t Catarrh Is a constitutional dtsraae. It originates In a scrofulous condition of tb blood and depends on that condition. - it oiten causes beadeclM and diae, Imntln th taeta. amrll and Bearttte:. a. aw tlx root! orrxns. disturb tb store sen. It is alwsTS radkailv and permanentl. X'JT" "U,UT rr ' it HUGH 3 OarSapariUU This mat tnetlldne hat wrought to most Wonderful cures ot all diseases depending oa scrofula or to scrofulous aarjlt. Moos rtu sn tlx keel oataartte. la Thtlr DrtsBM. 'Ye.; I declined an offer of t3,00o' week to play the Iceum circuit. aid the Vaudeville Soubrette. "Huh! I never dream i em that way, I always accept," common ted the Scltxer Water Comedian. &fmm Hm Ommmt anaf tanttre BrotnoJatittn TebieU ears S eaM Is easeey. cure, ao raj. fries xsestua. By ths Wroaj Process. ' , . ,,l; The teacher was trying to explain to the little girl what faith M. "Now, when your father plants his flower seeds in the spring, how does be know they'll come up?" '"Cause our neigh bora ha got chickens, ma'am," said the little one. Send 15 cents in stamps for a sam ple of copy of Camera Craft and a large three color picture oT'YVawona. " The best photographic magaxin pub lished. 830 Sutter St., San Francisco. JasMS J. HUTi Early Days. Jamea J. Hill, the railway magnate, was at one time a Mississippi river steamboat "runner," and as such was well known in the early development of Milwaukee. He was then account ed one of the beet "drummers" of bus iness for river boats. taaTB Omo, Cnrr or Teuaok l Lous CWncrr. Faasa 4. Caavsv ake oath that ha is the raior parte of lb In ot F. i. Casus A Co., dome buamee la th city at Toledo. Costal? aad Stat aforeeaid, and that said Snu will pay the sua e ox a H U h lKD DOLLS &S for eae h aad every eaae el Catarrh that eaaaot ha carsd bf ths ass al lux i Can Cess. JKKAMt 1. CHESBT ma to be fort mm and aabeerlbed la my roMace, laja at da al Decern bar, A. D. use, IsaaU A.W.GLKA80X. Eall't Catarrh Cars fat takes lataraally and acta directly oa the Mood sad mar out euriaees af taasyatesa. Send tor untttaontal, free. . . K. J.CHKNKX A CO, Toledo, O. fwd by draaeina. ?ae. Kali rugate the bowl SyiliHc Ecsasiy. "The idea of your telling me I'm extrsTsgsnt !" protested Mr Chug water, "when I have saved up $500 in the last 10 years on one item alone, by a little self denial !" "What item was that?" demanded Mrs. Chugwater. " "Cutting down my life insurance from 5,000 to $1,000." to ecu a cold nr oxu ba Take Laxative Broao Qoiniae Tablets. AS ta refund tbe metier It It falls to enra. . Grove's aisaatare la oa each has. lie. A Warning. "You had better not go boating with sinter," said Tommy to his sis ter's beau. "Why not. Tommy?" '"Cause I heard her aay she intend ed to throw yon overboard soon." Beltt'e Bchaal. at Verio Fark, Baa Mates Coaaty, Cel., with fUheaaiuai, earrouadinga, perfect climate, earelut Biurv a on, Uioiourh tni traction, eateplefe labor atoriea, aud cyaiaaaium, eaaily e ntaina Ita poeiuoa la the froat ranka of etttoolt far bora oa tbe Facile Coast. Ira O. HatM, ra. 0., Friadpat. A rlilhthraafat. She (haughtily) I happen to know that yon hav already proposed to two other girls this year. He Yes, dear; but I assure you it was only out of compassion. Setf-Evidesi. Teacher Johnny, what do we breather Johnny Air. ' Teacher That's right. Now, Tom my, of what is air composed? Tommy Breath. . Earopcaa listen "An Austrian firm uses 10 tons of phosphorus a year and turns out 25, 000,000,000,000 matches. Another match company, an English one, uses 100,000 pounds of sulphur, 700,000 feet of choice white pine timber, and ISO ton of strawboard for its boxes In the aame time. - Kg Estate Doubled. It is declared by Wall street men thst the estate of Commodore Van derbilt and Jay Gould have about dou bled in the hands of tbe late owners. The Vanderbilt properties were worth $80,000,000 and the Gould interest $70,000,000. islJ Lai Rheumatism fa due to an excess of acid in the blood. When this escapes through the pores of the skin, aa it often does, it produces some form of skin eruption some itching disease like Eczema or Tetter but when these little tube or sweat glands are suddenly closed by exposure to cold snd sudden chilling of the body, then the pouons thrown off by the blood, finding no outlet settle in membranes. muscles, tissues and nerves. These parts become greatly inflamed, feverish and hot ; dagger-like, maddening pains follow in quick succession, the muscles become extremely tender, the nerves break down and tbe sufferer is soon reduced to a statsi , ot Helplessness snd misery. This acta poison penetrates the joints and seems to dry out the natural oils, and the legs, arms and fingers become so stiS and son that every movement is attended with excruciating pains. Liniments, plasters, electricity and hatha, while their use may give temporary ease, cannot be called curea, for the disease return with every change of tbe weather. 8. S. S. cures Rheunuttiam bv " jwrnxm aav a uw, a htoi BYaw:ak oa la arrppe, which laft aa si moat a phyaleal wreak. To add to my wretched condition, a ee-rare form of Bheumatlaa de-r eloped. X triad all the physiolaaa la ear elty, bat none f them oouid do ma any permanent wood. Z ttaod all the rhetiraatio oures I eould hear of, but reoelred no benefit. After baarltuilos- 8. B. B. I was relieved of the pains and have valued in fleeh and strane-th and my renerei health ta better thaja for years. I consider 8. B. B. the a-ra-adeat blood medicine la the world, and heartily reooaunand it to any one eeek laT relief from the tortures of Hhanraatiem. B. V. GrSEQOKT, Union, B. C." to rulnoua habita. Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often pre. scribed, affect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the digestion, thua adding another burden to the already weak and impoverished blood. S. 8. 8. con taina ao tmaeral or dangerous drug of any kind, but is a simple, vej-etable remedy and the most perfect blood purifier known. Send for our book on Rhen ywtuim and write our physicians if you wish any information or advice. We would MSladtoniadyooa book frees we charge nothing whatever for medical ad vie. Ti3 SWIFT &PECUK COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. Th Only y. . . An Illinois attorney argued to th court, one titer another, a eerie ( of err weak points, none of which seemed to the court to have anymerit, I until the court finally said: "Mr , do you think there is 1 snvthinr Sn these coinUT I "Well, tadee, perhar tllCW isn't muchin aiyoneolthem alone, but ) I didn't know but your honor would kind of bunch them Ktaj Htary's (Hbts. Duke Henry My dear, why are all of those royal carriage standing out in front of the palace? Queen llhelmina I wonder tuat agency from stopping its dead wagon in front of the door. i That' why. The Maw aMeyete. Bicrcls manufacturer stst that the bi cycle for this Tear will b practical! ths same modls as 1900, as improvement mma to ba Impossible, Procweiy ih same is Una at Hoatetter'a Stomach Hitters, It represents the limits ot sience. and It is im- I n..Mlht. n Makr. ktfar ntatiidne for the .tomeeb, Uver, kidners and blood. Trr it for drtpepsia, lndlitaaiton, constipation. BUO.BViXST,ior..-ii.nd you will bs couriered. Kr take a substitute. " A Tints far Evtrythis "I have made all the arrangements for your divorce," said the lawyer. "Shall I secure it at once?" "JSTo," repited the ' sensational act ress, "after some reflection. "Not yet. My press agent ia on his vacation." SINKING SPELLS. ALARU1XG SYMPTOMS DESCRIBED IS A SWORN STATEMENT. Krs. W. T. Clark, a Kaaaa, H. T. Tells Why the la Hats Raaaaaaeeadlag a Wallkaawa Kaaaaa tat Berrriaada. Indigestion and stomach trouble have many result that are not always readily traced to their real cause. Sometimes the kidneys are apparently affected but more often an irregulari ty of the heart's sction produces a far more alarming symptom. The cause is easily' explained and is removed when the stomach trouble is cured. A case in point is that of Mrs. W. T. Clark, of 318 West Thomas street, I Borne, N. Y. : She says: "To begin with, I bad gastritis, which brought on sinking spells for about an hour every morning. I was very weak and nervous and finally was compelled to take to my bed. My illness began in the spring of 1897, and continued for about four months. For about half this time I was con fined to my bed. I suffered greatly from the stomach trouble and ner vousness, but what alarmed me most was the sinking feeling at the heart. "I bad read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Psle People and when some of my friends recommended the pills very highly, I decided to give them a trial. I bought one box and by the time this was used op tbe sink ing spells had ceased. I felt better but continued taking the pill until I had used IS boxes. I still keep the pills in tbe house for I believe that they are a splendid medicine. I always recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to my friends who are ail ing for I know that they will do all that is claimed for them." Signed, MRS. W. T. CLARK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this th day of April, 1900. Benj. S. Brown, Seal. Notary Public. Jto discovery of modern times has proved such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. Acting directly on the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulatng the functions, they restore the strength and health in the ex hausted patient when every effort of tbe physician prove unavailing. These pills are sold in boxes st 50 cent a box or six boxes for $2. SO, and may be bad at all druggist, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Co,. Schenectady, N. Y. A Problem Solved George Why do women talk so ranch? Fanny So the men "can't. They think the lesser of the two evils the better. The Boat rreevrlptlem few Malaria Chills sad Fever is s bottle of arare'e Teatelesa Chill Toole. It is ajmnlr Iron andanlnine la a tasteless form. No Cora. Mo Pay. fries KB. Atta Sctins ths library. 'Oran'na olease draw me a naked rSZuJ T,Z t ! clothes not Lrvj 1 vtjvuv est sivu even shoes, "Why, Tommy, that ouldn't be proper." "Yea, it would, gran 'pa; I want to put wing on him an' make him an angel." working a complete change in the blood ; the acids are neutral ized, the circulation purified and the rich, healthy blood that is carried to the irritated, aching muscle and joints, soothes snd heals them. S. S. 8. cures Rheu matism even when inherited or brought on by the excessive use of mercury. Opium, in some form, i the basis of nearly all so-called Rheumatic Cures, which deaden the pain but do Elf GOOD ; S&ort Stories, ii $ j j f $ f. j 5 $ ; Henry I Clapp, In a company of good fullowa, once aald of a well-known editor who was constantly Impressing people with bis own Importance: "Yea. he la a self-made man and tS worship his creator. Thackeray, anxloua to enter Parlia ment, stood lor Oxford, thinking he might win the seat from Lord Monck, who then represented It Meeting bis opponent In the street on day, he shook hands with him, had a little talk over the situation, and took leave of hi in with the quotation: "May tbe beat man win." "I hop not." aald Lord Monck. very cordially, with a kind little bow. In Utti Western town the other day the moat popular cttiien soundly whipped tough character, and to vin dicate the majesty of the law tbe of fender was brought np for trial. The Jury were out about two minutes. Well." said the Judge, "what have the Jury to say V "May It please the court," responded the foreman, "we, the Jury, find that the prisoner la not guilty of hlttln' with Intent to kill, but simply to paralyse; and be done It" The verdict was received with applause and the prisoner received an ovation. Senator Vest of Missouri telle of a uutaa meeting once when a certain res olution was discussed for several hours. Finally one of the delegate be gan a speech which wandered all over creation. Some one Interrupted him with the remark that he ought to con fine bis re marks to the .resolution. "Yea," aald Judge Phillips, who was presiding, "tbe gentleman must speak to the resolution." "Let us have the resolution read," suggested some one in the meeting. Judge Pbtlllpa stooped down and whispered to the absent minded secretary. "Read the resolu tion," he said. "E m" queried the sec retary, waking up; "what resolution?" "The one we have been discussing for severs! hours," replied Judge Phillips. Tbe resolution was bunted for high and low, but could not be found. On tbe secretary's desk there was a bit of paper which looked aa If It had been nibbled by a mouse. It was all that re mained of tbe resolution. The absent minded secretary had eaten the rest During one of hi expedition In tbe Philippines, the late Gen. Law ton cam across the trail of a party of Filipinos, which he followed for several daya with a small body of troops. One day he and his staff reached the top of a small emi nence and saw a river stretching be low them but a short distance ahead. Turning to one of his aids, tbe General said: "Lieutenant, ride ahead and see if that river la fordable." The Llenten ant put spurs to his horse, and soon en tered the river. A few feet from shore tbe bottom shelved off suddenly and the horse was soon floundering in deep water. The Lieutenant disengaged himself and awam to tbe shore, which the horse also reached In a short time. After a brief chsse, to the amusement of the General and the staff, tbe horse was recaptured, and, mounting him, the Lieutenant rode back. His kbskl uniform was soaked aud bedraggled and the water spurted from tbe tops of his military boots at every Jump of his horse. Biding up to tbe General, he gravely saluted, and aald: "I have tbe honor to report air, that the river is not fordable." Law too looked at him moment, trying to maintain the dig nity of hi position, but the situation was too ludicrous for him. Be burst Into a hearty laugh In which the staff Joined at the expense of tbe young lieutenant who, however, tella the story on himself. Pope'e Wardrobe. A large staff of women la employed at the Vatican for the aole purpose of keeping the Pope's wardrobe In perfect condition. No spot or stain may dis figure the garments worn by hla Holi ness, and. a be alwaya appear in white, even a few hours' wear deprives the robe of their freshness. It Is con sidered that no man's hand 1 dainty enough for their care, so In this one respect women are permitted to serve the Pontiff. Only tbe most delicate material are used, moire silk being tbe summer fabric and specially woven fine cloth tbe winter one. A Hebrides Island for Sale. It Is announced that tbe Duke of Ar- lU tatend to eU Tlree- tu mo,rt fer" tin Wand of the Argyleshlre Hebrides. It 1 some twelve mile long and four mile broad. By reason of Its flatness. Tire 1 prettily described In an ancient Celtic legend a "the kingdom whose summit are lower than the waves. Around the coast there are some forty ruined watch towers of unknown his tory and several "standing stones." Tbe Duke's factor house wss erected In tbe middle of tbe eighteenth century on the site of tbe venerable ruin of a turret ed castle. London Chronicle. Fears a Timber famine). If It were not for tbe foreign supplies England receives a timber famine would hav overtaken the country long ago, because the home-grown supply has not been able to meet a tithe of the demand for long enough, and that only of Inferior klnda of timber. If the for eign supply of flr alone was to fall off sensibly now the whole building trade of tbe country would come to a partial standstill and tbe wagon companies would be next to Idle. . Tried to Please Her. Mistress I'd Just like to know what waa tbe meaning of all that loud and angry talking down stairs last night? Domestic That waa Just me and me husband, mum. "Your husband? You told me when you came that you were not married." "I wasn't then, mum; but you com plained about bavin' so much love-mak-in' In tb' kitchen, so I married one or em." New York Weekly. Altogether Different. "If all very well before a girl's mar ried for ber to get a flower In ber hair," remarked tbe Observer of Events and Things, "but it's an entirely different matter If after she' married she get her hair in the flour." Yonkers Statesman, m mm w awo t0 - -a,4P F".,mm0H What Buffering frequently result from a mother's Ignorance or mora frequently from a mother"! neglect to properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition aaya "woman muss suf fer," and yoonir woman are ao taught There is a litUa truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a you ig woman suffers severely she needs treat ment, and har toother ahould sea that he gets it Many mothers hex! tat to take their daughters to a phyaiotan for examina tion : but no mother need hesitate to writ freely about her daughter oi herself to Mrs. Plnkham'a Laboratory at Lynn, Mass,, and secure from a woman the moat afiloient advice with tit charge. Mrs. August Pfalatrraf. of South Byron, Wis., mother of the voting lady whose portrait we here publish, wrote la January, 1800, saying her daughter had suffered for two year with irreg- j nlar menstruation had headache allj the time, and pain in bar side, feet swelled, and was generally miserable. 6he received aa answer promptly with ' advice, and under data of March. 1890, 1 the mother writes again that Lydia K. f Plnkham'a Vegetable Corn pound cored her daughter of all pain and irregu larity. - Nothingta the world equals Lydia aV Pinkhama creat medicine for rora-i latins; woman' peculiar monthly srouMetv Dettrauaauoa. "It's the only toime on earth, "said Mr, JDolan, who was struggling with a balky horse, "that I wisht for an otty-, mobile." i "Would yes sell the horse?" j "No, sir. I'd never give in like that. I'd hitch the animal up in, front of the machine, and then I'd see . whether he'd go or not.' J Take picture at night at yon home print them at night you can do it. Address Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sut ter St., San Francisco, for informa tion. Largest photo supply house in the West. i ', Fee Csusa, Yeast Do the robins com to pick tho bread crumbs from your lawn? Crimsouback They used to, but they don't any more. "How do you account for that?" "My wife makes her own bread." This slfsstnie le oa ever box of tb raaaioo Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tablet I aald tat awe way Already Informed. I Disappointed admirer Yo' kin tell. Dinah ditt ef she wants dat chump -'V -""-' - " Mutual friend He done tole her, dat hisself. ViETOTfclS YDORS? THE ORIGINAL v GIL.CD CL.OTMINC ottMian'tRrwHUf. takx MsussriTVTn. tMs ro owe rwaa CATALOGUES ntt erWrVIN PULL LINE orfiARMCMfS AMD MATtt A el TewtR C.04TN.riA5.9 Springtime Retolutlonn TAR tootoy: Cures TU or relief fiem lienor, oplust snd tobseeS bebuv. Band for particular to .tier x. r. . o. Ke. SS-1SSU Wat CM wrltln ta, adntlr please aaeatleat tale papwh 'I'hA &lnf VaiI llua Alwnvm i'''i"Mi 'i ii iVlii'iiffl77rfsTaBHOTa'i iiiii"i'iii'm'"T r"'M--raaaTflTrTaro-'""' - af VSl -I If V i ear ' ' I - ja, uuuguv iua uvrug tilt? aiKriBVa ture of ChaA. H. 1 letclicr, and lias been mafia under his personal supervision for over a Tears. Allow no on to deceive you-in thin. Counterfeit, Imitation and JuHt-n.rood " are but Experiment, and endanger tit licaltu of Children Experience again Experiment. What is CASTOR I A CaatorfA fs a bar-mica substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. Boric, lrop and Hoothlnar Byrupa. It la llcaHnt. Ie contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotle Kiihstance. It arre Is lta g-uarunte. Jt destroy Worm una allay Feverlxhnrie, jt curea Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve Teethlnar Troubles, curea Conatlpatior and Flatulency, It assimilate the Food, regulates the htomach and Bowels, giving Iiealtby and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tlie Mother's Friend, Tie Kind You Hare Always Bought v9 Hoars the In Use For Over 30 Years. AFRICAN MORSES AM HARDY. 'Was Remarkable Fndareaoe and Fewer to Travel . On of the ry first thing that ilrlk I ths wanderer In the great expanse of ! ths southern hetuispliert 1 the strength md endurance of tbe horse. Tbougtt look st they sr tb sorriest sorigs I erer it eyes ou, yst they appear to M possessed or a power of getting ovtr A ground that la llttla abort ot lull trulou and so astonishing la It per ilstsnc as to seem automatic A vary trlklng tnstaoc cam under my no de only a few day after landing In Cape Towu In 1SU3. I wa sitting on Saturday afternoon on tht stoop of Park' Hotel, which occupied ths eor ter f Addsrtey and Strand atresia, when a duit-coTsred horseman Mopped ind dlamounted. HI bors w taken to the stable and la ths course or eon rertatlon In the bar I learned that be rat a tnumber of a legislative assembly for an up-country district, Tbr wa so railway communication with tb In terior ta thus day and b had rlddsa In from nte how at Coleaberg la les Ifaaa six days, having started ths pre cious alondsy. Now Coles berg I more tha BOO wiles from Cap Town and ths country is very rough gotng, much ot tt being tend snd other part very mountainous. No Kngllsh bred horse, fed according to English methods, could hav accom plished such a ride ss this, more espe cially when w consider tbe tempera ture of lh Cap Colony, I wtnt to look at tht animal on-whicb the Journey had been performed and found It to b a little roan achlmmel barely fourleea hands and apparently a fresh as paint Another very remarkable rid that ram nndsr my nolle wr performed by a Boer who lived a few mile from Gray-town. In Natal Ills wlf wss taken 111 and a particular medietas, not to bo obtained In Qraytowa, was Im perative. So In the early hour of tb night b started for Uarltaburg, flfty Bv mile distant, through aa extreme ly billy country and wa back oa hi (arm la sixteen hour. Tb remark tbl thing In tbta ride waa that this Boer weighed over seventeen stone. la my own siperlenc maay Instance tt tbe wonderful staying powers of Af rican horse hav occurred. , To men tion on, la 1800, I bad been appointed booorabl secretary of tb first athletic port held In tb Umbotl country ot Natal. They were to be held la tiray town oa boxing day, which fell on a Monday. All preparatlooa, etc., war concluded early la December, when I received aa argent request to go to the Itanavaal to look after a friend who wa tying very til la bl wagoa with to attendant but a roup! ot raw kaf 9rs. I rod a bard aa I could and found him among lb kopjea of tb Drakensberg, between Lydenberg and rrakkerstrom, very bad with fever, which b had contracted somswhers In tb low country to the northwest I tended him for com day until b wa dearly out ot danger and then suddenly remembered that I bad to b In Gray town on Monday morning. I wa thea lit ting on the wagoa box drinking my norning coffee at 8 o'clock Saturday uorning. Graytown wa 220 mile iwy, but I wss at my post there at 10 a. m. tod In addition took a second Kit both la running sad Jumping conv rtlUona.-Afrlcan Life. Mothers will find Mrs. Winstow's Sooth ing Hvrup the beat remedy to uae tor their children during the teething period. First Financier-I gave my boy ttiki ram tn -.ri witi. tl, .tnt me other day, and be made f2,WU. n.,nii tinpiri.rt "Vf that'a what ha hail Wt - t - --.. Not a French Schsisr. , "Here, son, you've studied French; what' this word on the eatin' list?" "That's 'fillet'." "Fiiliel Do they thin' I waul horse meat?" glTO raneaaaetlr - rjo. We St at ameawaea file afu, flrat .!,' iwaafr- htta'llrat Men Bertom. "virrKBK.OetiUIIrtll..i..lut. aa. Da. a. U. Sua. lM..m Attbat.. aiualiu,ra, Trying to Break Him af Smoking, Gayboy What' wrong with this tobacco? Slippers To tell the truth, old man, it's adulterated. I've dis covered that my wife has been empty ing the dustpan in my tobacco jar for the nast few mornings. Plan's Curs I the bett medicine w erer tiaed for sll affections of the thmst snd lung. Wa. O. EamtLiv, Vsnbureii, Intl., l. 10. 1WU. . Ths Critic's wsy. Indignant Artist You say it' a bad picture? know about painted any. And pray, what do you pictures? You never Critic My dear fellow, I know a , bad egg, though I never laid any. If... 4- 1. n 1. - . w. . i Signature of J ji A CONGRESSMAN Cartd of Catarrh of long Standing. t I Is-Cotif rcMtnta A. T. Oootlwya. Ex-ConKrcssnian A. T. Oondwyn, from Alabsma write the following letters , The Poruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Chios Gentlemen"! have now used two bottle ot rerun, and am a well man today. I could feel the good effects of your medicine before I bad used it a week, after suffering with catarrh for over a year." Itesjiectfully, A. T. Goodwyn. Catarrh in it various form U rapidly becoming a national curse. An undoubted remedy has been dis covered by Dr. llartman. This rem edy ha boon thoroughly 'tested dur ing the past 40 year. Prominent men hav com to know ot it virtue and ar making publio utterance on th subject. To save the country we must sav the people. To av the Jieople w must protect them from lisease. The diseu that is t once tho most prevalent and stubborn ot cure is catarrh. Publio men of all parties recognise in Ferun a national catarrh remedy of unequalled merit. It you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the u of Peruna, writ at once to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement ot your case and he will b pleased to give you hi valuable advice gratis. A(l lre Dr. Hartnian, president of the Mailman Sanitarum, Columbus, Ohio. ,i -- if K J J FARLl MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. FREE TO SlirMERS Our ISOI Vehicle Book Our ISOI Implement Catalogs JUST ISSUED. Head roar as sad t. O. s44rea sad ws will stall aas or both, a desired, (re af sll chart. Mitchell, lewis I Starer Co rtrat sad Tayloi sia rSsTUXD, OB. THE AULTMAN & TAYLOR MACHINERY CO. Builder of Hlh Ord THRESHERS, CLOVER HULLERS, HORSE POWERS, TRACTION AND FARM ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, ETC EDWARD HUGHE8, General Agent. Catalogue Mailed Free. 183-186 Madison St., Portland, 0'Sn. PRUCOIAN GTOCIC FOOD The Oraat CeaaWlaaer aad Bt f.raaa.r. HOOSH a Mora Wwtt m VA. COW give Me sad tucker MUa. rKMia fatlaa Qafcaer M la Ibis feed. okace, BOo and tl.OO. Tee-reo MAEKS rtO OKOW OOOO tOU aTCMTKO CALVE. Pat'A Rswsav Co.. at, Paal, Mlaa. bBKTt.aaaa i 1 hare beea feedles roar fmtxmtm roc Fooa to thoroagnbrtd wla. It sivxo th aa appettta, aad atahaa th ami (row. t alao Ulrd It oa stuated alTs vltk aaturartor rcetilt. haa m. 4. BOW KM, Coast A eat. Frenl atatl n FT 0 lnTf9 Th af J EMa I m iA k J M with LM1B PLASTER jrayAfenl wanted lnTry town. What Does It Cost ? We have Just issued an excellent little Cat alogue on Fence subjects. Full illustrations; all the newest Fence information. A postal card will bring It to you, . Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74a NIcolal St., Portland, Or. AS 0. r, 0f, pt. Sa., 'Sa -a' tWEiGLEfZ -PATEtJTQ Chamber of Commcrcci PORTLAND, OREGON'-. ICWraHAa PENSION li !if.Vf ,??VI,',.I"'. C ttt.rwlll r. J iT'"",u,I repii,, . Sih N. H. VoU. Kh terj rrvtMiuilUf olslmi Hue ltV. t., it..,.in i JudgoIl'm. Your verdict s,,., to le doclitixlly mixcil. Foreman of JuryYos, your honor It's In acum-danco with the v iden) a. Tear Wlf aert l,lli niifsr ler rlWr from enntlttloa Si4 h.i.'lin. Ca'r t anily Csiliarile'ain qnl k nHf. hatspaoo Itaiiiljr, Alidrastiua UK', , Wo, " fh snd Pull. ( Rhe He' In the push, all right, He How did he get there? She Oh, he had a pull, VOV KNOW WHAT YOV Attn TAElKa Whoa t Oroee's Taatelew Chill Twil. ImiaUK Hial.wroulan flaii.lr rrlnt4onm bottle aliowlii that it 1 aiathlr IrnaaaaO.j. Ulusut tatteWaa Jorra. o vur. Na Vtj Xi. ' Laky Msa. "There1 luck for you.'' "How' that?" "Why, he' got the butler so dlgiii. fled that he even awe the cook into submission." JOHN POOLS, Portland, Ongos, . Foot of Morrlsos (treat. Can glv yon th bast bargalni I Rtiggies, 1'low. Holler and Kngioea, Win. (mills and Punt pi aad Oeotui Machinery, Bo us bsfor buying. U th ht In th world, U hat as inal Is arnrmarH. ADJUSTABILITY. A0O mmrusirt. It ha hMn Iate4 In all harretl Rdi, I awof kaatllliMT. ateerms. troiictk, a4 Uilit. nraaol dtalt, It I wllouut a pr. It runt Itshl, In lat-l ruiia llfhtvr with lour horaataaa aujr otaer aeaaer wiib at. Call aa lh acsreet Mef omlrk Aratit, m a4rea ' A. H. BOY LA ft, Can't Agmml, fOKTLAMO, OHCOCH. M I L W A II lllT'l 1 N D E nTl H D lOWm "turn rant that rsu," J. A. rREHMAN, (letter! Arst, B, Water roHTI.AWO, Ot WALIKH A. wood Kataaa. aad Tartar ., korlaad, Ursa.' 1. w, tanova. niaia, perfection st Wall M altar. Is h oaly r"""1 which repairls eaa b don neallyand lotwr- It yea har sever ad It send sad sat s uttl lot. II will pj too. For Information fcWtm THE AOAMAHT CO., root of 14th Wrest, Wsaa. Oragaft J t t t jpt eta , 4 ,, , '". a' eeeitre, tiatent for Ib""''"?' In tlia lUilU J Htstm '' J"""'; ' toillllrl.n. aim aotlie t and dlenm ywl ",,t ' Kllsr irm. or IWIIlJ" than w offt-r ebtslnshis hr. rrnt of our ' mr be di-frr.d till " 1 " mowed. Writ lor ftmyUM i I H Vvwwa v. h. v:,;ith i a, ttM-1'