mT70 A XT IVrTQ !"" ugh whom land the stream trVlVll iUlOl 'ran. The new law, a Introduced by - Senator Mnlkey. remeiiktt tliis defect, Entered at the IVwtuffice at St. U -lens, hut left tlm remainder ol th law prae Oreuon, a socond-liiss mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. IriatKU KVKT FulDAY MoKSINU 1V DAVID DAVIS, KlllTxia AMD 1'jrOI'fUKTOR, SUBSCRIPTION TRU E: One copir on year, in advance. , . .'. 11.00 1 'Hi month. ....... ....... .. bOj . in-niiT um iiaiiL'Wl. The . bill m re- ff rmt to the committee on wj and ! highways, and after twenty dsytconsi eration the committee, reiiorted : i amendment which entirely eliminate i the oonnty court and provide that per jaoni or corporations might improve j streams, have exclusive control of the same, and charge "reasonahle" tolls lor : the Homing of logs and lumber, It l generally accepted aa a foregone .v. tun. mv i.wiyoui o I I j COT NTT OFPIOKR. KrpMsnlatlv tioriiT Merrill. Cltknie Jn.te Joseph It- lou. Kainter Clnrn .t J. O. Wato. m. Huli-m Klverlrf- ........... .,....&. S. Italian, Si. H-Iua Treasurer..! ........ K. HwavS Helen Sunt, of schools..,. I. tt. inrwiaad. iioiiiiob hn that mmutii .ntaraii ik-, imw ,.... ..Mania While. St. Helen " i. company entered tbat terri- Surveyor. A. B. Utile, lionllon Oimaer ......Dr. H, E Cltff. St. Helens pnrvhnec of ex tensive terminal faciiitiea and water fronUtfO in Portland mean the ah-ent of an era of great development in North western Oregon, greater in extent, no aoarjt, limn waa the case on t'ugvt sound ,...W. D. Can, Pltuburg tory. It cannot be denied that the Northern people are developers, choos ing, aa a matter of fact, a locality abundant in resource, aa in the vast scope of territory south and weat of the Columbia river. If the Northern doe enter thit fluid there will be in auKurated such opportunitiea for bus! neea enterprises and development as have never known an equal on this coast. JULY 12, 1901. .. An exchange notes that "a wail comes from Jonesboro, Tenti., that the new system of rural free delivery has proven very detrimental to the business of that town. It ta claimed that this facilitate? mail ordering and the delivery of good by mail which would otherwise be sold by the local merchants." The rural free delivery of mail is pretty certain to open up a new problem for the mer chant in tne small town, to face. The extension of the system is thoroughly aaaured, -and any 'policy of opposition would not only be futile, but against the tradition of a class of men seldom found 'attempting to stav the tide of procreaA. On the other hand, there is opened the opportunity to adopt methods which w ill retain the trade of the community tributary, despite the innovation, and it is in this direction that success can and will be secured by the up-to-date dealer. "Them is no new thing under the win." When theexcellent 1'iiiiita Ram abai reached New York and was told the astonishing progress of a new colt called , Christian Science, the said : "The rame philosophy has been taught among my people 400U years. It Las wrecked millions of lives and canned ' immeasurable suffering and sorrow in my land, for it is based on selfishness and knows no sympathy or compassion. It meant jost this : The philosophy of nothingness. You are to view the whole universe as nothing but falsehood ; yoo are to think it does sot exist. When yoo realize that yon have no per sonality whatever then von have at tained the highest perfection of what is called 'toga,' and that gives you libera tion, and you are liberated from your body, and yon become like him without any personality. You draw on the blackboard a aero, yon add a zero, mul tiply by zero, divide by aero, and it equals aero. It is just like that, noth ing more." , Th death of former Governor Hazen 8. Fingree, of Michigan, at Ixmdon, waa a public calamity iu a very great sense. He was a man who did great things a man who set tasks to accom- Eiish, and who kept his purpose steadily efore him and bent bis energies to ils accomplishment. As politician he waa a power in his nartr: He was nnal- i terably opposed to the employment of questionable methods tn developing his political strength and it was perhaps this fact more than any other that made it possible for biin to ran 20,000 votes ahead of his ticket in 1896 and to secure re-election two years later by a plurality of 160,000. But Governor Fingree was more than a politician. He was a citi zen who at all times represented the people in his official position. As a man he was active and ambitions. He was devoted to his family and to the in terests of those with whom be was asso ciated, and he never tired of conceiving ' and patting into execution new ideas Franchise Lewer Senate. The Sew York and Oregon Coal and Timber Company of Portland, today tiled in the countv clerk's office a de claration of its intention to improve the neumeiu river irom ttie point ot its in tersection with the boundary line divid iug the counties of Clataon and Tilla- mook upstream to the point where the river intersects the line between Clatsop ami Columbia counties. Also to im prove Humbug creek, Uie West Fish- hawk. Northon ami Rntr irMtk-a mnA j the fork of Nehalein river. The Improve ments consist of clearing the streams so tney can be used lor floating and trans porting Kirs. The New York and Ore gon coal company was organized several months before the setston of the lest lature which enacted the law - under which the company claims the exclusive ngtit to nx rate of toll lor logging- on the Nehalera river. When first organ ized, the company was going to build a railroad into the" Nehalein vallev. and sought by various means to control the timber of the valley, even trying to get options to tne amount ol SU.UUU acres, which it promised to buy. Astoria Budget. 11,500,000,000 of Exports. The United States ended on June SO the greatest fines! year in its history. Its exports rescued, in round ndmbers, l,50O,00C'.00O which broke not only ail American records, but all corresponding reconis in the world. In the irrest vear ending with 1890. the United Kinirdom exported more than this, including the immense volume ol goods it merely trans shipped, but its Dirures of domestic e- ex ports have never touched those of the yesr just closed by - the United States. Of course, Great Britain is considerably ahead of ns in her volume of foreiirn trade per head. Forty-one million peo ple oueht not to be exDected toexDort as much as 76.000.000. although thev import a great deaj more, not only per capita, ont tn the aggregate. But the foreign trade of the United States suf fers by reason of the very vastneea of the country. The bulk of the commerce that would be foreign in almost any other country, is domestic here. Tele gram. FOURTH AT CLATSKAKIK. Otner Matters of Local Interest A beat . that UUr. and w If a are at Deer and wife were over to spend the Fourth WILL TRY TO PRETEST SALE, toiambi t'eaatj's Sheriff Will Sell Preperty for Taxes. The following is taken from Thnra. day's uregonian : ''Lawyer John F. Logan leaves todav for8t Helens, Columbia countv. to trv im prevent ine antnonties from selling property owned by bis clients, hereto fore bid in by the county for taxesto which ii nas acquired title nnder the S revisions of the tax redemption law. ir. Logan holds that the Columbia county authorities are acting prema turely in trying to dispose of such prop- j Mb iuo ireeeut lime. "The law reads that on the first Mon day after the first of July the sheriffs of counties shall proceed to sell such property," went on Mr. Logan. "Now tJie Columbia county authorities began in June to advertise the sale of property in their county, so as to be able, as their for the public weal. There are com par-1 construe the law to begin to sell early in ativelfew such men, and the loss of ; July. The sheriffs of Multnomah and one of his attainment must be regarded as a toss to tne nation. Colt's tell this in a whisper, bnt shout it ont to your neighbor that all may be come familiar with the facts and join in the general rejoicing that Columbia eonnty is once more out from nnder the burden of indebtedness. The semian nual statement of the financial condition of the county issued by ex-County Clerk weed on tne tn ot April, I88, showed the total liabilities of the county to be sou.-RM.itf. At tnat time it was claimed by many people that the county was hopelessly involved, but from that time onward the march for freedom from the load has been pursued until at last the goal is reached and the banner of free dom Hosts from the masthead. It has been a tedious journey, on which many obstacles were encountered, but all dif ficulties have finally been triumphantly surmounted. Just what the future has In store cannot be foreseen, bnt there seems no good reason to suppose that we will now progress backwards, in the face of what has been accomplished. Inter est paying has ceased, land values hsre increased, aa has also the amount of as sessable property, and while there may be a demand for the expenditure of a greater sum for public improvements. there seems no good reason to believe that the county will not keep even, a condition aevoutiy to be hoped for. At all events the county is now free. The new law granting exclusive con trol of streams to persons improving the same, did not pass the legislature in the form in which it was introduced. On the other band, it is radically different from the bill tbat waa printed and placed on the desks of the members of me legislature, ine Dill that was in troduced was prepared by Senator Mul key. The bill that nassed was drawn by the senate committees on roads and inKiiwava, cunipoaeo oi nenatora Hinith, of Yamhill, Porter, Marsters, Dimmick and Clem. Of Uiese men Clem was the only one who voted in favor of the dss- ae of the bill. AH the other fathers ot the measure were absent. .But al though this measure, which underwent important changes in the hands of the committee on roads and highways, was not the bill introduced bv Senator Mul key, it received that gentleman's earnest support when it came np for final pas sage. The measure was intended to correct a single fault of the act of 1889 unon the same aubiect. Kv that u-t county courts were authorized to declare iinnavigable streams highways for the flouting of logs, and to lease such streams to persons who might charge tolls prescribed by the county courts. Tne defect in this law was that it did not provide for sufficient notice to per- j vutiBuu oranues nave not proceeded in .such fashion. In Multnomah countv i such properties are to be advertised for sale the present month, bales will take place in August." "In this connection it is nnderatiwl tbat the Clatsop county authorities are not to avail themselves of the nmviuinna of the law, and that if the question is taken into court a defense will be made that the law is unconstitutional." Mr. Logan arrived according to pro gramme, but when he was notified by Sheriff Hattan that the sale would be proceeded with, the lawyer's combative spiru oeeerted mni, and be proceeded forthwith to negotiate a loan that the taxes might be squared up. This was tne proceeding in toto tbat prevented 'uc bucj'u iruui selling ine property. Real Estate Transfers.' Heleo Amferaon to Mary B. and Orpha j. urarenon, ana nw and ira- tlon Of M'!-. of ( rA tn A n t F, WMI, InM Louli Bowk to Job an ne Boecfc, e!i of Minimi . tp tn, t i wart... j oo E. E. Coovert u Hurh Mctinire and T. N. niupiienoacn.a ol nwi and v of nn'siottwii of aeetiou it, Ip 3 c,i2 Weil onn tut Mabala Eautlir to C A. Robert. Jot 7. Woe 11. lot I, block 17, Vernouia 175 00 Mary Elder to A. K. Uwcui. ve of iw!4 ana oi tm'i of section 27, tp n, r 2 MM .... 1 .mi u of n4 of cti'm 29, tp s n, r wet . . . ; Frank Merrill Island this week. George Brtlgr from Uuk l'ouit iu this city. V. A, Hall came up from Clifton to adst in celebrating and remained the balance of the week, t . The Ladies Aid wx-ietv announce an ice cream socinl to be held at Graham's hall 8atitrdy evening of this week, Rev. Culuiof, DK Hall and wife, and Mifsea Lanrn Conytta and Anna En glish are visitors at Gladstone this week. Silas S hoards returned last week from his outing farther dowtt the coast, and is spending some days with bis parents. We niiwe4 the brais band this vear on the Fourth, but the exercises seemed to lose uone of their i liferent In iu ab sence, i . -i it The past week has been auita fr from accidents which are often an ac companiment or sequel to Fourth of Julv exercises. ; Edgar Colvin trovsd himself th champion runner this yesr, as he did a year ago, but cuff Or wig gave him a pretty close race. Work is beinir done on the road be- . . . - .. 1 k a . ..i twroii uerw aiiu huh, Willi a view to liriuirinu over sawed lumber and shin gles for shipnieut from here. It was a matter for favorable comment that there seemed very little drunken ness at Clatskanie during the celebra tion o! the Fourth this year. The school board at a meetins last week, decided on teachers for the nri- marv and intermediate departments and decided to begin school September loth. Ed Ilusbes. with his tall form and imposing personality, makes an ideal marshal for a public day and succeeds admirably in. keeping a crowd well in naud. The Fox Koveltv Company could not Mi.ia4Ti m wi-y innps crowu on tne alter noon oi the fourth. The weather being au pieasant, peonia seemed to oreler out- . ... oi-ooor sports. Bud Bryant came no from Astoria to spend bunday with his parents. He is employed on the tng Vosburg, which is atpresent landed at Astoria, giving him uay on m visit irieuua. Norman Merrill haa added a srurn of lanre erev horse to his mill ontrtt. 1 hey are expected to amis in settina- the output of bis mill to the railroad or steamer tor transportation. The church was very tastefully and iiuerany decorated with dowers and ferns for the services last Sabbath, the wore oi airs. w. ft. uonyers. Miss En glish, and one or two other. The dowers were admired very much. Our neighboring village of Marshland was wen represented on the Fourth, ft seemed as thonirh about every memror uie to waia, ot every family there, was in town. J. ney were a welcome addition to the crowd and seemed to enjoy the exercises. A large scow came in the first of the week and was loaded with telegraph poles. It was towed by the steam tug Oswego. A large number of poles bave been hauled to tide water and room will be made for more by the removal of the load this week. Mr. Carver, sr.. with his wife, tin and daughter, who have been spending some ujuiiiua iiere, Reabea Jiews Xetes. to Clntskanle on the Fourth of July. Tha m I iMolinn that AHP frl.ttiilfl I games murkie, ot rortland. waa in there was the dance, which thev a en joyea very in wn. . the .Mrs. Vt. It, Htungardncr, of Kalnma, 1 visiting her reintive here. We are! Joe Courteney and family moved Irom 10 ,Br uvh P"1 'aUh' eer City to lone. Waah.. Vrldav. . 'B.lo1 0,1 l!.r ..'' g-l ueiuoi trouble most oi tne tune. mrs. emu uasssr visited with her father and mother iu Portland last week. town Tuesday, John iSorbe and wife ipont Fourth at Castie Rock, Wash. Mis Tempest McLaren returned home Iter a two month' visit on the Sound. Frank Welter and H. Ward attended to business affair in Portland Monday. . Miss Ella Miller, a niece of R. W. foster, arrived from Morris, III., Wed-neaday. Mr. T. J. Colvin visited her mother in Kelso, Wash., Wednesday and Thurs- uay ui iati wee a, Mr. Fannie Freeman, of. Kelso, Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Colvin, this week. Prosperity must have atrnck soma of our people's party brethren down here, ror two oi tnein received new mowing machine from Portland this week. I Win. Brown, of Deer island, waa In town Tuesday. He i nursing his left arm in a sling on account of one of his finger coming in contact with an axe. Mr. J. 6. Garrett and daughter, Irene, of Kankakee, III., arrived her Wednesday morning ou a visit to her sisters, Mrs. J. M. Archibald and Mrs. RayK. Watt. When von want a modern, utvtn-date physic, try ChanilierlHin's Stomach and Liver Tablet. They are easy to tak and pleasant iu ellwt. Price 26 vents. I Sample free at th St, Helen phar macy,. , . . ,-. ....,,. Ir. Cawood, dentist, can be found on Wednesday of each week at the resi dence of K. Cox. i ' . - .. CASTOR I A For Xu&nU and CMldrta. Be Kind Yea Ksrs Alisjs Bcsght Bears th Blguatur of I OABTOniA. Basntas A B,n(' HtW tio-iri BoajM I -- - - - J.'...-1-U UlllilLJ I COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Coi'KTt Tra tirnc, pr.iiai.sns. iia., jiny n. in. MisIuise Morel, Freaty and Hetty MOTfCK m iikkkii isivkn iiaV Tix Koble, Rose Bishop and Nellie Wise- r. "P"1'1 ouni)t Warrauia of t'olumbia Messrs tieorire More I Krifa Anlliir,' Vai . ch b.v. le.n prvwiunl Messrs. VTeorge Morel, nt Anllcker, and culnnw.r Nui raid for Want olrmula." Hearv Wasser, Albert Larsau and Er- 1 paid upon prewniaiion a thii oihi. nest &.ouie attended the celebration at ""'"" ummnnM tnm dais. Jll , Treaanrvrot ColumUa Couiu'r, Or. Raiuier on the Fourth behoof will begin in loft An TV. 1 1 " . L. : return to Missouri. He came here to visit his son, Sauford Carver, thinking he might possibly remain permanently. He admits the suoerioritv of thnclimatit and is pleased with many things here, out has not lost his love for old Mis souri, to which be returns to end hia days, as he now thinks. We will see later. The Fourth of July was celebrated in a pleasant and eenerallv satisfactory manner this year, though with less dem onstration and display than on other occasions. More decorating would have I been done had not the showers of the dav belore dtscouraeed those who had the worx in cnarge. as it was. however. evergreens were in evidence and there was a considerable disnlav of hnntino In addition. It was Modern Woodman day and the neighbors wore their badges as the host of the occasion, con. tributing to the pleasure and comfort of the Crowd. A nrOCession formed near the postoffice and marched to the nicnit! Kwu.iuo. wiicio, il4?r BUUJe music, w. himmons, of Portland, prominent in ineorueroi woodmen, delivered a pa triotic address, appropriate to the oc casion, following these exercises, there was a general scattering; for dinner. largely a basket affair. A bull mine and races during the afternoon added to the interest in some Quarters, whiln i i . j j . .. t . . auauoi aancing piattorm atlorded oo portunity for exercise on that line to tuose so inclined. A irrand dance at (jratiam's bail later in the evening com pleted the proa-ramme and furnished an tertainment all night for many who were oaveu tne expense oi a night's lodulne, An nnusual number of firecrackers and otner noisy designs durinsr the day and some fireworks in the evening contrib uted to emphasize the patriotic ardor of Young America, while the weather, day auu uigiit, cuuiu not lie improved npon The Beat Remedy for Ktoraacti and Bowel Troubles. the Renrten school bouse, in district No. 20, on the join, witn Miss iis wetle a teacher. Mis Nellie Payne will teach th fall term at Mooresvilla. in district No, SO. tin scnooi win begin July 15, DEER ISLAXU XUTES. Mr. J. W. Payne and family spent the Fourth at Kalaiua. nonet ton mtimrmit. tlpartninl ol th Interior. fjind OtUo al irt'.n , or,, Jun 15. lll nJUTK'K 1.1 I1KKKHY lIVK! I'll AT Til K I IV fulinwlnraawail ha ltld boiIto of hia intotitit.a i mMk hm1 in ........... ... I ht claim, an I that Mid ronf will lx iua.l l. I font lh KfKlater and Kaealvar at Urvaoa City. I Or., ou Ausimi IMiwt. vli: I JACOn 11. IE. I. RAM r It, I HnmiMtead t uiry lo.aot. for lha tola 1, 1 1 and 41 mi urn auauu renoru mil ma wiia'a nwnw uia mi lowing w 11 DtHM to br.iv h m...,. health i much better. llnuou rel.l.n ujKjn and rultlt-atlou ot i,t I land, vli: Haniaal hrf-i iui,h. u..ii.i i. Fred Adam spent hi. Fourth in Port- ffift "J JuUu" SHW'tflotfA"" land, enjoying the eights. jaU!! . K-,i;r. Ed Enyart and Conrad Rambolskl left -' her Sunday to return to Apiary. SOTICi TO CREDITORS. nun ne nfl ririw niurnMf humft Nun. . ... A ....... ... i j , j , , v r - i " oniuT onn o ids eute or Oregon, for I day to spend the day with her parents. Columbia Oonmr. l IOT IflflHWI'll : --.Vi;..:: -i.--.ii; i.lf '"RrlWIT"' i - ii Cv&ffetable rVtpurolionfor As similating the Food aiKlKctfula ting die Stuiattctts Qiat ikwuls of PromotP" Digcstionflwrrul ncssaivUVst.Conlalns nclUttr Siium.Morplune norMinwaL OT N Alt C OTIC. ttttm A porfccl Itemed? forCoaUp non. Sour Sioniach,Duirria)ca Worms .Coirvulswns .fifvcrish nra tvnd Luaa or SIXER Tac Sural Siy'iialur of NETVV T)TIK. if tXACT COPY Of WRAPPCK. m i mi Tot Infanta Tfr! Cnbllrfrsm The Kind Yea Hava , Alvaya Doht . Boara tho i Signature of For Over Thirty Years iRin mm 11 till 11 VM sawrawa sawaawv. aw vaaa ever Mr. Cha. Merrill and Chas. Olson are hauling cord wood for Churcblev Bros. Mr, In ill mutter ol the ttota it auura, titH (iwttl- Stanwcci & Sherman Bros. -MAMtrAmams or- of dicihn 0. BKEf IT- Hugh 1 UK tNUKKaKINKD BAVINO lliy,l bj (he Ci.untj toart of be atats of 1 Oregon, lor Columbia I'uurttr.a.tnilntMrairli of Travis haa fnat tn,,l iT.?".?' ""I'T""- " --lwd. uotK-e froni Ponland, having pnt the JrourUi bm culm. rm4 M(4 ,11 tU IUO KILT 1 ,..wW, m,v.iii vcriumi rwjuiwi n law. W h It W IP anrptr t1 liaat k. I Oottc to JUL ltl Umtv KattlM. tl tKat ri.....l r ni Dinnmi or ins aatais ni tiiaphta O. iliiUlr the doctor's care. C. L. Olsen and danchter arrived from Portland the other day to spend a few few days on the farm. Sidney Smith, of Yankton, naaawl through oar streeet last Saturday. Sid ney declares that time could not be any better than they are at present out his way. Mr. Ervln Seffert. Mr. and Mm. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Shearer went n. II. 1'owell, atlorMV for admhilatralrta. who uiu 21M U)f ul JU1W, I'JU Timber I-and, Act Jans t. U7S. no mi ton public won. Fmitsd Statu Laud Orrtrt. Oreirrtnt'ltr, (irpunn. May It. lftM I iV ptianoa with Mm prorltna nf th act of I .MiKrrNitii jnna a, iir. euiitiei "An act for ..iir Mir im umwr laiun in ma Niaiea ih I alitor nia Orecou. Nvvaria. aiul Wulilu.ian T-.rl. lory." aetn.Ul lo all tlia Public Ijn.l Mtalca oy aiioi aiiKunti. m:i. William f. Hinlih, of 'W.H1W, cmiiix 01 Miiiinomalt, Htata of Ora- liopond. rai-h. sniubla for hHtvlna imr. ..,ru" .n"" ' "' "nwe hia .worn poM". Can be had at a baraala. Apoi. at Ihl. ,.T.T"2 "J- "T."!! ,n5, s a.J Nk s went, and 111 aitr prmf Ul .how that ih lauo MMIahl 1. more Talo.hl fur II. it... t.. ... tone than for artullral l"irp-, anil to a- i,i,.ii rn, rnim (OMlU land DFlora aim neecivar oi in l oinca at I reaon. on Ttiunwlav. tha aih i 1W1. He naiiiira runlmiui- I Jamen E. ail.oon., Ben Warren and Joaih. an rr.rii.n.i, AST aurl all per oua clalmliia- ailvem-lf lha abure dwrfiaxl lamia are miue.tedlo file Ihelr rlalma la Ihl. oolce on or belore ull mh oar of A omul, lull ul7 jy.D fUAa. B Moollts, Koln-r. Bridge Timbers and -Ties a Specialty. W rnMiinr'itttr tnlltvu nmmh Inmhsir tor alt urftji .r ih trv,, whUH t Mil tu mtMt muoiwbl Qgur. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YANKTON. OHKUON. kWP ll rsmWrWWri' I MEAT! MEAT! UEATI f TEAM FOR SALE. fXK UPAN OF HEAVY H0HHK9. WEI0H olllce for particnian. KaTANMHUKU lliTi. ..mi -At TMIt- City Market St. IIilcns, Oaneon LINDSAY & MORTON, PROP'S. -DKAtSKS W- FARM FOR SALE. MT FARM OWE MILE BACK Of DKBR 1st, an.l;ihlrtr acrea In eulilvalion, food or- "r, ehaia, f ood buildlnsa. Applr to j!' J. U. BACHMRYER. Deer Inland, Or. . A. Ine to l . fiobertv. lot 5. block ao, m(ci s anilltton to Kainier. Anneiie Kycto Hugh McOnire and T. K. n.oupeiioarn, . of wU of ectfon 750 00 W 00 to 00 ''rah JE. MoutEomery lo John Pring'le, .... j, ,.. j. veruqnn '-4 of nw'4 and wKof f mHInn Ir. a n . 9 w m aa m.. v. ivniuitoji. H, ttouolree, uod 34 of neW of Kctlon 10, tpSn, r!wet 1 00 E. F. oulcit to K. 8 Pcrklna, nndUof nei of awtlon 10, tpc n. r2 vmi. ...... 1 00 Harvey VanWarlcom to Helen Anderson, e4 nl K'i of nectlon 23, tp 4 n, tb w... 400 00 Joreph Vaiiblarluom to John Prlogl. lota 2 and ft, block I Vernonla 2J oo t nltod Hiale. u Geo. H. nitta, patent; to Joseph Wetrir-k, patent; to Martin Wewiek, patent; to Harvey Vaublaricom, patent. Bean the jf The Kind Yw Han k.tmjt BagM Bignatma of Heartburn. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, hcart- ourn is Ukeiv to tnllow ,.i.ll ,l .niuigtauiiii ;ma oeen wesxenerl by con sanation. Eat slowly ana not tV. of easily digested fooil. Masticate the food thoroughly. U-t six hours elapse uvuncru niri, aim wnen you leel a lull ness and weight in the region of the stom ach after eating, indicating that vnn ). raicn uhj niHcn, tana one of (Jhuinber- Bin s etomacn and the heartburn jnn sale nt the St. Helens I have been in the dru business twenty years ana nave sola all the pro prietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anv- .l:.. i r.t , ... .. .y wiiiik ui euua t.:iianiiMriain'a i--iiti Cholera and Diarrhoea itemed y for all stomach, and bowel troubles," says O. w. wakebelil. ol Columbus, (ia. 'Thia remedy enred two severe cases of cbolera morDus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds nf knit it to my customers to their entire aatia. faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale at tne bt. Helens pharmacy. Change In Sehool Boobs. The Oregon Text Book Commission met in Baleoi Tuesday and selected an almost entire new lot of text books for ns in the public schools. The books selected are: - Cyr's Headers, Ginn dt Co. , Keed 4 Kcllo's Grammar, Maynard. Merrill & Co. Wentworth' Arithmetic. Ginn & Co. Brooks' Mental Arithmetic. Chriatn. per, rjauer & Co. Tiioiuas' Primary and United 8tates History, U. U. Heath A Co. Frye's Geography, Ginn dt Co. Reed'sSpeller, Maynard, Merrill A Co. Wheeler's I'riuier, .W. II. Wheeler A Co. Newland & Bow's Vertical Writing, D. C. Heath A Co. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. VTOT1CK 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT I WILT, i 1 not be rermlble fnranv lohiiArra,-tMl by my wife. Kmllv K. Mover. Tha abI.II., i. .. tilled according 10 niy deairea. C. C. MOVER. Dated at St. Helena, Or., July U. Uul. JOHN A. BECK PKALKK IN Ti'rEa-x Watches, Diamonds, Siherware, Julian i, ...JEWELRY. Impairing a Specialty. 207 Morrison St. hvt. Frout A Ural. PORTLAND, Ur- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court ol las Stats of Ore ton. tor Columbia County. N. w. Hounlree, plaintiff, DO YOU WAXT TO MAKE A PROKITABIJ! I u. o u, if; . . liiTetmentr If ao come auJ buy aome "tP KJ!" E"s at. Knoll . Hippie Know. 1 h .n luuowina iracu lor mim' a ni .u.ti..,, in B, r w- alao the l of aectlon M m ts n.'ri iroo, Columbia county reaMta!. Wll. w ; the neJ4 ol neciion St. to 4 n. 1 16. Id 5 n. r -2 w: tb wl tp 6 n. r 2 w; alio S acres In aei-ilona 21 and . ipin-riw; ine ll the ww of aectlon IS. of riecttou tp 6 n. r 2 i l S n. r 4 w: ll acrea In another tract, and 10 acrea in the neii of aectlon S. to 4 n. r 4 w. a. H. tiRL'Bfck, m Helena, Or. nam w. Kn.ilt, Knpiietne flannum, ;. a. Han- .,...u, ..-,,.,. mvygur ana Mrs. M. a. Hoy. K-r, defemlaou. To Mary Knoll, Hfpple Knotl, William W. Kn.nt, Eunlieine llannuman.l C. 8. Mannum, delemianu. ami t all enn bavin or claiming an luicre-t or ett In the followlne "al property In t'oinmlila County, Orion. to wii. hip north, ranie i et of tb Wlllam- o.w ..lariillAll. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-liaising, Etc. Estimate famished on application. All work guaranteed. CtATSKAWIK. I i ; ORRfiON. Fresh and Salt Meat! City trade, lovvliig ramps, steam- uvaiia anu raiiroau eauip m upplied. A oik rii.utn om shost motic. Efrinn Brothers CAFE ST. HEISNS, . . . 0SIG0K. : NEW place, ' II T want aonMiialn la th imaoi utjr try SHAVV'ar.1ALT . -Only the heat of- Lignors and Cigars Kept ia Stoct OWN FROM S A. M. TO IS O-OLOOK MlOMIOHT. jt professional. S-Xto . m J0 KELLOGG S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT- L,i IF. Office with K. E. Qulr. -ST. HELENS, ! : OREOOS. Will rtre beat pertonal attention tn all mattera entrusted to ma. Will BmK, i th state and United Stale Court. W. H.POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT- LA W. DEPUTT UISTHICT ATTORXiy. ST. HELENS, : aoov euiitied milt by AuKiut -a. laol, and If jwm .mi u, .niw.r. inr want in.nm i.a n . tltr will anpiy to the court for th relief prayed forln ulit complaint, namely: A ilenree for a partlthm of said real proirty alvlni fo the plaintitr the earn one half thereof: for bliFonto ami dialiilrftemanlii and for ai-oerAi .aIIaI thu .uiniiior,. I. puhllihed hy order of lion. Thoa. A. Mellride. iuilae of tha ah.ivA.A,iiti duly martr. aurl cmert-d July S, laol. The dale " puojicauon oi uiu nHmmona, ac eord In to nld order, belli July 12, uu, and the dataof lb laat nuhlu-Atlnn h..,.i if. k. HARi.ksT? Attorney for Plaintiff. Leave Portlaud ou Tunalay. Thunday and Bat erday al 1 a. m. lor St. Htltnt, Kalama, Camft feint, Balaitr ' ana o. Arrlvln nowiay aim rrioay at i b Wharf foot of Salmon St, H. 1101, MAN. Agent. W. D. MOV. T. H. WALLAf. &yt affc alV a ww wfca wautw S ft Ion POHTLaKDi DAILT. "TIAMtw- rln al Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at i p. m. "America" OREOON. B. P. Gbahah. T. 3. Cwetok. Attorneys-at-Law. 205 Marqaam Bulldlnir, Portland Oregon. Colnmbia Comity bnainaat will renelva ammAt I t.AniAn r r t Clatskanie and Portland -.ROUTE. V 1. W. DAT W. B. D'LLAHD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORN E YS'AT-LA W OfBre next door to Cnnrtbou,'' ST. HELNd. OftKtiON. General praetli-e In conrU of Orevon or Waah. natoll. Almtranta made Imm mmi. ir . M 't.M yfT I ..-.It l aaW - - a-1.,, THE St. Helens Hotel Wall ac A HoyiR, Props,, j Is Again Open to tho Public! Meal Served on filiort Notlc. Iktdt Hi CenU, Meals 26 Cents. FEED BASlf IN CONNECTION. MOSSES TO HAT 10 CENTS. Br. Hf., ! OnitooK. r i WHIamctt Slongb Konte Ixrara Kt. listen.! j, fl:S0 A M Arrive al Portland. .10:30 A M Iave Portlaud 2 :l)0 P M Arrive at St. listen. fl:00 P M WAIBSe aa awwrai. Will Carry NolMnir but Paasen- M isrsanii Kat rrclgbt. V jiuks noon. nM. W M ij Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. H.K. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON, a ' During Inst May an infant r-l,il,l nf otir neignuor was suffering Irom cholera infantum. The doctor had given np all hope of recovery. I took a bottle of niiniDeriain's Uolic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Keniedy to the houne, tolling niein i in sure it woum uo goou if osed ai-cording to directions. In, two davs time the child had fullv rrorl The child is nowviirorous and hoahhe I have cecotnmended this remedy fre- ' tt ..V... Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. STEAMER C. W. SHAVER. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p. m., for Clatskanie and way land ings; Bunday at 6 p. ni. lor Oak Point. BKTIiaNIMa - 'Leave Clatskanie Wednesday and Frl- osy at p. in., tioe permitting; leave I vaa ruini aionuay at o p. tn. Sharer Transportatioa Co. I-f a.- A 1 A- . f-W-im A ' arv . W imw aoum Your iitier X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER XI RAILROAD COMPANY. n re von Z- KKi:ok roi-ord lltie. If you ih?X'r,J?!- UOu'in wVr."' btt' ,u""t ui-m h. owlni what a d...irf".fA?',,"i h,ill,,i Aa AMnirt l.iieJtll R,? L.;! ''"' tiaviiia It. W have lha only art of alalraut . nn wora pronihliveaeoiii, TIRE It 1 all rtuhtf n.A..... .v.. i. i. n. ill?D.,'at,',,r!1"' y ' ur "i to Kn-h ni m and ahow i.i,.i h.. iu ... ... .',..y.?.".c'.m.l",',ui liyl" land or luamn. money on real- - d and oilit.cilou txHiki In the ronnty. a.Vr.u ,iZ . Pmpsnr to liimirciiveui eall. Wr h.L.."Hf,'.l.l'.'.lr"l!'1,0,m'ln'M''i ' world. If VOU r....H.. .... w..v ii.i ii wiiu u anu wi I w will and a buyer. Main Strttt E. E. QUICK & CO., SCAD DOWM Rat. I on-26 DAILY. 24 J m tt at " --w, a. M,iK-u VUIW I TIJTTJ J f I l Uver Tablet and . quently and have never known it to fail. iy be avoided. Fot U-Mbs. Ciiktis IUkbb, Uookwalter, O. ns pharmacy. Sold at the St. Helen pharmacy. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month . At BbaSijKAI)!, FlOt'KR. . Visitors met at steamer landing and gnests baggage looked after. THE OLD STAND ST. HELEN'S, : ORE00N, 2: BO 8:311 8:17; 4:IU 4:07, 4:141 : 4:l 4: iH r. h. S:M S Oft S 'JO I 'AH S 44 S l s m ox 19 4:7! S7 :17 10 00 5 M 10 OH 6 :W 10 'JO M 10 m a tTATIOIt .0 I4A.K NV.S AO.rll a. h. 00 04 IS 9 3A 9 40 VI in oo ,47 10 10 ;iK).l ni 21 i:t) 10 (SI 7 71 11 to ,SS nf li 10 WI.Hl ii '0.-1.4! 11 80 TO SJ ST. HELENS. ORiOOM Lv Portland A ri .... (mine .... ....Rainier... ... Pyramid... .. MHiKor..., Qului'y .... . . t'latukaui., .. MarHtilatid.. . . Wentport..,. ....l:iiftoti... ....KriAnria.,.. .. m-euKon... . ..John liar.. . Ar. Antorla .f.v aaao tit OAILY. 21 2S . r."5. 11 10 (40 to a-i i m tit S 20 M K 00 .' 1 M 20 7 4(i 12 7 wt 02 7 2d S 62 7 17 S 37 7 02 S 17 S 42 8 07 S 8 2 7 M em 7 45 10 All tralili make t-loao eonnei:ilou. at iaiViI with Northern Pacillo train, to and from th Kant and Hound point. At Portland with all limn, icriii. iiiifii ovhii, a a.ioria with I R. A N. Co.' boat and rail line lo and from 11 waco and North Beach point. Paenirer for AiKirla or way point mint (la train at Hotilton. Train, will top io let , aeniieiK off at H011H011 when comliia from i,r,lr. wet)f OnUle. s. J, jrittr t..Ai 'irn. Pa... a comliiij from polnu THE NEW YORK STORE E-' IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN" EH E E E E Glothing : y . .... Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. (hooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. ryini in in in in in i in in m , ,,, , "toils, Or