IIPKOYB THE COUNTY MBS wittsbarf Kd i n Abwlutel lm rit pvmMt (londltlon. TK.r li on cireutuataiio growing out .It. 7.t ol ttie county twin about out i i Tit mil that ' dumiirid o' i ilmtio'wy, PPwprtaUNt out general futid for the improvement S tha blKliwy throughout the county. Today there if no wor. inonienUHiii bor pec.pl. than good SEE and ! ' Mtruntod with ST-ialN of. tha oounty har. 04UUtd Esinselvesili a tuost creditable manner, .hare are now mattera which Blunt ffi their attention. Columbia comity linn to the people of Columbia unty end theyTmv a right toUa Tnd tnob MTlroniuenl they choose roic uJ py Tb ir ' th ui ly ehoufd b confined within tha eounty or to a very great extant, at hut and tbli an boat be ocoiriullslied I. ti;e permanent Improvement ol tha roads, in order that the people ol the Interior may reaeii the business eoutor ol the county, which, aa matter of fiat, are located on or near the natural highway the Columbia river. Front tusse tradlni polnta good roadMliould extend far Into tha Interior. '1 lili la not lone an ondortaklng (or convenience, but ! a business proposition, vital to the commercial Interests of every com inanity. The trade of the county should haeunverted to polnla within the connty, and not allowed to be controlled by people of other eountttte who contribute potliliig whatever toward the Improve ment and maintenance of the county. i'otir or five thoiiaand dollar Jmll ctoualy eipended uat now in the iui proveuieut of two or three principal roads would be of inestimable value to the entire county. If the county waa aver In a condition to take a atcp toward good roads and good public bulldlnir it uow. The future promiwe well. The extent of valuation ia steadily on the in crease. Valuable and per innpiit Improv ing la going forward iti the county, Kiill roatisara traversing our territory, adding greatly to the wealth and Increasing our capabilities for reaching out fbrafhap pir condition of tliingu. Uood wagon ruada will have their effect along the sum linea when we have improved them to the eateut ot being inviting in stetd of discouraging. The roads iiiad ing into the Kehnleiu valley uow chal lenge the attention of bualnm men and tlie county court alike. Washington j county annually draws thuutand of dollars of trade away from homebuai-! lie enterprises because of belter facil-i files for reaching the trading poinle of , tint county. Aside frmn being a con-: venlenoe to the people of the InU-rlor, it in a huitiuiate business undtirtaklng fori our county to appropriate fumla for the ' permanent Improvement of the high-! wiva leading Irom river points to those settlements. Two thouaand dollara ex pended I lila auuimar lu the Improve-1 ment of the mad front tit. Helena to the river would have a timet stimulating effect upon the settlement and develop uent of the Intervening territory, aa ! would alto a like clrcumatance bring ita reward in other parte of the county. Rev. Mr. 1'hllbrook wilt preach at Yankton next Huudny at 1 1 :3t, and at Bachelor Flat at S:'JO la the afternoon. Tha Kkemokawa creamery, aaya the Kagle, shipped )0 pounds ot butter Friday and POO pound Monday. They churned 1W8 pound of butter Monday morning end received that morning pound of milk. Tbey cipect lo handle O.UUU pounda of milk a day very ion. There are great many persona oper ating milla aliing the entailer atreatna who have not road up on the lawa and are considerably surprised when told they uiunt not blockade the atream with uwdual, to t'iah Commiaiiioner Van Dumh i not at present making any arrests, but tluiplv acquainting them with the law. After all have been warned more draatia weasurfs will be taken with thoae who wilfully peraiat in etltubeylng hi iujunctiona. Uacona, aituated aeveral mile above MiAtnialudale, in Wntlilngtoo county, ia to have a aaw mill Willi a aawing ca pacity of about fifteen tbouund per day. The engine and boiler are now in position and the maidiinery I et ectel from AtUuta, Ueorgia, everyday. Hoff mann Hrother, who have a large tract ol land between them, are putting In the mill, and their cut will be eolely cedar, of which there ia an abundance in that locality. Hillnboro Argu. "The building ot railroad Into the Kchalem vnlley ia baited entirely upon the limber tribntary," aaya the Oregon Timheruian. "It I eatfmatod taking the average to be 20,000 feet to the acre, the freight to be earned by railroad building Into the Nebalem and Tilla mook country, at 11.60 per 1,000 fact, carried to Portland in log or lumber, would be f!tU.074,O0O. It theee flgurea re correct, and thev are probably fairly accurate, a railroail corporation which overlook building Into the Nehatetn would apiarently be overlooking a good Investment." There will come a time, and we do not think it la far dlalant either, when it will be considered necensary for Co lumbia county to purchate a rock cruaher, or two, for all that. If thia county ever expect to make permanent, aubatantial rondi tbi ia the only eola tion to the problem. It ill take rock, and lot of it, before a foundation can tie formed, but when thia I miide, then we (hall be making road which will btt. It will bike longer to construct road, but we notice that the cmintioa which are through exjierlmentlng are fulling back on rock nruahera to make their road fit to travel over. Another logging enterprise of conaid erable magnitude I lost taking hape in thia locality. One hundred and aixty ore of tlmlier. known aa the Iaui White tract, on Cox creek, recently pur- unseen, oy tioorgo ferry, ot iiuhikjh, for 12000. U to 1m loirmtd thia Bonsoii, operation to begin at once. In fuct, u large new donkey engiiio ia oxpectel to rilva from Wolf ami Zwliker'e iron work early next week, and It la hoped to get one good run of log before tha extreme dry weather arrive, in fact, Mr. Abrtiham Croue, who la logging the trant, now haa crew of eight men In the wood there, and several hun dred thouaand feet of Jog are all ready io put lu the water. Attornev-Cloneral Blackburn haa ren dored an opinion at Ilia request of Su perintendent of Public Inatructlon Ack rman, In which he hold that a (pedal tax levied lu Murcli, 1U01, alter me iw tax roll haa been turned over to the heriff, can lcgnlly bo extended on the tax roll of 1IW2. The opinion quote the act of ltnft, which require all taxe to be collected by the sheriff, and ulao iHuction 4 ot al(t act, which provide tlmt each school dint net elinll notify In writing the clork of the county court within which audi acbool district la all unted, of the rate per cent of thn tax levy miule bv it, on or before the first day of February n each year. Thi re port shall be kept on hie by t auverul clnrk iiml remain a part, of the ruuord f Hie ofliue. , JJEMAHD M BETTER. Mere Hale of Timber on Lower Ct Inmbla Tlian Formerly. More timber land isle have teen tnade this i year along the lower Colum bia than for many year previous and manv mora HL..I.. " u maUtd berore the summer i for "i i uue, accurUIng to local timbermen, partly to tha fact that Kaat ern buyer are fumlliar with the situa tion. Iiitvlrm lia.l tl... I. ...I . . , Mini iiiorouuniy cruised in previoua yenr by their reo- .-.....,... uul , ulo uuw wiilvli I eaay of accea I also being bought up by local dealer aa well a other. It believed that a large part of the land lying adjacent to streams on both ida of toe rivH will i.. .., ..i i i of flrt owner thi suiiiiner. The de- u oris, aim any one who I ao Inclined can dispose of his claim. I'rfae r" aiso looaiiig up and nme h1s have Iieen iiihiIn nn iIim ur..ui.l...., the river a high aa 25 an acre. This waa, of course, for choice timber tract thllt lMn lltt l.lt,.r,l a - .iu nil 1 i """ " " iinuiuiuiii coat. Though the average price of timber Ivlncf iwiu lnni Ik i. : t ' . 7 ,V",,J" l no lliviivr than formerly it 1 lwlieve.1 that, In the face of the present demand, It will ad vance before long. A Stir Affair. Last HiLtiinlav im.i.l . j u ,H nmm M. WH' f .'J ?' . mo"t "Jnyable time at Masonic nan in tin city, to ,1.. ....!.... . I ... ----- ui.iiiiaii.iji bile astern btar chapter the moat I mere sl ur horLInn ,,f Im m ...... (..,.). i . took place in the lodge room, where two candidates were Initiated Into the deep nivnt.nrlHii of II. a m.u.I..iu M...I ..i...1. 'ill -viwvj, mu null, W 1111 V could lie surmised from the very cautious acts sou woru ol loose entitled to wii nese the proceellng, and the appear ance of the candidate, a most Intereat- Itltf ttlim waa liu.l Tk .H..m...l..i brought toau end and after the arrival of few friends, an Invitation was re ceived for the company to repair to the banquet hail, where a bountiful lunch eon waa In waiting, and where a brisk competition at once arose for first honor lu disposing of strawberries and cream Ni,u i..., ,iirrv was such a large nutn- "Mi ,ui .ma on. ui ibuib biiai me dwision ot those led to judgo haa not vei own received, out we Will not be surprisca wnen ttie announcement la iii.Im If I,Im I.a.i.. u . I. ... u. . . 1 ...n.w ..w ....w, ,a .IIIUBI UU1I HIV. one who penciled thia lum. The even- more so, however, than ia alwara the cane at lvasktru Star (um llons in thia dty. t'oanly Nells Laud. The county conimisnloiier. while In session Tuesday, sold eighty acre of land to which it held a deed. (Severs! year ago the county acquired title to the land from Marlon C. Humphrey, to whom the county bad advancrd consid erable money for aupiort, and In order to even up matter somewhat, it took a deed from him. Harry K. Hmitii ia the recent purchaser, uavinir tiM for it. The land ia the northwest i of the southeast t and tlie southwest of the northeast ot section a-i, township 6 north, range 6 west, located on Kock creek. The county baa undoubtedly made good aale. Mr. Hinilh seem satisfied, mid the county ought to feel to. I'OXllSSIOXERH COURT. Baalnesa Tfanaavted at Tuesday's Adjourned Term, Judge Iian and Commissioner Cuse wet pursuant to adjournment Tuesday and transacted some minor oounty amtir. The lien held against property Iwloni- Ing lo John Hibblee. sold for 1H00 taxes. was ordered canceled, the clerk to have credit for H2.W on tale book. An ordur waa made directing- the clerk to draw warrant on the general fund for S71O.0Z, In favor ol the state, to liquidate the balance due from thi countv in accordance with the bounty scalp law. An order relundimt tlfl.04 to O. W. Mcliride, tax mld on land not owned by him, waa made. Tax aale certificate No. 1042 was or dered canceled, and the clerk to have credit for f 11.80, on laud aeaeeied lo M. A. liurn. t'lrealt Cesirt. Muckle Bro. v. St. Helen Building Association; decree of foreclosure. Urvaut vs. Conyera : takeu under aa viaument. Tatmn ftoweu va. josian wenon; order allowing to amend answer on garnishee. 8. A. Mite va. II. N. Smith et nl; al lowed twenty day to reply. Order di recting one-halt of money deposited to be paid over to (1, M. Parr. Hill v. Low; judgment for piaintur in the sum of $100. No oust ; execution staved for sixty day. The court onlered the following mm paid: C. E. Hunvon, reporter, 70 ; J. k. Blakealey, ballff, 16j T. C. VVntta, bailiff, 33. Adjourned until July 8, 1001. Cent Mil ton Creek. U. V V niitnk tirnncrlit to thia office tin, .., r," - - one day thia week ainiill piece of coal cropping which ho found In the bed of Milton creek a few day ago. about seven Utiles front tin city, ino aauipie is water-ilacked, and, of course, does not present very creditable appearance, but that doe not remove the possibility ot there being a quantity ot much bet ter quality oi me arncie hi ii im-nuir. i ii,i. uLmrnn. nnunwetltnr n.nd devel opment there might unearth vast bed of coal of good quality. Beat (roods at fair price at Collin A fjray'e. A new line ot sample of wall paper la on display at the drug tore. Appropriate Children' Day exercise are to be held at the Methodist church in thi city next Sunday evening. The fact that the old rate are to be . I L... !. trunannrtRMnrt linea will most likely be the mean of bridging the uauert tiaca on mo wwi n. lln voiir drv irooda, clothing, ahoe, hardware, crockery, Hour, feed, bay, ate., of Collin Uriiy. who carry large atock of woll selected general merchan dise, The coinmlBBloner of Cowlity county, Wash , are considering the matter of buying rock crusher lo improve the roadain Cowlita county. This Is a very much needed acquisition, suys tha Kulso Journal, and would lie a great aid in keeDina the road in proper condition. Superintendent Copeland was called to Albany Monday, where life been for iome time attending at the bed side of her Invalid mother, Mrs. M. H. Wilds, and whose death occured at 8. SO I lint eveninif. Deceased wa a daughter of John A. Powell, one of le ea y nloneor preacher oi mo ni"""" valley i waa born in Memard county, III loisy September 11, 1817; camo to 0 egon'wltl! her paiw.t. m 1851 ( ina. riedtoM. H. Wild In 1805. ner Al bmv, where she Mved up to the time of he d ath. Hi.Hbu.id and two daugh ter, Mrs. I. H. Copeland and Mr. 1. B, Miirslia-H, urvVP lier, OUT AFTER THE COUNTY DEBT THH THBA8URER HAS DONMBD Mia) WAHKINQ OAHB. Prospect that the County' LbtblUtlea will Noon Beaemble 80 Cent. The pubfle debt of Columbia county Is vauishiiig like snowball under a high pressure of warm atmosphere. By reference lo a legal notice in thi issue, headed "County Traaurer' Notice," you will learn that all outstanding county warrant endorsed prior to Jan uary 1st, lDOl, will be paid upon pres entation to the county treasurer. This, of course, mean that the debt of the county la only for the amount of war rant Issued since the first ol this year, which aggregate but 8,1!60. Half of the business vear with the county ia past, and the expenditure havo fallen fur abort of the estimated expense, a very happy circumstance, aa a nmuer oi iaci. j.aat t nuay there waa remaining uncollected on the current tax roll $12,1107, about one-third of which amount ia for road and school puriioses, the remainder, or most of it would lie applicable to tlie payment of county warrants, the amount for that purpose being equal to the amount of uncalled warrant. The financial con dition ol the county 1 becoming health ier eacn year, ana it may not be very long until we can experience the very C leasing sensation coming out of the nowledge that the countv is free from debt. : Personal Mention.' J. K. Blakeslev visited the inetronolis Tuesday. . Merchant Collin (pent last Sunday In Portland. Mr. and Mm. A. J. Hubert were in Portland Tuesday. Dr. Cawood. the dentist, is in St. Hel ens each Wednesday. W. J. Muckle, of Rainier, wa visiting In this city last Sunday. County Clerk Watt and family spent last Sunday at Scappoose. Mr, and Mr. C. H. John returned Monduy from a visit to friends iu Astoria. Mra. Jamea Muckle and children. of Portland, visited in this city last Haturday. Attorney R. P. Graham wa down from Portland Tuesday atteuding to icgai matter. Dennl Terry and wife, ot Portland, villi ted relative in tbi city laat Satur day and Sunday, - Mr. Jacob Ueorire and dnnehter. Anna, of Portland, viaited here batur- uay ana nuiuiay. ..It. , .. . Mr. Otto Kulper waa in thia elty laat Sunday en route to their homestead near Bunker hill. Uoorge Fox. the genial salesman for Watts A Trice, of Kcappoose, waa in town Monday forenoon. Mr. John Dibblee. of Rainier, waa in terviewing the commissioners Tuesday in regard to tax matter. Mr. John R. Beegle, formerly con-J netted with Una paper, la down from Alaska on a buainees trip. U. A. Suuford, formerly editor of paper in thi city, is now in the hotel business In a Missouri town. Percy George, who I studying ; elec trical engineering id lorusnu, visiieu his parents here last Sunday. Merchant Dart was in the metropolis last Friday purchasing ware to replen inli hi stock of merchandise. Mr. Prank Clark wa up from Goble Tuesday interviewing the county com missioner in regaru to roaa mauera. rt 1I.lt .. , - m..... ..1. ! ,.L ... . Vllaa. linn w a u va jvrur wiuj.bii.. young and old, and will pay you a good price. Drop a postal card to Uoulton, Or. Mr. U. R. Cliff and children re turned home last Saturday from Port land, where they visited relative for few day. Mr. and Mr. W. F. Slaughter and Mis Daisy Watkin were among the excursionists to visit the Upper Uolum bia last Sunday. . See Morgns' large atock of iprlng and anminer millinery, summer clotbinir, shirt waist, etc., all spring style, belts ami late style skirts. Mr. J. W. Bonnell, of Portland, spent a few day in thia vicinity thi week. Mr. Bonnell own quarter section of good land in Carico valley. George Frakes, who haa just finished the II I til vear in me universities oi rorv land and Eugene, Is at home, at Heap poose, for the summer vacation. Mr. J. H. Dobbins, of Portland, an employe of the Southern Tactile Kail- way UO., vis.ieu. ma nioioer, iura. x . a. Frakea, at scappoose, .asi weea, Ml Marie Watt la an adjunct to the force in the clerk's ollioe tins week, assisting in tho work of recording in strumeut and other routine work. : Charlie Blukesley returned last Fri day from Baker City, where be attended Odd Fellows' grand lodge. Chartea i not greatly impressed with the Eastern Oregon country. Jaine McKay, of Scappoose, waa In town Hnnduv last en route for bumpier. Or., whither he goee to try his luck at mining, or at leant, j iook nm wuiiu j over with that purpose iu view. , Dr. J. 8. Giltner. ot Portland, was in thi city Tuesday attending to matter iu.fr.ra thn. iinintv coiiimissionerH tax matter. The doctor has an abiding (aiih in the future of Columbia county, Dr. J ' 11. McBrida. of Pasadena, Cal. waa in this city Monday, en route for 8t. Paul, Minn., wiiitner ne goes mw ton,) a niBfltino- of tho Droiuinent mem' bera of the medical fraternity of the Northwest. Mr. E. Hall, formerly of Warren, but i,n for some time ha resided at Bel- lnire, Kansas, returned to this vicinity last Tuesday. Mr. Hall baa come to spend the summer, at least, and will very likely decide to remain here per manently, Lou Fltsgorald came over from Rock creek Tuesday with a conveyance to I falm l.ia narenta home. Mr. and Mm. Fitzgerald spent tne winter in vsu tornia, and have been at Oak island for ft couple ol mourns, awaiting "" Wa eoniliiiou of the roads before at tempting to cross the mountain Am.rnnrlata memorial services were couductod at Goble yesterday ntider the auspices of the Keu wen. uruer oi Washington, Woodmen, the Reuben school and the U. A. R. A procession was formed at Red Men' hall and all marched to the Neer City cemetery, where Dr. L. M. Slin, of Kahuna, de livered the Memorial address, and the gravea of departed beroea, friend and neighbor were decorated. Mis Florence Newman, who haa been n great atill'erer from muscular rheuma tism, any Chamberlain' Pain Balm i the onlv remedy that affords her relief. Miss Newman is much respected resi dent ot tneviiiano oi "'"li mnkea this statement for the benelit ol oilers similarly alilioted. This liniment js for sale at the St. Heleus rbrmcy, Tlmlxir fnrl, Ant Juna I, Vt!K NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vmitkd Btitsi Lhd Orriei, WW.K I HKKKll? OlVKM THAT IN COM ItUaiiea with litm ttrovlHlnria nf tha act of Cuiiirea, ol June a, l7s, entllled "An ti:t for lii bi. of tluibur UnU. lu tliti butcii of Cnllfor ula, OrKoii, Nevada and WmIiIuiiiou Terri tory," aa oilemled to all tlie I'm, lie ijoid rltniea by act ol Aiiiirl4. iwl, Helijaiiilti A. H, Hill mar, of forllauil, comity ol Miilliiiioinli, !t of Oraaon, lia tills (lay II led In I III. nlHo hl worn taU!iiiitt No. lor tub uimiliaNe ol tliasuuihciut ol somIoii No. W. In tuwn)ilp No. 4 north, ranaa No. e want, and will oHur proof to liw that the land aouulii la mors val uable for its llinUir or stone ihau lor rli.-ultnr-al .iirv'"w, and Ui nulilliili hla elalin to said land bnlorotha Keiter and Vewiver of tlila ottina at oroaon City, Uregon, ou Monday, (lie ion uuy oi Jiinn, iwi. lie naiaes aa witueawa: C. B. Oarriaon.of 1'ortlaud. Gn-uuti. Ij,ula KI0. Kurt, ol Winona, OreauD, VV. W. Allen, of Wi nona, Oregon and Win. Waehllna, of Portland, Orviion. Any and all peruinaclulmliuradveriu)' lytlte alxive-deiierilied lands are reiueaid to Kl thelrclaima In this otlWie on or before aaid 17th day ol June, 1WJ1. CUAH. B. MOOUKH, man tteai'ier. Tlmlier ljuid. Act June 8, IS7S. NOT ICC FOR PUBLICATION. United Htatea Land Ofnoe. Oreuon I.'ltv. tlreuoil. Aortltrd. 1001. NOTICE IH HKKKllY OIVKN THAT IN COM idlanee wllh the Drovlalona of tha aet of Cougreaa nl June 9, U47H, entitle,! "An aet for the aale ol timber laud, lu the ntaea of California, Oreaon, Nevada, and Waalilngtou Territory,' an extended loall the 1'ubtle Land titulea by aetnf August 4, PWJ, Joaepta II. Urban, of Portland, County ol Jdultucmuli, Htale of Oregon, haa thia day Iliad III this office hi" sworn autemtnt No. S;iW, lor the purciiaie ol the tw ol acetlou So. 'Al, lu townahlp No, 4 north, range Mo. s wcat, Willamette Meridian, and will oiler proof to how that the land aought la mora valuabe for ita timber oratona thau for agricultural pur- oaea, ana to eataouan nia cuiui to sam la-.ia oa ore the lieulaler and Uccelver of thia Otlice on Maturday, the 6th day ol July, Wul. He lutmea aa wilueaMeH: bun Warren, of Fortand, Ore gon, John d, Gllibona, of Kelao, Oregon, Jainea iilbbona, and krneat V, burwlelt, ol Portland, OicgoA. Any aiidall peraonn elaimln ailveraa- nr tne arjove-oeacrinea lanaa are retMeaiea io Die their clalina 111 this oltlca on or before aald Wh day of July, l'JOl. CUAb. B. UOKK4, aaijya negiater. Timbar I And, Ant June , 1S78. NOT ICS FOR PUBLICATION. United Statea Laud Oftlce, Oresou City, Oregon, April 26, 1901. NOTICK 18 HKKKHY GIVKS THAT IN COM Dllaiira with the provl.liHM of the art of ConKraw of June . UI7S, entitled "An aet for the aale ol tlmlier lands lu the dilates of Callfor- uat. Ureaon. Kevutia. anil waaiunauin rcrn- tory," u sxUHided to all tha I'ubile Land Rtatea oy tns ainol Auifuai rraua wurorey, oi l'ortlaud. countv of Idultnomali. State of Ore gon, haa this day tiled In thia office lila sworn atatemeut No. JW4, lor the nurchaae of the nw ol aevtlon No. i. in townahlp No. 4 north, ranaa No. a weal, and win oner proof to ahow that tne land aouaht la more valuabn for Ita timber or alone than for agricultural puroea, and toea- ulillah lila claim toaaid land belnre the Kegmter nd Iteeelrer oi tun omea at urciron uuy. Ore gon, on Hatniflay, the 0th day ol July, WCl. He tiainea an witiieajten: uun narren, joaepn n. Urban, laraea K. uluboiia, o! rortianu, Oregon. ih n H. iniiboiia. ol K ao. oreaon. Anv aua all iMtramia elaluillnr adveraulv tha above-dea- crllieil landa are reuueated to Hi heir claiiaa n Iblaotltce on or lielora aald 6th day oi Jiuy, but. ni I; t CM id. 8. UMOUK8, Keg later. Timber Land, Aet June 1, 1S7S. , NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Ukitko Statis LiMD Orncg, Oregon City. Oregon. May 11, 1901. N OTICK IH II KHKBV OlVtN THAT IS COM Dllauce wUb the Provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, I"', entitled "An act for the aale of timber lanus in tne statea oi taiuiir ola, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," aa extended to all the Public Laud States by aet of August 4. lxttt, Marios Pederaen, of l'ortlaud, county of Multnomah, Mtata of Ore gon, haa thia dny filed In thia office bia sworn stateroea No. MU, for the purchase of the south , oi me Deft, eev. oi nw, ne. oi awj oi aeo- ..n Kn 9 tn toivuahln No. 4 north, rauae No. 0 west, and will offer prool to show that the land aeught Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eeisbllsh hla claim to aaiu tana oeiore tne Register sun Hncelverof thia oltlca at oremm City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 7ih day of A iiguat, UU1. He namea aa wlltnesea: W, H. Hacker, Aagust bchelllnlet. Clarence Keed and Charles blur, ail of Keaaey, Oregon. Any and all persona claim ing adversely the above-described landa are re quested to ale their claims In this ollioe on or before aald ta uay oi August, tisii. mi7-jyza criAo. . aui'ttaa, awwr. Timber Land, Act June s, 1871 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uritsd SraTsa Lai Omca, Oregon City, Oregon, May 11, 1901. NOTICE IM HKHEBV GIVEN Til AT IN COM uliun.u. Willi thm nr.ivlidi.ns fif the act of Congreaa of June S. 1K7S, entitled "An act for tne sale Ol uui'ier tauua iu ine mates v.iiidi- nia Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory." aa extended to all the Public 1-and Htatea Dy act OI August , iwi, nilliaiu r. nuitu, Portland, eouutv of Multnomah, btate of Ore gon, has this day died In thia office his sworn statement No. Moo, for the purchase ot the ttM of section No. A township No. 4 north, range No. 0 west, and will offer proof to show that the land aought la more valuable for lu tlmlier or sione than for agricultural purpoaea, and to es tablish his claim to said laud before the Kegia ter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Thursday, the srll day of August, luot. He names as witnesses: Julian Foul, Jainea E. Gibbons, Bert Warreu and Joseph Ur- bln, allot Portland, Oregon. Any aua mi per sons claiming adversely me aoove oesenocu lands are requested to me their einima iu tins office on or be Ion' aald 8th day of August, 1901. m!7 Jj-JS ciias. a. Moonita, itcgi'ier. Timber Land, Act I uue 8, ls7s. . NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office, ' Oregon City. Oregon, April 23rd, Mot. aioTIPE ISUHKKKV I1IVKSTHAT IN CUll- 1N nllaiuMi with Hie orovlaiolia of the act Of Congress oi june a. i,o. snuum am m? aale of tlmlier lauds in tho Utalea ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as exiended to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4. WA Hurt narren, oi rortianu, cusmj of Multnomah, mate ef Oregon, haa this day filed In thia office bis sworn stasementNo. for the purchase of the ne' of section No. IB, in i..w,i.hln No. 4 north, ranee No. 6 west, and will offer proof to show I hat the land aought la more valuable for Us timber or atone than lor agri cultural puriaises, and to establish his claim to said land before the Keglstet and Receiver ol thia office at Oregon city, Oregon, on eaiuiuay, the 6th day of July, ltwl. lie names aa wit- n.iuu' JUL K. l.inunilB. JIW.UH XI iv,Lnu. i ....... V Snrwii-k Af Porllniiil.Oreon. and John 8, Ulbbons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all per sona claiming adversely the above-desoribed lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or be. I ore aaiu em uay or Juiy, i aJSJ)5 CHAM. B. MOUHKS, negister. limber Land, Aat June S, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UNiTfrn Ststks Land Omca. Oregon flty, Oregon, May 11, ISM. . -.Airff Iu ill. DltlltV IJlVh-.MTII AT IN I I1M .X ..li.,,.. with ih. nh.viali.na of tha act of Congress of June a. lr, entllled "An act 'or tlie Sine oi uniuer anuua in Hiai-Mi" nin. iircaoii. Nevada, and Wasbtutgoa Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Lend Btatea bv act of August a, law, Julian r. oui, oi . qua, eounty of Cowlita, Bliite of Washington, has this day Bled in thia oillce hla aworn state ment Mo. MOI, for tlie purchase of these( of aeo. No. 81. In tp No. 4 n, r No. west, and will offer prool to show that the laud sought ia more valuable lor Its tlmlier or sloae thau for agri cultural purpoaea, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ofliue at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of August, HOI.- He names aa wit nesses: Bert Warren, Jamea E. Gibbons, Wm. P. Smith sud Joseph Urbin, all ol Portland. Oregon. Anvand all persona claiming adverse Iv tlie almve-descrtbed lauds are requested to tile their claims in mis omce on or ocio aiu day ol August, tail, un ao. o. wi.i,,i IKS3. Kegiater. ml7-Jas NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Oillce at Oregon Cliy; Oregon, May IH, 1901. XTOTICK f9 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IX , .ln..iMl .alllu. hatt Slfttl notice Of his Intention to make final proof In support of his olalm, and that said proof will be made be fore the Roglstor and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, ou jmy u, nan, vis: JOLIUAH. CRAMER; Homestead entry No. 10S16, for the ne of aeo tlun .H. to 4 north, range 8 west. Ha names the lollowlng wltuesees to pnive his. eonlliiuons res idence upon and cultivation oi aaiu lanu, is. u....i n IuniiA.,hM,k j p.. Karlr-tv. rltetihcn Hoi. upon n.Ttnl U.,.lw,ck and Jacob Schlicltt. Bit Wl JtWllHWIH- dale, Oregon. CHA8. B. mlH-iai MOOHKH. Reglaler, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THK IIN1ERS1GNe"eTh A8 BEEN DULY AP' pointed aa administrator ol Ihe estate of O, C. Jaqutsn, uecensea. oy tne iuiuy wui.,,, the State ol Oregon for Columbia County, and has dulv oiialilled. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pres. ent the same lo ine at my realdeiioe at Reuben, Columbia Comity, Oregon, with proper vouch ers, "Ithlit six months fnR'bU '"5;XTTj,) Administrator of tho estate of O. C. Jauuiah, diseased. J. C. Moreland, Attorney lor Estate. Mays, 1901. .... mlOinal. COUNTV TPMSUREB'S NOTICC Cooatr Tasiiunsa'a Orrtca, r. Hi,Ka, Oa., May SI, 1801. NOTIOB 18 HKHKilY OIVKN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrant of Columbia County, Oregon, which have been preaeiitcd and endoraert- "Not Paid for Want of made," srior to January lt, Kail, will be paid uaonpre aciitiitlon at thia oflue. Jntorct. will not be allowed alter thin date. KUWIN Hons, ni.ilJ'iS Treaaurer oi coininoia i nuniy, or. Timber Lend, Act June, 1W. NOTICC FOH PUBLICATION- , Umitkd BriTsa La no Orric, . ..u,,.u ........... U,.P.,1. lOftt N fM'ICK IH HKitKBY (ilVKN THAT IN COM nllanca with the irrovlalnns of the ad of Congreaa of June . IS7S, entitled "An aet for me aaie ot umner lunua in me aunca wnur nla, Oregon, Nevada and Waaliliigton Terrl o,rv." a. Mvooolfd ui all Pablic ltiid Htatea by act of Augiiat 4, lWt, William Wachllue. of Port land, county of Multnoman, ntate oi Oregon, baa thia day Hied tn tbla ollice his sworn atate ment No. 6S72. for the nnreh'sas of the north east of section No. HI, lu township No. 4 north, range no. a west, aim wm oner prw, w that the land aought la more valuable for lis timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aald land before the Register and Itecelver of this ofnee at Ore- 5 on City, Oregon, on Monday, the 171b day of line, 1111. He namea aa witnesses: V. B. Har rison and Men). A. K. Hlllmer, of Portland, Ore gon, and Umls Hlegert and W. W. Allen, of Wi nona, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advernely the above-described lands are request ed to Hie their claims In this office on or before said 17th day of June, Not. , SUMMONS BY PUULMTI0H. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Avery I. Mlnger, plaintiff, vie. Minnie Mar Hinger. defendant To Minnie May singer, tlie above named de- N THB NAME OF THK STATE Ot OE WION : 1 Yon are hereby aummoned and reouired to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above-eutl'led cause, tn the above entitled Court on or before the 14th day of June, lisil, which ia the last day of the publication of this summons, and if yoa fail to so appear and answer the aald complaint, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree for ever dissolving the boude of matrimony uow and heretofore enisling between you and plain tiff. Bpon the grounds of desertion for more than one year immediately before tlie commence ment of Ihia ault, and lor such other relief aa to Ihs Court may seem rlcht and Just, This sum mons la published In Ths Obsoon M ist lor a Kriod ol alx weeks, pursuant to an order made the Hon. Thos. A. McBride. iudge ol aald Court, on the 29th day of April, 1901, the dale of the first publication being May , im, and the date of the last publication being June 14th, tUOl. . JOHKPH 4SCHLAOKL, msjlf - Attorueya for the plaintiff. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICSNSB. To the Honorable County Court of Columbia iT? la iTl'ndWs13NED LEGAL VOTERS, TT residing In noble precinct, Columbia county. Oregon, would reapectlully petition your honorable body at its next regular seialoa, which wilt be held on the Srd day ol July, 1901, lu the court bouse, lu the city of St. Helena, Columbia eounty, State of Oregon, that a n cense be granted to O. E. Hunter to aell sptritu oua vinous and malt Honors in quantiliea lesa Ihau one gallon In uobie nreeinet. in saia euumy and atnte, and that aald license be gnuit- for all of which your petitioners will ever pray: . ... J E Con boy, P O Marks C Fowler. J C Mon roe W K Hunter. O Yraxabal. Walter Hunter. I. llr.,11... M Hraillee. It M Parr. II Ward. J W Lord, lilchard Taylor, C V Anderson, Jay P Archibald, N Robison, Fred Woo1ham, George Pltsenlsjiye, Thorn aa Nelson, Prank Welter. John Met ricks, Hant'ord Butta. If M Powler, C F cleaver, t M Poster, 8 Foster, P Portgne, Peter Hoescn. w r. Miner, jKnumussiser, lmsxi.u, J Chester. Thos Uay, lieorge Foster jr, C Rich- ni. w M Amaninr. Th Peonies. John K Col Una, Robert Llvlugatoue, Hank Blake, Jobs Farr, Thoe J Burgess, C Kratzke, M Ijnk, J M Vnu-inr. Oanive Trim. F W M.klnster, Wm Burdlck, C 8 Makiuater, A Neer, H Htehmau, E W Fowler, I M Speneor, 8 T Alexander. Victor Purer. A,Parker, Amcy Link, CC Fowler, ThoaC Cergred, Max Martin, Jua aeuueoj. mjs-ij CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. TjKITEU UTiTBS Lahd OrrtcB. Obrooh Ct-rv. Or.. Aorfl 23. 1901. A sufficient eonteat affidavit having been tiled In thia office by Nora Conyera, contestant, against homestead entry No. ll.tra. made July le, last, for of Section , Townshlp6 North, h,.HiWmi h, Ja.-(,h H. fAtnd. eoiiteatee. ill which It la alleged that contestant "knows the JTesent condition of the same: also that said hma Land haa abandoned aald tract of land lor more than one year last past, and that he haa neither resided npou nor cultivated said land for one vear last past uor baa any member ot his fam ily, or any one ease reaiocu upu or v-uiuvu.vu th uis fniifi for him. That hla ore sent resi dence la is me unknown, and that aald alleged absence from the aald land waa not one to hla employment In the Army, Navy, or Marine cnrmni tha ITnitad 8tatea aa a xrirate soldier. miu., 1.1 1 . .. ,11.1 ,1,11 III. ,UO T. I I OT .,, Biialn, or during any other war In which the United statea may be engagea, inua parties are her.hv nodded to aunear. reaoond and offer evidence touching aald allegation at 2 o clock Bai. on June ia. lnui, neiora tne negister auo ml it the United titatca Land Office I n Oregon Citv, Oregon. The said contestant hav ing, in a proper affidavit, filed April 2!. 1901, set forth facta which show that after due diligence mns ersonal service of thia notice cannot ba made, ft Is hereby ordered and directed tat auch aered ana aire bvdue and brol notice be given by due and proper publication. Wat. OALbOWAY. Receiver. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia bounty. H. H. Emmons, doing bnaineaa under the firm name of Emmons A mmons, plaiutifT, vs. Parcel Besudrsy, defendant , To Unreel Beaudray, the defendaut above- ISThB NAME OT THB STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled agalnat you la the above entitled action, lu the above court on or beiore the 18th day of Julv. 1901. and that if you fall to ao appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will lake Judgment against you for the sum of 176.00, with Interest thereon at the rase of per eent per annum, from the 1st dav of February, 1BU6, and for the costs aud disbursements of thia action. You are farther notified that the above complaint ia Hied against you lor and on aoeoantof work, labor and service perlormed between the 1st day of February, lfws, and the let day of June, bttr7, by the plaiutlft at the special instance ol the defendant In the matter of the suit of Mar cel Beaudray vs. Arthur A. Everett. In Ihe Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, which aald ault waa to foreclose niort Sage then held and owned by ths said Marcel caudray against the aald Arthur A. Everett, upon the northwest quarter of aoetlnn S3, in towuahip J north of range I west, Willamette meridian, cmiminlng too acres. That In and by the terms of the agreement between the plain tiff aud the defendant, Ihe defendant waa to psv plaintiff such attorney's fcea as the court might adjudge reaaonable in aald suit. That by the decree of the court In said suit , fl00.no waa allowed aa attorney's leea, no part nf which haa been paid except the sum of 25-09- This summons Is published by order of tho Honor able Thomas A. McBride, judge of the above entitled court, made on Ihe 16th day of May, tiKll, requiring thia summons to be published lor six full weeks In Tua Oasoos HtaT, a weekly newspaper published aud conducted lu Columbia County, Oregon, from the Slat day ol May, lf)l, the date of the drat publication thereof, to the 12th day of July, 1901, ths date ot i .ha 1 i,t n,.hll...tlnn thiTof. EMMONS 4 EMMONS iMO O. A. BRODIS, ni3ljyia Attorneya for Plaintiff. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Clroult Court of the State of Oregon, for Ooiumtiia musij. ,. Joseph Hayburn, plalnllfr, Rvren Krlkaon and Maroella Erikson, his wife, .lAa,lA1t. To the above-named 8wen Erikson and Mar- cella Erikson, his wife, defendants. TH THK NAME OF THK STATE OF OREGON I v..n qm hrahv reouired to aonear and an swer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled cauae and court, within six weeks from and after May 24th, 1901, that being ik. ,1m.a ,,f tl, Hrat rjtihlicatlon of this Btim- mons ami the time prescribed by law and the ordor ol the publication hereof for you to ao appear and answer herein; and If you fail to so appear anu answer wimm uiw iim. ,. tilf will apply to the court for the relief de manded lu the aaiu coinpiniui. io-wii: tor a i..oi.ni auMin.t vou ami each of vou on a pronilsory note dated January Mud, l!r7, for fjiotl.oo.pavable on or before two years after date, wllh Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an num from date until paid, and lor such attor neys fees aa the court sluill adj udge reasonable, besides tha dlsburseuienta and costa of such suit; also for a decree for the foreclosure of Ihe mortgage ol even oate wnn sam note, giv... ... secure the amount evidencld thereby, on the south half of the north-east quarter ot section thirty-lour, in township number six ninth, range three west, ot the Willamette Meridian, In Co lumbia county, in the mate of Oregon, which note and mortgage were mado In favor of John Hendricks and thereafter eold, asflgned and transferred to plalntltf who haa ever alnee been ih.n.NMia,i hnM. thereof, and also for an I order of sale ol said premises and a decree bar ring you anu eacn oi yoa irora nn iiinii., ,,., title and interest, dower or right ol dower in aald premlnoa and from each and every Part thereof. This summons Is published by order ' ll,, Thnmaa A. MrHride. luilire of maid cir cuit court, and dated May 20, 1301, and the drat publication oi una summons ia u,m,v uu V.,i. a n null in Tub OiimiuN Mist, a weekly newsiHv'ner. printed at Ml, Helena. Oregon, In pursnauca of auoh order. 8. H. GRUHhK, miijyi Attorney for plaintiff. ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... IWtAjaaatAaSsssks St. Helens Opfick Hovaa. Tsjsj $ a-is--aaaasa Information and Appointments by Mail, g ROOMS 60 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDO, Sootlietat Cor. 4t Tsrt-r-.m-i - ia. - T - Quality and Yariety Are two very important features to take into consideration when one goes to procure articles for everyday nae and consumption. - To onr host of patrona we are pleased to say we haye QUALITY, YARIETY AND QUAIiTITY. Oar large and select stock affords the intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the best bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHIUG, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glasa, crockery, cottier , blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden aeeda, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. Seasonable Goods II At our store meanB that we keep constantly for aale variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand ol all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARMER, HERCHAHT. General Merchandising Is our eapeeial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high quality of goods at low " quality prices. We handle , Household Necessities Supplies for evervbody aud to meet all demanda. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now is the time to call on . POPULAR ST. HELENS, . JOHNSON & CURCDORFER DHOS..... J - . o Manufacturers ..ill Kinds cf Rough rtarlnf Mnatle ...Cetllnar ...IDlMenatoai Lumber... 80APP0O8H. . al School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders taken for Wall Paper From Sample Bonka K-rtlaud Price Books of all kinds. 1 Pharmacy. 'PiinM 50ffl,. Hoon414 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist waan. Birecia, om rioor, 1 - v rtT)i?nrt"r TAKK BLEVATOR, O afa"a fat-1 P- tVI sP af- f B? IV I i iisiiisi 00.1 1111 '' DEALERS. OREGON. - - of aud Dealers in o snd Dressed Lumfecr... GOOD ROAD TO THE MII.U Mill oa aonth fork of Vcuppooae creek, tour I miles from i-cappoose station. bumler delivered al Hi-appoose station or Johnson's lniidliig at 11.00 per H, ul( All Warren station, 1.M. , - - - OHEOON (