The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 06, 1901, Image 1

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    ID r
J l m ij .ar 1
NO. 38.
11 1 Hi aft
f-v. yr HPShPk -at ktl UL.
tad want of kindness. Th gentle mis
tress of the bouse wondered sadly, If tula
I... ..1. 1 1 .1 -J ... I-.. .. .
W"V t Ullll U u.iaiUllllUQ a VKJIWUIE vi
seeing the brighter prospect before her
mat promiseo enjoyment 01 a nappier me
f It .... I . n
Hydncy told all the detnlla of the aad
history of her young life. When ahe bad
iiiiiana-n ihi rntinfl. ana siariru 10
hi-r feet. "Oh, here' a a lady! Bball I go
The cnrtulna hanging over the entrance
In t)i. IIKiav vnfB fur th aarond
time. With composure and dignity, the
lady who bad startled yuuey eutereu m
"Hare you been reading In the llbraryr
If-., f IkL. ...I...l Mra PrpatV An.
rilAt'TF.U Vl.-(Contlwued. I rlrd, la he really afruld that I shall bt "UrU . i.. ii.t.nino.
, tanned her M .he ahoulder HwT Mamma! Why are you looking "1
n.- "Are ou wcl awioiwr " j . -'"TiJ
ml noiniru ' " - .... . . I u li...-i .i. ...i . a i rraii urorerara cuonj.
- "... ... vuur war outT she sKrii, . - " i""i ihiio uer-i ,. - , .,.,. . ., has tat on
viol in iliir ' I nlUt have told you that and read extract from it with 'T "'"utht T govenieaa thing of her
S.?. u.y ho- t.... ad. an ? a; -J.-HS&f 'hat the
for "he ',"' ":r"":": Ver, toon-. .,,.1 in.,, vernea might think. Mr, rrea y cros-
. i. i- i .i.,ritiv rpiimiu jiru mil .i i . : - - - - -
rarrluiie Is at the door,
lie Milt the only course that waa opon
to dim; he took Uta liai.
i..r,...l awar to Wave the room.
IJaley "Ik-ikhI the dwir for her. "Don't
I d , noriigwl." he wh!(n d a ahe pane
. h.r from me." Ilav-
Inl :d thin, he made hla parting bow to
Hie hml mlatrea. U-avlng lb houne. ellnixd a bribe Into the aervant
baixl. "I am going to wrtle t Minn W ea
And he ayniialliia with her. Ha! I
know the men, Calberlue-i know the
nieu s
flf A I .'n 11 1 iitr
VV. A l-'l Y 111.
lr lf.irlu.rf I.I..I... 1.1.
house In the toreniMin of the neit day.
Mra. Unley running out to the bead of
the Ma Ira In meet ber liunliand. aaw him
wiiiiroacbliig her without a travellna
companion, "where la the governeaaY'
iui lit.. rn..m Mnfl IntrfwIiioMl heraelf.
Miaa WeaterBeld, I am Mra. wniey a
mother. And I am, in one respect, re mhihi Whmn 1 farm an ooln
Ion, and find It'a the opinion of a fool, 1
am not in tne lean aanamea io mt
mind. I have changed my nnuu nouui
you. Hliake band."
H ...l.ii.v MMiria..trtill niU.VP.1.
"I had the worst poasible opinion of
vim." Mra. Preatv resumed, "uerore 1 naa
... j t l . I iw.nHi.
eu, neaiopia-M ..a.,i,i. i..,.i..... j...
letter. iu yi u ii . i i..i . i...
'1 shall be glad Imltwl If l can ner !"- y iiiiin.n, i
... ... I the breakfaat ruoin diHir.
yoa a nappier in. 1 1..1... ..i.i.. m. i. . kt.
Iradlng now. It reata wim you to neip lV"f. "" -
... .i.. nib Will a aend aue the ad- "Nothing more .rloua, Catherine, than
drew f .ur parwita. or the name of any "ni or airengtn. nne waa in auca a atate
frirnd with whom l n ai
...... . a.t.1 . u.iiiiihmM tO
I"" " -Mn. ....! II. ...... ..I lll. ... ....u..r.i..
I nn wa I ug yr gnawer iu ine netgn- - - -re-
L,h ,!l add the nam- of th h.rtel at " " Interest. ',. .. a novelty
... . ....i..b m tne way of a governess, sue eulti.
wmiii I am . - - . . . . . .. .
The atal oner a Uiy intnrei oy a pn , , iVL Vi .
v. e .lew of bnlf . w.wB, aet off at a he was l,ft alone with hla wife,
rut, . and riMitrned at run with reply: h' "!"' our mother sc. particularly
"I have neither parenta nor friends, and "'""", """""' ,"' iu'".
I lust been dlawlaaed frMU my em- . " llrove, dear, of my leav
iiim u.rr i ii no v. vm . " i -
A. U 1. 1 hiv. hnarfl her StOrV. and A 00
her Justice. Count on me, Sydney, aa
your frleud. ......
"Now we are alone, Catherine," ahe add
ed, when the door had cloaed on the gov
.. . h.v. mrnnt of advice for vour
private ear. We have mucn io auui-ipaw
Wiwiiirnii m inm is ufini
o4,, Rut I don't conceal it
from myself or from you, we have also
aomelbing to fear,"
"r frr Mra. I.I:iUv repeated. I
i mi "
First obstacle in tne way oi ner mor.i, nmu.nt. her father tried, found
...iu. .twin In nrliuin. Second ob-
BUiiiJ, "im -
stacle, her mother an unnatural wretch,
I hsve Just been d smleaed rroiu wy em- . - wv. . . ... siacie, urr "-"
JhVrJl at the acbool Will you permit M It Jo yon to choose . govern.-., for who negated and darted h own flesh
we to w you, for few minute only, at
i.,ii hi.i.iiT Indeed, indeed, air. 1 am
not forgetful of what I 0 to my respect
fur yon, and my reopeet for tnyaelf. I
only k leave, to aatisfy yott that I am
qnlie uuworthy of the Intercut which you
have been pleased to reel in o. v .
l.inli-y mentioned the advertisement,
and di-scrihed his Interview with the
school mistrrsa, Having next acknowl-
h.Iv.1 fliul h.. tia.1 v.m.Ivu.1 a iit frutn
Miss Westertield berself, be repeated all
that ahe had been able to tell him of her
announced that she had completed her
fllAPTRIt vir
Not far frini tha amiire of th famous
river, which risen In the Mountain be
tween 1mv Katrine and Ixft ixmihmio
n.i .iw-i.i... it., tliahlanda and the Iiw
laud of rtcotiaiMl, trsvclcrs arrive at the
ven. rble gray walla of Monnt Morten;
uil. after consulting their guide book.
.I. iti. 1., lh house.
If the airangera nn their travels had
been permitted l ascend to the Brst Boor,
Iti.sllv inicn-sled hv this time. Mra. I.ln
!.. mm Mrnriir fop more tnforuifltlim. Her
husband hesitated. "1 would rather you
heard the rest of it from Mla Wester-
Held." he said "In my absence,"
lltt. I., vnilf. mI.mII..T
'lUH-aime she ran sneak to xou more,n I sm mt nnscnt. Hear her
tell her own story, and then let me know
i,ilii.r urn think I hnve made a mis-
lake. I submit to your decision tierore
I.....I ttki.ilii.v.,1. u-a v It mnv lnc-llne."
Mrn. Unley rewarded him with kls.
If ...urrlwl strsiiver hsd seen them, at
thst moment, he would have been rcniiud-
and had l'n invited to any good nignt tltrt,mea daythe daj a
to Mrs. Unley. pretty llttl daughter ''
they would nave aeen tue ion wen- . ,
Win.'. iuui rhaiuiiM smutlv covered with
velvet hanging, they would have trod on
a doubly laid carpet! woum n- at a bright little tied, of the last
w i..i,..r.i wnnhe of child's deeply
drlli-hin sleep; and they would only have
discovered that tb room waa uiree
,i.i ...... ..i.i ii.ii ihT had drawn aside
the window enrtalua and had revealed the
adamantine wdldity of the outer walla.
Or, ( they had found their way next Into
Mrs. Mnley'a alttlng room, here again
transformation acene would have reveal
ed more modern luiury, pn-nented In the
perfection which Implies restraint within
the limits of good taste. iui on . ---i...
i.,.i..,i nt ini the head of a lovely
little child on the pillow, aide by aide with
ik. k..i ..i kar .l.sii the would have en-
eoumered an elderly Udy Of considerable
i.. f.. ..i..i ml snoring In vast
..iik l..wk on her Ian.
The Udy, composed under the aoporillc
l..s...... ii.. ..I..H. mi a neraon of tin-
purtuueo In th house holding rank a
Mra. Llnley'a mother: and being other
wise noticeable for having married two
k..i...i.t. ..... ...wlvt them both.
The tint of these gentlemen-the Bight
Honorable Joaeph Orniond-had been a
Member of rarliament. Mrs. Unley waa
hi. .,.r.ii,i rhlld. He died at an
advanced age. leaving hla widow well pro
vided for. After bealtnting for aome lit
tle time. Mra. Ormond gecepted the pro-
n..i ... k ,i.u...t and dullest man
I " ' . W I. - - ' .., .
ainiintt the ranka of her admirers. W ny
.1,. i,....... .ir f Mr. Treaty.
merchant enriched by the sale of vinegar,
i u... .i.u n ezolain.
Iteturnlng to the alttlng room after bid
ding Kitty good night, Mra. Unley discov
ered the old Indy asleep, and aaw that the
hixik on her mother'a lap waa alldlng off.
Before aha eould check tho downward
And now." I.lnler resumed, "suppose
we talk a little about ourselves, t haven't
... t.nithor v..i. Where la Itandul?"
Htaying at the farm to toog aner your
iuten-sta. We exiiect him to come back
to-day. Ah! Herbert, what do wa not all
.... ... ilmi itwap mtud brother of tours!
There Is really no end to ni aiutincsa. i ne
Highland fnmlllea. who
i.i.r. emlimitfd to America, have had
their ripensea privately lwld by Uandiil.
Ti... wifi, iins t hi I I'n to me. ana naa iri
out the secret. There is an American
newspaper among the letter that are
i.i... i.niilinr's return, sent to III in
aa a little mark of attention by these good,
grateful people." Having amulet! to tne
i wlin nsil H'lX CM-Uliauil. mra.
...i... ... vomiii, nt other nclchbors
who bad remained. h wan atill relating
event of local Interest, wnen tne cjock in
terrupted her by striking tne nour oi me
....i i.i t TMnl olmiHcle. her mother
.i.i. K..:n0 ki.r tm,thp over affain in an
t" n . . .... " -
aggravated form. People who only look
at the surface of things might ask what
we gain by Investigating Miss vt ester-
a..i,i' ... II.. V vain thin- We kUOW
llt-IU MI. ..... W- -
what toeiiwt-t or ansa n e.veru.-iu m
,, .u ......... f nnfiir icnew vou ao un
V ll lllll ... ... i - -
i . Vmi ran't have heard an
i..t Ml Westerfleld aald to me. You
j.... hd, aa i know ner. ro on
nun v mivn i . - ' . . . ,
llent. so forgiving, ao graieiui io ncr-
hrt. . .... . ..
"So grateful to Herbert." Mrs. i-resiy
i i .-i .. k..r ilanirhier in silent surprise
There could be no doubt about It; Mrs,
i..! ..ti.ul .ntlmlv In see ant uossibil'
i.iuii-7 ii " " - - - . .
It les of future danger in me grain ui
i .. i.... ..nalilva iroTprnes. toward ber
l.n.l.ome husband. At this exhibition of
simplicity, the old lady1 last reserves of
endurance gave way; ahe rose to go. ou
have an excellent heart, unmcrou',
remarked; "but a for your neao
a..Fnii . .... mitufl nr ni v I
ui. .i..... iuamlriillv dressed, my
nVar. bv tour maid." With that pnrting
Shot, Mr, frosty too ner ui-pariu
.k. iikrarv. Almost at the aome
moment, the door of the breakfast room
waa opened. A young man auvauceu
shook hands cordially with Mr, unicy
CHAPTER IX. Iit the family likeness aa
t...i.,..'. hmiher. Handul Lluley wa
.. i..... -i i
.u rAMV iii.rDvrLB luifriur 1U
neverint-"-"" '---- --7 -
....1 .nu.n. Hla featurea were
nersouai I'l" " , .
! ..... imkla fin- min i lieailtv.
in 00 way ' -' - 1...1
In atature, ne naruiy n-.
height; and, young a he ws, either bad
. . 1. tvoaknens had ao alTect-
naini or .uj ..... , . .
eil the upir part of bis Bgure that he
'Have yon aeon new .......
del gntlclpated, Mr. Unley returned
"Has it been very distressingr be aaked,
seeing the trace of tear In her eye.
"There are noble qualities," he n
awered, "in that poor ill-used gorl. All
ahe asked waa to be left in her room for
the rest of the day. I feel ure of her
resolution to control herseir; ana yei a
ahitilH Ilka In anpnnpairA hpr if I Cn. Her
chief sorrow must be not for the mother
who baa o shamefully neglected ner out
for the poor little brother, cestaway,
lost in strange land. Can we do noth
ing to relieve her anxiety?"
"I can write," Kanaai aaw, -10
whom I know In New York, lawyer in
large practice."
"The very person we wnii nnw
pray write by to-day'a post!"
Th. I,,tt. araa riianstched. It W0 de-
Lclded and wUcly, decided, a the result
. L . .1. 1 A U nA iav nnlll
snoweo 10 ssy iioiuins w -
ik. .... nvulwd. Haiiilal's cor
respondent wrote back with as little delay
a poasible. He hail mane every mquir,,
without ucces. Not trace of the boy
k.,,i i..n ,.im,l The one event that bad
happened, ainca the appearance 01 me
paragraph In a New York newspaper, waa
the confinement of James Belibrldge in n
asylum aa a madman onder restraint,
without hope of recovery.
(To be continued.)
"The bromo-wdtier trade U buete.1
tpmporarlly," remarked a down-town
"I euppose a many peopie gei ui
with headache In the morning a ever,
but they don't drown tuelr aorrowa iu elnce the Cornlah pois
oning case came out 'Gueea I'll got a
bottle of aeltzer,' remarked a man iu
here yesterday.
" 'Hrnmo-seltKerT auenea in,
a If the very Idea gave him a cramp.
" 'Er well, no, I gucaa I won't re
marked the flrat man, aa If he recollect
ed aomethlng. And Ue didn't buy it.
Curious now people are lunuencea iy
Imagination. I ll bet there Isn't an
anonymous box or canay sent one
.i. in rhtcsiro now. The Bodkin case
knocked that People who send candy
sign their names to it wny, one uuy
at luncheon I stepped In and ordered a
box of candy sent home. When 1 got
there that evening my wife was in
into if nxcltcment bordering on hys
terics. 'Who do you think could have
done this, Henry,' she wnisperea, a v
saved the wrapper and the string, and
t wouldn't touch a piece of that candy
for a million dollar.'
"Then the sausage trade was knocked
Into a cocked hat for nearly a year by
the Uietgert trial. I know every time
my wife suggested sausage for break
fast that winter, I kind of wished she
wouldn't mention It." Chicago inter
Ocean. '
A Comprchtiulve Review of the Important
Happenings of the Past Week Proented
In a Condtnstd Form Which If Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Low; highwayman waa captured
aear Ashland. -
Insurgents of Colombia have besieg
ed Boca pel Toro.
..minted her by atr King lue uour 01 mc 1 -iiare j" - - -
nursery iioiu. . ,ia linndal answered thai
.!. Mrs. Un ey roar and rang
ti a. .. H.lra Itidiilriiwi.
at-.. ....... t ..f nitwniiiT. I lie rrvani
ftl IMP " ... .
ili nktiml at the oiwn door imum
linie,. . - .... .
him. He drew aside, auu revealed ivmy
" .. " M,.r hand In hand with Kvd
ney WeaterBeld who timidly heaitated at
entering the room. "Here ahe is,
..........a cried the child. "I think she's
. .. ...... hulii me to Dull her in.
aira.1" )vi - - -
. 1..1.. M.ivanivii in nM.iiv inr urn
. k hmisi-liiild. with the irre-
uicniwr w . , , .
aistible grace and ginuuea awuicn cimnu
. . .ir.n.i.i.r who nnnroarhed her.
"t)h. it'a all rtgiit.- aiu iiuy. oj
... ' .,,.1 I like 8vd. What do vol!
lines "-. - ... - 1
cii. iiv...i in London wun a rrui-i
iiiiuki . . ...
wouiau who never gve mr sn ..
ad a box or wmi- .
and handed It to the governess with a tap
on the lid, suggestive 01 an w.u .-h..
ieak to
lray ex
uing to
afraid she
"I". " .. m vnn In vour room.
has been u,.u. "". - .-,,, ,h.
Htmiey s .i.-... . , .. ,.,,,
I . !... .ha KlHSU UVT 1111.
mothers ....... - -
she announced; "he haa begun hla Journey friend. 1 ,1t KmimU m of
l in ...!).. anlili. and 1 11 I Sya, ane p ...i,,,,.. .lie
tell yon when he will be here to morrow."
iii. i.i. miiiM lie done a servant
entered with a telegram for Mra. wniey.
u.. I... iinwnvH.. 111 . it unci rrnu i.
Her face assumed an expression of stem
ni. la,.. in., tine bead.
"Head It tonraelf." ahe then aald, anu
remember what I told you, when you
triiui.,.1 u.ii, hnaliand to find a goverues
for nit irrandchlld. I ald: You don't
. . . 1 ... . .. ...
aiiow men aa I no. nope yon m
11.. . ... u 11
w rr- . ' . . i. .. k.... live. The loo. i ,k.u
. Mra I.lnlnw was too ronu or nf I i.. .ImailV muov
k. 1... .1.1. ..... "W shouldn't 1 the governe.. ,
trust hlmf bo asked. "He wa going Jo ll band took Kitty', band to
"Itead vour teloirram." Mr. Presty re
peated, with dignity,
go to sleep
with mv "
iM iu.,w MMMiltAit hee watch.
... . . . . ... 1... '
"l our husband I no longer iu mmw
' . - .1 itn voice ra torcu
kdimpr 1 1 III v. . . ...
eouFd W o more. Klttyexp b, ncd
? . L Tit. mamma. She
bedf And ahe wa- gm - ' - V
we talked. Aim ucii .
we iai"- H.,!ni.v to the ofa, and
stonned thraow of her daughter', nut
"aud Judge for your-
Wh.t"t XhtI ha? ST." doubt ahout It."
ir. . ,k. lot In life of one dlttereu """"
Mra. Unlev resd: he lot W " . thf, Drcs..ntcd a
"I have engaged a governeaa. Bh will lot ' '"V ' reonal appearance, which
travel h, the same train with me. t m.u wu"--- K8Uie still. In tne prm.r
I ought to prepare you to reclve a per- wa. """"'j fuirthe beauty of her
.on whom you may be eurprlsed 0 see. of ' Hfj ,,, her brilliant Woe
Bhe la very young and very inexperienced; delicate wmi 1. m gf B fl ure
unite unlike the ordinary run of got- ye"' 'n'". rl;.,.fl at Ita mature perrej
a...... wk.- k... h erne t the which ban amy . . Blt ,,i
IHKir girl haa been used, I am .ur you Ion of d.vuop mt d,rk-eyed crea
wlll aympathlae will her a. I do." SJnta and P". ?mU1uZ
Mrs. iJuloar laid down tne message win. - ,itess to tne
"'' , J. .n. un er which youth can suncr.
"Poor, dear Herbert!" ah ahfd tender- pritat J,, waBt of nourishment
ly. "After we have been eight year mar-1 want or ire. ,
Inw'a first words. Kandal answered that
. mi.. WMterHeld. The In-
-... i.i miestlou tullowed. What did he
tuin 01 1"-. ,,
"I'll tell you in a ww ur iu .uu.v,
he milied., n
"I don't like trusting my first Impres-
alons: I have a bad hamt 01 jumping 10
concluslona." - .a
'Jump to a conciusiuu uuw, i"-"
me. i.t-....
i. 1 .. 1 ...liiiwi anil vuve nil. . -hi
lltnuni - " . . -. .
, ii. rMiiua. luuna urn v.
r ,.1. 1 .tail,., ma aa hcitiit lnsicnili
nennn, ....... - - - -- -
eant and ugly. I-t os see w hat our fine
nlr and our easy life will do for her.
He went luto me uorsr, ..u
with his letters. "This will amuse Kitty,
. ,, .......i:. n hla slater-n-aw a
ne asm, nam.." f ---- - ,
New York newspaper, to which she had
already referred In Bpeamng 10 u.-r uu
"Mr. Mnley examined the engravlug
and tiinuMl back again to look once more
I m...i.aiinn h rh had Interested
ni an nii,.i.
her. A paragraph on the same page
caught her attention, cue uu u....,
glanced at the first word bef ore a cr y
of alarm escaped her. "Dreadful new
for Mis. Westerfleld!" she exclaimed.
Head It, Kandal. ,
He read these words:
"The week' list of Insolvent traders
Includes an Englishman uameu
Belibrldge, formerly connected with a dis
reputable aaloon In thl. city. Belibrldge
1. under suspicion of having caused the
Seat of hi. wife, in a 'JZ
mens. The unronunnie "
mrrled, for the first time, to one of the
erica weaterneiu - -
away a hlp under hla command excited
"r. since. The melancholy clrcum-
. .i. ... am enmnlicated by
der. of tne woiunn a ju.... - -husband.
The poor boy la supposed to
Serun away In terror tM-
ble home, and ne POM ", It la r?
to discover some trace of him. It 1 re
Dortcdrtat another child of the first mar
rC Utlng In England. But nothing
you say," Kandal resumed. And as I
think, aerloua new for n.. Here is
mere glrl-a poor, friendless creature
"bsolufefy dc'ndent on our protecUon u''
It wn thought necessary to break the
".. to Mis. Westerfleld, and this Miss
Th lev did herself n gently as poss ble.
Kandal awaited bis alster-in-laW. return
from the governes' room. .
After a much shorter absence than Ran-
Pillnlno Women.
Miirfi haa already been written eon-
mrnlnir the women of the Philippines,
for the subject Is eugaglug. for
their dark faces they have figures the
grace of which la accentuated by the
very garments they wear. They hate
lustrous dark eyes and luxuriant black
hair, In which they take great priue, n
la long, thick, and glossy, anointed with
cocounut oil, cleaned aud washed with
lima IuIivl and usually worn In a coll
or knot held by a golden comb or orna
mented plus. Hats and bonnets are
unknown among the Filipinos, bo no
doubt many an American husband
wishes be lived here. The native wom
en hate finely abaped feet that neter
knew a stocking; they wear tow sup
pers of an Oriental pattern, sometimes
wooden shoes. The dress of a Filipino
woman usually constats of a single gar
ment with wide sleeves; a piua-ciotn
handkerchief Is trenerallt worn around
the neck, and every one wears a rosary
or a crucifix. Housekeeping in tue na
tive section Is quite primitive In Its ue-
taiu l.nveninkluir. courtship aud mar-
einiw. nee here conducted In the manner
,,n,.,n in Oriental lands, the lover
HBrvlnir the father of his future wife.
Fifteen years Is the customary age tor
marrlnirp here In the Philippines.
Maullft letter to Collier's Weekly.
France reciuests the Turkish Ambas
sador to leave Paris. ,
Orea-on' Pan-American exhibit haa
been of much benefit.
Rritiah hark Collessle wrecked on
west coast of South America.
official trial race of Columbia and
Constitution was without result
t.ahna Ttav waa miltn eenerallt ob
served throughout tne unitea states
PhiiariAtnhfa woman was arrested In
London for the forgery of nearly 1500,-
TTnlteid State Consular agent re
quests that a gunboat be sent to the
n.iott. Wnlf whn murdered a girl
In Portland 10 years ago, Is in hiding
In Peru.
Th. ateal strikers were unable to
get the men at the Duquesne mills to
walk out
Snnua.ll In an address said the
cry agalnst'the men of wealth is not
rn,ita nt Hawaii An not afrree on
the question ot tne uonsuiuuon mm-
lowing the flag.
Francis, the Missouri murderer, is
still at large.
Frenchmen are excited oter the com
ing tlslt of the Czar.
Five American warships visited Brit
ish ports simultaneously.
Steel striker declare they have
caused the Duquesne to close.
Columbia defeated Constitution In
the first race of the final series.
Boers blew up a train and killed a
promising young British officer.
: Venezulean and Colombian troops
are massed on tne ooraer near uucuia.
A trust haa been formed to control
the manufacture of laundry machin
ery. ."
"An tlllnnla aflrnnant. fell 400 feet
from hla balloon and was alive when
picked up.
Now York hanVa afTACfpd hv Bub.
treasury operations and Interior de
mand for money
Pnwdnr mills at Krnba station. Pa..
were destroyed by an explosion and
two men were killed. ,
Montana train wi-pilr nn tha
Northern was the worst in the road's
history. Thirty-eight were killed.
Naoi.1v 10 OAO XTanoviiAlnna .ra mlfla
ed on the Colombian frontier In read!
nesg to support the Colombian revo
Employe of the Carnegie Plant Did Not
Com Out Expected.
Pittsburg, Sept. 4. The steel strik
ers who hate been trying for a week
to get the employes of the Carnegie
plant at Duquesne to come out, made
. in at atand todat and failed. A par-
.ia from McKeesport to meet me
workmen on their way to the mill at
6 A. Ml, and Induce them to remain
awav. bad been arranged, but when
the hour arrived there was no march
er and the parade was abanoonea.
The fight had been made In the open
headh deDartment. but notwithstand
ing- a house-to-house canvass oy me
atrlker last night, only two men re
fused to return to work. Today the
works were In full operation, ana me
striker argue there Is little hope of
closing the plant.
Dissatisfaction is increasing at Mc
Keesport. Last Friday about 40 strik
ers returned to work at the seamless
tube plantand today their force was
considerably Increased. It is said pre
parations are in progress for resump
tion of work at the National Tube
Works, and that the machinists who
were compelled to cease work tbrougn
the strike, have been ordered to re
port for work, for the purpose of getting-
thn machinery in order.
The Mononghela blast furnace ae-
department of the National Tube
Work is working full, and an enon
is to be made this week to beat the
output record since the strike started.
At the Demmler tin plate plant, every
thing has been made ready for an early
start A report was current In Mc
Keesport today that a large number of
nnn.,. OharlfTa had tipnn sworn In to
JT?lUfcJ "
go to Demmler to guard the work.: at
that place, i ne aepuues u "ecu
ordered to report for duty Wednesday.
Women Workers In Una-land.
Tim nrernlent Idea has been for some
time that the typical Eugiisn woman in,
nbovo all things, domestic, and it has
iu,n mentioned that the pushing, bust
ling, fine de Blecle American gin iuirui
..-..iirniiit stiidt the shrinking, cringing
femininity of her English cousins. The
American woman has also prouuiy
intmml that she was the pioneer In
women's occupations, and that there
are more trades ana proiessiou opcu
to women In America than anywhere
else on the globe. A book Just, pub
lished lu England, upon perusai, win
aoon take this conceit out or ner.
Among the numerous occupations may
be noted the following: f eminine arcm
tectm fanners, plumpers, bankers,
homiata. contractors aud gardeners
Women drivers, cab drivers, pilots and
letter carriers figure conspicuously.
Prince Chun's mission will be hur
ried to Berlin.
Shamrock had nnothar aatlRfactorv
inm m new i or pay.
Kitchener reports anoths-r case of
Boers shooting prisoners.
The Chinese are again dictating
terms in regard to the protocol.
Nine persons lost their lives by the
explosion of a Delaware steamer.
Nebraska Republicans denounced
Governor Savage for paroling Bartley.
A Missouri negro murderer Is being
pursued, and may be burned if caught
Santa Fe line negotiating with Pa
cific Mall for trans-Paclfio connec
The Harp of Brian Born.
What professes to be the original
harp of Brian Boru Is preserved In the
library of Trlulty College, Dublin; but
Its history, which Is now more clearly
traced does not bear out the popular
tradition as to Its origin. It belonged,
probably, to the Illustrious sept of
O'Neill, and was, In all likelihood, made
for one of the two noted prelates of
that name. It Is a curious fact that It
it ninvpri on bv one of that fam
ily, though at that time Its real origin
was not suspected; for the eminent
Arthur O'Neill woke Its slumbering
music at Limerick In 17U0, aud It has
ever since remained silent.
Burial in Africa.
In certain parts of Africa It is conald-
x . mark of illsresnect to bury out
vrmi ai -
of doors at alt Only slaves are treated
In such unceremonious rasnion. iu
i.,.i dead are buried under the
floor of the house.
Largest Dronse Statue.
pt. Petersburg has the largest bronze
statue in existence that of Peter the
Oreat, which weighs 1,000 ton.
TVi. Hat -f wltnoanAfl in ftnnoar bo
fore the Schley court of inquiry is
made puoac.
Hiien nf Via WtnrlilW ftlflflll Work
JU1 UVJ va, -
era, has a plan for settlement of the
steel strike.
a nn. or tblAvaa Rt.ole a three-
masted schooner from her moorings
In Sharptown, Md, ana got away .wun
her. .
A Dilnoim nnllopman ahnt and kill-
ant a hnv and aava It waa In self-de
fense against a gang of young hood
New York yachtsmen are afraid of
Shamrock it.
Inland Empire farmers are having
a prosperous season.
Sampson will be a witness at the
Schley court of inquiry.
Members' of the Nome bar petition
McKlnley to remove Judge Noyea.
Trans-Atlantic freight business out
ot New York is very light
ir-h. ..niainrv tnlaalnn of Prince
Chung has been delayed at Basle,
vi.riai.a anil Colombia Dromlse
not to mix in the Isthmian trouble.
-Pnthaohllria riant ant knowledge of
the recent reported combine In cop
Tinntata officials dent that negotia
tions are under way to Bettle th
The worst epidemic of plague In
years is now rampant In parts, of
Canton, China.
v.mrairf fallnwa were elected
to the Association for the Advance
ment of Science.
Four Death In One Family Within Month
Cause an Invotijation.
naiumor Mass.. SeDt 3. It la tather
unusual for four persons in one family
to meet death within a penoa oi
vot thl ocurred in the case
of Mr. and Mrs. Alder P. Datia and
their two daughters, Mrs. Irving uidos
and Mrs. Harry Gordon, the latter ot
Chicago, the deaths taking place oniy
. ftimr vaallR aCTO.
Some one started a rumor mat ubw
..,.. or at least two of them, dm
rito'fmm natural causes. Finally
th niatrlrt Attorney ordered an inves
tigation, and Joseph Whitney, oi me
state police force, was Instructed to
.n autnnav on the bodies of Mrs.
nrnon anri Mrs. Globs. An unaor-
i .i,n,ri the. bodies and an au-
waa hnld in the presence ot med
leal experts, including State Examiner
Faunce. State Detectite Whitney, Pro
oar.r whltnet and Professor Wood,
of Harvard College. While Professor
Wood had undoubtedly been requested
t, nantaln Paul Oibbs to attend the
autnnav ha W8.B also present aa an
expert employed by the state, and to
his custody was Intrustea me organ
thn two bodies for chemical analy
sis. This, in the minds of many, shows
that the authorities are loosing
The fact that the Jacin House,
which was the home of the Davis fam
ily was set on flro four or five times
during the Interval between the death
of Mrs. Davis and ner youngest ou
,ior la r-onaidered as having an Im
portant bearing on the case. .
r m ll at lln AVtfl M1a
whether tne ooaien ui
t-x--..., ... A ha o-rhnmpfi deDends on
juaviB w -
the result of the autopsy held tomor
row. The result win not ue"
known for several days.
Cemmercisl and Pmancial Happenlnj of Im
portance A Brief Review of th Growth
and Improvement! of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Thriving Comrnoawealth
latest Market Report
Large deposit of mineral wax hate
been discovered In Malheur County.
A pocket of 60 per cent pure gold
ore was uncovered In the Virtue mtne
in Eastern Oregon.
Ttannrta an. current that numerous
Chinese pheasants are being slain un
timely In the wiuameite vnuey.
S ii nor! ntenrtnt Ackerman hold that
Oregon voters hate the right to say
whether more than eight grade shall
be taught in the public schools.
A Pendleton bicycle thief got safely .
away with a wheel, then became
frightened, Jumped off, abandoned his
booty on the street corner auu mu
A chicken-raiding owl, measuring
five feet from tip to tip aud with claw
as Urge as a man's hand, was killed
the other day In the mountains above .
Weston. .
wohh at rot Pandletoo. ta to be im
proved by crushing all boulder larger
than a number seven nai, max can in
. .1 k.Mnn Tha, atl-M.t WU dleflaV
IVUUU 1 1 . V. 1 ....... -- - -
ed with "gravel" some month ago aud
has been lmpassinie ior team ei
since. .
irniiiar rtxh atrlfca haa been made
In the Copper Stain mine In the Mount
Reuben district near urant ran.
Workmen, while drilling, noticed glis
tening particle In the rock, which
proved to oe goto, 'ine extent oi mo
vein Is not yet known, but the rock ia
worth many thousands per ton.
inn nnrtloa who hnVA been flshlnK
on Bear Creek, It 1 learned that some
unscrupulous persons have again been
dynamiting nan m tnat stream, una
man nnnrli havins- aeen ant number
of dead trout along the banks where
the dynamiters failed to gamer tnem
up. He says he measured one such.
which was exactly Z6 lncne in lengtn.
rwarawtd th. Sosnish.
Madrid, Sept. 2. While the British
float in Rnanish waters was maneuver
ing today a torpedo which had been
launched stranded on the snore in
emnt nf I.a Llnea. A party of man-of
warsmen was sent to recover It, but
was prevented from doing so by a
. I .. 1 ...lilnaiini
detachment ot opamuu uu.
mi. iA.jia nnrtv waa atronely rein-
1UO iu.uu.msi 1' "
forced from the fleet, overawed the
carbineers and took tne torpeuu.
Will AcceDt Offer of United State.
T onrion Sent 4. A dispatch to a
news agency from Copenhagen today the new Danish MInlBtry nas
decided to accept the United States
offer of 16.000.000 kreger for the Dan
ish West Indies, thus announcing as
an accomplished fact what the dis
patches ot the Associated Press said
the Ministry would do.
! Preserved fruits, in a state fit to
!.,.. Wn aatan. have been taken
from the ruins of Heroulaneuni.
-c ka oamant. manufacturers,
Xitiiia.. ,
finding their trade threatened by the
American product, aeoiuo w uut.
the Yankee meinoua anu intiiii":.j
The Southern Pacific railroad now
has 96 engines equipped for the burri
i .it aa, fuel It takes 21 barrels
1I1K u vi i
of oil to run a locomotive a day, but
the cost is smaii ouniji:u n ....
Revolution in Persia.
A A nlnnatch tO the
UOlOgnO, DCIV. -a. r -.J
Cologne Gazette from Teheran, dated
Auguest SI, says:
A wldespereaa revoiuuuuoi j u
i- i- i Parala. fostered
menc is b"'u v
by discontent with the government on
account of the now loan ncs.."
with Russia, Tne urana
a .ninia .ha rmintrv and fail
cuaeu u ou.iimb. -
ing to make reforms. Martial law has
been proclaimed in tne capum mu u
virons. The agitation, It is said, pro
ceeds from the entourage of the Shah,
who frequently flndB threatening iei
tera upon his writing table.
Hon picklne baa begun In several
Oregon yards. . -,
innlha, nnnlaal hafl hAAfl filed In
the Tillamook timber land case.
fultlonmn flroit about 100 shots IntO
a band of sheep In Eastern Oregon.
Tmnortiint chances will be made
among the traffic men of the O. B
& N, Railway.
T.ifi.1 titarnrai ara aald to be very '
scarce In many sections of the Wil
lamette Valley.
Richard Downey haa been appoint
ed marshal of Vale, vice Robert
Draper, resigned.
Construction of the Laketiew-Silter
Lake telephone line will be begun
about September 1st
A band of counterfeiter's captured
at Huntington had one of the most
complete outfits ever found.
A branch of the Sons of St. George
has been organiied oy tne unun-
American citizens or Marsiiuiu.
. aa infant waa found in a mlll-
V ucnu
race at Salem, but the presence was
explained satisfactorily vw mo .
oner. . .
-nr a txTallrair'a thrAahlnft crew run
flvo 'ilavs on spring grain and aver
aged 2500 bushels. The largest run
In one day was 3100 bushels. That
7 , . a w r TTT. 11 fit.
is something Dig, ana mt.
would like to near ot me un""" .
that equals it
Portland Market.
n-i,It Walla Walla, nominal
56!c per bushel ; bluestem, 66
57c; valley, 65X066. cn .
Flour best graaes, a.ooso.v jjc.
barrel; graham, $2.60.
Oats Via, i.mts.i. pci vicui..
Barlev Feed, $1515.50; brewing,
$15.50 per toil.
Millstuffs Bran, $27 per ton ; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $20; chop, $16.
Ijay-Timotny, iuibij, v.v.v.,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per
Butter Fane v creamery, 22 K 25c;
dairy. 1820c;" store, ll12c per
Epgs 17 17 Mo P dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 11(3
llc; Young America, 12)c per -
i ... .. .
3.75; hens, $4.505.50; dressed. 10
llo per pound; springs, $f3a.60
per dozen; ducks, $3 for old; 3. 00
Cl vniinii' trfHei. S5f6 DCr
dozen; turkeys, live, 810o; dressed.
10(Sl2Ko per pouna.
Mutton Lambs, 3HC gTOSs;
dressed, 67o per pound; sheep,
$3.25, gross; dressea, owoo jkc iu.
jlogs uross, neavj, "."
light, $4.755; dressed, 77.o per
Veai Small. 89c; large, ; 7
7 e per pound.
BeefGross top steers, $3.504.00;
cows and heifers, $3. 25 3. 60; dressed
beef, 67io per pound. ;
Hops lZCSlic per puunu.
iiri . vaiw HffllSUc: Eastern
Oregon, 8l2Kc;mohair, 2021o per
Pnd-. ,o ..
Potatoes rKStM IV maua..
Miners RefuM to Work.
-i i cat Tpmn.. Sent. 4. About
1000 miners refused to go to work in
.i . ni riraab Hlutrlct today. The
Coal Creek Coal Company and the
Black Diamond Coal Company s mines
are completely shut oown.
A New World's Record.
New York. Sept. 4. John Flanagan
threw the 36-pound hammar 171 feet
a im.hna at the Irish Athletio Club
.amna at Celtic Park today. This Is
a new world's record.
n ii tr.n naa ton of cof-
Dm.U u.wumww ' ...
fee out of the world's yearly crop ot
600,000 tons.
The population of the United King
dom passed that of France for the
first time in
Holland has 10,100 windmills, each
of which drains S10 acre of land, at
an average cost of 25 cents an acre a
year. .
Italy and Spain hate fewer houses
in proportion to population than any
other country. The Argentine Repub
lic has most