by deposit, F. 0. Yonng for trestle bridge $2840.83, accompanid by check for $142. J. . Mow so omitted bid on Bcappoose creek bridge for $750, exclusive of abut ments; bid accompanied by deposit of $37.60. All bids taken under advisement. in the matter ol the petition of Cor nelius and Holme for license to sell liquor in Bcappoose precinct. Postponed until Friday. In th matter of the viewers' report on Moyer road, survey No. 150, Report read nrst tune in open court. Adjourned. September 5th. Court came pursuant to adjournment. In the matter of the sheriff issuing deeds to Susie B. Dillard, W. J. Deitz and W. B. Dillard. It appearing that the said deeds were made by the grant ees, and the county being to no expense, it is ordered that tbe alierltl execute tiie said deeds without cost. In the matter of the viewer' report on the Moyer road. Report read second time, and there being no objection or remonstrance, tbe petition waa allowed and road ordered opened. in the matter ol the resignation of w. M. Wilson, justice of the peace of Aub urn precinct. Resignation accepted by the court. In the matter of the cancellation of various certificates for irregular sales for taxes. The clerk presenting a list of il legal sales of lands for taxes for the years 1803. 1804. 1805. 1800 and 1H07. wbicli were, by the court, ordered canceled, and the clerk to take credit for the sev eral amounts. In the matter of the consideration of bids for bridges. It is ordered that all bids submitted tor tne construction oi bridges across Bcappoose and Fox creek be, and tne same are nereoy rejected. Adtourned. September 6th. Court came pursuant to adjournment. in tne matter oi tne tax levy lor tne year 1001. This matter coming on for consideration, it ia ordered that tbe time for making the levy lor tne year 1WI be extended until next term. The petition of Mary Dwver lor the remission of taxes waa denied. In the matter of the petition for a licence to sell liquor in Bcappoose pre cinct. Thi matter coming on this day to be heard, a petition containing the name of ixty legal voter being pre sented, and a remonstrance containing the names of sixty-seven legal voter be ing presented, and the matter thoroughly canvassed, it is ordered that the petition oe oeuieoj, toe pennon uvuia wuerwieo taulty as to points oi taw ana form. Ailidiirned null October 7 in. l'JUl In the matter of the allowance of bills against the county. Tbe following bills were audited and auowea : JUBTICB COURT. R Cox, state v. Gliniecki .$ 4 80 J B tiodirey, constable, same. ... 4 05 L Meeker, use of team 4 00 COUNTT COURT. T C Watts, witness, (tate Broomstickle w J M Lindsay, same. 4 40 5 60 7 00 6 00 1) Htehman, same ...... M J Young, same. ..... . Mrs J G Pringle, same. . Eva Bonney, same. ...... Will Bishop, same...... Ed Cushman, same 5 00 4 40 4 40 Tho Peoples, same J P Archibald, came.... 4 40 4 40 E Blakesley, board of prisoner. . 15 25 Uood Samaritan hospital, care of Johnson 61 00 II Larsen, care of Ileadloe 80 00 Mra M Uirt, care of McCourt. ... 24 00 St Mary' hospital, care Batson.. 43 40 (JWline.... 100 Effle Vaublaricom 30 00 N A Perry, supplies, Isabel. .... 6 24 VIBCKLLANKOPS. B T Smith, taking corpse froia river 2 00 D Davis, printing. ,89 00 K II Mitcliell, aatuo 8 75 Glass & Prudhourae, same , . 25 06 J. G. Watts, postage 10 00 R S Hattan, same 13 00 Mary Hatdeld, assisting supt 15 00 Mrs fl 8 Wav. same. . 15 00 C W Blakesley, deputy assessor.. 125 00 Maud Decker, assisting assessor z so I H Coueland. school sunt 82 41 A 11 Little, surveyor , u w W D Case, commissioner 44 70 P A Frakes, same 17 00 J P Archibald, team hire 1 60 J B Godfrey, affidavits 1 00 II TCocers. rebate ol tax a uu A Khiir. reoairs. court h sate, . . 100 G L Tarbell, viewer, Moyer road 3 00 R Kapplor, same........ 8 00 Fred ltriggs, same 3 00 J W Parker, haulinn lumber 82 89 T W Parker, sidinir Nehalettt bridge 110 48 N P R Co, crossing near Warren 88 60 J E Morgan, bridge work, diet 1 10 00 1) J Swiuer, same, diet 3 6 76 E C Stanwood, lumber for diet 8 82 21 Clark Bros, same for dist 5. . . . . . 72 70 F Langasher, hauling lumber lor diBt6 ? $5 G Clark, same 86 35 n ninrk. same 6 80 J A Ray, shine lea for bridges. . . SO 80 W E Clark, labor on bridge, 5. . . 6 75 Clark Bros, lumber, same 27 70 J Wasser, labor on bridge, same 6 75 T C Watts, nails, same 6 25 W Ijivmtii. lumber for dist 7. . . 10 00 O W Richardson, labor, dist 8. . . 16 00 A Jones, same In 9 8 00 (i A Koltv. snme in 10 9 80 Flippin Lumber Co, lumber for 10 84 70 II Krati, nails for same 8 00 .T Palm, lumber for 11 52 00 I J L Morgan, bridge work, 11 ... . 14 00 F Malmherg, same in id E Gronlierg, same 18 00 A Johnson, same LJ w R N I. nrl. same vu A Johnson, same 12 76 V J Peterson, same 115 rt ttnrria. same 12 00 It I U.-l 1..,1- aama 22 00 J H Wilson, same, 8 40 Smith A Thomas, Baine ou G F Lindgren. nails, fame 41 00, P J Popham, bolts, same 3 40 J F Peterson, labor, same 19 60 C B Fisher, same U Jo E J Mills, bridge work, dist 14. . 6 U A M Parker, snme, 16 7 00 St II LAW Co, water rent 3 00 BUPsavisoRa. L Rasmussen, 2 0 J G Plank, 8 FL Clark, 6 "00 a M H I..A B 40 00 EBElliott.10 8 00 OH Wilson, 13 0 ROAD WAUBAHTS DISTRICT TWO. M Cooper 12 25 L Rasmussen . 10 60 DISTRICT TUBES, FThorp J i Plank 3 00 12 60 2 16 8 28 3 60 7 20 . 9 00 3 00 8 00 6 00 3 75 2 25 2 25 red Larsen 8 Bttlaer.... Wm Miller.;........:..... DIHTHICT roVB. John King.. UHctimitt IMKTKICT WK. E Wasser. . , F Bneher Clark , F L Clark , Waaaer. W E Clark DISTRICT SIX. SM Rice... Frank Rice 14 40 16 20 25 20 24 50 J It Hackenbiirg. DISTRICT BKVKK W L Brown WL Brown 6 00 DISTRICT EIOI1T. ' GW Richardson 6 40 DISTRICT MINX. HKing. 4 00 Wm Roberts 3 (Kl RALillach. 6 25 DISTRICT TKH. GAKelty... 14 00 W Killman 6 40 FB Elliott 2 28 0 Nelson 21 60 Malcolm Bros 22 50 Wm Holme 22 60 DISTRICT RLEVKM. J F Graham.. ... ..... : 8 10 W BColvin 8 60 CM. Graham.... 100 DISTRICT THIRTEEN John Parker 25 00 DISTRICT rllTXKH. JPShceley 12 00 ri unriatiansen o do EShannahan 13 60 . Reuben New Notes. Judge J. C. Moreland, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mr. T. C. Watts Wednesday evening. W. H. Powell and wife, of St. Helens, were the guests of Mr. and Mr. T. C. Watts ihursday evening. A. M. Lowe and wife, of Clatskanie, visited their daughter, Mrs. W. M. Low- man Saturday. Mrs. Dollie Mark, of Portland, was in town iuesaay. Miss Lena Bishop returned to Port land Wednesday after a month's visit witn per tamer and mother. OASVOIIIA Bwntbs A Tin Kind Yw Haw Always BtngM Blgaatsn BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Orrica or tr t Couktt A wzsaos. bT. iiklrns, Uregou, t TOTICE 1ft HKKKHY GIVEN Ht. Hklkn, Oregon. Aug. 23, 1001. vr THAT THA 11 board of euiiHlization iorColumbiacountr. Oregon, will meot la th court house, in the city of St. Ileleui, Oreeon.on Motility, October 7tb, 1901, for the purpoe of equalising theaa neramentof l'JOl. All claims for correction siant be made before the board. niis'iO MARTIN WHITE, Alienor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Aiienat 10, 1D01. NOWE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnltowln naiuud nettler hatt tiled notice of hla Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and Uiat said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at Bt. Helena, Oregon, on Keptruiber 23, ltful, Tia: JOHN 8CHIEVE, Homentoad entrv No. 11.054. for the IW1 of sec tion 84, townnhlp ," -north, ran re S et. He name tne following witneues ip prove ms con tlnuoun residence upon and cultivation of fcatd land, viz: John wilverdins;, Joseph Nitach, Andrew Kenowakl, and Oerhart Morback, all of Vallev, Oregon. CHAD. B. MOOKES, alfl Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Cnitkd Statis Lakd Orncc, Oregon Citv, Oregon, July 2S. 1901. XTOTirR 1H H KRKHIY IIVrKS THAT IN COM IN pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . 17. entitled "An act for the sale of tlmher landa in the Htatee of Califor nia Oregou, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States oy act oi August , JW w. ij. naciLer, wi Keasey, County nf Columbia, Btato ot Oregou, ilsdav filed in this omce hla sworn state ment No. 6473, for the purchase of the ae of sw'lof section No. 1, in township No. 4 n, range No. 5 w, and will offer proof to show that the land aought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to es tablish his claim to said land before the Regia- City, Or., on Friday, the lata day ol October, mui. Ho names as witnesses: Martin uniseuiai. aug ust Schullcof et and Douglas Maglll.all of Keawy, Or., and John Nelson, of 453 Flanders street. Portland, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are re quested to Ale their claims in this olttee on or before said lath day of October, lwn. a&m uti A3, a. MUOK&9, Kegiaier, Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukitrd Status Lakd Orrica, nmimn IMtv. Ornimn. Jlllv23. 1901. .TOTlCE IS HKKKHY HI VKN THAT IN COM- il pliance with the provisions of the act of Congresa of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber landa In the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington lern tory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4. 1SI2, Johu Nelson, of 458 Flanders street, Portland, County of Multno- niflh. Ktate of Oreiron. has this dav filed In this oltlee his sworn statement No. 8474, for the pur- ih of tho ttl nU nf. section HO. 2d. in township No. 4 n, range No. w, and will offer proof to snow tnat tne iana sougni is more val uable for its timber or Btone than for agriultural no rnnfiMS. and to AKtahltah his olaim to raid land before the Register and Receiver of thisoihce at Oregon City on Friday, the Mtb day of Octo ber, iwi. ne names as witnesses: Schnlleplet, Douglass Magill, Clarence Reed and W. H. Hacker, all of Keasey, Or. Any and all nAMnni nlaiminir arivAnudv the above described lands are requested to lilo their claims ia this office on or before said If th day of October, 1901. ajoll CHAS. 1. aWBM, negiMer. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Coart ol the State ol Oregon, tn and for Columbia County. Kmtly M. Clear,plaintM,vs. Frederick L. Clear, defendant. To Frederick L. Clear, the defendant abova- TNTIIK NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A. You are Hereby requiren mi appear uu ans wer the oomulalnt tiled ajraiust you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the six weeks next following- the first publication of this Ktimmona, and if you fail ia answer the plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: Kor a decree of di vorce from yon, for the custody of the minor child, Alice Lois Clear, for the title to the house hold effects mentioned in the complaint aud for the costs of this suit. This summons Is pub lished by order of the Honorable J. B. Poan, County Judge for said Columbia County, Ore kou, made ou the 4th day of September, Itttrt. The date ol the first publication hereof 1 Fri day, September 6th, 1WH. The time preacribod In tho .tnlAt- fnr vmhliCiiHon is six Week8. Which time will beKln to run from the day of the first publication hereof, and the time witnin wnicn you are required to answer the complaint is on or before the last day of said publication. DILLARD A PAY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. , E. E. Hope, plaintiff, vs. Belle Hope, defendant. To the aliove-named defendant. WM THI MA MK (IK TH K HTATE OFORKOON: 1 vou are heieby required to appear and ans wer thecomplaittt Hied against you in tne anove eutitled Court iu this cause within six weeks from the date of the first pnbllc.i;ion of this summons, to wlt: Onorbeforethe4thday of Oc tober. 1U01, the first publication hereto bslnjt on the 3Snl day of Au.. 1901, and the lat publica tion being on the 3th day of October, 1901, and if you fall to answer plaintiff will apply to the Court lorths relief prayed for in the complaint to-xvit: For a decree dissolving- the bonds ol matrimony now existing between you and the Plaintiff on tho grounds of abandonment and desertion, as Is fiilly set forth in the complaint on Itle in said cause, and for general relief, ibis SHmnions is published pursuant to an order of J. II. Poan, County Judge of said County, grauted on August lath, M01, and prescribing the publication of this summons for six suc cessive weeks, and the first publication thereof to be made on August i!3rd, 1001. lated this 19th day of August, W01. ULOOMF1KI.D SMELLING. r-lalnun's Attorneys. ..School EXCHANGED! Full state contract prices allowed t for your second hand books. Everything for GET YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES . AT St. Helens 8 TO I2 omcRlIouRH. . ' a-" Information and Appointments by Mail, g ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDG.. Bouthetst Cor. 4tb & Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, TAKE EI.EVATOB. Quality and Variety Are two very important features to take into consideration rhen one goea to procure articles for everyday use and consumption. To our host ol patrons we are pleased to say we haye QUALITY, VARIETY AND QUANTITY. Our large and select stock affords the intending pur- chaser splendid opportunity to get the best oargaiDS onerea GROCERIES, DRY Furnishing- goods, hardware, tinware, DiaUEeU, Oil CHHIIIIIK, ICW, garden implements, ana COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged tor Produce. Seasonable Goods At our store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARMER, MERCHANT. General Merchant! ising Is our especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high qualtty of goods at low -quality pricee. We handle Household Necessities Supplies for evervbody and to meet all demands. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now ia the time to call on POPULAR ST. HELENS, .JOHNSON & BURCDORFER BROS.. .... s - v o Manufacturers ...AH Kinds of Rough riaorlug;... Hustle ...Celling; " AMD , ...Dimension I. m inker... BCAPPOOSK. Books.. School Uses. THE- Pharmacy .d... (Office, Hood 414 Phone Kea., 'Frort 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist s S in wis viunuiv. GOODS, CLOTHING, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj r; , UVU'j lVAV;a s,, avaa... b.w, aairy rappum ciu. ow;. ST. HELENS, OREGON. DEALERS. OREGON. - of and Pealers In o and Dressed Umber... GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south fork of Kcupioose creek, tour I mtllAw from ScmwtOM stiltloil. Lumber delivered at Scappoose stntie t or " Johnson's landing at 11.00 per kl, eitr At I Warren station, $1. 60- OBKCION t