The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 05, 1901, Image 4

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How It redden th skin. Itches,
Cries and mini
Hume II tetter, milk emit or
Bit IMmilll.
'ino suiterlne from It II sometimes In
tense; local applications are retorted to
tbey mltlirate, but cannot cnr.
11 piwwdi from humors Inherited or ao
nulrcd and paralata until these hare bam
Hood's Sarsaparitla
potltlrely removes them, baa radically
and permanently cured tlx wont easea, and
la without an equal tor all cutaoaoui
atouD'i 1'ilu antes best eatWtie, fries Mesata!
At Carnival Time.
.-'If you dislike lier, why do you
iait her," wu asked, after "the
maiden had expressed her opinion of
tne anBent one.
"Oh, til the parade pas her
home," was the satisfactory repl.
The Sana Old Exeat
Magistrate t-. Well, young . tuna,
what excuse have you for taking the
picture when you were forbidden to
do it?
Young Man Judge, I didn't know
my camera was loaded.
Tble elfnature la ea every box of the taaalaa
Laxative Dromo-Oumins t-w-
i aaaay
First Old Codger No, I haven't
been at the club today. "'-' "
Second Old Codger So they told
me. I was afraid something might
be wrong thought you " might be
Acta thai Btamo the Haaaaav with the
Badara at Nobiitt.
- What nuisance these small hoys ra
sometime. The streets at full of
them. Tier r!aj tricks cson cs. Th
snowball our taU hat. They steal up
behlud us and placard our back With
"l am blind," or "Wanted to buy 100
cats." W are wad aware of It only
by the people wbo pas us, stopping
and pointing and sneering at us, Uow
angry we are! And then we discover
peeping around tne corner three or four
small boys. They are so comical w
Durst into a laugh; that to. If wo are
wise, and remember that we hav been
boy ourselves sotu tint In the past
And so the Incident passe with th
comment, "Boy will be boy.
riM ta the ramp. I or our part, we like small boy. W
Timet In the Philippine Is bound tolr get along with their prank. Wa
prove nro.lta hie to all (MiicttmM Warrine 1 ran enrlito tk nni tt,,, ...w. ,....-
conditions, whether tbey be In the fbilip- I f(Dri lH ,,,, f ,, ,K,
pmea or Im the human stomach, areequell.T I rUrlt n the carpet, pillow flgbta
disastrous. If vour stomach has repelled. I the morning when we would like to
there la, one authority that will quickly I sleep, the new suits all bedraswled and
ii J ""it if m -
A Poor Subject, -
"I don't believe in hypnotism,1
said Mr. Smart in the presence of Mr.
Stunner, a veritable Svenjrali in the
hypnotising business, " because n of
oue ha ever been able to hpynotise
me, " ,
"Well," observed th professor.
cuttingly, "the exception only proves
tne rule. It is a scieutiho fact that
people who have no bruins cannot be
subdue it. It is Hostctters Stomach Bit
ters, and it cures rotiatipatlon, Indigestion,
biliousness, nervousness and dTsnepsia.
See that a private Kevauue btaiup cover
torn ik oi mi oouio.
r . If Thv Only Knew.
Wagrs Boston women who ride
cross-saddle fashion are being talked
about all over the country.
iagK ies: I'll bet it the Puritans
had foreseen it they wouldn't have
landed in Massachusetts. ,
Infcrtitinj Discevtry at lenpertaat as
Head t a Pia.
The fences in the United States
cost $5, 628, 892, 160. The average
county has paid $2,000,000 for its
fences all paid by inhabitant you
and youro eighbor.
.Did vou know this before rWk
an immense sum of nionev seema in. i better references
credible, yet it is the correct amount h virtues of Ir. William" Pink
Also it is a fact that fences cost mnt.'W11 for Ile People than the many
than all other farm improvements Tol"utry" testimonials from minis
combined t It is absolutely essential f the gospel which have come
to the r reservation- of vour nmnertv ,rom H parts of the country. One
and stock that von hare mnrl ol these is from Kev. Enoch Hill,
and keep them iu good order. This pastor Of the M. E church of Grand
fence question is alwavs nressinir Junction, xowa, wno says
muddy with bole la th knee, th
tubbed to that must be washed and
dou up, bedlam la th bouse In gen
eral. Why this moralising uoon th
subject of the ainaU boy? yon
Just this. We saw a small boy, a w
were passing along th crowded street,
top and cares horse. It was not
a royally bred, high-toned beauty, but
an ordinary work horse, standing wear
ily by the sidewalk waiting for "(Jet on
nere,- and peruana th lash of the whin.
in boy wa eating an apple. II
topped and patted the horse. H gav
mm a part or hi apple. B caressed
hi nose, placiug It against hi face.
Tou should hav seen the mutual murk
IteT. tnOCQ I1UL 01 ur&na J One- understanding between bora and boy.
tion, Iowa, Indorses Dr.
Williams' Pink Tills for
; Pale People. ' )
from tae trie BnSUgK Arawi JvnctUm, Ta.
So higher praise can be offered nor
given concerning
itself upon you, and the stupendous
aggregate cost of fence renders the
subject worth the most careful con
sideration. ,
Untold trouble has been experi
enced for many years and the general
advance along the line of improve
ment has resulted in the widespread
substitution of wire fencing for the
various forms of wood fences. But
with the new era of wire fences the old,
old fact that anything is Only as
strong as its weakest part has been
time and again conspicuously demon
strated. Wire fencing in all it var
ious applications to different pur
poses is undoubtedly taking th lead
in the construction of 'the world's
fences today. This is so because it ia
the' most economics! and most dur
able, even in its earlier and cruder
forms. - !;' j
The great drawback to all iron
fencing has been the difficulty of se
curely fastening the joint (wire to
wire) so that thev will not slip.
These joints have always slipped.
l ney constitute tne one weak point.
If tbey become loose the whole fence
soon goes. That has been every
one's experience and is the base of all
trouble with wire fencing,
Recently a genius solved the prob
lem iy inventing a clamp which
binds the wire and bends and .'an
chors" a joint into perfect security.
The thing is so simple that people
wonder why someone did not think of
it before. But the important point is
that the clamp does its wonderful
work unerringly, and from now on all
wire fences can be made tenfold more
durable. Of course the big parent
company that secured the patent for
this wonderful "anchor clamp" is
having a phenomenal success. "An
chor" fences sre multiplying like hot
cakes everywhere, for the discovery of
the "anchor clamp" in wire work is
comparable to the deed of the man
who invented the head to the ordinary
pin of commerce, and an old-fashioned
wire fence can be converted
into an "anchor" fence if you have
tome of the little "anchor clamps"
and a pair of pinchers. The Portland
Anchor Fence Company, which ha
its headquarters at 742 Kicolai street,
Portland, Or., controls 'the sale of
"anchor" fences in the Northwest,
and they send very interesting
pamphlets and pictures, telling all
about fences, free of cost, to anyone
who sends them hi address. - -
I am a firm believer in the effi
cacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, the remedy having been
used in my family with highly grati
fying results. For three or four year
i was a sufferer from general debility.
I seemed to be lacking in vitality.
wa tired out most of the time and
sleep gave me no rest or refreshment.
I waa troubled with headache much
of the time and my illness incapaci
tated me lor energetic work in my
pastorate. - ' ".
"A sister-in-law livine in Nebraska.
who had suffered very much and who
bad used Dr. William's Pink Pill
with good results., recommended
them to me and I decided to try
them. I had taken but two or three
dose of the pill when I found that
they were helping me, and further
use of the remedy, brought such relief
that I am glad . to offer, this publio
recommendation of Dr. , William's
Pink Pills for Pale People in the
interest of suffering humanity.
"My wife was troubled much a I
was and the pills also proved of great
benent in tier case.
I have recommended the pills to
many whom I nave met in my work
and am always pleased to indorse the
medicine, the excellence of which
ha been established within my own
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
William Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N, Y., on receipt of price, 50 cent per
box ; six coxes, SZ.S0.
Would we trust that boyt Sorely w
would with uncounted money. HI
frank, honest face, hi eye apeaking
sympathy and kindness, Intelligcnc
and pent-up fun and life, www aa Index
of his character and natural bent that
were unmistakable. Boy, yon are
I soon to be men. Bach Incident a th
abov are worth your consideration.
They are Indexes of what yon are and
what yon may hop to be. They hav
a reflex Influence upon you. toe. that
will help yon In after year. Th boy
wa understood by the hone: th ob
serving man understood th boy a
we IL-Boston Traveler.
SekJng His Fortuni
"Young man, why do you stand on
the bridge every day with that life
preserver on?"
"S-s-sh, don't give me away. One
of these heiresses may fall overboard."
How a Quarter CoaMatet Vrlaadahla
- Betwaea BaalaMMat Blvwla,
There I a proprietor of a popular
car In a downtown crosa street who
fuarJs a his cblefest treasure a worn
and battered cola which waa struck
from th mint In lta The coin I
only a 25-cent piece, bnt It la safe to
say that S25 could not buy It, and th
reason why la this:
When the owner of th coin opened
hi cafe shortly after th Civil War,
he chose a good location, and this fact.
coupled with hi own vigorous person
ality, brought him a flourishing trade.
His business grew so rapidly that an
other cafe wa opened by a rival di
rectly across th street. The newcom
er announced that be waa after a part
of the trade In the neighborhood, and
that, wbat waa more, be waa going
to get It His attltud waa distinctly
deflant. and th customers of the
tabllsbed cafe wagged their bead sol
emnly and said that trouble waa brew
On th day that the new cafe was
opened a crowd of Idler filled the place
and waited for something to happen.
They were not disappointed, for In the
middle of the morning In strolled th
restaurateur from serosa the street.
and, throwing a shining quarter on th
bar, he asked hi rival to have some
thing to drink. So th men drank.
while the crowd gaped and wondered
wbo would strike the first blow. But
Extsat f Swedish Ajrtasltars. no blow were struck. On the con-
Sweden cultivated only 1.350.0001 trary, during th afternoon th owner
or the new car took tne sam cola
which hi rival had used In the morn
ing, and, walking across th street,
treated In turn.
The operation was repeated th next
day, and every day for thirty years.
Meantime the piece of money grew
worn and old, and the two men grew
worn and old, too. At last the pro
prietor of the newer cafe died, and the
other man- waa the chief mourner .at j
his funeral, and when It was all over!
he put the battered quarter In a aare :
place and vowed never to part with It .
thla side of th line separating blin
from one wbo had been both hi rival
and bia friend. New York Mall and1
Express. ,
J ...
Is th most Important period ia a wo
tnan'a exiatenc. Owing to modern
" f vol tma VkOdia ia
a thouiaad approach thla perfectly
natunu cnaug without experiencing
a tram oi very annoying and somw
vmea painrut symptoma.
Those dreadful hot flaahea, sending
th blood snrtrinr to th heart until it
see ma ready to burst, and th faint
feeling that follow, sometimes with
ehilla, as If th heart were goiug to
nop ior guoo, are symptom oi a (lan
Mas. Jsxxta Koaua
nervous trouble. Thn hot
Cashes are just o many calls from
nature for help. Th nerves are err
ing out for aaaiatanee, The cry ahould
ba heeded In time. Lvdia B. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound wa pre
pared to meet th needs of woman'
ystera at this trying period of her life.
It build up the weakened nervous
S a tern, and enable a woman to psat
at grand change triumphantly.
" I waa a verv alek woman, earned
by Change of Lit, I Buffered with hot
Bushes, and fainting spells. 1 waa
afraid to go on th street, my head and
back troubled me ao, I waa entirely
-eared by Lydla S. Pinkham'a Vegeta
Die compound.- Bin. J sum JNoaVLB,
4010 KeyserSt, Oermantown, Pa.
He Seen for Doubt
You speak with ereat poaitivenesa
about the sincerity ol your friend'
'There can be no doubt whatever of
its sincerity," was the answer.
'Why, sir. that man would rather go
to church on Sunday than play golf."
to curb- a colo nr ohm day
Take Laxative Bresie Qnlalaa Tablets. AM
rogfists refnnd thsmony It II (alls to curs,
i. W. (trove's slsnatur Isoa each box. fee
Imprevbij Great's Tomb.
The grounds around Grant' tomb
at Riverside are to be beautified. The
trees will be planted, the steel em
bankment terraced and asphalt walk
... Thy Ajratd. .. .. ,
"Mr. Carnegie is the greatest ami
most sensible philanthropist ttMworlri
ver knew, "
"I agree with you ir, and now imty
J ask your busiuessT ,
"1 am a bookseller. And you!1"
"1 am a maker of hardwood hook
shelving." .
UnMctttsry rrallminarlti.
"I can't uiidomtand all this prelim
inary talk about that duel thorn
Frenchmen are going to Unlit," suid
the eminent pugilist.
His entourage begged him to am
plify his views.
"Well, as I understand it. the event
isn't to be pulled off under the
usptce of any athletio club, and
there is to be no gnto money to
first sad Taylor ca
Da Goad te Sorrwhody.
To shake off trouble we must set
bout doing good to somebody. . Put
on your hat, and go to visit the poor;
inquire into their wants and adminis
ter unto them. I have often tried
this, nd found it to b th bent med
icine for a heavy heart. A. J. Sym
Ths Ritort Courteous. ,
'No, I have nothing for you," said
the housekeeper, sternly. "And
don't you come her after dinner
"Beg pardon, lady," replied Hun
gry Hawkes, "but I didn't suppose
you'd hav dinner over das early in da
day. You ain't very stylish, are
yerr . -
VIMs'i Mlispprshansloa.
Willi Boerum (entertaining hi
sister's caller) Do you lko baseball
very much, Mr. Jamaica? :
Nr. Jamaica-1 never played ball i kH. i ft
very much. Willie. I enjoy golf K).
Willie Boerum (disappointedly),
w hy, i bear pa tell eusan you was a
great catch.
C:rl25l Vchicls Cssk
fliiv lOfil Imnlnmnnt Pfstufn
WUI IVWI IlllltilllbUI VMlUIUj
a.. .4 . . , .ssaij
M Dsvue,
n4 your saw snd t. O. sddrtua and t
will mall en or boib, aa desired, lit ( all
Fiiichcll, Lewis I Slaver Co-
Willi on Lvr Halting and Uwarln
tailless i?s?s
Cartcava Drive Wlm&l
Light Vtatt
4ii... -. :
J. A. FREEMAN, Gcn'l Art
tggT. Wta S1.,l'eHlmm4, Ore.
fORTiaN d, o. Coiwplfte Stock of Wawr A.Wood Rn'iaa.
CSssmhQr cf Commerce,
pcnTLAf.'D, enzee::, :- , v
llociirM riatniits lur lnrtnil,
111 Hi" turned ntliul lorn.r.
Co.Hlllltl, a lw i).uiuira s,,,,
kMis aud dfmt psirnt luvia
ttus. beiiar timt or lacltltle
lliau wa nffi-t ubmliistils .nr.
mht'iK, I'unnrnt l our itm
nf ! d-lrrM till i,ni u
allowed. Vi ins lot
Ths rarfodtlon ol Wall Flatlsr, Is sure prtvmtsllrt
afaf l ft f rifi f .1 Y
W'mmmm m'mml m mtmm w T
aT IFfFl ITS f I fTSV!!T n",n r" nor tb yisid ( tan
EmSMJMj mmmJ M aWi at and Ors.i.
Asenta wanted la erery town.
fool l Mia Street, Fmrtlmnd, Oeesws,
ere of land in 1811 Now she ha
12,500,000 acres under plow and grow
lua,UUU,UUU bushels of grain a year.
Wbca Ton take Oram's Tut,lM, chin Tmh
because lh fmnula la plainly printed on every
botUeabevlne that it Is sin ply Iron and QnU
bia ka s taiiMa iorav. Ho Cure, ht fay. sua.
, A Owap Shavt,.
a nere are place on the Bowery in
xew lore wnere a man can get a
shave for 3 cents. For 2 cents more
he can have bis face washed with bay
Learn to take picture. The "A. B.
of PhotograiUiy" tell you how to
do it. The best book on photography
ever written. Your dealer can get it
for you. Camera Craft, 330 Butter
street, Sua Faroe ico, Cal.
' Th Remedy.
Stern Professor (to nervous stu
dent in homeopathy) On the prin.
ciple, then, of like cures like, what
would you order in a case of delirium
"Wouldn't some form of snakeroot
fill the bill?'"
Mar Strenj Hold.
Wife (testily) Don ' interrupt me.
leave out half my word when I'm
writing. '
Jfuahaml But you don't when
you're talking, do you?
. Moltt's ackvut, .'' :t
At Msnlo Park, San Mateo Conntr, Cel., with
Its bnuillal, surrouBdinss. perfect climate,
carslnl suierislon, tlianxigb Insiracilnn,
complete laboratories, aud syainasmui, esaiiy
maintains lu ptislllon In ths front rsnks of
schools for bort on ths raeitla toast. Ira U.
lloitt, ra. P., Principal.
""' Bora lucky.
Blinks Lucky man, that foll'w
Wink I don't see how you make
Blink Why, he took out a life in
uranc policy lor 3,000 and died si
day before the company failed.
Kills !.)- ea rwoltry. Tne
vein the perches, the
IsstM bill 4le He Hms
eenxot 'nod lire and fw
yen. 1'rtoe, SOr and HMQUrmo. bold by dealers,
ttll'3i KIV r . rael.Mtaa,
,nun,4i' I set a frur 0f tr,i-t sn fAeWrsjwM,
teiHtsruol .a 1 II. V:,! t l'! t. I.U.I H miimJ
t-'nium IS St r.ul I'-ili'r Oho at , ws ! u u ui
Yhora ,(,HM.I hiM llulwint.,t.j llv SJIbw
t H SUK ofSiM. ..a.IM flsu;KU.l.ul
ta rasAlhf thtnr fwr One vn Swtn, m wrib s.a Hhmw It. wm
UUUA.'ii Ct it feat, rrenl sad Taylor ate., rertlaed, Wrvsea.
tSfasVlrif stwrv lLl?J!?Jilil
.... Otut Pfmwm, .
Oawara) Ormtm OrlUt,
MuuKtmtm VaMav
aaf Oarva, Hajr sVoewe,
fewat Omttmrm,
gwwSMse F rnUow MfsisJWv r., afs.
Vrlt fot Calalofu. atalln what rou atst to by-
s . i' . sa i a. i Ai.iroKMA.
. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth
Ins Hyrnp th best remedy to us lor their
onuaren auriug tne teething period,
la Stnskkst Ctdcag.
i ne bruiegrooni was late in com
ing to the wedding, wasn't he?"
"Yes; he had allowed only an hour
for getting his hands thoroughly
ciean. '
Pi.o's Cure cannot be too highly spoken
as a cough, cure. J. W. VHsi. a
Third Are., K., iliiiiieapolis. alinu.. Jan.
6, 1900.
Poco, Premo, Korona, Graphic, Cy
clone, Vive, Hawkeye, Al-Vista cameras
and Eastman kodaks in stock. Send
for special catalog of any f them.
Kirk, Geary Co., 330 Sutter St., S. F.
Roadsters for Governor Barnes,
The school teachers of Oklahoma
have given Governor Barnes of that
territory a pair of driving horses as a
recognition of hi work for the public
scnooia oi mat territory.
Cuckoo Ejjt.
Willie had been told that when a
hen was heard cackling around it is a
pretty sure sign she has laid an egg.
One day he ran to his mother in an
excited manner and exclaimed;
"Oh, mamma, I just heard the
cuckoo in the clock make a noise.
I'll go down and see if she' laid an
egg-"'.. .'.
Littlo Liver Pills
Must Bar Signature of
' FacOlaslkt Wraoese- Belew.
Terr si stl aja i
m iuucsl
raa BizziKUs.
roa iiuonKtt.
rci iaubw sua.
roa mcoMriuioa
trssrai MiiMyMmj
TetetaMavCe t,H,-
A Coastitotioaal Affection.
ju Ld 111
: Spray, washes, powders, salve, medicated
tobacco and cigarette, however long and persistently if. t,
nsed, do not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily V' ws
the inUafflmalimt is tH. thvn. ..J aMU .u.t t. j 'K
, . MM.. r
.. ma to ntvatn fnnr isilv nwA I 1 1 . .1. $
tinual rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up .i
the irritation and ultimately produces ulceration of 1
the glands, when the breath becomes exceedingly V
offensive and the soft bones of the note are frequentlr
destroyed. The catarrhal inflammation rimAm
the entire surface of the mucous membrane, or inner skin j the stomach, kidney
d lungs are often involved ; the whole system soon become affecbsdby the ,nwd
absorption of pooto. matter into the blood, and thedSSSe tbatW bad lZd
tO CUM With ttmele local ml M. mmnnt a. J BITW
, iim.
Z UM Catarrh about 16 years, a ad
tried during- the time verytbinar Z eould
hear of, bat nethina; did me tuty trood.
At last I oame to the eonolosioa that
Catarrh mast be a blood dleeaee, and
decidsd te ariv at. B. at. a triad. I so aid
ee a little improvement from th first
bottle, and eon tinned is three er four
tnontba, or until I wa eured. Have
not taken anytning- for six rears, and
am Just sts well as I over waav X. MAX.
BOH, iApoer, Mich.
. j ha Catarrh ao had waa atirely
-T ear, ana sui tne maid
or sar nose aad par of the bona
slouched off. Th physicians sjav
;" "F useuraoie. 1 aetermined to
vy 8. . 8., and beraa to lmpror at
onoo. It seemed to ret at th seat of
th dies a, and after a few weeks'
treatment I wa entirely cared, and
for mora than seven year have had
" of thedlseaae-affiS. JOBa-
Miira rouiiLL, xoe west, s. a
. 25Ta 7 a ccmmniuonai disease-a blood disease which i frequently
fahente id only a blood medicine, such a 8. a S., can remove the ieS?
taint, destrov the poisons that have been accumulating in the system hT rear
perhsr. and" restore the blood to a healthy ,nd pure imdito? teflaed
fZZfli dTled gl?ndS " tTIed bytherlch.m.r. blood which tV aSed
to them, and the offensive discharges from the nose, anS the terrible hcadacheand
neuralgic patns cease. Chron.c case, of the most desperate character andsWenl
ly hopeless, have been cured completely and permanently by the use of 8
--.l PiUUI!fully about your case and tWwi& cheerfully ass it y ou
Ivy their advise. VJ tbargo SOthing whatever for this service Book ree r
The Toad In the Rook.
Of late day 1 bar noted, say a re
cent writer, a considerable number of ,
reputed cases of the occurrence of j
llv frog and toad In wbat were rO-
leged to be solid rock. Tbl Is, of
course, an old, old story that appear
to posses perennial power (Ilk th
toad) of revivification. I had thought
that Dean Buckiand (father of the
genial Frank) had exploded th toad
In th rock myth one for alt, Th
Dean Inclosed toad and frogs In cell
cut In block of stone, and burled them
thre feet deep In hi garden. Her
the condition were even less rigorous
than those under which the amphibian
sra reported to survive for age In th
"solid rock." Dean Buckiand' toad
were nearly all dead by the end of th
first year of entombment, and none sur
vived the second year.
A Polish Wedding.
A curious marriage was recently cele
brated at Grocholetz, In Poland, wher
a peasant at the age of 88 led to the
altar a maiden of 18 summer. Among
the 200 guest invited to the wedding
were eleven sods of the bridegroom by
former marriages, th eldest being 60
years old and the youngest 41. There
were also alxty-tbree grandchildren,
thirty-nine great-grandchildren, twenty-one
children of the fourth generation
and four of th fifth.
When a servant girl leave, th
woman of th hous always says. In
telling about it: "She said It wa th
easiest plac she ever bad; still, sh
wouldn t stay " v
A man never ha a much difficulty in
getting the girl' consent a th novel
claim, and I never a happy after
marriage as th novel picture.
Many a man will row a long way up
stream simply for th privilege of float
ing back.
f?i sV'T'j'i.;". "!i ; 3u uJ
XVeiefable Preparalionfor As
similating fberoodand&egula
ting the StomaelB aMBowels of
Promotes Digestiontwerfur-
ness and nestxontains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
biiiei.i.w. rim
AperSSecl ftemedy forConstip
lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
and Loss OF SLEEP.
tacSirw'l Si'tinatur of
Tor Infanta and Children.
Tti3 Kind You Have
Alwayo Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
A Parry Tall.
On the Iwat between Locust Point
ml Fell l'oint he found a large roll
at bills,
"A hi" ho smiled, "my good ferry
ha arrived at lantl"
9tmm 1h trams' rY awssf
tasatlr rlmuiouinins 1 shi-i. cure a cold It
eoeoay, . io cure, he fay, rcli-e ito oeuts.
A Rcrsea for Evcrythbijl.
Alice Did you notice that Mr.
Skyntlint only put a nickel in the
contribution box?
Gladys. Yes, the Ixird love
cheerful giver, so Hkyn flint i afraid
to tos oil a w hole ilolhir.
The Best rreeerlptisa for Malaria
(Ttillls and revnr ta a bonis of Groru's lartclrwa
trniii ionic. itissiBttMV inn siui otiinius m
. wawnwiviiHt , nv I r,. f rice CW.
Inhuman Torture,
"Mis Vinagaree, tbey don't haze
th fresh ie at Vassar college, du
they?" "
"Don't they, though? They made
me buy pound after pound of almond
buttercups and stand and watch thorn
while they ate them.
glTft Pwrmaiwitlr Cnrai. ' St er nurwumnm
lltw arat iMff'. ti..,irf hi hlis.'.Oriwt Smrn
t-ad lot u k k s.ea li 1.1 In. 1 1 ,.! U ..t-
iss. us.a.u asis.uu..uiai()k.rkiisii.irats,ra,
"Did you hear about their Drench.
Ing st-rmon on Hutitlay trHins?'
les. but how would thev uo iilxmt
it?" :.- .
"First collect all the iseniten in
the leeters, of courne." ;
Bravs of Onto, crtv or ror.too, (
PasNK . Cna.Nsr uiakMoaik il,s ha fa th.
armor fwrter ol the linn ol K. i. l Htitr Co..
duing rxuinrs. In the t'ltif of Tulnlo, Cinnir
andriiatea(or'ii, sn.l that t.i.l (irm wilt .mi
ths Bum 01 OSK IHfMlKKU I)OI.I.AHi lor
anil etery ease of Cstsrrh that rannot bu cured
by the us of Hall's Lst.hrh Ceaa.
sworn to licfnre ms sni sut,Mfrit.,i
preesMce, this Sih ds ol liwcrabsr, A. Xi. lmo.
, A. .(lJAHO,
flail's f 'atarr h Cnra I. tsb.n ttiiHKn.iiw ....
Alromlr o tlie bloo.i ami trxii-ous surlaiiw of
the system. .sd1 for i.tlmml, u.
Bold hr ( 71.
Kali's family fills are th best.
(., iur ivu kiaii
KOTfS'G EL5 Villi
iNtK wN
f hi w
tas WersH elattlwai feci lour at
leui estun aa ua stene alter rut tee
t.'AKiMHK'i'ti. 'l b is I am vi i a hu tvi wf
bii kealth tor tlis eaat tines tear i am still
alains l.'.-ris. Ilia mil, vstlinriie uttbf et
eeuse try sstwiuls pmple "
tiao. W. atowta, Hair, alisa.
W S W w t
vaos msjm nessnrsR
ltlMliinft. t-i)Mtai.iA I'Aias.ta ra,is AnMl 1M
Uoutl, MVM Himin. fVnnkm. tit lifl. t"T. M (i.
MwrttWf KMTMf tlfHIII, lMKf, JJsa. ft ItH.
ww m-m t"W rMW( 'l
:iMK'fV)4)4MW lUbil
Roller Eaartog
First Shirt Wuint Man There
roc Mr. Hclicrmeihorn in a . new
lurt waist; .
Second Kliirt Vnint ManThat's
no new shirt waUt. Thut's one of
his lust year's shirt waists; see how
large the sleeves are?
It ilia best In the world. It baa so equal I
aho mnjoirr. !
It has been teftlcl In all tisnreat flftlil. S
eawiol hamlllna:. aienr'na. tiretiKth, ami lll""
urns of draft, li Is Hlu.iit a imt, It rum
linht, in fact runs Hsli tor with lour bvrsrsllisa
auy oihar badr wub sis.
brr 1
Tttll on the tiMrl McCormlck A Kent,
ddrMfi .
4. H.
Only Safe Mrdlclne for f hlldrea.
The fonder lltils ln.l1. of ,.i,il,t,.. . ...i..
1 by violent iiiiracs. ullls or Iluuiii. i .......
v. h n iMnwnut.iinni in... rir.wciv.. i.ih,.,i.i.
livo '... tua
... V '' - .
As l)nuil Epithet.
Hungry lliircrin Wot do vnn
think? A' wouiiiii called me ni
tnnted scarncrow this niornln'.
Weary Watkins I've kiunved vou
nco the early '80s, but I never seen
munition about you yet.
BOTIAM, Con'l Agont,
;-' Motel Fiovcl
Opens (or srsson .tun V. -
Col. 1. V, Harvey, Uansfsr
Springtime Resolution!
a8 ilccloy ' Curb
vmw esirrsea eeateser, awe wn errv.
lure relief from liquor, opium snd tobacco
haWP. bend for particulars to .
Inlif InstitBlB. M":?JZ
JOHN POOLE. Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Strssl,
Can glv yon the best bargsln In
Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Knglnes,
Win.lmllls and Tumps and General
Machinery, be u befor buying. ,
n cims. Ht
'tmtm titMiti.
-1 hr tinitrytatit.
Cm I
Moat boautltnl and perfectly enlppcd ""
mcr rwMirt. Kvery nonvenlcmw and ciini'0''
Free lus from luiicl to snrl. Hsthliia', '.'"""'V
daiuiltiK, liowllus, A afilcntfid hotel n
lovely aiirriiiiiiiliD.s. llulurnw niriemHi
tills year. Fur rati a sud reiervstlons adil'"
018 Maeeuam Bldg,,
roftlmnd, Or
Aiaer(. Is best tlm to eitr fsiarrj;.
II' Iff Bronchitis and t;onsnniK.'-"
,Vf . f 11 Our remedy Is siiaranteaa, l
w. it s:.:ua i
N. r, M. V.
CI, Buffalo, H. T.
Me. ,-.
WHKSf writfns; t advsrtlssri pleas
latealloa sitis ppwx