Scrofula Few tr entirely free from It. Ik. may develop to dowlr as to canst Rttl It an disturbance during the whole period of childhood. ; ' , , ' It mar then produce Irregularity of the stomach end bowels, dyspepeta, catarrh, nd marked tendency to consumption before raatilfeattnf Itself In much cutaneous eruption or f lanrfular swelling. a . to oe nirt that you are quite free from It, and for ita complete eradica tion you can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla The beet of all medicines tor all humors. . . fti Shower, ; "A Cornell professor Suva that frog spawn can be carried up in the at mosphere and hatchet! out in the clouds." "By gum, you bet I'll carry an um brella the next time I go out." Multiplied. Towne See that man Well, air, he ..landed in this country with his bare feet and now he's cot million. I Browne Gee whu! He's worse off than a centipede, isn't he! Clear the Track. "John Bull ii trying to down our locomotives." "They'll run him down fast enough Handicapped by Science, I understand that he has Ions been a student of political economy," aid the visitor. "He has," said Senator Glucose, nd his economy in politics has kept him out of office. He thinks he can be elected without spending a cent." Our Nutlou'e Wealth. Gold and silver are poured abundantly Into the lap of the nation, but our material wealth and sirengih is rather in iron, the moat awful of all metals, hist as the wealth of a human being lies in a useful stomach. If you hare overworked tours until it is disabled, try Hosteller's Stom ach Hitters. It will relieve the clopged bowels. Improve the appetite and cure constipation, dyspepsia, bilouaneas, liver aua sianev ainease. THE "BUSINESS DOCTOR." Tfcia signature e oa every box of the ftaul&e Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tewe Deitructiveneu. Phrenologist Your bump of de atructiveness ia very large. Are you soldier or a pugilist. Subject Neither. I'm a furniture mover. . The Shirt Waist The women claim their feelings hurt They re kicking up a fuss, Because we men adopt the shirt That first they stole from us. Easter Job- Mrs Cobwigger Poor thing, husband he and WUI Be Well Done.- Cuticua What are you farmers preparing to do thia yearT Haycede (absent-mindedly) Sum mer boarders, as usual. tried to reform her failed. Mrs. Dorcas What is she triyng to do nowr Mrs. Ccbwiggre To reform the world. riTe FwwmmiUt Cured. Ko fit. mr ! alter lH.-, ua.oT Ir SUaViti! J Nun wrf. 84 for FK BE .. ul ft,tliMlrnt Im. PlE.M KLH.k.Ud..ll Archjt..W.itol.ltmr fOO KNOW WHAT TOW ARK TAKING When von take Grove's Twteleen Cbll! Ton to. Deeeun w lonauu is piainiv pniueu on ever bottle ehowtne that it Is simnlr Iron and On I Bias tasteless for . No Cure. Ne Pay. ooe. Give Up. A Do you know of anything to do for seasickness T B Give up. "That's just what I did when was seasick." A Suburbanite,; .;" Mr. Isolate (of Lonelyville, on evening train, embarrassed) You may notice that nearly every suburb-1 Water Drinkers. Lady Bridget, did you give the gold nan Jresh water today T Briduet Uolv St. Patrick! Have anite is bringing out, either a uew the cratures drank up the whole cook or waitress with him? . bowl of rather Oi cave thim yester- air. Brooklyn isorough (his guest,! day? Cook's personally conducted excur sion. -Heredity. Irate Parent I -' begin to see thai I've got a fool for a son! Philosophical Offspring Ah, my dear dad, what a wonderful , thing is heredity. HOWS TlllSt We ofer One Hundred Dot Ian Reward for any ea ot Catarrh that tea not be euiad by Hall's Catarrh Caiv. f-1-CEKET A CO, Props.. Toledo, O. We the underSieBed.BkV knntfrn f J f!hnn Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal lible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. oaukkl. Ocean Grove, N. i., Feb 17. .' f Each ia Its Place. Hiihe Pa, is there any difference between a violin and a fiddle? Pa Yes, my son ; If you hear it at a concert or an opera it's a violiu, but when your next door neighbor piaya it, it a a nuciie. Her Handwriting. Brown Hullo; what's the matter? Green 0, I'm in an awful Ax. I r tuepail IS yeare. and believe him perfectly .,j ' r , . ". hem-ait taalllHuiB euaonetionamt to-1 proposed to Miss Gray and have just hC t T.i . oui any o igauoas mane got ner answer. WaerATKrix . Whoieaalo Drutirfets, Toledo. 1. - WiLBiiw, Kmh Masvui, noleMJeDrur-lau, Toledo O. Ean'sOatan Curate t-aen.n--wUr.M'lal riree.lyoatbe blood and m.eoua surfaces 2 tbeiyjtcDi. Pri e 7Sc per bo' lie. iiA by ai drug lit. Twtt-onLj lw. alia Family Jfu r- tav - beet. Drawing Card. 1 "My dear," said Bev. Dr. Gallory, "have you had the advertisement of my bunday services inserted as usual." "I've done better than that," re plied bis clever wife. "I've sent word to the society editors that Mr. and Airs. J. Blugore 1 Vorse will very probably be present." An Enchanting Picture Mr. Harlemflat That must be an affectionate passage in that novel you are reading. : Mrs. Harlemflat It's a description of a woman's boudoir. Think of a place large enough to have a boudoir! ?nm thm CoMfift wrf WorkM OH thittiS. laxatlva Bromotulnine TableU cure a cold la kaaday. Ko cure, h'o Pay. Prior 26 eeata Encore. "What do you think of that whis ky?" asked the host. W ell, said the guest, smacking his lips as he sat down his' glass, "it reminds me of a good story. " "Let's have it." ' "Oh, you misunderstand me. I merley wish to imply that it's worth repeating." Brown And she's refused you? Green I don't know. I can't read her writing. Thia Boat Prescription for Malaria tills and Fe Sblll Tonic jjniiie ana rever is a twtue of Grove's Tasteless tuui iuwc itiBBimpiy iron and quinine ia a tasteless lorm. No Core, No Pay. Price 50c. Not Hungry, But. Young Bride Why, Charlie, you do not seem to be eating anything this morning. And I got up early to make these biscuits for you., Charles "o, dear; I don't feel at all hungry this morning, to tell the truth. Your biscuits are very nice indeed. By the way, I wonder if there are any of those dog biscuit left that I bought for Nero Friday. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing; Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during '.be teething period. Danger Signs. Dusty Dan I hopes I won't run aginst ennybuddy in dis town wot'll make me take a bath. Layaround Lucas Let's go t'roo dis alley, den ; look at dem guys sprinklin' wid hose down de street. Kaaaleyt by the Lara-e Department More ! Maw Iork. A Unliju calling has developed Itself in this city. It may be called that of the business doctor. The business doc tor Is a man who goes to busluuss house and is allowed to examine thor oughly the wliola working of the "intt- chlne.' Ha finds out. for example, bow the letters are) opened and distributed, bow orders ara executed, how inauy people are employed, what Is tha exact oatur of tha work thoy do, what are th wages they are recelvlug, and so on. In tha case of a larae concern he may need a week to get a full posses sion of the facts, and bo charges at least 900 a day for bis work. When he has completed bis investigations he draws up a report, and adds to It number of practical suggestions. Ills object Is to prevent waste, and espe cially to check the constant tendency In working expenses to rise year by year without any compenaatiug advan tages. Oue of the largest department stores In the city employed the services of a "doctor" recently. Ho found that the partners came down about 10 and opened the letters together. As their correspondence was enormous, the opening of the letters necessitated waste of much valuable time. He therefore advised that a woman who was to be paid a salary of f l.ouo a year should be engaged to open the letters before the partners arrived, and sort them, allotting each partner his own letters, so that when he came down to business he might deal with them I in mediately. This recommendation was adopted, and has been found to save a great deal of precious time, as was In tended. He also advised the rearrange ment of the duties of the assistants. Some were receiving too much, others to little. New York Evening Post Doesn't Boast of It New. Nell She used to boast Jthat she was one of the charter members of the Woman's Suffrage Club. She doesn't appear to be so proud of it now. Belle Oh ! she's just as proud, but you know, the club was organized 15 years ago, and she must have been at least 20 when she joined. TO sTCBH A COLD IH 05C DAT Take Iaxatlre Brome Oninlne Tablets. All ! Initiate refund the money it It fails to cure. B. w. Grove's eisnatore u on eacn box. 3m. A Shrewd Fellow. Swiggera That man Kiiltime is a shrewd fellow. Swaggers Why? Swiggers He gave a lawn mowing party yesterday and had the guests cut the grass. ' 1 The Reason. He It's strange you members of the Vassar alumni don't hold class reunions. She Not at all. You may as well ask a woman her age as to ask her what year she graduated. sior; Healing ores With rich, pare, strong Noool one is never troubled with sores or ulcers. A cut or any injury to the flesh, heals ia a few days. nature supplying.' me neaiing yZ f F" f fy balsa In the form of healthy, sew blood; but when tb A I I Si f i circulation is tainted with poisonous germs, humors or any ag j-eiiB eneta matter, a slight scratch or abrasion of the skis becomes a festering sore, tiny pimples grow to be boils, swollen joists and iaflatoed glands often break out into offensive, slow healing sores. A polluted blood is always a menace to health ; not only does it keep the kin in a chronic state of inflammation, but every organ and fibre of the body uffera front an impure and sluggish circulation. You never feel well, yon an not and never can be well until the system is relieved of its terrible load of impuri tis. With the blood so contaminated, so deeply poisoned, ulcers, boils and ores of every kind are apt to become chronic and often develop into Cancer. fiftrmm t. rl wl.i, a WA a DHime emmee wiin m wvwvn morm eer ua from the ttnaw to tha foot waa one solid aero, which waa very offenalva. I spent over $1,000 oa two tripe to Hot Bprlnife, and local physi cians treated me to no surpoaa, I had about decided to have my leg amputated, when a. friend induced to to try 0. 0. 8. I began to take your medicine, and ia the short epaea of area months it baa completely and thoroughly cured aw. Ky let- is a witness today as to what 0. 0. 0. will do when taken regularly. The sore baa healed entirely and bit haaltn. haa Imnromd wonderfully. J have already rained DO peandav Boa MB. Winona, Mias. the bones, and are such a tax ttpon the system that it is hard for the patient to ,wki,k, uu aiuipic maiauy oiuen provee ratal. Nothing so quickly or surely restores lost strength and vitality to the' blood as R 8. S. It is an antidote for the severest forms of Blood Poison, as well as tho irritating humors that cause the eruptions and sores that sap your very life and so rreatly disfigure yon. 8. 8. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood puri fier. It contains no mercury, potash, arsenic or other hurtful drug. It cleanses the blood and purifies the circulation, thus ridding the system of the impurities that keep the sores feverish and painful. At the same time your general health; improves under the tonic effects of S. S. S., and the skin becomes soft, smooth aad healthy. If von are troubled with boils, carbuncles, sores or eruptions of any sort, write onr physicians all about your case; don't risk your own judgment when you can get medical advice from experienced doctors free. Book on Blood nd Skia Diseases to all who desire it. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA, often caused by poverty of the blood and a weak and slew circulation, brought on by lonr continued sickness, tnslarial poisoning, torpid liver, the use of mercury, or whatever is calculated to de stroy the vitality of the blood and break down the constitu tion. These old chronic sores lost sometimes for years, eat ing into the flesh, muscles. tissues, and even down into Pony and Rattleaoaku. A California farmer, who has three small children, owns a pony which Is their constant companion. They have ridden him, rolled over him, fed him, and bare come to consider him as one of the family. When the children went on an expedition and did not want to ride, the pony went along as If he bad been a pet dog. A San Francisco news paper tells the following story of the pony s presence of mind: . One day the three chlklmn went on rAitUng expedition, and while they gathered the nuts, the pony grazed near by. 8nddenly, almost beneath the feet of the nut gatherers, there was an om inous whir, and they saw with horror huge rattlesnake colled ready to strike. Tha children huddled together, too much frightened to move, but ss the deadly head went back, there was s quick trample of hoofs, a rush through the bushes, and the pony appeared. .N With his four little sharp hoofs brought together he shot up Into the air. landed squarely on the snake's coll, and was off again before the wicked head could strike. The interruption had released the frightened children from the charm, and they ran a short distance away, and stopped to witness the contest The rattler was wounded, but full of tight and coiled again, and sgain the pony landed on blm snd got sway safely, This time the snake's body was nearly severed In two places, and the snake was conquered. The pony walked round it, and, apparently satisfied, gave cheerful wbtnny and returned to his grazing. Bad Fast with the Parson. A clerical friend of mine told me capital story of s Yale man who was the stroke oar of bis crew and tlie t-liief athlete on the football field. He entered the ministry and spent years in missionary labor In the Far West. Walking one day through frontier town, a cowboy stepped up to him and said: Tarson. yon don't have enough fun. Take a drink 1" The minister declined. "WeU," be said, "parson, you must have some fun. Here's a faro layout Take a hand in the game." The minister declined. "Parson," said the cowboy, "you'll die If you don't have some fun." And be knocked the parson's bat off his bead and hlf blm a wback on the ear. The old athletic spirit rose; the science which bad been learned In the 1 college gymnasium and forgotten for s quarter of a century was aroused, blow landed on the jaw of that cow boy that sent blm sprawling In the street The parson walked over him as If he had been a door rug, picked blm up and dusted the side of tho house with blm and then mopped op the sidewalk with bis form. As the ambulance Was carrying the cowboy off he raised bis bead feebly and said: "Parson, what did you fool me for? Yon are chock full of fun." New York Times. YahnaOnm Tmllm Ho tv Lytttm Plnkham'm Vmomtam mm QomiHNmd Cured Hwm , i ' 1 Eapplneaa will go out of your Ufa forever, my sister, if you have any oi tne symptoms mentioned in Aire. valentines letter, unless you act promptly. Procure Lydla B. Pink ham's eze table Compound at ones, It ia Absolutely sura to help you. Then write for advice if there is anything aoout your eaas you ua not under stand. You need not be afraid to tell the things you could sot explain to the doctor your letter will be aeon only by women. All the persona who aco priv ate letters at Mrs, mnkhara s Labora tory, at Lynn, Mass., are women. All letters are confidential and advloe abso lutely free. Hera ia the letter! "It U with pleasure that I add my testimony to your tut, nop ng it may in duce others to avail them selves of tha benefit of your valuable rem tdy. Before taking Lydla B. Pinkham'a Vetetabls Compound I felt very bad ly, waa terribly nervous, aad tired, had sick headaches, no appetite. gnawing pain in stomach, pain In my back and right side, and so weak I mm iMRSWPVALt:NTIN could scarcely stand. I waa not able to do anything. Bad sharp pains all urougn my oociy. Before 1 had taken half a bottle of your medicine. I found myself improving. I continued ita ose until I had taken four bottles, and felt so well that I did not need to take any mora. I am like a new person, snd your medicine shall always have my praise. " Mas. W. p. VaxaxTuia, M Ferry Avenue, Camden, N.J. Waiting for His Man. A preacher riding down ""a ravine came upon an old mountaineer hid ing in the bushes with his rifle. ntiat are you doing there, my inenur-" "Bide on, stranger," was the easy answer. "I'm a-wattin' for Bill Johnson, and, with the help of the lAwa, I'm goin' to blow his damn head off." A Dream Dispelled. The woman was standing In the door way, shading her eyes with ber band. Bbe called across the garden: "You, Innocence Williams. Come In, honey, outen that hot snn. You'll burn yer little cheeks as brown ez a berry. Come In. Innocence!" One would have expected to see a fairy-like creature rise, as from the heart of a flower, and drift dreamily over the violet beds. But Instead, n gaunt, tali figure, with face browned and bonneted, shambled toward the house, dragging a dead rattlesnake by its rattles. It was Innocence Williams. "Thar, mammy!" she explained, tossing the snake over the palings. "That makes ten I've kilt sence the fust o' June!" Atlanta Constitution. The Bright Hide. "It Is said that lobsters will be ex tinct In 25 years," remarked inland. Oh, well," replied Malket, who Is very fond of lobster, "let us not worry about It Let us look on the bright side. We may all die before that time." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Half Named John. There are 14,000,000 Smiths In the world, according to a statistician. About half of them are of t-tie feminine persuasion, and most of the other half are named John. A Sarcastlo Lawyer. The late Henry W. Payne, of the Massachusetts bar, was once defend ing a charity case, la which a boy of 13 j was charged with arson. He msde a! strong case to prove the defendant an idiot After a charge from the Judge, which was practically an order for ac quittal, the Jury brought In a verdict of 'guilty. The Judge asked Payne If he would move for a new trial. "I thank you for your suggestion," was the an swer, "bnt I am oppressed with the 'gravest doubts whether I have the right to move for a new trial. Your honor, I have already asked for and received for my Idiot client the most precious heritage of our English and American common law-a trial by a Jury of his peers." Payne had an old quarrel with the! Supreme Court ami never lost an op portunity of showing his contempt for that body. Once, riding rrom Boston to Cambridge with a load of law books, he was accosted by a young Harvard man with the remark: "You have quite a load, Mr. Payne. Law books, I suppose?" "Ob, no." was the answer. "only Supreme Court reports." New York Tribune. The Poor City Roy. Oh, the city boy is bundled Ia his heavy overcost. With his costly leather iecglnga. With a silk thing round his throat. And he slides opou the sidewalk Where the ssbes have been spread. And imsglnes he is bspyy On his bright - sew , sled There's a bill that's high snd sloping. la the country, fir awsy. Where a boy who wasn't bnndled Fit to smother used to stray; With the swiftness of the lightning Down the gleaming bill be sped, Aad no aahea ever grater Neath bis home ade slew Oh, I pity tit poor city Boy who never gets beyond The nsrrow, ashy sidewalk Or some hampered little pond. Ah, the bill was high aad sloping. And the wsy wss clear ahead Where a country boy went coasting Oa a . , " home made 'd- First of tha Tanderbllts. The first of the VanderbMs in this country was Jaa Aertsen Van dey Bilt, a Holland farmer, who came to the new world in the first half of the seven- teetrttt century, and who settled In the neighborhood of Brooklyn, about 1650. As the name Indicates,7 tho family be longed origtaally to either the village of BUt, a suburb of Utrecht, or tho par- ishof Bllt in Frista. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. urtt as aav a. ' MUJTARY t .""a? A Private School For bosrillne snd day pspllj, nw Building, itie prlneln.l I lie bu bed twonty-three yeert" eiperience in forHmn. Cut renfmndence solicited, for catalogues sddreie J. W. If ILL, H. D r.O. drawer 17, Portland, Or. ( ixHiffh f up. Tumm Good. ' In tlrn. Hoirl br dnj(Tfr)ata, ainVinanat-MMa- iltt .-i tthi.lttfctlMB "OP-RATIVt WORDS" N LAW. What They Ideas la Lea-el aad et . aeaa Traaaaaliaas, . "Operative words," said a member of the District bar, "ars of ths utmost lm- nnrranca In lefal documents and In business affairs. ' "Probably tha most seriously Import ant operative word In human affairs is composed of but three letters, and it appears In print thus: 'Yes.' wuen she says 'yes' to a man It means that she transfers her heart and hand, snd formerly all or her property, to him who asks bar to be, etc. This little word establishes ths most Important contract of society, and, whlla this con tract may afterward ba dissolved by mutual consent, If one of ths contract lug parties demurs and backs out a suit for damages Is open to ths other. "In auction sales tho property put up Is anybody's until ths auctioneer says gone' or 'sold and ths hammer drops. No matter how ths sals Is regretted, or bow much the parties would like to re tract it. It stands and ths court will sustain It. "la a will they ars 'give, devise and bequeath.' Rsal property Is 'devised' and personal property 'bequeathed.' "la a not the borrower must 'prom ise' to pay, and la a bond bs must 'bind' himself. In some States la a deed certain words ara necessary to convey real es tate. Ths courts have held generally, however, that the word 'grant will car ry a good title. Ia New York, for In stance, tha operative words constitute quite a formula, and ara 'grant' bar gain, sell, assign, transfer, set over snd convey.' That's the old form. Now ths words 'grant snd release' ara suffi cient In a lease tbs word 1st must ba used. Tbey have aa odd formula In New York, used for centuries, proba bly, consisting of 'grant' demise and to farm let' and It applies to all kinds of property. In a quitclaim deed the word 'quitclaim' must ba used. Washington Bias r RMWiiirKYWsuppIif MitcMdi t.meriw,mii-ii' aMtseMlMeMbnlM, umi ateieriai. jwmpre- poriioa. lloal niiina. l,HMi ruiininir. Hwiwiy M Mit 1) lur am., Portland, Or, r-rV oiwrlouue. rAVKH (Jit.. ill I V Ensilage Cutter. "nd tor elreailr Mltehell, U.J "orUeiiil, () - JOHN POOLE, PorthdTon elef Merrisea Street, Can give you ths best brMn, i. Ktiggles, I'lows, lioli,r, J' ' l VVi,lmlll. and ,P,, . Machinery, beaut betors buying?' EsA f 1 Prussian uzrzr,r-in tics 1 Kiuxn yon. rrl, tioeaarf iuiuiiii Itatiii hi .. 4....- "" UnMlleman 1 mm p hromlo, of riti'iwiAff r I !U,t.iliH in I wii.u -. 1-urUauo. u" tislit. Tliw ke MVinl lu.i ll,t .,., "t . t ii yopij.llrli(l.. U M w(llil uf BJutlklhini wH-oii kn. .k Hfk ('"Bk SfWsa flfcni A 0 P 7 and 8 Hrst Street, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, 0k IIWI. ,. All Kinds Carried in Stock. Catslogua Purntji4 Upon Applkstloa, A Gtneroui Admlwlea. "You're a little late, my love." "A little lata, ut I'm all right." "Yea my dear. Let ma hear you pronoiinco tlio tmnie f the Whitney noma (hat won the Derby." "Eht The Whitney horse? Well, I gtioss that's a horse on me." "Never mind my dear. I can't pronounce it myself." Summtr Retolutlon ftiY ilccioy Curo Sure relikf ham llaone, eeln aad aeui eadle kMiieolafsb) Isetltstt, wi"-s ft, fa H, V. e. Ss-isst, w HttH wrtttng t . 1 'il.'in , l i .ili,iiii mil nil i,n ,.,-, - - w . . ... - if, iLJ XWgetaUe PrtparaUonforAa almilatmg ftvcFoodarKllcfula-UrrteStuuwchsardii i(iimirw- rromolca Dis;c3llon.Cls?erfur- ness and itesuontains neither Ihntun.Morphute iwrliucxaL ox Narcotic. xht tfoua-siNixLttrom yiliin'i'ieW WinJM- (W.lklf aasHaeaaB jnaaaBBBW ser" saw snsjf Apcrfecl Remedy for Cons llrvi Tlon . Sour StoruKh,Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsk)U3.f'c vensh neaa and Lobs or Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. i-JL- Tb Kind Yon Have Always BoagM, and wMch baa bem in tu xor OTer so yoara, baa borne) tho alirnaturt) of ' ' and tuta boon nuule under Ms per. Tf-yf., aortal itipervMort glnco Ita InfUncy. CCA44 AUnvrnn rnn todjwlr vnn In id la- All Counterfelta, Imitations aod M Jtist-as-grood" aro but xprljitenta that trills with and endautffer the bculth of I fltata and Ckildren--Exirlcjce) aiptliuit lliporliuctit. What Is CASTORIA Oastorla la a bArtnlaa anbatltoto for Caator OU, Par Boric, Drop and 8ootb!uir Syrup. It is Ileaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) gtor other Karcotio aubsUnco, 'Its age la ita guarantee. It destroys Woraa , atnd AlLaya Fereriabneaa. It carea PiarrhdDi aud Wind Colic It roliovca Teething- Troubles, cttrea Cooatlpotlua and Flatulency. It aaalmllatoa tho Food, reulateM the Stomach and Bowels, Mng healthy and natural sleep, Th Chiidrea'a Iaaocea Tho Wotlier'a i'rload. CEflUiriB CASTORIA ALVMYO Hoars the Eignatoro of JO tXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. The Kind You Eavo Always Bought In Usa For Over 30 Years. You can alvays smell a"deaJ one." Ne has a costive-looking face His breath knocks you down. He drags his feet. Listeners to his talk turn their heads the other way. His breath poisons God's pure air. He ntitfM its IWn r!an insidci -that means sweet breath, quick brain, swift movinff feet You can't feel well and act well with your bowels clothed, sending poison all through your body. Clean them out gently but thoroughly and keep them clean with CASCARETS Undy Cathartic, and you will find that alf bowel and liver ills and the ncsty symptoms that go with them are quickly and permanently LIVER .TONIC' ': ."' r - ii I. w-b w , I0c 25c 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS NEVER SOLD IN BULK- 2zZf-l-m .'. heaaaehe f kloet.4 b.w.1., foul - ------wii ana -J.i.Vi!"" art vmm w WW m WnwJ r, ana r.raae. wTf.T..-'"r tar vou ; an mi time antll er mm mtZZiZIZ'S." wm aa eaaaa-a GUARANTEED fM Mil Aft K't k..l..l ii.r..S " trial, a. pwr .laift. lrl.,," " '.Jte. fc n ik. h.. t. kr 'l. -- fr t'ii, kik fmm unliMil It, mm . y.r pejf rZlrttw- "..ufc win .ai. kir ri.w ... rV"' Jlk.lwli. -si sisuwiM imimtn cu., Saw toaa es tatu