fflSAflERJISill CFUA! mM t Way let b ftl Vrtmi In Bear f Information. t n McAllister, rlatit of way atrntit '' ..I.-... l',,ill,l li,lil14V ill!.. . K" . u. It..l.a TillndltV Iliaklllir ar- 111 Rh ,... ... to twain the. work of senur raXfc af way ft' tl fc-appnos. and !!!?.: X..hnh. Mr. Mi'Ailiitwir come K "in tha olTlca of D.viMlon Engl. aZZi , life Nu., IT So Mnwy Company. lu wor '"- .in MAY WAS A BANNER MOHTH NKAIllT SlftOU OOM.KCTBD CLKHK'H OFFICE. land 8dfMpttoa Were an Iwpor- tant lie in la the Receipt. niitahut pur nr. flicrtiiiaior win mi ?KlyMr.K. 0. Dalton. UUI ii.vJd condemnation proceeding will - naeeaaary In order .to tmurp right of (or part of tti linn, ana tun Mr, HoAllUter 1 prepared and Instructed to (understood to ba tha Intention of Ihtoorop""? to begin actual emi.troo iiunof the road at tha earliest possible moment In order to nav tha bnlU of ,1,, .,K)1 weather of the umuier month In wlitch to make tha frada and give it i ne to teltle befur) tha winter rain 3d, and It U hotd the settler, through who land the road i to pant lit n't throw any obstacle In tha way of the buiUtura, as such action will bava affect to retard and hinder tha work and witr not only renlt n no benefit to th. land owner, but will Involve them in (tpeaalva litigation. Tl.a grading I all to b done by contract, which !a departara from the ublihod policy of thiwmpany, and if supposed to be due o the faol that tha company I vary faty with tha oointruution of other II nut which occupy quiw all th atterf Don of the anglgearlnjr department. Contract for the road will ba lot aa roob It tha tuner la eoropletad and profllaa mada up ami aunt to tha chief engineer. . It li not likely tha road will ba eon itrttcted farttior than I'ittaburg thia ear, but It la well known to ba tha In vention of the company to continue tha mrvey to the ooa.it at a point on Neha lein bay. Wa can confidently aspect to lee dirt fly on the l'ittaburg apur in a very abort time. Mr. Ball, of tha Cloble, Nehalem A rcillc railroad, wa In town Tunmlay attending to bu!ne matter. Mr, Bell turns that hla company 1 putting In a eoud many Ioetb, having fifty men em ployed. A ready aala at profitable figure 1 being found for tha output. Re. M. Burliugama ia again located In oar county, being employed now in conducting the affaire of the Muckle farm at Deer Inland, Mr. nurlingaiue'a hMltb waa failing ao rapidly at hi Washington home that ha wa adviaod by phyalclast to swek another climate. The familiar whlatla of the 8 haver, at the arrive here on her old -time even ing schedule from Portland, la welcomed by tha people. Una will continue llimnahont the laniMr to make three trip each weak to Clatakaale, leaving 1'ortland Sunday. Toeaday and Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Next WedneatUy evening, June !2, tbtr will be an fee cream and etraw berry aoclal at lloulton, given by tha Artiaana, to which the pnhlio I lovlled. It 1 tha open, meeting evening and a auffieient quantity of three dcllrioua adlhle will be on hand to antitfy liie appetite of all who attend. Hon. li. V. Gatee ha returned from bit trip to Kutvra Oregon, and atatea that while at Hill City, Kantai, laet winter, ba mot U. A. Banford, who waa bora acveral yeara ago, and who at one tiuta conducted a paper at Cornelia. nford wa working at tha cae. and had Jutt raturnod from a year in North Carolina, where be had been running a republican paper. lillUboro Argu. Mr. William Blair, of Sauvlee, paaaed through town Tuetday morning with biiatock and dairy equipment, en route for Bunker hill, where he will remain until aucli time that he ran return to tha Inland after tha water recediw. Mr. Blair baa nearly ift)0 head of (lock, and the inmnvnnienca ennaranenl ODOn auch an undertaking of going to high land each yoar i extreme, betldee th heavy nnanciai loaa it involves. ' Columbia county timber landa are eertatnly bamming a aplendld fMd for inveetment. In January of 1W, Bonion, tha logger, pnrebatod all of aeo tioa 18, towmhip 7 north, rang 5 weat, forVtOO, or 110 ao acre, and oa May 27tb, iat, (old the tract to the Jenninge, Knanliilno Isimtina (Viiiinantr tor IL'O an acre, or 112,800. The il waa received by tha county clerk Tuesday morning, and hnra mvna atamna to tha value Ol 118. The land Join cfalaop county and U about a mile and a halt from Weat- portiloogh. Aaaeaaor White and hla deputy Chftrlev Blakaalev. atarted for Nehaleui valley, Wedneaday morning, where they are to flniah tha field work of tha liWl astaaiinent, except the town of St. Hoi en. Mr. White returned laat Friday from the lower part of tha county, hav ing completed the eeaeaiment there. The aaaeaaor ia about fifteen day ahead of previon yeara with hla work, and will be ready to atart to make Up hi roll in a few daya after hi return from Nehalem. Ha expeota to flniah in that part of the county In ton day. The new enhool law are more exact ing in the eighth grade examination than Inrmnli Hiwtinn 14 read a fol low: He ihall enforce the coiirae of tudy for county achoola preacrlbed by law. Section (J, page 38: lladlatrict doee not adhere to . the courae of atudy it will forfait 25 per cent of the 5 mill tax. Ttie tate Doara ruie ini men tion can only bo aubtnitted to graduate I of the 8th grade. The teacher and one member of the board aro required to Ignthe following: Wa herein certify that the above-named applicant ba completed tha 8th grade and it of good moral character. In a letter to tha Oregonlan on the oil prospects in thi alate, Mr,. J. H. Fik among other things remark: Of the little part of Oregon that I am fa miliar with, I might mention a few place a geologically f avertible for oil Wing, and thwe are : Columbia, Waah ington, Yamhill and Tillamook conn tie and perhap many other counties fur ther anil Mi. anil mnnv nlftGC in Baatern Oregon equally a favorable a along the foothill of tha Bine mountain; but I do not wlah thia to be taken a author ity to bore for oil until a thorough ex amination 1 mad of the country. No dlacnaeion of the auhlect of petroleum t an fail to bring up the question of it orlirin Thia nnaat.inn la not Rottled, neithnr la It. Hkulv to be aettlcd In the near future, owing to the preponderance oi theory over Uct." Mr. John Downing, jr., formerly I rneMcntT.f Warran Vint lately of BVBR Wash., waa in thi city last Friday, having arrived down from Ryan a day or torn nravlina far tha ml mode of tak ing back with him the lock on his tilace. John ia much taken un with hi new home, and reports lively commer cial condition there. He has a home stead and i preparing himself to ban- toe - . gnd bowt,,H. oln a arire bii8inss n the near luturo. " ,i and from hi farm and Hulra ho .111 ..... diiubtedly make a mint of inonay, l'o- tauie null readily ilmre at $2 26 niiuk : uillk, 40HiUa gulloiij butUir, 76 cent im it J,owlll,llf ' taking back UU hi Ui fourteen lit-ml ol cows, and hi venture will uiidouhtudlv h i,.-t sui-Ci'anful. liealaolm aoine ulnnill,l mliiina iirnpnrty, iiml altogother tie may he Hkl to Iki well along oa the road to wenllh, ' Itcv. flay l'aliucir, of Portland, ha tendered hi reiignatlon a paatur ol the rit'cond Hantist clmn li. and .(...i,i,l . oil from tlia First Baptist church, of Ohlllleothe, Mo. Ills resignation ha oeen acflepum ana ho will en tor on hi new work the first of Kntnihr. Mr. Palmer served three large churches in Mlaaourl, beginning hi career a minis ter In that state. He preached several timea In the church which aent him a call when he was ayoungman. Chil- nuoine i (lie noma oi in wile, and Mr. , Palmer 1 well known throughout the lata. The call cam aome time ago, and With such urgency that he did not feel that he could decline, beside he felt it hi ditty to accent it. Mr. Palmer 1 related to the Merrill family, of Doer Island, and ha preached several time in tnis county, BilLBOAO TO SEW ASTORIA. Northern Paolflo Hurveylnu From Hoeppooea Through Nehalem. . Thirty Northern Pacific auryeyor are Working In the Nehalem oountrv west of Hceppoo, A near a can he ascer tained, tney are locating the final line for tha Northern Pacific's twenty-four-mile extension from rkappooee to Pitts burg. They say they have selected the route for the tunnel at the summit and are now looking for the easiest grade to the tonnel. It ia reported these surveyor are run ning tha line for an extension of the Hi-appooea-Pittahorg branch, which will have it terminus at New Astoria. What tha object la it la impose) hie to conjec ture, utiles President Mollen proposes to give the mouth of tha Columbia com mon point ratoat seeing that he is unable to persuade anyone else to do so. It Is hinted that the Northern'amoveon New Astoria waa prompted by the report that tha liarrlman combination has fal len heir to Huntington' lease of the Astoria & Columbia Hiver railroad. If liarriman I to have a railroad to the A- torla vidn tv. It Is natural for the Nortli ero Pacific to want one, too. The big fight between the transcontinental line ba been productive of extensive rail road buildlna on paper. It ia within the ran ire of iirohahil ilea tor the Noitlv vrn Paoilie to build to New Astoria, for no one can toil how the cat is going to jump. Saturday' Oirgotilan. FROM KORTH PART OF COUNTY HHKtSZY (HEWS NOTICS FHOM ltlBX CTATKKANIH. Jehu Palm Husfnlns Another Berlous Los by Fire, IN Wlii.il tha recalnt of a county office miuwl IMK) In one month It la considered that the olilce i cervine it purpose in a nuanrial wav In a creotuoie auti aaua- faninrv manner. Last month the re ceipt in in county clerk's otlic broke an tnrnvintiH rncurui. bbubvibiit im way ot land redemptions, which aggre gated '1153 67- Keconling fees, too, there Is a considerable Increase in the amount of work done there. The fee from rrnirtlltis tor May amounvea w fin iu while the court fees amounted to 112. The fact that there ia a deter mination on the part of the county to ii.wi l.aa taxu and nenaltivs is bring ing in many huudnil Uollara, wnicn i proving a big succen In assisting to pay off the county debt. The July sale of landa for the recovery ot unpaid tax Is n.tln a atir and resulting in tne .aiif m no rii nimiv lai uitanimiu menu, greatly to the financial foment of th county. Thi accouiita for the very large sum of money accruing to the county last month from that w.urca, and from now on the income will likely be very large. 1 tie total receipt m hw .u.b. nt fur Uav wa " IHHZ.IK, B moat creditable nowing an inuiyvuw i.i tliRt. are aradually ap- nroachina the happy condition of boiug ontfrom under the burden ol a jloOl. Let us rejoice that thi t the condition of atlalr. ,: !.,. Keabea Sews Notr. Thomas Bnrge and wife visited Port land Wednewlay. Mr. Jame Courtney returned home from Portland Monday. Jame Mockle, Jr., of Portland, wa in theoity Wednesday. Attornoy W. II. Powell, of St. Helen, waa IU 10WII Jtoureuay. Mr.Jme McUattghton wa a Port land visitor Wednesday. Jnb Zwlnalev hipped three nice bos to Kalama Wwlnesday. Everybmly enjoyed the dance Satur day evening, at the Bed Men' hall. . Anton Wise made hi first shipment of strawberries w aoorueeu ; Mra Hnnhia Klntr passed through Goble ou her way to Portland Thursday May 80. .-.. iir i Itnmntnn and children t ratnrned home aftor a few daya viait at Holbrook, Or. noble neoole vis ited Portland last week, it being the last ol the low rates . W. Jordan, wno nas w'k"; H..,hmn olace. moved hi family from Rainier to tins piaco iuimj . .... u.r.,ittnn. II. M. Fowler, t ii i Miinroe ana i. v. m.iiiu, y, .y." m ot i v A A. Kins'. Jame Muckio, a. d. uiw, Wal Muckie, of BU Helen., were alao a i i ai as axnrin i.iiix mjuaotwiii . of Ea& lodgu . royal en- tertmine.a. ' A ploasant enrprise wa. Delol Hunter Tuesday evening, May 28. Amono those present were: . Mi-so Mabel Foster, KUa Nichols, My"w We were grieved Monday to hear that John Palm had sustained another serious loss by the burning of his residence, which took Are about 10 a. m., from sparks about the roof, as wa supposed. Mrs. Palm and family were employed in the house at the time, and wimp the men working on tlie mill near by, first noticed the fire the whole upper part of the building seemed to be burning. Very little waa saved after the family got out, owing to the rapidity of the conflagra tion, jotin nas neon working to iret til mill rebuilt, after it destruction by fire last winter, and the lot of hi house i a very srioua drawback and eore disap pointment to him. Ui couraue and good nature, however, will help him through until the luck torn and the pendulum swings the other way. Your neighbor, the News man. crltl- ised the Clatskanle school board in hi apcr last week about their selection of teacher, particularly. The brother has already grown thin worrying over the faults of others, ClaUkante schools peak for themselves. Ask the per turbed and dyspeptic man of the News to try Bcotri emulsion, it nas. cureo other. Tha Red Men relaxed the roles laat Friday evening and admitted a number ol pale face to the wigwam to partake of their venison In the form of chicken, and hold a pow-wow over cake and coffee. The pale face were treated well and made tliemsolve quite at Home wan their "rd skin" brother. Tha Ldie of the Maccabees enjoyed the vialt of Mrs, Lambaon, of Portland, state organlaer, at their meeting Satur day afternoon, and that evening they knocked at the tent uoor oi ine unignia, In cession In Conyers' hall, and after be ing admitted found their way to the Knights' heart by the usual route throuirh the stomach. An enjoyable evening teem to have been spent by those present. A ocial dance f announced under the auspices of the Order of Washington, to tie riven aturaham'a hall Satuiaav even' ing. W hether the name of the father of his country will prove a drawing card or not remain to be seen. Mis Leona Ponham ha returned from school at Philomath to spend some time at home. Her many frienda are all pleased to greet her again. Francis Hall and consin, W. A., spent laat week in the woods. One resides in Tillamook county and the other across the line in Clatsop. They report their crops in fine condition. T. L. Carter ha been away to tea u there ia any better place for him than Clatakanfe. He ia back again, so it is aiinnnai'd he could not find it. He sola his home here and the probability is trong that he will build another house ana remain. ' Mutthnor ramnbell wa unfortunate in oattitiir hia ankle a ueesed between logs B. ...... . ... - , but lortnnate in geiung oat mmuui broken bone. Ue i holding down a lonnge at home. Memorial day was not publicly ob- erved here thi year but people gener nllv vialled the cemeteries and decorated toe grave oi iriunua. & iiuii mon wa delivered by the pastor the nravinna Rabliath evening1, but not many of the veteran heard it on account of the darkoesst Phil Stout apont a day or two in town last week.. . ::' : Frank Cox Is on crutches on account of a eore knee. li-rank fitmrtliilue. at Colvln'l Camp ma hla lea near the knee, laat week, tie happened to join the uraer ot vraamng inn a ahnri time nreviou and will ex pert a plaster for hla loss of time from the fund oi mat oruer. HAVE A PUBPONE. What la Worth Doing at all I Worth Mclng Done Well, It Is a difficult UiatUr to liiipitstf upon young men the necessity of doing thing well. A pervou of average reliulillily maybe depended npon to do his best on what appear to be an important piece of work, but there are compara tively few who do their best no matter whethur tha wort ia great or small, "That's good enough," is a very common expression even though it reflect upon the person who use it, for it implies th ability to do better but. the lack of energy to do It, To illustrate the neeeaity of doing thing well the Maritime Merchant tells tha story ol a young coiloge student Who went out to urvey a section of oonntry about fifty mile long and thirty miles wido, which wa rocky and barren and traversable nnlv on toot. To all anneurance the lanil was absolutely worthless and never would be inhabited but the student did hla wnrlr and did it well. A number of year later gold was discovered in that tract of land and expert surveyors were sent out to make the most aocorate sur veys that can be made as the variation of the line but a sliirht amount meant fortunes to the men who owned tne land. They completed their work and announced that the line aa previously drawn : were absolutely correct The identity of the original surveyor was then looked into and it waa found that he lout mmn to he the foremost sciun list in the country. The conclusion is that it nav to do mint's wen not omy for the aake ot the work but for the effect it ha upon establishing habit and the build nv ot cnaracter. J.ne omy way for young man to get to the front 1 for bim to show that he ia better flttMt for advancement than his associa te. The individual who ia continually saving "that' good enough" ia not the kind that develops characteristics which adapt him for taking the lead and di recting the work ot others, ine roan who cultivate the habit of doing the beet work possible will never be found shirking or allowing others under mm to alight their duty. . HQTIQS TO CBEOUdfiS. In the County Court ol -the (Hal of Oreon, for Ia tin mailer vl UiS St of ti Qt MIHsr, ! NVi l; in HiuhijbV Ctl v THAT 2 15 CU iWhImmI but tieoii duly aiiiHiliited wlmln- lutrntor tit Iho et,to ol K. (i. Mlllnr, deeeiinefl, nil BamjiiHllllort aiich. ami Unit all moim lowing cniitiiN aiintimi miiil ti ara tmrliy re niilrnl to urHiil Ilia IHiiiD to me, Willi "ir vonehera. at my nnie lu the ally ol Helens, Oivaoa, within ma inontlw irom nienie m i.ui aollw. ; ' K. HtHVliilt, A.!iiiln1triiUir of the eKtei ol K. . Miller, datseaaad. ' PateiS May 10, mil, mht it notice or rim ssttumeht. miiRimnHRBrriKV.ri naB 'FILED HBR FL J. nal aiwiint aa i1mtiiiHirtti"r ill tha emaie oTtteo. V. Bto.l.lm-4, ilm eiei), In UieCoiinly Court ol taalftuaof oruaon, ir in i-onmr Colunibta, ait Hie iraa i ton 't ''"i"1"1"; Inatlon an! ilmd aeulfinent on M'hiObv, tlKSili day of July. )'!, at 111 o i'1'H-a, nrenw. All iwraama having any 'otJtcili-ii to aaiil aneoniit meat preiit !lim at audi time and nu ' i hla nonce 4 iiubllshed In 'i'K Oaaona Hint Ut lour ww liy order of Hon. J. . Iwau, Judge ol the aaid court, inwle May at, IMil. Admlntotiator of ta cetaia ol V, m- dard, deted. I'J i r Tlmliar Land, Ao June , IMS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UxiTita BriTKi Lhb Orrics, . . Okiioon City. Orparon, Mir.-!: Hat, Jl. .TOT1CK 1H HKKKHY OIVtN THAT IM COM- rillancawltn me provwiona oi ine " Congrean olJnne , IMS. emiilwl "An act lor theaaleol ttiuOer landa m Hie Hmteaol Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and WHliliiauni lerrl- tory," aa extended U mi too ruone i.ano mniea ni p.ri.n,i nimi.tv nf Mo ttioinati. elate of Oregon, h UiU dy Bled lu tow oilloe hia aworo atatement No. I7, for tno piircliam of the aontneaiit oi aecuon no. on, in k ..p Ho. 4 north, ranite No. a weat, and will oiler proof to aho that the laud aonxhi le mora val ualile for lt tlrooer or atone than for a rlcultur .1 nii.Hu. .ml rt MfttMlitUh h(a elaiiii to aalu land before th BoglWer and Receiver of thia offli at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Monaar. ' 17th'day ol June, 1(01. He nainea aa wiincawa: 0. B. Oarriaon, of fortland, Oregon, Iula bie- gert.of Winona, uregon, w. . aueu, ui Wi nona, Oregon and Win. Wachltne, of Fortland, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming edverw- lytha anove oeacrioea ina are reiiue.u ;u file their olalma lu this ofVice on or lie lore said I7lh ly of June, 1!K)1. CM AH. B. MOOKIt, i maij . . Keaiater. .Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents- School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Sbelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes, Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Ordtit? take a for Wall Paper From Sample Book Portland Prices Books of all kinds. St. Helens Pharmacy. Did Yob Ever Think About Itl An eachange contain the following in regard to the poor unlucky editor of a country newspaper: "The editor of a muntrv naweoHDer has no business ever 10 gei anyimng mtu m ynt v.,v pie do not like. He ought to know just what would suit each individual, or he should take each item before it 1 pub lished and let person whom it concern censor it. The editor ha plenty of time to do all this, ail be has to do is to hum uo newa and clean' rollers, set type, clean the floor, pen abort items, hustle advertising, fold papers and write wrap pers, male paste ana man tno papc, talk to visitor and distribute type, carry and read proof and correct mis takes, hunt the shear to clip article with, dodge the bill and dun the delin quent and take the cussing and tell the subscriber he need money. An editor has no businea to make mistake wnen attending to little trifles like these, and live on oxtail flavored with imagination, wearing old shoes and no collar, patch on the equator oi his trousers, at the aametlme turn a smiling countenance on the man that tells him the paper i not worth the upcrlption prtre ana anyone could print a better one with bis eyes abut." Mut nal Protection. 0 -,Wr:: ;.-.'v:-.r:- 0 0T.9I21 OFFicaHouB. . (Office, Hood 414 "P0" lite., Fbokt 147 Timber Iod, Act June S.1WS. v HOT ICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofnoe, Ore?on City, Oreaon, A prtl Wrd, 1901. irrvmrir lu llffUf hY f.lVKN THAT IN COM lVpltaiwe wlih the provision of the act of Congreaa ot J une a, ixi, eniiueo -ah aci io. sale of timber lands in the f latea of Calltornla, oreeon, revam, ana n aKiiinawu iw,,."..,, extended to all the Piihllo Laud olatea l.y act of Auaust , DM, Joseph H. Urban, ot forUand, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has Una day flled-ln tills oflloe hla sworn statement o. Smi, for the purchase ot the swVi of aeuiloa f o. 29. in township .No. north, range No. west, Willamette Meridian, and will offer proof to how that the laud sought Is more valuaba for its limber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish hia claim to aaid laud be fore th Register and Receiver of this Otlice oa aatnrday. ihth dav ot July.lVOt. He names as witnesses: Burt Warren, of Portand, Ore gon, JoUa 8. Olbbons, of Kelso, Oregon, James jous. and Ernest V. Burwtca, oi rortiauu, Oregon. Any and all peraons claiming auverae- ly the abore-deeenoee lanoa are ieiTOu file their claims In thia othce on or before said em day of July, mm. chab. b. mookes. the county : "li wilt.d llnntor. l,oi vvei.o. ..i,v--v, w- lw,i0i Walter Hunter. "".., -:".-t -Rob. Hunter, Edgar Fowler, Ab e U ;n i, Ko- ert Burnett. Thomas aua Anreu and FranK owier. "' The Shaver Transportation Company" n ion win conou vj - - ... . tha Clatskanie, route in place o u. Rhaver which s now only under lease froJ iTh". Vialle. Navigation Company. All product is 'Very h$U priced tbri 1 Mt) the. apiwMW, as"." - - Te ,vtowkoa..d pleasant in etfocl. Beat aood at fair prices, at Collin 4 Gray'. f!. T,. Avres. of Peris, waa in town Monday. Winter all summer is very nice for aome purpose. .lease Hendricks wa lu from Carico valley Tuesday. Mr. A. Shannahan came over from Vernonia Tuesday h. T Rennett wa In from Warren Wednesday morning. A lea Sword wa over from Vernonia the tlrt of the week. Mr. Ola Bohman wa down from hi ranch near Warren Monday. T ft. v.. Bourne, of Rainier, spent a day or two in town this week. a Hornev Convert wa In town Mon day attendinu to legal affair. Fred Henderon, of Goblo, was tran- lactinj business In tins city iueuy. T,t,a Blanohard waa up from Rain ler monuay exaiuiMiu record a. Wm. Fluhror. of Mayger, was looking after business affair in tin city on Monday.. 11, MoT.arn was UD from Rainier Monday shaking hand with his numcr- ona friends. rv A dnntiat. can ba found on Wednesday of each week at the resi dence of R. Cox. Good shoe, dry (roods, clothing, hard ware, leather goods, flour, feed, etc., at Collin & Gray's. ' Mr. John GUmore attended the meet ing of the Order of Organgeinen in tort land Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr, Philhrook will preach at Peer Island next Sundny at 11 a. in., in thia city in the evening at 8 p. m. Dr. May, of Haker City, president of the St. Heiuna Light Water Company, waa in town a day or two thia week. Charles Hall wants your chicken. nIH. and will DSV you a good brice: Drop a postal card to Houlton, Or. J. H. Wellington has purchased irom S. A. Mile the residence Pf'r thia city formerly owned by U. W, Cole. Messrs. A. H. Powell and Andrew Triii.nt of 1'ittabnrar, were transacting business in the county aen nartof the week. o..i.i,i. Alltfirt Parker, of Auburn precinct, was in town Tuesday after noon en route for Portland, where he went on a business mission. Mia HV Tvesfeiewics, of Portland, waa in town Wednesday. She reports That Mr. Tvsskiewics left Seattle thatdaV in. r.no tiomo. where he has mining interest he will look after. m v Milk who has o faithfully ,erved the sJllLl The following good tory is told at the sxnenae of CaDtain Clark of the battleship Oregon. At tue time ne waa nmkinir hi famous voyage, he met the eonallv famous little nine-ton sloop, Spray, Captain Slocum, who waa cir cumnavigating the world. Clark wa anxious to know the whereabouts of the (Spaniards, ao tie naiiea uapuuu oiuouiu "Are there anv Boanish .,.i.,f nimiit? Hiocum anew oi none in that locality. He bailed back across the watea: "No, but let u keep together for mutual protection. Mr T T. Wilson made final proof Wednesday on hia homestead before the county clerk. . . u.. u.,iin whiin la virtit.lnc relatives i'l o. . . . . ... . V in Yamhill county this week, during the ahaenoe oi uer iiubuuuu iu ua,cu. valley. it . msatinir nf tha oit.v conncil Wed' nesday evening, at which Dr. Mays, of the St. Helen Water Company, was present, the difference wmcn nave or some time existed, between the water company and the city, were amicably settled. A new franchise which is satts f..Mn i nil noncerned. has been drawn up and it is believed there will be no further friction between the company and the council. The aleamer America has been char- i.uJ hv Avon odire K. oi f. lor an excursion to Rainier on Saturday even ing, June 15th, wnen tne iormai upea ing of the new K. of P. hall in that city will take place. Tne steamer win iByM thia city at 6:30, touching at Kalama and Neer City. Fare for the round trip 50 cents. There will be dancingand other nieana of entertainment at, Rain ier that evening, and a good tmiais as ured to all who attend. Tiieodorft S. Tho Dentist Timber Land, Act June , W7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Laud Office. Oregon City, OreKOii, April 26, 1901.' uir'" ,.T.in. nf th act of tem of June . 1878. entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands In the etates of Caiitor- nal. orenon, wevaoa, uu nwiHtisw" lory," ss extended to all the Public Land States by the actof Aaemst , Fnok Uurhiw', oi Portland, coonvy of Moltoomah, Stauj of Ore gon, has Ibis day Sled in this otBoe his sworn iouement No. S3W. for the purchase of the of secUou Ko. 82. in township No. 4 norm, rsnxe No. weat. and will ofler proof to show that the land sought is more lube for lis timber or stone than for aaricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said litnd belore the Kegleter anu-Beceiyer of this office at Orepou City, Ore gon, ou Batarday, tne atn uyi iiameaaa witnesses: Bort Warren, Joseph V.. Urban, lames K. (Jibboiis, ot Portlanu, Oregon, John 8. Gibbons, of K-eiso. Oregon. all persons claiming adyeraely the ; ydM- orlbed lands are reouested to la their claims in tniaomceou or oeion. .u ... j van. Jo. awunoi .p, idoi. siS-jyl! , Timber Land, Aet June a, 1878. KOriCE FOR PUBUCHTIOH. UaiiiD Statss Law Oric, .. .. Oregon City, Oreiron, May 1, iwi. NOTICIS I HKKEUY 01V KN TH AT IU W)M pltanoe with the nroyislons ol the act of Conarees of Jane , W7S, entiiled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of t-llfor-nia. Oregou, Nevada, and Washinptoa terri tory." as extended to all the Public Land biates by aot ot Aunust 4. lfW. Marlus Pedersen of Portland, county of Multnomah. State of Ore gon, has this day filed iu this office bis sworn itatemen No. 6402, for the purchase of the south ,.- . ,t. nni ...i,f nvi;. n. nf iwU of sec- tioa No. 7. In township NO. 4 north, ranee No. 5 west, and will offer proof to show tnat tne laim -..Tfr tntlnahl fnf llil llllllier Of Stone tiiao for agricultural pariioses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register ana o ... , r thi nflice at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 7th day of August, 1901. He names as wittneaes: W. H. Hacker, Aait schel plet, Clurence neeu sun V""" , nronn Any and all neraons claim ing adversely the above-described lands are te n.,n m flla their olatms In this othce on or before said 7th day of August, .Win. . ml7-jyi CHA8. B. MOOKKS, Register. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. HOTICE FOR PHBUCATIOm tjsitbd 8tsts Lao Ornca, s-. l lli, I leiMim UhV 11, 1t01 . OT10E 10 UBKfcBY OIVEN THAT 1J. UO Warren Happenings. J plianoe with the provisions of tho act of T: . iwi An,i,i.,.l 'ln ant. fnr voiigressoi juue iu, n,..... Uie sate ol Umber lanas in tne owvesuij "" nia Oregon. Nevada, and Washington lerrt- POKTLA-ISTD, OBEGOK. Information and Appointment by Mail. ROOMS 60 & 61, WASHINQTON BLDQ Southetst Cor. 4th & Wash. Street, 6th Floor, TAKE ELEVATOR. Quality and Variety lllllllil T Tl . ' Art two very important features to take into consideration when one goes to procure articles for everyday use and consumption. To oor host of patrons we are pleased to eay we have QUALITY, VARIETY AND QDAWTITY. Our large and select stock affords tho intending pur chaser Bptendid opportunity to get the beat GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, blankets, oil doming, leeu, -iuui, gardeu implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Good. Exchanged for Produce. ST. MfcLtiNS, UKtuuit. "ong tima U rnail messenger between thia place and Houlton, has accepted the position of watchman in the West- ui pu... r.b nn his rti't. mill, nnti p m m i' - .... i i new work tina wcck. Mra. Otto Svensen and children and Miss Annie Jensen Bpont Pecoration Dav in Portland. Marion Cooper and Ira McMnllen, of Portland, attended the dance given at this place last Friday evening. Vail grange No. 294 will hold their neat meeting this Saturday at 10:30 a. ni at the usual meeting place. The many friends of Mr. ana airs. Q W. Baker are glad to welcome them back into our neignuwnuw nv Mr. and Mr. Parker, of Castle Bock, were the guests oi ir, n . Blavens Wednesday and Thursday of last week. , John F. Downing, ot Kyan, Wash., waa down last week on a businea trip. Ha returned home Monday, taking some stock back with him. . ' ' School at this place ia' progreeaing nicely under the able management of Prof. E. H. Hartwig. Abont fifty-four scholars are in attendance. The dance given at the school house hall last Friday night was a decided sue ..... iinita number was in atten dance and all enjoyed themselves im mensely Special meeting are being held at the MetiiodlK cnuron n" "OT "J " n-Vmrne and Fairehild, of Portland Service begin promptly every evening at 8 :15 p. m r 17 nnmUnd. of Albina. and Mrs. Maria Hart, of Seattle, accompanied by Virgil and Esther Hart, spent a few days at the home of Mr, and, Mrs. J. S. Bacon last week. Services were held at tha Evangelical church iast fcunday morning and even ing bv Kev. Ballitntyne He will again hold "services on the third Sunday oi thia month, when a Bumiay win" torv. ' as extenaeu tonii we Mv" ... ST.: V.TS s. iK'. William P. Hmilh, of ..Ti.,j ni Muitnnniah. Stale of Ore iron, has this day died in tills ofnoe his sworn statement No. 6400, for the purchase of the sett -.i. iin oa tiiwnahin No. 4 north, ranae x.L nflFnr nroof to ShOW thai the laud sought is mors valuable for its Umber or stone than tor agrioultHral nnrposes, and u . es tablish his claim to said land belore the Kefis ter and Receiver of this offloe at Oreiton City, Oreion.on Thursdajt, the ih dav l Auaus , 1901? lie names as witnesses: Julian tool, James' K. Gibbons, Bert Warren and Joseph Ur bin, all of Portland, Onrton. Any and all per sona claiming adversely the above demriW lands are requesteu to me men office on orbeioro said nth day of Antruet , l'JOl. Timber Land. Act J una S, 1870. NOTICE FOR PUBUMTIOM. United States Land Office, Oreaon Citv. Oregon, April 43rd, 1801. . .Ty ,PuiM,.7nv hi veVj th AT IN COM- JN plianca with the provision" of the act of ConirrwM of June a 185S. entitled "An act for the ealeftimber lands in the rtUles oi 0.0 lorn i. o "Inded to all the Public 1-and Stale, by act of August 4, 1882, Burt Warren, of Portland, coanty Xlultoomah. Slate of Oregon, has this day filed in thisoilice his sworn ?il0',TO for the purchase of the nei of section No. !, township No. 4 north, range No. 6 west, and will ofler proof to show that tne land simisht Is mow ....'.i.t,.ii.,hnw nr ntone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish hla olaim to said land be?ore the Regime, and Hvr of this oniw at Oregon u , ivk"u. ' tha 6th day ot July, 1SL fie names as wit nesses: Jas. K. GlblKini. Joseph li. Urban, Krueat V. BerwIoH.of Portland.OrcKon, and John 8. Gibbons, of Kelso, Oreif.n. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above-descriW lands are requraiau "."; , office on or before said oih day ol July, 1901 "& CH AS. B. MOO RES, Register. Timber Land, AOt June 9, IMS. ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oreimn Citv. Orexon, My Ui Wpl. . ..si. st... n.iu a nn nf tha Mil OI l- uiiniii-fj im .j.""' Li. ni,;n, Nevada, and Waaliintgon Terrl- Mr. C. I. linnet' ireuon .:ity, ureion, "y "i "y.v,.. TOTtOfi IS HHttllY Q1VKN THAT m VI - B 1 ! J In Jory," as eitended to all the Public "?1"" hv act ol ABBUui , 11. Julian F- Foul, of oie qrcoumv oltJowlits, State of Washington, nZthis dayfltodin thiaoillcj his rnjwts- ?t h-JSL v rsirwestiu OTHnrii I aurrTssS. ami f -Wlsh 1.1 claim to said land liore the Kctosier and Kwero( t h ottloe at Owuon City, Oieaon, on I hursday. th S a . oi Auaaai, 'mitt. He namea as wil- Seasonable Goods At our store meana that we keep constantly for aale a vmW and Quality of merchandise which at all times auitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes- LOGGER. FARUER, UERGHAIiT. General Merchandising I our especial business, and we have) held tha fort by offering a high qualtty of goods at low quality prices. We handle Household Necessities quality. Now is tlie time to call on POPULAR DEALEPS. &t TTTCr.KNS. - - OREO ON. L. ' ' J ;. : .....JOHraSOM & DUUCPOnFEU BgO; ' o-Mamifaotufen of and Dealer !u ,.M Kinds cf P.sugh and Dressed Umtsr... of Houlton, will fill Air, nil us- io."--place, for the present, at lottbt. Sin aai us ,.,,,,,. win. 6a"2i. ,WK.r t 11 l.iTi. a'l of t'ortlau 1, r, , ; . ',imi,,..i.ra- I amis awrequiweo "J"'" I a nil or lictore waiu oiu i Homy Luisiiit on trio nonnnnrmg com; i u ,lf Auauai.Moi. ''3,,. I be organic. He appointed Mra Jame, ; ny u .y-. ppi'iilo, Mrs. in 'i, 'i ' i tirir claims In tills oihce Flortut; Katatle ...Celtlnf '". AI ..' ...Diusaslaa I.nBer... niitteo for Sunday school uilh-erai SCAPPOOSIi, - - - - OOOD BOAO TO TMK SJIILl. ' Mill on south fork ol Sesppoosa creek, four i miles from Beappooso statuin. ' 4 Lumber dellveied at wspimnea slslion or Johnson's landing at t.uu per W. astr Alt Warraa Mauoo. at.au. . - - OKKQON i