OREGON MIST Enteral at the Postoftiee at St. H'leus, Oration, a second-claa mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issued Evkky Faioat Mohninu By DAVID DAVIS, Ewroa and Paor-RiBTon. bUBSCBIPTIOH PRICK; One copy one year, in advance. ', , .fl.OO Btz niontha. ....... . 60 COUNTY OFFICERS. Representative. .."..Norman Merrill, Clatskante Ju.lK,......,.........JMh H lloan, Kaimer Clers .-J. O. Walla, HI. Il.-leii. Blierfl B. S. Haitian, ft. Helena Treasurer K. Rosa.Bt, Helena Sill, ol School.., I. H. Coiuilnnd, Houllun Aaaeaaor ...... ...Martin While, St. Itelt-ua Hnrveror.. ......... A. B. Little, lioulton Coroner Br. H. R. Cliff. SL Helmu P. A. Frakea, bvsnnooM Comralaaloner j w tw PUuour(r JUNE 14, 1901. DiHTaucT Attornkt Chambkrlaim (lid not miDce word in summing up the matter of proceedine airainet Phil U. Pounoyer. Mr. Chamberlain said iu his reply to Attorney-Uenerai Blackburn that the state had no caw, and be Mid it hard and load. The little rascal who tola the money should be run down and made to pay the penalty of his cnt aednesa. To treat the little thief aa he deserve would likely have a salutary effect upon successive orcnpanta of hit disgraced poet. A rkpoht of the temporary receiver of the drat Rational Bank, of Van couver, which latelv failed, elions that the affair of the bank are in such a condition that a dividend of 40 per cent mil be paid tu a ttoupte l w , . Alter the iiavuieut of tliia dividend a iwrma- nout receiver will be appointed to take charge of the bank, mere are uiree applicant for this position. They are t Chaa. Hill, of Portland. A. B. Eantham, of Vancouver and Charles Clarey, pres ident of the First National bntik, of Mt. Vernon, Oretron. - Soxtc people aeem disposed to scoff the augeation that the northern Pai-ino ia sincere in its preliminaries for the building of road to Nchaletn valley, but when you reflect upon the post can you call to mind the company or corpor ation previously attempting such a thing who had money enough to buy pick and shovel to comment! construction? The Northern Pacific has the where withal, and that is some points in its favor. The road will be built this year without doubt. Tub TVmager Empress and the Im perial Chinese court will return to the capital at Pekin on September 1, the otheial astrologers and other wise peo pie, after due deliberation, having de cided that it is a lucky day for the re turn of the court, which ' fled from Peking upon the approach of the Allied armies. It ia qmte evident that the first of next September will be a much luckier day lor each a move than the first of last September wonld have been. It ia also observed that the time has been fixed far enough ahead to give II the remaining foreign troops plenty -. iimaig retire. Tats week wa nnhliah iTTrrTrr tn... lape Nome from the pen of a former resident of this county, Mr. George Ramsey, of Scappoose. Mr. Ramsey's ciwir-cut Description ot tile in the ex treme Northern country should be care fully weighed by those who would be induced to visit that region. This is the first letter we have had the pleasure of publishing from a reliable source from that country, and we recommend Mr. Ramsey's statements to the consid eration of all. It is clear that, everv- ining taaen into consideration, chances for success are aa numerous and far more certain here at bome than in the region from whence onr letter came. Sknato Clark, ot Montana, ia still distributing his wealth, whether ontof the goodness of his heart or for notor iety's sake, most likely the latter. Ho has just made his new duughter-in-luw a present of one million, which, with the son's chances for a livelihood in life, renders the young couple able, probably, to keep the wolf from the door. How ever, the bride will appreciate the gift, whether she needs it or not, having been a hard working girl. Thkbi is no certainty that transporta tion rates will remain very long where they now are. There is but little tralfle and an air of untaalnees makes its ini nre-ion upon the countenance o steam boatmen, and a djwncust look hi said to be worn by railroad operators. Whether there's any money in it or not. tt looks well to have large passenger lists. Appearance la ttie whole thing, anynow. FROM THE ICE-BOOHD NORTH Q. W, K.YMSKY, OF 8CAPFOOSE, SKSI1 INTKHFTISQ NKWS. The Picture lie Draw la Sot Terr Encouraging. "Gbken goods" operators have begun business again by sending out literature, after taking a rest for a few years. We are not going to warn anybody against these operators, tor the obvious reason that no honest man will be gulled by them, and we don't care a continental what becomes of the other fellows. If a dishonest fool wants to throw away nis money, let mm ao it. Hood Rives has acquired great fame through the delicious strawberries pro duced there, but as good frnit of that variety as was ever eaten waa marketed in 8t. Helena last week, grown In our own countv. Yes, Columbia county soil, too, will yield according to the ef fort pat lortn. Mb. Meixen, president of the North ern Pacific Railway, has not resigned, because the road of which he is presi dent has been acquired by Jim Hill, and, according to his own statement, he does not intend to do so. Mr. Mullen is a very able and energetic manager and the announcement that he is to remain at the head of the Northern Pacific Company will be received with general satisfaction. The aggressive policy wuicn ne is pursuing in pnsliing the company's lines into new territory and perfecting the equipment and service of lines already completed, has made him deservedly popular with his own com pany and the general public, and his resignation at this particular time plight result in very disastrous changes in the policy of the company. Associate Ji stick Bkkweb, of the United States supreme court, waa mar ried to Mis Emma Mott, of Burlington, the other day. In so doing the justice has decided to follow the Sag, the con stitution and the bible into the state of Vermont. Eighteen or twenty miles more of railroad bed in the county will increase the valuation of assessable property to a considerable extext, and this will be added next year by reason of the North ern' branch to the Nehalem valley. Secretaky Gaoe renorta that Uncle Sam has a billion dollars is his cash box. It is interesting, at least, to know that some one has more money than J. P. Morgan. , Nome City, Alaska, Feb. 23, 1001. (To The JKimtoh.) Uefore leaving my home I was asked by a number tit1 friends to write to them, which in most cases, I have failed to do. I will now try and write you what little I kuow or this country, and ask you as a special favor to publih it in your paper for their ben efit and the benefit of other who may be interested In this ice-bound country. At the present time Nome ia pretty well buried with snow. In the east end of town where the cabins are close together and small, many of them are completely covered up, the only signs of a cabin being a stovepipe sticking out ot the snow and a path or tunnel in the snow bank to the door. The snow is not so deep on a level, but it drifts pretty deep in places. Some place it is ten or twelve feet deep in the street. One see ing this country in the summer time when the hills and tnndra are covered with grass and wild fluwers of various kinds and colors and little birds Hvinir from place to place in the warm sun shine, and ducks and snipe and wild geese float idly on the tundra lakes, or ay np in the clouds aa you approach, would hiirdlv be able to recognize it as the omo country now. Miow and ice have tukeu the place of almost every thing. Even the roar of the surf is now bu.-hed with ice. ami the onlv aouiui that breaks the stillness is the wind, or perhaps the pitiful howl of sume Mamie loot dog. Everything is as white as snow will make it, even the sen. The sea closed November 5!7th. On the 2ith the ice broke loose and drifted out a few miles. again closed. December 8th it was again open, but there was two or three mile of heavy Ice next to the , shore. Since then it has been open several times in sight, and is still open out at sea. On a verv cold day one can see the steam rising from the open .water like smoke Irani a lores tire, xne il called "stampeding," which In some cases proves fatal. The other ia "pure Maine," and is uot dangerous. I have bad a prcttv Severn attack of the latter most ail winter, and am still autforing iioiu lWii'uU. I weigh llX) pounds, aud am compelled to carry twenty or thirty pound of extra flesh where I go. It Streets nearly everyone the snme way noma is getting to lie quite auronmriy ' i V . . . .. . mt 1 it-nv I . STATE BOl'IAUST l-tam ;L , , "mZZZZZZ!Z Full Tlttknta Will be IMaoeU hi m Field Net year. About fifty oclatlti, repnwntlngal ima.thfiil nt the counties ot Uiu- mm. tin tl a eon crence n ..,... i Alhunv luat week. At till convention it was decided to ' now iinvii mi! .... aj.-...I . i .,. " ,. i ..i. ..,.. ....nhiMn fMimiinluril Il'lim vw, mini oi ins uau cum ki ivi ''" I .; , j . l a. . .i t I ....IU .tu. hail vnur. This WAS !r aia lujnil, HI ills prWOIll ililiu I w- y""" ' 7 , , . .,. I,,, 1,.. ii,..m .....,!.... ....i .,. v ti, aiutU .dnmocratio party, out ioto un-m aia ueinijrii niair aiim wi- t . " - . . , - entv In lull. .!, nt tlixiti anaitlnir the word deiuoeratlo has trial, others transportation to MuNonl's for a number of reasous, island. Best regards to nil. Geo. V. Ramsey. Reuben News Notes. Doherty visited Mrs. Wm Wednesday. tine of Thos. Pay' broncho wa killed on the Northern l'auiHd track Tuesday night by one ot the train. Miss Utile Rurtwe. of Castlo Rock. is visiting her brother and slater, Mr. ami airs, jonn titmice, tins week. Mrs. John Burbee is visiting friend on iue I'oweeman tins week. E. Mtchels, ot Coal creek, was in townThunwIiiv. Jaa. Mm-tie. of Porthmd, was In town iiiiirHoiiy, EJ Hall, of the, firm nf Everlinri Co., of Ely, Or., was it visitor here IiiH K iiuay. Fred Comfort and wife visited Port luiiil ii i.uiy. T. C. Watts and Jas. McNanghton attendetl the grand lodge ol A. F. A A. been dropped each good in ....ir hh.i. ,...ii ,!m.rd that the work of organisation should continue with the view of placing in the Be d at the next election a complete ti """ Kalama constable to governor. A temporarT State executive committee w i-wi- insisting of 0. li. llarnlsh, AlUii : W. H K harita. Alfmnv. aim a. v. Llewelllng, 'langent. Mr. Llewelllng is a brother of the goveruor of Kanna. . Thin atooiitivM ciommittee will call a state convention on or before October 1. The plaice of holding the convention to be derided by reierntium. ni fall meeting a riiinent organisation will lie ellmited for the purpose of placing thetMiiduct of the campaign lu experi enced hands. Central comniillee are to he si'Iectcul and arrang.'iiit'iil made tor countv and precinct niganiUHtloiii. liecliinition ol printipica ami prouiui- gallon of the platform ocstiplnl the at- teiitloli ot tne coiiveimon at auwuv. There are three cardinal points in the declaration. Th lirst is direct leg islation throiirfh initiative and rcttiren OASVOTlXAa Baanth A Tin Kind Vnn Haw km Bocght xou may as well exneut to ran On the <h it wa steam engine without water as to find u im held at Indianapolis, Ind., Julv . duin and itnpeniiive mandate. The sectuul, ciinnl sullrage, no sex dlscrlml- nntion. Third, public owncrainn ot an means ot pro. I not ion and tllsttibutlon. It was the souse of the meeting that the iiationnl party name lt changed (com stwial-deuiiK'rntic U socialist party of America. One or more delegates iiiiir be rent In tin) national convention an acttve, energetic man with a toruld liver, and you may know that hie liver is torpid when be does not relish hi fnod or feels dull and lanvruid after eat ing, often has a headache and sometimes diitiiness. A few doac of Chamler Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore lu.i liver to its normal functions. "Indication nre," said a leader m ttie party, "that the so-called cllUena and (union ticket are thing of the past. All nopulHts, with few exceptions, have signified tbeir intention oi going into the socialist rami). . The future of the country lies between socialism aud capi- tulinin, and the former strongly appoal weather has not been as cold as I ex- renew his vitality, improve his digestion to iiulon aud the labor element. Can petted it would be 8a below is the coldest I have seen up to this time. On the l!)th of January there was a snow storm here, said to be the worst in the history of Nome. It waa 10 helov, and the wind blew so hard one could scarcely stand op. There was a great number of people caught out on the trail. jNeariy all of them were more or lees frosen, and a good many of them were frozen to death. It is much colder hack in the interior thau it is here at Nome, some reports being as mnen as biT below within 100 miles of here, ana inaso nim leel like a new man. Price 26 cents. Sample free at the 8t. I iieiens pnarniat-y. For Sale. Work team and Ilsht wniron fur rain. Team of shout 2;(R) notiiiils. A,,lre J. Tompkins, Warren, or inauire at aturv at nrrcn. didntes on our ticket next spring will be laboring men, as there are no politicians or mauiiiumtiir in the organltation. Boclalist will decline to fuse or indorse the candidates of any other party." fftii-ii J)tM' I LViarii ., aw-''' V ixwrwi rorTnfaTitt unflCfsn.i..' Tli3 Kind Yen fc AVv-ficlaWe Pit puralionfor Aa BlmlUilln. ihrltXN amlKtuli ting tjui Stuiansia and Dktwvls of ness and Ifcsi .tonwiiw wiiiar a iiun.Morpliiiw norMlwcxaL OTJi-AHCOTIO. Jna.lW. Apatecl Bt'-mody forConsllfwi rion, Sour Slotnath.UiarrhiKsa Worms jC oiivuIsmoiw .KewrisiV ness BiHLuorSiaEKK racStmiU) Si(!rttur of " NEW YOnK. a-i EXACT COPY Of WAffCl, mays Ocr Boars the SiCTatiiro A ( tPv I: For Ov Thirty Yosrs wis fill. VMS MITMtfa aaHMNUtV, M VMS am. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels, tins )AViit's TKnra, nm I Little fCarlv Riwril in ntnttl.la li.An, report comic,- in every day of seme one jou will add years to your life and life ,10IH Kalama, fSunday. oeiug irozen to ueata. uue oi my M. In Pmtlaud this week. Mr. Watts being grand sword bearer, and Mr. Mo- INaiiiihton a delegate troji M. lieit-n lodge No. 32. Emil Wasser vlit.l Portland lut Friday to have some dental work done. J. 8, Cloninger and wife, were over neiiihbors froze one of his feet and had to have one toe taken off. It is a sur prise to me that there were not more people frozen than there has been, for they have been stampeding all winter to yonr years, fcasy to take, never gripe, iorsaloby N. A., Perry, Hyul- k. hi. SSECUTQIt'S H0T1CS. Wouldn't it be a thrillins sensation to know that the countv was free from debt? Indeed, chances are good for an early experience of that nature. from her; To thl SU T and the NVZ? II !"" 1Y" 1 ' v" Uood Hope conntrv, over on the Arctic B. r. Whimsy, ieceul sud that all persona sine, aiso to me nongkocx ana several aia maw r nercny r other districts. In fact the mountains ;Kn,r; nave oeen auve wun men an winter. lem wimm aix month inm th dam ol thta mere nave been some neb strikes re-1""""'-, . ... p- l. whitney. norte.1 but it i hard tn tell nvtl,in I "" " J' J Bwntrtx. about reports. Shortly after the close l of navigation there were glowing re port trom tne Knskoqmn and many went from here. Some have returned and say there ha not I 'B tot particulars. W. A. Hampton and wife were the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Oeo. Snyder Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Burget left for Mountain lule Sunday, to visit her husband, who is very sick. R. W. Foster, of Portland, was down Sunday looking after his farm. Mrs. R. E. Watt and Mrs. Jame McNaughton are attending the grand chapter of the Eastern htar at Port land this week. TEAM FOR SALE. d airreat tra!s,BPAN ?r AVY hohhes. weigh on Wednesday of , ft,. v-' Koanda Hih, aultat.le lor loralug pur- dence of R Cox ol them poa. cab. nwtata brg.ln. AM'"ytthl Dr. Cawood, dentist, can be found each week at the real' By a unanimous rote the American Medical Association, in session at Hi, . Panl, adopted a resolution asking for the re-establishment of the army post canteen. These "canteens," or drink ing places, were discontinued throngh the efforts of over zealous temperance people. These drinking places were conducted under the supervision of the army officers and were an evil only in ne eye oi temperance cranks, and their discontinuance made an opening ior irresponsible joint keepers, who es tablished and conducted the dirtiest and most dangerous lot of dives and brothels it is possible to imagine. As these places are patronized almost exclusively by soldiers the effect of the change has neea so nisastrou to the health and moral of the army that the medical fraternity is asking a change back to luruier conuiuons. Dos't talk down the business aud the property and the prices of your town and locality. Talk them up. When a man buys a piece of property don't tell him he has paid too much for it. If there is a horse, or a cow, or a sheep, or a house and lot, or farm for sale don't go around depreciating it or saying it is too high. Talk it up. Give your com munity a good name. Encourage investment and improvement. Keep money moving if you can. Help along by an approving word every enterprise nu inuustry. vrnen you see a men Starting up a mill or a manufacturing piant, pr an agricultural industry, or anything that will employ labor, do not fiiscourage mm ana tell him be is sure to go broke. Tell him he is all right nu ten. tne pnonc so. Talk vour en' ternrisee and vimr values unit all and the whole neighborhood, yourself fuuiuuea, win pront oy it. HEW TASIETY OF APPLES. Progressive Farmer of Clatakanie, Introduces Miller's Beedlina;. W. S. Miller, a frniterower of Clats- Eanic, caned at the otbee ol the perma nent exhibit, on Washington street, today, and left a couple of seedling ap ples, tne like ot winch seldom, it ever, have been seen here or anywhere. The apples were gathered last October, aud are aa Ireeti ana healthy as if they bad just come off the tree. Mr. Miller said they were grown on a eeeanng, as far as be knew, but did not know to what variety they belonged, and therefore pot them down aa Miller' seedlings. In shape the apple resemble the Ben Davis variety, but are more highly colored. The great point of this : : . l : . : rot. myiv ia u KCVfJlllg (jUHUMfl-B. XI118 IS one of the most essential Qualities of an apple, and iu view of the fact that in all other respect Miller's seedling appears to compare favorable with such vari eties as the Gravenstine, Newtowna and Ben Davis, it should prove a rait of mncn merit. Mr. Miller had with him a small box full of apples, which he intends for warding to Colonel Dtmch. at Buffalo. where they may be displayed at the run-American Exposition. The tree from which the apples were picked is three years old, and grew np as wild as a rank weed, without a pedigree or any thing to establish it identity. Mr. Miller will era ft as many scions as dos- sible from this seedling and endeavor to cultivate the latest in the new varieties of apples, of which there are already some 6000. Portland Telegram. June 7. UENKRAL pbed URANi gives expres sion te a very sensible note of warning to the American people when he cau tions us against making any demonstra tion over Agumaiao wneu that much magmneti individual pay his contenv plated visit to this country. Aguinaldo would cut a very small figure in the I'liiiipptnes, even If he were at liberty instead of in jail, where he deserves to be, but if he is given- his liberty he will immediately come to this country and hi friends here will take advantage of the occasion to make a great to do over him in order to give the Filipino people the impression that he is a person of souie importance, and by so doing put it iu uis power tu niaae our government inore trouble wnen be return home. Of course no loyal or self-reDectinir American would notice Aguinaldo if ho should come here, but there is among us an element of antis and traitors who would be only too pleased to have this opportunity of displaying their spleen ud diMloyalty to the government. The authorities can neither shoot nor im prison him, more' the pity, but there are plenty of ways by which we can make him feel our contempt for him, pud that is wiiat all loyal citizens will do. The department of nuhlic instruction has sent out circulars to all county su perintendents advising as who can sisrn a petition for change of school district boundaries, u nrler (he decision of the department only those who are legal voters, that I to say. those who can vote for any purpose whatsoever, can sign such petition. Hence, women who can vote tor school officers cannot sign eucu a petition. The Skatnokawa creamery bought 140,000 pounds of milk and 4,000 pounds oi cream during tne month ot May, from which wa manufactured 7,002 pounus oi butter, f rom the manner in which milk and cream is now coming into me creamery, ir IS expected tha the output of butter for the month of June will be 8,000 pound or more, rikamokawa Eagle. Real Estate Transfer. Paul Jaachlna to Era Juwhlna. tw'A see tl.trilii.Tl t 1 no woaa Mayger to Mm Koberu, 8M acres In ec 80, tp S li, r 3 w 30 00 W II gRndeton to C O Samlatnne, oii ot wi anuas 01111, aec 20. tp n, rsw wo 00 u bio n a. usiKi patent been a strike on that river or any of its tributaries; that it was all a road house scheme. Just what the prospect will be here next summer 1 cannot say. J have been about 150 mile in the inter ior from Nome. The country is not half prospected, but on almost all of the streams that are prospected Aliey have louna gold out tneir claims are not FARM FOR SALE. MT 'RS ONB MILK BACK OPDKBR ISL aii'l: tnlrtv irm. In .tti.ttAn , .... J. U. BACKMKYBR, beer I.lan.l, Or, Call at the St. Helens pharmacy and get a free sample nt Uhaiiitwriain 8tomch and Liver Tablet. They are I an elegant physio. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the dlmntlon and regulate the liver ana bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in etfect. NOTICr TO Tur Diini ir. mr. rr. b. n neuon, cannier ot tne First National bank, ot Winlerset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that win be oi vaine to other mechanics, lie says: "Iliad a carpenter working for me who was obliu-ed to a Inn work fur summer. On several creeks I )",t,T A. J ,? MAKE 0PITABL several days on account ot being troubled reported rich they changed UrKd u.iurrihu mentioned to him ""j ""J "T"". ." .""J VOT.CS IH HEREBY GIVES THAT atYBO. 7 tT? Z eno.u,, 08 aoiOTO teii il William B.imyer, having Mt mr homs ujuuu anjuui, iucui in mutti, vaavs. mere I T. . . r wae"t, i win in no way o rui.tou . , (. . . . .... Uti B bi.n,l.i!t. ...... . . , ., are a goou many claims tied up in litl- ' ".V'JVY'?.? I',,.,, out tn in tl.ia iati n t I JOHN U. BACHMEYER. aa.wM m Htamivs VU U,Vllllll Ul ciaim tumping, and trom what 1 can hear it will be the same in other dis tricts next that were REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. the name of the streams and relocaitod I iV or jumped all the claim that were con- I ":, the Bli oi ? -v " "a ispwiwu tun tuv oiaKUOIIIft.tDaD.r2 ImmIj: lawyer here sent out a party of men to P & a- r w; also sxi acraa In aeeilona -it and . illowlni trscta for .lo: All ol action U, tp i iion m, tp a, r I o n. r il w; tna nt w of airetlon restake every claim that was likely to prove good. Then if there was a flaw to be found in the location they would beat the owner out of it, and if not they would get them' in litigation and get a tp a, acrea im: V V ,n snothsr tract, sod 10 l! the mJ4 ol aoction s. tp 4 n. r 4 w. ' n. uttui.tK, nt Helens, or, NOTICE TO PAINTERS. itigtitiuu nut J iciul i . a.A . fee out of itanvwav aa ail eaimai in rbia N",,lB 18 H a KE B Y GIVES THAT THE tee out oi it anyway, a ail case in till i contract lor ilia ttalutlnr of tbx acltool Tied at iNome. if I nouns, inalile and out, aul tha front al- enrt of Alaska are tried this i true it will cause a great deal of I L1!"0" ,h oiiIe, iu dlatrict No. 41, .oltim- B. 1 hla AOimtv llnmn .ill t. Ui i. n..i L . . j trouble and exnensa to claim nwnpra I !'co'",t7' wman, win b let to tlislowaat bid j i- f: P aiT v.cmm uers, jr. Haled l.l-la for ths work will be racelvad "i" uetrtus auciu ill uuillg up I "J no nnairmsn Ol Ilia boar of ulrectort Op to tljuir cituilis. - I ... iwi, at a o noca p. m., ins riant mthik rmerrtM to rejetit anr or all blda. ; Believe Ko One But Tourself. By Investigating the stock and prices at the nine show-window store on the corner of Uirst and Yamhill streets. romano, owned, ny John iellar, vou will know that he saves vou money on any purchase you may make of him. Please read this carefully: Men's suits, summer weight, fancy worsted or flan nel, from $4 50 to 7.60; boys' suits, from $1.50 to $3.50; also a big variety of washing suits from 40c up to $1.25. Boys' hose. 10c and 15c. worth lnc and 25c at other i.laces: men's and ladin' Kruia .1 Ki .O Kit - - , 1 - ti,w tti f ty.ov, h bwcjui line of ladies' fancy Oxfords at 95c; men's golf shirts, 60c, 76e and 1, coat 25c more at other stores : regular 60 summer neckwear for 10c each. $3 a sack, retail. J narrtn wooi s riaee) Jfontfai; Tltn FlnJ V. 11.... li n .. is plenty of fresh meat of all Phillip' $ Station, Waih.Co Saturday !& Willi TOO K3Y0 A.W3TS cS'JSht 5eef is worth from 25 cents to Bomi , , All othtr dam ' t ! FCDICRCC of DAM f LAMYCTTC. wwtm OI i fCUCAfU As for the beach mining I am told that a man can rock out from $3 to $5 per day with a rocker, l bave not tried it myself. There are very few of the mines being worked here this winter. One claim on Newton gulch ia washing or rocking, and claim to average $125 per nay wun one rocker. j tie nrst man from the outside ar rived here December 6th, but was all mail that should have come on the steamers. There has only been one mail since then, which arrived the 5th of this month, and we learned who wa president. 1 here was some new came by wire today as late a November 20th. which is the latest new from the out side, so we don't kuow much about the united Stales at the present time. Hull we are more fortunate than some places in this country, for Nome has plenty of provisions and coal at reasonable price. believe there is enough coal here to last until next fall. It is selling at $40 a ton, or f j a sack, retail, There kinds. Beel 66 cent a pound, from the block. Pork is 60 cents, mutton, 40 cents, by the car cass. Rex hams and bacon, 25 cent a pound: salt pork, 16 to 20 cents a pound. Roast beef and mutton, three two-pound cans for $1. Columbia river salmon, silversides from cold storage, 3 pounds for $1, over block; five one-pound cans of salmon, $1; salmon bellies, put up in brine, 26 cents a pound. Sardines, small sze, two cans for 26 cents. puds and onions are all prices, from $3 to $8 a crate; good potatoes retail at 12 pounds for tl ; on; nu, )0 cents a pound. Flour is $226 to $2.60 a sack of fifty pounds. Sugar, eight pounds for $1. English Breakfast tea, 60 cent a pound; coffee. f ... Oft Hi ,la tt 7S. Mtili a r,i,nH T " "1 five-pound pails, 76; dried peaches and prunes, V cents a pound. Eggs, 50 cents a dozen, li uy and oats are the only thing that are High, and 1 think they have come down some. I do not know the price of hay at this time, but it was $250 a ton sometime ago, I think it is selling for $200 now, Oat ate $6 a sack. Most all who have teams have got feed enough to last them until the boat arrives. There are a good many team here, most of them good ones. All the poor and small horses are killed off for dog feed . Home people here seem to think work ing men will be scarce ana wages nigh, but in my opinion, it depends entirely on what the interior proves to be. I am pretty sure that no carpenter need apply next umroer. The health ol Home has been good all winter, with the exception of two dis ease that seem to be contagions. I don't think anyone in Nome escaped having one or the other. One of them nir iiie aix of the building la utrMxlt; the front addition bolng lgi87. Ths work mnal ba&mt pletwi on or before tha 1Mb da. ol July, llajl. - tfiifiuiatiuu appiT io FkANfr f:r.TVvlrT Chairman of th Board of Director!, Valley, Or- 'ttro tuia i-tm aay ot June, wui. BLACK PERCHERON 8TALLI0N "LAFAYETTE" that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought a bottle of it from tha drucviat here and informed me tiiat one dnae cured htm, and he is again st hi work." tor sate at the Ht. Helens pharmacy. In these dav of divorces, how would it (io to require those desirinv to wul ikoiu u iiruuuco recuininenuatious irom their former spouse T Doea It Pay to liny Cheap? A chean remedy for nomrln ami mil.la ia all right, but you want something mat win relieve and cure the more se ver and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? do to a warmer and more resular climate 1 Yes, if possible: if not rxuaible fur inn then in either case take the onlv min ed y that has been introduced In all civ Hired countries with success in severe tnroat and lung troubles, "Hosehce's German Syrup.' It not only heala and stimulate the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allay inflammat on. canses easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try woo iiuvtin. necMiiiiQunued many by all.drngglHta in the world. Green' Prize Almanac. years Uet Will make the season of 1901 as follows: Warren (Noon' t Plate) ..Monday CASTOR I A for Infenti and Children. Percberon mare, sonht irtiwwmi icoi Imported !Hl. Oot by Narbnne, 777 O'fiHI, he try miuiant !!), 7&o: ne by iUxn II, 714; he by J.. . '. "j vt:" lit; oe tiy aiiirnoii. A Soralned Ankle Onleklr I'nr.H , u ,nilll i " - 71ft; he by Jean-le-Blanoe, 7i, a direct deacend-' ., , ,, . T ant oi tfaiipoia, imported Arab that tooi at Atone time I suits red from a severe !Mrne, Kuu. (nee oclitl reoort and hlauiry of sprain of the ankle," say Oeorae E Pereheron rne, by Chit. ju Uava. muter of t'arv e.Iilr.. ,.f .u ii.,i i ' i i . horaa onder Ntipoieon in). ' 01 ry. editor of the Guide, Washington, . ... i wtcioi new recom mended medicillea without anrra.. T ineu tnainwiriain i'sln Balm, and am pleased to sav that relief camn aa .., as I began its use and a complete cure tirt-tiuy luiiowea," worn by the Kt, AUIIIIIS pil 11am Rosalia. Hainwiuet- ha hv nHllitt.i iuon he by Vako II, 714; he by Vuei Clmlln, 713; be by Coco, 712; h by Mlxnon, 7t; be by .Ir.au-le-Hlance, 73, etC;. etc.; dam of Karbona, 777, Mnd elon by I,vlri I, 711; he by Vuox Chmlln, 71.1; by Coco 712. br Mixuon 71.1, by Jean-le-Dlance, 739, etc., etc., dam of brilliant, 1HW; Kowtta by Mlna. a Million belong-In to the French torero- ' y MlNOI.K HKHVIt'B 4.00 uv mB-jwpmMV, M'iVfr v'i . 7-00 iNHUBAMCa. ..I.', 10.00 J. JOHNSON, Owner and Manager, Scawoobb, Obk. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Count Tasaatiasa'sf'ssir. Mr. ltl ana. tia . Mar 111. I Hit. OTICK IS HKKKIIV UtVtCK IIIAf All, UK!-ld ttuniy warrania ni t tjuimnia I'tmniy, tlntijoil, abirn have lit'ell prt'aelitvtl ami n It.rnml' "Sol f ild fur Wtnl l rmi.ia.' orinr in Januarv l.i. hail, will be naltl hib pr. wmaiion at nil "(In. Int"?l IH '""I b ailottmt after itiln rial Linus im-tt, ttiIJ."S Trvaaurar of Columbia fonirtr, Or. a 'li .! ...J..'., ii. m .in i ii ' ..I Staawood & Sherman Bros. -HAHfrACTl'Bkfl or- Lumber r Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We oiannfaeiure Brt t-laaa rnnith luittber for all pntKiw f'.r ih ti"le. whlcb Sell at nioat rraeoaable uuuie. Dimeusion Lnmbcr. Price "at the Mill. $5 Per M. YANKTON, O It KOO. HEAT I MEAT! HEAT! City Market! -AT THK- Hr. Uautns, Oann IIKQSAY A KORTON, tMn -PKAUIH 114- Fresh and Salt Meat! r City lrale, logsrlng caniai, itf,n. IhmiIS and railroad campl 0 suppntxi. oancas rii.uo ok auoar koncx, KKTAHI IHIIKD iJffi. ..1301 JOHN A. DECK DKAl.KI! IS Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY,,.. Repairing a Specialty. W Morrtaoa St. Bet. front A Firm, HlKTLAKD. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor.,.. BRICK MASOM AND PLASTERER House-Raising, Etc. Estimate furnished on application. All worn guaranteed, CLATSICASIB, t 1 : ORKUOtt. I . aaaaaajajaaaaaaa . r -J r xi r uriuii oiuiiivii. CAFE 1 sr. HiLtfts. ... omeof NEW PLACE. If TOH want aMinetblns towl la tt line ol waiter try SHAW'S MALT -Only th seal of- Liac:rs an3 Cijiars Kept in 1 OPtn rnou a .m.to II O-OIOOK MIONI0MT. W. , MOYKM. THE I'L- Jl . waixack. St. Helens Hotel Wallack a Movaa, Paors., Is Again Open to the Public. Mials Serveil on Khort Notice, lleds 2 Cents, Meals 1!5 Uent. FEED BARS IN CONNECTION. HORSES TO HA f 10 CENTS. 8r. Uumk, 1 Owtoox. 94 WOH rwMTLANO, UAILV. t 3 -TIajIII- N Willamett Slough Routs "America'' n M .A.4k.k.,AMun. ilw Leave Kt. Helen.... B.MAM Arrive at Portland. 10:90 A M lAave Tort land t-.SOVK Arrive at Ht. Helen. 6X0til runm cksi i. Will Tarry Nolhlnir but rtii at ra and r'ail r'rsiiibt. Ja.HK UOOD, Iaeler. How About Your Title? Reopened jojhe Pablic Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Board by Day, Week. or Month At Bkasomablk Fioubr. ' Visitors met at steamer landing and guests baggage looked after. THE OLD 8TAN0 ST. HELENS, ! : OREGON, fiarmacy. A tlood t'onfh Medicine. It speak well for Cliamtierlaln's Cough Remedy when dniftirfNts nae It in their owp families in preference to any 'er. "I have sold Chamberlain's Couifh Remedy for the past five yeurs with complete satisfaction to myself and customer," says Unionist J, Goldsmith .nt. j-iru, a . i . -i nave always used it in my own family both for ordinary cotiKhs and colds and for the couuh fof lowintt la ftrinrie. and rind it vot-t. um.. clous." hot sale at the St. Mi pharmacy. CABTOTltA. Bears th ) IM YM YOU Hjrt Kmm Eem, saltrhcum, totter, chafin ivy poisomnif and all i,kin tortures are ' '""'ill's Witch Hazel CI RK Von at'ftlt It la all ftX ItKi:(iIttniiai fiiverna. Tl btf Remember the! U out Itnalneae to aeen-ti lij title. If you roiilemolate i,ot,ii,. UA i,,aitin.' mrinev on rl- lale aeoiirlty, tako no man word, but inlt iiin annul"! ."I1' ."Jzi" ".' '""Hiia the title. An Aliatraot l . ..uulitl f ''T'1.- '"'"" having It. W have tlie only et ol sl' . "J ,'","y- All work promptly etilel and tllu ii yon nare tironertv to inanraaive uaa call. auaraiiliHut, Main Strttt fK"",",or',1'',tHreiiiiran.eeoniiiileariitlie world. ' n-re properly fur al Mat it with us and wlU did a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., it. HELENS, anew -aT1 W W-el at. v aa - aa S3 THE NEW YORK STORE Halve. The certain pile cure, by H. A. Perry, Houlton. S"n 1 fer IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothins;- - Dry Goods, Groceries; Boots, Shoes, Etc. r MORGD0, ' i Cooper Building, Main Street. St. Helena. Orejron. ! rt Sit