J-f , . f.tLLlz f n.PWi h( iwiific at Ft, 11 iou,j jC . .. .... ui..h.I .liuM . il miulfr " " 11- COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ism: B Evkbt Frioav Morwino B DAVID DAVIS, Editor and Propriiitiir. 1 ReCKIPTIoN l'Rlv:E; One rwp? out year, in advanc $1-W Sis tnuiitli ' jj - COl NTYHFK1CSK:, ftetvrewniatiia Xormsn Merrill. llarinle 4 ,M.:e. .Juecuh M. Ikmu, Kiifr . ...i. (1. Watt. l- ll.-'-na ,.R. H-lln. 11 tlelfin . . ....li. Rose, :i ' I. H iVimUr,,!, Hfiitoa ;tr ..it., i.... SIWrirT ..-. Trtwu-wrvr Bunt. r,f whnol. MMiat:tr St. Helen fwenir.'", '": "iT""" Corwwr - ""T. iloulnliaaioner j - - '- - '-" ,W. D f. rmetairn MAY 17, IU. PRACTICAL TEXHBASa. The nsclewnesaof trying to forr peo ple to be good, moral and ohtr, by the enactment of laws and ordinances and the making of charter can be ecen avervdav of oar live if we will take rare fill note of the energy and iiurenaity dipptaved in evading our ttntei Let prohibitory law be passed and placed upon toe statutes, and ail oar pern as and energy ia immediately railed into service to prove ita unconstitutionality and defeat its purpose. Human natore baa many attribute and one of the greatest of these is a contempt for force or the abridgement of what is consid ered personal right or inclination. Thrtriiv Portland has an ordidance upon ita statutes which if it ct-uld be enectuaily enforced would stop all gam bling. An attempt to enforce it waa re cently made and while open gambling was suppressed for a short time, the Vice oolv flourished the more in private places and among a class of people which the law is powerless to reach the nib and socially and politically in BaenUft!, people wiio sbouid BWnd for all that is good, by eo doing be an ex ample for the lees favored portion of humanity, aoa ai tne same hibo .oti power and a support to the officers whose doty it is to colore the law. S&aosas has a law which prohibits or is supposed to prohibit the sale of in toxicating liquor, and thvr we see every device and influence brooiit into regulation that mar serve to cast odium iipon the law and "defeat its operation. Jiot even the "smasljing" movement, which for a time threatened the safety of the state, caused the destruction ol thousands of dollars worth of property and resulted in murder, could effecta ally stop the liquor traific, and alter all the agitation and trouble which the law bas csawd it still remains a dead letter and inoperative in enact. This is only one more evidence that legislation will toot make people good and sober. A great moral wave swept over New York City. A strong representation of church people went systematically to work and perhaps did eVerything possi ble to suppress or control the social evil and purity the moral atmosphere, and while for "a time their efforts promised to result in something permanently eood, it wa found impossible to control by law a people who are degenerate by nature, bo here is satisfactory evidence that people cannot be made moral by law. JSow, that every visible legal means of stopping drinking and gam bling and like evils has failed, the ques tion very naturally suggests itself i By what means can it be done? We refuse to believe ourselves a totally degenerate people. We maintain that we stili have some moral health, and that there is etil! some good in us and that this amount is capable of being increased. We are, at the same time, an intensely practical people, therefore, an appeal to bar better natures in some practical wanner will undoubtedly have the de sired effect. One of the great American railroad tympanies has made and is rigidly en forcing rule that no man whodriakacan ttot remain in its employ. The company finds no trouble in keeping a crew of Intelligent, reliable and gentlemanly officers and men. With this company the rule is an iron clad one and its violation is followed by imme diate discharge. This seems to us to he practical temperance. It appeals to men in many ways. If they are sober and reliable their position, a meaDS of sustaining their families and advance ment are certain, while intemperance is sure to result in discharge and disgrace wud consequent sntfering. Thus is a premium put npoo sobriety and honor, while a sure penalty must follow any Violation of a filed moral standard. Teach people by a practical les'n that there is no success or happiness without virtue, honor and sobriety and they will at once see and acknowledge the neces sity for acquiring and observing a proper moral code. Oxi of the most remarkable and dis astrous flurries in railroad securities known in the history of modern stock speculation was experienced Thursday on the New York stock exchange when Northern Pacific railroad stock sold at flOUO a share. The influences leading up to the movement are both in tricate and complicated, but as near a fan be determined the panic was caused by an effort of two powerful contending factions to get control of a two-thirds majority of the Northern Funfic stock in order that a resolution might be passed enabling the company to buy the Burlington railway. If the North ern should K-t control of the Burlington enough traffic could be drawn away from the Union Pacific Knilway to ubwi, ai a4 uuaiti.a, aai.u ,ui y.z. i, win tending its lines into new territory, therefore it became necessary for the Union Pacific to prevent the Northern Pacific management from getting con trol of the Burlington, and in order to do so the Union Pacific must bny or control more than one-third of 'the Northern Pacific Block so that the re quisite two-thirds could not be voted in favor of consummating the Burlington j "rjeal. It is cneaper tor tne union 101 pav $1000 a share for Northern stock in trder to block the Bailingtoa deal than I It would be to extend their lines into'C new territory, as a result ol which a stock which' quickly lumped from $2501! llltfH a alacra A l,,f f a luM'll tu ttra : are !wt!y hurt but the sulferers are the Vii'j; Wall street banking institutions which loaned many millions of dollars to brokers who were strugcllng tode lirerstorks which they had bought short. The ushkI onler of thins is reversed in this ca', for in this instance the small 'fellows have made a lot of money and tbe big ouks have lost it. IUXXIS.SIOXEKS' COVET. rui rrweeesiaga f that Bod B4 al It Lt Si. : wwswv .... ! .1... II. K.J.l f a7IIUWlllg IO HH. HTTOIH(B a.awa a ' Ih regular May term ol county comtuit : sinners court, begun on the rirstdtiyof , Slar, anl continuing lot icwll nam All the officers were present, Rnd due proclamation was madni Journal of the March twin read and approved. Petition of the Tiehenor Mill Co. for remission of tax on mill, denied. Petition of Albert Johnson for rlt of lax (mill on lamia not owned by him, in allowed. An order refunding 13.00 to Ed liai tn for (Kill and road tax waa made. The pix of Je Adant for re bale oi Hlt and road MX waa disallowed, the lrcH tax Doing cuiiucutue oy uie an i pervisor, not by to sheriff. i, M remitted to tha following nervona and for the lotlowtns amounts. ou account of lands not o uS or dou biy assessed: Columbia Ktver Lumber A lueliA... 15.62: tieorw Waslet, 115 59 Louis Ksif, tU.78; W. W. West. 17; U. Hain. W.t; M. R. Chambers, U.UO. I" pun payment ol 110.00, settle ment was oruereu naa wiio " Jaqne. ... 1 ha renort of the appraisers of dam ages on Kappler road showing $1:6.00 damages, Ura court meniiowea uie roau uwause ol not snuicteui puoiie uuuiy. lu tli matter of the (etllenieut with O. Peteraou. for delinquent taxes oa lands assessed prior to ohtaininit title, lh court ordered that Peterson pay S14.&0. and the clerk have credit tor . llomi of road supervisors was fixed at too. 00 and cuart omerea sama nieu cull the clerk. " Txx ale rertificate No. 1038 ordered assigned to Mary . Fraiuey upon the navuient of t3o.GU. Viewers reoort of daman in the mat ter of the bnnn roal aisaiwwea, ana . the court granted th petition except that part front the place of beginning to the right bank of Stilton creek. Boad ordered opened. SheriiTs tax account wa checked op. Viewers' report on Parker road read first time. Viewers' report on Swift road read first time. The petition of F. F. Gil titer for ra mtssion of tax waa allowed in the sua of $10.00, ami ordered that opou pay ment of $2i.70, certain lands be re deemed in full. The petition for refunding of penalty cn lands owned by Borchwkk and Co lumbia Kiver Lumber A Fuel Co., was denied. Koad supervisors wars ordered to file with tbe clerk, with each claim as road supervisor, a detailed report of each day work performed, snowing data npbn which labor was perforated, as supervisor. it was ordered that the Northern Pa cific Railway Co. be instructed by the clerk to put in crossing at Warren, and send bill to the county. 8-a!p warrant claim were approved as follows: A. Wallace, $6.00; A. An derson. $2.00; M. Bay, fdOO; E. T. Gore, $2.00. Further aid wa ordered disallowed to Bertha Hansen and G. W. Lane. The following claims were disallowed : St. Vincent's hospital, cars of Paul Kueser, $10; Aldnt-b's pharmaeVf medi cine for Fane!!, 5.15; Dr. McKay, at tendance on Farrell, $30; Multnomah county, care of Farrell, $5.40. In the matter of the collection of the 20 per cent and 30 per cent penalty on land liens. An order wa made for the collection now the same as when land was sold and bid in by the county. Upon the second reading of the view- era' report on Swift road. There being no remonstrance or bill lor damages Bled, the road was ordered opened. Upon the second reading of the view- era' report on rarxer roaa, mere oeing no remonstrance or Din lor oamagea, the road was ordered opened. Tbe sum of $4.90 was ordered remitted at costs on sale of Eugene Weaver land ; clerk to have credit tor same. Upon the pavment ot $8.64. tna cer tificate was ordered canceled against the Ed Webster land. The account of the clerk in the mat ter of land redemptions wa checked np. The lien of $18.oU against tne 1. Lovell land, certificate No.- 1154, or dered canceled. Tax certificate No. 1054. for $15. on land assessed to M. E. McBride, ordered canceled. Tax sale certificate on land assessed to ii. W. McBride, was ordered canceled. Upon payment of $13. 90, tax sale No. 1207 was ordered canceled. In the matter of the sale of lands upon which county holds liens. It is ordered that the sheriff proceed to sell according to tbe law of 1901, all prop erty heretofore bid in lor delinquent tax and nnredeemed. Adjournment was taken until May 28, 1901. The following road warrants were is sued for labor on the public road district oa. George Grant $53 10 H Bu-hman. . 9 00 19 80 9 00 7 20 VI 06 26 86 23 40 M J Englert V Irwin J B Iuncan. . . ... F Berdorffer Olave Johnson. . . C Burgdorffer.... r M llaniels 14 40 M J Englert 10 00 E L Lousignont 1 80 E Lonsignoht. . , . . , 7 20 J tieimeneller 540 V Irwin ..... 9 00 ELousignont 9 90 Durraicr two. E Eversol. 4 Ws 18 36 14 40 10 70 Tho Grewell H T Bennett. . JABeegle. PJ Rasmuaeen 13 90 N F Baker. . 15 66 17 86 24 75 43 00 1 80 6 60 60 84 10 44 PLund L Raamuesen. DISTBICT TUBEK. D JSwitier W H Dolman J W bsxton. .. . . California Powder Work. . . . Erick Morton Wilford Miller I Chas Wailis. 17 01 Chas Morris 12 60 Thorp . . 7 02 ..168 25 ,. 24 00 .. 1 44 .. 15 60 .. 18 64 .. 14 40 .. 17 64 . 9 00 .. 19 44 .. 46 08 .. 5 40 ., 6 40 90 California Powder Work. dutbkt roi'B. Dart & Muckle ..... K Andreas , (just Johnson L B Uleason. . , 8C Enyart , W 11 Bumgardner FO Johnson , N Pinrkney. H Schmitt. John Kinz. li R Fowler. Gore. DISTBICT SIX. j"irt- KlSlllCr 14 00 . 11 th Jo Hacker.berg 1440 K M Belts v.. 37 88 Frank Kice.. . 14 40 ft M Kice . 8T 36 W E Rice.. ... 37 SS SC Rich 2 60 Thos Tiraoney.. 31 60 D1BTBICT SKVeS. Fred Girt.... 80 00 j '. II lit) TSBi i i liilff il" JC Kilby 21 SO W Lnwniau vm ti Wtiii W f M Neinstadt ... 1:MM J LU:i!!ien 1 CKelbv ,, WL Brown 10 80 warmer woiit. J K Mathers SI O W Rii-hardAHt . . . . 90 J OSlmlander 2S 40 MaygerCo... J G Limlberg t 00 3 0 W9TBICT HtHC. vui rn .'- w bo F4uinn S W Jatnvs Quinn...... 4 76 Hall & liodgkins marraicT . E Hankin C LConvers. .............. 78 K ti Bryant W K 8 Prvant - 20 70 TJFiippin IW CWJoaes LIonard 0 76 E Hankins..., , 00 i M Reddirk " M 1) Bfihearer H 70 TBWard..... 18 W J N Rirw 5 00 J N Kice 71) 00 IMMTBICT XLErtX. J T Graham 9 00 0 VT Graham I lira ham & Geary..... ..... .... 10 60 DISTBJCT TKISTEKK. CCDunn. 7 60 John Pederson 13 60 John IVderson.... 8 75 N D Peterson CG Lindtrren 160 MSTBICT VOi'BTKXK. E RThroop 15 00 Fred Kiehuian. 7 80 Chas Kichuian 7 60 G H Silts 7 t0 AShulerpit 7 60 PDerebeny 76 Honevman letlart 12 10 California Powder Work 27 80 J W Parker 10 00 Jus Emmons. . IS 60 12 60 Erick Krickson...,. Ed Webster S4 35 L McCauley. . . . G VV Adams 10 60 111 Nil IO W W B Dereberry LFitxoerald 10 80 16 00 8 64 A L Parker wisraict Finxtx. Honevman, Petlart 16 55 California Powder Work 17 DO II Anderson 1 W HIXuma.,.. 18 50 R Ward 13 60 H Christiansen...... li Ot John Smith 0 00 E Sbeeley.. ...... 4 60 JPSheelev 34 80 Louis Bisnell 3 00 W4U4VTS 01 OCNEBAl FUKO Sl'rTOST. St Vincent's hospital, Roeser boy 70 00 Good 8ataritan hospital, Johnson 61 00 St Mary' hospital, Batson 42 70 HLarsen. rleauiee... .... WW Rainier lodge A F A A M. Terns- ban iw oo Western Cedar Co. Jordan 10 00 C A Girt, McCourt. 11 28 EtSe vanbiaricom, family 10 w Bertha Hansen, family..... 16 00 GW Lane, supplies.... 8 00 Dart & Muckle, Head tee l w T E Mill, Isabella 6 00 N APerrv. Isabella ... n Oregon Wood Co, wood for Isabella 4 60 V I Hasen, sawing aaroe Ja Kennedy, care of Melville. . ax amis me BOABO. Mary Hatfield 1 60 4 00 12 00 13 60 16 20 Mrs 8 8 Way. . rosTAOi. I H Copeland. KS J-lattan.. JO 00 J G Watt,... 10 00 STATIOBBBT ASP rSiXTTJia, CW Herman 2 60 David Davie 42 00 Glass & Prod horn me 19 26 R H Mitchell 9 60 Irwin. HodsonCo 11 70 C H Croker Co 1 90 Edwin Bos 6 65 boad strxavisoaa. Peter Loosignont, district 1 65 00 LRasmusseo,2. 33 00 H Schmitt, 4 18 00 J G Plank, 3.. 74 00 SM Rice, 6 61 60 G W Richardson, 8 68 00 R 8 Payne, 9 ... IS 00 E B Elliott, 10 16 00 Ja Adam, 14 47 00 O. H. Wilson, 13 9 00 boad aurTLli A H Tarbell, lumber for district 2 100 00 A L Richardson tk Co. same, dis tricte 32 20 Ttehenor Mill Co, same, dist 10... 10 40 J Honevman tk Co. iron for Neha- lein bridge 48 90 John Brous, hauling............. 2 HO Joe Cox, same 6 04 S M Rice, powder for district 8. .. 11 66 Cal Powder Works, same 14 and 15 16 26 Geo B Rate k Co, same, 13 and 15 11 30 ' BBIVH-KAjmjCB BOAS. DJSwiuer, appraiser S 00 G R Kelley, same 2 80 C K Hall. sama.... 2 60 rASKSB BOAD. John McAdsni, viewer 4 40 O E Wonderly, same. . 4 80 J A MeAyeal, same 4 80 J W Boats, chalnman... 4 20 Geo Bamford, same ............. 4 20 G W Richardson, marker. 4 20 ' SWITTBOAU. HB Swift, marker..,.,. . ...... 2 20 A H Tarbell . . 2 20 W 11 Beavw. same 2 60 J Hegete, same. 2 60 M r llazen, enaininan i zu L Kaiuiuasen, same. - 2 20 BUlCBLLAHIOt'S. United Typewriters Co, typewriter 67 60 Jos Hall, cleaning court house.. . . 9 00 A If George, reps ir on court boose I m II Morgue, oil 95 A K Little, surveyor 68 26 C W Blakesiey, deputy assessor.. 97 60 Peter Mataon, interpreter... PA Frakes, cominiasioner.. 8 00 27 00 28 20 2 60 3 00 1 00 12 3d 19 44 3 00 tv V Case. name. ... Chas Mnrkle, team for court. Ed Harm, rebate of tax..... II Moreu. same. , A Johnson, refund of tax. . . . iG W Hctiride, same. St 11 L & W Co, water rent. . . Qaeailoa Answered. Yes, Aagust Flower stili has th largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilised world. Your mothers' snd grand mothers' never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors wars searce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostra tion or heart failure, etc. They nsed August Flower to clean oat th ystiii and stop fermentation of undigested food, regalste tha action of the liver, stimulate tha nervous and organic action . , , 1. -i. .l. of the system, and that Is all they took j when leeiing ouil ana mui wiin neaa- ni-lioa and mher ache. YntJ onlv newel Sine ".oa ."f , !. iT.T a few doaes of Green Angrtst Flower, In liquid form, to make yon satisfie (MI ; there ia nothin serions the matter with i tnere is noiniriK ecritms 1 manor vim you. Get Greeu' Prize Almanac, Vrwt ara moch more liable to disease j when yoar liver and bowels do not act properly, ircrviu s spittle friv jviarrsj reiuove llie cause of disease. For sale by N. A. Perry, Houlton. nonet to emotions. . la tV Cnir Onuri f tbaSUta ol Oresun, for CvthtmutML oninv. la h aMUisrat iliaattaui ot ft 0 MtlKw, dV N' oi nit rHM!nv mvm th tth8 tm OtniEBmt kti ( lr ari-rtwW'l iiiili UtraliT ol im Mtalu l r. 0. lllli .lT.l, awl hat aullMuiwI). ami ail wraum kavliia fUlml amliMt miti U u IWnW r- iilnil U tu mul iho Ktn K m. with pnim-c ra, at atjr Atr in lit U; ol HI. Ilwi,, u, wtthta x oUm Irm li.liu t alL. K. K. Ul L K. A.tralniHMtnt ol the MtMe ol ) Miller, IW1M May Iiw. . wtivir OTIC S FOR PVBUUTIOX. tVmnmsnt ol ths liiturlnn Uxvu Cimca at Oaanaon t ivv. Om., NOTtCt IS HKRKBT GIVKN lHf llif t.aiowliK uamrj ler h rllr.i untie ol n tniHtl la niaka proof In ol hu tlnim, and that Mild pwl will t nuul Im lora th EtiMr attit H-ir, at Ursua City. Aommyn o. hotchkiw. Nommsad sntry Kiv It,m, fnr ttu ot ho Un si4, tp 4 nanii. n 4 rat. It Oitiiin Ui hicaoa aii au4 rutliTailna oi lana. rin ft.ta iKrXH. Fviwr Hpftiwau. V hrli 0. Kl- a, J'.i Altwtt Thivtr, all of Kacnua, iin- sua. am t. has. a. javK'ssa, Kvir. NOTICE FORJPUJ3LICATION. Drtwrratntot ts lawrtor. Uati urt it ubu cut. Ol. . april n. TSJOTWU i If FRKBV OIVKH THAT TUB A . h.hwin.1tatnei aptlr ban Stad Biti of bl IntaoUoa to mala StuU nmf ia u (.,rt at nta maim, tttn loat mi a pnwt wut 09 mma oo fnotttiaeannly clark oi ColuasMa eoauijr, at 4. eaa. untaua, ou an wo, mil, u: t&AAC T. WIL30N, V HomocMwd antra Ko. 11,44, far lh tA( ot m- 11 a. nt.no. ranga s waat. no oaiaaa tne (uiiwt)i witfaai (o orovw hu eontlououa r IOor uooa ao4 euitit-ailoa of aaid land, U; K. M. I'a5,a aiKl ,M.t AnttHWB.of Vankun, Or- won, anil Jolitn riootor aa4 A ml raw Kaaow aai. of Valley, OrvfiOU. lanu ' lias. n. awnu, BCfiawr. TfaiSar Lass. A4 Jaas . 17. norm ron ruiuctrioM. Vairap 0T4Ta Laxa Ornra. Orafa 1tr, Oretfon, May tl, 1WJI. N'OTICt IS MKRfcaV OtV7KS THAT 1.1 0Jaf Dlianr with u oroaUioot of lh act of (Nine aa ot Juno a. lsts, eotuiavl "An act lor u aala or Usbar lacVM la Ut tMla oi llllr ata. oratfoo. Kavatla. an.-i Watltlittaoai t'arH 1 4ory." a atn4nl to alt tli PubiK- Lana mala : awvi unm i. i.iMa . . vi ...w- 1 n. Mn.t7nflWlli. M.,.r. l WuKlnMna. haa thia day Ulait la Uii oi!Vm btt swara atato naai No. Mot. for U paKbf of tbaaof am. i.tp. at, ia tu fa, a n. r a. a im, ana will oltor proof 10 dow Uta4 taa laud atl ia man Tamable lot Its uaibor or toa 4oaa for an outiural prioa, au.t Co aatabliah h, cialm 10 aatil laoii boioioUio Kasiataraod ittrf Uilt otho at Oraaoa City, Oragoo, oa 1 Suraday. ltt to day of Attfoat, lwtl. H aaataa aa wit natam: Brl Warfan, Jam k. OiOOoua, Wnt F. Hmttk add aaapb Crbin. all f 1'urtiaad. Own. Any aod all parai-iuolalmla adtaraa ly Ui staa-de rttiad laodaar"aWd to Si Umr etaima la thlaol- oa or twlor said MS day of Auguat, IMIi. CUAd. B. MuoBKa. MU-JyJa Hitor. Ttmbar Lavtvl, Act J a a a, le7S. HOTICt FOR PVBUCiTIOM. Cstrao Stats La HB Ornra, Orairoa I'tlv, uravotl, Way It, ISM. Notice ia hkkkbV t.ivrtM tuat in t.-uM-pllanea with tha eroaitlooa of lb set of Comma ot Juno t. taTS, ealltlcd "An act int th utia of tlaatwr land in Ilia Kiatea of tail lor nia Dreion, .Nevtvia. and Wathlortoa Tarrl tory." at extended 10 all the Fub,l Lnd atate bvat-lof Au(ual4, IWi. Wllllata I, ttuillb, of Portland, eouuljr of atoltnomaa. Sum of On on, ba (hit day alad in Uii omco At aworn tuiamatu Nu. tM. for th porrhaa ot lbs tH Xo. wok, and will oSar proof to show that tn laitu aougiH u mot Toiuaoia lor ita utaoar or ataine than fur tnuUral parpoM. and to ublub at elain to laid land baton th Kat trr aad Reeamr of this ottteo at Ufmroa City, Orasvn. oa Thursday, Ins Stta day of Anuat, lwt. Ut hum Hvlium; Julian l-uul, Jama K. OlUboua. Bert Hun aod aoaook Vf bio, all at Portland, Otvfoa. Any and all par aon aiainlna adraiacir tb abovo dawmbad land am reiiuealcd 10 ia tastr claim la ml oneo 00 or ooiorp oara a aay 01 auitum, iish. mi7 )y cuAa. u. mookks, ttasiaur. Timber Land, Aet Jan , urm. KOTICt FOR FUSUC ATOR. UsmtD State Lasd Omrs, Ortxon City, Oraxoe, May If. IWI. N'OTICB la HlaHEBY OIVKM THAT iff CUM niUae arlib iba oroTUion of tba aet of Coosma of Jnn X, Is:, anutlad "A aet for ui ai of umber land in ui BHate of Catllor ata, Oiocoa, Nevada, aod Waabtnatoa 1rrt tory," a saMndad le all tba Pabiie Utnd si ata by aet ot Aasuat 4, Dm, Mario Fdran. of Ponlaud, eoualy of Malinanab, Htat of Or. fnn. ha Ibis day filed la ibl otbo hi swora aiatejneti No. &4Ut, for th porehaM of th aoath ia of Uie aeU. of umhL. wH of wA of Mo tion Ko. 7, In toa-wbip ho. 4 Borth. rant Ho. eat, and will offer proof to bow that lb land ooht 1 mop valuable for It lira bar oratoa than fot agricultural pnnwaM, and to aaiabltab bl claim to aaid land before tba Kesbnor and Keeeiveroi Ma oBo at oreson city, oreajoo, on wedaoadar. UltTthdavof Auanet. im. Ua Bames an wittoaae: W, H. Hacker, Asguat seneiupiot, larenco bm taa tbaria star, all of iieajiey, Oreiroia. Aay and all pervona dalai in adre!v tba abmo-deaeribed load an ra 9 'jetted to Bfa Utetretaim la Ihi aAes OS or bttlore Mid 7th day of Aunt, ltwt B17-r) LrJA. B. mMMZH, Eetrlator. Timber Land, Art ins , 17. KOTICt FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Offles, -Oreajoa City, Oregon, April M, ISM. NOTtCX 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT IX COM piianc with the provMun of tba art of Consraa of Jane 4. Is7tt, autitied "An net for tbe aaic of Umber land hi tbe Maioa of Call tor He!. Oracon, Nevada, and Waabininon Terri tory." a extended to ail tb Poblie Land State by tba aet of A agon 4. imk, Frank Uurbrey. of rortlsnd, county of Mattnofnah, State of Ore gon, b thia dsf filed ia tbi orftc hlsmorn tfttement No. for the purebaaa of tha ow of eeuoa Ko. S. la township !to. 4 north, ranee Ko. S weat. and will oSar oroof 10 how that th land ourbl la nor valuabe for It tlisbr or ton lhan fur Mrtcaltural purpaors, and los ubli'h blelaloiUM land be to re the Kef inter and Kaeeleerof tblaoflWr at Oreiroa City, Ore gon, on SaiMtrlay, the ' h day of Jaif, IHOI. He uaroe a witaeuea: burt VtArren, Joaeph W. Urban, lame K. Ulbbon. of Portlaud, Oregon. John 8. Ulbbon, of Kelao, Oreeim, Any and all penoo claiming adeeraety Ihe abova de erilaM lands are rf.iiie.iwl 10 Ste their claim in lutioitlce oa or before ld eth day of July, HOL mlft CHAS. B. MOOtt&s, EegtMer. R0TICF OF FIUR9 FIRAL ACC0URT, Rf ASSIGRFt. la tbe matter of tha aasiiranwnt of A. 1. Anryt aad H. H. Ktatner, pannera, doing tnuinee under the Arm name and ftlyie of An rye d Kietner. ituoivent debtor. To lb eraditon of ail A nry A Etataar, and to WDomaoaver it may eoneero, greeting. YOU WIIX PLKAtiK TAKE KUTICB THAT 1. 1. B. Doan, a tho awiguea of the prop erty of said Anin 4k Kuxnar, have thin day Hied intbecireuit Coart of tba Stat ol Oregon lor Columbia ;ounty, mf Rnalaosonntaa oeb -ugnee nd that ttich Anal account will ha taken op and IteoMt and paaaoa upon by rn aaui court at the f xnntr Coort bnuae In th cltv of tit. Hel ena, In tbeCnnmyof Columbl,ln the tU of Oregon, on Saturday, tb 1Mb day of May, A. li. tool, ai the hoar of lo o cloek In the forenoon of that dav, or a aoou thereafter a the maUer can be no beard and pd upon; aiw I hat aald -igneewiil then and there apply to tha Court for hi dlacbarge and for the releaae of tbe wi ra ti m on hi bond from all liability, upon Ih making of dfMrl button of the aawt tnea la hi bead. If any. imimI ai the rlt of St. Helen. Oregon, thta. Aoril bttb. 1V0L 1. . KOAK, Aaalgnre. SrH UHVUklL Eao . Attornev lor iha AlaiMa. I - - - - CORTCtT R0TICF. Department of the Interior. Dims brsTXs La go Ovrtca, Oasooa city, Or., April 21, 1ff)l. A sufficient content affidavit basing bees tiled la tbi orrkw by Kora Coayers, eoniestani, gainst homestead entry Ko ll.s2, matte Jnly la, lavs, for MUI of Keotion , Township Norih, Rang I Weat. by Jaoob it. Lnnd, con teste, in which II 1 alleged that sonteataal "know th present oonditioo of tha same; also that said Jacob Lund haa abandoned said tract of land for more than one year last post, aod that bs has naliher resided upon nor cultivated said land for one year last past nor ha any member ol bis fam ily, or any 00 els resided upon or eulttvalad the said laud for him. That hi present real de-no Is 'O me onitnown, and that aula alleged nenoe is ,o an ntutnown, ana mwb seiu aiiexea KtMuc from th said land was not one to his euipiovment in tbe army, navy, or inie 'tirptd lbs United State a a private soldier, ronbr.aMsaman, or marine, during ih war with ouriag any other war in which tb Lnlle, nited Ktate uiav bs eBsraumd," said parties are herobv notified to appear, respond and ofrr .,,Anrm tnhln. aA,.t albwatfon at a o-sloek p. n. on June lb. Ml( tlors tun srimitr ami Receiver at tha Uuited iMate Land Ofbeeln Oregon Cllv, Oregon. Th said contestant hav- ing in a proir affidavit, filed April 32, 1(KI1, aet forth facts which show that alter do diligence rrsonai servie of ml notice cannot be made. la herebv ordered and directed lst such notice tie given br due and nroiMjr pubilcatioii. auvuwl WM. OAi.LOWAY, Recer. Timber ImikI. Art June S. l"ti. ROT ICR FOR POtUCATIOR. CBlldMlfUMttMo, tirecm t ity, tmn. Aprtl janl, lian, VoMi M H-1 V tVkS f 111' IN ' iw piiaur ilh the i.roltun tl lb set of iNtgra of June , lTa entitled -An gat tr the ala ot timber land In the ntata 01 I nlltornU, Otttgoa, Neta. and Waehliiglua letrtbuy," m ,HlvJ to all Ihe Public land aHaloa by aet til Awguat 4, Iwi, Hurt Warren, m Poiilao.l, tduir at Mulittotnah, Ktaia at Oregon, ha ibla ir led 1 tbi mtw huawora utaMWirnt Ko. Mi, tb purrbaa of tha neH ol tavilaa Nik tt. In l. uehlp No 4 ntuib, mime No. went, aud nitl odor proof to haw that Ui land wbl I nor valuable for lu tlntter or Mime than lor agri cultural purpoaea, aod to etWih li! elaln lo nid land beiora the ltogiii aud liitoelvar of tbi oro at Oregam l'ir, tuwaa. on rwtmday. tb Sib day of July, Iwtt, li naaaea a u. neawea: J K. UiMH.n. Jtwaph li, Crbaa-i artiest V. Harwtefc.ot l . lnd,vrf-goH. aud Jubu a. v.tbbone, ot Heiao, Oreg,,, Any ami ail per ott riaiiuitig iiri? tbe atKve-deatii-ed lnixlre rt'iued tu til tbetr fllui" In tin otln- on or blre Mid 4th day of July. IW'I a.: t HAS. B. MiHlKK.-i, Krlr. Timber Land. Act inn t, IDT. R0TICF FOR PUBLIC ATI0R. United fUatss land om.-, Or,.n t'uv. tm,iriitt. Ar,rilHrd. 1W1, onrt It ItKRbMY tUVf.Jt THAT IN t.:f-oilaiH-a wiih Ihe tiruvlaiona of lb aet of Cougraa uf Joue , lai'S. entiUod An ael for tba ale of Umbo land In th tUaiea ol Calitomia. Oraeott, Nevada, and Vi'ahlngun Tefrltorjf," a extended to all lb Pubite Land mate by sot oi Auauat 4. itvL Joaetah fl. tJrtialt. of Portland. uiy ol aiuitut'utau, btai ol Oregon, naa ihi dee niaal tn lut orrlv ata tar urn atataatrut hu. Wl ostrfl. for tb nurrbaa ot th ' of hkUou Nu. IrK, la tnwtublp ho. 4 north, rany ho. Waal, W iiianiaii Meridian, and will urtor wool tu thuw that th land eon la I more vtlueb b.r it UMbtsr or tou thaa fur agrteiiHural pur poeoa, and to eatabilah bla rlaiut tu aald litiut be fora tb Keg later aod Receiver of tbi Oltte on Saturday, tha eih ,! of July. IM. He name aa wiutoftaea: hurt Warren, ol Portend, Or. g.u. Juaa a. Olblanaa, of belao. Oregon, Jame Olbtwnat, and hrneat V. tturwu?, ot Pttrtiaud, Otegoa. Any ami ail peratma eJaimiug adv-araa-ly to abote-tieacrltMml laud are reuuaalttd 10 la Iheif ciaima in lbio-- on or betora aald tb day ul July, lavl. OKAS. B. Mia aJS-Jja - . . k.aier. Tiiuber Land, Aet Jon . tSTS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1'airao Stats Lnt Oreieg, Otteooa City. Oreirun, ISairh tiat. 1H01. VTOTll 1 ItfcltKHY I.IVhN THAT IK COM- plianea with the pruelaion of Ih aet ol Const oi Jon, writ, entitled "An act La the eel ol Umber I tut in Ihe State of Califor nia, Oregon, Kovada aad Washington Tern tory," a ai tended to all Ih Pabiu- Land (Hate by act of AoguMa. iNtf, Senlaioln A. B. Hill mr, of rortland, gountv of Multnouiaht t of Oregon, baa Ihi day filed In Ibla orrlrw hi wora tiaiement No. b)"3, lor tn purrbaa ul tb KHitbeaat V of enin No. a, fn toarnabip No. 4 north, range bo. wM, and will OlTer proof to abow that th land anagM la Bora val nabl fur lu umber or at. me ll.au fur agrimUur al purp.uK. and to aelabllah hi elaim to said land beiur tb tteg later and Heeeirer of Ibl ottlre at thrgoa Citr, Orogun, oa Monday, tb 17th day of June, nul. H naaiee wiiBaeaee: C. B. tiarruMui.af Portlatwt, Oregon, Loul rite gart, ot looua, Oregon, w, W. Allen, of Wi nona, Oregon and VV tn. Waeblloe, of rWttaad. Oregon. Any and all perann claiming ail-reraa ly lb b,-lartibed land ar rtueail l 1 their elaira In ihloHi on or belr aald t;th.layoi Juo,tM. CUAH, B. attlOKad, mail KegUter. Tltnhtc Land, Aet Jnae I, MM. NOTICE rORPUBLICATION. Valte.1 State Land OtfVe, Oreeon City. Or., Mareh tt Mm NOTtCB In RKKKST OIVKtf THAT IN CUM pi lane with th proetaloa of th not of cungrea ol June , t",. eotilleal "An att for th aalo of Umber land In th MuM of California, Oregon, Kvada aad Washington Territory." a xuodd to ail tha Public Land otate b aot ol Aagnat A imu. Job a w. Lewveil. of Vatvoauver. aranty lay at onnly ol Ctnrfca, uua of Washington, ha tbi ad In thia oalea hi aw or a Matetnwnt Ko. Ml. tor Ih ourchaa of tb north ii of eouth weat of etiua No. l. tn Mwnahip Ko, & north, rang No. t weat, and will otter proof to how that tba land nought ia av.re valwabl for II timber or Mon thau tur agrteuitaral pur noae. and to aatablian ht elaem lo aaid land (or tha Reatatar and Beeeleee ot thia ottre at Oregon Cur, Oregon, oa WedBeaday, the (Mb day ot J n IL Powel no. itan. e name a wrttneaae: Aiata it. Powell, John Parker, A. Parker and t.load U tMrlrk, of Plttahorg, Oregon. Any and all poraonaelalaiing adaaraely ibe aboe dearrltwat land ar rquatd lo AI their claim In this orn on or be lore aaiu s oay or suae, ihm, atUwtM CUAd. a MOOtilo, lleguwr. Ttaatvar Land. Aot Jaa t, UTS. NOTICE rORUBLICATION. I'siTan TiTaa Lawn Omrg. Oaaoon Citt. trr . dan h 14th. HW. KTOTlCK 18 HKRKBV tilVBK THAT IN COM i. V plianea with the prwlakm of tb act of Coagrea of Jnn t. In., entitled "An act lor the ale of Umber land la Ih Htaiee of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all th Public Land Mate be art of August 4, IWJ. Wllliaai Klngkayle. of IMweeo, county of Ciaekantaa, Male of Oregon, haa this da Sled is Ihi odloa hi a worn atatrtueot Ko. stiaS, for tb purchaaa of the KB M of section so. XI. In township ho 4 it, rang ho. Iw,a will offer proof 10 abow that the tand antigbt la more valnabto for It Umber or alone than for ag-rleaitural purpose, and to eetabiiah hi claim to said land be tore tbe ft agister and Ra eeiverof thiaottleaat Oregon 11 y, Oregon, on Uwla. Ik. A. a a! 1&h imtt U. wtioeaaea: Wtlitam wsiy Allen and Ora D. Lavender, of Vernonia, KuaaeD aad John H. Uardnar, 01 lamego. warouar, or t.aiaego, tir Any and an person claiming adversely th bov described land ar retatd to tie their ctaime in tnu otr.c on or oerons aia uta aay ofMar, UU. CHAS. B.atOORRrt, aJJ4 . . Keg later. Timber Land, Art June t, tlCa. NOTICE FORjnJBLICATION. CamtD Stats tao Omri, OaaVioi citv. Oregon, March I, lfgn. TTOTfClt Id HERKBY OlVbrf THAT IN t'OM 11 plianc with lbs provision of th aet of Congress ot Jon l7if, entitled "AB act for tbe aaleof timber I a wis In the btate ot Cali fornia. Oregon, KevadSk and Washington Terri tory." a s tended to all th Public Land Slate by aet of August 4, inn. Kdward If. Olson, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, has thia day filed tn this oflic his sworn ataterneiH no. rosi, lor in pnren 01 tn k.k. of section No, m, la tonauhlp ho. is., rang No. W, sad will offer proof t show that Ui land sought t inure vafuable fur It timber or ton than for agricultural porposea, and to es- tablish his claim to said Ian ,d before th Iteigl lic at Ores-oa Cits. tar aad Reorlver of ihi office Orewon, on Wednesday, th 2id dy of May, Isol. Ua name a witness: O. O. Larailrnod w. w. Alien, 01 vernonia, t olu.nbla coualy, Oregon, and fj. W. tttevens and J, 8. Weveas. of Portland, Oregon. Any aud all sarrsooselstmlng adversely the above-described lands ar reiii't ad to ni their olaitn in ibis otnceoa or bolvr aid 7Atdy of May, Kali. teml7 CHAM, 11. UOOKE8, Bistr. ' Timber Land, Aet June t, 1K7& NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uairan Svarxa Lssfo Oeeif-a. ... .., , , a, v,.a,.. a.aa, mri. NOTICB III HKftKBY OlVKK THAT IN COM olianca with tba nroviatons of tha au of Oagoos Citt, Oregon, March slat, 11)1. Congraa of Jan , IK7S, entllled "An act for Ihe sale of Umber laads In the state of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as xioii to all ranue utnd state by act of August 4, W'!, W llliain Wsohline. of Port- land, county of Multnomah, iMais of Oregon, haa Ihta dsv filed In this oilioe his sworn ataie. Biajnt tin. M7J, for tha purrbaa of the north- aaw yi , muua n.. a,, m aowosuiu CTO. S HOrtU, ..... srn 1 . .. wot .... . .. . ,,. - .' . ... . ..... .... .. - titnlwr or sum than for agrieultnral puriH.su, aud 10 establish bis elatm 10 said land before uie KcxHtcr aim Hceaireroi 11111 omoa at Ore gon City, Oregon, ou Monday, lbs 17th day of June, iwn, lie name a witnesses: t;. B. (.ar rison and Hani. A, R. If tllmer. of Portland. Ore. gon. and lmis Biegert and W, W. Allen, of Wl !. tfregon. Any and ail persons claiming aiireraei v tha above-deacribed lands ara rootieat d tu tile their claims in this office on or before alo 17th day of June, 1M1. m27 ;HAs.B.l!OOBEs, Register. BVRM0RB RfjyRUCAVOR. ' In ths Circuit Court of tha Bute of Oregon for vuiuiiiuiauianu. Avory i, blnger, plaintiff, vt. Minnie May Blnger. defendant. To Mlnnt May Singer, tha abovs-aamacl de fendant. IN TUKKAMBOr THE STATE OP OR ROOK : A Yoa re hereby stimuioned and required to appearand answer tha complaint Hied against you in the abova auti'led cause. In ihsaliova entttled Court on or before Uie 14th day of June, Vm, which I the last dav of Ih publication of this mmasons. and If yoa tall to o appear and ausarer tb said ooruplalnl, for a ant Itiareof th plnintilT will apply to the Court for decree for ver diasolvlng Ih bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between yon sad plain tin, npoa the grounds of desertion lor more lhan one year Im med lately be lore the commence, nient of tbi ult, and for such other relief as th Court may eem right and Just, This sum- soon piioitsneq in 111a tiaaoog Mirr for a period ot tlx ween, pursnsnt to an order made hr th Mon. Tho. A. McHrlde. liiilsa ol ani.i Court. OB th ih day of Atoll. 1W1, the data uf too nrt pnnucation oetng stay s, tMii, and tba dsleof lb last publlcsilnn being June 14'. u l-.ajl. JOHKPH A HLAiiKL 1 ni3jl Auoiucja for Iha plaintiff. ttoMtlMtlun of Vomltilftifw Wherea. It has pleasftl tli Almighty GHl lo reinovo hy d?th in) '"", u lstwr of our brother, Clmrlc 11. glleh ! therefore las It KsaoLvio, That the profound ymift' thy of the ollicert nd uiembor of Avon Mm No. fU, Knight ol Pylblas, N snd the same is hereby atniidml to the tHi.d brtrther anil in latuity in mmr bnreavetiisnl. And ffirthor that a copy of these resolution bo forwartiuft to Krother English, a copy U'ea witn 111. K. of It. snd a copy seut to Tn Orbuor MiT lor puWIcatiot. (WA. Harri, ConuullUM J, G. Warrs, (li. K. Uuii'R. newsre of a Coach. A tongh Is not a dlse but a rmp torn. Conatimption .and bronchttisi which Bra tha most dangorons nJ laUl diseases, liav for their first Indication Mrsistsnt' cough, and If properly treated as soon a this cough Rppesrs ra easily curwl. Chamberlain's Cough Keroedy h proven womlwrfnlly sun cssaftil. and saliirHl it witla riMMiUlion and attenalv sale by It stictti in cur ing tha uuteaati whioli csiisn coughing. If it i not beiiceulat It will not ( you a cent. For sale at tha IH. llelvn Pliar wacy. . . l. Cawcxnl, the dentist, l In Pt, Ud enMch Weduasusy. ficttool Itrporl. Following Is a report of th school In district No. 1)6. Kiat. for the nioinh end ing May 10, 1V01 1 ToUl number a- rulitxl. 12: total n urn ler dr sbsen. IS, Time tartly. 1, Thoas nalthsr ab sent nor tard were: Clauds Thomas, Jeaxitt Thomas, Lloyd Thomas, Willi Dalis, Cass Jtergeraon. U SRLB BttAMRAMAB, tachr. . OilOTOXtXAa 9 SaTasasaBI waVsW aw sasiwia1 saa, ajva aswai Htf-'lmm 9 BtasntVt A ll l 1 ehr1 tsi ti Try lbs new remedy (or eostivane, Charanerlain' Hloniaca snd Liver Tab lota. Everv box soaranteetl. Price 25 cents. For sals at the tit. Helen Phar macy. CASTOR I A For Xn&ati and CMIdrea. Hi tti Yea P.2?a il' isrowa Dnnarftl BsMtra Lbs SigMttUwOf Mis Florenc Newntsn, who ha been great lutferer from muscular rheumg ttsoi, cays Cbambrrlain' Pain Balm Is tha only remedy that afford her relief. Mias Newtnsn f a much respected resi dent of tli village of Gray. ti. Y.. and make this atatanient tor tha benefit of other siaiilarly alllicW. This lioimaat I for sals at tha Ht. Helen Pharmacy. asTelable Ptrpsrstion for As togtotSiomtewiLEaiKbot rromolca DigetionheeffuI io?5sarrfRe3tontaim nd liter Dptisn.MorpIune norMiaeifiL OT HAM.C OTIC. AttFMdJtSAfRMinFQtSBt VWes aW" sTwfaaas Apcrfrcl RetmeAf forConslifiev fion. Sour Stoniach.DiosThoea Worms Xxnvuis ivsjcvrrish nfst ftivdLoasoy bLEEP. FisC Simla Sigrtalur of NEW YORK PSec Qb.'W W AW . - HOW AriOtlt " w aa .. 8 II fa "o.'o.?'!"8 ftV "RCtiHDaist ICII ?i - r rei-onis ana sriiue Abaieib Ma S a KrsmSkasMfa " f iaa,Isiaaf I gjjjbjfJar I 1 Iltleg. If you COntetnulsta bliaifis Un,l np loaniais M.noatv on rest' f ,N lie seeurlty, uke no nan' word, but Insist umb ktmwlnt whst ) the record shows regarding th Idle. As Abstract tea saMIl a deail, lnaiat on having il, W have la only set ol alirt S iHMiks In the comity. All work prouitilyiuted ami sallsiadioa W guaranteed. If you have prurwrtr to Inaureglveusa call. War Si ak-em for the best tire Insurem- companies in tba world. If voa S hav pruparty for sal list II with u and w will find a buyer. j? E. E. QUICK & CO., I tT. RSLCRS. OMtSOR ffi ITds Strttt iiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiffwmfBfTnfflfwiifiiiiifffriinrirfOTm t THE NEW YORK STORE g IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. : 3S. MOEGUD, ae. Cooper Boilding, Main Street, St. Helens. Oregon. uiUiaiUiiuuiiijuiiUiiiiiiiiiuiiiiyuiiyiiiiiiiUiiiii I.t'Raril a. A t'. Uoad, The !aleiiirnt Is made on what .. pour lo be good authority (list tha ' tori A ColumMa Klr Hallrosd Cl tnst-a IfSSt'J tu lh tunUiiii rauuie J. W years. From th best Informal', ' ohtaiiisille, th li'itao wilt iiiriv ' year sgo to 0. P. Huntington, anl u, com tha property of the flrrin,i, syndlfiite, wlihJh now controls , rkiuthern Pacific. It I not singular ilr th new ba ! (upprasasd 1 (j time, lor llunllngloft wa not given to coiiiiouiiluatlng hi affair to th pui,.,. at any rat, not until all th ooodlil. ."',' were (etiibu. j.t is prul that nutt. Iiiiftuft held tha news back until h ,h make sotii other omva to etfoara hsa si lion In tli .Nohalroi eoontry. only man In Portland who I alls to r whetner ih isaaa us tstan mad ip It. ilaaiinund. President of th Attona A Columbia Klver railroad, lis u yratardsy that titer i iMHhIng n ,t tory,nd doclinad todlsoua it, ()ih,r railroad men who were Men eonfM,..," that the rsfHirtad lease wa aawt to than, Thursday' Gnsgutilan. oitjTiionxA, Da a Ta A4rrU Many tor advartisa their goutli t ba tli btt In qoalHy sod tha lowest price. Very few, however, can prna their advertlsetMnt to l-a fact, as lr!: ptpsnse will not permit of ttuall priif. it. Many tatopl hav ttlscovtrvd iu fact that JoliB Dollar' advertisement ar true. When ba say boys' satis tt hues, all solid, sixes S to 6, for He, it Is true. When Mr. Dollar advanini 80 different lytc and gradoa In bmu'i spring stilt and overcoats, $lA0vtlg for $7.60 and $10, it it tro. Whts a mark boy' $4 and $5 suit for $2.75, it 1 true i washing suits for 40c, to ti(( 76, worth 26e mora at other tiors, U Is trua. When ba sdvertisea niea't w4 ladles' $3 (boa lor $, it Is tro. Jt tH'llar 1 incatad oa th corner of lirat and ymhlll streets, Portland, what hi rent is low and bargain offered ar bus, Th teat la quantity and noH (9. quality describes UaWitt's UttlaEsrly Uiser, tb famous pill tor eonstipauoa snd liver complaint. For tale by ft. A, lcrfy, lluultou. "It la with pood Ui ot ptaarar ted atisfactbn that I reoornmand CharaWr Iain's Colic, Cholera Bed Marrho Ketnady," say Druggist A, W. Hawleik, of iiartiovd. Conn. laA lady eastoaier, wing tha rettiody sspoasd for tais on my show ease, said to ma: 'I really ba lkav that tnedicin aavad my Histb past summer wblla at tha sbursgnd ha berama so nthuilc over it intriu that I t one wada op my k1i4 to recofumsod It In tha future. fc cently gentleman cant into ruy Mur. so overcom with cube pain that t sank at one to tha floor. I gave hits do of tbi remedy which helped bits, I repe-sUMl th dose and In fifteen mitv tc h tell tnv store toiiittgly iafans ia m that he lelt as well a tier, 8old at th St. llelvtis Pharmacy, rorlnfatittgnd CIMrfSH. Tb Kind Yea m Always ioaghi Bears the Sigrntriro of Us For Ovor Thirty Years ,' a, . aav .. .- W Ymir I itlftr $ as -a-r aaa a a S WS aae m " ' "Uhl' Kemember that H I Ih governs. It Is our bualn to search lb ahai w k r"5 1 1 1 him AM am ; Af r-Fi . van sarraua awsaaanv. as tassM snv. '