1 Vf. Horman, of Uittin- WX ZZ. w. tilmiilatlng on tli 1" T. Ind I amonff tli busiuei JHK 1 ""f"!? wtVt Friday. Uwther .1 111! I ' RsS WOBUWr;"' ii'rtanwtj '"?:..!., th i,-vim.-i i fiirisi'"s . t yinJu, to tli Bounty fCi w. IW '' Monday ""T?."?; from thi Hlce t 7:!IU a. in. . -..ita aud riy wrniu wr uunMiYi ,eTr n mu y rwln. riinfhW. M usual at ;S0. ; .H keusrl Irom her at 8:30 in ?L,SwrnX.rrWtng lu .gala st 'cloeki m iUU BtHlSiKUr. vnlng with tit hmtj. ol th itMotnr 'raid, wlilob .. wn leased and now on her lor run btwt l"ortlaml and lUlnler. .ulB Charl Hoofriikirk, well and krortbly k w PUB"". ' ill ai blng hr bmiw, ndwlllopn. iidi to render a prompt, oeommodBt !. irvlc br boat bUliy aiilied (or i,S work? ft '" between fit. Helens iiid Portland remain l 60 ceuta, Tm Mist It In receipt ol handwmnely IllJitrited booklet entlUtd, "Health -Trie war. Along th Lin ol tbt Or. !,,. Railroad A navigation Company." fit book oonUlni ft number ol view ol pictureH mpontmiri, rlw rtd mm iosMry, una u is " iomto and plwwlng yj". Vonoat mtniplting n outing thl summer should hv copy ol till ouvnlr, M (i Wjll enabl you to decid whert to Miid your itiramor vacation. Tb book bi b procured fre-8 Iron ny gnnt ol ol tl 0. B. N. Co., or on receipt of two-oent postag stamp, from A. L. Crlg. gl pHugor gnt, Pott tend, Or. fb itU iaprra court Iim uUlnd thdciinn ' 1"" cour in th fnnk Mt'l)all mw, ehrgd with th murdtr ol Clm ( itch, t Cycl pwrk, purtUnd, two yir go. Long delayod luotlo b Anally overtaken UcDaniel ind hit Incarceration lor flttmn yr will afford blw aropla lima torapantol hit tiaa and lay tUa loundatlon upon which to begin ttia rvnair work noon ait eharaotar, blaokaniMi by crlnw, aaU gratad with murdar. H haa, no doubt, bwa tratd lar bttr than ba deanrvM, (hi oaly tiling to bo lamented la th laot that b haa ao tar oarapnd pnnlabmvnt and bit erlma paraded before th public time two yaara. Tb receipt ol th county clerk' ol He lor the month of Jun bHtt all prev ion record, blug 11701.61, of w htcb 11614.61 wa land rwlnwptlim and 1H.W being !. Vrily, th oolleo tton ol tb old back tax goo on at a aititlactory rat, and la doing It part wall In dlmlnlahlng th debt ol tb toonty. W bav claimed tliroughoot th year that th eounty will be oat ol debt on October lit. claim which w Irmly bolter will b howa to be cor rect by th lenilannual lUUrueut of th cxmty oAoer to be iamed at that time, there 1 not to exceed t000 ol oat tandio warrant now, with more than doubt that amount ol aaiet with wbicb to liquidate th Itabililia. Nearly all th Iff clog earn pa on th Columbia rtver will abut down lor three eoneecutlve week between July land September 16. An agreement to do to atgned In rorttaod on Thnradey of lut week at a meeting ol tb Columbia Hirer Ixigger' AaaociaUon. at which tint it la Mid nine-tenth of the camp on th river were renrenented. The tlm ol eloiing wa left to th camp. Th ihot-down mean decree ol 80 000,000 feet in th year' output ol Mr. Ai th mllli are expected to eat 20,(KW, UuO leet while th camp are Idle, logger ttfure that the log aorplu wilt b lew i-ned by 60.tWO.000 leet. Tb officer elected lor th nalng yr war 8. Binioa, prident; Jame Mock!, tie president; Cbarle Q. Urlgg, Moretary. Ara tempi of Eathbon Slater wa tin recipient ol an official viait from lira. Brooke, a grand tempi officer, and a Internal viait from Ivena temple, ol Portland, Thursday evening of hurt; week. Th vtiltora cam down on th launch Hoo-Hoo, arriving about 9 o'clock, alter which a mock Initiation wa proceeded with, under critical impaction by th grand Umpl officer. About 11 o'clock co riri were laid for all thoa preeant, and a dellclou luncheon nrd. Brief, appropriate remark were made bv ev eral peraon and th fimtivlti wer cloaed about midnight. Tber wr HI tean viaitor and a larg attendance ol the member, and everybody appeared to bav ipent a thoroughly' njoybl evening. Captain E. W. Parker ha at last glren out what tun b inland making of the vtnerabl old ataanier Aatorian. Captain Parker aay he will aoon pine hi (teamer on th Portland-Aitorla ran a an independent line, and will cut ratee on freight and paaaenger baalne agreed to by th varloui ateamboat Una and the railroad recently. He i unable to lUte jut at thia tlm what dat the flnt trip will be made, but It will not be long. Tit but trip to Portland wa mad lor th nurnoa of a trial trip, and to cover the boiler. Th Aatorian haa already more than paid for henelf or being bought off (everal ran, and ft may be the line plying between Port land and Aitoria will find it neoecaary to teaort to th aaoia Uotic to get ber out w uie way, What will be th largett timber deal ever mad in thia atat. il It troe through. 1 reported to b in procea ol negotiation now in Uiataop county, in deed, abatract and other neceuarr papera bav been Hot Eait lor approval. The nnrehaaora ara nuiiilanta of Ah- land, Wia., and th land com pr lie be tween 6000 and 0000 acre ol very choice timber aituated on or tributary to th Klaakamn river, about 12 mile aoutb ol Aatorl. Mr. Dulnr, at preaant in Portland, ha had oharg of the Eastern nd ol th negotiation, and W. H. Bradford, and Unora Kinler attended to the bualnea In Aatorla. ft I under- tood that it th paper ara aatii-lactory the mcmev will be naid eariv thia month. and the purchaaera will then b lu the field lot another large body ol timber wax in tne me vicinity, Tueulav'a nmirnnUn nnntalned lencthv article in ezolanatlon ol the law empowering Individual or corporation o monopoiia tb it ream ttirougnout till atat for logging purpo, and throw much llitht ou a lubject which doe not reflect verv brilllantlv th gaolty ol thoao who permitted auoh a law to become a law. Hot that the leg islator! acted dinlifinetlv. but there la nnmtiukabla evidence ol aatonlihlng indiacretion. In each ol the different cpuntie where th neceaaary map and enartj.Ni I ...... aia,i .l.m la a Irongproieat. Clataop, Columbia and Waahlngton are three ol the countie which are comoelled to mfler from th iniqultou meaaur. Th title ol tb law i mlileadtng deceptive to an enor nion extent, and it evil effect are enatly aeon and readily underitood upon "rivi reierence to it proyteion. a trong proteit b been entered in each county named and th monopoliaer ar liable to encounteiiuch oppoHltion a to "uuur wieir purpo unavaiiaDi, W. I). f!innnll nr. I. rv... l.l land Monday, Mill (lamia f!nla nt T,tan4 1. -I.. ltlug relalivu here till week. Al!j.nii w TT n . i. . ClaUkanleTueaday, T)r. and Mr., fill (T , , " , " " '" MMtMV with friend at Oak ieland. A ion 111 horn in Mr anrl M n... McUauley, ol liouiton, Juue SiUlh. , Cleetfln, ol Portland, vie- Had Irienda br tlx latter partolbuit wek. r .r . , I . . . . tiamee mucai ana anugliter, of Portland, ipent a day or two her tlili W1nt JatPaT Atklin mtnfnaul tM A.l.i.. Monday, to hi home on North pooae. - wvl IIUIU VUW- eman iaat Bunday to ipand a brief Tavaviuil. i uonneu ana aaugnter. of Deer umnn. riaiteu irienaa iter tn utter part of laat week. Ru n if pkiiiwb in ...... . Sunday at Yankton and Bachelor Plat at th ttiual hour. Mr. Martin Whit inent th flnt of th weak In Portland vUltlng with Mr. and Mr. T. J. Cieeton. Mia Attn Geors. of Portland, anent eeveral daya in town th latter part of laat week, visiting Iricnd and relative. Mr. Wa. Blair haa removed hli cattle back to th Inland from Bunker hill. wbr they bav been for ovar a month. Oommiaalonar Frake wa on hand Wednesday morning to join tb other mmbar ol th court in th transaction ol eounty buaineaa. Mr. 0. E. Wonderly. on of th moat progreailv rancher ol Beaver valley, waa In th county ieat laat Friday look ing alter tax matter. Mr. W. T. Watta, of Bcanpooe. and th Mime Boyle, of Ohio, ipent laat Hundny In thia city, th gueet of Mr. and Mri. J. U. Watt. The eoont clerk' iuned marriaM Keen laat Monday to Frank A. Burn- ham and Mabel liarvey; 11. L. Qrat hant and Laura E. Bmlth. John Ed holm, who hl inent aome tlm in th Weitport logging camp, re tamed to hi bom near Vernonta but Friday, to look alter hla bay crop. Captain Edward Watt recently uo oaeafully Nd an elimination for mat' paper to operate on tn upper Columbia, and ia now mat ol th atearuer Bailey QataerW Mr. W. B. Dillard returned laat Sun day evening Irom Paao Koble, Cal, whither he went aome tlm iro for tn benebt of hi health, which wa greatly Improved ty tb change. A flftr-canl lar Irom thl city to Port land doe not apparently daunt the peo ple of tut vicinity. LAlt Monuay-e early boat took about all the paaaenger It could conveniently accommodate. Loran fl. H. Holier met with a moat diatreeaing accident at bia ahlngl mill, near i;iawaanie, lan aionaay, tie uatalned the low ot th three flrat finoera of h a left hand by their coming in contract with th iblngle knife. Purauant to an aoreement by the Co- im.IiU Ulwar IjiiriN.ra1 Aaanntatiiin. Murk la Braa. hare cloaed down their CowMman camp lor twenty day. Ther will be very utile activity in me logging buaioe for tb next twomonth. ImiuJIh. ,y ,V.a it! rit fiirnlaliAd th county aaaeiaor by th United State .m nrlixUla at OrMnm ilitv. thara wer twnly-vo final proof on gov ernment ianda made in Columbia county between aiarcn in, ivw, anu anivn let, 1U01. f W n.lnn aaa nn (mm hla loffffini camp on Coweeman thia week arrang Inn in nmuiM hla family and th family ol hi partner, The. Holiteln, to their nt. . t .. u arm . I . . i n nana camp, inv xcunauivM wtv tract work at their camp and are getting out a large quantity oi excei lent iuk. rt.iuna' Tta exorciaea wer con- rliuiuut laat Hnndav evenlnc at the Congregational church, the exerciae i ...ulnln mil InaLrutrtive. WIH w II w i ..... W - The xrcia wer largely attended oy tn people 01 nia cny u uwiwm and nnuauai tntereat manifested. t. i. .k.it ,! lima nf vaar for taken to begin invading our eounty with all ort ol acheuiei and ware, talking peo i. mlil.lnif Wlaird oil and quack doctor truck into thoa who are oollih nougl) to believe an mat ia iu. Iton't b tb wcker lor then lakera. They leav yon phyalcally and financially won on. i j...,i,i .aillns took nlaca at n.inlur laat Hnndav afternoon, when th two daughter of Mr. nd Mr m m-m a . . J I . H 1M auA 1 Aalv a r, M. I owier were joineu m " two of Columbira oaunty'i prominent . Ui.. T.natla T. to Mr. lfarry B. Coleman, and Mlaa Ida W. to Mr. Uuy K. wuicn, twv -ficiatlng. t o r'nr mha haa bad varied experience in th mining district of ...t...t.i. anil Waahlnirlon for Are year paat, arrlvd In thl city Thoraday night ot laat week lor a brief viait to hla parent! aim inouu.. ' haa a prosperous appearance, and being infatuated with life in a mining camp, will oon return to hi Korthern home. flill..l.-u. Amiii aavl! "Dr. n...m .t ii l.... Ill Halxnl nhvut- jltt, in wwri" r .v.. piaca, ana " u.v-, ----na there, and formerly ot thi city, ipent Tday night in thi city, en route to Koreal Orove, to participate In Pytlilan day. The gentlemen are ar ffi" Pythiina, and they wer well . 1.1. l..l twin II pieaaeo wivu " fienben Hw Hte John Matmen. w hn Knti l.n tg.l(ta on Peep river, returned bora Friday. K. 8. Vandar mni hi, baiHy to Kalama Monday. Dr. L. M. Hlma nf ?.)... i- towaThuraday. ' " Otis Burbee. of rtaaila ... i- town Saturday. ' Born :On Sunda. .Tuna onit, t wife ol W, D. Batterlee, a boy. Capt. Whltoorab, ol the ateamer Kel- lOKCt, III th ffUaat nf Mr. anil Mra f 0. Watt Bunday. Frank Biahon haa been hnlldin a scow at this plac for Chrii Hoven. It waa luoueaafully launched Tuesday after- UUVIIe QdOm More! rntiirniwl Knma frnftt Marshland Saturday evening. Mr, Conbov. Of nianonmt iV.ah I. ..l..i.l.. i - v ,.. . .. . ti.ii.iiim uarauu, jonn tyonuoy, tnu week, W. A. Hamilton and famllv and ftai Hnyderand famiiv ara viiitiinr frinnda at Atua, naaa., ton weex. : Th entertainment lut flaimd av wn. In, given by the cnnili of th school in district No. 20. wai a decided success in every particular. The Hair drill moat certainly a feature to be regarded aa something extraordinary, and the par ticipants aa well a Miaa Wetl, are de serving oi more than ordinary credit. Beal Estate Transfers. T. H Brown to Robert Butch. hV nf tee ..., ... v , . . weni... ...... ... ... ...fnou w Ilia X. Hyfwa to J. W. Pajrne, 1WW of mo- llou I, l(. 6 n, r HH 00 HiruChrlttlanMn to Hbart Ilurch. neU ol neotlon 1, tp 4 u, r 6 Witt 7 00 A. U Miller to a. V. Veatcb, a'4. of sue tltia 14. In 1 a. pi i ifu. IM I. K. Mania to A. u. Owin, teW of nc- lion J, In S n, r J wmt 709 00 0. R. Malvllle to W. a. Koyer, tlnlwrdead 40U 00 a. i. Mania iu anoipn riayir. luutana , blwk 7, Bryant'i Flrat Addition to CUUklnla IM nf) T. B. Nlm to Thii. Borle, nwfi of nwW I Uj.(..H li ... m . . .M M J. W. Payui to i. B. Uodlroy, iU of lee tlna t, Ip u, 1 2 w r?. 400 00 jonn rarinr in The Miner tompiny, nwUolnwUof motion 13. to a. IS wi timber diwl 100 00 X. X. ulk to Robert Buroh. taW of iw ol tmilon is, tp n, rSmt...., awOO R. A. Thompaoa to Robert Buroh, Mr!i of asilon , tp b a, r a wt 300 00 w. u. nun, f uanuan, to Norman Merrill. t of MsKi and anU nf mwKi and nrA ol W ol ieetlon i, tp a, r S wetl 900 00 I'nltisl Muiee to K. it. Mltkanoo, naiant. u i : ..i i.u aA ta . . ii . . i . . nv. uuiiHUIIUI W 0, UOIUUBIIU, VUttf OI K. lonuy. . Bchoel Keport. Following I the report of th Reuben school tor th term ending June 29: no. oi uaye toujrni. tv No. of day attendance. .1862! No. ol daya abeenc 97 Timea tardy ,. zo No. of girlacnrolled..... 19 No. of boya enrolled 21 Total enrolled.... 40 Thorn neither absent nor tardy during the term were : Thomaa Hunter, Alfred Hunter, Peari gatterlee, and Liuie Hunter. Visitor wer: Mr. Martin Hoven, Mr. Albert Laraon, Mr. A. Wise, Mr. Jno. Lindsay, Mr. K. Volet, D. Maginn, Mr. Snyder, Ruth Brown, Hatti Burbee, Mr. People. Mr. Pawson, Mra. Hoven, Mr. Walter Hunter, Harry Olaen. Mr. 1. il. uopeiand, and Mini Haa utngoain, Low Wnti, teacher. Heme First, WrU Afterwards. The following from the Albuquerque Cltiren haa the right ring to it and by a impte change ol names it can be made to apply to St. Helena, Columbia county and uregon. We believe In employing bom labor, horn clerk, bom teacher, local Chyaiclana and lawyer, and local sweet earta. We believe in patronising borne merchanta. home printing shops and all legal (oral eoncerna. Vie believe in pending our money at home, and not a aouar away, ii tue noor, Three Hot Day, It Is hard to tell how th weather will be for th next three day, but we will mk it hot dat tb same witb th fol lowing prices: A variety of thirty different grade and pattern in men' suit, regular $12.60 values, lor I8 60; Imva' anita Ml.anlz.la na Bn.il.il. r. viitnm " ' I .w.w.a w n.y.nW, I'" from $1.50 to 4.00; also neat pattern in wash euite Irom 40o no to $1.20. Fire cracker given tree with every boy' suit. Men's and ladies' ahoes, $2.60 and $3.60 values, for $1.75 and $2.60; boys' hoe, black or tan, $1,26 up; men' and boy' golf or negligee abirta, ol which a complete window of samples ara shown, at prices from 26c up. lingular summer neckwear, bOo values, for 10c each. Children' hose, all si.s. 10c per pair, regular 16c, values. This Is a "Hot Bale:" do not miia it. John Dollar. corner ol Flrat and Yamhill street, Portland. - v final on th land ol 1 now In progress r. J. 8. Ulltner, on on me iam . -- .'. North BcaprKiose oreoa. mr. "-""-"i a repr.-n4tiy.ol a San Francl, firm. la now in ma, ncinnj. - " r" ' i -veral wk. .go, urd mph ol Ta'd amineZlt staWo 1 . . . . ( m Kaa hMt that a leas lor a wrm ui 70- - aeoured Irom Mr. Giltner to permit the ctrny togo ahead with development rorx. By Morton visited Seaside Monday .. ' , .-..l.ll.nlnn a mul Oiar- 1 a view -Biiii"B - --- -- , there lor the cason, which Is so . 1.1 ik.i tha nrnioects '" " . - I "'"A "l all 1 keli- t prom me won, ,.-,. tli attonUon ol Mesars. Lindsay ton will be devoted exclusively to ion win .!.!. Intention rtorr.,rt7nd.te ha meat consumed by th Seaside branch, had they established a aoo,. . ... . -1.e. .1 allVAIli fnf r. McA flier, ngu- w -v Monday ir "u n.ions in 's improvement vjr.. lolnitv ol Scapiiooi.. While very reticent, it wa. Ic.rdjrom - thatliie -,d r for tu wenaipi" .- , 'in afa. dava. Two car loads ot In a la. iMt 8tur- 1 .otivltv is looked lor there in ihort tlm. ) not work. with ket back do hood A Morton their waa all th there Mr the last pany tne way man nf begin powc day vary der 1 In tl decided COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE CooatT T"w' Qry'cai M r)T. Hm.aai, 0., Junein.lwl. KXOmcM IS HBKKHV OIVKN J'HAt ALL y nMilo Countr Warrant! of Columbia Conntr, Oregon, wbicb have been oreneiiUid aua iiaorwo' "hut i .l ir Waut of luuin. prior to March lrt, WW, will ba paid uaou pra wtiiMtioo at tbl omi. Interim will not be allowed after tlili data. JCDWIN ROUH, jl)l Treaaiirer of Columbia Coiintjr, Or. SXECUTOS'S moncB. NOTfCK 18 HKRF.BY OIVKS THAT I HAVE bn spiKiliited executrix of the mate of B. f. Whitney, ileoeaned, and that ill pemoni havlna ciaiiua anainat laid en Lata are harabr re- 3eil to preaeut ibi aami to mi at my real enoe at gcappooee, Oreiron, with proper rouch m wlUiln us nonthi from the dute of tliU nonce. MIO. r.j. nnimti, Hated Jan T, U01. P it" eiecuin. Durlnx last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering Irom cholera Infantum. The doctore had given up an hopes ol recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cbolora and Diar rhoea Itemedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two daya time the child bad fully recovered. Tb child ia now vigoroua and healthy. I bav recommended thi remedy fre quently and have never known it to fail. Ms. Cubti Baekb. Bookwalter, Ohio. Sold at the St. Helen pharmacy. Question Answered. Ye. Auirust Flower still haa the largeat aale of any medicine In the civ ilised world. Your mother' and grand mothers' never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or biliousness. uoclors were scarce, ana iney seiaotn beard of appendicitis, nervous proetrav tion or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and atop fermentation of undigested food, reiculata the action of the liver. ti mulate the nervoua and organic action ol tb ay item, and that ia all they took when lee ina dull ana Dad wun neaa- aches and other ache. You only need a lew dose ot Green's Auguet Flower, in liauid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious th matter witb you. Uet linen rrtz Almanac. Dr. Cawood, dentist, can be found on Wednesday 01 eacn weex at me resi dence ol B. Cox. nonet or flHU tTntiHT. THE trnDBRSIONKI) HAS FILED HER fi nal aiiftniint aa admtnlatraior of thieatatt uf fWi. n Himlitard. deiiaaaail. In the County Court of the Htale of Owkou, lor tbe Coanly of ittiumiiia, aun me Hint nae oeen an wr Hum iliation and tin el tenement on Monday, the 8th day of Jiilv. 1MU. at 10 o'clock, ioranoon. All peraani havlua auy oujrvuuui 10 eaiu hvoihi miim preeent them at laid time and place. Th It notice ii publlihed In Thi Oaaooa Miit for four wackt b orilnr of Hon. J. h. lAian. ludm oi ms aaia court, mae einy oi, iwh. uiiuiil ii tin.. .nn. an Admlnlttratnr of thi eitate of Geo. I). Btod- dard, deoaued. 'J KOTICe fOH PUBLICATION. " Denartment of the Interior. Land Office at Oreirnn City, Or.. June US, 1901. NOTIOK 1H liEUKBY alVltS THAT TUX folinwliia-named aetiler bat 11 led notice ot his Intention t make flual proof in rapport of hit claim, and that wild proof will be made be- lore tbe Kexliter and Receiver at uregon vity, Or., on Auguet 15, lvtll, rlc: jai;u ii. A.vntaiiai HniTIMlMut entrr 10.801. for the kU 1. 1. and 4 of lection 2, tuwnshlp S north, range I went. He namea thl following witneawa to prore hie con- tnuoui reeluenca upoa anu cuiiivauun ui iu land, viz: Bamnel Haffety. Htenhen Hollenbeck, Emu rither aud Jullua n. Cramer, an oi mouu- talndals, Or, jiiej Timber Land, Act June 1, 1878. HOTICe FOR PUBLICATI0M. raivxD BriTai Likd Omci, ureaiia vuy, vrwu, way ... iwi. -ITftTICK III H K.KKBY OIVKH THAT IN COM- i tillance with the prarltlnni of the act of Concrete ot June . 1D7S, entitled "An aot for the aale of timber Ianda in the Htateeof Celllor nia rinwoti. Navada. and Wathlnaton Terri tory." at extended to all the Publlo Land BUttes oyamoi Augum a, lev, niuitie . . bwiu. u. Portland, county of Multnomah. Bute of Ore gon, baa Dili day Sled In thli ollloa bit iworn ttatemaut No. MUD, for the pumbue of the aeM of auction So. Jh. townthin No. 4 north, range No. weet, and will ooar prool to mow tnat tne land eouitht It more yaluable for 111 timber or atone than tor agricultural pnrpneea, and to lablleh hla claim to laid land before the Begia- ter and Keceiyer ol tnu oroce it uregon vuy, l,un on Thnraday. the Sth day ol Auguet. 1WJ1. He namea aawltneMieit Julian .foui, Jamei K. Olbbom, Bert warren ana Jotopn ur- bin, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all per mi. alalmina advareelv the above deacrfbed lands are requeued to tile their claim! la thlt oCBce oo or belorc tald Sth day of August, 190L ml7 )yv CnAH, n. muukes, Kegiaier, skill, art, material or thing can be pro cured at home. II Albuquerque can't aupply the want, apply to Bernalillo county, and il unable to meet the de mand, then confine the application within the bfillnrlarv of Nnw York. (iire home people employment, if possible. Patronise home limitations and show the world yon ar for home bv ubscrlblnf for th horn caper. giving it your advertiaments and ob printing, although th prioe may be 26 cent or 60 cent more on a thousand than Chicaio or New York prices, lor w bv to pay freight. The paper worka, talks, aud stand up tor home at all time and under discouaging circum stances. Are you spending your money with a foreign newspaper and Job olilce that never helped you nor spent a dollar in th town, nor nver published a column about Albuquerque, It wide wake merchant and it wonderful climate, or are you patronising the home paper alwaya ready to help along the town ana make mention oi it peopie both locally and editorially. T Build a Drydeck. j In the department of state, June 27th, th following article ot iucorportion filed: The Columbia Dry Dock Company, with a capital atock ot 13,000, 000, in aharea of 100. Tb avowed Surposa 1 th building of on or more rydock on the Columbia rivr. the docking, building and repairing ol sail ing vessels, steamships and other water craft, and do all thing necessary to con duct such a business. The principal of- Boa ia to be at Astoria, and tne incor porator ar D. K. Warren, ot Warren ton, Clataop county; Walter O. Smith, of Portland, and A. B. Hammond, of Missoula, Montana. - Fresh groceries at Collin A Gray'. Miss Maud Decker wa a Portland visitor Tuesday. Ios cold lemonade at the 6t. Helen hotel, only 8 cent a glas. Two for nickel. Merchant Smith Klstner wa up from Rainier Tuesday shaking hand with friends. : New Hn of plain and ornamental crepe tissue paper at the St. Helena pharmacy. Farmers, and traveling men! Your horses will have the very beat care at th barn of tbe St. Helena hotel. Commieaioner Case came over from Pittsburg Monday to ba on hand to as sist in tbe conduct of county oourt Wed nesday, : u. .j Mra H. W. Darn!!, of Kelso, Wash., have apent th past week in this city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. ii. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Philbrook cam down from Portland Tuesday to cele brate th Fourth with relatives at Houlton, ' ' In buying groceries, aa well a drv goods, th best is none too good. Col lin k Gray carry in atock at all times tlia.beat brand ol goods. W Oregonlnn ara doing all kinds ot complaining because ot th cold, wet weather, but we are fortunate afterall. In New York Tuesday ther were 1 deaths from heat, and doaens of pros trations. We are continually complain ing, anyhow. Timber Land. Aet June t, 1878. NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. TJMiTXD Statu Lard Owes, UttWIt . I , UlRUUi uu, mu,.w NOTIOK it) HKKEBY uIVKN THAT IN COtf nllance with the nroYltioBl of thl let of Conir.te ol June . U7H, entitled "An act for the aaie of timber lands la the States of Califor nia. Oraann. Navaita. and Washington Terrri' ttirr." ae extended to all the Public Land Blatee by aet ol Auguit 4. Peler A. McNeil, of Dallas, eounty of Polk, Stale of Oregon, hai thliday Hied in thli office hli iworn ttatemeut No. bid, for thi parchaee of the aouthweat H eetlon No. SI, in lownehip Mo. 4 north, range No. weet, and will offer proof to ibow that the land aought it more valuable (or ita tlmtier or nine than for agricultural purpoent, end to ei Ublith hltclalm to tald land before thi Regte- tr and Kecelver of Uili omce at uregon tiiy, Oregon, on Friday, the Sth day of Auffuat, iwi, ne namea aa rritueaent: .mi ...ii wititiam Bmithi J K. Olhaona and Gua Roulh, ail nf Portland. Oreiron. Any and all persona claiming adreraely the abori-deecrlbed iandi are requested to me meir oiaimi in mit vuioa on or oeiomeeiu-yin nay oi trntua. ww, )7-a? WM. GALLOWAY, Becelrer. 8UHH0HS UT PUBUCiTIOK. In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, tor Columbia uounty. Joseph Haybura, plaintiff. ML Swen Erlkson and Maroslla Krikaoa, his wife, defendants. To thi abore-n&med Swen Rrlkion and Mar cella Krlkeon, hit wife, defenrtanu. IM THS NAME OC THE STATE OK OREGON rou are hereby requited to appear and an swer the complaint died againat you in the above entitled eft use and court, within atx weeki from and after Mar 24th. uui, that being rfala nf the Hrat mihlicatlon of thia lum- mont and the time prescribed by law and the order of the publication hereof for you to so appear and ant war herein; and If yon fail to appear and aniwer within that time the plain tiff will apply to the oourt for the relief de naniird in the aeid comtilaint. to-witt for a Judgment again lit yon and each of you on a ' . J . . 1 ...... 00.A lUWf In. proiuieory uoie utwu .uu.ij .w,, flOO.UO.tiayable on or before two yean after date, aril h intMraat at the rata of ten ner cent per an num from date until paid, and for tuch attor ney a teoe aa tne oourt inau auj uuire ntaiuims. k..i.iu ih. aiihniHm.nu and eoeta of euch ,,ii- itn t,ir a daorpa ftir the forealoture of tbe morliafre of eren date with said note, given to tecum the amount erldencid thereby, on tbe touth half of the north-east quarter of section thirty-four, In townehlp number til north, reuse three weet, ot the Willamette Meridian, in Co lumbia county. In tbe stale ot ureson.wnion n.tia and mnrtaairalwarA made In favor OI Jobn Uendricki ind thereafter aold. aatlRned and transferred to plalnilir who has ever iluce been the owner and hol'ler thereof, and also for an order ol tale ot saiu premmee ana a uwnm i- .. .. nH anA aah nf vnn from all further naht. ii,ia ami intermit, dower or rialit of dower in aid premise! and from each and erery part thereof. Thia summon is putillahed by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Indue of laid cir cuit oourt, and dated May SD, lull, and the first publication ot mis snuimoni it maue at 24th, A. I). 1901, In Tbs Oaaooa Miet, a weekly newspaper, printed at St. Helena, Oreiron, in ptirsoauve ot auuu imia. v. . . m-jijys Attorney for plaintiff. SUMH0HS. In the Circuit Court oi the Stats of Oregon for Colnnimaixmnty. H. H. Kmmom, doln(t htitineee under th Brm name oi r.mmoni tnuiwe viauuu, rs. -vmm,1 naantrav nefandant. To Marcel Beaudray, the defendant abora- w NmK HlHint THg STATE OF OREGON I Vnn an. h.MKv vniiiiird to annar and an .aa th. anmnialiit filed attalnst vou in the aboTO entitled action. In the above oourt on or before the Itlth day of July, 1901, and that If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaiutltt will take iudRment against you for the turn of tiS.00, with Interest thereon at the rate ol per cent per annum, from the 1st day of Kehruary, 1H96, end for the ootli aud dltburtementi of thil action. You are further notlBed that the ibove complaint la Sled ealnt you for and on account of work, labor and services performed between the 1st day of February, 1896, and the 1st day of June, 197, by the plalullft at the ipeolal instanced the defendant iu the matter of the lull of Mar- eel Beaudray rs, Artnur a. Bverow, in un eult Court of the State of Oren for Columbia County, wnlcn said mil wat vo uireciiiee givite llien held and owned by the said : Marcel Koaudiay aaalnst ths said Arthur A. Everett. Ki ,,..ril,u,a.t niiarter of ftactinn 82, in townships north of rauue 8 west, Willamette ... i 1 . a til n. a a . Tkdi- Itra and tl V ineriaian,ooiitiuinB; iwn - , ,i.A ..... t ,i,a auraament between the platn- tlff and Ihe defendant, the defendant wai to pay plalnilir such attorney'! fees ai the i court niliiht adlHde reasonable In snid suit. Tbat by fliedecree of the court iu tald luit, ,10CUiq iwm .ii.. -a ..iiwiiBv't fnat. nn nurt of wnlcn haa been paid eicept the mra of M-Thil ..,n,m,., ia niihiishod by order of Ihe Honor able Thomas A. MeHrlde. JudRe of the se-ij .1.1.. j -A .. i . nn th. IHth (la nf HHV.l Ctlll.iwi ci'iii., ,,nua -' , 1 - - -i YA, reoulrlns thta summons to be published for six full weeks in, Thi Omook Mist, a weekly newspaper published ami conducted In Columbia County. Orcnon, frorft! the 81st day ol May, 1W)1, the date ol the rlrst publication thereof, to the Uth day of July, ISM, the dale of the liwt .publication thereof. KM MOWS KMMOi8 AID O. A. BRODIR, niatjyia Attorneys for Plaintiff. JV I ri . vraiurji. mn ui won CHAS. B. MOOHBS. steal tier. , XOTICt TO CBSDITQSS, In ths County Court of th State of Oregon, for Columbia Comity. In the matter ol tbe estate of Stephen 0. Haines, deceased. HI UNOKttltiUNKO HAVINO BEEN AP unlntaii bv the County Coisrtiif the ntate of Oregon, lor Columbia County.administratrU of theeKateof atepbenO. Halnei. deceased, notice Is hereby given to the eredltora of, and all per son! havlnjr claim! asainst aald deceased, to preeent meta rerinea aa requirea oy w, wuuiu six month! after tbe flrat publication of this notice to said Mary Haines, it Ihe law office of w. ai, roweu.tn tH tieiens, uregon. M A Rx HAINES. AdmtnUtratriz of the aaute of Stephen O. Haines, deceased. W. H. Powell, attorney for administratrix. Hated thia 14th day ot June, 1901. NOTICE FOR FUBUCATWIT. Department of the Interior. Land Omc at Oregon City, Oreson, May 18, 1901. iTimct to nrnnnv mVKN that THE 1 V fniiawlna.named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make Bnl proof in npnort of bli claim, and that laid proof win ne nut oe fore the Keeltter and Keceirer, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Jaly 11, 1901, rls: JViauna-vtaatn, maalaad antra No. 1081S. for the DeAl Of aae Uon M. t 4 north, ranire west. He name tbe following wiuieasee to prurv uie wu.ii.nMa ivw ifiarit-a itiMin and enlrlvatlon of said laud, ris: Basel a Holleubeck, 1. c. rtanety, mepnen not leubeck and Jacob Bchllcht, all ot Mountain- dale, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOKBS, SOT ICS FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land OUles at Oregon City, Oregon. Mar 18. 1901 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE f,.t l,,wl na.uamnd a-ttler haa filed notice of hia Intention to make final proof in support of bit claim, and that said proof will be made be- fore the kegister and Kecelver, at Oregon Cily Oregon, on L FiScHEE- ' A 11 1 TT ' L (lllfl V Mtt VftP ftlV prors bit eominuoui residence upon and oultl- M II 11.1 1 L I IL II X M U.1 I 1 II f ration of laid land, vis: Julius H. Cramer, Ja- J y VlVkAJtW I VAAVt. Ataaavv I cob Miller, Charles Mason and Joseph Miller, all r , ftsf If oi aiounuunaaie, uregon. t;xt AS. n. atuvi&ao, meguteT. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. nonce rou pubucatiok. United States Id Office, " ilMnn ritv. Orniron. Anril 28rd. 1901. a-rnncit w n kkkbY given that in COM- XV niianna wlik the Drorieions ot the act of Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lanas in to owuee oi wainoruia, Anumn Mawada and Waehinaton Territory,1 ae extended to all tbs Public Land Wales by set of August 4, 1WJ, Joseph H. Urban, of Portland, Couutyof Multnomah, State of Oregon, has thil day tiled in thia office bis sworn statement Nov (asi, lor the purchase ol the iwi of section No. cv, in tOWnsnip no. a nvriu, range nu. wean Willamattn Maridian. and Will offer DrOOf tO how that the land sought is more raluabe for Ita timber oritonl tnan for agricultural pur- nnaaa ana tn aalahlish hie Claim tO Said Idlld bO- iore thi fteglsterand Beoeiver of this Office on Saturday, tne sin aay oi juiy, tvut. ne a wl,..uu.- Ui.r, Warren, nl FortanoL ure gon , John B. Olbbom, of Kelso, Oregon, Jemes ii nhnn. ann nrnaat v. ouitu... vi tuiuwiu. Orenoo. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands ara requeated to 01s their claimi in tnu onice on or oeiore earn Sth day of July, 1901. inu, a. auvnio, Timber Land, Aot June a, 1878. S0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited States Land Office, . Oregon City, Oregon, April 26, 190L -a-rr,Tipir ih HKKERV OIVEN THAT IN COM 1 nllanna artth th nrOvlslom Of thl SCt Of Congress of June 8. W78, entitled "An act for uie aaie oi timoer lauus iu u . nai. OreKon, Nevada, ind Washington Terri tory," aiextended to all ths Publlo Land Slates by tie let of August 4, im Prank Durbrey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Ore ... h..,hj.ri.T lMi In this ofQoe hii sworn statement No. nam, for the purchase of the nw' of section NO. 8a, In towmnip no. e norm, ranire Nn a aMt and win oner Drool hi anew ma his land aniinhi la more raluabe for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposee. and toee tl,llh hie claim to laid land before the Kegister and Kecelver of thil office at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Saturday, the th day of July, MM. He UHinesas witnesses: Burt Warren, Joseph W. Urban, James E. Oibboni, ot Portland, Oregon. John 8. Gibbons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely. Uie shore-des cribed lands are requested to die tneir claims In this omoe on or netore laia i uay m uiy. 190L . mS J)8 CHAa. B. MOOKES, JBegUter. . Timber Land, Aet June 8, 187. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. niiTTin Rrinu LiifV Omci. Oregoii City, Oregon, Mm It, lWt. iv "fifrw i ii u w o v. BV ftlVKNTMAT IN COM- t aii.nna .lih thta npoviajntil of ih IsVUt Of Cnnfmui of Juntl 8. 187. entitled "An set for the sale of timber Undt in the States of Cslilor .i. nn. Navaita. and WanhintKoa Terri tory," as extended to all the Publlo Laud States by act of August 4, W92, Julian P. Foul, of Ole qua, county of Cowllts, State of Washington, has this day Hied in this office hii sworn ilate ment No. WOl, for ths purchase of these of sec No. 81, in tp No. 4 a. r Ne. west, and will offer prool to show that the laud sought il more v.i.iAiA i.xr n limhurnr stnae thau for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kegister and Keceirer ol thil omoe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the sth dar OI August, ivi. ran wj. nesses: Bert Warren. Jamei E. Gibbons. Wra. u u,iik .nrf Jnaanh Vrbln. all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before mid Sth day of August, iwu. in n- "w;, mW-jyiS , Register. - Timber Land. Act J une t, 187. NOTICE FOR PUIUCATI0N. United Stitei Land Office. , , . I'llv nnurnn. April 28rd. 1901 .vnirrnir ia u t MV 1,1 V THAT IN COM IN .plianoe with the provision! of ths act of Congreti of June 8,-187, entitled"An set for the tale ol timber lands In the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at ex i ended to all the Public Land States by act ol Augutt 4, 1092, Burt Warren, of Portland, otmnty of Multnomah. State el Oregon, has thia day 8 led In thisotUca hit iworn statement No. 83i)0, for Uie puruhese of the noSi of section No. 82, In township No. 4 north, range No, west, and will offer proof to ihow that the land sought la more auuuVla ln ila timlMI M atOllC tlltll or Stfri- cnllural purposes, ud to establish Mi olaim to aid land betore tne rtegisiei a..u ... i.i. Amn ai iiraann Citv. tlreion. on Saturday, the Sth day of July, WOl. He namoi as wlt- na.ua. Jaa. . Olbhottl, Joseph H, Urtiao, Krneat V. Berwlok.of portland.Oregon, and Job a ,ui.i.A. .1 Valu llmintlV. AllV aild ftll DC! ?:.r.'";7:i.'. .na.lv the auove-deeorioed lamls are requested So tile their clelral In thil oftice on or botore sata i oin j i.j, .. aiSjyft CHAS. B. MOOKKS, Kegister, ..Pure.. DRUGS t- Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. -Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders take for Wall Paper From Sample Books Portland Prices Books of all kinds. St. Helens Pharmacy. ; ,,unuuji.vuvi. 1 uui , . l iri uuunro inri"tnrii"i'i "" rVV'VVV vsf ,. (Office, Hood 414 O Thonm ae,.1'FKOHT 147 0 0 T,P I2 OfficbHocb. asaWshsi ,mm0mmJmmmmm , Tbeoflore S. Ttoisoi, Dentist Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS tO & CI, WASHINGTON DLD&. gouthetst Cor. 4th A Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, PORTLAND, OKEGOIST. TAKE BLKVATOn. i0OOOO000O0000000O-O' o O' o o 0 o 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jfcr afE yflh if. JjK ateD- VyfL Are two very Important featnrea to tatk into consideration when one goes to procure article for everyday nae and consumption, to oat host of patron we ar pleased to ay we bar QUALITY, YARIETY AliD QUA1ITITY. Our large and select stock affords tb intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to $et the best Bargain onerea in mis Twuuty. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Farniahina good, hard ware, tinware, paints, oil, jrlas, crockery, eutUerj , blanket, ou doming, leea, noar, trueu kru, uira garden implement, d dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, .v TKS PEOPLES KERCIIAriT8.---;::-.-.'-...v Gooda Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Seasonable Goods At our store mean that we keep constantly for aale a variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to th demand of U well-living people. We cator to all clauses LOGGER, FARIIER, IIERCHAIiT. General Merchandising la our especial business, and w have held th fort by offering a high qnaltty of goods at low quality price. Whandl Household Necessities SuppUe for everybody and to meet all demands. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction aa to price and quality. Now I th tim to call on :.; lOallEr; . , POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREdON. 1 .aVallyasta at Kt ttaiWJi . luiUituWiia saa Ki.wvi.mi o Minnfaeturen of and Dealers in o ...Hi Kinds of Bs'jsh tni lizsszi Lu fieir IflWWl tt! riawlstVaaa RaisMo ...Ceillas alntiia Isattr. aftan nn.n m -T VJ atlt I Mill o south fork of 8oitii'i creek.four mil en from snapiwuss ttiitii.a. IjUinlier deliveied at Mi'iADnoiwe ilstlen or Jnliiiiwa'slaiullnK lit .1.1X1 iier !, ur At W arreu ststloa, st-SO. BOAPPOOSfl. ... - . OHEOON , 1. aVfsV aWaV'i' 1 5iW ft