-Th Urge twin oiikey, umutluii of f . , last .for 1,1 Omuw'i whip on 'k rlva by rU at Houlton ff Day and tba work o taking ,,0.!. f ioroa of men ilit that HirisV vxr - i ...a trouw " , . momv can be urt (lint Mr, BllwilOUtOl 111 Johnny Wlillfton is made of Collin .iMin tu it wiimlurftil i moliiff iti aupearaiif i I.- ilia roowiUy-iHHluireil rsklonr town .miwrty ha irwuy " "r"u Pr"...- he th Mill) uatlon of coat TCKwMh oo the '" and trim, i tlii fruit tiaa. Othw conmuipmUMl tonrovamants to l wad In tha very Kuturt will add lunhM U Iht iwd Jppearanoa nd onnienc of the nrsiiiise. It wai rumored lo Atorl lit wHt hit Cant. 1'arker will put tli steamer aatorlan on th l'orlland-Aiitorm run, ,ndclirg- I1W - trip. Ifroin up .iver come another rumor that Jacob Kimui ! o)n to come on the run again with the Lurllne, mid that he, too, will hsJuc th tarilT. These rumor may iawunt to nothing, but people will put wmli th cheapest bout, mid th river U wUl nd free. Kor thy wwM w. not U urprled If thera 1 an. oilier rat war Inaugurated. B prepared now to at any Mm re tin tli information that the county treasurer haa mada another attack on (lit outstanding warrant Imiebtednei at th oounty. Ttiat ollitwr la uiarahal liit hit forwa and preparing to awoop JJwnon tha enemy, lii neat attack ill almost totally demolish tha condl Uonof affair that hat btten giving our county tuch aerloua trouble fur ao many ma pa. statement of Ilia county ollicer. yutfn alter that debt, wa can toll yon. Further evidence of the tincorlty of dttermi nation of tha Northern l'aclflo Moplt In tha niiJoruklna to build their iud to Nohalmn valley from (iupiMiaa u u be ttwn in tl fact that Mr. Mi Allittar, right of way agant, waa in ttiii tlt airain laat Monday, gatharing fur ther (TaU to aaaiat htm in the work of Muring tba right of way, Mr. McAilla ur in town lt ik on tha nam (baton, and a aeoond vlait waa nooe. gary. Indeed, there are many avidoncwa of tha intention of tha company to go bead with tha work at oiuw. Tbaateamar Potter l alxtut ready to Tetania tripe to tha eoaot for aocfliiimo daiioa of tha aeaaide travel, which la expected to atari about tha flrit of July. Tba iteenier waa on a trial artln laat jlonday, coming aa tar dawn aa Knapp'i hreiheiut the ammlo, and from which place back to Portland tha two (camera had lively tilt. Their apeed Mint to be pretty evenly matched, not withttanding the fact that the llaeaalo put it all over ber in a wide-open trip of about thirty minotea aoration. When th Potter'a machinery geta "imoothed p" tome the may prove to be a more formidable competitor for flrat bonori tliaa tha llataaio la apecting. Tha Government ia apparently pretty til tatiafled with the lumber m an u fac tored by the Columbia river mill, a it hat lutt let another contract for a 8,(KH, UlU luul cargo for Manila. The ahip mdI will go forward thia month on the anainoioth ateamahip Htratligyle, which bat made aeveral trip to thia port in tin wrvice of the California A Orient) tttMuuhip Company. The atMinahip Uoodwln, which recently aallwl from tbi pott for Manila, carried 8,000,000 feet of lumber, bat the greater part of it wa a rough atock, while that of th fjtrathgyle will 1 nearly all Oulaiilng lumber. Th Htrathgyle ia now en route to San Diego and Kan Francinco from the Orient, and will not coma to tht Columbia until July. The Vancouver Transportation Com pany' (learner Lurlina baa been hauled out on the waya of tha Houth I'ortland hipyard, and will be thoroughly over lituled preparatory to being placed on th lort)and-Atoria run. Many re puir will be made to her engine, and h will be triven a new coat of paint. Ill thought ahe will be able to make hr brat run Haturday. The Undine, which haa inat come off the waya. 1 taking the Lurline'a run, but will be placed on tha Vancouver run at aoon a the Lurlina cornea out. The company ia not vet reaJv to make known the fu ture run laid out for the Lurline, but It it thought that now that there ia a liv ing in the ratea between I'ortland and Attorta, ahe will be placed on that run permanently. If the atatement contained In a dia- Sttch from Aitorla, published in Tuee av'i Oresoniaii. be true, it la Indeed unfortunate In many waya that the Beaver Flume Company la compelled to cancel a contract tu furnish oiling with which to eonatruct two large raft to bar been taken to Han Franctaco. It wai aid in tba advice that the flume did not work properly and it waa necea aarytoaak for a releaae from the con tract to furnish tha piling. The Hume wai conetructed at a areet coat, and the fact that it doe not operate properly it financial disappointment to ita owner a well aa to tha people of that part of eounty to whom ft ucceaful working had a Bnauoial aigniflcance. It certainly I to be hoped that the dillloultiea may aoon ue overcome). lMik out fur the October neiiil- Cantaln CinnA fit tha atenmer Amer ica, teem not to be latitHed onloi he la making an Improvement of aoma nature to bla boat that will add to tha pleaiure of bl patron and convenience ol the ateamer. Ilia latest effort would em to be the crowning application of hit ditpoaition to make the publio com fortable. He la extending the texca on the tteainer tlx feet In length, and will put In a large ateel range, equip the room with all neccatary kitchen furni ture, employ a firnt-claaa cook, and be prepared to fnrnlah meal to all who would desire to avail themaelve of uch a convenience while en route to or from th city. Till adjunct ahould commend ltaelf particularly to the people near thl end of the ttunmor' route, who can hereafter board the atflamer with the knowledge that they may, nave breakfaat at any time to auit their con The Hat of nrnnertv on which the Counlv hnlla a 1in inr llnnaki taxes which appeared In print In one of the COUntv nannra lust week, and will con tinue to appear until July, reveal the act mat death ana taxea are two uumui tlontof thing that cannot be eacaped while we Inhabit thia mundane aphere, Taxe mint be freely and voluntarily Paid or else the atrong arm of the law 1 certain to claim righte and privilege which may be embarranalng aa well a troublaeome. The proceeding all tha way through la certainly the proper method. One Individual ia entitled to no more rlghta or privilege In the res pect of paying txe than la another, and if one It going to be compelled to DIV. all ahnnlil be treated alike. It la unfortunate that It i neoenonry to put tba county to the expense of proceed ing In thl manner for the collection of taxe, but harsh methods are aometimot ncaanry to bring to limerick those who will mini onto nn mu,U an Invitation. Get the matter tfjnured up otiee and for IX AID AIIOirrjL'LATSKASIE. Interetlur Baiget Prom tower End of the Conuly. Mr. J, A. EnglUh returned by tteamer Monday, after uu absence of over two month spent in caring for her Invalid lather, A, M. Tlelienor.at Ban Diego, Cal. Hue report Mr. Tiuhenor a aoniewlmt ' of a tiirrer but not yut In a eondi. tion to warrant tntiuh hope of a perma nent recovery, Muster Nurwooti Tloh enor accompanied bl aunt, and will probably spend the tmitmur in Oregon. Ml; Ethel Albright left on the Hha ver Monday fur Iter home In Oregon City, after a few wwk'i visit wllb ber frluncl Ml Lf.ura Conyers, at this place. Mr. M. A. Mall came up from Han Diego with Mr. English to spend the tumrner with her ton, Dr. 1111. and fam- 7: "eu "",y celebrate her iill birtllUavannivursarv thia aimb .,( la enjoying excellent health for one of her age, Oeorge Conyer came up from Ilwaco Saturday tvening to spend Bunday with parent and friends. The aociil dnurenn flatunla avanlns drew quite a crowd of young people, win nvr a very fju-imani evening. An enterlttinmnnl at Ilia Mhnroh Hu(n. day evening, given by the Junior IHgue, uuuer me uirecuon ol r. uulnier, provel quite an attraction to those who were interested In seeing the little peo ple perform. The part were quite well rendered and a vry entertaiiiina hour or ao wa spent in recitatbnt and music. Will Markwell waa unlucky enough to Kp off the roof of Mvert' house last Thursday and came to the ground by way oi a porcti root tu eomethtng of a heap, lie felt very much a thou;!) something struck him, but was able to get to hi room, where he tnent a coiitile of day with liniments and hot applica tions. He lias a lenling remembrance of the occasion yet, but thinks be got off mcay alter an, The venerable looking Peter Welter, of North Yamhill, Is spending a few day In town, the gueat of hi old friend, K. w . conyer. 0. A. Ulmpel ha nut Into effect an intention to visit tha friend ol hi earl ier year lu Kansas. He started east laat week and will be absent a few weeks. The Miaaea Rovle. of Ohio, two slater ot sirs. w. l. watts, ot Hcappoose, a former teacher here, better known a Mildred Iloyle, are visiting friends In this part of the county. They express themselves pleased with what they see here, and are enjoying the greeting of relative. That Xobn Palm la not discouraged by tha lota of hia home and contents i evi denced by the fact that a new building ia now tip and unuer root to taxe us place. It I better located and will suit better than the old one. "Pluck brings luck," and John's luck t coming. Mr. and Mr. Temple, of Florence, are tttenaing a few day in town, the guest of Mr. ana Mr. J. A. raurtiiner Frank Merrill and Fabrique have been mtttiiia wood out of the water, which t'.iev tawed and solit. until there is con slilcrable of a wood pile iu front of Fab rlqne'a stote. Captain Htewart recently appeared In a rather new looking suit and proclaimed that he waa going to Halem for a charter for a wood combine, and invited subscript ions for a few (hare ot atock. The hostility of the worker to combine caused a smile at the Cap iain'aioke. He lias aone up the river, at leant, where he will spend tome time with friemt. Johnson' learn from the tntlon came Avartnlsiwn much livelier than usual one evening latt week and required a number of men, wno nappeneu on me streets, to get them Mopped. Fortu nately no one was Injured, but the p eenirer were frightened. A new horse did the mischief. Mr. O. W. Miller and Mis Florence Allen returned by ateamer last week from a five week' campaign In the hos pital at Portland. Their friend were pleased to greet them airain and hope for their apeedy restoration to perfect health. inn trm luit.tr v In which Mr. and Mr. W. 8. Miller come to town and the naa. taA.al!u! rUffiaHA HOW In USO lV T. J. Flinoin and family indicate In creased comfort that their owner can' not fail to appreciate ana enjoy. M flnaalln. eocomnanied by Mis Ollie Owing, have been apendlng a tew daya at Alderbroook with Mr. W. H. Con vera. They returned to l'oruand the Itrst oi tne wee. Mrs John Wallace, of Mist, patted throuiih town last week on her way to vlait a aick sister at Astoria. Bhe re ported improvement upon ber return a few day later. Mr. Mangeson, of Mist, wa out Fri day morning with three clergymen of tbe Swedish Lutheran church, who had been holding meetings in that vicinity. A wnlon of tbe Order of Washington waaorgauiaed at Mist a week ago, the members generally availing tbemselve ol the aick and accident features of that order. ' Tha old vets In thia vicinity are want ing to go to Forest Grove to attend the state G. A. R. encampment to be held there fiom the 25th to the 27th ol thia month. A atrawberry and lee cream festival Is announced for next Saturday evening at Uraham' ball. a . t Fllopln ha been coniaerai)iy nam- perccTln getting oat lu"!r hTtely by the I .lines of pari : of the jsrew. Will Barr te oacn wis ." J having completed hi account with roeaslea.,and the planer, at least, will go again. A number ol persons . . , i V,. ,Miinna and lug tor aresseu lomoor improvement to residence. A. D. McGIUlvarv chopped woou ior the kitchen atove thi wetAc, which w rlirht 4Iia ax struck a wire clothes line, wfiieh wai accidental. It came back Vd hit hia head, which waa unfortu nSte It cut a gash on hia scalp, caus fng him to go to the doc tort oflU tor. refmirs. which was sensible. Mac has a good head and ha want to ave it. At the Kimlimniial elnctlon of officer ? , j 1 ' '"P10 of Eiithbono Hlstors; he d ThurKlny evening, June 0th, the following member were chosen to fill the atntjon fnr tlm Matting term : Mrs. f, Ddwi iv p. , Mr, it. k. Cm. m. e. o. Mr. M C Gray; JB. H.t Miss Marie tU,!. ; ' Mr- J- Watts, M, ; Mrs. fi. K. Quick, M. of U. A 0. i Mis Dulsy Walklns. M. of V.t Mrs. D. J. Swllisor, P. T. ; Mrs. D. Davie, G. T. Farmer Harms, of Warren. huWn supplying a great many strawberries In tills city the past week or two. The quality and flavor of his berries are su perior to the one's raised elsewhere and shipped to this plHce, and sold at a much higher price. Notwithstanding the fact inai tne season ao Inr, ha been ex tremely unfavorable for hurries tliara have been some delicious one brought I in irum nie vicinity ot warren. . The Columbia llfflitahln Nr. MV mMnh ha hail such a thrilling experience in the vicinity of McKenzie head for nearly a year, passed up tha river last Friday forenoon. The vessel was taken over land about two mile and launched in llakar'e bay. near Ilwaco. The con tractors made no money out of tbe un dertaking, but in the way of an adver tisement to tne arm their success 1 iu-valuable. Commissioner Frtket was down from Scappwse Tuesday, paying taxc and looking after other Wines matter. Mr. Frake 1 highly pleased with the manner In which the county', buslnes affair are ihaping, and like many other nierestea ones, will rejoice when the county can pay tbe latt dollar it owe. Last Friday eveninl a car load of supplies and materials wa run into neitppoose stiitlon lor use by tuose tn the lield laying out the Northern Paci fic's branch road to Pittsburg. Many evidences are at hand to strengthen the belief that construction work on the line will aoon begin. At the semiannual election of officer of the local lodue of Kniuhts of Pythias. neiu on tnetn nut., the following om rers were elected for the ensuing term : W. U. Uray, U. O. i K. K. UuieK. V. 0. 1 C. N. Gable. M. of W.j M. White, prel ate: David l)vls, M. at Af ; J. G. Watts, 1. U. I U. W, UlKkesley, O. U Deputy Sheriff Wood returned Tues day evening from a jaunt tohisNeba- lem ranch, where be went afoot and alone last fealurday. Mr. Wood says it a good road over to Netmlem. alter one get down to the bottom, being a long way down in most places, however. Mr. Burgdorffnr. of the firm of John on A BurKdorller liro.. of Hcapnooee, wa in town Wednesday. He reports his Arm lias taken contract to supply cedar telegraph posts, and may supply a half a million feet of them if they so desire, this summer. The Mssonlc grand lodge and grand chapter of Eastern Star are In session In Portland this week. F. Vivian, of Columbia City, ia representing the local lodu-e of the former society, and Mrs. T. 0. Watts, of lieuben. representing the local chapter. Mr. and Mr. J. K. Beesle. of Ketchi kan. Alaska, visited friends in this city several davs last week. Mrs. lieegie haa been down from the north over three months, Mr. lteegle coming about three weeks ago. They expect to return thia week. The assessors. Messrs. Martin White and Charley Hlaketley, have finished tbe field work in Kebalem valley, and are NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Dentrtment ot the Interior, tand Willi at Oregon City, Orejton, , May ft. Ad. GTCB is mumv given tuat inn ffillowlfitf-uamft.l Mttlttr has fllad notice or lis iMi'titlori Hi inuka flnitl oronf In sniiport ol hia claim, and that snlil proof wilt bs nutda b for th KKllr ami Kiaclvor, at Oregon City, Oreiion, ou July 11, 1WH, vis: JlLHIrlll.CltAMEIf, Homastsail entry No. HW1, for the ne!4 ot ! Uon M. l i north, rsnte S woxt. He iismes the followiiiK witnesses to proye Ills continuous ros tilsiice noon nntl ciiltlvstlon of tM laud, vis: Hszel (J. llollonheok. 1. 0. iittfftty, Hteiihen Hol- lnbsck anil Jucub tehllcht, all ol MoutilaIti dais, Orngun, i:HAM. B. MOOKHIi. Kcglster, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Id OMoe at Oregon Oily, Oregon, Mar ia, MM. NOTIRB l HBRKBY 01VKN THAT THB f.llowlnu unn.wlik'ltkir has filed notice of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his clslui. and that said proof will he made lie fore the KaKlxtur and Kecelver, at Oregon City, Orotfiju, on July II, iwl, viz: Hommtead entrs Nu. lim for the nU of tuM, and w'A of not;, awtlon 10. tpSnoilh, ratigua wsai. tie naoies the louowinit wuuriw w prove his continuous resldnnee upon and eulti- cob Miller, rhsrk'i Mason end Joseph Miller, all of Mooiitaludale, Oreaon. niA )& tyilAo. H. auuftM, nesiaier. Timber Und. Aet June , M7S. NOTICE rORJUBLICATtON. Cmitkd Statss Laao Owe, Osboom city. Oreiion. June 4ih, 1901. XTOTI:K IH HKkKHVIVKN THAT IN COM ollance with tbe orovlslons of the act of Congress of June, 1878, ntlUi-d "An i for tne saieoi timber lauds in tne Mates oi ,eiiur. nla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrrt tory," as extended to sll the fublic 1 Btates by set of Augusts. WW, Peter A. McNeil, ol unites, county of eois, oiaie oi urwm, this day Hied inthlsofflce his sworn statement section ko. 81, In township No. 4 north, raiiire No. a west, ana Witt oner proox 10 snow m me lnd uttitfiit la more valuable for Its timber Or lone thau for agricultural purpose, d J tabllih his claim to said land before tha Hcftis- tr snd Kecelver of this onrce at uregon niy, Oregon, on Friday, the th day of August, 1H1, lie names as Witnesses: Julius Kaul, William Bmlth; I K. Gibbons and Oos Bonth, all of I'ortland, Oregon. Any and all pet-sous claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their olalms in this office on or before said ih day ot August, iwn. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. TIIR (WnKKMONKf) HA FILED HER Pi nal account as administrator of the estate of Geo. U. Stoddard, deceased, In the County flmirtof theWnteof Oregon, lor the foamy of Columbia, and the same has been set loressm- luatlon and mini settlement on nonoay, uie ei n dsyoi July, IWd, at 111 o'clock, forenoon. All pnrsnns having any objections to said account must present thcin at suld lime and place. Tli Is notics is published in Tn Oaaeoa Mist for lour weeks by order of Hon. J. II. Uoan, Judge ol the ld court, made Miiy 31, iwi. HUril K H. STODDARD, Administrator of tb estate ol Oto. I). Stod dard, deceased. NOTICE TO CRE0IT0H8. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Columbia eounty. Ia the matter of the estate of Henry C. Oragg, NdOTlcK W HEREBY GIVEN, BY TUB TJK dertlgned administrator of th estate of Henry C. Oragg, deceased, with will annexed: To the creditors of and ail persons having claims sgalnst the said deorsaed, to present thorn, with the necessary vouchers, to him, at the law office of Messrs, Dllfardai Kay, In Bl. Helens, Oregon, the sarno being the place fixed by the undersigned for the transaction of the business of said estate, within six months from the date hereof. I Hit A Kb B. CUAlW. Administrator of the estate ol Henry 0. Or egg, deceased, with will annexed. filllard A Day, attorneys for administrator, with will annexed. ml7-Jl4 Notict of Final Stttfomtnt. N0TK3K 18 HEREByTjIVEN BY THB CN. dorsigned. K- K. Quick, as the administra tor of the estate of John Hendricks, deceased, that he has duly Hied iu the office of the County Court of Columbia 'kjuuty, in the Htate of Ore gon, his Anal account of his administration upon the said estate, together with bis petition for final settlement, aud that the Hon. J. B. loan, Judge of said county court, has appointed and designated Monday, the 8th day of July A. V., Mil, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the after noon of that day as the time and the county itmirt hniiM In the citv of tit. Helens. In said Columbia County in the Btate of Oregon, as the place ol hearing ana settlement ot saia eceoum and petition, at which time and place any and ail persons Interested may appear and file ob jections lu writing to tbe said account aud pe tition. Hated at the city of St. Helens, In Columbia County, Oregon, this the 3rd day of June, A. !., u,. r.. wvva. Administrator of the estate of John Hon drleks, deceased. 8. H. timber, attorney for the administrator. ..Pure.. DRUGS 84 Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Order taken for Wall Paper From Sample Books forlland Prices Books of all kinds. sjiiSsiSiSSiSSisAsiaaaAsAs,s,SiaiiiSae St. Helens Pharmacy. L u. l . . 1 n- 1 i J7-aD WM. OAbbOWAY, Receiver. SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court oFihe Stale of Oregon for Columbia County. Avery J. Singer, plaintiff, vt. Minnie May Hlnger. defendant. To Minnie May Binger. the above-named da- T N lilk NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: 1 Yoa are hereby summoned and reaulred to artnesr and anMarer the eomidaiot tiled against vou In the above-entitled cause. In the above- sntllled Court on or before the 14th day of June. ultloh Ih 11,a la.tiiav (if the ttllblicailon Ol this summons, and if yo fall to so appear and answer the said complaint, tor warn menus joe ,,l.l,,ilfr will T,nlv tn the Court for a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between yon and plain tiff, span the grounds of desertion for more ihut, mm Mr im mittttlv before theeommeu.ee- nieui ai Oils suit, end for such other relief as to the Court tnav seem right and Just, This sum mons Is published In Ths Oaaooa Mist for a peiiud of six weeks, pursuant to an oruer meu by the Hon. Thoe, A. Mcllride. ludge ol said Court, on the 29th day of April, lssll, the date of the Itrnt publication being May I, 1S01, and th date of the last publication being June win. llSil. JUPfirttM;ni,au6u, m3J14 Attorneys lor tne piamun. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Columbia Wk1 Iu k3$ d'krpioned lboal voters, n.l,l,ia In linble nreclnct. ColumblS county, Oregon, would respectfully petition your nonoraoie onoy at iu ne. " r3 , J..1 In the court house. In the City of St. Helens, Columbia county, Btate or uweguu, h. H,.,wf tn it K. Utmt.tr to aelt sntritll- ous vinous and malt liquors 10 Miiai..i- than one gallon In noble proctoci. m snra county aud state, and that said license be grant Im than one gallon In Ooble procinct. In said m. - ...i Inj ihai Mfd license be grant- throuiih with tlte assessment excepting ed for . period of one year, for all of which the town of St. Helens. They returned eol'rnskicilo.. home irotn iNenaiem inureuay Mr. Frank Tracr was over from Ver- nonia Monday ana iueuay looiing after busmens aflairs. rank has an abiding faith in the future of Ne haleni valley, and insists that ita future greatness i now assured. To those Intending to visit Rainier Saturday night we recommend the steamer America aa being tbe best mean for doing to. the steamer win leave this city about 6 :80. Fare for the rouud trip only 60 com. An advertisement will be found in thi issue of land for sale by 8. H. Gruber. He haa aome choir bargain, whirl, an insnertion of hi list will re veal, and which intending purchaser can examine with prom. Mr. W. H. Dolman displayed an ex- Timber Land, Act J one 1, 1878. HOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United states Lend Ofllee, , ' Oregon City. Oregon, April 23rd, 1801. NOTICE l HEREBY OIVKN THAT IM COM nliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . M78, entitled "An act for the l.ol timber lands In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extenaeo to an me ruono jmiuu maiea ,,j ui AinrusK 4. lKtt. Josenn . uroan, oi ruruana. County ot Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this aay nieu in mis onice nis sw,,r,i rutieij.ciiv .M-.il. fnr the nurchase of the sw'i of section No. 251, In towostiip No. 4 north, rsnge No. 8 west, Willamette Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuabe for its timber or stone tban lor agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis claim to said lurid be fore tba Register and Receiver of this Office on Saturday, the 6th dav of July. 1901. He names as witnesses; duu , -,, . . w , gon, John 8. Glbtions, ot Kelso, Oregon, James Oibbons, snd Ernest V. Burwlca, ol fortiana, Ohmm. i,v and sll nersons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are miuested to file their claims In this odlce on or before said dih day of July, mui. nam, u. mwe., aatt-Jj& Register. iv it it,, n,r it vrnznhsl. Walter Hunter, i ii'..ti w u,.i.. a m irsrr. H Ward. J W i..,.,.! niii.rri Tvi,,r. o P Anderson. Jay F Archibald. N Robison, rred Woodham, George Pltsenlierge, Thomas Nelson, Frank. Welter. John Metncks, Sanford Butts. H M Fowler, C r Win,, w M r,ntr. u H Foster. P Fortune, Peter Hoesch, W B Miller, JaeNussbaumer.CMaginn, J Cbrnter. Thos lsy, Oeorae Foster Jr, C Rich ards, W M Armstrong, Th Peoples, John Cot- M Link, J M W M'ktnster, Wm Neer, u etenman K Cergred. Max Martlu, J as Kennedy. taM-W Timber Land, Act June 1, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dnlted States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 46, 1901. --rftTTOR la HV.Brhv GIVEN THAT IN COM- i nlianca with the orovislons of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of Callfor nal, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land State i.. ih. t.,f August 4. lr&2. Frank Durbrev. of I'ortland, conuly ol Multnomah, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. KftM, for the purchase of the nw'i of section No. SI. la township No. north, range No. 6 west, and will oiler proof to show that tbe land annsht is more valuabe for Its timber or siooe than for agricultural purposes, and tofts Ubllsh his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of Oils omce at uregon uny, ure gon, on Saturday, tbe 6th day ol July, M01. He names as wuaesse.; out, V . ' , ' Urban, lames . Oibbons, of Portland, Oregon. John 8. Oibbons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely uis euuve-iw-eribed lands are requested to file their claims In tnisomce oo or oeiore sam wn uny w .uij, 1901. ma-JvS CHAS. B. MOORE3, Register. 0 Orrita Houbs. IT , - lOffice, Hood 414 PHONE Uea.FBOItT 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist o 0 Information and AppointinentSLby.-MaiI.g" ROOMS PO & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., g Sonthetst Cor. 4th 4 Wash. Btreets, otti loor, TAKE ELEVATOR. o litis. Robert Livlugstoue, Hana Ble, Farr, Thus J Burgess, C Krauie, Fowler, Oeorge Trl W Fowler, I M Spencer. ST Alesander, Victor iter, A Parker, Amcy Link, C C I Fowler, Thos C tremel, larga atrawberry last Sunday p S'.K- grown in nis garuoii iu w" w.. " ivrer Hie complaint niea agains you i u" berrv weighed two and one-fourth above entitled cause and court, nln sii ounce and measured in circumference nine inches. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of ths Suit of Oregon, for Columbia county. Joseph Hayburn, plalnllff. Swen Erlkaon and MaroelU Krikson, his wife, defendants. . , To th abnve-namea nwen r-riarou ami eelta khkbou, nis wue, againsi you in uie i mitirt. within six weeks from and after May 24th. 1SK11, that being mi order ot the publication hereof for yon to so weeas irom anu alter a.j " " .. .1.,. ., ii,. r.t mildbtatlnn of this turn- mnns and the time nrescribed by law and the The flrebelt tower, after many year, is bo HI treaWd to ooat OI paint, as appear ana answer wtioin um i""'" !...ft.Vnfl a monument bt nealect urf will apply to th; court for the wu.f ds- Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uhitsd Statbs Lawn Orrioa, Oremn City. Oregon, May 11, 1901. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COM nliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Bute of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by SCI OI AUgUM S, iroa, Jnwiui x uucnc.i, , Portland, county of Multnomah. Blate of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statemen No. 5402, for the purchase of the south iz th, ni. seU of nw1. ne! of sw1 of seo- tion No. 7. In township No. 4 north, range No. 8 west, and will offer proof to show that lh land M ,ight Is more valuable for Its timber or stone ih.. r,vr rHcultiirai naruoaea. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 7th day of August, Will. Ha names aa wlttneses: W. H. Hacker, August Bohellipiot, Clarence Keea ana vnaries ttiar, an of Keasev, Oregon. Any ana an persons claim ing sdveraelv the above-described lands are re quested to Hie their claims 111 this omce on or t;tlAB. u. W'ivh.ct, rvmisver, ml7-Jy it was It stood a monnmsoi ui - ,S-t'hrald complaint, to-wlt: for a i,i . r.cii edict of the citv wunoil is "l.." '?...,, nri each of vou on a . , . . 1 - ,i;,r,,-. I j" '-', : j -, i ii7. f,,r catlsillff III airuClUre W tstaw w m : pnimisorv utue uioi u""j , " i cauaiHH uiw . i Mi.hi nn .r before two yean, after date, enl Complexion. with interest at the rate of ten per cent per an- p.,l w..r,a..mr. formerly of Qoble. num from date until paid, .ana ior sucn .uor- .hn has rn..n in Kritloh Columbia and I Vy',:', 'H1.Ko,nA,.,. and ii..l. r... . K m. f.,iie vssrs. waa in ...it, m f... . rtr.M hit tne foreclosure u wre rownWendeaday. Mr. Nausbaumer ex- peota to return at once to Uie noruiem mmh hslt of Ule north-east quarter o! section cnulitrv. th rty-rour, lnKiwnsnipiiuni, . .",-.. country. I n,r.i west, ot the Willamette Meridian, in Co- G. D. Bonney and family, formerty of imbia county, in the Slate of Oregon, which Yankton, were up attTaftra. ".t visiting relative at Yankton. Mr. j tninsferrei pii,Uiir who has ewr slnco been HOnueV I etnpioyeu ojr uie vs. i'. tne owner anu iiumer K? Co fin thefr fogging camp, back of U h jofj Uoblo. . , title and interest, dower or right of dower in ssid premises ana irum ewu Quality and Variety A good article at a reasonable price is there, Th ,ulnmons is published by or,ier i nui uit CC rry a large stock of standard antl Sy l..a..r in the lon run than a "cheap" o( Hon. Thomas A. M Bride, Judge of ssid cir- this snmmou ,. in The Obki I new si per. printed at nt, pursuauce oi sucn wue.. ..si .1. at half tha Tirlce Collin & Urav cuit court, and dated May 20, MM, and the flrsl article at halt Hie pn . ""r publication of thlssommous is mad ou May Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uhitsd States Laud Omn, Oregon City, Oregon, May 11, 1901. -vriflt in iSltRKHY OIVKN THAT IN COM l nii.ni. with the nrovisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlier land In tbe State of Califor nia Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Publio Land States by act of August, WW, William P. Smith, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Bute ol Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. MOO, for the purchase of the seM of section No. 24, township No. north, range No. west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before the Regis- -ter and Kecelver oi wis omce a. iiriua wiji Are two very important feature to take into consideration when one goea to procure articles ior everyuy uiro .uu our host of patron we are pleased to say we haye QUALITY, VARIETY AUD QUANTITY. Our large and select stock affords the intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the best bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cnttlerj , . . . . i i MW)An .awl. r..harrl nra u. blankets, ou ciotning, iww, uuui, giv... e,-f garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OKE.UUIM. urtsjyft Helens. Oregon, In R H. (lltllHER. Attorney ior plaintiff. Good good at lair price at Collin & Gray'., A daughter waa born Uwrence Keeder, on Bauvie' il"l. on the 6th. Mr. Irwin Copeland. mate of the ateamer Mascot, visited Irionu u. t.. city last Bunday. Frank Meeker expect to wgin ' erection of a largo barn on mn.r below hero, ai on. MlM Agnes Burn returned Uili ww from rorflaiid, where .he baa boon via Itlng for ome time. . Mr W B. Dilliird has gone to Call forIobeal.Vent.n.oi.th. Ue-Urted t... .,1,1 ii fnr Paso Boble. Ui ..,d Mrs. Holcomb, of rortlnnd .pent last B""" W B "y viaiting their daughter, Mrs. W. a. Dill"1'' , A Ke will Mover has been employed by Baturday. elas goodB, and their price ar reason' able. Miller brother, of Valley, who some time since purchased a tract of land n.., the Plank nlace. are engaged in clearing the sama and expect to hava a habitation there in wa near mis. . aahAr: due to arrive her totna time ago, la certainly belated in a ...Uinil train somewhere, but it BI1UW -w.hu -" - . j 1 UUlUl-u ,., t thnn.r whSnltddrl VUT1II rrriverifwUon'-tmisaourgue... UnMy Almost a third of a vear wa neoea- above entitled actio. ' f ni,rthaMt tou iS&'AS'thj . O-d of February iiffS reached here June 7th. from the 1st day of February ,1896, and for the The Pioneer, are In session in Tort- rnaVn'oTK . . i mt . a..sm. aa fasnr soniTi luril n, . r mvA nn snnnunl, tI WOrlC. "i". ! r.nl.,r.,l,i nntintv. most labor ami services perlormed between the 1st OT IIIO BOtlolJf im viw"""- rf - SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the 8tt of Oregon for Columbia county. , H, H. Kmmons, doing business onder th Ann nam ol summons at lbiwimi i".""! u.u.1 t, , -a jBr.nS.nt. To Marcel ueauuray, we - N IH E N AMB OF THB STATE OF OREGON: I v.... , r..., i,ir.l to annear and an 1..... f'mm rna Nome M" U i" ? IK'S , t. , ... . . . - i , A letter maueu Oregon, on Thursday, the Sth day ol August, WOl. He names as witnesses: Julian roul, James K. Oibbons, Bert warren ano josoon ui bin, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all per tons claiming adversely the above describe' lands are reguested to tile their claims in this omce on or neioro sam om u-ml7-JyJ CHAS. B. MOORBS. Register. of whom are enjoying the present meet ing In tli? metropolis. The deputy fish warden waa In town u?,iirs.Iv. and a little commotion a in oner fishermen who had " : , . i. ..... no license was created for a short tune. Mr. George Fox ana mis enarp, "T . 1.7k,.. ; Rv,.rit. Jtvtha Cit Z othiVtS of Origin for Columbia County, wnich said stilt was to forecloa a l mort gage then held ana own Boaudrey against the said Arthur A. Jverelt, upon the northwest quarter oi """," , townships north ot range 8 l.1"! . Of .idiaii. cnntainlng 180 acres. That In and by Scapuoose, spent last Saturday nd Bun- the term, of ."SSSSy day in this city, the guests of Mr. and p'a" lnn,eff ,Sch ..toWs fees as the Mrs J. G. Watts. might adjudge reasonable tn said suit. 1 Hirs. J. the detiroi oltho court in said suit, tiro.; , - .. . llnis m-hn the tow forimnu unno ... -ta- i mom a. hiuoiiw. .""r.. , L 7i.. caae this aewoii. r....t..A Ttor.il Mil rlphpd the jUUUKia jj"ui . t treasury Tuesday, to tha extent of T787.40, Iwing their share on the cur rent tux roll. Mr. Omar Spencer, of Vernonia, who spent the past year at btaniora univer sity. Cal.. has returned home to spend the vacation. Timber Land, Act J une 3, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATON. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, April 23rd, 1901. NOTICE IS HEREBY tilVEN THAT Ii4 COM pliance with the provisions ot th act of Congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the saleol timber lands in the States of California, i J. U'A..,.l.i..,.,n TaF.l.nra ,r uregon, neviMia, uiu o,.. i, extended to all the Public Land states by act ot August , 18W, Burt Warren, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Slate ! Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllee his sworn stasement No. KI90, for the purchase oi ine nrm nvura nu. , iu township No. 4 north, range No. S west, and will offer proof to show that the land sosgnt is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot thisottioe at Oregon city, uregon, on natuiaay, the Sth day ot July, M01. lie names aa wit nesses: JftS. UlOOmiS. Ji'seiui . urunu, Krneat V. Herwlck.of Portland.Oregon, and Joh n S. Oibbons, ol Kelao, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this olHce on or before said th day of July, 11101 aaejyo CHAS. B. MOORKS, Register. limber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uniteo Statkb Land Orric. nr.vmi (Mtv. Oregon. Mnv 11. 1901. VTOTICK IS HKRKBY OIVKIf THAT IN COM , X ..iiu,.. ivtth ih. nmvistons of ths act of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled "An act for Seasonable Goods . Tim" ihT. summons to bemihlished county fr '.ig' mil weeks tn Thi Obkood Mist, a weekly newspaper punusneu uu mmiuww ... Columbia County, uregon, from the 81t dav of May, 1B01, the iate ol the tli ;PnW fatten thereol, to tne tain uay o, - the last publlcntuin tnereui. . EM MONS KMMONS snd O, A. BrODIB. niSlJyia Attorneys for Plaintiff. Mr, Ernest Younger, of Monmouth, . m Kind ti Has a!wvj mm the sale of tlmbor lands in the Slates of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, ana n inwis tory," as extended to all the Pub ic Land States bv act of August 4, 1'-''J. Julian If. Font, of Ole- qua, county oi vuwu,.. . has this day Mod In thisollioe his sworn st.Ue- ment Mo. MUl, tor tne pareuswe u. sec. No. 81, in tp No. 4 n, r Ne. S west, and will offer proof to show that the land soaght is more valuable tor iu Umber or stoae thsn for agri n.,i,,.ui h,nvMi .nd tn estahllsh bis eialra to said land before the Register and Receiver of this onioa at Oregon City, Oregn, on Thursday, the Sth day ol August, M01. Ha names aa wit nesses: Bart Warren, James B. Gibbons, Wm. P. Smith and Joseph Urbin, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming sdveree lv the above-described lauds are requested to Itle their claims lu this odice on or before said Sth dav of August, HlOl. CHAS. B. MOORh. ml7-jya Register. At our store means that we keep constant y for sale a variety aud quality A c-fuerchandise which at all times is suitable tp the tfemantf of all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARMER, HERCHAHT. General Merchandising la our especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high qualtty of goods at low quality prices. We handle ... : Household Necessities SuDDlica for evervbody and to meet all demands. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now i the time to call on POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, OREGON. T JOIlf.SOn & DURCDORFER BHOS..... i Tit o ManuTacturem o( and Dpalera in o ...Ml Kinds of Rosish ansl Dressed tot: (V ...ninselselOB Rustle ...Celling LHnnber., OOOD BOAO TO THE MILL. T Mill on smith furk of ppoone creek, four 0 miles from Scappoose station. a Johnson s landing at si.uv per us, exit si Warren station, tl.su. 80APPOOSI!. OREGON an ana nava aone witn me wuoie