. n.all.a fnamArl Af Yan.ra " I'Vihli city, but tor several years p,.t ihT week visUIn eoquelutsnoes 22 Tods. Bh ei-poute to .HMia MV(ritl Jays. tot Improving the Clslsksnle r L f CJnUkmil wore opened In Tort WdnesW of lest , that of Slrt WwU. U cents . cuW yard, rh record of land redemptfs from .1.. souiity elark shows that ah so JtaS i county from that smites Is .latalriln. or than en average for OD " Mr Alonso Van, of Flshhswk, hi " 'j i.i. i.rm fur a term of live mn. iidMPWU leve WHU B i..uiy id TuJf tr Arksnsas. However, we iu hv the pleasure of welcoming Mr. v.asnd bit fm"y l"" to our midst .Iter ihort ,.l tl' Jipjrieno with all othori who leave our county. Every district school should be well .uDDlied with maps, charts end other KKr.Mlta.lh- l. allow nt tliedi. Hinti the privilege of ognemllng lim ited sura every year for that tmrpoae. As wt understand a number of schools ' art poorly supplied In thie respect, now hi good tlue t procure them when JnosU. the school are In session. An Oregon editor dreamed that he died ind, of oourae, went to heavsn, and t)ler lis cam upon a wan in chains, (uiened to a pcMit. Ha iiiqoired if It u BHfturt to punlih people that way u Iven7 Tht msnteid Ht. IVter, u i nan from Oregon. We alwaya have le keep Oregonlans chained op for aehilt Id order to seep them from going beck." . Mr. 0. H. Watt, of Mitt, was, on Mouiiy. appointed administrator of the aisle of Anna A. Baker, who died at her borne near Mitt, on May ifttb, last, iMomund had executed awlll. which wa admitted to probata. The aetata It estimated to be of the value of 480, tod the teetator Bequeathed the aetata to Ktta Jane Matt, Alii. M. Vaker and C.B. Baker. Awettora White and Blskesley re lumtd lut Friday from Nehalem valley where they epeiit a week looking altar tints of real ettat and personal prop erty. The gentlemen are now engaged li the rating of value, of nonratidenfa property, and to soon aa that le com pleted the roll will be etarted, which ill nodoubteely ehow Increase of valut of aateetabl. property over laat year. , Thia office acknowledirnl the receipt ef a preterit from Mr. M, i". Haaen, of Wirran, of a email box of large, luscious ttrswbtrr.es. grown on hie farm. Thar were fourteen berrle. In the box, weighing that many ounces, the lergeet one measuring 9i Inches In eiroomter stirs. The variety of the berriea raiaed by Mr. llaaan are fMiarpleae, and are beautiful aa in plea of that variety of Urriee. Tke Beaver Logging Company has filed articiee of Incorporation. Tii com panv will build and operata logetng rail madi between the Columbia river and the timber landa on lien tot creek. In thla eoanty, and do general IokkW baiineee with headquarter, at Portland. Tlit company It oapiuliaed for $20,000, divided into aharea valued at $100 earh. The incorporator, are 8. Ueneon, K. P. rarreil and C. W. Maygar. The reappear we ol the steamer Lur lineon the rortland-Aatoria root af frdt tpecnlative mind, inereated ma terial upon which to .pee. The fact tint the Lurllne romee out in oppoeltion to the 0. K. A N. Co., combating the beit boat on Map lower river run, it not altogether eleer to wany people. Borne declare the far wilt be reduced, but wa don't know whether It will or not. At all eveula the public will have better eerviee. Superintendent Cop land hae devoted much of hit time lately vieitlng achoole. He eipect. to be able to vltit the echooli of Nehalem vallev tba laat week in J one. The superintendent ha. alto bnaied him aelf recently in preparation of arrange menta for the ooiuing inetltnta, which it htt practically been dWided to hold at Mainler July 28, 24, 2S and 20. The atate nperintendent and two able In atrartora will be in attendance and a profluble and I iste retting aeatloa la promited. - Boring operation, will be commenced en the Knappa Coal Company'e prop erty t Knappa at once. The work will be la charge of A. B. fitrachan, a min ing expert who baa followed the butt neat for over a qnartor of a century, and who will bora to a depth of 1000 feet. 11 the reeo.lt of the operatione it aatia faetorv the work of developing will be ruthed with all poeslble .ipedition. Mr. Btraohan la in Aatoria at present, and la confident that the boring will Justify the moat aangulns expectation, ol the owner of the land. A glorlou. time wa. had at Rainier laat Saturday night, tha oocaaion being the formal opening of tha Knighte of Ptthiaa new hail at that place. The building la an Imposing structure, fitted and furnithed throughout in the moat modern way, and It a credit to both the town and order. Tha building, aa It now i tend i completed, coat the society $4000. and tha proceed, retaking from the axnoe given Saturday night will awlst somewhat In paying tha heavy expense. There were over S00 ticket, aoid for $1.50. which .hould certainly gratify the member. Knlghta and d sneers from everywhere were present, and a pleasant time had, ' The slaughtering of horaea and the! King of their llesTi for export ha. been resumed at tha Llnnton abattoir. S. Kinsman, the proprietor, has purchased 25,000 horses on tha rang, of Eastern Oregon and bat been waiting for the river to fall so as to leave hie eorralt dry. Tha water ha. now gone down futficlently and the first Inttnllinent of horses arrived laat week and slaughter ing commenced at once. The horses are In prime condition, and aa they have never been worked they will make unusually Una "beef" for export, and the consumers will form a high opinion of the quality of Oregon horses a. an article of diet. Tha abattoir will mn continuously till tb. whole 26,000 are worked up. The arrangement, are now practically completed for tha celebration of the tllorlous Fourth by the people of Houl ton.Bt. Heloneandtheaurroundingcpun try. An old-fashioned basket picnio in the trove between the two towns, will be an attraction that one cannot afford to mine. There will be foot racing and other (porta, prominent among them a fint of ball between Houlton and 8t. lelena playera. i'lth boat race In the afternoon and a trranrl hall in the even ing, conducted by the popular ball man ager; Mr. W. F. Slaughter. For title occasion tha celebrated Ayleswortb'a oruhcatra. of Portland, haa been en gsiiod. and tha music will be the very best Everybody Join us and let'a bevr one of those old time ce ebrationo, hucii There was a large crowd of excursion ist from fortiand .pent the day at Hayburu'i i place, on the islandlast Sunday, The stoamer Harvest Queen ami barge K lick Mat brought the crowd, which numbered 1105. Th excursion wa Rivn by the catholic Order of Forester. Tha graduation exemlte. of the Disss of trained nursea of Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, were held In that city Monday evening la the lecture room of the medical college. There wora eleven In the class, Mis Matilda Muckle.of olty, being one of Ihs number. Work on the light house tender Col umbine wa finished last Saturday at entirely Inside and out. The Manxanita 1 on the way at Portland receiving an overhauling preparatory to ber summer crula to Alaska. Final eighth grade examination throughout tha county are now in prog ress again. There are four of these ex amination held each year; in February. April, May and June. Some who failed In tha last examination are trying again till month. Close to 6,000,000 ehlnook salmon fry have been turned out at the Clackamas hatchery thla spring and the remaining A JUKI mmrm lnmtl mt U .L Tl. hatchery still has 260,000 rainbow' trout wiiiuu win wt tree later in trie sum mer. t i. j .i .i - I rvpirwu w m inrv awam .hovel I. expected to arrive at Scap- ywaw nv Mia, wi ma, woca. lhw iih- excavating and filling where necessary, for the grade for the Nehalem road. At the grand ball to be given here July Fourth, the very best music ob tninalde ha bran secured. Ayleaworlh' orchestra, of Portland, hat no superior on the coast. Good management end good iiippcr. I column of Ttix Mist thi week you will nuuca wet inv ouuiiiy ireaiun-r nat hi .1 a .haIIimmII f nt.fratan.il H miml- I .a. .u. wwvan..u..a, ..u.i.r warrant ell endorsed prior to March lav, iwi, ., T'l.avn ha. na. kima a... Il.nl alra-V anatn UN .11 I . av.HV W..V. an." - berry weather thla week, and tha price of that delicious fruit haa taken a de cided tumble. The market le glutted with berries at 4 cent a bound. We're willing. Undoubtedly there It not a more nlnaaanl nlaot In tha summer time on tlod'a footstool than St, Helen. All the era breexe that I necessary and sufficient beat to be comfortable. Conaresaraan Moody will conduct aa examination In Portland, June 27, for candidate for the United State naval anailemv from tha Second Con gressional district. Dr. Thomas Llnegar and wife, of In dianapolis, Ind., are expected to arrive here Saturday for a visit for some time to the gentleman, sister, Mr. E. E. Quick. . V Tl.a rV.l..n,l.la fin,,!,!-, Rimila ftrkn.il a HI aw.".".". .... .. AMociation waa In (etsion Wednesday andThuraday at Scappooae. The local srhool wee represented by Mra. J. U. Watte. A lanm force of men laemnloved at improving tha road leading from Pitta burg to the summit toward St. Holen. It 1 aid that tome good work la being dona. If u. raanttna Dnlmati bitIvmI In the Nia, v.'"""- " " ... all- r'alifnrnla Ihla waak and Will accompany Mr. and Mra. W. H. Dolman to UUUaer IilU lor a niwnin uuviug. The people ol the eurroundlng country ere most respectfully invited to Join the people of Houlton and Ht. Helen ta the celebration of the Fourth . . . . . . a . t Mr. Alfred vteveiBnu,, oi iworm, visited In thi city last Saturday and Sunday, while en route ior Augenw. Where ue goes lor a toon. tihi.. Mra. Woods, of San Jote, Cal., a (la ter of Mr. W. II. Dolman and Mrs. li. Hutlar, haa been in tba city eome time visiting relative. Mr. and Mr. A. 8. Foter, of Portland, were in thi city a day or two thia week, viaittm thlr relative. Dr. and Mra. Cliff. au.ii.inn in rmamtiF before can- INIIU)l- . - ing your fruitorder your tare, rubbers, berries, auger, etc, from Colline 4 Uray. i. n vr Tv.Milna. nf Eutrsne. vie- Itcd at the borne ol ni. motner, aire. P. A. Frakee, at Scappooae, thi. week. ... . . . .' . t. i . r..a.a-a n, fl T.. Parrliia. of Ctattkanie, were attending to buai- neea in the county aeat saonuar -TV.-, .nn nf Aah la ItllM-h imnrOVed. witll report to the effect that better prospects exist near the mouth of the river. Warmer, and traveling men I Your horse will have the very best rare at the barn of the St. Helena hotel. Mr. White returned Monday from tit, where site visited rela tive for about two weeks. ui rtaia- Vilna doted a successful three month terra of achoot In the Valley diatrict last t riday. -nt... 01 Uaiam nliarman-r haa received iU stock of Fourth of July good. Do not purchase eisewnere. n.i ni.!ll.w Anlahnl taaohlnff a three month' term ol chool at Houl ton laat Friday. The boat race, to be had at thi place Fourth of July promiae to be an inter- eating feature. Cliff Harrl. of Houlton, expeota to tart hi eeine In operation at Willow bar thi. week. . , A daughter waa born to Mr. aud Mra. Edward Votter, of Honlton, Thursday, June 13tb. Mia Jessie Mitchell and Mis Myrtle . In.nt last Saturday in Ayrnt, ui av.., -i thi city. Frank Watt ha accepted the posi tion of watchman on the tow boat No Wonder. Ice cold lemonade at the St. Helen hotel, only 3 cent, a giae. , wo ior. nickel. ' . -i T.-..H... nnantllv end Firewora "" , r connUoM variety at the St. Helen, phar macy. ... .a n lallan frlnnda in O "don Cit7 lart Balurday and Sunday. There wa eome excellent hay weainer thla w"k, and U arrived none too won. Mr Tho. Cooper, of Kalama, w Itcd her parent. In thi. city laat Sunday. ..,i fr.. nilff and children vi- ited Portland last l riday. .... t w Tv la vltUlna her parent at Lebanon thi week. Mis Maud Pecker I visiting relative, n if a lama thla week. Mon fruit jaw, rubber, cap, etc, at Colllua A Uray'. w- n t. Aim wa In from Perl Jl r. V. an J laat Monday. Mr. P. W. Trice, of Scappoo, la re. ported 111. , Only two week until the Fourth. . Thin we.bfy.lf14'tev.ThMk,--; Warren Happening. j The farmara nf thla vtntnli. a baying during fine weather. Mis Edythe Hazen (pent Friday and aturduy of l.t .k in IWliand, There will ha aarvlfna at. Il.a vr V ! church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. hi, U.a li'.. I-..L. 11.1 ' VT, 4-ailvullu, Mr. Euth Sheffielil. of Ralnl.- t. pending a week here visiting old friend and acquaintances. Mis Clara Hncnila waa 1,. of Mr. and Mr. Uu Hegele, of Btche- iw ii, last riuay, Melvln Beaver end wife, nf Trnnltiin visited with their parents, Mr, and Mr. ir.jri. ueaver, last uunuay. , Mr. Cora Allnnhanirh'a house i nearine eomnlntinn and will aoon be ready for occupancy. Willie and Jack OeBeld, of Portland. are spending a few week with their grandparent, Mr. and Mr. A. Slavent. FU Dav wu ohaarvad 1, tha uhnnl children of thi place, last Friday, with appropriate exercises. Quite a number ot visitor were In attendance. Service were held last Sundav at tha Evangelical church by Rev. M. J. Bal lantyne, A Sunday school waa organ ised with the following officer: Super intendent,' Frank M. Hoyt: assistant uperintendent, Mrs. Jame. Beegle; (ecretary, Mis Mande Hlaven ; trea- nrer. mis fclla uacon: librarian, Mi Annie Jenst-n and Lillle Beaver ; organ ist, Mis Lillian Larsen ; chorister, Mra. Uuth A. Hoyt. Sundav chool will meet every Sunday at 10:30 a. m., beginning next nunuay. Beabea Hew Ktea Mr. I. II. Coneland visited our scliool Monday, June 17. Miss Rae Blneham la visitinc at Ooble and Neer City, Mr. Hemitreet waa a Portland visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Burbee haa returned home after a week' visit on the Coweeman. Anton Wise Is havlnc an addition built to hi house. W. ft. Satterlee is doing the work. A treat many of our Ooble people at tended the dance at Rainier. All re port an excellent time. An entertainment I to be riven by the Reuben-Uoble echool, at Red Men' ball, Saturday evening, June 2Utb. The boy of Ooble and vicinity organ ised a baseball cli'.b laat Sunday. Tbey will play the Kalnler club July 4th. An tone Wise I kept busv thi week Kicking and shipping hi strawberries, le report that the hot weather Is spoiling some of them. There wae quite a delegation of rail road men down last Sunday look ine over the proposed route of the (1. N. A P. R., and the writer wa told that the work on the extenaion would begin on or about July it. Keaaey Hete. Long and patiently we've waited, say- ni to ourselves "it will be aummer time by and by," and we guess the word are proven true. A telephone metes ire waa sent one dav last week to Frank Wilton, at Knappa, apprtaing nun oi toe nine ol ma wue, at me nome oi ner mower, Mr. Mctaulcy Railroad rambling still course through the valley and did the magnate know of the fruitfulnea of Nehalem vallev. especially along Rock creek, they would certainly not Hesitate to ouua, The suit of Wm. Hacker against the Forett Grove physiclana la to be brought before the supreme court for final settle ment. Billy aeem to prefer to have hi served in course, thinking, perhaps, the best of the wine Is teeerved for the last of the feast. We heard eome time ago of a cherry pit being planted, growing to a tree and bearing fruit the tint year, also of an apple seed, which being planted, In thm vaara tha tree waa loaded with apple. If any part of Oregon can beat thi please send ua word. Mr. Geo. Sitt and daughter, Dell and Mr. Harley Redmond, went to Foreat Grove Friday. Mra. Redmond will continue on to Vancouver. B. C., and Mrs. Hilt will return to her borne from Portland, whither the has been at work for several montn. All tli Datrlotism that we have beard nf in thla secluded reelon la a special programme prepared lor me tcnooi at Eraaaav h Miss Uertrnde Lowe. Some of the young people anticipate hurrah ing lor Ethan Alien ana toe uontineniai Congress in other part, for Imtance, at Mist and Portland. T ALLEY VARIETIES. Mr. Joseph Dupont went to Portland on Monday. Misa Rose Karth waa (hopping In town last Monday. A fin, fat beef from the Varney ranch waa purchaaed by the St. Helena butcher a few day ago. The spring term of echool closed In thi district last Friday, Mis naiay Ewing being the teacher. ftchnnt nierk Wm. Miller wa in the county seat Tuesday attending to mat ter pertaining 10 we uistnut kuwih Tha hav cron In thla vicinity looka well and I. likelv to turn out heavy in thacnttinir. which will be rather late this year about the middle of July. Eighth Grade Examinations. n..t nf larant.v.threa anollcant at the May examination for graduation from the eighth grade department ol the puo lio schools of the county, ten were uo- a. (..llnaia. fiut.tanie Theo. Blackford, Lewie T.V. .. a 4 Kallia TalVnll - JUIMimill au , V a , , T 1 Rainier fcthel jnucxie, inea vrjw Lowell Bhatto and Virgin Pricbara. ll.la lla-vtf Illaan. 8t. Helen Lester Spinner and Mabel QThose who assisted the uperlntnd ent in grading trie papert we .. H.ifiolil Vernonia: Mra. Way, Port y, i ui v Island ; land; Leona Hardlson, Deer KlUnbeth Neidigh. Mayger-, E. H. Hart wig, Warren i LVaaie Wetle, Goble j Myra Sharp, Sippooeei W. J. l'hilhrook, Houlton; Hitnuy inoiuaa, duihwv. Mrs. B. 8. Hitttan and family spent last Friday In Portland. New line of plain and ornamental crepe tisane paper at the 8t. Helena, pharmacy. , " A Few Bout's. Don't discontinue a paper until yon have squared up with it. Don't abuse a paper unless yon have pld for it. Borrowers are the greatest (suit findera a newspaper has to contend "llon't n-et mad because your visitor's .name does uot appear in the personal COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Coe htt Tatasnasa't Orncs, Ht. Hsi.KHa. rta . Jimafl. IBM. TO-OTICB U HKKEBY 61VKN THAT ALU IV unpaid County Warrants ot Columbia County, Oregon, which hare (won pronentod and nArr4' ftr, for Want nt Ciin!." prior 10 March lrt, lm,wlll bt pnld Ufun pr filiation ai this oflica, Intre-t wilt not bt Mowed after this data. K.I AWN II OH. I'aljiv Trawurwof Columhla County, Or. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOT1CI 18 HFRKBY OIVBK THAT! HAVE IH;ll aiiM)li,laut aru.iitrtir nt l.ha aatata nf B. F. Whitney, fanwil, and that all purwrns havlnrol-lmi aKfiluat mid Miata art heraby ra- ane-tbd to pre-iit the Mnrua 10 me at my rniU oiioe at HnappooMi, Oitwn, with proper rouch. ra within i month- from the data of this nonce. mkh. r. L. whitnky, bated June 7, lvm. )?-)y Executrix. H0TICK Of HUM. SETTLEMENT, THB rjMDKRRIGNKD HAH ril.KD HBB ri nal aieoiiiit aa adminlitrator of the eataia of Oeo. I), ntoilflard, dtmeaaed. In theCouuty Conrt of the Htiile of Oregon, for the CoHnty of Columbia, and Hie aania hae been set for exam ination and flnitl settlement on Monday, the nth day of July, 1MU, at 10 o'elook, forenoon. All pemm having any oMbiiI. to said acoonnt muit prewnt tnem at said lima and place. This nonce in published In Tua Okkooh Mist for four weeks by order of Hon, J. B. Itoan, Judge ol the said court, made M a 1, 1WH. nvnl K. It. BUlllllAllir, Admlnletratnr nf tlta aatata nf Ilea. D. Mind. dard, dwaued. J7J6 notice fou maucmoH. Depertment of the Interior, fond Office at Oregon Cltr. Or.. June IS. 1001. XIOTICK IH IIKKKBY (llVKN THAT THE XV fitllowlue.Bamtui nuttier haa Hied nottoa of his Itttenlloa i.i make dual proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made ba lor the RfKiiUtr and Renelrer at Oregon City, vr., on Ausuat 10. ivoi, via: Bomaatead entry 1O.K01. for the low 1. li and 4 JALUD It. a. tJH A M r. K. of auction 1, townships uorth, range! west, li namee uie loiiowin wiine-aea to Drove niteon- tlnuoui resldtnce upon aud cultivation of aaid iami,vi; eaiuuei naneiy, nipnen tioiteiioeca, Kmll Fisher aud Julius H. Cramer, ail of Moun- talmlale, Or. CHA8. B. MOOKK8, yum Kenisier. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Conrtof the Stat of Oregon for In the matter of tho aetata ef 8ttphan 0 Haines, deceased. I HK UNUKHalUNED HAVINQ BEEN AP a iKiinted by the County Coartof the atate of Oregon, for Columbia Counly, administratrix of tne estate 01 ntepnen u. n ainea. aeeeaaea, notice Is hereby slven to the creditors of, and all per eons bavins claims against said deceased, to d resent them verified as reouf red br law. within six months after the ant publication of this notice to said Mary Haines, at tha law office of w. tx. roweu, la at Helens, urexon. MARY HAINK8. Administratrix of tha taut of Stephen O Haines, deeeaaed. 121119 W. 11. Powell, attorney for administratrix. NOTICE FOR FUBUCATWN. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Mav IB. lUOl taTOTWMr. IH HKRKRV OTVEN THAT THB IV fnllawlnv-named settler has filed notice of nts intention to mate nnai prooi in snpoor. ui his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tne ateeister and Receiver, aa uresou citr. u.veou, vu tfair Hi IW., .1. Homestead entry Mo. ions, for the nei ot sae- Jtilai u. v.iva at r-n; tlon M, tp 4 north, range west. He names the followlne wltnesees to Drove his contlnnous 1 Ideoca upon aud cultivation, of said land, via: Baael c. HollenbecK. I. u. xairety. aievnen. 1101- Irnbeck and Jaxwb Schllcht, all of MonnMiu- dale, Oregon. . CHA8. B. MOOKE8, mzt-Jat aveaisrer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Otnc at Oregon City, Oregon, Mav IK. 1IM1. N OT1CB 18 BBRBBY GIVEN THAT THE foUnwIni namedsettler has died notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of nis claim, aim that said urooi will ne maoe ne. fore Uie Register and Receiver, at Orexoa City, Oregon, on July II, 1901, vl: a,9Slla ri)-;uta A aatrv No. ilxat. for the nU of ntU. and eU of ne, section 10, tp north, range ( weet. ne aamee uie louowing witnesses u nrova his eontinumia residence anon and cultf. 5. . , , 1.1 I A ,a. l..ll..a 11 iama.a la. coh Miller, Charles Mason and Joseph Miller, all ol atountauuiaie. uregon. tn24-Ja CUAH. B. MOOKS, KCglster. Timber Land, Aet June 1, 1STC. NOTICE FOR FIBUCATI0N. United States fnd OfBoe, Oregon CItv. Oregon. AnrlI23rd, 1901. XTOTIfK IH II KRKMV I.IVKN THAT IN COM iv nlianaa with the Drovislont of Ike act of iMHigreee oi June ibivs ruirucu aua. iur iu, sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land mates by sot ot Atianat a lru. joeenn h. uroan. ot rvrusim. County ot Multnomah, State of Oregon, haa this day tied In thiaomce nis sworn statement rio. audi, tnr the mircheae ol the ivU of section No. 3D, In township no. snortn, range no. a west, Willamette Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuabe for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bit claim te said land be- lore tne ttegisieraaia necviver w una ou. Vm Saturday, the U day of July, lll. He names Wltnessea: nurt warren, oi tauu, v.w gon, John a. oinoons, ot asiao, uregon, jauiee (iinnniia. ann mhh t. ourwiui.vi . '.it n.uu, Oregon. Auy and all persons claiming adverse ly llie aboveleacrllied lands are requested to Die their claims tntnuomca on or oeiora aauu a.Ll Jul.. 1IJ01. CHAD. B. MWOKKS. t.r6 Register. Timber Land, Act June t, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dnlted States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April at, ISO. .-riYirr-ie la uvnftRY nIVKN THAT IN COM IN pllance with the provisions ot tha act of Congress of Juno , lrs, entitled "An act for the sale ol Umber lands In the Sutes of Calilor n.i nwnn Kavatia. and Washington Terri tory," a extended to all the Public Laud States by the actol August., ISM, Frauk Durbrey, of Portland, counly of Mnltnomah, State of Ore gon, haa Ihla day Hied In this offloe his sworn sUlement No. NCM, for the purchaae of Uie nwtf of section So. Si. In Uiwnshlp No. i north, ranite Mn a a .id will nAar nmol to show that the land sought la more valuabe for Its timber or stone than for agrionllnral purposes, and Ipee tabllsh his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol this office at Oregon City, Ore- aon nil Halanlav. tne Mn oar OI uiy, tvui. ua names as witnesses: Burt Warren, Joseph W. Urban, lames B. Gibbons, ot Portland, Oregon, ,ni.H a mhhAa nl aTalao. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the i above-described lands ara requested to eie their claims in this otfloe on or before said tun aay oi Juiy, 1001. m-JyS CHAB. B. MOOKBB, Register Timber Land, Aot June , 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vnnt BTATas Lawn Omjl m t .... rli. nraaon. Mav 11. 1901. .n-rnia S 1,'ObnV til UKHTHAT IN COM- A pliance with the provisions, of the act oi Congrees ol June , W, entllled "An act lor rm u a ljMa AO aa HlHt a. . -- the sale ot timber lands in tne ntatea oi vauiot . o.nn NavailA and Washintgon Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act oi august a. "" .Y. t . ,w ...,a an,,i. nt Cowllta. State of Waahlnaton, fias this day riled In thleotnce h If sworn state ment No. W01, for the purchase of these of aoo. Nn. 91. In to No. 4 n. r Ne. t west, and will offer proof to show that tho laud sought Is more valueblo tor its timber or ttoae than lor agri cultural purposes, and to establ ah his claim , to said land before the Register and Reeeivernt this oflioe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th dav OI August, lVUi. ne Bain aa w.r - .., B Olkkn... wm P. Smith and Joseph Urbln, all el rortiaua nert tvarren. uw ., " Oregon. Any and all lx I persons claiming aovente. ly Die abovedcsorlbei the above-aceorioea iauub are ihuwm v ., d la thi elrolaimalntlilsouloeon or betore saio em dav ol August, UMl. VHAO. . auuao", ml7-y'a Register. Timber Land, Act J una t, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United 8(stet Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April tSrtl, 1901. 0T1CK la HERKBYOIVKN THAT IN COM- N nlianoe with the nroilslons ol the act Ol ComtreH ol June 1H7 entitled "Aa aot for t he sale nf Umber lands In the Slates o( Calliornle, Orenon, Nevada, and WashtiiRton Territory," as ax eiided to all the Public Land States by aot ol August 4, WW, Burt Warren, ol Porllaod, connly o( Multnomah, Btate ef Oregou, has this day filed in thisolrloe his sworn stasement No. Mtt, i..- . v. .,,,h.ai nl tKa naj nf section No. 8U. in township No. 4 north, mntre No. west, and will onor pi T,f in ahnw that the land snHirht Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone tnaii ior agn cultural purposes, and to establish bis olaim to said land betoro the Register and Kooelver of this omce at Oregon uiiy, uregou, uo innna, tha Sth day ot July, 1901. He namaa as wit nesses: Jas. K. Olbbuna, Jpaeiih H. IJrbao, Ktnest V. Btrwtek,of Portlaud.Oreiron.and Joiin 8. (llbbons, ot Kelso, Oregon. Any and ell per a. aiai.ni, .a .,iv.M. v tha alMive-desorllied lands are requested to Hie tlielr claims In this ollice on or oeiore Bn,u.wlvA T a' , . - aitljyi VUA&. a. sviuhag, nvi.(. columns. Perhaps yon did not tell the editor, and he's no mind reader. Don't delay paying yonr subscription because it is a small matter. If all the subscribers did the same thing it would kill the paper in tlx months, Don't cuss ttie editor tn-ennae ins opinion! do not conform with yours. t they did they miKht be at variance with tome eight er ten million of the people. Don't abuse a paper if it prints some thing: von do not consider worth reading. Those who read your part of the paper may consider it pure rot. A paper is built to please many, not one. Don't nave the paper aent to yon two or three years and then leave the coun try without settling your bill, and have the postmaster notuy tne puoiisner tuat yon nave gone away. Don't take the tmoer out of the post- office for five yeara and then refuse to pay lor It, Decease yon never suoscnDea tor it, anyhow." That is plain thievery, pure and simple. Yon should have re used it lour years and eleven montnt before. School Keport. Report of Honlton school for month snd term ending June 14, 1901 : No. of pupils enrolled during term. . .Bl No. of pupils dropped during term. . .21 No. ot pupils on roll at end oi term. . eo Average daily attendance 1st month. .86 Average dailv attendance una inonio oo Average daily attendance 3rd month. .28 Average daily attendance for term ... .83 XMipus Iioiuier stonwui, lim isiwt n. last month were : Alfred Dagget, Bona Perry, Clvde Perry, Hattie Smith, aran and urace rveney, r.an rerry, Etta Popejoy, Morris Utile, Dale Perry. Kttiol Matthews. William Patterson and Elmer Uulld; during the whole term, Alfred Dagget. J. W. Philbkook, . xeacner. Ke Specialties for a Bait, But the entire line of goods is offered at a Drice 20 ner cent lets than other atorea' d rices. Goods are marked in plain figures. Men's suite, $12 and $15 values, for 18.60. 110 and 112. Atovs suits, regular $4. values, for $2.75 and $3. Bova' washins suits. 40c. 50e and 75c. as good as other stores charge $1 and $1.25 for. On men's ladies' and children's shoes from 60c to $1 can be saved on every pair in comparison to other atorea prices. Men's golf or negligee shirts, 60 cents, 76c and $1, worth $1 and $1.60. Kovs' shirts, with 2 collars, c ana ooe. Four-in-hand aummer neckwear, regu lar 60 cent values, for 10c each. Our email expenses enable nt to ao tnst. John Dellar. corner First snd Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Keel Estate Transfers. n n Wn-vlar to f ft. Unvr vU Of BaW of section , tp i a, t i weal 1390 OS r. A. Moore to 1. B. Godfrey, lot 1, bis in; hlk H In tha town ol Hi. Helena. 25 00 iota a aim a. bia ia: lot it- die le: iota. Tbomaa McMahon to Sidney Dell, wli of a... ann MU off avnx nl aaotlon Zl. ID n.Vawaat 17 00 Ertck Pyykkenen to Joseph Koskella, m ol nwVa of section 21, tp 7 n, r 4 wont... 250 00 John Stewart to Sydney Deli. wX ol ee waa, 176 00 nil lau off awn nl section XL ID a rt Sheriff, R. 8. Hattan, to J. W. Payne, awi ot section It, tut n, rawest St 70 A. L. Btehman to O. W. Jordan, nw of twand lots, section 12, tp s n, rawest suv w , A. vanvoixinourg to wm. ta. samcr, nU of ' and se! of awW snd ot u(. nl aaattlnn so. tot n. - a west: lease f,tr Avavaara 760 00 John If aynard to Nils Ifatson, loU t and a ann fraction nr nu oi Biu oi acouou 1, tptn, rOweat 000 00 Clatskanie and Portland .ROUTE, STEAMER C. W. 8HAVE1. Tatavea Portland Tuesdav and Thursday at 6 p. m., for Clatskanie and way land ings; Sunday at 5 p. m. for Oak rant, nrroiwiria- Leave Clatskanie Wednesday and Fri day at 4 p. m., tide permitting; leave Oak Point Monday at o p. m. Shaver Traasportatloa Ce. A STOMA 4 COLOMBIA RIYER ll RAILROAD COMPANY i aaao or DAILV. n S3 a. a. r. at. 11 10 40 10 05 8 35 S 52 8 SO 85 8 00 30 7 54 t 20 7 46 12 7 3d 02 7 28 8 62 1 17 8 87 7 02 8 17 8 42 8 07 8 32 7 55 8 20 7 45 8 10 si. DAILY. STATIONS t nlr. a. a:H0i e 65 a.M. S oa too t 18 0 35 0 40 S 50 ,0 Lt Portland Ar M 8 06 3:17 8 30 4:0a SSS 4:07 S44 4:15 S 80 4:-a M 39.4 Goble . Rainier 45.8 68.5 65 vl . Pyr ,fa; ram Id lyeer.. 59.3 Quinov .Iu. 10 00 10 10 10 21 3 . . Clatskanie.. .. Marshland.. .. Westnort.... 4:82 OH 4:43 19 4:67 87 5:17 10 00 5: 10 W 5:W 10 6 60 io an W.4l 71.2 10 89 11 0. 73 7 MS ....Clidon.... ....Knapna, 11 10 90.3 ... Svenson.... ...John Day... 11 23 95.4 IU 31) 199.: Ar. Aatoria .Lv all ...Ina in.k. alnaa annnaatlnns at Uoble with Northern Pact rio trains to and from the East and sound points. At romnua .... trains leaving Union depot, at Astoria wnu , R A N. Co.'s hoat and rail Una te aud from 11 waoo and North Beaoh points. asaenD-era tor Astoria or way points most flag trains at Houlton. Trains will stop to let pas- sengers off at Houlton when coming Irom poll hum rest ol uohie. at. . "f"- , tien. rasa. Agi.. Astoria, WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. . STEAMER "TAHOMA." Dally Round Trips Kxeept Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland- 7 A. M. Leave Astoria.. .7 P.M. The Balles-Portoi Route. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." DAILY ROUND Tftlf KXCIfT MONDAY. CASCADE LOCKS, ROOD RIVER, WHITE SALMON AND TKE DALLES. r TIME CARD Leave Porllnnd ... 1 A. Jj. Arrive at The Dalles M. Arrive at Portland -, ,.11 P. M. MEALS THC VIBY BEST, aaaaflann. T.ina a lAadlna Feature. iaf-'l'hte Konto has the lirandeat Soenlo Attrao tious on Karth. Through Portland eonniietlon with Steamer Nahcotta Irom llwano and Long Boaoh Points. W hits Collar LlneTlokets luterthanaeahle with 0. R. A N. and V. T. Company Tweets. LANDING AND OFWC: Foot of Alder street. Doth 'Phoues Msln ML Portland, Oksoon. E. W. CRICHTON, Ajt., PortlantJ. JOHN M. FILLOON, Art., The Dalle. A. J. TAYLOR, Agent, Aetorta. WtTl DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents.- St. Helens 1 JUL uUiniinnjVUiJVirrTTTrTTTTT 0 Orncs Hovbs. ft x Information arid Appointments by Mail. $ ROOMS 60 & 51, WASHINGTON BLDQ. Sontheist Cor. 4th V Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, .. , POHTLA-jSTD, oeegon. TAKE HLKVATOB. , Quality and ariety Are two very Important features to take into consideration when one goes to procure articles for everyday nee and consumption. To - , our host o( patrons we art pleased to say wo hays QUALITY, YARIETY AMD QDAliTITY. Our large and select stock affords Uie intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to fet the best bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTMIG, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, enttlerj , blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc etc COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES r:.ZRC3iAmrC. Goods Exchanged (or Produce. Seasonable Goods At onr store means that we keep constantly tor ssle s variety and quality of merchandise which at all timee is suitable to the demand oi all well-living people. We cater to all ciassee LOGGER, FARUEB, IIERCHAHY. General Merchandising ;' ' ' ; ..,' "' " .si .:,:' :S?. ..'' ,v.. ' ,". &. ':f. '.li. It our especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high quality of foods st low - quality prices. We handle Household Necessities Supplies for evervbody and to meet all demands. We invite examination oi our goods and guarantee satisfaction si to price snd quality. Mow is the time to call on , POPULAR ST, HELENS, JO.IfJSOfJ o Manufaoturers Ki n u s cf PiC!i ritMsrlstg... attaslie ...Celllwsr Plmenala I. men tier.. BOAFPOOBI1. sVSVJk. ak ll Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. 'Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders taken for Wall Paper s From Sample Book . Portland rrlces , - Books of all kinds. Pharmacy. 1 V" 'Phohiis J0fflc. Ho0 414 "HONKS KSO-T HI Theodore S. Thomsoa, Dentist -ft! ft ST. HELENS, OREGON. iata wnbuviti DEALERS. OREGON. a--s.-.ei . of and Dealors in o t."J C'ccsril Li.."r..a GOOD ROAD TO TH8 MILL. f Mill on sonth fork ot Mtttmnaoae ereek.fotir nileairom s..uvpo(aeaaihi. at l.nmlwr dnvt-rl at Hi ki.i isom station or T i Johnson's landing at l u ii al, enr At W warren station, si.ai. S7 - ... OBEOO r i I at our lather and (orefntbera partial lU!d In. . ........ - '