Humors TVy tales possession of tht body, and ere Lords ol Misrule. 1 'hep sre attended by pimples, bolls, the iiomiig tetter, nit rheum, anil other cu. tanmui eruption ; by reelings ol weakness, feT-'-or. E?!ieml debility and what not. Tui-j cause mora suffering than anything els. Health, Strength, Peac and Pleasure require their expulsion, and this Is posi tively effected, according to thousand Ol grateful testimonials, by . Hood's Sarsaparitla Which radically and permanently drives mem out ana DUiias up u whom system. Signs f Spring. "Have you hoard a robin yet?" "No. but I've seen a woman with her head tied up in a towel beating carpet in the back yard," - laxative Prtvmo-quinlne Tablets run k sold la oncaay. .no sore, ko ray. fneessasagy . , Wanted to Know. Papa Oh, no! Washington never told a he. Johnny Who attended to that part ol hu strategy for him, par t- .- t . Holts' Scfceel. At Menlo Park, San Mateo Coantv, Cal., witk its DeauciiMi, SHrnmneinirs, perfect enmaie, careful supervision, thorough. InMruetlon, complete laboratories, and gvmnasium, easily maintains its position In lis front ranks of school for bovs on the I'ecilto Coast. Ira U Hoitt, ra. p.r Principal.., Clearly True. "What do think of this idea Mars is sending signals?" asked Beechwood. "There's nothing; on earth in that Mr. it!" replied Mr. Homewood, emphatically. Mother will find Mrs. Wlnalow's Booth Inr Syrup the beat remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. His Reason. First Tramp. Why didn't yer swipe dot feller's chainless bicycle datyer went after last niight? Second Tramp Well, I found out dere was a chainless dorg in de yard. f I PareMaeeUv Cared. Ks fits sllw aAer itrvt'W. mmot Xr. KliseVJrvat hrw . amiraeVIt RKa-J.MtrulhinirudtrML las. tK.Bu.Ku"S LuL. oil Arch ; Rcvolutioa e Watch Wheels. . The main wheel of a watch makes 1,400 revolutons in a year; the second or center wheel, 8,760; the third wheel, 70,080; the fourth wheel, 525, 600; and the fifth or scape wheel, 4,731,860. , Boots of Olatmest Aw Catarrh That ' . Cosii Memory, As wterenry trill surely destroy the sens of smell andeompletelr deranra tha whole em when entering it through the mucous sur faces. Bur articles should never be med al exin on prescriptions from reputable Nstsral csune. Jnryman Yes, we brought in Terdict of death from natural causes, : Reporter Hut an iron beam fell on him from the fourth floor 1 Juryman Of course. Wasn't that natural; You wouldn't expect it to fall up on the eighth floor, would youT That's where he ought to hav been at work instead of down in the basement. Her Ids. Miss "Bridesoon What is your idea of the ideal lover? Mis Yellowleaf- rice. The one who mar- The Trust f robieas. To a thoiiehtful mint), th trust problem it one of sennits import. I' niust be firmly rmppled with, for it creeps upon society liefor yon are aware of iia existence. In this resnect much reaeinblitiK tha various disorders waloh attack the stomacn, sucn as constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, bil ioiuness, liver anil kidney troubles, Hs tsiters Momach Hitters is the on reliable remedy for alt such ailments. Da sura to give it a trial. Perils ef tht Poles. - Three expeditions arc trying to locate the south pole, and six are after the one at the other end of the world. This moans nine new faces on the lecture platform next year. KFS KISS. THE UPS AND DOWNS IN LIFE OF A CLERK. THE A Tale of Misfortune and Misery With a Happy Kadlnar The World iMBtsa All Very Uark for Whit. A clerk's life, ordinarily, is a very humdrum . one with but very little variety to the daily routine. But Mr. Fred R. Morton of No. 80 Vesper street, Portland Me,, had an expert ence recently which has made his life now a very happy one. In telling a reporter of what he went through he said: - . " "I had been Buffering with stomach trouble for about two years. Every day about ten o clock in the morning and three O'clock in the afternoon I became faint and felt so bad that if I did, not sit down I would fall. That sensation usually lasted for about an hour and when noon cause I had no appetite for lunch. "I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People advertised in the daily papers about a year ago and decided to try them. I felt relief from the drat box and after I had taken six boxes my disease was cured. I do not take them now but always keep them I in the house. I have told my friends what these pills have done for me and Dhvii- Clans, aa win do la ten fold tA !n'.! ro o possibly derive from them. ! should 1 know of any one a being sick ..VJS?' "notectured by r. i. . r t .x,niA .mm(.nt Tie Hall's Catarrh Cheney A Co., Toledo. O., eon tains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon tha Mood and mucous surfaces ol the system. In bllvins Hall's t'atarrh Cur he stir inn the eennloe. It is taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by 1. 1. Chaaey A Co. Testi vonials free. loM by Iruirgits, price We. per bottle. Haifa family Pills an tha best. , Dowa as th Stogit Bt Visitor Do you ever have moke consumers in Pittsburg? Pittsburgh Yes ; each resident consume his own share. any Tbia aigaatnra Is ea every box of tha gsaala Laxative Bromo-Vuinine Tablets dy (bat Spring Sludcs. ''Nature is painting the world with generous coats of green," remarked Mr. Bellefield, as she sat on her porch and watched the rain falling on the grass and young leaved trees. ' "And using watercolors," added Mr. Bellefield. Mean JEasa a Cases ret. Bsby gets the benefit. Nursing mothers maks their milk mildly purgative with Ceacarels.the only safe laxative lor babies. All druggists. He, 2ac,bGe. Progress Among Florida Negroes. . An industrial school for Negroes is promised in Florida, thus putting that state on a par with other of the southern states in the education of the colored people. " Do You Keep Horses, Or cattle, sheep or pigs? If so you want good fences. Send for free book and pictures telling about the best and cheapest fences on earth. Port land Anchor Fence Co., 742 Nicolai street, Portland, Oregon. . : S . ..' Utetv". ' Again the two illustrious men met. "McSweeney," said the governor of North Carolina to the governor of South Carolina, with deep solemnity, "have you joined the Buffaloes?" as 1 was Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Mr. Morton's statement was pub lished in the Portland Express after he had sworn to it before Marshall U. Purrington, a notary public. The most effective remedy in the world in cases of this kind is Dr. Wil liama' Pink Pills for Pale People. They " act directly on the blood and nerves. This makes them invaluable not only for stomach trouble but also for such diseases a locomotor ataxia. partial paralysis; St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all form of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all deal era, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box, or six boxes for two dollars and fifty cent (they are never sold in bulk or by the hun dred) by addressing Dr. William Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. LITTLE JIM'S FRIEND BOY'S FATHER WOULD PART WITH MOLLY, NOT Thaaak Only Cav (ha Bad a Haart Capableof Feellnc Grief for as Ab sent Campantou. a,ad' Friend A Pa' thet'c Friendship. . Static for Observing Earthquakes. The academy of science at Vienna ha resolved to establish novel sta tion for the observation of earth' quakes, in s silver mine 100 meters below the surface. tOV 1KOW WHAT TOO At TAKING Whea vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle sbovinr that it is iimolv Iron snd OnC auMU a tasteless Jorm. Ho Care, Ne Pay. sec. No Risk. Mistress I wouldn't hold the baby so near the tiger s cage, Nora. Nora (the nurse) There' no risk, mum. th' tiger is a "man eater, ' and th' child u a gur-rul. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mae. Taos. Feb. 17, 1900. Her Uck. The Illinois woman who called her husband a jackass and then got mad because he called her his better half does not seem to know such a thing as justice." UlWUg KIT Scrofula la an unwelcome legacy, but one which the children of blood poisoned parentage must accept, writh all its humiliating consequence.'' It is aa inheritance that make one poorer; that brings wretchedness and disease instead of health and riches, for the child whose ancestral blood is tainted with Scrofula or the loathsome vim of Contagious Blood Poison fa unfitted for the arduous duties of life so lontr aa any of the transmitted ooison remains in its veins. Scrofula manifests itself in various forms; swollen gland about the neck and throat, catarrh of the head, weak eye, hip bone disease, white welling and offensive sore and abscesses are familiar symptoms, attended usually with loa of strength, poor digestion and pale or bloodies complexion. The skin i sometimes moat dreadfully affected, eruptions breaking out on all part of the body. Bcrofula destroy bone, tissue and flesh ; no part of the human system escape its When slnete-n years eld, and about on. year I rTT' ? ft tA birth of nr first child, th lsnda on j Parents who"? blood is pois- ana ion aia or my sack be ran to swell, your of she plana wax lanoad and beoajms open runuln oraai xtaljt- same under my left arm, and tha dtsohsrjre waa simply awful. 33h doctor said Z had the wore eaa of Sorofula they had aver aen. Z took lodld of potaastum, but thi nor the other drag rive, for this die brouarht relief. Whan th phyeioians advlaad sue to hav She a-land xemo-ved, Z daeldad to try S. B. . A w bottlaa cured sua completely i bo laa of th tarrlbl dlea ar left. ALU 4. ftlOHABS WASftOnT, Golden Corners, Ohio. "No, air! Mully ain't 'Just on o' th cow.' , She' our friend, 1 Molly, aa' I've reason to say it, I have. t, "Tell you, Ir? Why o' course, If y care to hear. When Molly wa a bit of A calf, hardly a year old, my llttl Jim was S. an' Afraid o' nothing, big or lit tle. Toddltn' after me all day lone, h go about the house an' our llttl bit of garden an' the paatur behind, an' never tiring of it; an' when I mowed or raked the grass or hoed the garden b was alwus a-helplu'. But abov all b loved to be held up to "see Molly' or to pet Molly.' I used to hold her toft com down for him when he kissed her 'good night,' an' tb firs' thing In th morn In , before b waa downstair, when I' let the cow out to th paatur, bla curly bead waa half out o th winder an' b a-callln', Oood morula', Molly.' was hardly o year old no, he wasn't 5 when ha used to try an' milk her; an' the cretur'd taud as geutle an' still as If h knew the Ultl feller'd be easy hurt, with her bead turned half sideways, a-eeuitn' to say, "AM right. young 'un, as long aa It amuse your had to finish th uillktn', th llttl hands got so tired; yet he bated to fire In. You wouldn't V bel!v it, sir, to see the spunky way that llttl chap o' 0 year would (tick to It a-mllkln' that cow! 'Daytimes, when sn was In the paa tur', be was alwus a-runntn' down to the gate to ask ber bow she waa get tin' on to-day, or did she think K wa goln' to rain? an' thing Ilk that makln' a reg'lar playmate out o' her; 'cause h was our only child an' I i'poae ome- time he was lonely like. An' to so him take out a drink o' water to Molly In his little tin dipper) I used to 'moat bust a-laughJn' to see her big red tongue a-lappln' out th few drop b'd gen'ly have left, aa If It waa Just what she wanted! Well, Jlin was only 6 year old when he waa took sick, inddent. Lord know what It was! We don't, an th doctor never did. 'thougn alwus a Iookln' wise an' a-saytn' he'd be out roun In A few days. Bat Jim, lyln' ther barnln' with fever, would near the low 'Moo-oof an' his eye would open an' look bright a he'd smile an' say, 'Oood-nlght, Molly! 11 see yon In th morning.' "But that Molly! Th first night he wa sick she kep' Iookln' 'roun when was a-milkra' her, Aa If to see where he w yea. abe did. sir! n wa that oneasy I could scare milk her At All. Then the nex night she wa nervous an' shivery an gar hardly any milk; an' her lowln' wa awful freauent through the day, but at night, when sh wa In the barn. It wa terrible! an so and It would make yon 'creepy to bear ber; an' th milk scarcer every day till the eretur waa right sick, too. "Well, there cam one night one night when ther was nothln' to do for my little Jim but to stand beside him, when we didn't need no doctor to teli n our little lad would never be out 'roun' again; an' In th qnlet o' the mid dle o' the night the tickln' of the clock an' his mother' aobbln' sounded fear ful loud. Hi little band lay In mine, so cold and tlll now, when It had been so rea'lesa an' hot for more'n a week. Suddenly it moved a little, a In the stj lines oatald we beard Molly' Moo-oor Jus Ilk a call to the boy, right under hi winder. , "I'd forgot to milk ber or go for her. an' somehow or other she'd got out o' the pastor' herself. 'Moo-oor she called again, so pitiful an' humanlike the tears com Into my eye, though they bad been hot an' dry all night. Then what (he called u third time it teemed to reach even to little Jim. Too weak to open hi eye, b said, just wblsperln' 'Oood-nlght, Holly! In the nioruln' an' smiled. "Hard as It wa to leave him then. mid hi little band down an' went out to Molly. " 'Die! Not a bit of It, !r! That him, that little chap a-comln' thro the gate; an' that' Molly a-fol!erin' him. A meracle,' the doctor ys. I don' know; 1 ain't up on meracle; but- Come here, Jim! That' right; take off your cap to the gentleman an' shake bands. Now go long an' put Molly in. He's a dandy, sir, my Jim! "What! 'Sell Mollyr Bell ber. a!rT No, sir! No, lr! Not for a'l her weight In solid gold'd I sell my little Jim's friend. The Housewife. A seer of gardener at rapworth Alone; h I constantly adding to his est a to ther by buying up adjoining farms, and recently h bought 110,000 worth of additional agricultural ma chinery for hi operation ther. , 111 win cellar contain on of th moat extraordinary collection ever got to gether, tad you may say on my esti mate, member of th commltte, that thl princely bankrupt la not liv ing at th rat of lea than IT5.000 yerly." . "But haven't you and your fellow commttteemea any mean of diverting some of thl lnoom toward th cred itor r "Non At all. . Mr, Hooley obtains hi tncom by th financial operation h conduct from Walslngham House, where h tee client dally. But he doesn't deal on hi own behalf, lie I th agent of hi wife, I hav long contended that w, the comtnltte. should be abl to control th baukrupt' earning. W ougtit to be able to se cure for th creditor th remainder of that lncom after Allowing th bank rupt a good maintenance say 125,000 A year." - "And do yonr power enabl you to do anything In that direction!" "No, but I have beard from a very reliable quarter that a on result of thi Uooley business legislation will be proposed with th object of rendering such crying scandals Impossible in th future." . . QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S AUTO. Royal Lady Takes Great Pleaaar la Drivln th Macblaa. Queen Alexandra ha become possess ed of a Tlctortett, which sh ha learn ed to drive herself. .Seated for two. It framework I articulated, so that It Adapt Itself to any unvennea of road without trea or strain. Th single motor 1 of 4 hors power, of four pol ff w " i" fT 'c if awe m 4 jj UT mm tam la thi workaday world few women fcre so pltteed th phyetenl "evil on 1 not constantly demanded of then in their daily life. W malt a special appeal to mothers of larg fainuica whoa worn l novel done, and many of whom suffer, and sutler tor isxuc or intelligent am, ' To women, young; or old, rich - oi poor, w extend an invitation to accept Ira advio. oh, women I do not let If fs II vv'.isvvaiz. Mas. OaAam xbuAavtuav your live be sacrificed when a word of advice at th first approach of weak Unas, may fill your futur year with healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs. Pink ham's Laboratory! Lynn Mama,, and yon will not be disappointed. "When 1 began to take Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound I wat not able to do my hotusework. I suf fered terribly at tiru of menstruation. Several doctor told me they could dc nothing for me. Thanks to th link ham advice and medicine I am now well, and can do th srork for eight la th family. " I would recommend Lydla E. Plnlr ham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with larg famlllea." Mas. Cabaia Hau.vtLL, Ludlngtoa, Mich QU tin' BLKCTB10 ISO TO CADM140C. typo. And can be worked to flv time norntal capacity without any Injurious effect. Th batterie Ar fitted In the rear portion of th carriage, and contain sufficient energy for thirty-fit or forty mile on one charge. Th car la elec trically lit and fitted with Japanned lamp, relieved with allver-plate fit ting; the wheel ar of blcycl type. and fitted with 8 Inch pneumatic tire. Speed of car la from six mile to four teen mile per hour. The Queen herself baa become an ex pert driver, and derive great pleasure front this pleasing llttl vehicle, which Is now quit familiar In the neighbor hood of Sandringham. Mads MbUta. Patient Doctor, would you mind I stopping at th drug store and py ing for thi prescription, rmlthort of change. Doctor (hurridly rriting another prescription) Excuse me. I mad a mistake. You don't need Any nerv medicine. TO CCBA A COLD IK ORS DAY TakeLaxsilve Kroaio Quinine Tableta. All imiraista refund theatenev 11 It fall to ear. A W. Orove'i slsnatnre lso en box. Hi. Th Saacar th That j. "Mustache cup?" said the clerk in th chinawar department. "Yo. sir. Here' pretty design. Cup nd uoer, one forty-uine. " "But," said Mr. Porque Tsoque, "that ain't the saucer that goe with it." "O, yes." "Not much it ain't. There ain't no mustache guard on it. " A Vila Rep. ... Flushing Didn't you join another Don't Worry club last week, Harriet? Mr, riushif Yjl hope you don't object to Ay belonging to two Don't Worry olubs, llonry. Flushing (abjectly )Oh, no, Hnr rite; but 1 liad linwd timt lliity uu!J keep you from worrying nit oui what! Clear eut of Key. "Lucy, whore ' that other tall beau vou used to have?" "Laws, Mis Nancy, I don went luck on tint man: h ttldn I hav no taotaatall. Dat man wore iiver shirt studs when h had A got' front toot." " - .- - . . rmlly Bsrssvsmsnt "Am apart orphan now?" asked the r hick of tha ken. "What do you meant" inquired the hen. i "Th incubator wa burned I night, answered th ohtok. Horrors ( War, "But what." asked on of th tuy titled list oner, "could th gold stand' ard have to do with th captur of Aftiinaldo?" "IXm't you e," Atd the exoitea talker, "that Funston waa after th yellow boys?" Bound to Be 11 sard. Jester I understand our pastor l going to preach through a megaphone hereafter. Jimson Why It that? Jester Why, th sleeping mem ber of tho congregation snor go loudly that th other can't hear. Tht Lm ramtty. Th Lee faimly, which, until th civil war, had always been represent ed in the army, wa until the HpAnish war witnoui a single member in tnc regular servic. Now there ar two Lee in th army tnd th third will also probably soon wear hi shoulder strap. Use Bast froaaHaSlm for kf atari A Chills and taver I a bottle of Drove-a Taaentaaa vniilTonie. II as simply iroa en amuine la a laivsiess sates, ne t are, ne rat. rnue Th Auteme!1, Will the automobil becom a permanent fad?" ' "Doubtful. Bee how men, outside of scorchers, even, were bent on rid ing th bicycle at first; and look at it now." .. .'. - .. : Josh's rut or. . "I guess mayb Josh i goln to be a great financier, ah' git money by his brains," remarked Farmer Corn- tosanl. Doe he take such aa interest in commercial affairs?" No; but he' got to get a llvin' somehow, an' h jest won't work." LJ0LJ ) ii no U La La l i she h btwa win. casrai?i, , fctt have all m.,.,.,....., J Lt f4 with unUi.i.,u (,.r some tima h,,i wuioA ,"-- ' ir., I haie bid si JI " "' it), thtoanmeat. Wa esinui 'fl -z ,H l ii) tstinv M.A. w "switas . if Owia. bever i.aea. Weaku"r UmxJ "b fa , E3-T3-CI3 .rT'tti AChakA "What Is it thi morning?" Mu,j th new waitress. "Ham and ,, isn't lt? -; "Not exactly," tald th bosrdi,,, liousa mistrea, "and 1 want you hi work thi well. You must he .f.j IV mm j HJ rsvu OUUrUer. 'Ilam egga?'" Of THli C7.C1 IN T!iaWA0NLTit() SLICKED fftl WltTSAKIU WlruTtKrMM D5T CILCP CLOTW:r3. est Mil avtavvmea. sswast oe shvatsms. CATAKSUE J fOtff JH3WIN tii t tiNe or dABMf MrjtATi A JTCAtaca BOSTON. MA31. Where do You Sell Your Hides? ; Wlwtrs r the Highest frlre. Chm L, MSastlok A Co T5 Front 8t., cor. Oak, Portland, Or, Is beet time to enre Catsnii, Hroohlti sad I'miauateuus. Oar rsoiedv la iiiarsniees, A. r. U. rl is. WvJi.aoiL' OLD GENTLEMAN'S MISTAKE 1 1 THE LUXURY-LOVING HOOLEY. Blac Beew oned by their own misdeeds. or who themselves may be suffering for the sins of some remote ancestor, must re store their own blood to it normal purity and strength, or they cannot expect healthy, robust children. S. 8. 3. cures Scrofula, lik other diseases of A deep seated, constitutional charac- See hv imIiwi'ii. itm n rt Purity to th profoundly poisoned blood, and the rich, strong blood that is carried to th swollen and diseased glands absorbs and destroys the tuberculous deposits. And the painful, disfiguring sore and other evidence of Scrofula disappear. 8. 6. 8. ahould be begun immediately upon the appearance of the first symp toms, or where there i a known predisposition to Scrofula.' Our medical depart, tnent will b found of great help to those who ar struggling with this wasting 5 seas of heredity or any other blood trouble, and we invite yon to write us. i hould yon or any member of your family need advice, our physicians will cheer My giv th information you desire, for which wo inak so charge. Book M eUood nd Kkia Pisease free. vnu awmr specific company. Atlanta, oa. Hie Bankraptcr Ha Raa I-lvlns KxtraeaxantlT. It I now three year since the fail ure of E. T. Hooley, whose estate has yielded so far only 50 cent In th pound to hi creditors. In view of the magnificence with which thl splendid bankrupt continue meanwhile to enjoy life. Inquiries hav been made a to the future prospect tb estate offer. George Hardy, a member of tb bankruptcy committee appointed by the creditor to act under th super vision of the board of trade, when ques tioned a to tb outlook for creditors, expressed the belief that the estate would yield another 2 shillings in th pound in the cours of a few month, and wa exceedingly pessimistic a to anything beyond that, gay tb London Mall. - "Mr. Hooley bear bis creditors' mis fortune bravely, does be not?" "In what way?" "He tlU live at tb rat of a few thousand a year?" "More than a few thousands,' re plied Mr. Hardy. "H has, beside hi cult of room at Walslngham House, bis two country teats Pap worth Hall and BIsley Hall. Why. be pay In wage to hi servants, mala and female, and hi gardener, groom And tb rest, more than $30,000 yearly. His weekly wages bill, apart from those be pay monthly or quarterly, I between SU0O and 8050. He keen uianr horses and every sort of vehicle from a dog cart to a shooting coach; b ha about H lateoded to I Klad bat Wa Mr ariar itood. He I a On old gentleman, every on who take daily trip on the street car Un will say so, u Is kindly con siderate of the rlgtrta of his fellow pas senger, and, though be usually occu pies the end seat. It Is not because h Insists upon baring, but because bis fel low passengers Insist that he shall hav III politeness Is of the old, old school, and bis deference to tbe la ties beautiful to behold, say the Ind An- poll News. lie has been seen lime and again when the conductor waa slow or remiss In bis attention to wom en with babies and washerwomen with basket to assist In taking them, with their Incumbrances, off and on the car. In view of these things, the happening of yesterdsy was pathetic. A young woman. Indeed an extremely bandome and well-dressed young wom an, was seated before blm. Tbe old gentleman whose eyesight I no longer of the clearest noticed a bug In the knot of hair bunched above tbe white neck of the fair young women a sbin'ng, green bug, nearly as large as one's thumb nail. He leaned forward lo per form an act of kindness; he would brush th Insect away. He brushed. Tbe bug, to bis view, but took a firmer clasp on Its lodging place. Tbe old gentleman made a second At tempt. With thumb and finger he seized the Insect and pulled vigorously. Tb yonng woman turned at this; Are was In her radiant eyes, anger In ber vole. She ottered but on word "S-l-r!" It wa enough. Tb old gentleman waa parlyzed. H attempted to ex plain, but bl tongue refused to make an articulate sound. Covered with con fusion he touched the electric button and alighted at tbe next crossing. A few of the passengpr smiled; on or two even laughed. Th bug wa a Brazilian beetle Attached to a long uln In tbe young woman' balr. ft Slopped tils Paper. "Sir!" exclaimed the oldest eitixen a he walked into the business ollice of the daily paper, "I see in your sheet ol today, sir, an article to which I take exception, and I want my paper stopped, sin Ana when James r. Anderson aayt stop, sir, he mean I stop, sir!' 'Thii," wearily murmured the cir culation manager, "go out and tell Bob t' stop th' press an' lock up; o'l man Anderson ha quit us!" Not Calif Blooded. Gothainite I suppose you may think we New Yorkers are rather severe on your Boston girl when we speak of their cold blondedness? ' Hubbtie Not at all; so many of your fellows have been frozen out by them you know. Dkta't lik It "What doe the teacher say when you don't know your lessons?" asked Willie's father. "She ays I must be a chip off the old blockhead," replied Willie, and then something happened. Equal to the Occasion. Liveried Menial Me Lud, the car riage waits without. His Lordship Without what? "Without horses, me Lud; 'tis an automobile." ii.iS FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. FREE TO FARMERS Our ISOI Vehicle Book Our ISOI Implement Catalog JUST ISSUED. end rear name sad P. O. address sad wa will stall n ar aolh, a desired. Ira at all (barge, . ' KitchelUewls I Stavsr Co, first sad Tartar Sis. Milwaukee Binders lib one leaver Raising and Lowering Petite, Lmtohloma ftml Conoavo Driv Whetsl rOITLAND, OA I CATAt-ixirg rang. J. A. FREEMAN, Gen'l Agt MT. Watf St., sVrtAfsat. CVaw . Cemplcte Stock of Water A.Wod Eitra. GZiCUZR PA TEIJT& A GOil7PANYm:Yi!-..-. Chamhci of ContntcrttOt . PORTLAND, OREGON ' ' . Bmirea patents for InvettUeat id ne j niteu nuietM im.. eouniriea. Alan owtlsies sets and defends patent ! No batter terms or fselllt' tha w nffer abistuavw env here. Payment of ' b" eisr b deferred 1)11 pal" allowed. W rue lot pampNlet. Social Training. Mis Ootrichkwick riease, Sir, is thi a training school? Principal It i. "Please, Sir, I wish to learn how to eat olives." ?n Tts l?:r cf tte T1. great AlMhlp, MS feel I"" .? bHilttlRxalMH Praneli-, tale lornia, will Make lis rl nfaslKnilp taster Wh. KVKIlV Or gslionl'l '. law SH A KM, Ther ar now sell lo si fa.' a share, and will ha worih tiw sner Uis ship kaesisds her Aral vnrata. Han " ir suxik with eheeS or monef ordrr la ' aerial Nviiion Co., ears f t'ulutawss banking Co., Hau VraaalMHi, Cal, Stated the Caae Plainly. Here Is a letter from W. O. Towns- end, a farmer living on tbe Hants Fe near Marcellne, Kan., which brought immediate settlement when received by me ciaim department or tbat rail. road: "Dear 8Ir-I hav only one wife and Ave children no mother-in-law. Last Monday night, about two and one-half miles east of Marcellne, tb car hit Spot on her caboose end. We found ber Tuesday morning, April 10: b wa a dead a a dirty doormat She left A son to low for her. Hoot waa common 10-year-old Mussl Fork cow, worth 25. She wa a fair milk er; of a kind disposition. During the seven years we owned ber she never bit any of tbe children. Please send me 1 23 that I may get a cow, so we can I have milk for that calf and children. ana ooiige. , i tr rmm mmf, Ui n.,.aiAi,.siaMAt.,.v..-ih a..,..- a.. . ... i,.. . . 2 L .. . IraaisJ XirlTf rwi' ,waJ, bought hiu borne the slgnnT ff L'. ethp, and l.a bcfn mailo nndeiT hi (sAloon la Guatemala. : The Republic of O Date mala has over 16,000 saloon and taverns. JiiHUtts-frriwi -yr v"'"orioits, jmitatton and What is CASTORIA -"Vi'f ruW Tcetlilnflr Troubles, CfuraTgtliiMlm and It asHliirihitc the iHn!.wanlll tl 11ie Children's l-nnaicThe Mmilt? ",0P' Tiie Kind You HaYe Always Bought jjeitra toe signature or Hotel Ftovcl Opsa lor seaaoB June . IMI. CoL I. F, Hsrver, Hansgsr r 4 -1 J. During tb first sis months of mar ried life, a woman thinks so much of I ber hnsband that she I willing to cook what be likes, and thl I the time in ber housekeeping career when she! doesn't know bow. , In Use For Over 30 Years. I esavsua mwhk, vv Muaaa oraeee, aew vena m, TH "HONTAKAY Og OKSUO. Most besutlftil sud perfentlr sonlfM mer resorl, Kverr convenience s" ""' "' free bus from hotel to surf. Ilaililns. n''"".V dsni'tng, bowllns. A splemlid li"l lovely saminnillnirs. t'nder new meiiMenieni tbissar. Fof raws and renervalloiis sdilrvw HOTEL rLMVCL, ftrntml, Or SprlttStlm Reaolutlaan it? ireefdy Garo lure relief fiom lienor, nplitm and tobaoss betilt. gaud lor pariloulars to bll( tBSUffitC. .-tNfi JONNlpdOLE, PanUutd, Orego foet ef Horrlsoa Slrsel, dsn gfvs you th best bargain' I" Bnggi, flows, Boilerg and Kngln Wln.lmlll and Pumps and Oene'1 Machinery. Bo us bslor buying ST W Mt Ve Aa). VUHAW writing aaeeHKars pl ir sautian tbls paper.