"swaassstSMiii r a i I ? i y t XT f T O'P VJ 1 i I j J V 1 lVl X O .L T. -r- -r-i'ir- Rr,ttrcl at the Port-ubce at St. H lens. Ort-iton, a sccond-rlius uisil mattr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Ihmihu Kvtuv Fuidav Mukmimu Bv DAVID DAVIS, Elll WIl AMI Tuvll'lUKTO. 11.00 60 : gUUsUtirTlUN I'HICItl One copy on year, in ndvance. . Six month 1 . , cpriittIr.i...Sormtin Merrill. rlkMnnle H ...... ...........-H ; ghrl'. .....R. s. liaiina. i. iicinw inr to::::::::: w 'tesmasx a - W fi -1 1 surveyor A:."..,,;!J"S;H.':'! u rimer... . ...... i, iir. it- I, t.i'n, .-u ueiens . .... iti.ui.it. UkimntMionen ...w. l. i w. Miuimric W!IP!HM"SS5W!WRH! MAY SI, THE SEAL D1FFEBESCS. Nothing distinguishes the persinali ties and abilities of l'reeident McKinley and his late OKDuiHitt for the hiith of- tlctj he holds, W. J. Bryan, more than meir rec( nc uuriau w- , public. There u the greate--t possible ditlerence in the tone, quality and iliituiaiiehip displayed in the o.tory of these to eminent peronagea. j Mckinley has made his tour after the honors have been bestowed upon him, after the prosperity promised under ilia adiuinis lraiioniias oeen reanzea anu ( daring its enjoyment. He spoke to vast crowds who 'had 'not the least doubt of his gounineK-e, honored for what he ia. and does, aul mv. mis woms were lmne8t. true, houclul. and hold before ' y the people the gUnous pnt, preut and bavonet is never seen. W e therefore, future of this great nation. JSo epeech ap:lTOHch ibelr ast bivouac with feelings heotteigrcue.luhaweightofcon- o( u,;,, rv-vt and sorrow and deninauon. He talked to the reason Jt.,ltierv pa tileu, jhe onlv Iributo of nd goo.1 sense of common pe.ple, mnor jllf;CI.utible providem has wither U.an sprawling to their preind ices. ptaml wi,w onr power a few peaceful Bryan made hi toura of the country ( emuivmi5 a 1Mtion' inward sense of before be was anyor.o or had done any- gratimde to i,s benefactors aud heroes. thing. He appeared in Auieiuun pli-j ties like a sw lit moving comet coming: from space, not having shed anv light, This Supreme Court decision in tie on the political globe for its beiient, vet insular cases confirms the logical view claiming the reward of a steadfast star. , that territory acquired by treaty or Comets attract attention, but ship!", not, otherwise, becomes an integral part of even of state, can use theut for guiding the Union and that the same broad prin atara. ' j ciples of government must apply to it In any speech he ever made never did that is invoked in the management of he appeal to the sober senae of the pec- original territory; bat while the princi ple, for it wasn't his style. His words pies of political eeon my are not to be were of discontent, narrow contraction, materially changed the temper, fitness get rich bv the manipulation of the cur-: and capacity for government, of new peo rencv ratier than the operation of in-; pies are to be considered, and the sini-dusti-iea, and condemnation of republi-; plestKmot suitable and effective laws are can policies, which have alone made the ; to lie appiied to them. Theru is nothing United Slates w liat it is. i in the constitution which romfiela us to Since McKinlev started West he has ' confer iiidiMiriminate privileges upon proven himself a more popular orator these Beni-civilized or barlarous addi than Brvan was able to prove himself tions to our population. 8uc!t an act in all 'his campaigning. McKinlev! would manifestly be unjudicial even if poke sentiments which have a rei-ponae it were compulsory. When onr consti in his hearers, and such waa Demos-! tution was conceived it was framed npon thenea detuilion of true oratorv. j the broad principle that we represent It is not an unapt comparison to place ; the highest type of intelligence aud civ McKinlev and Bryan respectively as the : iliaatiott and are capable of the highest Deuiosthenea and Aesehines of the pre- , form of government. This being true it cut day. Both can talk, but Demos-, was understood that fntnre generations thenea as McKinlev, was alone able to' would be able to intelligently adjust point to the accomplishment of good to ' themselves to any combination of cir to the country through the execution of cumstances which might ariee, and this the policies he advised. McKinley has is exactly what the government is en received the golden crown at the hands deavoring to do in the management of of the nation, while Bryan did not re- oar new insular possessions. The peo ceive many more than a sufficient pro- P'e of those islands will be given a wise, portion of votes to maintain him a resi- kind and equitable administration and dene in the land, according to the laws heu they are ready for and capable of of the Ancient Greeks. receiving a higher form of government it j will be ready for their acceptance. Tub constitution follows the fias. 1 This decision was arrived at Monday by me united states supreme Uourt, wuen . ih.xi.nirwiliin.Ar'ii animp imn,pt. era, against Bidwell, collector of ens- toma, came np tor hearing on appeal from the United Rtarea Diatrict C'onrt ' for the distr-ct of Southern Sew York. : o peg along in the same old tot in order Bidwell forced collection of 13,000 as ; to reach Paradise. The present straight dntyon certain sugars imported frouiiand narrow path, with all its stumps, r"orto Kico. Deliuia brought emt to re-! cover and tte court found for the plaint-! iff. thne dec'limr th hat the constitution : does follow ti.'e flag and that territory '. acquired by conqnestor treaty is a part of. the domestic economy of the United Ktaiu .ftup inph traut'al.ull 1m. r.tiHul ! and being domestic connot, of necessity, fused to do so, alas! probably out off Hillsboro, Or., May 29. The Hes be foreign, and as we can collect duties respect for the old adage that "the way j sian flv pest has made its appearance in from foreign countries onlv.it logically of the transgresssor is hard," and also , the wheat fields of Washington county, follows that imposition of duties opon ' 'or fear that the shades of Martin ;V. Billion, of East Portlands made a Porto Rican products is contrary to law, i Luther and other fonnders of the faith i tour Sunday through the farming dis aince Porto Rico beianie domestic terri- , would rise np and accuse them on the i tricta around flillstwro, tilencoe and tory npon the ratification of Uie treaty day of judgment. The creed and the j Mountaindale and found that nearly all of Paris. In summing up Jusiice Brown, bible have both been changed and re-j the fields are affected by the insect, who banded down the majority opinion, vised nntil it is doubtful if Paul or Many farmers are tnnch discouraged, said: "In short, territory, when once Moses either one would be able to die- The fields are turning yellow. The acquired bv treaty, belongs to the tingaish them from baseball scores or a j stalks are stung by a fly and eggs are United stales, and is subject to the dis- copy of Geo. W. Davis' balance sheet. ; formed inside, which feed on the sap position of coneress." The decision in the Delima case will establish a prece-, dent for future proceedure and effect-i na ly settle the fact that the constitution . follows the flag. j im surontuneiy eoou conaiuon oi ine n , .l.'.i . -f j... - I..--, j ...- ( Al v:. r... 1 1 . .1 v. the examiner's report, makes the act of j the president and cashier in killinu i .i . i n . i . i. , i. i tueiueeivre an ine more rcuiaraauie, i and their rash and cowardly act can be ...i i i.. i .. .i had made false reports to the controller ' afternoon, through neglect of a locomo in a false credit entry of 10,000, which ! tive driver to sound the warning of the I act, wiieu tiiacovereu, luaurvu lermcii pi""wi ...o diivh wiiuurt of them a long term in the penitentiary ! not merely the neglect of duty, but it is and consequent ruin and disgrace for criminal neglect, for which the offender themselves and families. This was a ! should 1 severely dealt with. In thickly thought which they could not recon- j settled territory the strictest observance cile themselves to after years of ease 'of all rules should be exacted of those and luxury, and rather than submit to! in charge of speedy trains, that the pub it they preferied lo desert their families, ; lie might at all times be warned of any friends and duty and have done with approaching danger. Every instance of the trouble quickly. Some people have f been neard to i remark that they believed these men were re honest but were the vie- tinis of circumstances which they had might be enforced. no power to control. This kind of reas-j ! 5SH piling is neither true nor logical. There j The report of Bank Examiner Max is no law either human or divine, that! wet w,o caused the Vancouver hank twees men to be dishonest, nor will an honest man's conscience allow lum to I convict and execute himself. Bbbbci, the New York anarchist who assassinated King Humbert and was sent to prison for life, improvised a rope out of his blanket and hanged himself in his cell at &anto Btephano Italy, Thursday. The group of New York an archists, of which Bresci was a member, have notified one of the Italian cabinet officers that they hold the government responsible for Bread's death and that a renewal of anarchitit hostilities will soon begin. As these anarchists are a desperate lot and firmly bent on terrible vengeance, it is highly probable that one or more thrones will change hands in Uie near future. Them people hare hemine very active factor in European politics and while the present occupants i ix thrones do not like their methods, there area large number of aspirants to t)i eaid throne tio w ill be secretly ' (?'MI ,0 h"r t,,t wf hM ln ben 1 clarcd Wlveen the monarch and mnr- dsrera. It is U open question which V -opto uiost nicua simng ircueral oriuoiiilcs U10 kiinrs or anar- jihits, but silica the American govern 1 ment will nut harbor kings it would be just as well to mil the anarchists out o( ' the IhiiUHl States and let tha contend ! ing factions settle their difference in i the countries wnera mey aresupposeu I to exist. The people ol thi country have the earns Intercut in king that i they have in anarchist and when we we them fighting we are impelled to uke the aaiue puoi t ion that waa taken ' by the old lady, who with arms akimbo, ' ...w,1 rt..ti.l.i.itlw K mil U-Mti'ho.1 VV1U""""J J . . - . ..... her "old man" tight a bear, and when lorhuabBtlj pfH.a to her lor assist- ance, she quietly rvphed, "Go in leuioua, , u Ummiu Dav ia a season for wsr- . r. . .i . ..a u u..fl tl tal MU nt I Vd All). teuiplation. It impels us to look into (h FuttiM. ttt. I Km fill HlmMnf nf LllA trnlllil aspirations of the noble patriota who are now lighting or our country's honor and glory, and at the tame, time it bide na retted npon the eacrittcee which were made by the vast army of honored dead in order that our country wight live, that its integrity might be preserved, its jxlory be untarnished, that human slav ery ii.ight be banished from out its bor do"rs and that ail within iw domain aliuuld enjoy the priceless blessings of ilibeity, peace, prosperity and the pur ' suit of happineM iusured us by that iiu uioital instrument, the Declaration of i Independence. The wisdom, acta and , lives of tlio.-e men through whose pa trioiisui. l.dclitv and sacriticcs our country has grown and prospered, are worthy of all emulation. It is only out nf li.'O i.f uin-li m.in I, tllMAd tliar ,..,.,,.,.,.. iws, i,ii.l. ,, it ia m,iv emulatin their ambitions, sucriuces and I natty that the j,eritv and greatness of" our country MJtl iuettutiuu8 can be perpetuated, for govvrnm,.t , never be b-.-tter than ,he .H)(e o( wtlic, it ia coml)0eea. Too o(teu Uiev aro ot Vhc rdniB oi t,jiKr,nd aruiv of heroes are being n,.,!.!!. .WimatMl! ' )n l.v one thev are H,lswc.jn tll0 )llst ruii-eall aud cring Hie last roll-call aud tukins their places in the ranks of the lejcioiH which have preceded them to Uie land which is not tent by the rtrife of aar, ... i...,... Lk ...,.i This is awful. The Presbyterian Gen eral Assembly, which has been in ses- sion baek E&pt somewhere for aboot a month, has decided not lo change the j creeu nor map oui a new route io;u"iuy pivicrv m imi heaven, eo it seems we will be oblised etiuranoies una piuans is exssper' tmgly ungenerous for the majority of i ordinary sinners,and it waa hoped that a i road containing more roses, easier grades fcwer deceptive mudholes, would e surveyed and located by the august body lately in session. Ther have re- Another revision of the creed is not looked for for at least another year, y " Locohotivc drivers and their firemen have a great responsibility resting npon j them In many respects, and the slightest tha ,-n.t nf no o.,.hl i-hu,l rnU .nj I umj vi icu ucuiiwis inniti:..i in- 11 - ml. - law is moat liable to involve them in difficulties of a very serious nature, " '7 m.op.i uihij a "lr astrous circumstance was canned at i riim.i pn..in.. nc tv...n t.. ..i.... w l, , n.rK,t. a. A t.,.: - criminal neglect of this character should be reported to the proper authorities. that more regard for the public's safety to bo closed, has been received by the .i.i.it. tor official h i,.ad a effect that the bank will be able to pay more than 60 cents on the dollar. This statement is made on the findings in the report which chow that while the bank's liabilities are over 2o0,000, it hold securities which are negotiable for more than $130,000, in addition to which there are other seen ri ties which it is believed will ultimately prove to be more or less valuable asseta. As no move has been made towards appointing a re ceiver, it is evident that the bank is to continue nnder the direct management of the controller of the currency, which will probably be just as satisfactory to the creditors. Laht month the United Btate sold ' abroad $49,000X00 more than it dui- clmeil in foreign countries, which i a ! neitt little biilume in our favor, aver- aging l,67,O0O for every day in March. J RATE WAR IS SOON TO END OHMKU K AUICS BY KXlh .NI UOAT AltK HbSTOlttai). Higher Fare and Better Service will Sew be the Order. The Astoria rate war ha been called off. Last Monday the representatives of the various lines, who had preio.nly held several conferences, reached an agreement as to freight and passenger rates, to go into effect tomorrow, June 1. It i asaeited on all sides that the ex ceedincly cheap rates which have pre vailed between i'ortland aud Astoria and seaside points will never be known again mid that all the lines will hereafter charge a living and reasonable rate. By rail (he fare to Astoria from Portland will be $2 for a single trip, or f.'l for the round trip. Ou all steamers it will be 1.7o for a single trip aud 12.50 tor a round trip. To Htiaside.Oearhart Park. Long Beach and Mahcotta the fare will be H for the round trip, either by rail or steamer un til Peptemher 15th, when it will probably be increased. Anarrangemeuthasbeen entered into whereby the tickets to these point will be interchangeable, and tan be used either on cars or steamer. Fares between Portland and Astoria and inter mediate points will also be adjusted ac cording to the figures herewith given. The partiea to the agreement are the Astoria A Columbia River Railway Company, the Oregon Railroad Navi gation Company, the Columbia & Puget ound Navigation Company and the Vancouver Transportation Company, and these companies practically control all the route oi travel Between l ori land, Astoria ami the beaches. Until late last summer the Ilwaco Railway A Navigation Company was a party to the light, but this property, after the close of the seaside season, was bought by the O. R. & S. Nothlag Like Trying. Everyone who has tested the truth fulness of the advertisements of John Dellar's store, on the corner of First and Yamhiil streets, has admitted that ours U a money-saving proposition to every purchiiKer. Whether in men's or bovs' clothing, or in men's, ladies' or child i en's shoes, of which he carries a com plete stock. It is surprising to see men's suits, all wool cheviots, uiaiked 7.60 and 110. Hoy' stilts, from I.S6 to H.6t), as good as other stores charge $1 more for. Men's and ladte' shoes, 20 per cent less than any other Mores' prices. Special line of boys' satin calf shoes. e are out ot the small turs, but we still have sues from Sls to 6t for 05 cents. Railroad Fight la Sight. Astoria, May 29. A big tight will be on in Clatsop and Tillamook enmities between the Southern Pacific and North era Pacitic railroads for control of the timber industry. It developed today that the .Northern 1'acihc has had a sur veying crew of thirty men at work, under the direction ol U. tt. feck, chiel engi neer of the Chicago, Burlington A Otiincv svstem, surveying a route from Scappooee to New Astoria. Two lines are contemplated, one running to the month of the Nehalem, and the other to New Astoria, with the terminal at the latter poiut. It is expected that the crew will rencti tins city in tour weeks, and active construction work will begin within six weeks. A millionaire Wis consin lumberman, who was in the city recently, will build a large sawmill at New Astoria. A Large Mill at Tengae Point- Abtobia, Or., May 29. A. B. Ham mond todav mane a formal cash offer of $10,000 to the Tongue Point Company for what is known as the Tongue Point mill site, consisting of about 200 acres of land and water fronts ire. tn his proposition he agreed, if the offer was accepted, to begin the construction ou the property within sixty dava of a saw mill to coat not less than 200,000, and with a rapacity of not less than 10,000 feet of lumber per day. The members of the company decided to accept Mr. Hammond s otter lor the property, providing the citizens will giye them of $10,000. A special meeting of the Astoria Progressive Commercial Asso ciation waa held this evening, and a committee nf nine appointed to raise the subsidy. About $2000 worth of the property baa already been subscribed, and the commit committee expects to secure the remainder tomorrow. HessUa Fly In Wheat. and destroy the stalk. Many farmers are plowing np their fields and putting in -potatoes and oats. Mr. Billion took home a bunch of stalks. Near the roots of nearly every stalk is a deposit of the eggs, and in the little uuntti mere uitiei oe iw,to exK. """ '"e.i, well aiiowu mruurr. told Mr. Billion that the pest ha in fested the wheat fields of that county for the past fifteen years, but never so itpinii.p1m now ,f. ,"' ' Jv, xiliii atiacaeo. nr. tllli jw. uniy the wheat is Billion did not learn whether the depredations had extended into Yamhill county, or not, as his trip was confined to Washington county. what to do to exterminate the pest. Reuben Kew Notes. Born : May 22, to the wife of R. Van dacar, a ton. Mr. J. T. Johnson, of Portland, vis ited her sister, Mrs, mil Wosser, last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Butler visited in Portland last Thursday. R. L. Kenny returned Katurday from a few days outing on Lewis river. Mrs. W. A. Hampton and children are visiting relatives at Hoi brook this week. Lon E in mo ns, of Vernonia, is visiting here this week. Miss Louise Morel visited her mother, Mr. Hires, out on Tide creek, Saturday, George Snyder and wife and Mr. A. Wiie visited Portland the latter part of last week. Mr. James McNaughton and Mr. T. C. Watt attended Eastern 8lar chapter at St. Helen Saturday evening. 8. C. Hoadley, of Portland, Is visiting hi daughter, Mr. Wasser, this week, Otis Bnrbee, of Castle Roc, is spend ing the week with his brother. Jennie Foster Virgie Nichols circulated a subscription paper lat wct-k to raise lunds to nay a nag lor tne lie noon scnoot house, They stiiicecded in raising i).0i. and J. M. Lindsay went to Portland Tuesday to get the (lag. Real EsUte Transfers. A 4 Bnkr to J M llllh nixt W tut In w,, ml, lt ii, r &,,,... ... ..... 100 A CrutiM a.u.1 nil.' lo Uolumuht LokhIum; i.t i.U mm ii. In 1 u. r J ft . . . . 1 M i U Ihmii mill i(! to j XV utee, nl. o( up t.' mc Jl. It, ? a. r S w. h,Ma & Actva ... 10Q0 00 I (on unit wllv ni O K n tuulerl y, 'o I t vi ii Til ... . t 11. .1. 1.... a i t.lk A tola ft, S, 7 suit S, tilk 1, Ksui, unit o( nw'j, 1, ti in. r 4 w,, . ., . C It Joi. mid wits lo V K JoUM, IS cre tu tw W.ip S n, r i w t Loiiltey sml wlfv lo i U Dnllo, uu'j li ti n, r ft w M Mm lutF mut g ("hrt-lUn, lot! 1, a 10, It, I'i, blk lt,.blk ,Uml lots tuu. . Wk , Neor city 3 K KIwrtiin and wtto u 1 Vu l)un, woe sou .. Ul NO iu, tp H. r o w,. , J 8 liliiPunK.ii by U Klltlnlo A Klinr, wU' ot ami Urn 1 and 4, M, ti S li. rit vr,xeontor'adHHt , , KJt) 00 Xru-rirTtu Kat wttwin, p1,' ol uw4, m)i ol rip,. tH ti, I 4 n, r6r lriO 00 R Biutor and utile In L Vpi, ol tttot ot nw.'i, ut, at swa, v . t 4 n, ri w 3X 00 H l VanMariPoiit and wlfv lo I. H Hlce, a Mnl ol hunt In ut iiwli, ea 84, tp&n.rsw 50 00 K M ami K Wniu tu W T Watts, a ar- 1 n( land in Wati claim , 1 00 J Wnilwru lo If rurlln, ao acroi la swli 27, If 7 n, r4 w 900 tO Q K Woiulfrly to M K HI ft. lot. , and tt, blkST. MwH-k'ia.ldtu Kahilr 100 0U V H lo M l.ldpn, pauot. tiauie III Nil JohttHon, patent. ...,,,, Spain will be asked to pay 15,000,000 to the families and friends of the men who wr killed in the Maine. If (.ieo. IHwey ia intrusted with the collection of the bill lhare is no doubt but that it will be paid without protest. Katica tf final Sittfomitt. NOTtPK I HKRKbT OIVKN THAT TIIK iiii.lrHirnil adiiilnUtrnlor of lha anlale nl aptij, K. Ner, dereaniKt, hna tiled la the ortlc ot the county elork (or t olumhia couiity. Hut ol Omiriin. bin fltial report, and account ot hi. atd aihiilnlttratltiu ot aitld e.-lale, and that Monday, June tba 3rd, at the hnurof 10a.m., baa been nxed by the Court for the hearing ot eatd report and account, and ot objection thereto, and (or thewtileaient ihervof. K. K. Ut'tl'K, administrator ot the estate ol Ben, t. Nrde ceaw.1. mS-mill HOTICe TO CREDITORS. Iu the County Court ol the Sute ol Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate ot f. 0. Mlllrr, de ceased. JOI ICK IBHBilEBY GIVEN THAT TIIK UN- derslvued baa been dulv arootnteil admin Utrator of the estate ol K. o. Miller, derease., ami has unalitled assiieh. and that alt pernio havlna claims airaltist said astale are hertliv re quired to present the same to me, whit proper vouonrr. at my omce in uie etiy ol Pi. tteiviis, Ororon, within six mouths from thedate el this noiice. K. E. uflcK. Administrator ol the eiitate of F. t. slitter. deceased, listed May 10, twit. mlOI7 NOTICE EOS PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior. LiukI OUH1) at Urvgtm O'y, Oregon. M..V IN. liMl. N TOTICK fit UKRKHY tilVKX THAT TIIK 1 f'))lovTinT Usimcd ritStr hd H1m1 uotir of hti tnteiHitin to mi&ke flnul mh1 In attptrt uf hUctftiui. mid tbtUitttM proof wltt le inmle im ortth? RegKtir and Kecelvvr. at Ure-fuu Clljr, Orvjrou, oq July 11, lwl, vijt: I!omtMMl itry Mo. WSJA for wltt ns4 of n&i. qI le'i ul nt4, ctta l. tp $ OMttti, rfvH WMt. A btiuttv lite fnUowinst wtUimwH lo lrov hi ennunuous rettuenr tttv.ii ruii rulti vutioit nf ait IaimI, vli: JuHim H. Cramer. Ja cob Millar, t hnr.t llanoo aud Jeph MtUr,a.l Of MtmuUainddltf Oretftin. m24iM t:U.a B. MOOKKS, hegUtcr. HOTICe TO CREDITORS. In the CoantY Court of ih State of Orofon, In lift for t'utumbla conn'y. n th muticr of (hawsuteof llanry C. Qraxv IIKRKBY GIVEN'. BY THE UN- dcMtmefi miuiinltrittr of the eaie ut Hmiry C. jrHstff. oaceiuetl. witu wilt annex! To the eretliiore of n all peratma bavtait cltiim aKafnwt the Mid deeeasil, to prroertt thtsm with the DwirT voucher, to him. at the law omce of Meara. IMIJanl Day, in St. Helena. Orem. the Mine betiii the llaca ttted hy the tin-Ientltrnei for the inHMutton of the buineM ot aam estate, wtthtii tlx moot ha irum the date hereof. IsKAKL H. tiRAHQ. Adinliitxtraiorof the et(e jf Het.rj t'. iiratqc, deceased, with will annexed. Dtllard 4 Ihty, atloroeya for dmlnlatrator. who wui anuexe-j, iuif-ji NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Dppartinpnt ol the Interior. La ii orrtca itOtiwii city. Oa. April anth, MM. MO TICK 18 HEREBY GIVK.S THAT TIIK ' luliowliis-niuuad M-ttlor has tllU uotirs of his Ititentinn ui make final priMil in support of nis cmint, and mat urn proof will DC utaaa d Un Ihe eotinty clerk ol Cotumhla couuty.at St. Heleus, Ongoa, on June Sta, ltil, vlx: ISAAC T. WILSON, Homestead entry Ko. It, its, for the te'-i of sec tion S, ip 4 north, ratiff i west. H nsmea (he foltwltig wittiesses tti orove his oontlatiuus res iilenre tipfin and cultivation ol salt! land, viz: J. a. Faxou and tinst Anderson.ol Yankton. Or pit .u. and Julius Plotter awl Andrew Kunow ki, of V alter, Oretrou. mU CH As. R. UOOREH. Beglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior. Laao urma at Oaaaox Uirr. 0 April 'JO, mi, VTOTirB M HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IV follovrliiK'iiamed settler has tiled notice ol his Intention lo make final proof in supoort of his elaiin, and thsi said proof will lie niada be fore the Ketttxiei and Receiver, at Oretjon Cltr, Oregon, on June U, I'jOI, vis: ADDISON . HOTCHRI88, Homestead entry So. 11,472, for Ihe m of sec tion 34, ip 4 north, range 4 wast, lie names the Mtowrfuic wltueise to prove his continuous res idence upon and cultivation of asld land, vis: Sore ii Jepprson, Peter llorrman, Charlie 0. Nel son, and Allrt Thivlcwe. all of Uaeona, Ore gou. a'JSmSl CHAli. il. MOOREH. Register. BLACK PERCHERON STALLION "LAFAYETTE" Will make the season of 1001 as follows: Warren Nooit'l Plate) Monday Phillip' Station, Wath. Co. Saturday At Horn All other daui fCPIOHCE Ot Pat tr LAFAVITTE: Pemhemn mare. Sophie. IW) (-) fosled IKK2. lmtmrted vvilt. Got by Narboue, 777 (KtH), lie by Brllliitnt (IKKI), 7,rt: he by C(v;o II, 711; he by Vnex Chnlin,"13; he by Coro7i2; be by Mlgnon, 71 r; he by Jesn-le-Blsnce, T V, a direct dexwnd ant ol Kalipola, litiir.rted Arab thai stchhI at Pime, lMtt), (see olhclal report and history of Percheron race, by Chus. Uu Usys, master of horse under Neleon 111). tiain Rosalia. Sausouet: he by Brilliant, IXItt; he by Coco 11, 714; he by Vtiex Cliaslln, 713; he by Coco, 712; he by Mlxnon, 715; he by Jean-le- uianee, etc etc., uaiu oi naroone, in, moo elou by lAvIrl 1,711; ha br Vues Cha.lin, 71.1; by Coco 712, by Miiinon 71.1, by Jean le-Blauce, JW, etc., etc., dun ol llrlllluut. low; RoMitta by Una. s stallion belonging to the French govern ment. 1 fitsoia Bkbvick , $ 4.00 BythkHeahon.., 7.00 Ihsubakce 10.00 J. JOHNSON, Owner ami Manager, Mcappoohe, Ohk. Reopened tojhe Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE I5LAKESLEY, : Proprlotor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At Kkasokablk Fioubk. Visitors inet at steamer landings and guests bagitage I'xiktfd after, THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, ; f t)BEOON. Warren Hipcnliigii, MlUarmtt Lynch will $mni a few wet'kl at the tlotitn'iiian inriti. JU.'k f)iiur. of Poitlitml, vlsltetl with hta parents at this place a few tly last week, Mrs. Cora Unit and Mr. Fred Hawk ins, of t'ortlniul, have been HiHllng a few uay with relative here. Children's Day exercises will be held at the M. K. church next Bumlay after noon during the Kunday school Hour. A social dauce will be given at the school house hall this (rriany) evening Kvurybody cordially tuvited to attend IHvlna aervU will be hold at the Evangelical church next Sunday mom lug at 11 !W) a. m. and 8:1X1 p. tu., by Rev, Hallantye. Services were held at the M. E. church last Sunday evening by Kev. fc'airchild. 8icial uieetiiig will IwlieM every even ing next week. Everybody Invited. Mrs. Thomas Isbliter, who ha beau pending the past two months in Port land, returmul home last Tuesday, ac companied by her little son, Uoderkk. Mr. C. VV. Adams and wife wore In attendance at tha Htato Urange Conven tion held at Albany this wt efc. a dulu gate from Vail grangs Ho. IjlM, ot this place. Mr. E. Hall returned home again from Kansas last Tuesday morning. U y tht're is no plare like Ort'gon. From what we cau learn it la his intention to locate once more in our vicinity. A grand entertainment was given at the school house hall lat Fridtiv even ing by a traveling company. Tb play was entitled "'Four 1'rtiK-wi," and was very comical. A large crowd attended. ltnware of a Cough. A cough Is not a disease but a symp tom. v Consumption and broiu'liiti. which are Ihe Duat dangerous and fatal diseases, havd for their first Indication a persistent cough, aud If properly treated as soon as this cough appear are easily cured. Chamberlain's Cough Ueiiifdy has proven wouderfully sue eel's tut, and ginned its wide reputation aud extensive sale by it auueess in cur ing the diseases which cause roughing. If it is not I win' tic ia I it will not cost you a cent. For sale at Ihe 8t. Helens Phar macy. OABTORIA Besntht yelM Kiatl Vtw Hav Wwaya ftgsgst llalliii. f o rhm Hhwi Bigaatar r Estray Sollre. Straved from niv preiuinc on Milton creek, two hnrevs, one two-year-old stal lion, three white feet, white star In face, dark bay rnlnr; sorel, blase face, light mane ami light tan, buna in rigtiteya. PU.u .u.,.,1 ..ttPntHiiiin Ia Chas. Wallib, llcniUon, Oregon. Biliousness ia a condition character lied by a disturbance of the digestive organs. The stomach i debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a loathing of food, pains in the bowels, diziineee, coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or partly digested food and then ot bile. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets allay the disturbances of the stom ach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone np the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowel. Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale at the Ht, iluleu Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Zaliuita and Children. Uta Kind Yea Kan Always BssgM Bear tha Signature Sanday School issecUtioa. The Sunday School Association of Columbia County meets at Bcappoose June 19th and 20th. "The constituency of the association hall consist of the pastor of the vari ous churches, the superintendents, and two delegates from each school in the connty." Article 4 of constitution. Delegates and others intending to be present should notify Mr. 1). Price, of Scappooee, chairman of committee on entertainment. C. E. PiiiLimooK. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still ha the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers' and grand mothers' never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or biliousness. iJoctors were sesree, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostra tion or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervou ami organic action of the system, and that I all they took when feeling dull and bad with head ache and other aches. You only need a few dose ot Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make yon satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Oet Ureen's Prize Almanac. "It is with a good deal of pleasure and satisfaction that I recommend Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." says Druggist A. W. Sawtclie. of Hartford, Conn. "A lady customer, seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my show case, said to me : 'I really be lieve that medicine saved my life the past summer while at the shore,' and she became so enthusiastic over its merits that I at once made up my mind to recommend it in the future. Re cently a gentleman came into my store so overcome with eolic pains that be sank at once to the floor. I gave him a dose of this remedy which helped him. I repented the dose and in fifteen min utes he left mv store smilingly inform ing me Hint he felt as well as ever. Sold at the St. Helens Pharmacy. The April decrease in the public debt was 4,3II7,653. Once more the interest- bearing lie lit Is la-low standing at im5,3M),380. Paying off the national deut la a confirmed republican habit, Try the new remedy for costivenoss, Chamberlain' Htomach and Liver Tab lets. .Every box guaranteed. Price 25 cents. For sale at the St. Helen Phar macy. OABTOni, Beuitk j ins Kim Yt Tlx King Vo Haw timm DotgM tigsatan of The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeW'itt' Littla Early Jtisurs, the fuinou pills for uonatipatioit and liver complaint. ot sale hy N. A, Pcny, Houlton. CSjBUBPCnXlXA.. Bsarstb The Kind Hm Han Uwm Bouidit Kl" I 1 . - ... . , n .', . iijf?-ffll!fWiTtTTll AVi'CctaUc Preparation for As similating BscFoodumlRediilii- unr the stomachs anduowviia or o rromotfs DigrstlonChcer fur neas and ItosiContalns m-l'ticr 0iUim.Mor2une nor rlkiriaL Nor NAHO OTIC. AsWUsW- !i&t,pjm..- Apcrffct Remedy forConsDp flun, Sour Stomach. Diarriaiea Worms .Convulsions .Fcwnsh nrss twd Loss OF SLEEP. facSuraW Signalur of VEW YDHK. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -HANifAiwaaaa nr- - Lumber , Bridge Timbars and , Ties a Specialty. We mannfaoliir nnl-olasa roush luwbsr for all ut-m lor lh trail, which salt at a luwl tvaaunalila Hur. Dimension Lnml)cr. Price at the Mill. $5 Per M. YANKTON, OltlCUON. KtrTARI.lMllKl) ...im JOHN A. BECK DlvAl.Klt IS Watcbes, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY,,.. Repairing a Specialty. 30TNrrlsimN. Bel. fronl A first, POKTI.a VD Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Laarss f ortlaml on Tumlar. Thnradar and Sat unlnr al J a. m. tut St. Hlem, Kalama, Carroll' i Point. Rainier and Kelio, Arrlvln al Purllaml Miitiday, Woil ntwlnjr ami Kndaf al t p. at. Whs Iih of Salmon Ht II. ilot.ll AM, Afnt. Geo. L. Perrine, ....Contractor.... BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER House-liaising, Etc. Estimates furnished on application. All work guaranteed. CI.ATXKAMK, ! ; : OHFtIO?!, w. 0. Movaa. T. WAI.LAt K. . THE . . j St. Helens Hotel VVallais a Moves, Paors., Is Again Open to the Public. ' Meal Served on Short Notice. Bed 2d Cents, Meal 25 Cents. FEED BARN IN CONNECTION. HORSES TO HAY 10 CENTS. St. Hsi.cn, : . OaaooM. i How About tk Hfc V t rii YOU fll'RH .ii tXACTeofrorwwAPfc-t. J j U UUUL li 1- lilies. II jom cniitatnplst Intfin ianil or loaning money oa rral- o.isie sraiintr. ta tin man s wnnl, but Insist umiii tunwiiif was. th riM-unl shims rosarilins ths tills. An Abstract Is as ssntisl ss ailfwl. lu.laton liavltiir It. Ws hav ths only Hit nf nlialist bunks In tho county. All work immitly txocutml anil satisfaction guaranteed. II tint hars proinnnr ti Insureglvsus call Ws srriiis lor ths lwl Hre Insurant- ooniinls la Ihs wiirM. If lta havs pruiMrly for sals list It with us and w will Dud s buyer. !IU MlWAVSUs VjMi WW fij Main Street 1 THE NEW YORK STORE - '"... fe IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN ir. ' -Clothing- . i 1 ' . . Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, lite. p Cooper Building Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. For Infsmts ftTir! CMltfren. Tha Yen lm Always CoL'sht Boars tho Signaturo In Uso For Over Thirty Years MEAT I MEAT I MEAT I AT TIIK- ' ' ,. City Market Br. IlKtaaa, OaaooM LINDSAY & MORTOK, MCP'S. .-ukaikb ia- Fresh and Salt Meat j City trade, lugging campa, steam boat antl railroad camps supplied. oaiiKKS ru.uti) oa snost moth s. ul . ..11 w. ..1 .mi i. .j M.. m rSVr' orniii Liuiiicif CAFE ST. HELENS, ... OREGON fi NEW PLACE. If voa wsni soinpihlm smvi In th llitaul hl.iy iry SHAV'QMALT Only lh bsl ol- Liprnai Cigar. Kept la Stost OflN "ROM A, M. TO k IS OOLOOK MIONIOKT. tttfi rouTt.A"io. ttaitT. -TtAMEB- ' "America" Willa'iett Slongh Route UavoKt. Helen,... fl :!J0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10.30 A M Leave Portland ..... 2:30 I'M Arrive at Ht. Helen. 6:00 P M runm vr.n tn. Wilt Carry Nolhins but I'asKii- H M H H M H H H i i H M grrs and Fast t rstgbl. JAItKH ueop, Master. ft WW Your Title? II Is all rlshtf amamh.r tlist II Is th MY KKCOHli thai governs. II is our buslnsns to wsrrh I lis rariirtls ailrl ihiivi wliul th. nuiMlH In mUHim! Ul IsllS ir mtHS. OR COOK