OREGON MIST Entered at the Postofflee at St. H'leiis, Ortyjn, as second-class tnnil matter. COUNTy OFFICIAL PAPER. Iusu.o Evaar FeinAV Mommtw Br DAVID DAVIS, EulTUB AMD PbOMURTOII. School district official throughout the count should mak an earl? obser vance of tlia law relative to lite adop tion ol tha new con ran of atudv liroviiliw bv U recent school law, the course of tndv must be adopted before the tint of the year, end the sooner the matter ia attended to and a uniform eourae prevail throughout the county the aooner will the better results to be had manifeat themselves. Uniformity is the only ueceeaful method to pursue Bit! UP KKMARKS. Thi roan who graft snakes together, making but one snake where there were two before, is a publiu benefactor. Mas. Nation has ton to the Thous and Islands and will soon have each of them in a separate sort of trouble. Accorimno to Socialist Herron, the churches are fast becoming the property of the trusts. Perhaps this may give us STJBSCRIPTIOK PRICE: One copy one year, in advance. . . , . 11.00 Six inontna ou COUNTY OFFICERS. Representative Norman Merrill. fiatskanla jiKiin.. Jweih B. DM!, Maimer Cler ... J. a. Watt, !t- Hi-loiu Bheriff R. 8. Hattan, flt. Helen Treaanrer. ..K. Ks, tH. Helens Butt.at Schools .,t. H CoiwiniHt, Umilton Aaaemnr ..Martin White, at. Helens fsrwvevnr. A. B. Mule, Hmiltow Croner ........Dr. H. R. Cliff, . Helens ...r. A. r rases, ennpo.aa W. 0. Cw, Piltauurg Commissioners SEPTEMBER , 1901. A dickiasi is estimated in Texas' cotton crop. The shrinkage has been placed at figures ranging from IS to 6 per cent. These stories of shrinkages in one or other of Texas big interests come every year or two, ana yet trial state keeps right on thriving. The chance are that the calamity stones are nsually exaggerated. There la likely to be ex aggeration in the present estimates of cotton loss. Texas, however, has gained enough by the new oil wells which have appeared since January 1 to more than make op for all the losses which will be suffered by that state ia any direction tats year. Ths Kreni Kaitung's appeal for a re ciprocity treaty between Germany and the United State should be heeded, be cause it represents the sentiment of a large majority of the intelligent people o( bout countries, the republican party is favorable to the policy of reciprocity wherever it can be had to advantage. A policy ot una sort witn uermany in the present exigency would be favored by a majority of the republicans. It is undoubtedly in line with the wishes of the administration. The foreign trade of the United States is rapidly on the increase, but there is a chance to ex tend it still faster and farther, and the reciprocity policy would do this. This is a question to which congress should give early ana intelligent attention. Th chronic calamity bowlers are now complaining because corn ia 75 cents a bushel in some parts of eastern Kansas and at that price cannot be led. II it cannot be fed, let it be sold and turn the surplus wheat into live stock. There will be, with the old crop on hand, cer tainly not tea than 60,0U0,0U0 bushels of corn tn Kansas tbia fall. If it is sold at 75 cents it will bring $45,000,000, which is more than any corn crop has realized ia the history of the state. When the bumper wheat yield and the infinite variety of forage crops to weather the live stock throogb are con sidered, the complaint that the 60,000, 000 bushels of corn will be worth more in money than a full crop under ordi nary conditions, seems to indicate a mania for bunting trouble and a genius for finding it. What will it profit David B. Hill to get the presidential nomination in 18S4'vf e has William J. Bryan as an oppenent on an independent ticket? The chance that .Bryan will accept a nomination against Hill, Gorman on any of the other reorganize rs who are personally objectionable to him, if any should be nominated, seems to be kept in mind by some of the democratic leaders. It would be easy for a versatile person to show that a convention in 1904 which would be ia line with tboee of Chicago in 1896 and Kansas City of 1900 would be orthodox, while one that would be ran by the reorganize! would be heter odox. Bryan could accept a nomi nation ia 1904 from Bryanite conven tion, and still be "regular." This is a circumstance which is spparenty givin; some concern to a few of the Clevelani democratic bosses. tn educational work, and the new eourae better preachers. of studv point the way for the attain- Gaoatm W. Dvw, ex-clerk of the ment of this aim. The school superin- Btat school land board, believe that tendent is using hi moat interested ef- ,ne who gratis and run awav, will torts to impress in matter upon i j,, to gratt another day. ..:..-. I .......... 1 ...... .1 . .)...! I w - III 1 111.1 VI KIHKJI IWVnilH, IUU WW KII1IU1 officers of the county should heed the law and hasten the adoption of the new book. It is but matter ot time until this action must be taken, and the im portance of regard for not only the law, but the most good to the most people suggest immediate compliance. In addition to the shortage in our rainfall this summer, it transpire that the Canadians and Britons are diverting the water of th Klondike river. Ranamab are to be told bv weight, but egg will continue to be offered by the dosen and strawberrie by the box The reform ought to be more compre hensive Albkadt the land recently opened in Oklahoma have an oil boom. The min eral wealth of that country ha merely been scratched and la largely unkuowu On statistician figure that this year's corn crop will briug 130,000,000 more than that of last year. The same amount as that obtained In 1900 will be satisfactory. Kansas reports a population of 1.407 808, an increase of 23,100 over last year. The tide ha turned in Kansas and the state keep well to the (root in general prosperity. Admiral Csrvkra decline to say any thing about the Sampson-Schley contro versy, ine aistmguisiiea out ppanisn sailor can hold his tongue, wnicn ts Thi viee-nrosident has been in Color- rel nvaI ado telling the people of that state how I Kiasly nine million bushels of wheat great they are and now great were their I were exported from the United State grandfather in opening up the West. I last week, record-breaking total. The He Has also done some coyote bunting, tie between American wneai and foreign ot a year ago mi same gentleman was gold is mucii in eviueuce. . 1. 1 i . , , i i i i .. i uiouueu in voiorauo ibu cnaseu tv in-1 . , , i ho attempted to I . . rf T " .t .iT T. Tc' Moat and more stress i being laid by physicians on the subject of proper mas tication ot food. Most person woum be highly offended if they were told that they bolt their food; yet if they will only watch the chance are they will catch themselve in the act. The percentage ot folk who devote the firnper amount of time and care to chew ng their food is very small. Yet a per son who doe not chew thoroughly what he eat not only injure himself much more than he imagines, but also misses the best and most enjoyable and nutri tious parts of hi diet. It i a common thing to hear person say that they can' not eat thia or that, it doe not agree witii them. The chance are that they could eat it with impunity if they would only learn to cnew it. ia thi country chow that thi ia the best market for the purpose. An eco nomic war on an empty stomach is not relished over there, dignant democrats. pound aim with scantlings. Now tbe two-by-four have been carved into flag pole and the vice-president ha been re ceived with lively demonstration of welcome. There no such thing as I Ax organisation in 8uffolk. Va.. calls rancor in American politic, especially I itself "The Society for the Suppression in the West, where politic is a great, of Spurious Titles." Kentucky i the joyous, turbulent game, like football to child of Virginia, but its colonels will the taet, or war to Englishmen, only, draw the line at thi innovation, KoHKAB Kl.-le. k.. I "JUKI""- . I T- Ai-rins, f,.r h n..,f)n. f ami,! In r!-lifrtrni- a anhanitina' miner haa nn. TBI Consumption of sugar in thiscoun-I mvared - aknil that aMima tn antedate try for the year 1900 was 219,817 long the antediluvian period. The claim tons, tor the previous year the con sumption waa 2,078,068 tons, showing nearly 7 per cent increase, which is above the average increase for previous year. Of the total consumption only about 270,000 ton were credited to Hiwaii, and about the same amount waa produced in the United States. The beet sugar pro duced in the United State during the same year was 72,736 tons, and of maple sugar only auuu tons were produced. Reaben Sews Xetes. Jas. Hackle, of Portland, waa in town luesuay. Jacob Zwinley wa a passenger for roruanu Bunaay. Mr. Ben Kennev. of Portland, spent ounuay witn his parents. Mr. R. B. Foster and Miss Aaron, of roroana, spent Sunday in uonie. W. V. Satterlee and eon left for his homestead, near Vernonia, Friday. Messrs. Jas. McNaughton and Jack D spam were Portland visitors recently. Mr. Dewey and daushter. May and Edna, returned to their home in Seattle Monday. Mr. W. E. Delano, of Portland, at tended the dance at Gobie Saturday evening. Gay Smith and wife. John Lindsay and wife and E. C. Uoven left for the hopfielda Monday. W. H. Powell, of St. Helen, nassed through here last Thursday on his way out to nis nomestead. Messrs. Jack D'snain and Ed Fowler dug a well for H. M. Fowler, of Goble. - water, water, everywhere!" Mr. Lewi Freeman, of Rainier, ex pressed surprise at the "extent" of Goble. He got to see the greater part oi it eaturoay evening. Ida Wetle, of Portland, spent must have been well aalted or the won derful cranium would not hare kept to long. Twklvi thousand reindeer are to be shipped from Siberia to Alaska, If there is anything in thi animal to ac cord with American enterprise the fact win he Drought out within tew years. For a prominent businea publications estimate the corn crop of this year at between l,iuu,uuu,uw and i,huu,uuo,uuu bushels, the average being 1,475,000,000. That would be two-thirds of a crop, and a pro n la Die on at prevailing price. Perhaps if th greatest wheat crop and the greatest corn crop bad come to gether the result might have been a vain glorious leeiing. it is just a well to be reminded that the germination of the seed ia not due to man's knowledge or akiu. Ix some respect Americans are the most patient people in the world. They allow their cities to be overwhelmed with huge fence for blotch sign, cut ting ott the air, defacing the scenery and spoiling architectural effects. The wnoie poster uusinese snouia oe over hauled and properly taxed. Fob the fiscal year ending June 30 the number of immigrants arriving in this country waa 487,1(18, th largest since IHU3, and an increase over iatyearol 39,346. But 69 per cent ot the total came from Austro-Hungary, Italy, Kusaia and Poland, and this represent an undesir able change in the character ol the im migration compared with former years. Xarrlageable Heiresses. It requires something more than the Ukase ot a party junta to put a person out of a party with which he has been for a lifetime identified. The Tillman cabal in South Carolina read McLaurin out of tbe democracy a few week ago, but be ha not only refused to get out, but Tillman has lecently denied that there was any intention of attempting to lorce him out. Moreover, McLaurin Is attracting twice a many persons to ma meetings a are going to bear un man or any other orator in the Tillman faction. This, of course, does not nec essarily mean that McLaurin is to win in the coming contest. The chances are that he will be forced to retire from tbe senate at the close of his present term. but he baa given politic the biggest snaxing up which it hss bad in the Pal metto state since the close of reconstruc tion day. The waning of Tillman's in fluence, which is now evident, is a good aign. The day, which is probably not far distant, when he shall be forced into private life lor good, ought to be made a at.(. kll1tt In aK ' !; . Av Indiana judge has issued an in junction against "picketing," in which, among other acta, the strikers may be prohibited from calling at the home of ine non-st risers, xhia may be reason able or it may not be reasonable. No man should be persecuted at bis home by undesirable visitors, but when a judge isiuwKfl uijuucuua retraining ine sint ers from not only conversing with the men who have refused to Join them, but : t .i x . . , . licviumi iui uiuujujf Hiiy eiriKer to can at tbe borne of such men, any American citizen who believes ia liberty has the right to question. Law and precedent and the natural conception of fairness sustain the oelief that every roan's house is bis castle. In his own home a man ha the right of receiving ueh people as it may be hi desire to receive. Me may resent an intrusion and expel an intruder. To decide who is the intruder and who the welcome guest i a duty that fall to him alone, Tbe interfer ence of any court in thi matter of per sonal freedom and social custom may properly be resented as an impertenence not only to the host, but to the visitor. So long a tbe strikers go about their business, harming no one nor attempt ing to interfere with rights and privi leges of other, they should be nnnam-1 pered by injunctions by the courts; but oa tbe other hand, the instant they re- sort to the destruction of property and other violence they should be silenced J by the hastiest means at hand. There are plenty of marriageble heir- eases in the Indian Territory, and many are beautiful. Probably 3000 young In dian women will come into possession of lands worth tS.OOO to each one. The several day with her sister. Mis Lois full-bloods are slovenly and ugly. Most Wetle. She returned home Sunday I of tbe women prefer white men. In evening on the A. A C. train. I order to marry one of these Indian heir Nelson Peeler ant hi. mniw lessee a man must become a member ol UnsA Ri.r t h .n.t. i ur. the Choctaw or Uhickasaw tribes, obit Mrs. Antone Wise K.m.l.v . Th.i, I gating himse!f to obey all the law and the N. P. train lor Keattla Mnivla. custom of the tribe. Tbe fortune hun. morning, A basket social and au entertainment i to be given by the Neer City achool Saturday, September 7, at Goble hall. Ladies are requested to bring baskets, cveryooaj invited, Miss Marguerite Caffrey returned to school Friday evening, after a two month' visit with her tiarents at Goble. She made many friends while here who wish her increased success in ber under takings. The dance given by the Ladies of Woodcraft at the Goble hall, waa cer tainly a success. Tbe proceeds amounted to $21.85. The ladies are certainly royal entertainers and it is to be hoped that tney win soon repeat their first effort, Sever Loved David. When Mrs. Carrie Nation wa in formed that her busband had broncht 1. J: . - suit jor uivorce on ine ground oi deser tion. She remarked s "I am (rlad David ha taken the teo. Unless there ia something in his petition to reflect on my character l shall notooDose the suit. I thought I loved David when I married him twenty-five years ago, but it was a neeung lancy. i am sure he never loved me ; he waa iust sorry for me be cause i waa aione, we have both been living a lie and it 1 a relief to sea th end. David isn't a bad fellow, but he is too slow for me." "Will you marry again if you get a chance?" was asked. ter who wonld marry a Chickasaw heir ess must pay a wedding fee of $10 to tbe tribe, but it cost oniy tl.50 to become Choctaw. When a white adventurer becomes a saaawman he becomes one of the tribe, and ia entitled to his part of the land to be allotted to the individual member of tbe tribe. This doe not interfere with tbe share which goes to his wife, so that when tbe allotment is worth $8,000 to esch individual, there would be 116.000 in the family. Here ia a great opportunity for local admirers of dusky, dark-eyed maidens. CASTOR I A For Infant, and CMldxeo, fta Kind Yea Kan Always Es.gM Bears the Signature of OREGON State Fair! SALEH, rt.i t nn nn i n n i GREAT AGRICULTURAL AKD your question since you've asked it. 1 1 would not surrender my freedom again I tor tne nest man that ever stretched shoe leather." Women of the ancinhxr- ical genius of Mr. Iiation cannot be ex pected to give up to a family what is meant tor mankind. They must "live I their own lives," etc.. much to the re gret ot saloon keeper and others. Cared of Cbronio Diarrhoea After Thirty .ear of Buffering. I suffered for thirty years with A UN rhoea and thought I waa taat beimr cured," ay John S. Hailoway, of French Camp, Miss. "I bad spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given op all hope of recuraj. i was so leeoie irom the el fects of the diarrhoea that I could dn no bvlccldenTl rSrATA Camp Grounds Free. Special . . . .-. - i kiim ftn .mtnnnrm' i i t. . , a , and Diarrhoea Bemedy, and after taking auvenu uuwes i am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer as I have." For Feel Act. The act of William Tell In shooting an amile off the head of another person wa repeated in Woodhurn last TSatur- dav uioruinir. when Ciia. Ciumu shot an anal off of Etton Stark' head with a tt-ralihre rifle at distance of thtrtv tant. I'.minark had lust allot and killed a souirrel at a distance of about .00 feat and ha did the iob nicely that Btark, who was standing by told htm that h would not be afraid to nlaia an annla nn his head and let hi shoot it off. Cam mack told him he could do it. whereupon Btark placed an apple ou hi bare head and Cammack almtltnfT. anlinintr tha amile aouarelv in two, one piece falling on each side ot Stark. The act was a fool hardy under taking and one that ought not to be repeated. Wood burn Independent. Chamberlain's Coagh Itemedy Great Favorite. Th toothing and healing properties of thia remedy. Its oleaaant taste and prompt and permanent cure have made St a great favorite with people every where. It is especially prised by moth er oi small children lor eoida, cronp and whoouina eongh. a it always a fonts quick relief, and a it contain no ODiunior other narmiui drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby a to an adult. For sale at th St. Helens pharmacy, Pepalar Seaside Exeanloa Kate." Commencine Saturday. July 27th. and every Saturday thereafter during the summer season the A. U. K. K. will sell round trio excursion ticket from all stations between Portland and Clata kanie. inclusive, to Ftavel, (toarhart and Seaside and return at 12 50 for the round trip. Tickets good to return Sun day ereuing. Have you a sense of inline in tli re gion of your stomach after eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain' stomach and Liver Tablet. They also cur belching and our stomach. They regulate the bowels too. litre Z5 cent. oid at meet. Helena Pharmacy. OABTOZIZA. fears la yf 1st -tl Yw Hw Umt tegM COGGING TEAM FOR SALE. T1CAM Or LABOR AND HEAVY YOCMO horM. weluhl 17i sarb. ulubls for bw- dns or othar heart work, ouaalx yvaraoM. Ilia ulnar nvaa year. Itt fowl coadluou. SUA Apply at thia oc. fries NOTICE. I y SONS. Ml A HLFJI AStO FREDRICK. HAV- 31 ina arrive.! nearly at in.lr aiajorttr, 1 de alt the public to inowihallha.aaratited then Oiclr time, and they an at lltwriy (o conduct utemaajTatacrominfiy. j, Hsavaicaa, on. FARM FOR SALE. OS It HUNDRED ND BIXTT ACRES OOOO land. Horn tplemtlns bottom land (or larmina ana torn a excellent umtwr. un viaia kania river, In aectina M, tp 5, r S. Horn land cleared, foud tram huiix and ham ; (nod young bearing orchard; Improvements well feoewX ror further particulars apply to Miner Bros., valley, ur., or at uiiiomco. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DO YOU WANT TO MAKI A PROrlTABl,a Investment? II so eoma and our soma rood Columbia county real rataia. 1 have the following tracts for tale: All of section U tp Id, tK: alao the nVi ol aeclion S4, Ip t n, r 1 w; the noi of secuoa a, t I , r I w: tha bh of aection IS, Ip i , r J w ; tha M of aertioa IS id & n. r a w: also XM acres In ci iions 2S and tp S n. r 4 ; ISO acres In another tract, and 10 acre in me ae? oi section s. to s a, r m. a. a. uavitfcii. a, neions, ur. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT LA IF. m with K. E. Quick. ST. HKI.KN8, : ; ORKOON. WIH rive bust persons! attention to all lettal matters entrusted to ins. Will prautlc ia all me state ana I'miea mate ivoarte. W.H.POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Li W. DEPUTY UISTBICT ATTORJffV. ST. HELENS, ; : OREGON. K. P. Oa a u Aii. T. J. Clektok, Attorneys-at-Law. V Marqaam Balldln, Portland Oregon. Columbia Coanty bust neat will receive prompt attention. J. W. DAY VT. B. D1IXARD DILLARD&DAY, iTTORNE YS-AT-LA W OfBce next door to CnnrthouM. HT. HELENS, OREGON, General practtea In courts of Onsnn or Wash, Inatuu. Abstracts mad directly from county recjrus. Ur. Mwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. H.R. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E.IIalL Physician and Surgeon. CLAT8KANIE, OREGON. Reopened to . the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, j Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. card by Day, Week or Month At Rcasomabxi Fiovrb. Visitors met at steamer landing and guests Baggage looked alter. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, : f OREGON. INDUSTRIAL FAIR. BIGLIVESTOCKSHOW i COOD RACING IN THE AFTERNOONS Latest Attractions In New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Good Masic. 'eltj at tbe St. Helens pharmacy. and Bring Your Families, REDUCES RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For Further Particulars Addres M. D. WIHDOH, Hecj., Portland. Clatskanie and Portland ROUTE ' '''''iWl-rlt'l-ilrriiliasiiaaril ilisimrii'lT" ilfiiTITisTi"i Ttl'TinirsWlsa i'sa-asalBiliiilta STEAMER ALBANY. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thursday at b p. to., tor Clatskanie and way land ings; Sunday at 6 p. m. (or Oak Point. RET l! , NINO Leave Clatskanie Wednesday and Fri day at 4 p. in., tide permitting; leave Oak Point Monday at 8 p. in. SharerTra importation Co. Kel Estate Transfers. Mary BurseB 1 Rmma T, Wllham. i of anS4 of section 1V, and w'n o( H ' nn Conk W K, V. Bulls, tot , bltwk , (MM Ott MOD 600 W I 00 aoow Nam" Mors in t-CUti'. mii of stwilon M. . imm).htey to HyVah C, ,il'r,l,', of w and no1 of swX of aaolloniW, lu, r wesl Kdwanl l.ydviason tn Jrnntints. Ipaulil- Ina loitti v.u., ati;t oi aw.Mt u ew.iv- ,ti u, r a west Thomas Mnrrla, aeti of ne'i ot aocllmt J. W. J. Rsa to Jsnntnirs, iiauldln Ur n.lfnliuli and lltt v .Vit; itJi . r . . .:. sow t. M. swsrto at. tv n)ol ".' awllt' n 1, lt , r t .... t'nlt-l Htates io J. K. (tchllelit, palsnt! aani to John Maudsiroui, natanlt ata to Marry Mana, patent. lo It Tar t Bu Cheap A cheap remedy for cough and colds ! all rltflit, but you want mmeUifuji that will relieve and cure th more se vers and danirerotts result of throat and Inn trouble. What lliall you dot Uo to a warmer ami more regular climate T Ye, if possible ; if not poswible lor you then in either ease take the only reui' edv that has been Introduced in all civ ilised countrie with success in sever throat and lung troubles, "IWhee's tlerman Svrno.' It not only heal ami stimulates the tissue to destroy the nru disease, but allays inflammation cause easv exuectoratkm. give SfXHl night' rest, and cure the patient. Try on bottle. Kecoinmeiuletl many year by all drntntist in , the world. Get Green' Priie Almanac. OABTOnXA BaaistBs A " W Htal hwt Sagg Bhutan af WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-aSTORIJI ROUTE. STEAMER TAHQMA." Dally Round Trip Kioept Bundajr. Thronah Hnrtland eonnMtlua with Kteamer rvaticfttta iron iiwaiso arui Mina neaen rotuta. W hite Collar Line Tickets lutert-natitfeald with O. K. s K. ana V, T. iMupaus iieAeta. t.esra Pnrtland- Laatr Asturla- TIME CARO. ..TA.M 7 V. M Dalles-Portland Route. 8TR. "BAILEY QATZERT." OAILV ROUND TRIf IXOtf V MONOAV. Vancouver, Cascade Locks. St. Martin s Spnngs.Hood River, White Salmon, The Dalles. TIME CARO Leave Portland.. Arrive at The Uallea laie Th I'alle..... Artlva at Fortlsnd... .7 A.M. r. M .A r. m, .10 P.M. MCL TMt VCRV SCST. ATI Knndav Trips a f radius Peatnra, iajrThla Kuiii. has th tiraudeat Swale Attra tioua sa aana. LANDINO AND OPPICB: Pont of Alder street. Roth 'Phones Mala Ml, roartsan, uasoua. E. W. Cbicutom. aeent. Portland : P-a- thkb & BAaMa. a nte. liootl Klver: J, C. Wtatt, aitent, Vancouver; Wolvoko x n viaa, agwnta, wntt Salmon ; Joit M. PiLtooK, agent, In LNtilc; A, J Tavlob, axent, Astoria, OREGON SlIOIdUTlE UKiOKPACIHC DaeasT ma China-. i'l.rtland HrHaeiat f waa. via llunt- liiKton. Halt taka, Denver, Pi. nonn, uniaaa.aan- saa l ltr, M. Ixmla, vnicaa-u ana ssat. Atlantic Kiprasa t ea p. m. via II ant-lustun. Pt. Pant Fast Mail .00 p. Itt. via Hpokan TfMR liKIX'I.KS HMiM PtlKTUAJiO. Ball lake. Denser, Ft. Worth, Omaha, stan- aaa tltf. at. Louis, t,hi.ao and kaM. Walla Walt. Uwls-I ton, Hnnsana, Wsl I are. Piiilinao, Mtn- neapons, hi. raul, Imluth, MllauaJ Chkiaiia sad Eaat. Asair raoa 3p.l O a, Bl. 7:00 a OCKA AND HI V Kit HCHfS0lla.K ruon pttHTkiANt. tp. tn. Dallv Kx.Hunday e p. in. Baturday 10 p. in. sa. m Ea.Bnndsj Sam. Tne.Thor, and Hat. 7 a. m. Toes. Thur. and Hat. Li. Rlparla dally I Blpsrla Ali aallln datea tun jet't U) chansa. Pnr Han Pranels,.n Hall aver live days. Columbia Rlvar To Astoria and Way iauoina. Willamette Rlvar. tOri-KOH City, Newlwrs;, Salem at wajr land . Corrallls and Way-laadlima Wlllametle and yam. Mil nisera. Oreitnn City, Dayton, aitu fray-ian'niifia. stnaaa ftlvar, to Lswlstnn. p. m. if. m. .Hundar 4:B0n. tn. Kx.uuday t-SO n. m. Mon. Wad. and Pri. S IK) n. m. Mon. Wad, and Frl. a-" ""-aavrr m f i n -rcjA-N P I I AYcCctobJ Pireprnlion fof As slmnatlnD ttKrooUaptSKeauti Ung the StuuafUvlLkmuU of .nl'-i.': rromolcs DiSfstlonJCheerfur ness and HestContalns iwlUaT (hikitm.Morpliiiva norlliiicxaL KOTXAltCOTlO. Isaatiis Asl1 ApcrfMl Rrnwdy forCoiv! tlun. Sour Stotach.DtAxihoia WornvXiTvsiotis.r8wrrt" nrss ruul Lessor Surxy. rKSiml 5ivwrjr SEW YDTIK. s f iff Tb Kind Yen fea . Always . Bo Boars the Siginturo of ughl M (VAdr sa - .v ' u For Over Thirty Years 9mmmt nit ssvaMiWiii il.j( Stanwocd & Sherman Bros. -MAm'PAVTt'BBa or- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. W manaraetnr (nt-elaae rouah Inmlwr hr all purtuaaa hr the irad, ahlch sail at a aiuat naoatd tr. DimeiLsiou Lumber. Frice at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON, OHKOON. f HEAT I UflTI urirt -AT TH KDTARt.lHIIKD lBTi. ..twit JOHN A. BECK IIKAI.ER IH Watclics, Diamonds, Silferware, ....JEWELRY..,. Itepairing a Specialty. I7 Morrison St. Met, Pranl s PlrM, POHTI.ANR. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor..., BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimate furnished on application. All wore guaranteeu, CUTHKANIP., t i s ORCiiOM. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland oa Taesdav. Thursday and Sai- Hi.iaj a. r a. aa. ror $1 a, Ulmmm. Cever rVaf, Hlm and ., Arrivlnr at Portland Monday, Wed- neoday and Friday siis u. Wharl foot ol Salmon Hi H. HOLMAM, Anal. ULJ..,Xi- .-.m..J.. lll.ii.JH. I ,. J.IJ . . d. Mori. T.a, -TIIB- U..!11.H....L.,B WAUACS. ;i City Market ' St, Hkucss, OtttutiK UR0SAY A K88T0N, tKf ) -lNAI.l IN Mesh and bait Meat r - City trade, lnarn rami, stea tawU and railroad camp , upplled. OHiaa Ft MAD on sixikt sonci. V asvv V j Brinn Brothers ST.HtltSS, . osteon. NEW PLACE. II fa want anihln vd ia Um llul nhUks try HAW'S R1 ALT , -Only lis seat as-, Liqaors aai Cigarx Kept la S!::l Off N PROM fi . M. TO ia O'tXOOK MIONIOHT. w A - St. Helens Hotel Wall acb a Move, Paops., Is Again Open to the Public. Meal Served on Short Notice, lied Cenu, Meal 25 Cent. HMD BARN if CONNECTION, H0BSMS TO HA1 10 CENTS, Kt. H sucks, j Oiutaoii. ,aa,rfk,ata4' tOM POHTLA!t, Val-T. -tTIMt- "America" Willasiett Sioogti Roate Leave fH. Helen.... 6:30 AM Arrive at Portland.. 10:) AM t i a o ai V lesisfWHsnu 72 Arrive at Ht. llelM. 6:00 P M rAHBtSCBRH. Will Carry Nothin but Paawn- Iters and Fast Prel"t. IAMB ttOOs, IB ! I.T leu'lin dallr at His, m. A.L, CEAIO, General Passenger Agt., IWfcAWJ, Obe, II STORIA & COLOMBIA RIVER H RAILROAD COMPANY. Bat. on If. DAILY, r, H. .AA 06 W t 3H U m s to OS 19 II7 io on io m m io v SO 10 so a. a. S oo ii,') 9 IS t 8ft M V Ml 10 00 10 10 10 Kl io m n w ihs i 11 10 00.8 II 23 f,.4 II HQ UV. TATI0IM Lv Portland Ar . Uol.ln ....Rainier ... ... Pramld... MayKer.... ,. .Uuluuf .... (Matskaiil.. Marshland.. Wttsttmrt,,,, . .('Illc.n .... .,,.Knaia,, ,. nvsiison... . ,ohn l)f... t. Astoria. I, aSAD BT DAILY. n 23 a. a. r. '. II 10 t 40 10 tw III to I 'JO I at oo 80 7 M l' ia i as m 1 w W 1 17 tn in 11 42 07 n t a io All trnlna make elnea Mnn,i... .,., .,..-.,..., ,,,n, n, ruruanri with all traliia leavtnt Union dapot. at Astoria .i,h r oV N. Co.'i boat and rail Hue u, m,rf ... ,v waco and NortUUeauh points. - fHf??!','' u' A,tir, "W Pnlnta must flu ssa as wm IIBIII Will HtflD tO ISt liHM as-a Oen, Pass. Am., Astoria, Or How About Your Title? B TOW HtlRB it Is all rfahtr Hsmsmtiar that a I nnviinu mat aovarns. it la onr ijiisniess tn sear, ret'orda aiwl kht.ie hkt Itiew ..utMln Is relation III ISHa titles, it yon ooutemtilata hiivlna (and or Insulin matter a rtal; aalat meurlty, use no man's word, bnt Insist upon auowtns ' annus: thelitis, An Abstract lsatseai" the RNiird shows reaardlni Adewl, Insist nn liavlnir It, set ol ahstreol books In thaonuntr. Alianrk BminntlvesafllitMi and sallsl""''1"0 n..iHi,,iu, ,j jrott nava nroiwrtr m itisureaivfliiea vnii. unnu lor th best lire Insurance tiiii,i!m In Ih wmld Waars II ru Main ttntt bar prupertF lor sale list II with ua and wa will And borar. E. E. QUICK & CO., u 1 v urirut ORISON Si siu.n ? I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothin:- I Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. I Coojier Building, Main Street, St. Jlelens, Oregon. . ii n it assai