OREGON MIST Entered tt the IVtoffice t Bt. H ., COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issued Evaav Fbiday Morniko Bv DAVID DAVIS, EdITuB AMD Paor-RllCTon. ; BCBSCrUPTlON PRICK; , One copy one year, In advance ll.OO coOhtt officers. Ki-prraentallv Norra.a Merrill. Cletkanl jmn ClerE Sheriff . Treasurer. , ....... Huiit. of Schools.. JittMownf. . . . . . . . Hurvevor OtMttner Commissioners j ' ..Joseph B. fioan, Kamler 4. u. wmu,!w. Helens K. 8. Hattan. 81. Ilvlens ., K. Hon. Kt Helen ....-I. fl. Coneland. Hooliou ....Martin W hit. Br. Helena A. B. Utile, Houltnn ..Dr. H. K. I'litf, Ht. Helena .,...r. A. Prase. &m poo. .......W. 1. Caaa, riuaijure; JUNE 21, 1901. Indeed, thei are many evidences that the commercial Import nee of the varied resource of this county are l oouiitig known nd sought niter, Ks jwtnlly is ri th ras with the timber, ltd not a great deal less so with min eral and especially coal. New commer cial enterprise are being projected in una county noariy every ween, LWifiiig railroads and flumes are penetrating tue forest of valuable timber, directly necessitating tbe outlay of great sums oi mwiey, w mvil nr ueiiruie titw w borer, then the timber owner and la borer combined, ultimately the entire community, by reason of the opening ot a market tor not only the timber, but the agricultural product. Telegraph poles, piling and railroad tiea, too, are id demand here, affording a prontaui market for the smaller trees, whic! have heretofore suffered destruction by reason of the insufficient appreciate of their commercial worth. Mot oni are these classes ot enterprises taking Dm ana substantial rooting In the comity, bnt more Important, valuable and lasting one are being promoted. Actual, permanent railroads, designed not only to transport log and lumber, coat ano mineral, but to serve aa aevei opers of the more remote regions of the county are forcing entrance to thoea parts. When once familiar with the condition which are actuating this stir and strife for favorite places, then can we realize wnai la instore lor tne luture, WHY 01IBYMEX PROSPER. A Steady Income ta the Their t .a born. Itesnlt of LETS STBITS FOB PBOGSESStON. It goe without saying that the growth and prosperity of any community are in a large measure the product of that communal purpose which we dominate public spirit. Where this is lacking, or at most, maniteet only Dv a lew, cu-vei-opment and stead v. healthful prosperity come tardily and often painiully. Tbe ' man who is not actively and earnestly public spirited ran hardly be called a good ci linen. The climatic condition in Oregon and the marvelous fertility of oar sou make subsistence and citiinate competence so easy and certain that it would appear a if many of our people were content to look to ibese alone lor prosperity, to the neglect of wisely-di reeled, active and energetic manifesta tion of public spirit. Tins has produced a marked absence ot such a spirit and made it possible for a few aelnsh, ava ricious men to dominate, nntil in many communities public spirit ha ceased to be a factor in promoting prosperity, and the term "mow back" is do misnomer Jnr no small number of oar neoole. The sellier nan cannot be public spir ited, for his selfishness .determines him tt do nothing which might directly or indirectly, presently or remotely benelit his fellow. A long a he can avoid it he will not improve hi own test be might advance the valne of hU neigh bor's property. He always oppose any movement which embrace him. His utter selfishness preclude hi seeing that tbe object of a rignteon selnsn nes are more certainly attained throoeh an alert and active public spirit than otnerwua. ramie spirit, like enanty, houid begin at borne. The citizens of tliis county must determine to make for the county what its situation, it envir onment ana its estaonsnea reputation render easily possible. Our county will certainly readily become tbe moat prosperous and altogether most desira ble place tor any business pursuit in the state. This condition is thrusting itself upon us. Greatly, however, through a heavy burden of debt have onr efforts to promote this condition been retarded. From this burden we are now almost free and it is to tha interest of all who have a stake in the county's welfare to evince an earnest public spirit and unselfish interest in promoting and developing the many glorious advantage here pos sessed.' Let each one determine that hi shall be the best conditioned prem ise in tbe vicinity. Let him then take an interest in public improvement. Let us Interest ourselves more in good schools and good roads. These are the foundation stone upon which a more congenial condition of affairs are to be buiided. We need to assist in the es tablishment of industrial enterprise. Each one mast determine that he will, to the extent of hi ability, give all ma terial and moral aid necessary to pro mote any project of lasting benefit to his community or to the county. That was wise and reasonable advice which Jupiter gave to the carman who be sought his assistance: "Put thine own shoulder to the cart." If we have this spirit we wilt readily And tbe ways and means which bring success. Where a right public spirit prevails mere specu lation, extravagant expenditures ana onerous obligations are avoided and no step taken will be regretted or need be retraced. An unidentified exchange truthfully says that almost every town has among its citixens the man or woman who is forever complainins. lie see nothing good in anything at home, and is alway maturing why hi home merchant cau't sell aa cheap as the merchant of another town. A his man always buys away iroin Dome, unless he wants to buy on time. He always takes the paper from another town in preference to his own. In fact he spends all of his money with out-of-town enterprise and complains because those of bis home town are not prosperous. It is one of the most un fortunate things which have to be met and overcome. The funny part of it all is that when it come to wf at ha been done the same follow takes credit to himself for every success which his sel fishness lias retarded. A most unusual instance of patriotic stoicism occurred while the president was at Santa Barbara, California. The residence of the chief of the fire brtgad caught fire. The fire chief, who was on the street awaiting the coming of the president, was informed that hi house was on fire. "Let it burn, he said, can baud another house, but I may never have another opportunity to see the president of the United States," and he stoically remained while bis house burned to the ground. "I saw the pres ident," said he, when informed that his house was in ruins. "I saved the lot anyway." 1 Mob a inquiries are being received about Columbia county now than ever before. The possibilities for homes, for making money by various means, for profitable investment in timber and ag ricultural lands, and the productiveness oi iue sou ana mildness ot climate ai combine to make oura a particular! favorite part of the state. All we lacl a a few degree more of enterprise on uie pan ot our people. 1'eisons seek' ing location are not going to coax us long (or a stoppins- nlatu in our midst. The world is too wide for that. If wa want them they want to know it. Blkbsed is the noor man. Pick Dockets never bother him, and road agents give him a wide berth. The tax eollt-ctor never bounds him. Nobody tries to bor row, ana no one aexa him to endorse, He never run head over heels in debt and is not robbed or harrassed by liti gation. Burglars never invade his premises, and he sleeps in peace. W hen ne cues noooay question In will or attempts to confiscate hi bone. Blessed, therefore, are the poor in pocket, lor they get their money'i worm. NOT FOB A THIRD TESM. Senator Depew and one or two other prominent republicans Have been doing some (illy talking in the past two weeks about a third term for President McKin ley. There will not be the slightest necessity for a third term. Mr. McKin ley doe not want third term, as he lias said. There is no doubt at alt about the great strength ot the president with the people. He has given the country a courageous, clean and sane administra tion. Tbe nation has prospered for the past four years in a greater degree than in any previous period of its historv. There is an activity in all sort of busi ness at tbe present time, such as has seldom been seen in the past, fewer idle persons, in proportion to popula tion, are in the country bow than were ever seen here before. The level cf the country's wealth and prosperity is ris ing h'gher and higher. No other coun try in the world has a financial credit so high as that of the United States at this moment. The country' political and social prestige all over the earth is greater than it has ever been in any age. Yet these circumstances justify no one in saying that the man who has just been placed twice at the head of the government, and who, to a greater ex tent than any other person in the United But tea, deserves tba credit for the pros perity and the prestige which the country enjoys, will be given another four years of sway. Tradition is against the idea of a third term for any presi dent. Mr. McKlnley undoubtedly is against that idea. The antithird term suntiment is too well established by time and by the sanction of the people of all parties and all localities to lie disre garded. Gen. Grant found that to be true long ago, although it wa a few of Grant's unwise friends and not Grant himself who were responsible for the attempt to give him a third nomination. The corporal's guard of flatterers who urged a third term in the present case Were, it is safe to say, giving offense in stead of gratification to the patriotic and popular official whom they imag ined they were honoring. WUELIAX Beid. who hnilt the Astoria & couth Coast railroad several Years aeo. and who has just recently completed tbe Portland. Sehalem A Tillamook railroad, both on paper, is just now oc cupying nis time telling tne people ot Portland what they should do to their free library. Keid's schemes remind ns ot tne norse David lis ram was attempt ing to trade away, and in enumerating iva many qualities, saia : a woman ran drive it as weli as roan." Noth ing that Beid attempts seems to go very wen, aimer. Tax Albany Democrat says that the requiring ot bonds from officials practical, not theoretical." It is prac tical only in that occaaionallv a few citi xens nave to pay tor the stealings ol an official whom the people of the county or state put in omce. xi tne oonti made the man honest there would be reason for it. Otherwise the loss should fail on the county or state. The people put me man in me place, uet mem near tbe loss, if any occurs. What's the matter with the congres sional delegation and Governor Geer immediately getting in a demand that the battleship Oregon be ordered to Portland for a short stay, to be present, anyhow, until after the Fourth. The big vessel is to leave San Francisco in a few days lor the Bremerton. Wash, shipyard. If the vessel will come the people will make her proud she bears me name oi tni grand, good state. An exchange savs that if a newspaper man knew how many knocks he received behind his back he would adopt another Hi - m caning, riot ao. ine newspaper man who succeeds expects to be tnaltzned by every law breaker, swindler and hypo crite, every carping critic and every lover oi notonty who is ignored, and in fact by all persons who do not asrree with him in public and private matters. A stoke thrown into the sir will con tinue to go upward nntil the force that started it is spent; then it will fall. A state, county or city will continue to lorge anead just so long as its enterpris ing citizens see fit to push it to the front in a united end intelligent manner. If we are to succeed we must work for our own success Whisky is a terrible thing, to be sure. But there is one thing to be said to the credit of whisky: It will let you alone if you let it alone, but gossip will hunt you up, whether you're in the game or not. Am Amercan general says tbe Filipi nos are atill living in the fourteenth century. This will explain why some of me lossiis oi tne present century sym- pamize wiin mem so deeply. O Bans to Blgaatsj at One reason why the people engaged In dairying ar proerous is because dairying is a cnnti bouillons. There is no credit with the old cow. You teed her today and tomorrow she pars yon back in ciish. The dairyman doesn't have to tell hi hired man that he can pav In m when he sells his wheat. when he sella a bunch of lambs, or when his peaches are marketed. He has the cash every wwk or every month The dairyman need not run up a bill at hi grocery or anywhere ewe. lti bus ineas is a cash business, and h can pay a he goes. Tliis is one of the basic principles of prosperity. Run up no debts, pay as you go. It gets a man in the habit of doiug business on business principles, and when h doe this h has started on tha road to prosperity. Again, the dairy business is a contin uous business. It brings in cash every week in the year. The fruit man, or the wheat man, or tha Iamb man, or the steer man gets his money in large sums inu si irregular intervals, in is tends to extravagance in expenditure, When people have lots of money they spend lots, and when the source is cut off they feel it severely. The dairy man's income is more uuiform and steady and he governs hi expenditures accordingly, lie la not flusn at on time and totally strapped at another, but has a modest, uniform, continuous income, and is thereby made more pros perous. Dairying is a safe business and there fore brings material prosperity to a per son or a community, reopie nave been financially ruined by fattening lambs or cattle, and, in some instances, by growing fruit or wheat. But no one ever heard of a man becoming bank rupt in the dairy buainess. These other businesses may at time bringalarg profit, but there i a large element of speculation about it. The dairy business u almost devoid of speculations. It is rather alow, humdrum sort of business, but it is safe snd one can put hi monev into it with the assurance of a modest profit from year to rear. If crop fail in any other kind of farming the farmer la nat broke, but even it all th dairy amn'a crops should fail, if he has a good herd of cows, he can buy all his feed and still pay expenses and have a small profit besides. Dairying may b little siow, out it is sure. OAST Baustk OgwataM r Ila ltd YMittwtNnw BotjK LATE OCCIKBESCES. There wa a $126,650 fire at Norn City on May 25th, new ot which arrived at Port Townsend. by tba steamer Nome Vity, a ueaoay evening. Ex-Governor Pineree. of Michuran died in London at 11 :90 Monday night. Mr. W. S. Wbedon. cashier of the t irst National bank, of Winterset. Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that win oe oi vaiue to oiner mechanics. He says: I had a carpenter working for me who was obliged to stop work for several osys on account ot being troubled with diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought a bottle of it from the druggist here and informed me that one dose cured him, snd he is again at his work." tor sale at tbe St. Helens pharmacy. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, iTTORXE T- AT-11 W Office with 1. 1. Quick, 6T. HELEN8, J ! OREGON. Will civs best personal attention to allien! matters entrinled to me. Will practice In all ,u oibiv wa i' niwo owe uauira. W.H.POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LA W. BXMJTT PltmtlCT ATTORNEY. ST. HELENS. : : OREGON. R. P. Gbahak. T. J. Clsktom. Attorneys-at-Law. 206 Varqaao Building, Portland Oregon. Columbia Conotr bail neat will receive uraaiU J. W. DAT W. B. DfLLARD DILLARD&DAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Office next door to Courthouse, BT. HKLENH, OREGON. GtMHinl Ofturtlfs In mfirtanf Aniirnn nr Wash inKtoil, AlkftLraria mauls Airtv.tl from xVMiuitr Dr. Edwin Boss, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELEN8, OREGON. Dr. H.B. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon: ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. TEAM FOR SALE. ONR UPAN OF HEAVY HORSES, WEIGH U00 poanda each, soluble for lottaina onr- poae. Can be had at a bargain. Apply at tbla office (or particulars M FARM FOR SALE. Y FARM ORE MII-E BACK OF DEER 191, aoo;wnrty anrea la cultivation, sood or- BACHMEYEB. Hear bland, Or. chard, food buildings. Apply to 4. u, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE! THAT MY SOW, William Bachiueyer. having- left my home Without mV eoHftent. I will in nn mmx hMM,wi. ibis for any Mil contracted bv him. Wttll U. SAUUHEYEtt, Question Answered. Yea, August Flower still lina the largest sain of any medicine in the civ iiixcu worm, xour niotiiers' ana grana moumra' uerwr tuouulit of uniim iv thing else for iudigvumon or biliousness, lloclors were scarce, and thev seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous proetra- non or neart inuure, etn. niey used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation ot undigested UHKi, regulate the action ot the livor, stimulate the nervouaand organic action oi tne aystsm, and that is all they took wnen leeitng null and baa with head aches and other aches. You only need a few dose of ureen's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied mere is notiung serious tn matter wltu you. uet Ureen's Prise Almanac. A Good Cough Medicine. It (peaks well tor Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families In preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers," say Druggist J. uohlsuiltn Van Etten, N. Y. ' f hav at wave used it In my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough fol lowing ta grippe, anu una it very emc cioua." For sale at th St. Helens pharmacy. CASTOR I A lor Infant and CMldrea. Til KfcJ Yea tm ASisjs E::l A Sprained Aukle Qalekly Cr "At on time I suffered from a sever sprain of tbe ankle," ay tteorge E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, va. "Alter using several well recom mended medicines without success. 1 tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came aa soon ss I began its use and a complete cur speedily followed.'" Bold by the 6t. Helen pharmacy. Httitt final $ttthmtt VT0TICEI8 HEREBY GIVES BY TUB TK- deraurned. K. E. Uulrl. aa the admlnlun. tor of theeutle of John Hendrleka. deeeaaed. thai he ha duly Bled in tha oOflcs ol the County uun oi t,oiuraoia ;oanty, in uie suit or ore yon, his niial account of his admlnl.lralloa a poo th said estate, luxetber with hi. a-Hliloa wt una, etueoiem, ana mei in mod. 4 . and desttrnaled Monday. Doao, juilxe of taid county court, has appointed in neftirnaieu atonaar. ma mr aavni jiiiv a. v., wui, ai ue nor oi l o clock la th artel noon of that day aa th lima and ths count noon oi mat day aa tha lime and tha county Court hnues In tha City of St. Helena. In aald wmhbwi iouniy ia voe mat w urea-on, aa tne place of hearing and settlement ot aaid account and petition, at whieh time and plane any and all peraons Interested may appear and die ob jections In writing to Uie said a-.Tonul and pe tition. bated at tha rltv of at Hol.n. in rvanmM vjuuij, Oregon, wie tne o oar of June. A. 1)., ltll. & K. (Jt lCK. Administrator nf tha aetata nf Juhn Hen drtcXa. deceased. R. 11. timber. aUornev for uv wimiuuuswr, Timber Land, Act Jane t, 1B7S. H0TICC FOB FVBUCtriOK. rnrrsa Brim La as Omn, . u... . n ,-(.., it. 14... 11 torn NOTICE Id HEREBY OIVKN THAT IN COM pliant With the nrovisloua of the aet of Congress of June (, U7S. entitled "Aa aet for the sale of timber lands In the Htatea of Call lor nia Orexott, Nevada, and Washingtoa Terri tory." a eitended to all the Piibiie Land States oyaciot Autuaia, lrai, wiuiam r. tsmitb. of gon, has this day Sled In this offlcs his sworn statement No. 6M. for the euro hue of tbe aeU of section No. 26, township No. 4 north, ramce No. west, and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tint her or stone man lor sgrtoultaral pnrpnaea, and to es tablish his claim to aatd land baton the Regis ter and heeelver of tbla office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the eth day of August, uvi. ne namea as wiinaasee: Julian rout. James E. Olhbon. Bert Warren and Joseph l'r- nin, an of rortland, Oregon. Any and all per. sona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to Itle their claims In this omce on or neiorc said stn day ol August, 1WU. uu-yzn i mas. n. muukks, Kegtsier. Timber Land, Aet June i, UTS. HOTICC FOB PUBUCATIOM. Uhitsd States Laud Orrirs. Ores-on City. Oreeon. Hay 11 1001. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IK COM J.V Dliance with the orovtMlnna nf th art nf Congress of Jnne I, !;. entitled "An aid for the sale of timber lands In the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory.- as extended to all the rabiie Laud Stales by act of August 4. tl. Marlua Pedersen. of Portland, county of Multnomah, Suite of Ore gon, has this day Sled la tbls offles his twora statemen Nn. btt, for tbe purchase of the south U ot the ae-i, seH of nw'i, ne of iwl., of seo tion No. 1, in township o. 4 north, range Bo. eat, and will offr proof to ahow that tha land seiight Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than fot agricultural purposes, and to establish i ia viatm w sain tana netore ine negtster ana Receiver ot this office, at tlreeon Citv. Oreann. on Wednesday, the 7th day of August, i'JOI. He namea aa wittneaei: VY. H. Hacker, Aagust hcheiliplet, Clarence Reed and Charles Star, all of Keaaey, Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this omce on or before aald 7th day of Augnst. l'Ol. miigyw chas. n. mikikko, Register. qilT TUAT B0RR0WIHI. 'He Who Que Ilorrowlng Will Cer tainly On Borrowing H A man who whs tooeoouoiuLol U Uks the Iwul pniM.tr, stmt hi little tmy to borrow the copy taken by his neighbor. In his haste the bnv ran over a 14 Bland of bee and in ten minute he looked like a watery summer squash. Ills cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance and failing to notice a barbed wire fence, ran Into that, breaking It down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a M pair of pants. The old cow took advantage of the gnp in tha fenc ami got into th coriilield and killed herself eating green corn. Hearing in rncset, tne wit ran. upsetting tour-gallon churn full of rich cream Into a basket of kittens, drowning the litter. In th hurry ah dropped a 97 set of lain teeth, in baby, left alone, crawled through the pilieu cream and Into th parlor, min ing a brand new $20 carpet. During th excitement th oldest daughter ran away with th hired man, the dog broke up eleven setting hens, and the calve got out and chewed th tall off four whit ihirt. You tuay as well expect to run a strsm engine without water aa to find an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, and you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not relish his food or feel dull and languid after eat ing, often has a headache and sometime disaines, A few dose of Chamber lain' Htomach and Liver Tablets will restore hi liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 25 cents. Sample Ire at th tit, Helens pharmacy. OABVOniA Baarstas lhl K.iwf Yw Hun tlwyrt gpegM Blfaatar f Ikt Ktad Y rhr) JuVsv ! Call at the Bt. Helens pharmacy and get a free sample nf Chamberlain's Stomach and Mver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also Improve the appetite, strengthen th digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They ar easy to take and pleasant In effect. i tMTja-." Ufa? '-aV--w..w1Aaj.fl '.. "Sift aj (-. mwtMuituUkijk i,MMh, AVVVVV" Tba KIafl Toa Have Always Bought, and wkfoh fcag boot la usa tar over SO year, no Dorne tuo niirnatiir of nd bu been mode nnIr Iila twr onal saperrisiota slnoo It lnfuncy. Allow no ono to deceive yon In thta. All Counterfeit. Imitations and Junt-as-itood" are bu Kxpor Intents that trifle with itd endanger the health of Infanta and Children Bxperlenco agoJiMt Xfrperunoute What is CASTORIA Cnstorla it a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pars gorle. Drops and Soothingf Syrups. It Is nmit. I contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other ISTarootla tibstauoe. Its aire Is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It aaalmilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ranaoe--Th Mother's Friend. CEriUIME CASTORIA ALVAYO Bears the !aatnra cf J The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yeart. Timber Land. Aol Juus I. MM. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Carrsn btatsb I. so Orrirs, Osgood t'try, Oregon, June 4th, isol. NOTICE 18 11KRKBY tllVKM THAT IS COM Plianee wilb tbe provisions of the set of Congress ol June , 1K7R. entitled "Ansel ko ine aaieof timber lands In the Stalea of Calllor- nia, uregon, nevana, and Washington Terrrt tory," aa extended 10 all tha Public Land Mates by aet of August i, Inwi, I'eter A. McNeil, of Dalles, county of Pol. Rtsie of Omrno. lis. this day Bled la this omee his sworn abatement So. IVu4, for the mtrcbaae ol ths southwest Vi of section No. si, In townshln No. 4 north, range no. a west, ana win oner uraol 10 show thai lbs land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to ea- aoiisn nisciaim toaaio tanu netore tne Hegis ler aun neoeiver 01 una omc at urecoa citv. I'regon. on rnoay, in win oar 01 Attguat, 19U1. lie names aa Witnreaaa: Julius Faul William Smith; J. K. Uinbont snd Uus South, an 01 rortianti. iiretnm. Anv and all norsona claiming adversely the sbova-dsatirlbsd lands ar reuueateu to nie their claims in this odice oeioreaaiayin osy 01 August, ltui. on or j7-e Waf.UALUlWAY, Keoelver. PFT1T10N FOB UQVOB UCENSB, To the Honorable County Court of Colombia 1 ouHir, wregonr WJK. TIIK I. SDERSIONF.O I.KOAL VOTERS, IV residing In (iobl nrecinrt. Columhia eounty, Oregon, would respectfully petition your noiiorauie utwir a. i aos reguutr sewuon, which will be held on Uie rd day ol July, lv.il, In Uie court house, in the t'ity ot M. llelena, Columbia eounly, Htale of Oregon, that It cense be granted to O. K. Iluuler to aril plrito- ous vinous and malt Honors In quantllie leas than one gallon In Ooble precinct, la said county and stale, and that said lloense begraut ed lor a period of ons year, lor all ol which vour petitioners will ever nrar: J 8 t'onboy, P O Mark 1 Cf Fowler, J C Mon M W K UnnLM a VMf.h,l uy.l,.. u L Bradley. If Bradley, U at rarr, II Ward, J W Lonl. Hlrhard Taylor. O P Aulerann. P Archibald, N Hoblaon, Fred Wootlham, Oeorg John Ueim ka, Kanlord Butts, k M rowler. C F cleaver, P M Foster, U n Foster, P Fortune. Peter nimacn, w a. Miner, 4mo nussnanmer,!. iKaginn, 1 t.neier, i noe iay, ueorne roster jr, 11 ateit, ards, W at Armstrong, Th rennles, John k Col Una, Robert Livlngatnue. Hank II lake, John rarr, Thoa J Burgena, V Krauke, at Link, J at Fowler, George Trim, P W Mtklnster, Wm Burdlek.C Mskioster, A Neer, II Stehmun, K W Fowler. 1 11 blineer. ST Alexander. Vlnu.r rurer. a rarser. amcv uni.L t rowier. rhmr ventreo, siaa Martin, J as aenneoy, mM-yll BLACK PERCHERSN STALLION "LAFAYETTE" Will make the season of 1001 as follows: Warm (Notn'tPlaefi. Mondau Phillip' 1 Station, Wath. Co Saturday At Homo .....All other dam PCDIORCE OF DAM OF LAFAVCTTC: Pereheron mars, Sophie, l4t0(W) foaled WSJ. n ported 1KM. Got by Narbone, 777 (l.'BM), he br rilllant umt), 7M; ho by Coco II. 711: he br uei Chaslln, 71S; he by Cowi 112; he by Hlgnon, ne by jean-ie-Hianee, im, a direct desnend- Colonel Bar aii claims to not be satis fied with the decision in the insular cases. But be ought to be, because it lint ei ven him a chance to revauin his old caniign speech about the empire, by N, A. Perry, ifutifton. -a.fOTon.iA. Ths toS Y Ha fUwrt BaigW Dr. Cawood, dentist, can be found on Wednesday of each week at the resi dence of H. Cox. Eceema, saltrhenm, tetter, chafing, iT poisonini and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hasel halve, j he certain pile care. For sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DO YOU WANT TO MAKB A PROFITABLE Investment If so come and tmv anma ood Columbia county real estate. I have the idiOWing tracts for aale: All of aeerion IS in a, rS w; also the n4 of section S4, to 6 n, r t w: tbe ntfA of section a. tp n. r 2 w: tbe nli of section IS, to 6 n, r 2 w; th w'X of section IS. v". 1 .,iwn w aerea in aernona a ana w. tp S n, r 4 w; ltw acres in another tract, snd 10 acres in me ox section a, tp 4 n, r 4 w. . H. GkUHKK, St. Helens, Or. Pirns, lsao, (see official report and history of Percheron raca. bv Chaa. Da Hava. mui of bone under Nepoleon III). lm Rosalia, Hausonet; he by Brilliant, two he by Coco II, 714; be by Vuei Chaslin, 718; he by Coco, 712; he by Hlgnon, 715; be by Jesu-le- '"'n, ia.. win., w l.ariivilf, HI, SI an- elon by Ijivlri 1, 711; he by Vtieg Chaslln, 7U; it loco tn, or Mignon 71.1, oy ean-ie-Hiance, w. etc.. etc.. dam of Brilliant. I Hull: Routt bv Mlna. a stallion belonging to the French govern, meut. V 1 SlsTOLS Skbvicb $ 4.00 DYTHSBCASOK. 7.00 InSCSAKCg 10.00 J.JOHNSON, Owner and Manager, Scappoosb, 0b. SUMMONS Bf PUBUCtTIOM. In th Circuit Court of lb But of Oregon, br rjlnnt,l. I'M,.,. Joseph liayborn, plainllff, va. Rvren Rrlkaon and atarnalla Crlkaon. hi. lf. defemlanut. To th above-nsmed wn Krlkaon sod Mar. oeua cnason, nia wne, iiefennanl. THK KAMKOK TH It STATU OFORROCM . you are hereby raoulred ta tsiaar and an. wer tbe complaint died against yon la the above entitled cause and court, within sti weeks from and after May 24th, 1WI, that being the data of the first nuhlii-juion of this .i,m. mona and th time prescribed by law and th order of th publication hereof for von to so appearand answer herein; and If yon fall to so eiipear ana answer witnin mat lime lit plain tin will apply to th court for Ine relief da. mandsd in the aaid eomulaint. uvm.it. foe . jnngmeui against you ana each of yon ou a oroniisory Hole dated January 22nd, 1H7, lor IlliO.Oii.nayable oa or before two yean, after date, with Interest at Ibe rat of lea per eenl per an- Hu,n iruus uu unm paio, anu ror aucn attor ney'a fees a the court shell adjudge reasonable, besides the disbursements and wmi. nf aiml. suit; also for a decree for the foreclosure of th mortgage ot even dat with said note, given to MTCurv is amount eviaencio. ineretty, on ths smith half of th north-east quarter of section thirty-lour, In township number sis north, rang tuiai.m,,. uie Willamette Mermian, in Co lumbia county, In th mat of Oregon, which not and martgagerwere made in favor of John Hendricks and thereafter sold, assigned and transferred to plaintiff who has ever since been tne owner anu nomer tnereor, and also for aa order of aale of said premises snd s deciw bar ring you and each of you from all further right, title and Interest, dower or riuht of dower In said premises and from each and every part thereof. This summons Is published by order wi nun. luifniM a. irri(ie, lufiua ot sain air. cult court, and dated May a), fait, and the first publication of this summons I, mad on May 24th, A. D. isol, in Ths Ossook Mist, a weekly newspaper, printed at Bt, Helens, Oregon, la piiranauc 01 sucn oraer, . 11. okuhkk, m24jyi Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMOHS. In ths Circuit Conrt of ths Stats of Oregon for (minima vonilir. H. fi. Ksimons, doing business ander the firm name of Jtmmoits at Ktnmoiis, plalntin, vs. Marcel Reaudray, defendant. jo Marosi ucauaray, us dsfsndaot abovs- RMIIWI, NOTICE TO JPAINTERS. NOTICB IS HKIiKBY GIVEN THAT THK contract for tn painting of th school house, InsMe and oni, and th front ad dition on ths outside, in district No. 41, Colum bia county, Oregon, will be let to the lowest bid der. Sealed bid for the work will be received by the chairman of the hoard of directors np to the 26th day of June. 1WII, at 2 o'clock p. m., th right belnir reserved if. reivnt anv m mil KM. The site of the building la IK12UII; the front addition being ldx7. The work must becom pleted on or before the 15th day of July, luul. For further Information apply to Fitisiit tif.rNiKf'irr Chairman of the Board of IMreetore, Valley, 0r. Reopened tojhe Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE J5LAKESLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Beard ty Day, Week or month At Bbasom ablb Viavtiu. Visitors met at steamer landings and guests baggage looked after. THE OLD STAND BT. HELENS, : : OBEQON. IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OPOREOON : You are hereby reontred to anoear and an. SWr the eomulaint tiled atraltist von In tha above entitled action, in th abov court on or oior tne win aay 01 July, liioi, and that if yon fall to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will tak ludgment again.! you for the sum nf 173.00, with Interest thereon at the rat nf per cent par annum, from th 1st day of February, IMS), and fur the costs and disbursements of Ihls action. You are further notlAcd that th above complaint Is Hied against you for and on account ol work, labor and services performed between Ibe 1st day of February, intsj, and the latdayof June, 1W7, bv the plalntin at the special Instance of the defendant ill the matter of the suit of Mar cel Bnaudray vs. Arthur A. Everett. In the dr. cult Court of the4tate of Oregon for Columbia County, which said stilt was to foreclose a mort gage then held and owned by the said Marcel Ueaud ray against th said Arthur A. Kverutl, upon the northwest quarter of section 82, in township A north of rang i west, Willamette merl.llso. containing UK) acres. That Id and by the terms of the agreement between the plain tiff snd the defendant, the defendant was to pay plaintiff such attorney's fees aa the court might adjudg reasonable In aald suit. That by the drx-rs of tha court In said suit, ItOO.ial wa allowed as attorney's fees, no part nf which has been paid eioept th sum oi flli.m. This summons ia published by order of Iho Honor able Thntna A. Mcllride. Indue of tha atmva. entitled court, mad on th Jsih day of May, isol, reonlrlug this summons to be published for six full weeks in Tag Ossoog Mist, a weekly newspaper published and oomlncied In Coluinbin County, Oregon, from th 81st day of mar, i'-", mo imib oi me nr.t- publication iiiereMi, Ml in. uin liny 01 fwy, IWI, til the I ant pubitr-atlnn thereof. KM MONii A tMMOiiB) and O. A. RRODI ini jii Attorneys lor Plali Stanwccd & Sherman Bros. -MAMUVACTVKM OF- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. W Riansfectnre 4rl-elaas mtuth lumbar lor all purpoaw for lh invle, which w sell at a moat reasonable Sgut. Dimension Lumber. Price at the Mill, $6 Per M. YAKKTON, OREGON. ESTABLISHED mi. ..INI JOHN A. BECK DKALER lit Watches, Diamonds. Silverware, Eepairing a Specialty. 207 Morrison St. Has. Frost aY First, PORTLAND. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimates fnrnlalied oo application. All work guaranteed, CLATftKANIB. ! : : 0BE0ON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Fortland oa Tseaday, Thursday sad Sat- nruay at a. m. lor St. HIm. Kalamu, Carmtft Font, Kai'uhr as lesa. Arriving st Portland Monday, Wsd nesilay and Friday ai t p. n. Wharf foot of Salmon SL 8. 110LMAN, Agent. MEAT I MfATl MEAT I City Market Sr. Hbi.sbs, Oasooa; LINQSAY A MOITON, rtOFS. -OKAhSBS ta- Fresh and Salt Meat. . : . City trade, lodging eampa, steam boats and railroad camps applied. OBDISJ FILLED OS SUOBT MOTtCK. Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HUMS, ... 0BSQ0H. NEW PLACE. If Ton wsnl something mod la th uuaoi wiiiasy try SHAV'Q r.1 ALT Only th best of Lidncn and Ciian Kept ia Stcci OP1H FROM A. M. TO It O'OLOOK MIDNIOMT. rn MBtTLARav, aVAILV. W. D. MOYXE. THE T. a. WALLACE. St. Helens Hotel Wallace Morta, Paors., Is Agaiu Open to the Public. Meals Served on Short Notice. Beds 26 Cents, Mealt 26 Cents. FSED BARN IV CONBICTIOH. BOBStS TO HAT 10 CENTS. Bt. Hslems, I Omoo-. -TEAKIrr- America" WiUamett Mil Es:ti Leave Bt. Helens . ''. . . :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland J.30PM Arrive at Ht. Helens. C.OOPU rAHR CENTS. .not . , .. .. vitii arry nntiiing out I swrn- r gsrs and fast Freight. if j amics eoon, ntsater. rl Mow About Your Title? fit TOO J KRCOH rei-orda title. If you BDRC It It all rlehtf nun mat governs. It Is Main Btrtt Kememoal that It Is IhS our lili.lnaM in aaan-ll Ilia i and show what thav ronlaln in ralatlmi tn land f von oontemtilata bnvln. Unrf a. l,.nin nM ...I. a.tai eflurliy. tUo no man's word, but insist upon knowing what --r r.aaniiiig tne niie. asa ciatraoi m aa asaentiat aa a dead. Insist on having It. Ws hsv Ute only set of a!tree bemks In the ctmnly. All work promptly esaonled and asllifaolloa guaranteed. If yon hay prorty to Insuraalvcnaseall. Wr fu.",0,,5',,rs lnurancoomtiiiis To th world. If vow hav property tor sal list It with us and ws will Sod buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., BT. HUm. OBF00B 1 THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN .Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. .. '-EE. MOEGUD,':.''- , . . , jp Cooper Building, Main Street, St. Ilelehs, Oregon rBiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiiiiaiwiiuiaiiiiUiiUiiiUiiuaia mm