The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 16, 1901, Image 4

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    Salt. Rheum
You may call It ecsema, totter or milk
Hut no mutter what yon call It, thli akin
disease which cornea to paU'liea Chat burn,
Iwh, atsrtiaraa a watery matur. dry and
scale, oin Ha eilatence to to presence of
Burner in toe system.
It will continue to exist, annoy, and per-
naps agonise, aa lung aa tneaa buiuora
It la always radically and permanently
curea oy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which expels all humors, and ta positively
luiwiuauva for au cutaneous eruptions.
A Satisfactory Seer.
iou never eoem to give even a
thought of your ancestors."
"Oh, yea, I do; I often rejoice that,
within publio recollection, none ol
them ever got hanged."
Ma aifaatara la on every baa ef the sanata
Laxative Dronio-viumne
ta raasedy tbal seam axilla
To Much Criticism.
"I hear your husband ia ill, Mrs.
"Nothing serious or critical, I
'Critical? I should say he were,
He ain't satisfied with nothin" he
Mis Impression.
. "Mandr " said Farmer Corntossel,
"I guess it would lie just aa well not
to say so much about home cookin'
when you are talkin' up your summer
"Why not!"
"'Cause some of these fellers act.
to me, like that was what they was
irym to get away Irom."
trire hna. Care. Ra t ae union.
(110 altar B.-et lT'neif IV Klies'ir.nelNarn
SfMUflit. BaaOtarFKBK WSaotrWIlKitlMianillraaS.
in. Pa.B.M.aMa.U4KM Areliat.f"-1f'
Simple Whta Ye Knew.
"I was up in the mill district today.
Frightfully noisy up there."
"That's right. I've got a friend
who lives up there. He can't hear
himself talk in his house."
"My I Boiler shop next door?"
"So, He's deaf and dumb."
His 0S Commission.
"Does your art in t friend have many
commissions? '
"I believe he liad one last year.
His father-in-law asked him to paint
the barn."
Successful Mind Rudlnj.
".Reynolds, " said the oldest mem
ber of the firm, "how do you spell
'which?' "
"W-h-i-o-h," responded the other.
"That's what I thought," rejoined
the older member, covertly scratch
ing: "t" out -of the word he had
till Mar Cunaterreltlas;.
Tha Secret Service lis nnMrih.) anntlia
band nf counterfeiter and secured a lam
quantitr of bogus bills, which arc so clever
ly eieoiite.1 that the avers re person would
never BIIKliect thrill nl twiu jtmirinti
Tbittirs of yreat value are always selected
tor imitation, notably Hosteller' Stomach
Bitters, which has niativ imitators but tin
equals fur dixters like Indigestion, dva-
petwta. constipation, nervousness and gen
eral debility. Alwavl i In mli.hl ,li-n
gist who have tha' reputation of giviuf
jvw. aaa iur. .
Nectsinlts Com first la Texas.
On account of a scarcity of bricks
in a Texas town the conereitation of
the local church allowed their new
edifice to remain unfinished while a
saloon waa being erected.
tttum rrVw PaaaSj mitt
Wavraw Oft ffca- WdL
Laxative Bromo-lu!n(ne Tsbi.-u rnra a cold la
easy, .no cure, no rajr. rnce o cents.
A Straight Tip.
Gentleman (caressing a pretty lit
tle uirl) You little beautv! You
shall he my wife when yon are grown
up. Will you?
yo, I don't want to get married.
but aunty there would like to. "
I do not heliev PIo' Cure for Con-
sumption baa an equal for nitidis and
rolils, Jobs V. Bor, Trinity (-print.
lud., Feb. 15. 1900.
No Disappointntid.
"Isn't your new house taking long,
er to build than you expected?"
Oh, no, I've only spent twice as
much on it, so far, as I anticipated."
aware ef Olataeaata tow Catarrh That
Ceaaaia sfevaury,
aa wereary will rarely destroy the aense of
enell and completely derange tha whole it.
tesa when entering it tbrouf h the mucous sur
faces. Boch articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, ss thedamsge tbey will do Is test (old to
the good ton can possibly dartre irom them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manofactnred by V. 1.
t timer A Co., Toledo, O. , contains no mercury,
and is ukea Internally, acting directly upon
tha blood and mneoos surfaces ol the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sura yoo get
the genuine. It Is taken interaslly. and made
In Toledo. Ohio, by 1. 1. Cheney i Co. TesuV
soon i sis free.
, bold by Druggists, price Tie. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills ara tha ban.
: Disproved.
"He can't be a good business man.
Why, he is a college professor."
"But he has married the daughter
of a millionaire."
Pre: red Then at Rest
"You want the pockets to run up
and down, I suppose, said the tailor,
So, sir," the irritable customer
replied. "I prefer stationary pock'
eta. You may make the slits perpen
dicular, However.
. Eminence.
She married a poet, didn't she?
And is he successful?"
"Oh, yes, remarkably so. Why,
is name is a tKiiisehokl word on two
continents, ami last year his income
as nearly $300.
Mr. B's Supposition.
Since Spiffing lost his teeth he
can't speak distinctly nor eat proper
iooo, remarKea Mr. Bloomlield.
' "I suppose he has begun, to live on
gum drops and apeak gum Arabic,"
added Mr. Pellcfield.
They Are ladaetrleaa, 'Werktasj Hard
for Utile ray-Laok Toela for Col
tivnting the Laad Folloa tha City
aad their CharacterUtioa,
The subjoined extracts from a pri
vate letter from Oeorse L. Deforest of
this city, who 1 a member of Company
B la the Ninth Ileal ment, will be read
with Interest:
'So you would like to peck in tula
sacred city and sue what my surround
ings are? 1 thluk lu oue of my former
letter I gave a short description of the
city of l'ekln, and perhaps a little gos
sip lu regard to the people who Inhabit
It may be acceptable. In the Brat place,
the rich t'hluks' wear costly silks,
while the poor ones are glad to wear
cotton. Numerically In this city the
proportion of rich to poor la about oue
lu a thousand, so you can see that cot
tou la king so fur as the poor are con
cerned, and I am told that, although
the aoll la very productive, there la
hardly enough cotton raised to supply
the demand. This la due, In great
measure, to the lack of tools In culti
vating it aud poorer machinery for cur-
Ins when harvested, as everything here
is done by hand.
The Chinese are the most Industri
ous people I ever saw, especially the
women. These latter are never Idle.
They are great gossips, but do not neg
lect tbnlr work on that account, and It
la a common thing to see them chat
ting In the narrow alleyway between
their houses, but always at , work.
either turning their reels or stitching
ber at o'clock each morning. He I
not paiuiltted to toss hi bedclothes
aside a happen to suit hi fancy, but
must roll back the bed cover In a cer
tain way, placing the pillow on top, and
he In readineaa for the luapectlug ca
det to charge.
At 0:3S be rails In rank with his com
pany for niorulng Inspection, at which
hi clothe must be thoroughly brush
ed, shoe well blacked aud hi general
appearance neat Any neglect In this
respect Is Immediately reported, when
he soon And himself en the "pap," re
ceiving a number of demerits accord
ing to the gravity of the offeuae.
At 7:15 the "middle" march out of
the great mess hall aud repair to their
room to put them In perfect order for
the dally Inspection of cadet quarters.
When cadet 1 111 h may report to
the surgeon at sick quarter lu answer
to sick call, which 1 sounded on the
bugle at T.13 In the morning and T
o'clock In the evening.
The bugle sound the first call to reci
tation at S o'clock, when the cadets are
mustered m section and marched In
prescribed order to the various reclta
tlon rooms. All during the day these
section or squads may he seen march
ing through the extensive grounds of
the academy to and from the various
buildings of Instruction
When tlie faithful bugler sounds gen
eral recall at 12:15 all cadets marching
by section return to main quarters.
where they are allowed fifteen minute
to prepare for dinner. At dinner for
mation the drill for the afternoon are
published, with any other orders re
quiring the attention of the battalion
Finishing with these and the necessary
alignment "the middle" are marched
by companies Into the mesa hall. There
they are allowed forty minute for dl
ner, when, at the Up of the bell, Ibey
must rise and march out
At precisely 8:83 "tattoo" rings out
shoe soles, which And a ready sale, for
a Chinaman who went barefoot would 1 clear and distinct over the campus and
oe uteny disgraced, wny, even the ten tne Urea "middy" to get ready for
beggar here wear shoes, although the
rent of their apparel may he ever so
"Auorher thing worthy of mention la
the fact that nothing I wasted in this
land of the 'Chinks.' . Grass and all
kinds of roots are pulled up, washed
and dried, and used for fuel. Scraps of
paper and cloth are pasted together to
make the Insole of shoes, and bits of
wood are glued together to build up
either post or a board. The woman
spinner and straw plater earn 2 cents
a day. This may seem small pay, but
not so when I tell you that 1 am In
formed that f3 a year will clothe a
Chinaman and hi wife. 8uch a thing
as underwear I not known by them,
neither Is garment ever fitted, and a
Utlca dressmaker would starve to
death here. The only measures that
wen taiK about going are taken are from the hip to the
as going without irround. Faahlona never change Tako
have a house and two or three ranta nt m.tnrl.l saw It
fence around together, run a tana thrnnirh tha ton
Ne Maa Can Conveniently Go Without Either
of These Necessities.
You may aa
without eating
fences. If yoo
home you must have a
it. If you have a farm you must ami haul it ith. i... ...
i. i t. - . . " - J""
'""' uuunuMim uv icnces, ana ! drees mart
Por Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yoo Kara Always BcsgM
Bears the
The literal Mind
"Tommy, how many wars has
United States been engagedi n?"
"Five, sir."
"Enumerate them."
"One, two, three, four, five."
Why a Play b like Clear.
Henry JT. Byron, one of the
tiest of English playwrights
ot a
score of years ago, remarked on one
occasion :
"A play is like a cigar. ' If it's
good, everybody wants a box. If it's
bad, all the puffing in the world
won't make it go."
also shut in the stock with fences.
A lence is in many ways as import
ant as a man s house. Asacomniun
ity grows the subject of fences assumes
more and more prominence.
The success of the "Anchor" fence
in the United States has been phe
nomenal for the chief reason that it
combines economy, strength and
beauty in a way that instantly ap
peals to everybody, in the aateru
states , where it has been ' known lon
ger, the factories making it are
pressed to full capacity. In this
state, where it ia comparatively new,
its widespread adoption seems to be
only a question of Vie agents getting
around and showing their wares to
tne people.
There is ample reason for all the
talk going on about the "anchor"
"The "Chinks' are very economical.
and I guess you will think that ther
have need to be when I tell yon that
the unskilled laborer are onlv rut Id
upon an average of 7 cent a day. Ma
sons, carpenters and stonemasons are
the king-pins here in labor circles, re
ceiving the munificent sum of 25 to So
cents a day. The work day here bo
gins at sunrise and lasts until dark.
but notwithstanding all this the labor
ers seem contented and happy.
'So much In regard to tbe people, ami
now perhaps a few words In regard to
the officials of the city, particularly tbe
policemen, may Interest you. In tbe
first place, a Chinese policeman Is a
wonderful creation; in fact, a cross be
tween circus clown and a football
player. HI breeches are always bazKy
fence, as it is solving the great fence ud heavily wadded; In fact so clumsy
problem satisfactorily. It is not only
well adapted to ornamental 'vork,
but it is the biggest kind of a blessing
to stock raisers ana ranenmen gener
ally. It is made of heavy wire and
the joints are held rivet-tight by the
patent "anchor" clamps. It does
not cost aa much as tbe old-fashioned
fences, yet it lasts practically forever.
It is worth anyone's while to write
to the manufacturers, The Portland
Anchor Fence Co., 742, Nicolai Street,
Portland, Oregon, for catalogue and
pictures explaining their wonderful
Alas for Aspirations!
uid uentieamn do you tiunk my
daughter loves you, sir, and you wish
to marry ncrT
Dudeleigh That's what I called to
see you about. Is there any insanity
in your farailyT
So sir: and there not going to
that you wonder bow In tbe world be
ever get around In them. He also
wears a coat which la thick and clumsy
and comes well below the knee. Dark
blue is the general color, which Is set
off with facings and band of llcht
blue, red, green, maroon and brown,
bot no yellow Is ever used, for that Is
tbe sacred royal color, and no one hut
those of high rank are allowed to wear
It Policemen are thicker than huck
leberries In this city of Pekin, there
being, it I said, between 15.0U0 and
20.000 of them within the walled city.
"This walled city I two mile square
and has two great gates In each wall
base, about half a mile from 'the cor
ners, and a mile from each other. The
streets are broad and stretch straight
from one to the other, making the
space Inside Into a big nine-block. The
police stations are scattered all along
the nine squares. The bead of tbe
bed. In Ave minute he Is fust about
I crawling under the covers, and as soon
s tbe last resounding note of "taps'
oaa uerowe inanuiuie toe Hgut are
turned out by a (witch key In the of
fice ana the future admiral doses off In
to slumberland, to dream of tbe day
to come and the glories of the nary.
Price of Tickets Is Oeveraad by tha
Tlas lswasael oa Joameys,
Denmark was absolutely tbe pioneer
In cheap railway fare. Tbe fare were
reduced all around, so that tbe longer
the distance the greater tbe reduction,
but at the same time the return ticket
system was abolished for Journey
within Denmark,
One of the greatest boons to business
men and holiday-makers Is the so-called
fortnightly ticket For third class It
cost ' 3d and for second class 1 lfo
Od. Such a ticket entitles tbe bolder to
travel all over Denmark for a term
of 14 days, lie can go wherever he
care to go and as many times over
the same route as he may wish within
tbe time paid for namely, fourteen
days. A holiday-maker may visit every
place of Interest Ju Denmark during
that time and if he finds any pleasure
In traveling from town to town night
and day for the period he cau do so,
lie paya the price of fJ.iO. wllb a de
posit of $1.37 for tbe ticket on which
a photograph of the holder is panted,
aud st the expiration of the 14 days
he returns the ticket aud gets Ihe $1,117
dejKjsIt back.
He can also buy a ticket for a month,
which costs 50 per cent more, anil the
longer the time the greater tbe reduc
tion. While a fortnightly ticket coats
5.5)1, a twelve-month ticket costs l.'iO.
If the passenger bad to ay for a
twelve-month ticket at tbe rate of $5.5ti
per fortnight It would cost til in $133.30.
Thus the reduction I over 150 per
If Instead of paying for a fortnightly
ticket a traveler went from Bsbjerg
to Copenhagen and back as often as
he could within 14 days and bought or
dinary tickets for each trip they would
cost him over $. aud this amount
would be doubled In a fortnight If be
went sightseeing from one place to an
other, traveling ail over Denmark In
easy stages.
Season tickets can also be bad for
Journey between two towns. Young
people under tbe age of 18 travel for
half price.-London Express.
A tee la tha Life of Many New fork
era That row Kstialt alts Pleaear.
Th woman who bad arrived grew w
flectlre. "I shall never forget in hail
bedroom, days, 180 In number," ah
tald. "A good deal hat beau written
about th hall bedroom of New York,
hut tin nan ran loll all Us inlaorlo. I
cam to New York fresh from the aiu
! pi space of a country home. 1 took
a ball bedroom because It was the only
room In th bouse I could afford. It
had In It a cot, covered lu day wlih aa
Orleutal' tapestry; a wasbslnud. a
screen, a shelf curtained off with book
beneath for clothes; a looking glass oo
the wall with a little stand beueatb,
two chairs, and a Useful piece ot f urul
tur which was writing desk, buokcas
and dressing case combined. When
my trunk and my typewriter were
added to these treasures I could turn
around with care, by opening tli door
o a ta utilise a part of the ball for the
"My typewriter knocked out ih llttl
Und la on round. Could It have sat
till It would have stood th burden.
But I bad to move th stand whenever
I wanted to dress, or to get at my trunk,
and as I did not remove the typewriter,
but simply dragged the stand around,
the poor thing quickly collapsed. Th
landlady looked severe when 1 told ber.
When I got another stand I carefully
lifted my typewriter off whenever 1
wanted to move tbe stand, which waa
dosen time a day.
"My dresse wer continually falling
from tbe book without th slightest
provocation, and I bad always to move
th screen, and then bring a chair to
land on to hang them up agslu. The
only way I could get any light or air
was to sit by tbe window; aud a my
trunk had a wand there, I bad perforce
to sit on th trunk; and a trunk can be
Improved upon as a place of continuous
repose.' I har sat upon It for hours,
tailor fashion, mending my clothes.
when my very soul loathed tbe needle.
"It was sn acrobatic! feat to dres I
that room tn th morning. I never shall
forget some ef my maddening struggles
to get Into my clothes lu two square
feet of space. For six months I never
knew how my back hair looked, for It
was too dark over by the glass to see.
My destructive iendemle came out
strong, for I pulled down nrst tli cur
tains over my clothes, and then those at
th window, pole and all. I bsd to
keep a good many things In my trunk,
and whenever I wanted to get at thrm
I had to first remove a mas of hooks.
paper and manuscript from the lid, or
else open It and lei them slide down
behind. I had to sit on my trunk to
play my typewriter, because neither of
the chair was high enough."
"And so yon hale the hU bedroom V
"Well, no; I don't know that I do.
That hall bedroom witnessed my first
triumph. I got my first check there:
$20, for a 2,000-word story. When I
opened the envelope and saw that check
I grew faint It was the revulsion after
Ix month ot grim, heartrending deter
mination. Then I Iaugbed and cried
and grew hysterical. Anyone with any
experience could have told me that one
swallow did not make summer, but to
me it was tbe beginning of success.
And o It proved. I hav not lived in
a hall bedroom since."
Tbe woman who had arrived waa si
lent and looked straight ahead of her.
Tben she laughed and rose suddenly.
i wish i could ever be as happy
again as I wss when I got that check."
sbe said. New York Sun.
mil i -r--Hlll JLJ. .ulllrrTMirsjWsrJ,i
iivait nniiHi i.ii""-- :
S?g V Vf KETW ssUigtf I-'.:. W&tfot I Machinery. 8e us hsfor. buylH4
$Sj jwsjtasa-y
ler on i ,
T VII Ilia w. - ,
K.l 1,11 SL
- . .. nnSK
'"'liana, On,
JOHN POOLB. Portland, OtI
. foetal Mantes street
J'?. '00 ",.bM' b-'trlM I.
"" t iows, Hollers .ml if-.,.
Pumps, an.l
Windmill and
Wholesale Boots and Shoe
87 and 80 I'lrst Street, Portland, Oregon.
All Kinds Carried In Stock.
Calakigu, pHrB!au
Upon Applicant
Ltcklnj la Melody.
Jones Van Pounder's latest mualo
is bald stuff.
PmithWby bald?
Join Because it need an "air
TO Clns3 A OI,l IN OMB DAt
Taka tavaatlve Promo Dnlnine Tablet All
tninlsia rxlutid Ihemnner II It lalla lo eura.
W, Urove'a elsnamre Isun each boa, stn.
Gtltlng Back ta fern,
"Ia your ma well again, Kihlie? "
"Well, ytVm, but she ain't quite
up to her old form yet. 1' fought
a draw wid her lent night,"
Mothers will find Mrs. WliuloW' Sooth.
Mr niti tli best rained to aa lor their
illdran during lb teething period.
Alltr th RttilKllUlle.
Dooley Hy, Jtooley, gin in a
punch on th' juw opposite jihwer
yes kicked me.
lloolcy I'hat for.
Dooley I want yea to straighten
out mo face.
Hsiwa th Term,
hy do you
say the
wedding wss patriotic?
Algernon Well, the bride wa red,
the groom wa white and ner father,
who had all the bill to pay, as
St. Mmtmm't Sokmtti fop
ThWy-lliIrd to'. CmmoHm a,,.
Pun, eii1iim.iit, 1..J?"
and mill,... ur..i,.,.!.. . "l ,
Mated valaluf tie.
IllaHOI ItlSITTt, rrllw.
A Private
For fcosntlntana ,,,,,.
lna li fi
new biuinW Ids iiti,
has I...I lii.i.i,!
aaiieri.iim i 'rti,M ' rl
Kuiail.we saiioitae. il
".arett r,r,Uat.0i,
Whea eon tat Orove'e Taatalsse Chill Tools,
bMauia. tke foratuta la plainly nrlniad aa ever
fcotileebowlns ibsi II is simply Iron and Out
aioala a uateiaas lorn. He intra. Me fay. 60c.
Per Olhare,
"It sou tuN funny to liear you talk
lug that way. When we wer at col
lege you didn't believe in eternal
punishment at all,"
"I know, hut I didn t have any
enemies then.
Holll's lineal.
St Mrntn Park. San Mateo Count. Cel.. wltk
its iieaittitul, aiirruiiniltnsL nertect etimste.
esreful .nirrtslon. tiiorousli Instrtirtlnn.
eompteie laliorsuiriM. an4 ayiiinssiaro, esaUr
si anus no its iaimn in tue mini tanks ot
seritHiis tor mis on tne f'atnfla Voasl. Ira U.
Unlit, ra. v., rnncipel.
By Circa asstsacee Over Wklck Me Mad
no Loatrol.
"Too must have played some areat
games of poker lo your day," be ssid to
the drummer who bad been talkin
Doui iuck at cams.
les, I Have," was the reply. "Yea.
sir, I bar bad some great games.' '
now large a bet did you ever make.
may 1 askr'
"One hundred thousand plunks,"
"Tou don't meau It!"
t.t ...i.i , . . .
s veriniiuy oo. I re, sir; I sat In a
game In Denver once and bet $100,000
on my baud and I bsd only oue pair In
it at tnat-"
"ft bat an awful bluff! The other
laid down their hands, did theyr
un, no! oue or them called me. He
had a full bouse and of course I was
"And you-you lost $100,000!"
"1 did. Kor the fraction of a second
a reeling of raininess stole over me.
and things looked wlzxy waxzy, but
then I pulled myself together ami
Pratt Itreaalnant f Mhorsv
Th beet dressing for black leather 1
orange Juice, Take slice or quarter
of an orange and rob It thoroughly all
over the shoe or boot and allow It to
dry. Then brush briskly with soft
brush untlt It shine like a looking
glss. A moat convenient dressing for
tan shoe 1 th Inaid of a banana akin,
This I rubbed well and evenly all over
the shoe, and removing all spot and
dirt a well as giving a fin polish,
which last Is brought out by ur?ig a
flnannel cloth for wiping dry and an
other clean flannel for polishing. A
slice of lemon Is also used ss a tai
leather dressing. Talent leather must
never be blacked or polished with any
thing but an oil. Tbey are the hardest
kind of ahoe to keep In good order. It
I necessary to take clean sponge and
clean thrm from all dirt before apply
ing the oil. It may then be rubbed dry
st one wllb a flannel er other soft
cloth which will not scratch the
finish. Commercial Tribune.
Rspailt. '
lie How do you feci alien I u.1
you at whUtf
SheNot quite so bad u you M
when your friend Jenkins brat yi
poker. .
atoa riassrlatlaa far Halatta
I'blllloalev e stately lna and miaissu
a Wasteless tone. So Cum, Nor.,. , s
Hat Prkk.
"Sue had been married thru timet
laifure she got tier present InisUi-a,
hadn't she." .
"Yea, and lie ia such s patriotic
man she call him her glomus
Piiiffs There it more sin tn CTvi
r ago than in any othet city m tta
face of the earth,
Hntiffa I beg to diffor.
"t defy you to name simtliw iti
more sin in it."
Th Joy ef 11 sots CisssJsj,
Hubby Ah, my dear. m we I
have come home from the office 111
hour earlier than usual !
Wife till, you dear, good man! I
wa just wondering who 1 eouki pi
to take up tluwe carpet !
A Msa ef Ceorat.
She I didn't stippu you had tb
nerve to kl me,
He Oh, ye. I have ent iww
enough to do anything.
Summit RoMlutlon
TUX 1 itccloy Cars
art mllef hota llotMr, eelnra an tsosew
i.MI. Send lot partlsulsrs
itiiit imutun, ;a er
as rs it, .
a. tS-IHIs
WHIN wrltln.
aaauUaat tale
a aerller
enry is a danger
oua medicine
even when administered in very small doses, and
few constitutions can stand it for any lengtn of time.
Potash, produce inflammation of the stomach
and bowels, and a dangerous form of dyspepsia and,
often chronic diarrhoea follow its use,
Now. the doctors will tell tou if won have
Contagion Blood Poison yon must take these mineral for two year or longer;
first, a course of Mercury, and when your teeth get so sensitive and sore that you
can't eat, and the gums have a spongy, unnatural appearance, you are told to stop
and a change to Potash is made. When the atomach rebels you are put on Mercury
again, and so on ad infinitum, ot until the system become so thoroughly saturated
with these poisonous drugs that the most disgusting sores break out on the body,
the bones become diseased, and the muscles and joints are racked with the most
torturing pains. Mercury snd Potash drive the eruptions aad blotches from the
kin, but the virus remain ia the blood and the reappearance of the old symptoms
ana tne occasional sore moutn snow that tbe poison is stiu active, ana you can
ftever hose to comoletelv eradicate it bv this method of treatment.
- , 8. 8. 8. i the only
ws a waa sdvsi swancy-cmo xaars ox ao, or
Urhtoea years ao, I contracted Blood Folsoa In s
bad form, aad am aatlsfled that th rapid prorresa
tow uieatww waa ms.iur wotua soon hat maae xne a
life-Ion Inwalid er ended toy lit. A my aystem
cam nnasr in insuenoe or B. . B., ta
111 Usage ol the Kyee.
Most persons are right or left sighted.
We all use one eye the right or leftIn
preference, when looking through a
glaas or taking aim wllb a gun. If we
do not perceive this ourselves. ocui!s:s
police ha charge of all. the city gates, nd opticians remark It The Ignorance reached down Into my vest Docket ,na
tUn-m ttwtm nln In rv. l.n Plt. 1 nt mn.l nui,!. .... .!.!. . , .... ' 1 ' 1 W1IU
-sub iw ""a auojeci is inns- banded hlra the money, with smile
ncemen never carry any arm, not uwieu oj meir Duymg glasses at the "(Sreat Rentf!" .!i,o,i n.
.. . atlnlr Kilt Ir un ,.nl, I nnrlnliin. aill Ivni,, . I, I- . .. . .... " U(rmc as
-v - nnv,ua, Bsrora, I "i ..w . uvu. i,iu account or any
guns ana cutiasse in rack at tne ta- amerence oetween the eyes. Thus only
tlon, and when a signal gun la fired one of ,n J la helped, while the
make a rush tot the station from other one, being less calledlntoexerclsc,
which tbe sound come and grab the become les and leas useful and loses
first weapon in sight. When on parade " power, a a tool rust when not In
Yet both our eye are needed to
piotoha and pimples rsdually disappeared and soon
aa wvidano of th disease wa loft. I am now thlrty
ata years old, and have ims bo tea of It dnrln
tlsa past elahteen, years. 0. 8. S. doea all you claim
for It. f WM. XltZB.SOK; Feraly, Ko.
antidote for this de
structive virus, and aa
infallible remedy for
this peculiar poison. It
destroys and eradicate
every particle of the
poison, and make the
blood, a healthy and
pure as before the dis
ease waa ron tract! .
8. 8. S. Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, end we offer $r,ooo
for proof that it contains soy mineral ingredient whatever. The general health
improve a the Specific purge the system of impurities, and aa new, rich blood
begin to flow in the vein the unsightly sores and other evidence of blood poison
disappear ; strength returns snd you are forever rid of this loathsome disease.
Our Home Treatment Book on Contagious Blood Poison tell you all about th
aymptomj, different stages, etc., of this disease. We will mail you a copy free.
If you need advice or special directions, write our physicians ; it will coat Tow
nothing aad may hastea your cure. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA.
or when tbey have a review, which Is
quite often, I the only time tbey are
armed, especially if they expect any
foreign devil to be present The
weapon are funny looking, particular
ly a savage looking three-hooked spear,
which make a terrible, Jagged wound.
'Beside tbe 20.000 policemen within
the wall, I am informed that Pekln
maintains-144,000 mor . to regulate
matter In the outer city. All these
men are under the command of one
head officer. Tbe officer and the men
furnish their own nnlforms, but tbe
state furnishes their arms, and each
gets a monthly allowance of rice In
addition to hi pay. Tbe chief get a
see welL It becomes, therefore, highly
Important to observe bow the child
use Its eyes In order to correct those
ttltude which tend to Injury of the
sight, as well as the health. In writing,
children rarely fall to give the head
an inclination by which tbe eyes are
placed at unequal distances from the
paper. They are also apt to Incline the
head too far and acquire the liublt of
bringing It too near, a when they try
to accommodate themselves to a feeble
light Not sufficient attention is paid
to these matters, especially when we
consider tbe consequence of such hab
it in mature age. A large proportion
good salary, but those under him get ot our de'ec' originate In want of prop-
little pay, depending mostly for what
tbey can squeeze out of tbe prisoners
whom they pull In." Utlca Pre.
Bronchi. J, and Cou-ampilon!
17. 8. CT3 1 a, E.' n. y.
Our jramadr i raarsnt)tl, ft
m turn, ffoirj or nrw&Mti,
Boatlae Da ties of Cadeta at tha Aa-
aapolis Naval Academy,
On of th best conducted naval
school In th world 1 that at which
tbe officer of tbe United State navy
receive their training. It I thorough
In every department and tbe young
man who graduate well op In hi das
Is fitted for almost any station on
board a ship. Th record of one day
there I the record of all day a strict
observance of all tbe rule of disci.
pllne and thorough Instruction In every
detail of naval warfare, v
The cadet I aroused from hi slum-
er care during childhood. We do wrong
to such wonderful tools as our senses,
when we do not give them tbe educa
tion they need. It Is anrnrlln- ti,,
parent who are so Dartlcnlar an, '
way their children hold their spoon or ' ten-mil walk every day for nine vea
Vfc nar . Hill. .X .1 ... . 1 n-i . i . r.
"twuu IV tue WBy. -S"a surcie, jii.tru ill a row, would
be mopped bis brow. "Think of losing
that much money on a turn of tbe
card! I suppose that Is why you were
lorcea to tans to tbe road?"
"Well, no. The wlnuer said that such
cheek as mine ought to be rewarded
and be returned my money. I'll laVH
been all right only when I got bsck to
Chicago I put 1000,000 with It snd bet
tbe wbole pile on a Horse race and lost
by a nose. TUat reduced my fortune
to les than $4,000,000, and so I Imd to
take up till business to eke out my In
come, ui course, n s a aad ease and
I feel my position keenly, but wllb per
severance ana integrity I nope to pull
through In time to be able to pay the
coo a ner wage again. lis re v(,n a
matcn, piease r
Nine If ear to Walt Through Ian(I,
The largest city of the world la i...
don, lying In four counties and having
a population of 4,250,000, equaling the
cuuiumeu pupuiation or l'arl Uni-llii
ol tcicituwi auu nooit, -eg Walk
mrougn an me sirects, avenues, lanee.
and lley of the city, never traversing
"ii wouia require
tbey use their eyes.
Some men Imagine there is no ac
counting for taste until they are called
upon to foot a dressmaker' bill.
When business Is dull on the roll,
road, tbe brakeman talk about carry
ing great quantities of bulk eggs.
Th average man get angry every
time be I In tbe wrong and know It
Wisdom I often nearer when w
toop than when we soar.
raacn aroiinn the v-nrii .., ,
pun leave a
remnant that would stretch from Ixin
don to Ban Franclseo.-I.adi,,,' Ioni"
Iiover In Borneo.
All ... I . . ..
au sua oi a girr band In
Itorneo arw expect eo. to fie generous In
their presents to her. These presents
are never returned; therefore tbe wily
young lady defer as long a po,Hb,,
positive selection or tne Iinppy ninn.
When a young man wlthnioney telU
uea, tue people can u "entbuslasm."
CATHARTIC 6tflgfe,
SaaMnSSaWaa.aaiaai aa ss T asaaaaatsSJsWawaa
ssMIl .
rrvs-tjjatsj a.BsiajaBtf'
SURE" Wlglt
n--srrTMrrtyTSaaaj,- "VaaTeaaaaTsTaTslPaaSsw-'
laTsssaLlJC .
to .
tests ironfl. Wat them like eanr. Vf
remove any tmd taste In ie nw"';- 'I'T,
In tha breath sweet and V''la.m:r'Ji
a pleaaure to Inks lhm. ana
llksd aapeolally by cMWreO.
swseten th alnmach by eleaaflnl
mnulh, throat and fonl haanl.
means, Ihey stop unrtlg'slod '" ,'"Z
souring In ihe stomaeh, nrsvenl '"",
In in "th,, ant kill l , K '!
nf any kind that breed and feed la ims s
lira system.
ara purely veiretabt and 'nulD.h"iT'n.
etirlal or other mineral pnlson. The .
tat of the latest discoveries In
and form combination ot remedies "
equaled to make the blod P" f 'f ' 1 "
and mak clean akin and beautiful "
plsxlon. . .
tone th stomach n bowels "f '!',;
I ha laay liver. They do nol merely sotl
the stools and cause their dlseharse. Mi
strengthen th bowels and put '"'")'?:"
lively, healthy condition, maaln their a
tlon natural.
never grin nor rlp. They ant "tifly.
Itlvsly and never esuss sny atno oi " .
torlnble feelln. Token ri-ulrly '"W "1"' t
tne liver set reaumriy sua """"J'.ii)0,)y
.i i j mt.. . ... . .
properly movlna and keep Ihe ystmies
mersasa in now or mna in """' "' ,.t
era. If the mother ears a tablet. It J1"
her milk mllilly purtlv and !;.. TJL .
but certain effect on ihs bsby. In
they are Ihe only aafs laaatlva tot tw
n ursine infant. .
taken patiently, perslatenlly, wlll',,f
form of constipation, no matter how "'
how often other remedies have ''. '.7
are absolutely urantd to crw any -or
purchase money will bt cheerniur
funded, -
rost KM, o, Me bo. wph!,oiii
for th. asking. W publish no i""
but sell (.'aecarats on Ihslr merit w'"J ,
solute urante to cure, J)uV "a,,7ls
bo lo-day, or wrlia ua for fra ss""
and booklet. ita1t
JMnm atSKUia tSMSSf CO.. rsiciss sr "
$100 REWARn wW PM 10 of this wp.r who wl
Nsw llTTrAsil port to as ny ttempt of substftullon, or aw
M. 4 furalsk rrlieoc , whkh w.cnvkL1 ill torrM7dVnc umti"