The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 17, 1901, Image 4

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    Loss of JIppciitQ
I Lmi tf Vitality, Vigor, Ton.
That standi to reason.
It is common In the Spring-, whom
litis iiuuI, which neWt cleansing, fails
Ntw TertrtUitlfAl Treltey Um
Plant a re about completed to elate
np lite leapt between Acw lot, tad
( Philadelphia and complete a trolley
line ltwn the two big cities. The
I trncka of a couple of ttcam road are
to be used Ut a portion of the wt
, and a hich rate of toeed it eioectal
-o ifive the organ the stimulut nee j The promoter aay that the full fare
ettary for the proper performance r,,"h " be f I, Th round trip
of their function.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
cleanse (fee blood, rettorre appetite,
gives vitality, vigor, tone thit U
one of the reasotti why U't called Ux
Createst Spring Medicine.
Take h.
' "I bar taken Hoods Banaparflla and
It baa eraated a good appetite and cleansed
aay Mood." AMira Baosa, FlattMaouth, j
"My little Brother bad so sppetlt. Ba
bat taken Bonds Sanaparilla and now
get hnntry Uka any other boy." Mac
Kueou. A 1dm, Kan.
Mood'n SaraapartHa promt) t
cum and kaop trv promtoew .
Kit Vekek. Grkf. '
Tilets Tryder looked very end
when he beard that telephoning acrmw
the ocean it possible.
Crust ham I tuppoae be did, poor
fellow. It will be an unhappy day
for him when he cannot get bey end
the reach of hie wife a voice.
Tkm M fiwilsiliw fa Malaria
HillU aad rnw at a bottle ol Oram Taetelea
tain loair. ittatsMy ""a aaaaaialMla
a IMWw fan. o Can. K Pay. rrtee ate.
tteen the two place by steam i ti.
0 o Tax Ctaaaiat, CM.
t "The girl that are growing up bow
w ill hare one important advantage
over the young married women of
"What's that?"
tlieir lim-bamls will not be con
tinually telling them of the fine cook-
wg their mother uaed to do."
"How do you know?"
''Because the cook won't allow the
mother of the coming race to stick
their note into the kitchen."
A duQ, throbbing- pafa, aeeoasnl4
ty a sen ex maerara ana beat low
oww l tHw aih. wh an orew.4ont
shooting pain, indicate tnflsmrAatton.
(n elimination it will b found that
th region of pain shows aotn tweil
tnr. This ia tin first stag of o.antm,
iodnrsuatM of the ovary. lttitaot
of roar hems leak, my sister, rem feat
Axed at once ; why not pay the aam
.Mbpeet to year own body V
V oa waad aot. you ought not to let
yourself gut, when ana of yomr owi act
f-Sfiort Storioj
Fr si yaara I waa vkrtiea
ywa i it worm luim . rim.e eat niMe
j e mn mil. lad a uwacair iwiwh wvtiii
t mm itM L btmtn
ba ttkhiof t ak rs r4 )nr I
J W9Mr tir4. iwUl Imh U I
- an tH ia mr
Liavia a Mearar, Ntw. O.
"I am ia luck," aaid the tragedian.
"I hare just received an annual pat
over the Central railway."
"How in the world did that hap
pen?" aked the comedian.
"Recognition of valuable aerrice.
After our return from our last trip I
! reported to the general manager 37
ikts, mnj uiie oi miicu mignti
iia cauara a wreca.
A Uw Prkcd Warkcr.
A Jersey farmer vuriting Sew York,
A MavcaM
"John, you bring home a different
umbrella every day,"
"Weil, I can't held it; aa oon u I
pick up one that I should like to bang
on to, aome other man in the office
claim it.
Break ia CMaa.
E very t ine you open your mouth, "
ttood looking at a ign in a book rtore ?",u e,,T " enT'7- P";
window: "Dkken Work AH ThiJ 'ou put ym.r foot tn tt.
. I " A tuf li tdt la iaaiat It ti Vba I aa '
Week lor Two lolIar."
"Wall,' he remarked, "my 'pinion
it that Dicken feller it either a
mighty poor workman or eUe he'
confounded hard np for a Job."
All lataaMaal Traabla feavaala.
Tea emu worth of prmntia wre flwtan
fn 4nrior bitlii aa4 ttinnl ei pent, tee. bar
a of 4.'uraira laudy CaihanaJe. Drue
f uu, Hte, , - i
" Bwlrvard to Croat OKia. j
The owner of automobile in Ohio
constitute a new force in the good
road movement. There is a plan
now nnhr way for the building of a
boulevard from one end of the tte
to the other, touching the cities and
largest towns.
And thia is something, you know.
pleanantly replied the wife of the
mandarin, looking at the relative '
ample underctamiing, "you couldn't
poaftibly do it."
replied Arthur, with
dignity. "But thit man tar tit's got
t tee him." Don't cart nothlu' about
that." tiWl Arthur, preparing to reenm
hi dace; -nobody can tee Secretary
- Cortelyou; he gone Into hi sanctum
I sanitarium."
; Thomas Ltacohv the father of A bra-
bam Lincoln, was a great ttory -teller, j
tuad on jam that he never tired of r
'hearting was a bloodcurdling Indian
j tale. One day. when be wst about
! eevea or eight year old. and Urine In
KIWSIUDOl i . . -
u.rr ia at Lynn, Maaa, Write a letter tv7a'u"''' w wiong on react.
tier telii ar all toot aymntotna and watchfng hi rather and okler brother
f t') benefit of the greateat eaparK , t Work hi the fleid. Without a Sno
eoee ia traatin? femala ilia. . ment' warning, tmaU band of In-
w auOTnnir w aoca aa exieo
One day, at Burllngtoa Hoat. Ten-,
hjwh tm ou kv wfw Oju uw jwrnim j
a conundrum which he bad Jutt made: j
"Who are the greatest women la the
world T" The anwer was; "Mlt
Ourt, the Mlsae Ippl and Sara Coata." ,
W. S. GUbert. of Gilbert and Sullivan j
opera fame, was one dy standing on i
the ttejn of hla club doom In London, '
when a atranger approached and asked: '
"Doe a ma a belong to your club wtta !
en eye named Walkerr "I don't
know was the answer: "what's the
name of hi other eyT
Arthur Stat moo, the venerable negro
attendant at the White House, wa doc-
ua ut his caair uiv oioer aay, woen aa " i - -
naber rushed upstair and ad: "Man ? Ti? I M H It P A ff MTI ' Y
down here wanu to tee Mr. Cortelyon." i "tI Utu 1 1 Intl t U.I I ti
. - ,. . . .. . ... 1 XVV,
i.M see mm. renuea annnr. wun ' r -
W W a
OSJ. ISltUISI. rnM. TM 0. Tl
, wouuwk or Hrir. an. M. Ka
iStiouM II M.
Mas. ana asrsw. -
brdda out the helping band to yoa. and
will ad via yon without money aad
without prion. Mm. Pinkhana labor
w Tk ti; Ti I r
! II a w a a
CtftgMMM GeailatMa
"Voit trust m thoroughly, don't
you. Etliel?"
"Of couro, Edgsr; Imtfcll me, are
the imttallmetit on thlt tlmniona
ring ail paid off?"
A financial Qukkwad.
"Would you like an increase of
alary, Mr. HmithT"
"So; it no use."
"If 1 had more money
have to py more dbta,"
I would
Orknlal BsMweed, at M Wtta.
'Vou ouslit to tee my cottngc in
lli wixkIn, " said the liopuUr emo
tional actress.
"Make it out of Northern pine?"
asked tome one.
"Sot at all." the replied, lit I.rr
light comedy manner, "1 made it out
Of Kat I.ynne."
Not Hard to Suit
Executive I wtwild appoint your
man, but he it too ignorant for the
i police force, '
j Heeler -Hen put him on de school
board. '
fmta ovartaa trouble that aay ehrsi-
ran thought aa ope ration would be
t.e tmia i'E umm n
OsrlMd Tea Is tbe awiat wl (h beat
lik4 aad is Ibe onriasl berk tea for
ths run of smetipaiioa sod nek bradaeaa,
11 wrentbeaa tix digeMlrs orgmas.
. Crest Tsbiat. '
"But, my dear Tobias, remember
that you may die at any time. "
"Me, didyoutay? Die? That'
the iaat thing I'll do.
Our 1901 catalog contains full list
of everything needed for photographic
purposea. The fullest line of amateur
good! in the west. Kirk, Geary
Co.; 330 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Writ (Mt Oht rills Carod
Tate tlabbro AHowat artae Nla
ystoaa Sooaaaa Hoaolaasly
Wrohoii t-u
jdian came rushing by ea borteback.
One of them, with a weep of bit long
'arm m9A tm Lm A a.J M..i.4 .
Little Tommy Lincoln looked op Into
the red warrior's face, and at id: "Pont
kill me. Take m a prisoner." The
Indian smiled. Just then a rifle
cracked. Indlaa and boy tejnb'ed oft
the horse, the Indian dead, with a but-
let is bl brain. Tommy Lincoln'
i hrnrhtfr had Mm. tv th m.i.
Aa Error la Qauifkatiea. ! . , . ,
. . f vruvc, wiksu ara iirno was (9 lev-
i rrcy c.itt is a sponge a per- tor In a small Wetter town, be wa
. " rreeted at the railway aratlon b tha
Oh, no! V. ben a .ponge absorb. : mln,,,er who w to t hi, hot during
Oa their wsy to tb
minister asked If It
-I.vdia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Com-
romid harfng beea rsnxaaoeoded to
. I decided to try it. After nalng
several bnttles I found that I waa
eirad. My entire aystea waa toaed
up. and I suffered an more with my
ovaries. "Ma. Aaaa AsTOS.Tny. klo.
c rrfrnri ri. , cbt.
011liLI f The lint siihiusrliiriwbl Uu! .-..
C fft AT -':1b KiigiishOiauiwIahttm fty jreursanM.
vWM J It MlM)aluut iruiaaiii HHittlist ll4N.
wstf r ivamliwii 1 ir eiowai a inner, I lie oril r-
iioanea ivii cure, liri niin
duril to tit puhliu. II you amasullvrrr
fnm this ailment, or Innti tmliiretiiii. rls
luleury. eiiMiitlni, tiervmiiies r iii.
Mumiia vim Il irr it ai 1.111, If vnii
would b . It will sirenffilirn vimr .
Iirt stein ami .rulii. ,uixl lrp.
3 ltau..
ex sat wiiwii " TtW
K!iS aetriAa
CATAtof-t m fry ilJ
Or WWtHTl ANO MAT), "ti iffr
Grttk Mstts Orwk. ,
"What do you think m husband
doe when my mother come to tee
"I never guest."
"He write for hi mother to come
... . 0 ----- , wiuiiivr, wuq
anything, by iiieciing it you can get nU nrtef stay
it again.
, TsctfuL
51 is Witliert (thowing photograph
of herself) I'm afraid it' rather
Bink (inexperienced, aged 19)
let, out it 1 just like you.
tIM KtWlBD tisa
nanadenof tbia paper wilt bs pleased to
n. tun. v iuai ODO OrcOOO.1 fllMAaS
list K.m bs been able 10 care ia ail its
, eira in weatarrti. tisU'eCoiarrb Cure
uibeoBirpoiiiiiroearekaowatoUM medwai
liBieraiif. CsiArrhbeuisaeoDstitailooaldia-
TTTV'. """s ooomiiuiIooaI treatment.
Hali'sf starrb CuroleukM u.n..
directly upon tbe blood and aiucons irarfsvee
, 7ew,inereoy antrnym the foaixls
. ".Vi!. .T tDd S110 lb patient
"i pihii up too coamtotToa sna
SMi.tiui nature la doins; its work. The pro-
r.Hw.. .... w KTja tana in its earativt
Kwera, that tbey offer On Hundred Doltart
' snr caw that It latls toeara. bead tot iut
in iCTunwniais, Addrtes
V J i:nirii rr a nn tj. a
r rilla an the t
Psttmal Objcdlew.
He I really believe there ia some.
thing between Mary and that young
iuio strown.
Slie Ye, dear, there u yoa.
Thit affastars I aa rrary boa of tbe issialas
Lauuve DrofflOuimnc Ta
bb sssaady that am aaatdaa east
, Aa Error of Judgement.
A colored citizen gave a juttice of
the peace a big fat possum at a wed
ding foe. Meeting the groom a year
after, the justice said :
"Well, Jim, bow do you like mar
ried life?" . V
"Well, ah," was the reply, "all I
km ay i I wish I'd ea that poc
um." 1
J"im Ite Stuu. ewlji. OVUa.
Mr. Eli Pott i a well known citi
zen of Wsverly, Ohio, liaving been in
business there for 14 year. He ia a
veteran of the Mexican war in which
he served with company H, of the
Fourteenth Tennessee regiment. Atj
the age of 76he bears the respect off
all . Kfl Ua. k;m m ,.A ,1,. fnlt,.:n!
experience, related by him, ia raised
beyond all doubt by the high charact
er of the narrator. He lay:
"About seven year ago a disease
fastened upon me which, as it devel
oped, proved to be locomotor ataxia.
I became very nervous, could not walk
without having dizzy spell and did
not sleep well. As the disease ad
vanced I lost control of my muscles
and could only walk a short distance.
I could not control the direction oi
my step and wa always afraid ol
"Tins continued until the fall ol
1897 when there wa a breaking down
of my entire system. My stomach
was in bad condition and I tuffered
greatly with kidney trouble caused by
being tn row n out ol a buggy.
'About two year ago 1 saw Dr.
Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People
aorertisea in a Cincinnati paper.
The case cured wa aimilar to mine
and I gave the pill a trial. Very
soon after I began taking them I ex
perienced relief ami, a the improve
ment continued, I took tbe pilla regu
larly. Gradually the control of the
muscle waa restored and my general
health improved. The dizzy feeling
leic me ana ha never returned.
From my own experience I know that
JJr. H illmms Fink Pills are a s-reat
remedy and t am pleased to recom
mend them to any one who suffer a
Signed. ELI POTTS.
Subscribed and tworn to before me
thit 4th day of November, 1900.
W. . A. Have.
8eal. Notary Public.
Dr. Williamt' Pink Pills for Pale
People may be obtained at all drug
gistt or direct from Dr. William
Medicine Co., Schenectady, 5. Y on
j receipt of price, 60 cent per box; tix
Doxe or fz.wi.
Utile Liver Pills.
Must Baar tlgnatur of
1 rlUi-'h
rat Buzisus.
rui iiucusBctx.
Tht Next Step.
"Here' a scientist who claim that
gen mt 1 merely a nervou disease.
"Good! Now, can't he discover
ome wy to make it contagious?"
Wbea vow tab Orovo's Taitalee Chill Trail
beeaas tbe fonaula Is plainly printed on every
bottle (bowtn that It Is lau.Iy Iron and Qui.
ala la a taaietoat lona. Mo Care, Xe Cay. inc.
Aa Old iMtnimcnt
Violinist (proudly) "Die instru
ment that I shall use at your houst
tomorrow it over 200 years old.
I'y rvn Il)lt tinraff mlnilf T I '
good enough. No one will knowthf!6"-
At Sht Uiidtrttood It
Boston Girl Have you read Emer
StLoui Girl No,
those red spots on my
common pimple.
I guest
face are
; parsonage, tbe
would be agreeable to Mark It
opened the lecture with a prayer, aa
i was tht ctwtom. Of court tb hnmor-
lt was delighted, and accordingly.
j when tbey reached the ball that even
; log, the minister left the lecturer sitting
la the corner of the platform, took tbe
center of the itigt himself, and pro-
ceeded to offer a prayer about half an
I boor long. In the course of which he
' gave hi view on all the current affair
of interest and concluded by taring
; "And now, O Lord, we bar with nt to-
mgui a man wno it known tbroi'ghoat
all tbe world at the great American
bnmortst Help ot, O Lord help at to
understand what be It about to tty to
nt, and to be amused by it; and If pos
sible, grant that we may derive tome
real benefit from his lecture.
Talking of tbe inauguration of James
Buchanan, L. A. McOreary, of Wash
ington. D. C. ald: -The KIrkwood
Eloase was crowded from basement to
tbe roof, and the ruth wat so great that
store-room were used to nuke room
for the throng. One of theae bad 110
window only a door, and when man
from Maine trudged In at midnight of
March 3d, he wat very glad Indeed to
take the only thing left the wlmlow.
iea store-room. Oo tbe morning of
Jiarcn &tn, tbe man from Main an
Pet red at the desk and wanted to know
when tbe ceremonies were to take
place. 'Ceremonies?' ked the clerk;
wiiai ao yoa mesnr 'Why,' said the
man. 'tbe Inauguration.' The clerk
thought he was mentally unbalanced.
ana eyea nun tusplclourly, until he
eiaiuMHi.- 'l wat awake half a dozen
time, but didn't want to drest In the
dark, thinking It wst ttlil night, nd 0
1 went to sleep again. I eot tirettv
hungry at last, ami that made me get
np. When does the next train leave
for Bangor? I wnt to tret bark to
ood country, where they have tun
The Last Ditch.
"It may eem like bragging, " said
the Englishman, throwing down his
newspaper in disgust, "but if this
Boer war wa being fought out on the
ea there d be a different ttorv to
8. 8. 8. ha bees
before tb public
for ma y years;
from a small beria.
nin it has steadily
fTl"7ld now "own in every city, town aad hamlet hTthe countryr It
. j-TT . " known it Jongett and have witnessed its
" r" iwei in xneir own lamuie or among their friends and
acquaintances. Grateful patirnU in all part of the country tell of their restoration
to health and happiness, and the testimony of these ia the highest evidence of the
S'TJ"! ' ' 8' ?: PPUVU' tod-r ever in it history-no
!, hlKh- hM vcr Kivra ":h perfect satisfaction or is so
rtlblein the cure of Csncer R heumatiim, OtUrrhrCcmUgiou. Blood PoSon.
Porusis, tSalt Rheum. Acne, or any diseaJe that originatota
Sutote, VT1' .Vegrti,ble PTf-rstion. you'will find it agrees with yoq
much better than a drag store concoction or any of the widely advertised ootash
1 mercury remedies, which affect the bone,, muscle, .J'uh, cTg
Don't Experiment- ?"jy
Take & 7 Sm tnoiomtriitiaitwbmn'tt!i
tm ,rtw . "PPet't increase; you grow stronger, and gradually
but surely it drives out the poison and restore the blood to a health conrlitw.
2V! SZ? 'fte body, it begin, to healed thTedJeTthS
mrea arc irespousjble for their condition. For old people and
no equal : being free from all minerals, it does ntrt nauseate
1 effect whstever, and keeps the blood in good condition, thus
ease. Experience teaches what is good and what is not ioo?
rly to medicine, and 8. 8. 8., a remedy that has retained the'
tlt?X!!i-7?'ut hve oerit-rr cvaa-, It tha
tnar1iiia a 1 a
and illy nourished nerves ISui '.uS' "J?3 ""TO.'. ,or .D'ooa V"T
fortifvinr .trainrt V.'"' "i." P'000 u Kooa.onditlon. thus
uu applies panicuiarl
connoenceoi tneDeooli
secret of it success. When von rail fa R B 'e
don't be persuaded to accept something else
there la no substitute for S. 8. S. It is the only
wuarantetd purely vegetable blood purifier, and
tha safest and best for all blood and akin
trouble. Do not let them force an inferior
mi neral remedy on yoa because there ia a larger
profit in it If you have anv blood or akin Tia-
eose, don't hesitate to write us sbout it; our physicians will careful! m-.M..
ywrcsseaad advise you without charge.' Boof on h!ood
" Frank.
ITere we were ct upon and beaten
with club.
"Murdcrr cried Ardley, Impullvely.
A subtle comethlng told me be wat
wrong. .
Ton are college etudentt, are von
not?" ald I, addresslnz our asssllanf.
"We are," said tbey, civilly.
"It 11 thought," said I, turning
to my companion. "Thl I not murder
at all, but prank, merely!"
Ardley was covered with confusion,
and vowed be ahould never forgive
himself. although tb tudent. with
I rare gooa breeding, affected to make
j ngftt of It. Detroit Journal.
to cmiArotD momnii
tabs laxative Rmaaa Onlalaia T.M... an
Irorfiiita rtfuud ihe .(. II it tail ui rare.
B, W. Ureve't sis nature u mmc! bus. a.
His Specialty.
The Man (to applicant for alms)
Poor woman have you no husband to
earn a living for you.
The Woman I have a husband, sir,
but lie is too busy to work.
"indeed I what it he doing?"
"Triudiiig in Providence."
Tht Wsy rt Cots.
"In those two warm day thit week
winter teemed to have slipped a cog."
"Likely enough. Winter Is gener
ally wound up with a spring."
How Can tht Otajtr Dt Avoldtd?
The tt'iorted cse ,f polso,,!.
from the UMiof alum baking pua,!1
have awskeneil the public 0 t, m
oiiai uU.K. r l.i.,ii iiiLimrcs tb , tai.t
of tha people of th country i
lumierim alum Hwd.rt which
urnitl timit ctmsuuinrt.
tictierslly, alum powder may u
known fnmi tha price at which the
am sold, or from tlio fuct tmt
are at ctui.pntiM by a gilt, or r dj,.
(iimhI ol limlor tome at heme, f.'
alum iHiwdrr c-ts but a few cent ,
pound to make, nd is often suM at to
orS5cfnta iMMiudj and tometir,,
as low as iu t-enis. .
It Is iinxwible to name all ,t
alum ptiwder in the market, hut tl!
twkinii powder sold at low price, ,
advertised Mroating much ! t,ln
tit well known, I1I14I1 t l iotn,
or acc(mmniefl by a present, or
ptwed of under any at ticine, is of tnj,
class. detrtMiioittal to health and t
be avoiilnl.
Tliene fiictt sliotild incline eontitm.
ert to turn deaf ear to all Importn.
nititwto buy the iuferior noti
The wie tHHuw keeper will decline Q
all case to take them.
A Typorphksl Error.
A young IhiIv wrote some verset fnr
a ks-al wier aUnit her birthday, and
beaded tbt ui "May .Ulth." It almrmt
made her hair turn gray when it
'sred in print, "My 80th."
A Rtsl OrtitMtk Trtat,
AI Chinwliiskei Did yott
Pary Ilernliatdt plsy she was a man
when you w t-r Stx York, Josh?
Joshua Owlmw Ifumph! Bet.
ter'ti that! I art) a whole minstrel
trtmjie made up of wnmu.
Machinery, Implements,
Farm Supplies, Etc.
I Mitchell Bicycles DWKCE mm co.
j na I Fertnrt. Haul Creet. Vkl,l,n
F1TS ":""? t?- er
I 1 1 adw nw H Kha.'
knew. l.ifi.fUIKiiaaiM.ik..
aw. la.a.U tut,Ul..wi nu.riUililrlua.ra.l
Wtattd- Millioa.
"If 1 had only 11.000.000!
claimed an angry father.
nat would you do?" asked the
warward ton.
"I'd disinherit you the first thinir'"
rep!iI the old man at he took a large
hunk from a plug of tobacco.
Cood HVelth enme tn Ihoae wbo lake tht
real betb blood fnrlSer, tiarteM Tea:
It eteaAH the a; ik-m and ram dieeai.
ire disorder. All drucntnu Mil It.
Bicycles of tht World.
At the present time there are at
least 10,OIX),000 bicvclct in tha wnrld
and the number it increasing tt the
rate of 1,750,000 a year.
Develop nd print your own pict
ures. Complete outfit for printing'
tnd developing 3 4x3tf to 4i5 piel
ures, $1.50 and $150, Kirk. Oearv A
Co., 3) Sutter Kt., Sun franc ie'so,
$25 - $30 $35 - $40
Pnalonaieel hIiul' rm Lin! Sundnea
Anu Waoterl. Vend tor t'staleuue,
Mitchell, lewis Stayer Co
First snd Tar lor Olt.
Ittani'h llmiM, r.fiu., virion.
T bt Proaprrout, Vu tfkt
Thstrratm moner nia t, l.v inre
and vaiakieite ev t 1
arm, ut ante
Advance Throw Co, Pj.-;biI,CV
Or arlto
M. E. ad E. T. Hy, TUW. XtA.
ZuXvgZ Anchor Clamps and Uprights.
1st 0l Fasts.
mum mm
Tn A actio Ptwra,
, vrm oatimation olttrenilb and Beauty.
Tat Tt Tsit Burns."
A lutrtUt Bar.
The New Yorker I timnose chess
it a popular game in the (juaker city? I
The Philadelphia!! So; it ' played i
rery sviutim.
hy, I tupnosed it bcine such a
slow game you people would like it. "
"No; you see we'd lmve to atay
twake to play it."
Mothers will And Um Wi.!.. a .u
ha Hy nip the best remedy to usa lor their
abildren during iht teetUhig period.
t'LAST B areas 1'iiMO.
See Our Anchor Clamp
Vrm ttmild b iirtrled ll fon knew
bow Utile It would cM-l ou 10 Ki us
Histoid fenm. Halter send tor
Anebor Clawpe ami trihia, and a
lr of our Mnrbera, snd aiate )our o d
sire (elite loub lite a new tine,
ANCHOR FKNCB tnnlia so aloe and
Is an atronc thai farmers euntetlMee
tblnk that II atuat bs bigb priced. It
Un't, tliutisb.
Cattle, Sheep and
nog llgnt. It N'tvta sun titer elutlna
The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
74a Nkolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon.
Writ lor Frtees sad rtia'otu.
Afenls Wsttted In
lirery Town.
Who it that girl with a faca full
of freckle over vonder?"
tlie a rewnt importation
witucrlitnd. "
Ah, I we! Dotted Swi!"
Chas. L. Mastick & Co.
7 Front Street, Cor. Oak
, Portland. Oreiraei.
IrOra . Conalirn morit anlUill t.r..i.... ' . . .
fw i 7 '"K"0"' "rtw prii-e. rKOJiPT RKTURN8.
, Dealer In Leather and Finding.
Refer to W". FwfO Co, Bank. Portland, Oregon.
Tb Sttsont Ctwrtcilc.
Ice Man (iood by, old man ; . I'm
glad you had such a severe winter.
Coal Man go long; I wish you a
sizzling tummer.
Practical Art
Critic Jfot a bad stretch of land
scape, but haven't you laid out more
than enough of it in water?
Artist Not bit of it. The nic-
ture is for a client who ha made hit
money in ttock watering operationt.
Wlrelttt Tdctraphy ea Atlantic I
Professor R. A. Fessend. n. with 1
hit assistant, ha installed a wireless
telcrranhv statinn nrtt tu. I
i J ' " . vwiiw
ir..i...... m i. i . i '
im mninoKC isiana, it, V,
Ncjstfvt Fm.
'Well I tee they are eoimr to ha
m real naval arcn. '
"What's the idea of that?"
"Oh. I tuppose it' to commernm
the way Dewey ha been forgotten. "
A Stumper for tht M. D.
Maid (to alment minded invalid)
The doctor it here, tir.
Absent minded invalid Well, just
you tell him that I am not able to
tee ny one today,
DlgtatiMllly of Potdi. j
Uice, raweggtand boiied venison
require only one hour to diri. At
the other end are nork r,ut ir
abbage and hard eces. whirl. mn.iJ.
four to five hour.
. Placlaa tba Blaat. .
. "My dear, ' said tb meek Mr. Newll
wed, "I don't like to complain, but thl
omelet you made"
"What' tbe matter with itr b In
quired. "Weller-lt' rather bard to cut It,
snd "
"uracious! i wat arraia that man
would tend me tough egg. I'll top
aeaiing wit a mm." I'filladelphla Pre.
Ueallara. -
"What I that sound like a rainstorm
that I bear from the floor above?"
"Why, that's our patent rain appara
tus It's for the convenience and sat
isfaction of umbrella buyers wbo want
to test tbelr purchase." Cleveland
An amendments
"The man who (hoot u out of sea
son Is to be fined."
"Fined? Goodness, mat If they real
ly want to stop It, why don't they Im
prison him for life or electrocute him?"
-Puck. 1
Oa tha Enemy's firs, of Course.
"I tblnk the enemy bos got our
range, captain," said tb officer of th
"IIow In tbe world ar w to cook our
dinner?" replied the captain, absent
mlndedly, What to Eat.
The groom may lead the bride to tbe
altar but bis leadership Is apt to end
Every man Is sometimes what h
should b at all times.
fpttit 7 iii-..-jl
AYrgelable Prepatalionfor As
siroilaling ttieFoodandRegula
ling He Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslionlveerful-
ness and iiest contains neillier
(hiuim.Morplune nor Mineral.
Not IMahc otic.
jOny arotJar.Wtt'MZPrTWXJT
jmim Jftmd
TwbSjaa M
SlaalK mm m rmm
A pcrfecl Remedy forConslipa
non.SourSlomach.Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Fevensh-
ne and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signalur of
Tot Infanta and Children.
Tli3 Kinil You Havo
Always Bough!
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Tht Chop aad th Chtrry Trt.
"Popkin love to be historically
"What hit latest?"
"lie had an Kngtish chop for break
fast on Washington's bittbiUw
- "H Charm Mt Charm.
Mr. Jackson I done hah mv e..t.
bit's foot erlong, but the give me dt
mhht hralit, jca'same.
Mr. Johnson Mchbe aim huh I,,
rabbit's foot erlong, too!
Sa'aiaiA tit 4 ftm. jtsd
tasstlvt RrniiKvUuinin. .T.-. - . .
toe day. No ours, Ko far. pr 26 oants.
Hit SUIus.
"Look here. HIV ib-nr. I ennnol
afford to entertniii on inch a twain a
you lmve indulged in of late."
John. I tvullv lielie Vtl VOll am illut
the kind of a man who would lie tier-
fectly happy if you lived within your
income. "
r pginsioin
aotn Corps, frotatutluc elslmi slues i7.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
: Foot of Morrison Street,
Can give yon the beat baroalne In
Bnggiet, Plowt, Boilers snd Engin,
Witi.lmiUs and Pumot ami u.nral
Machinery, See nt before buylns.
MlMOlll .... OTJK. rr-w Pstv, Mrnv mm errTa
l SoliTH 1 CO,
Hronehltl anrf i,..i.anr.iiAt.
Oar rem u sr,,tril,lle(i
P.O. llai7fl.
Bsiffifa J. Y.
So. SO 11.
WHltr"i2f '
moBtlen this pa par.